Can I just say how useful I've found all the video's you have put up onto you tube recently. The fact that they are free to watch is absolutely brilliant. Made such a difference to learning the theory. Thanks very much and please keep them coming.
Hi, Can I say that you are brilliant? I am 72 and about to start a day skipper theory course and am terrified about learning sooo much. You have been a great help with my preparation. Many many thanks
Great video! Thankyou 😊
Can I just say how useful I've found all the video's you have put up onto you tube recently. The fact that they are free to watch is absolutely brilliant. Made such a difference to learning the theory. Thanks very much and please keep them coming.
Andy - glad you like them - let us know if we can help on any other subjects we also offer 1-2-1 sessions.
Thank you for one of the best lectures that I have found on this subject . Great materials and great narration. Well done.
Great work again
Hi, Can I say that you are brilliant? I am 72 and about to start a day skipper theory course and am terrified about learning sooo much. You have been a great help with my preparation. Many many thanks
Best of luck!
Fantastic! Thankyou
Excellent presentations
Glad you like them!
Ano to bold?