I tried to get into the elevator trade, but they didn't want me. I was in my 30's, a navy vet with a strong background as a licensed factory electrician /mechanic and I worked in plant maintenance. I had PLC and installation experience. You'd have thought the elevator trade would have been glad to have me, but I sent out a number of resumes and never heard a thing. Like any good job that's hard to get, you have to know somebody to get you in, and if you don't know anybody, that's too bad
Learn How to Pass Elevator Mechanic Certification, Job Interview and Assessment Test:www.howtoanalyzedata.net/how-to-become-an-elevator-mechanic/
I tried to get into the elevator trade, but they didn't want me. I was in my 30's, a navy vet with a strong background as a licensed factory electrician /mechanic and I worked in plant maintenance. I had PLC and installation experience. You'd have thought the elevator trade would have been glad to have me, but I sent out a number of resumes and never heard a thing. Like any good job that's hard to get, you have to know somebody to get you in, and if you don't know anybody, that's too bad
Couldn’t you have gotten 7-4=3 my turning that 5 I to a 3?
I did the same thing
Narrator is brutal to listen to