My mom knew she was pregnant but she thought I was gonna be a stillborn cause she never felt me move, even the doctors were concerned, turns out i was just lazy.
Friend of mine was pregnant with twins. About four months in she had a miscarriage. They said she lost both children. Afterward, her menstrual cycle was normal every month and she lost the little weight she had gained. Five months later she's rushed to the ER with severe abdominal pain. They thought it was a tubal pregnancy and ran tests. Turns out she was actually in labor! Only ONE of the twins had miscarried- the second one carried to term and was born healthy! Anything is possible.
nbkcq28 my Dad used to tell me when I was little that he was the one that was pregnant with and gave birth to me. He said he had to poop, went to the bathroom and I fell into the toilet. 😂
Yeah, I find that hard to believe. It's one thing to not know you're pregnant or in the beginning stages of labor, but it's quite another not feeling the baby actually coming out! And what kind of pants was she wearing that could stretch enough to accommodate a baby?
You have no idea how true this is. When I did birthing classes the instructor said "If you feel like you have to poop but nothing comes out, you are ready to push!"
My mother didn't know she was pregnant with me. She never gained weight and she still had light periods. It's not as uncommon as you would think. She had a traumatic delivery also. I actually like this show. Some people think is total bs but I know it's real.
Treasa Evans there are all sorts of odd things that apparently happen during pregnancy, and the odds given make it sound so frequent. Like 1 in 100000 babies are born outside the womb, for example in the liver...
That's called an ectopic pregnancy, and the babies aren't carried outside the womb as in, in a totally random place in the body! Just in a different place in/on the uterus or ovaries. You can't have a baby growing in your liver, lol
It is normal to have light spotting yes it is. I did with both of my kids every month for 2-3 days. I was scared until my doctor said it wasn't uncommon.
Fintan Purcell It is indeed not really a period, but some light bleeding during pregnancy _is_ common and not usually a problem. A woman who is used to having light periods might confuse the pregnancy-bleeding for period-bleeding.
Its ridiculously easy to not know you're pregnant... If you have stupidly irregular periods that vary between super light or super heavy with a few months between. And have a build that hides slight weight gains. (I'm just under 6' or 182ish cm) I didn't know I was pregnant, I thought I had a period about two months after I (later realized) got pregnant, it was light and barely anything so I was like 'great, next one is going to be super heavy'. Four more months went by and yes, that IS a long time to go with out a period, but at the time, I thought nothing of it, my sex life with my husband was non-existent due to stress from both ends so I figured my lack of period was just one of my longer pauses between periods and stress mixed in. Then I got severe cramps and crazy bleeding. First thought was "yeah, I knew this one was going to suck" so I spent three days bleeding heavily and cramping like a motherfucker and the early morning of the fourth day I felt I had to go to the wash room... And only THEN did I realize something was not at all right. Woke my husband up and was like "... I think I need to go to the ER" and we went. On the way there, I was calculating the last time we had sex, trying to place it on a time line that would make sense for a pregnancy going sour. In my mind it was for sure a miscarriage, remember, I thought I had a period four months previous. Get to the ER and long story short, I had a baby at 24 weeks gestation (after moving to a hospital able to handle a micro-preemie) so she was 16 weeks early. She spent five months in the NICU and came home last june. She's now a thriving 18 month old that gets into everything. Its crazy and looking back I do see signs that I should have realized were symptoms if I had any inkling that I was pregnant. I craved apples... I hate apples usually. Yep.That was my only symptom other than missed periods which were and are common for me.
Lonit Bonit Cryptic Pregnancy is a pregnancy where there is little or no detectable hCG in the mothers system, due to a hormonal imbalance in the mother. The fetus may go undetected by mother and doctors, until delivery. Some of these women do not know that they are indeed pregnant and some of them are aware. The women who do know, have a difficult time getting confirmation of the pregnancy due to negative, hCG tests including home pregnancy tests and hCG blood tests. Characteristics of a cryptic pregnancy are; negative urine and blood pregnancy test, continued periods, typical pregnancy symptoms, and at times, negative ultrasounds. Even with these issues, the woman continues to experience pregnancy symptoms including the sensation of fetal movement. Cryptic pregnancies are typically carried between 2 and 5 years due to slow growth of the fetus, caused by low hCG, due to the hormonal imbalance.
Tests at the ER came back positive for pregnancy. It wasn't a cryptic pregnancy, just my body giving me shit signals that I was too oblivious to notice.
Funny story: the symptoms of pregnancy are the same as high stress. Period stops? Loss of appetite? Constant nausea? High blood pressure? Thyroid problems? Head aches? Depression? Mood swings? Heart burn? Binging? Arthritic symptoms on the joints? And more. Symptoms of stress.
My mom's first grandbaby got pneumonia and died. Her husband (my dad), had cancer and was dying...then he died, and a month later, his mom died, so she figured it was stress, until she went to the doctor. "I"M WHAT?????" Doesn't help I was still 9 months in the making after my father died...nosy people in small towns know basic math, so....well, considering she was pregnant with my brother for twelve months, my older sisters for 11 months each, it was not unusual, but I was showing NO signs of being ready, so they induced labour, and I came in just under 11 months, on a rainy, shitty, Monday in October, in the shadow of a full lunar eclipse. All bad signs. She should have had an abortion. But, they were still illegal then.
I wish they showed one of the women who was told she couldn't have babies and yet got pregnant anyway. I think they would have been more understanding at first and it would have been interesting to see their reaction to that situation
Honin Akecheta theres some women that have an inverted uterus and they wont have a belly at all in the whole pregnancy. Theres some other's that have bleeding the whole 9 months (actually like my mom). The human body can make crazy things believe me.
I never believed this show but recently a family member just found out she was pregnant right before she was to be operated on. All test prior to the operation were negative. But on the day to be operated on, they did one last test and it came positive. Can you imagine slicing someone open only to find a 6month old baby 😱
I have a friend who didn't know she was pregnant until she was into her third trimester. She was on the depo shot, so she wasn't getting periods anyway, and with the way she carried the baby she didn't start to show until she was seven and a half months along. She didn't have any warning signs like morning sickness or weird cravings, and she chalked her mood swings up to stress (she and her boyfriend had broken up halfway through, so it made sense). She wasn't just going to be a surprise mom, she was going to be a surprise single mom, but in her case it worked out really well. Her daughter gave her something to focus on, and she and her ex actually get along better now as separated co-parents than they ever did while they were together. (She knows how one-in-a-million lucky she is, in that.)
AprilPie16 I love that show but what bothers me is that he says he likes everything but sometimes his face obviously says the opposite. Like I want to see people judging the food.
So people have already pointed out cryptic pregnancies and pregnancies where there are aren't any physical symptoms but I also wanted to point out that sick people exist and some of those sick people get pregnant. Yes, nausea is a symptom of early pregnancy but it's also a symptom of a ton of illnesses and a side effect of most medication. For someone with a chronic illness stomach pain isn't a hint they're pregnant, it's just Tuesday. The video said the woman should have suspected she was pregnant because she had heartburn but it also showed her eating jalapenos. Spicy foods, among other things, are known to cause heartburn. Fatigue, headaches, back and joint pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea, cravings, food aversion, weight gain, weight loss, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. None of these things are unique to pregnancy. Fetal movement could be mistaken for other things, especially if it isn't strong. Also, if you're already treating these symptoms that could prevent them from even showing up from pregnancy. If you're on a prescription for heart burn that could mask it as a potential pregnancy symptom. So no, it's not surprising at all that there are women who can't tell they're pregnant when you stop and think about it.
I use to like watching this, it was interesting to me. There were quite a few people who didn't know they were pregnant because of medical issues(some were told they could never have children) so it never came to mind that they could be. For the others it seems like they were overweight/obese and that's why they didn't notice any weight gain or any of the symptoms. I use to like seeing the stories of where the woman didn't know she was pregnant and just thought she had to go to the bathroom and ended up having the baby in the toilet. Definitely not sanitary but can you imagine if the child later asks where they were born and the mom responds with "ah in the toilet" 🤣 (i doubt they'd respond with that but i would. Just for giggles. ) I like watching the facts cast respond to these types of shows :) it's great seeing each person's reactions.
Ama V yeah I'm not sure if I saw the same one but when I was like 4 or 5 I was flicking through the channels and I just saw the baby in the toilet. I was scarred for life
What is really sad, is when it's happened in outhouses! I also saw a video out of China, I think, where a baby was stuck in a toilet pipe (b/c they just went in a hole in the floor connected to a pipe) and it slid down to the apartment below! So glad i never had kids and NOT going to.
Had a friend in high school who's mom didn't know she was pregnant. And yes, he was born in the toilet. He had the darkest blue eyes I've ever seen on a person.
I found out I was pregnant on 12/07/00 & gave birth to a full term, 6lb 14oz, BEAUTIFUL baby boy on 1/8/01. I had uterine fibroids since the age of 16 & never had a regular period. This was my 2nd pregnancy, the 1st ending in a miscarriage & was told by doctors that I'd never carry a baby to term possibly due to being molested at 4 years old. 1/8/19 my son will be 18 & he is the most beautiful gift I've ever received, I wouldn't change a thing.
I find it really disappointing that they actually had someone on that show advocate for the rhythm method. Guys, wrap your shit. Girls, take a pill. Either or any combination of the two, yeah? Educate yourself.
There was a catch, that they seemed to have glossed over. The rhythm method works 90% of the time if done correctly. People usually don't do it the correct way.
So you want people to educate themselves, but you're getting mad at someone trying to educate the public on the effectiveness of the particular method that couple chose to use? Pills, injections, condoms, and other birth control methods don't 100% prevent pregnancy (though the chances may be less), especially if they aren't used correctly (e.g. being on antibiotics, missing a dose, not putting it on correctly). If you seriously want people to educate themselves, they should be allowed to be educated on all of the options, not just the ones that you approve of.
Look at you, making me another video. I know you guys may not have done it for us in Houston (yeah, it's Mackenzie), but I will consider it so. Thank you, my friends. You made me smile again, and I haven't even watched it yet. If it rains today, or if you see a rainbow, or even hear thunder, please think of us. We love you, Ireland. ♡
I can give credit to someone maybe not thinking they're pregnant; plausible. But how can you NOT FEEL A BABY COME OUT OF YOUR HOO-HA?!?! What happened in your life that you can't feel something the size of a football come out of your lady bit? Just as bad as the person who lost a shoe on the side of the freeway... what kind of life are these people living?
you guys need to take some sex ed so let me tell you about it women naturally secrete liqiuds from there vagina, called discharge.not only does that help with cleaning the vagina but when your pregnant it helps deliver the baby. when a woman gives birthher body make sure that everything is smooth and slippery so the baby can just come outyes and after birth you can still feel a penis because the vagina contracts and expands.
a lot of times the baby can be smaller than usual, like a premature size, those birth are a lot less painful and often the mom won't even feel ''pain'' and will just feel pressure in her rectum because something big is going through the vagina
Ha! Interestingly enough, I've known several women who practiced the rhythm method because they didn't want to use hormonal contraception and didn't like or couldn't use condoms, but had no particular religious reason. Some were also real hippy-dippy nature eco types. It takes all kinds, I suppose.
My cousin didn't know she was pregnant for 7 months. She was in the police academy at the time, in and of the best shape of her life, and had an inconsistent period so the fact she skipped a few months didn't ring alarm bells. No weird cravings, no morning sickness, didn't even look pregnant because she was carrying him high and towards her back. She only find out when she got a urine test done at her physical and gave birth a month later. Her second and planned pregnancy, however, was the opposite of all that. She looked and felt very pregnant the whole time.
My mom was pregnant with my younger brother for 6 months before she found out. She was still bleeding each month so she thought she was on her period. And then she passed out and collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. That's how she found out.
It is possible to have a baby without being labor for a very long time. It is also possible for a baby to just slide out, it doesn't mean the moms vagina is huge. My sister in law had a epideral and my nephew slid right out. She wasn't in labor for very long either. I think it's weird how people assume they know everything.
Lol my cousin didn't know she was pregnant until like 5 months in, she thought it was gas... but in her defense, she was sick as a kid and was told she'd never be able to get pregnant.
i didn’t know i was pregnant till i was in my 4th month and started having morning sickness.. my periods were inconsistent and i would skip 3, 4 sometimes up to 6 months at a time, i would buy pregnancy tests, take them and get a negative result and go about my life, after i started having morning sickness i once again bought a pregnancy test and that time it was positive, i made an appointment at a clinic to confirmed my pregnancy and was determined i was 16 weeks along.. today my daughter is 14 yrs old and a freshman in high school.. she’s the only child i have, i had 1 miscarriage a few years bfor i got pregnant with her and never got pregnant again after.. and my periods are still as messed up now as they were then so, it’s not as uncommon as you think..
I know someone who went to the doctors with his girlfriend because she was having stomach cramps but not like period pains like something wrong with a liver pains. The DOCTOR didn’t know that she was going into labour. The doctor said he’d send her to get a scan at a later date but the pains started to get worst so they went to the hospital. 4 hours later they were leaving with a baby. She had had no weight change, still had her periods, had no cravings etc. About a year later her mum noticed a slight weight gain, like a slight growth in her boobs, and said are you pregnant? They were like no that’s impossible. Anyway they went to the hospital and it turns out she was 36 weeks pregnant. It can happen my friends and I’ve watched it twice.
I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant. If my husband had not insisted that I take a pregnancy test back in January, I wouldn't have known. I have a hormone imbalance, awful ovarian cysts, and when I'm stressed out, I will sometimes skip my period for a few cycles. I'm almost always naseous without vomiting. So far, everything I've felt as far as morning sickness could easily be explained by other things. Constant peeing? I had a UTI 2 months into the pregnancy. Pain near ovaries? Cysts. No period while having period like cramps? I'm stressed out due to a bad situation my husband got into and my family might be moving away along with me going to college and trying to maintain a career, and that kind of stress does a lot to the body. Always over heating? I've always been sensitive to heat stroke, it isn't anything new. If my husband hadn't brought home that test, and said "please just take this, i don't think it is just stress", I don't know when I would have done it on my own. As for weight gain? I'm used to eating a single small meal a day (dinner), and that's it. Sometimes i get increased appetite, but now especially I am forcing myself to eat responsibly, small portions, 3 actual meals, healthy snacks of veggies or fruits. I'm LOSING weight despite my pants not fitting properly. Since finding out about my pregnancy, I have lost 19 pounds due to not starving myself. (And i've checked, my OB says that because I'm overweight to begin, this is completely normal, and she isn't worried). I used to watch this show all the time and definitely thought "how does someone not know they are pregnant??" but it definitely happens. Side note: not only did my husband accurately predict the pregnancy, he also accurately predicted gender. Having a boy in September.
I knew someone whose cousin had this happen to them. Apparently it came as a huge shock to the family since she was fairly petite but there was little/no weight gain. Even worse, she had three children in total, and she wasn't aware of two of those pregnancies until childbirth.
My mom actually didn't know she was pregnant with my sister until 3 months in when she did a pregnancy test. My parents were in fact trying for a baby, but since my mom was getting a light "period" she didn't think she could be pregnant. (also the first thing she said to the doctor who told her she was three months in was "But I've had a few drinks!". Thankfully those didn't affect my sister)
I actually have a family member who had this happen to them. She still had her periods every month, no morning sickness, no food cravings, no abnormal hormonal changes (compared to PMS), none of the usual symptoms; she just thought she was gaining weight. She had her baby a few months back, actually around the time this video came out lol. And btw, it was a girl and she kept her.
I was in the army while prego and barely showed at the end. And my labor was incredibly quick, told my sgts that i was in labor, some didnt believe me, and 4 hours later my daughter was here. Lol Being physically active while pregnant, which sucks all i wanted to do was sleep, helps make the delivery easier
My second pregnancy (so I've done this before), I didn't know I was pregnant for the first four months. A doctor had to tell me. Each time is different.
My grandmother didn't know she was pregnant when my uncle was born. She had no significant weight gain, no pains or cravings, and her period had continued. She actually went to the hospital to get contraceptives when she was told "too late, you're seven months pregnant".
my mom didnt know she was pregnant until 7 months. she didnt have any signs or gain weight. the only way she found out was because she went to the doctor for leg pain.
I have an Aunt who's on the heavier said and has a problem with her uterus that she doesn't get periods very often and has a low chance of getting pregnant and she was a person who didn't know because the weight gain and missed periods were normal for her. This stuff is real and it's crazy!
I love this channel so much... I was pregnant for 3 months before I found out, I literally told people that I was dehydrated and I knew my body better than that... jokes on me!
My friend has endometriosis and she knew she was pregnant but didn't realise she was in labour til she was ready to push. It just felt to her like she was having endo related cramps so she thought nothing of it. She was bleeding really heavily and her husband made her go to the hospital and turns out she was pretty much ready to push out her baby. So yeah sometimes people just don't realise they're in labour
I found out late in mine because I still bled like I did on my period. my last was at 7 month and I honestly didn't know how far I was. we thought I may be a month or two when I took the home test. we thought I was having a miscarriage honestly but I gave birth to a premature baby boy. got my tubes tied a few months later. we have 5 kids and tired almost everything not to have more kids after our second kid.... but we wouldn't trade them for anything.
Anne Galivan the funny part is that I didn’t put monthly visitor lol they must have changed it but in my family we call it your “friend”. An example would my friend is on or my friend just came on.
Cryptic Pregnancy is a pregnancy where there is little or no detectable hCG in the mothers system, due to a hormonal imbalance in the mother. The fetus may go undetected by mother and doctors, until delivery. Some of these women do not know that they are indeed pregnant and some of them are aware. The women who do know, have a difficult time getting confirmation of the pregnancy due to negative, hCG tests including home pregnancy tests and hCG blood tests. Characteristics of a cryptic pregnancy are; negative urine and blood pregnancy test, continued periods, typical pregnancy symptoms, and at times, negative ultrasounds. Even with these issues, the woman continues to experience pregnancy symptoms including the sensation of fetal movement. Cryptic pregnancies are typically carried between 2 and 5 years due to slow growth of the fetus, caused by low hCG, due to the hormonal imbalance.
My mom knew she was pregnant but she thought I was gonna be a stillborn cause she never felt me move, even the doctors were concerned, turns out i was just lazy.
Darrian Elisabeth me as a baby
Darrian Elisabeth عه٨٨
That just cracked me up!
Shikamaru is that you?!
Friend of mine was pregnant with twins. About four months in she had a miscarriage. They said she lost both children. Afterward, her menstrual cycle was normal every month and she lost the little weight she had gained. Five months later she's rushed to the ER with severe abdominal pain. They thought it was a tubal pregnancy and ran tests. Turns out she was actually in labor! Only ONE of the twins had miscarried- the second one carried to term and was born healthy! Anything is possible.
Awww ♥
Wow that’s crazy! She should’ve been on the show.
Reading that was an emotional roller coaster
Was it a boy or girl
Some girls have a baby shower others have a baby in the shower...
There's a baby in your pants!
nbkcq28 my Dad used to tell me when I was little that he was the one that was pregnant with and gave birth to me. He said he had to poop, went to the bathroom and I fell into the toilet. 😂
McKayla Baker you have an amazing dad
Enoch Root a
Enoch Root
"Cravings, heartburn, the positive pregnancy test..." LMAO
I got the same when i smoked pot and ate italian.
"How big is your vagina that a baby can just slide out and you go, 'hmm, wonder what that was?'" lmao the commentary for this video was hilarious.
Yeah, I find that hard to believe. It's one thing to not know you're pregnant or in the beginning stages of labor, but it's quite another not feeling the baby actually coming out! And what kind of pants was she wearing that could stretch enough to accommodate a baby?
Aera I guess MC Hammer's pants.
Basically this show was "I had to take a shit and pooped a baby!!"
Esteban Cardona this is the best comment!
Esteban Cardona you win the internet
that was actually an episode
PJ Ha omg! Was it the one with where the chick was in the restroom at the burger place, i think she was a manager
You have no idea how true this is. When I did birthing classes the instructor said "If you feel like you have to poop but nothing comes out, you are ready to push!"
"Oh you were home birth I was Levis birth" 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
My mother didn't know she was pregnant with me. She never gained weight and she still had light periods. It's not as uncommon as you would think. She had a traumatic delivery also. I actually like this show. Some people think is total bs but I know it's real.
Treasa Evans there are all sorts of odd things that apparently happen during pregnancy, and the odds given make it sound so frequent.
Like 1 in 100000 babies are born outside the womb, for example in the liver...
That's called an ectopic pregnancy, and the babies aren't carried outside the womb as in, in a totally random place in the body! Just in a different place in/on the uterus or ovaries.
You can't have a baby growing in your liver, lol
Alastair Ward the liver is solid you dipshit 😂😂
It is normal to have light spotting yes it is. I did with both of my kids every month for 2-3 days. I was scared until my doctor said it wasn't uncommon.
Fintan Purcell It is indeed not really a period, but some light bleeding during pregnancy _is_ common and not usually a problem.
A woman who is used to having light periods might confuse the pregnancy-bleeding for period-bleeding.
'Look at that guy, he has no rhythm' 😂
Its ridiculously easy to not know you're pregnant... If you have stupidly irregular periods that vary between super light or super heavy with a few months between. And have a build that hides slight weight gains. (I'm just under 6' or 182ish cm)
I didn't know I was pregnant, I thought I had a period about two months after I (later realized) got pregnant, it was light and barely anything so I was like 'great, next one is going to be super heavy'. Four more months went by and yes, that IS a long time to go with out a period, but at the time, I thought nothing of it, my sex life with my husband was non-existent due to stress from both ends so I figured my lack of period was just one of my longer pauses between periods and stress mixed in. Then I got severe cramps and crazy bleeding. First thought was "yeah, I knew this one was going to suck" so I spent three days bleeding heavily and cramping like a motherfucker and the early morning of the fourth day I felt I had to go to the wash room... And only THEN did I realize something was not at all right. Woke my husband up and was like "... I think I need to go to the ER" and we went. On the way there, I was calculating the last time we had sex, trying to place it on a time line that would make sense for a pregnancy going sour. In my mind it was for sure a miscarriage, remember, I thought I had a period four months previous.
Get to the ER and long story short, I had a baby at 24 weeks gestation (after moving to a hospital able to handle a micro-preemie) so she was 16 weeks early. She spent five months in the NICU and came home last june. She's now a thriving 18 month old that gets into everything. Its crazy and looking back I do see signs that I should have realized were symptoms if I had any inkling that I was pregnant. I craved apples... I hate apples usually. Yep.That was my only symptom other than missed periods which were and are common for me.
Lonit Bonit Cryptic Pregnancy is a pregnancy where there is little or no detectable hCG in the mothers system, due to a hormonal imbalance in the mother. The fetus may go undetected by mother and doctors, until delivery. Some of these women do not know that they are indeed pregnant and some of them are aware. The women who do know, have a difficult time getting confirmation of the pregnancy due to negative, hCG tests including home pregnancy tests and hCG blood tests. Characteristics of a cryptic pregnancy are; negative urine and blood pregnancy test, continued periods, typical pregnancy symptoms, and at times, negative ultrasounds. Even with these issues, the woman continues to experience pregnancy symptoms including the sensation of fetal movement. Cryptic pregnancies are typically carried between 2 and 5 years due to slow growth of the fetus, caused by low hCG, due to the hormonal imbalance.
Tests at the ER came back positive for pregnancy. It wasn't a cryptic pregnancy, just my body giving me shit signals that I was too oblivious to notice.
I'm happy she's healthy and you're healthy :D Congrats even tho belated
Thank you ^_^
Glad to hear you're both okay!!
"I know it doesn't feel the same. But you know what doesn't feels less the same? Finding a baby in your pants." Aaaand I'm dead.
That was the best advert for contraceptives I've heard in a while. The only one better was looking after a friend's kid for a week.
. I was just reading ur comment when that part came on
Is that a baby in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
What killed me was “ Oh you did a at home birth? I did a Levi Jeans birth. “😂😂😂
Funny story: the symptoms of pregnancy are the same as high stress. Period stops? Loss of appetite? Constant nausea? High blood pressure? Thyroid problems? Head aches? Depression? Mood swings? Heart burn? Binging? Arthritic symptoms on the joints? And more. Symptoms of stress.
My mom's first grandbaby got pneumonia and died. Her husband (my dad), had cancer and was dying...then he died, and a month later, his mom died, so she figured it was stress, until she went to the doctor. "I"M WHAT?????" Doesn't help I was still 9 months in the making after my father died...nosy people in small towns know basic math, so....well, considering she was pregnant with my brother for twelve months, my older sisters for 11 months each, it was not unusual, but I was showing NO signs of being ready, so they induced labour, and I came in just under 11 months, on a rainy, shitty, Monday in October, in the shadow of a full lunar eclipse. All bad signs. She should have had an abortion. But, they were still illegal then.
@@AhNee wait... so you wish you haven't been born? And your mom was pregnant for 12 months?!
I wish they showed one of the women who was told she couldn't have babies and yet got pregnant anyway. I think they would have been more understanding at first and it would have been interesting to see their reaction to that situation
Molly Boord I mean in the first clip the woman thought she had entered menopause so....
Honin Akecheta theres some women that have an inverted uterus and they wont have a belly at all in the whole pregnancy. Theres some other's that have bleeding the whole 9 months (actually like my mom). The human body can make crazy things believe me.
I agree!!!
I never believed this show but recently a family member just found out she was pregnant right before she was to be operated on. All test prior to the operation were negative. But on the day to be operated on, they did one last test and it came positive. Can you imagine slicing someone open only to find a 6month old baby 😱
Tempo4200 I feel like it would be like that one scene from Prometheus.
Sound like she JUST got pregnant before the surgery.
That's why they are careful to check everything out before you ever go into an OR.
I have a friend who didn't know she was pregnant until she was into her third trimester. She was on the depo shot, so she wasn't getting periods anyway, and with the way she carried the baby she didn't start to show until she was seven and a half months along. She didn't have any warning signs like morning sickness or weird cravings, and she chalked her mood swings up to stress (she and her boyfriend had broken up halfway through, so it made sense). She wasn't just going to be a surprise mom, she was going to be a surprise single mom, but in her case it worked out really well. Her daughter gave her something to focus on, and she and her ex actually get along better now as separated co-parents than they ever did while they were together. (She knows how one-in-a-million lucky she is, in that.)
SpamWarrior3000 I'm glad it went well for her and her ex!
Good for both parents. They put the needs of the baby first and found a way to successfully co-parent.
Please do Irish people watch Bizarre Food with Andrew Zimmern
AprilPie16 especially the one were he was in Ireland eating that old butter
Also known as bald man eats balls.
I love that show but what bothers me is that he says he likes everything but sometimes his face obviously says the opposite. Like I want to see people judging the food.
Best show ever
"I wanna love you, but I also want to go to Hawaiiiii" My thoughts exactly about becoming a parent hahaa
So people have already pointed out cryptic pregnancies and pregnancies where there are aren't any physical symptoms but I also wanted to point out that sick people exist and some of those sick people get pregnant.
Yes, nausea is a symptom of early pregnancy but it's also a symptom of a ton of illnesses and a side effect of most medication. For someone with a chronic illness stomach pain isn't a hint they're pregnant, it's just Tuesday. The video said the woman should have suspected she was pregnant because she had heartburn but it also showed her eating jalapenos. Spicy foods, among other things, are known to cause heartburn.
Fatigue, headaches, back and joint pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea, cravings, food aversion, weight gain, weight loss, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. None of these things are unique to pregnancy. Fetal movement could be mistaken for other things, especially if it isn't strong. Also, if you're already treating these symptoms that could prevent them from even showing up from pregnancy. If you're on a prescription for heart burn that could mask it as a potential pregnancy symptom.
So no, it's not surprising at all that there are women who can't tell they're pregnant when you stop and think about it.
I use to like watching this, it was interesting to me.
There were quite a few people who didn't know they were pregnant because of medical issues(some were told they could never have children) so it never came to mind that they could be.
For the others it seems like they were overweight/obese and that's why they didn't notice any weight gain or any of the symptoms.
I use to like seeing the stories of where the woman didn't know she was pregnant and just thought she had to go to the bathroom and ended up having the baby in the toilet. Definitely not sanitary but can you imagine if the child later asks where they were born and the mom responds with "ah in the toilet" 🤣 (i doubt they'd respond with that but i would. Just for giggles. )
I like watching the facts cast respond to these types of shows :) it's great seeing each person's reactions.
Ama V I actually saw that episode, where the woman gives birth in the toilet😂 Imagine just going to the toilet for a crap and then there's a baby!
Ama V yeah I'm not sure if I saw the same one but when I was like 4 or 5 I was flicking through the channels and I just saw the baby in the toilet. I was scarred for life
What is really sad, is when it's happened in outhouses! I also saw a video out of China, I think, where a baby was stuck in a toilet pipe (b/c they just went in a hole in the floor connected to a pipe) and it slid down to the apartment below! So glad i never had kids and NOT going to.
Had a friend in high school who's mom didn't know she was pregnant. And yes, he was born in the toilet. He had the darkest blue eyes I've ever seen on a person.
"I would have called it surprise"😂😂😂😂😂
I found out I was pregnant on 12/07/00 & gave birth to a full term, 6lb 14oz, BEAUTIFUL baby boy on 1/8/01. I had uterine fibroids since the age of 16 & never had a regular period. This was my 2nd pregnancy, the 1st ending in a miscarriage & was told by doctors that I'd never carry a baby to term possibly due to being molested at 4 years old. 1/8/19 my son will be 18 & he is the most beautiful gift I've ever received, I wouldn't change a thing.
aisha5477 What is his name
Irish People watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time
I find it really disappointing that they actually had someone on that show advocate for the rhythm method. Guys, wrap your shit. Girls, take a pill. Either or any combination of the two, yeah? Educate yourself.
fortizjr people who advocate it though are usually religious aren't they, the sort who wouldn't object to a little miracle or five anyway.
There was a catch, that they seemed to have glossed over. The rhythm method works 90% of the time if done correctly. People usually don't do it the correct way.
To be fair I don't think it was a great advertisement for it.
So you want people to educate themselves, but you're getting mad at someone trying to educate the public on the effectiveness of the particular method that couple chose to use? Pills, injections, condoms, and other birth control methods don't 100% prevent pregnancy (though the chances may be less), especially if they aren't used correctly (e.g. being on antibiotics, missing a dose, not putting it on correctly). If you seriously want people to educate themselves, they should be allowed to be educated on all of the options, not just the ones that you approve of.
You're telling people to educate themselves, yet you're bitching about a trained medical doctor dispensing facts?
Look at you, making me another video. I know you guys may not have done it for us in Houston (yeah, it's Mackenzie), but I will consider it so. Thank you, my friends. You made me smile again, and I haven't even watched it yet. If it rains today, or if you see a rainbow, or even hear thunder, please think of us. We love you, Ireland. ♡
I'm single as fuck but this still scares me. The constant paranoia is real. Lol
If you are single, why would you have any chance of pregnancy? Or are you single and sleepin around?
Shawn M it doesn't matter. even virgins worry about it. being pregnant when you aren't ready is terrifying
I can give credit to someone maybe not thinking they're pregnant; plausible. But how can you NOT FEEL A BABY COME OUT OF YOUR HOO-HA?!?! What happened in your life that you can't feel something the size of a football come out of your lady bit? Just as bad as the person who lost a shoe on the side of the freeway... what kind of life are these people living?
Hoo-ha x'D
A woman who has a wizard sleeve from being too "busy".
If she can't feel a baby, can she even enjoy sex? "Can't feel it honey, ya done yet?"
you guys need to take some sex ed so let me tell you about it women naturally secrete liqiuds from there vagina, called discharge.not only does that help with cleaning the vagina but when your pregnant it helps deliver the baby. when a woman gives birthher body make sure that everything is smooth and slippery so the baby can just come outyes and after birth you can still feel a penis because the vagina contracts and expands.
a lot of times the baby can be smaller than usual, like a premature size, those birth are a lot less painful and often the mom won't even feel ''pain'' and will just feel pressure in her rectum because something big is going through the vagina
"practiced the rhythm method religiously" Was that an intentional pun?
Ha! Interestingly enough, I've known several women who practiced the rhythm method because they didn't want to use hormonal contraception and didn't like or couldn't use condoms, but had no particular religious reason. Some were also real hippy-dippy nature eco types. It takes all kinds, I suppose.
I love George's impressions! He's hilarious :D
I get an overjoyous feeling when I find an unexpected fiver in my pocket, but a baby? That's something else
This happened to my cousin. She was told she couldn't have kids which is why she never even thought that she was pregnant.
I'm obsessed which these Irish people reacts videos
My cousin didn't know she was pregnant for 7 months. She was in the police academy at the time, in and of the best shape of her life, and had an inconsistent period so the fact she skipped a few months didn't ring alarm bells. No weird cravings, no morning sickness, didn't even look pregnant because she was carrying him high and towards her back. She only find out when she got a urine test done at her physical and gave birth a month later. Her second and planned pregnancy, however, was the opposite of all that. She looked and felt very pregnant the whole time.
I LOVE these vids. It is so fun to have people that aren't from the US "react" to our stuff. Please never stop making these!
I used to watch this show every day after school. It's very interesting to see the different stories.
My mom was pregnant with my younger brother for 6 months before she found out. She was still bleeding each month so she thought she was on her period. And then she passed out and collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. That's how she found out.
Irish people watch Matt Stonie. He's an American treasure.
Matthew Schell omg yaaasss
Love your channel
It is possible to have a baby without being labor for a very long time. It is also possible for a baby to just slide out, it doesn't mean the moms vagina is huge. My sister in law had a epideral and my nephew slid right out. She wasn't in labor for very long either. I think it's weird how people assume they know everything.
"oh you did a home birth ,well I did a Levi's jeans birth" 😂😂😂😂
Lol my cousin didn't know she was pregnant until like 5 months in, she thought it was gas... but in her defense, she was sick as a kid and was told she'd never be able to get pregnant.
I am so glad that most of my roots come from Ireland and Scotland these guys are great
i didn’t know i was pregnant till i was in my 4th month and started having morning sickness.. my periods were inconsistent and i would skip 3, 4 sometimes up to 6 months at a time, i would buy pregnancy tests, take them and get a negative result and go about my life, after i started having morning sickness i once again bought a pregnancy test and that time it was positive, i made an appointment at a clinic to confirmed my pregnancy and was determined i was 16 weeks along.. today my daughter is 14 yrs old and a freshman in high school.. she’s the only child i have, i had 1 miscarriage a few years bfor i got pregnant with her and never got pregnant again after.. and my periods are still as messed up now as they were then so, it’s not as uncommon as you think..
George hitting on all cylinders today! One of his funniest!
I use to love this show so much. It's quite addictive.
I know someone who went to the doctors with his girlfriend because she was having stomach cramps but not like period pains like something wrong with a liver pains. The DOCTOR didn’t know that she was going into labour. The doctor said he’d send her to get a scan at a later date but the pains started to get worst so they went to the hospital. 4 hours later they were leaving with a baby. She had had no weight change, still had her periods, had no cravings etc. About a year later her mum noticed a slight weight gain, like a slight growth in her boobs, and said are you pregnant? They were like no that’s impossible. Anyway they went to the hospital and it turns out she was 36 weeks pregnant. It can happen my friends and I’ve watched it twice.
I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant. If my husband had not insisted that I take a pregnancy test back in January, I wouldn't have known. I have a hormone imbalance, awful ovarian cysts, and when I'm stressed out, I will sometimes skip my period for a few cycles. I'm almost always naseous without vomiting. So far, everything I've felt as far as morning sickness could easily be explained by other things. Constant peeing? I had a UTI 2 months into the pregnancy. Pain near ovaries? Cysts. No period while having period like cramps? I'm stressed out due to a bad situation my husband got into and my family might be moving away along with me going to college and trying to maintain a career, and that kind of stress does a lot to the body. Always over heating? I've always been sensitive to heat stroke, it isn't anything new. If my husband hadn't brought home that test, and said "please just take this, i don't think it is just stress", I don't know when I would have done it on my own.
As for weight gain? I'm used to eating a single small meal a day (dinner), and that's it. Sometimes i get increased appetite, but now especially I am forcing myself to eat responsibly, small portions, 3 actual meals, healthy snacks of veggies or fruits. I'm LOSING weight despite my pants not fitting properly. Since finding out about my pregnancy, I have lost 19 pounds due to not starving myself. (And i've checked, my OB says that because I'm overweight to begin, this is completely normal, and she isn't worried). I used to watch this show all the time and definitely thought "how does someone not know they are pregnant??" but it definitely happens.
Side note: not only did my husband accurately predict the pregnancy, he also accurately predicted gender. Having a boy in September.
"I think she's a bit thick" 😂
accurate description of anyone that could end up on a show like that
A.J. Steinman *thick meaning stupid
Perhaps he types with a Dublin accent ;)
Jordan Ní Mhathúna Its actually tick.
terri-louise Ó leathlobhair Everyone I've ever known spells it thick but I suppose regionally there are differences.
I knew someone whose cousin had this happen to them. Apparently it came as a huge shock to the family since she was fairly petite but there was little/no weight gain. Even worse, she had three children in total, and she wasn't aware of two of those pregnancies until childbirth.
Brings whole new meaning to the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" George.
You know what you call people who use the "rhythm method?"...
parents... 90% effective my 🍑
“oh, you did a home birth? I did a Levi jeans birth.” I died when he said that omg!!
You guys are so funny I love this channel
My mom actually didn't know she was pregnant with my sister until 3 months in when she did a pregnancy test. My parents were in fact trying for a baby, but since my mom was getting a light "period" she didn't think she could be pregnant. (also the first thing she said to the doctor who told her she was three months in was "But I've had a few drinks!". Thankfully those didn't affect my sister)
The guy in the obey hat cracked me up!😂😂
I used to love watching this show as a kid.
"I wanna love you ....but i also wanna go to HAWAIIIIIII" 😂😂 had me rollin lol
I actually have a family member who had this happen to them. She still had her periods every month, no morning sickness, no food cravings, no abnormal hormonal changes (compared to PMS), none of the usual symptoms; she just thought she was gaining weight. She had her baby a few months back, actually around the time this video came out lol. And btw, it was a girl and she kept her.
"Oh, you did a home birth? I did a Levi jeans birth!"😂😂😂 I honestly died when I heard that
I was in the army while prego and barely showed at the end. And my labor was incredibly quick, told my sgts that i was in labor, some didnt believe me, and 4 hours later my daughter was here. Lol
Being physically active while pregnant, which sucks all i wanted to do was sleep, helps make the delivery easier
I just love being Irish 🍀 I can relate to the who are Irish
Ok that thumbnail.....that dudes face instantly made me bust out laughing.
it gives a new meaning to pregnancy pants lol
Pretty sure Paddy Murphy will be on this show sometime soon
That would explain him pretty well.
"Oh, you had an at home birth?! I had a Levi jeans birth" I died!!! 😂😂😂
I love the one with the blue hoodie thing and the hat 😂
US TV show re-enactments are THE best. So funny.
I want an entire channel that is just the guy in the OBEY hat reacting to I didn't know I was pregnant episodes
"Did you see that guy? He had no rhythm." bahahahaha!
My second pregnancy (so I've done this before), I didn't know I was pregnant for the first four months. A doctor had to tell me. Each time is different.
My grandmother didn't know she was pregnant when my uncle was born. She had no significant weight gain, no pains or cravings, and her period had continued. She actually went to the hospital to get contraceptives when she was told "too late, you're seven months pregnant".
my mom didnt know she was pregnant until 7 months. she didnt have any signs or gain weight. the only way she found out was because she went to the doctor for leg pain.
I have an Aunt who's on the heavier said and has a problem with her uterus that she doesn't get periods very often and has a low chance of getting pregnant and she was a person who didn't know because the weight gain and missed periods were normal for her. This stuff is real and it's crazy!
I love this channel so much... I was pregnant for 3 months before I found out, I literally told people that I was dehydrated and I knew my body better than that... jokes on me!
The "rhythm method"?!
Please just buy some condoms! Hell, you can get em at some places for free!
Lol the baby falls out lmafo 😂😂😂
My friend has endometriosis and she knew she was pregnant but didn't realise she was in labour til she was ready to push. It just felt to her like she was having endo related cramps so she thought nothing of it. She was bleeding really heavily and her husband made her go to the hospital and turns out she was pretty much ready to push out her baby. So yeah sometimes people just don't realise they're in labour
I wish this would be a whole series
"I would have called it surprise" I'm crying omg xDxD
I found out late in mine because I still bled like I did on my period. my last was at 7 month and I honestly didn't know how far I was. we thought I may be a month or two when I took the home test. we thought I was having a miscarriage honestly but I gave birth to a premature baby boy. got my tubes tied a few months later. we have 5 kids and tired almost everything not to have more kids after our second kid.... but we wouldn't trade them for anything.
"You know little things!!" You KILL ME GEORGE!!!
“I would’ve named it surprise” jeeeeesus lmao 😂
George was on fire in this! 😂😂
I hate to say it but these shows were my childhood. when pbs wasn't playing I would watch TLC. It's where they show these type of programs
"I would've called it Surprise" haha!
The kid in the thumbnail, I thought it was Quato about to tell Quaid to start the reactor.
"Oh, you did a out of home birth? I did a Levi jean birth" I'm still laughing 🤣🤣
"The Irish contraception they're using" lol!
my grandma didn't know she was pregnant with my aunt she had her monthly visitor and everything she didn't know until it was time to give birth
I like that..."monthly visitor." 😂 I had cousins that would call it "falling off the roof." I have no idea why. 😁
Anne Galivan the funny part is that I didn’t put monthly visitor lol they must have changed it but in my family we call it your “friend”. An example would my friend is on or my friend just came on.
@@princessdeandrea Aunt Flo. 😅
"Awh they called her angel" "I would've called her surprise" dead
I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 5 months bc I had no symptoms what so ever.
Deanna Eaton Wish I could have been like that. I knew at 3 weeks. Longest pregnancy ever, lol.
Mickey Rob lol same!
Did you get your period?
Same here actually, and I had taken numerous pregnancy tests, all came back negative.
no bc i wasnt having normal cycles as it was. I didnt fine out what it was about until after I had my son and I still dont have cycles.
Lmao, I love y'alls comments to everything. One reason why I watch these videos
"See that man? He has NO RYTHEM!!!" HAHAHAHA
Should do My Teen Is Pregnant and So Am I next 😂
Should've called her surprise😂 that made me laugh
Irish People Try Irish Dancing
Had To Watch This 2 Times, So Funny 😂
I love the sarcasm 😂😂😂
Please do Irish People Watch Arrested Development
Cryptic Pregnancy is a pregnancy where there is little or no detectable hCG in the mothers system, due to a hormonal imbalance in the mother. The fetus may go undetected by mother and doctors, until delivery. Some of these women do not know that they are indeed pregnant and some of them are aware. The women who do know, have a difficult time getting confirmation of the pregnancy due to negative, hCG tests including home pregnancy tests and hCG blood tests. Characteristics of a cryptic pregnancy are; negative urine and blood pregnancy test, continued periods, typical pregnancy symptoms, and at times, negative ultrasounds. Even with these issues, the woman continues to experience pregnancy symptoms including the sensation of fetal movement. Cryptic pregnancies are typically carried between 2 and 5 years due to slow growth of the fetus, caused by low hCG, due to the hormonal imbalance.
Sisterhood of the pregnancy pants better become a show😂