Absorption might be the problem. She may need to change how she is taking it - with food or without food, with vitamin c or not, with follic acid or without?Generally follic acid or vitamin C helps with iron absorption but it is best to sit with a licensed doctor to discuss this. Lastly, i don't know if your wife is using any birth control at the moment - copper iud is a major culprit in iron deficiency anemia, and some people don't see any results even with iron supplement until the iud is removed. I don't know if any of this helps. I wish you and your wife good health and life 💕
That's really helpful thank u #firstcry
Anaemia in pregnancy
Why does my wife have still low hemoglobin even though she is taking a prenatal iron supplement?
Absorption might be the problem. She may need to change how she is taking it - with food or without food, with vitamin c or not, with follic acid or without?Generally follic acid or vitamin C helps with iron absorption but it is best to sit with a licensed doctor to discuss this. Lastly, i don't know if your wife is using any birth control at the moment - copper iud is a major culprit in iron deficiency anemia, and some people don't see any results even with iron supplement until the iud is removed. I don't know if any of this helps. I wish you and your wife good health and life 💕