Easy fix - There is a rheostat - a variable resistor that changes its value as the float moves. There is a copper brush that runs along this, which is what changes the value. The brush is held in place with springs which aren't actually connected physically, they are only held in place by the pressure they exert on each other. The first bit of dirt between them messes up the sender unit! To fix this, solder a 10 cm (4") length of wire from the brush to the soldered connection near the plate that bolts to the fuel tank This bypasses the problem connections and fixes the sender.
my understanding how this happens is the carbon contacts on the pcb wears out. resulting in a failed fuel sender, some one should start manufacturing these fuel sender rebuild kits for 20 dollars.
Can you show where you have plugged your multimeter to please also do I need to get power the sender unit in order to get a reading on my multimeter or will it just come up with the values
0:13 shows the leads clipped on in place of the 2-pin plug. No, it doesn't have to be powered, it's just varying resistance as the arm moves the contact across the wipers.
Easy fix - There is a rheostat - a variable resistor that changes its value as the float moves. There is a copper brush that runs along this, which is what changes the value. The brush is held in place with springs which aren't actually connected physically, they are only held in place by the pressure they exert on each other. The first bit of dirt between them messes up the sender unit! To fix this, solder a 10 cm (4") length of wire from the brush to the soldered connection near the plate that bolts to the fuel tank This bypasses the problem connections and fixes the sender.
Yeah if you could go ahead and do a write up or make a DIY video on that, thatddd be greaaaaaaat mmmkay?
my understanding how this happens is the carbon contacts on the pcb wears out.
resulting in a failed fuel sender, some one should start manufacturing these fuel sender rebuild kits for 20 dollars.
I just started having this issue on my car, tried to order one but said they were back ordered...
very helpful video dude!
Can you show where you have plugged your multimeter to please also do I need to get power the sender unit in order to get a reading on my multimeter or will it just come up with the values
0:13 shows the leads clipped on in place of the 2-pin plug.
No, it doesn't have to be powered, it's just varying resistance as the arm moves the contact across the wipers.