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There is only one true government, and that is God. Obey him and him alone, and be freethinking to make clear and right judgments for yourself. Live by the golden rule, for if everyone did, we would already be in heaven.
Okay now you went too far the government helps keep the illegal drugs under control, because they're big billionaire friends at Big pharma would lose out. C natural plants like marijuana and mushrooms are bad. If your cure doesn't have at least 57,000 chemicals in it it will never help you. And do you think our government would ever hurt anyone. Just because we spend over $300 billion on the weapons and war machine those weapons are for peace. Now remember every Americans violent though and you should all have your guns taken away but if you join the military then you should be allowed them same guns that they don't give you if you aren't government property. And after all if they don't take the guns what do it happen if you need them to hunt for food the government doesn't want you out hunting and they rather have your family starving and waiting for welfare. So that you can eat the processed food with 3,482 different chemicals in a slice of bread. In which the government tells you it's totally good for you but don't do that evil marijuana that will make you think clearer. And remember big brother is always your best friend and watching you. for your own good of course because we don't live in a Communist party. If we did government watching you would be more of a secure we don't trust you we're going to get you if you do anything we don't like state. Holy Spirit of Humanity
Hopefully EconTalk podcast host Russ Roberts does a episode dedicated to the hypocritical nature of state (government) sanctioned violence. Russ did a excellent podcast interview with economist & author Gary Shiffman on the Economics of Violence back in January 2021.
Libertarians need to develop a critique of capitalism and technology, since these two are linked with and uphold statism. The Holy Roman Empire could never have done something like the Five Eyes alliance because that technology did not exist. Also our based libertarian billionaires are either pushing transhumanism (Neuralink) or working with intelligence agencies (Palantir Technologies). They want to turn America into Singapore. I've read authors from the right (Evola, Guenon, Spengler, Junger) and from the left (Deleuze, Guattari, Baudrillard. Foucault) and they make good points. Tolstoy and Thoreau too.
@ Musk’s grandfather who had a huge impact on him growing up was an early proponent for a technocracy. I can’t help but think Elon is more of a wolf in sheep’s clothing as opposed to actually being based. Not that I disagree w a lot of what he says, I’m just not quite sold on his sincerity. I’d love to be wrong though. Capitalism has a lot of downsides but when opposed to socialism which I’m aware is not the only other system we could be living under even if they act as if it is, beats the alternative. Personally, I’m much more keen on fascism when you look at how it was put into practice economically. Bc despite the narrative pushed, it is not synonymous w brutal authoritarianism (neither is socialism for that matter, but both can & have wound up being ran that way) bc fascism in principle is where the nation uses capital whereas capitalism is where capital uses (& exploits) the nation as the great Sir Oswald Mosley once succinctly put it.
@@amberswafford9305 Socialism has been a disaster everywhere it has been tried. And the more completely socialism is implemented, the greater the disaster and the sooner the societal collapse.
@@amberswafford9305 Capitalism, when properly limited and controlled (especially profits), is the best solution. Socialism only works until governments run out of other people's money. It also enslaves the people. Communism is absolute slavery.
A simple “no” would have saved you all this excellent work. The answer is, always has been, and always will be “NO”. And everyone needs to embrace that and commit to with all the force possible.
good point yes obey as long as they dont require you to do something bad or stop doing something good in Gods eyes. right now there are Jehovah witnesses in russia in jail for not obeying the government. they required they violate Gods laws on love of neighbor. they dont like you saying no to them.
And tax is nothing but extortion. Demanding money through threats of loss (taking your property) or harm (locking you in a cage) for breaking THEIR RULES.. government and their agents are a criminal Extortion racket
@@susanmercurio1060 I started listening, I'll finish it later. So far I think the author has some excellent analysis around power dynamics and dictatorship. However, I disagree with his fundamental assumption that "democracy" and "freedom" are equivalent. It is my position that freedom means having no rulers. Democracy (if it were ever executed according to its theory) just makes a mob rule where conformity means power, and that to me is no different in principle than a dictatorship. It is still people claiming the right to rule others with force if necessary, in democracy it is simply justified by the belief that the will of the majority should prevail over the will of the minority. I am an anarchist. I think people are intelligent, and quite capable of making their own decisions. All rulers are tyrants at heart, no matter how well intentioned. Any power used coercively is tyranny, and it is tyranny in all its forms that I would uproot.
Many of us already have been since before the Internet even existed!!!!! WE stopped working for taxed dollars and filing taxes decades ago!!!! That's just the tip of the iceberg of things one can do to live Free of government. You might start by throwing out their biggest weapon of control (govern) the Tel-LIE-vision!!!!! They don't call it PROGRAMMING for NOTHING 📺
99 percent of the people in the comments are all vaccinated. And they think they know better. As soon as the next hysteria by the govt is released they will fall in line an rat on their neighbors and family. Don't think for a minute because they make obvious agreeable points here they know better or are on 'your side '
There is nothing moral or consensual about governments. Government is force, the raw exercise of power and power does not argue. Those without power argue within the parameters established by the powerful.
It's just hierarchy. Not only is this a natural way to create order, it is the only way. Decentralization makes you weak to anyone who is centralizing.The only other option is chaos and it never lasts long. Goverment is rigged, the people on top are above the law. This has been true since the dawn of civilization and will be until it's dusk. I would rather people accepted those facts then ramble while being powerless. Get in power, do things, but someone will always draw the short stick.
Assume u r referring to the current operation of many national governments, but otherwise this is an incorrect blanket statement. Many people consent to forming a gov in order to establish specific rules.
@@Richard-ki4nkgm Who decides the "rules" and laws? You don't need government and laws for a society to exist in peace and freedom. Governments are force and force is tyranny.
Yes, we hear you. I adopted the disrespect for government authority at age 6 when the reality of compulsory education was impressed on my pissed-off little personality.
@@julieisthatart Same here! ❤ Did your parents also try to beat you into conformity? My mom still doesn't understand why I barely talk to her, especially now that she realizes the truth.
@@user-gz4ve8mw9l Some sort of leadership is still necessary for a functional society, such as the family, mutual groups, etc. Leadership works best when it is decentralized and personal.
There's always a whole lot of brave people in the comment sections when in reality 95% of the people I observed wore the bondage muzzles for YEARS when the TV told them to.
many are frustrated with this situation, and they know deep down inside they are helpless to change it, but they are still angry and tired of it, that is why we pray "let your kingdom (government) come" we need God intervention, but the majority wont look to it for relief their egos get in teh way. God can only help humble and modest people.he wont force himself onto those who refuse to look to him for help.
It’s funny, because even the most authoritarian people nowadays will usually reply with an instinctive “no” to that question, but in the very next breath argue why the government’s authority is still moral and necessary.
A favorite quote, probably first heard from you- Written over 400 years ago- “Resolve to serve no more, And you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer, then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, full of his own weight and break it in pieces.” Étienne de La Boétie The Politics of Obedience
you knwo there is an account in the bible about how sennachrib was on a rampage of destruction in samaria and judah and when he got close to jerusalum hezekiah was a rightous ruler who prayed and prayed and worked hard to avoid compromising Gods requriements and when assyrians came to their door that night God killed 90 percent of his men and what happend? his power was gone. he went back home to be murdered by his two sons. So yes if people would not obey unlawful orders then wars would be few and far between. they have no power unless enough people obey them, but satan supports human governments and will crush any opposition, he uses propaganda, and fear against people to keep them in subjection. but only as long asGod allows it. daniel 2:44
There is a concept known as Natural Law, which suggests that the only laws a private individual should follow are those that are inherently just and rooted in nature. Anything beyond this is merely a construct of human opinion or societal convention, rather than an absolute truth.
I think we have a too optimistic view on humans. From my experience we are not fit for freedom. Not in this current state. Humans in the real world are crazy, like actually nuts. The damage is done and the more detached you are from the system, the more obvious it is
Govt should obey consent of the governed. Govt should Follow the constitution, respect the rights of private citizens. I would love an amendment that govt gets highly punished for violating citizens rights.
👌 just like the news! I ask people if they would allow a stranger to hang out with them in their living room while they discusses their views of what’s going on in today’s world and they look at you with utter disbelief. So I ask them why they allow the likes of Sandra sully and Mark Ferguson in and all you get is a puzzled look 😅
@Individual_Lives_Matter when 3 people have more money than the bottom half of the population you are in a robber baron empire, empire because of the hundreds of military bases the us have in its satellite countries
but you are obeying them if you were not they would of put you in prison, or took your job or property. have they done that? then you are obeying them. they just dont care as long as you pay your taxes and dont plot against the government. to disobey in these areas woudl be suicide and what benefit would that be to you, your family and friends? not leave it to God to destroy them, they will free human kind from all human governments. humans are not designed to rule over humans and when you add satan to the mix understand why no man can free himself from human governments and their oppressions. luke 4:4-8
@@AllanHinde-mb2pr maybe because the people beforehand accepted authority as their superior and now their predecesors (us) are paying the price (we are in the slave section)?
The illusion of property ownership has always puzzled me. Try not paying property taxes and you will find out that you dont own your land or your home... you rent it from the government till you cant pay for the privilege of the fantasy of ownership.
Yup, and my mortgage just went up over $300/month because they decided to raise the mill rate. I’m sure I got a letter that apologized for the “inconvenience” and thanked me for my “flexibility”.
The only thing government should do is protect life and property when individuals cannot. Protecting individual sovereignty and property sometimes require force. I could see this being privatized but I could also see it being the only legitimate function of government.
The globalists are already planning an AI judiciary. Yuval Harari (WEF) spoke recently about no need for future elections because AI can predict the winner before hand.
Those in government must abide by the same rules as those they govern. A government becomes invalid the moment it engages in special rulemaking due to its position.
I think the real issue lies with all the people willing to enforce the edicts of the government. It doesn't matter how corrupt or asinine they are or how unjust their decrees are if we are all complicit in legitimizing their legal fictions.
@@Individual_Lives_Matter - Yeah, I think when the majority of the resources get converted to money and sent off to the cities, central banks and federal government first and foremost, they get control how things get doled out. Problems follow with that centralized control. If we moved to paying taxes to local governments and then let that trickle up to the state, federal and then international level, I think the landscape would look very different. At least until they figure out how to capture that (again) as well.
Government should be followed 100% when they have these 5 attributes. 1)small enough to be toppled by a militia 2)transparent enough to show mistakes and be audited any time 3)disciplined enough to self-correct bad actors before caught by an audit 4)set minimum standards and gatekeep against non-citizens to maintain a high trust society 5)is not for profit While government exists to serve the people, there is a reason people can benefit by not having to govern themselves. Government acts as a parent and should be comprised of experienced individuals we trust to guide us and listen to with the expectation their conglomerated wisdom is probably better than our singular knowledge - if we appointes the right people at least. Its the people's fault for allowing government to go bad, ultimately. The US is an example of one of the worst governments right now, and Poland one of the best.
The problem is that Government never has and ultimately never will exist to serve the people. As far as they are concerned we exist to serve them. And If we are being honest with ourselves Government will never abide by those 5 attributes or any others for that matter. It's high time we learned to govern ourselves rather than externalizing our authority to those we should know better are corrupt.
@claytonveno3710 to serve the people is the reason people enacted governmental bodies. We're talking about the idea of government. We all already know that the majority of state governing bodies are corrupt right now and their disposition to the people. Yes, government has turned on its members many times. No, you dont want to live in an unorganized society without structure or standards. Again, the reason for corrupt government is the tolerant governed that let them get out of hand - not that government is inherently bad. Thats brainwashy type lolbertarian think. You externalize some authority to your family, coworkers, and community members every day of your life already. A small amount of interdependence is healthy. Dont blame the obvious symptoms of a failed system as proof the system could never work... At least when you have no replacement besides doing everything yourself with no experience of what that entails.
Problem with this criteria is that they assume government does not display any human characteristics or nature. What is our nature? To engage in what most benefits ourselves, and so governments like the US are in accordance with human nature. Not saying it’s good, it just is.
The problem comes when you are the victim of one or more persons or corporations. What do you do when your neighbors take away your freedom, family or property? The American Constitution was written under Common Law, but it's not what we are using now, hence the problem.
Believe it or not, it is necessary. And Im saying this as someone who is a pro-anarchy. Government needs to exist or else there will be no common grounds where the strong will dominate the weak, unless you want our cities to be run by mob bosses. However, government should fear the public and should be a public servant. Not the other way around.
If we lived in a racially homogeneous Nation as intended then we would have much less need for government. Western governments are at war against Whites and trying to erase us.
The answer is NO. But honestly, if there's no standing up against them done by the thousands, we will have to keep obeying them even though we know they're corrupt. There's more of us than them, but nothing will be done.
No one seems to be able to answer this question, so I hope you can be the first. Let say the people rise up and overthrow their repressive government. What then? What happens next? Will there be a Constitutional Convention? Will there be elections? If so, who will be the delegates? Who will provide security for them and the convention and the elections as a whole? The military will be in complete disarray and law enforcement will be all but a distant memory, so that is a problem that would need to be addressed. On a related matter, what will be done to maintain national security? Our enemies would be insane to not capitalize on the ensuing chaos to mount an invasion to take control of our nuclear arsenal and whatever advanced weapon systems we have hiding at places like dream land, so who’s going to organize and command whatever remains of our forces to repel that invasion? Like I said, nobody seems to either be able or willing to answer these questions, so I hope you’ll be the first.
Excelent work. Reminds me of Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem a report on the banality of evil. To abdicate morality to the government is to surrender morality to the tragedy of the commons.
It could be taken as "the mind to govern (over others)" - but it does attract shallow and selfish minds, that themselves are easy to control for some majordomo... the tendency is strong.
Popular sovereignty: The government is based on the consent of people. The government's source of authority is the people, and its power is not legitimate if it disregards the will of the people. Government established by free choice of the people is expected to serve the people, who have sovereignty, or supreme power.
We came to believe the government was the guardian of our rights. When in actuality the people organically predisposed to infringing on our rights, is and has always been, governments.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lets be real. The government has absolute power because they have a monopoly on violence and control of any money you have that is not physical cash and they can take it at will with jargon or turn it off on you till you behave or get in the cage.
I don't like thinking about politics often but when asked I define myself as a philosophical anarchist. For practical reasons my life choices don't always or even often reflect this position, but when it comes down to it I find the logical consistency of it elegant and beautiful (particularly in a world where power imbalances result in so much ugliness.)
Case law: "Ever man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institution formed by his fellowman without his consent." Cruden v Neale, 2 N.C. 338 May Term 1796
A ; NO, When I was a kid we said Representative government. Now the term is "the governed" . We were NEVER meant to be "governed" the government IS supposed to serve and represent the populace NOT dictate to us. They want us to forget their proper function and be our dictators.
@@Individual_Lives_Matter ..People make the argument speaking out doesn't affect the government yet they want to control what you say. you say they don't have to represent us then what's the need to brainwash the public that it's the opposite ? Yes they DO have to represent us, they just need the proper 🔥 motivation. 🔥⚡
The State Citizen is free, subject only to the laws made in pursuance of the Constitution. The government is a public body. Servants to the people. It should be clear that a knowledgeable Citizen would not listen to a government giving unlawful directives. But we don't have knowledgeable citizens. We have a society filled with people who choose their own safety, job security, and money over freedom and liberty. It could be from their lack of knowledge regarding liberty and freedom, or it could be the sheep mentality to just go the easiest route. Judge Learned Hand's speech on liberty from 1944 seems relevant.
@@redgrengrumbholdt2671 One need not live surrounded by Anarchy in order to live by and embody it's principles. In fact, the moment you seek to install Anarchy as an overarching social practice, it ceases to be Anarchy. I survive in spite of the state, not because of it and it's destruction is therefore something which I can never seek without delegitimizing my own philosophy. It is the will of many others that they be ruled over and it is my will to be left alone to live as I see fit but I cannot be legitimate in this demand if I am unwilling to extend the same privileges to others which I seek for myself. Besides, even if I were to destroy the state, people would just create another one. The state can seem all encompassing and impossible to avoid. Indeed, if you decide to crusade against it, then it shall be. However with care and wisdom, one can reduce their interactions with, as well as their contributions to the state; in fact, depending on how dedicated you are it's possible to bring those things down to zero. Many however are not willing to go that far and I'm not entirely sure doing so is necessary. You just have to learn how to interact with the state on your own terms and avoid allowing yourself to ever become dependent upon it for your continued existence. Most importantly though, you can never participate in social welfare systems or the electoral and political process unless you wish to assume responsibility for the failings of the state. Lastly, do not underestimate the power of your mind. Even if it was only in your mind at the start, it won't stay that way. When you change yourself, you change the world. People like to think of evolution in physical terms, one creature turning into another through external pressures and random mutation but this perception is incomplete at best. Evolution doesn't begin with a physical change, more often than not it begins with a change in psychology and behavior. The creature which is to evolve must make the conscious decision to behave differently and then it must physically follow through upon that decision. No bird evolved a beak capable of breaking seeds or the crop necessary to grind them up in if they had not first began engaging in the activity of eating seeds which then forced their bodies to adapt to doing so. Yes, outside selective pressures have an effect but the only reason the gazelle began running faster than the cheetah was because it chose to run in the first place.
It depends. Government is a consequence of people. If the government is bad, that indicates that the people in the government are bad, and those people are just a subset of the overall population. It's a mistake to think that the people running the government are the bad people and the people not running the government are the good people. There's a lot of crossover. If the majority of people are too stupid or apathetic to put good people in government then that is an indictment on the moral character of the general population. If the vast majority of the people were good responsible and conscientious voters then you'd never have a bad government.
I agree but I think we need to factor in the fact that our institutions have been captured and turned against the people, misinforming them for generations. We also live in a high-tech world and face tools of corruption never faced by humans throughout recorded history.
@JonHart-y5o Each of us decides what the degree of reality is for any subject. If a person's mind decides that something is mostly real but it isn't, the result can be an increased probability of unexpected results, which can cause suffering. Predicting what is real increases the probability that a person can avoid a situation that causes suffering.
CASE LAW: Penhallow v. Doane's Admin, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54). "Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, & a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating & attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons & the contracts between them."
@@nitsudocsicnarf347 It only exists because the same corrupt soulless entities keep spreading their tentacles far and wide. From sea to shining see. It’s always been going on. America has its own version of Mythology. The founding fathers and the constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
True, and that is the basis for our Republic, but that presents a dilemma. Since the vast majority of people in the comments and online seem to believe, in their infinite wisdom, that all governments are illegitimate in one way or another, no matter what form they take, the only logical conclusion would be that the people have, themselves, become illegitimate and therefore should not be obeyed and should be abolished.
Government is based on the violation of the most basic moral principle, i.e. the Non-Aggression Principle. There exists no right or authority that Government claims for itself that individuals do not have, but Government rules by authority based on violence or the threat of violence, and on that basis only.
One of the founding fathers of this once great country said, " Government at its very best is a necessary evil and at its worst it is an intolerable one." And its been a long time since its been at its best. What originally made this such a great country was a small government with few basic laws and interest free money. 3/4 of our present day government servants are unnecessary and incompetent parasites on the rest of the people. Politics = competition for power and resources, and when diplomacy fails, war happens. Two of the biggest most profitable business scams are WAR and ILLNESS. The Bill of Rights was written to protect you from the government. Most of what was written after that enslaves you to corrupt corporate America. Cops and courts hate it. Most cops know little if anything about the bill of rights. Yet they swear an oath to uphold the bill of rights. Being in violation of their oath is grounds for termination.
Simple answer: Nope. Our American government is supposed to answer to us, because of democracy. Laws, rules and regulations should be what the majority agrees to, for the greater good.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such ...
The government should obey the people, not the other way around. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
One of your best videos. Almost perfect (I would just argue about the 33-39 era in Germany where the government actively improved the life of the citizens and seemed to really care, especially when you compare to now where criminals are released, but you can go to jail for a Facebook post)
The original purpose of the United States government was not to be "obeyed" nor is that word present once in the declaration of independence or constitution but yet here we are.
Your thumbnail icon is a 2D representation of a cube, Which historically represents punishment and Entrapment in time and space. Edit: Just no Ticed it's even cubes inside of cubes.
In America we the people are the government. We vote in leadership, in good faith, that they will conduct and implement the necessary actions to maintain our society. We grant them the power to choose to rule over us according to the fundamental laws of our country and its laws and constitution. We as a people choose to submit ourselves to their rule. I disagree that our government should be allowed to run in a morally corrupt status. Eventually that corrupts society and the social fabric necessary for a strong and stable society. As Americans we have the right to civil disobedience when our leaders make decisions that oppose good will of the people. Neither do I believe any government should dictate religious beliefs or personal morality that does nothing to harm another. Unlike a majority of the world’s governments we can object and legally fight against the decisions of our government. It’s a slow process, and often flawed, but at least we have recourse. I believe a good dose of skepticism is necessary to safeguard those who rule over us. We can take that power away if need be.
. . . the people aren't united enough or self sufficient enough to take away power from the rich who control government. Nor is the majority willing to face retribution for doing so.
To answer the title question the purpose of a government is to facilitate cooperation for the well being of a nation. It exists to serve the nation not the other way around.
They didn’t really. They wanted a very limited government. Hamilton was a piece of shit and several bad Supreme Court precedents and a civil war later we find ourselves in a “soft” tyranny.
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There is only one true government, and that is God.
Obey him and him alone, and be freethinking to make clear and right judgments for yourself.
Live by the golden rule, for if everyone did, we would already be in heaven.
I'm too broke to offer financial support, but I can share the videos to support the great work
Okay now you went too far the government helps keep the illegal drugs under control, because they're big billionaire friends at Big pharma would lose out. C natural plants like marijuana and mushrooms are bad. If your cure doesn't have at least 57,000 chemicals in it it will never help you. And do you think our government would ever hurt anyone. Just because we spend over $300 billion on the weapons and war machine those weapons are for peace. Now remember every Americans violent though and you should all have your guns taken away but if you join the military then you should be allowed them same guns that they don't give you if you aren't government property. And after all if they don't take the guns what do it happen if you need them to hunt for food the government doesn't want you out hunting and they rather have your family starving and waiting for welfare. So that you can eat the processed food with 3,482 different chemicals in a slice of bread. In which the government tells you it's totally good for you but don't do that evil marijuana that will make you think clearer. And remember big brother is always your best friend and watching you. for your own good of course because we don't live in a Communist party. If we did government watching you would be more of a secure we don't trust you we're going to get you if you do anything we don't like state. Holy Spirit of Humanity
Hopefully EconTalk podcast host Russ Roberts does a episode dedicated to the hypocritical nature of state (government) sanctioned violence. Russ did a excellent podcast interview with economist & author Gary Shiffman on the Economics of Violence back in January 2021.
“Democracy is 2 wolves & a lamb voting on what’s for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
Libertarians need to develop a critique of capitalism and technology, since these two are linked with and uphold statism. The Holy Roman Empire could never have done something like the Five Eyes alliance because that technology did not exist. Also our based libertarian billionaires are either pushing transhumanism (Neuralink) or working with intelligence agencies (Palantir Technologies). They want to turn America into Singapore. I've read authors from the right (Evola, Guenon, Spengler, Junger) and from the left (Deleuze, Guattari, Baudrillard. Foucault) and they make good points. Tolstoy and Thoreau too.
@ Musk’s grandfather who had a huge impact on him growing up was an early proponent for a technocracy. I can’t help but think Elon is more of a wolf in sheep’s clothing as opposed to actually being based. Not that I disagree w a lot of what he says, I’m just not quite sold on his sincerity. I’d love to be wrong though.
Capitalism has a lot of downsides but when opposed to socialism which I’m aware is not the only other system we could be living under even if they act as if it is, beats the alternative. Personally, I’m much more keen on fascism when you look at how it was put into practice economically. Bc despite the narrative pushed, it is not synonymous w brutal authoritarianism (neither is socialism for that matter, but both can & have wound up being ran that way) bc fascism in principle is where the nation uses capital whereas capitalism is where capital uses (& exploits) the nation as the great Sir Oswald Mosley once succinctly put it.
@@amberswafford9305 Socialism has been a disaster everywhere it has been tried. And the more completely socialism is implemented, the greater the disaster and the sooner the societal collapse.
@@amberswafford9305 Capitalism, when properly limited and controlled (especially profits), is the best solution.
Socialism only works until governments run out of other people's money. It also enslaves the people.
Communism is absolute slavery.
😂 yeahhh, not sure that's gonna work out there, think tank.
A simple “no” would have saved you all this excellent work. The answer is, always has been, and always will be “NO”. And everyone needs to embrace that and commit to with all the force possible.
@@StMiBll well that is why he makes RUclips videos and we are in the comments I suppose
Do you pay income taxes?
Another good answer is with another question. "Why?"
@@StMiBll white is it that only the consumers (not creators, no one boldly placing their work for the world to see) that always have some shit to say
Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves. - Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau was a spoiled brat punk but your hero.
revolution is a form of obedience
So, if the ladyboy folks get back in power, we can revolt against that as well? Or?
Respect is earned.
Trust is earned.
Obey? It depends. Every time. Unconditional compliance? NEVER.
best comment
good point yes obey as long as they dont require you to do something bad or stop doing something good in Gods eyes. right now there are Jehovah witnesses in russia in jail for not obeying the government. they required they violate Gods laws on love of neighbor. they dont like you saying no to them.
@@rosesmith6208don’t forget those in Eritrea too.
A patriot loves his country first and his government when it deserves it.
Short answer: NO!
Long answer: Hell No!
@@SeanMurphy00 Sean, I think I love you 😂
How about "hell to the no!"
Long answer: read the book, “The most dangerous superstition”
@@Savvynomad225 Great book💯
We call private violence, crime and violence committed by the government, the law.
-George Bernard Shaw
And tax is nothing but extortion.
Demanding money through threats of loss (taking your property) or harm (locking you in a cage) for breaking THEIR RULES.. government and their agents are a criminal Extortion racket
I'm with you. It's time we refuse to support what we can clearly see is a destructive system.
Please read From Dictatorship to Democracy, the book by Dr Gene Sharp
Ok you try first
@@susanmercurio1060 I started listening, I'll finish it later. So far I think the author has some excellent analysis around power dynamics and dictatorship. However, I disagree with his fundamental assumption that "democracy" and "freedom" are equivalent.
It is my position that freedom means having no rulers. Democracy (if it were ever executed according to its theory) just makes a mob rule where conformity means power, and that to me is no different in principle than a dictatorship. It is still people claiming the right to rule others with force if necessary, in democracy it is simply justified by the belief that the will of the majority should prevail over the will of the minority.
I am an anarchist. I think people are intelligent, and quite capable of making their own decisions. All rulers are tyrants at heart, no matter how well intentioned. Any power used coercively is tyranny, and it is tyranny in all its forms that I would uproot.
@@sociallypatterneddefect9580 you got it
Many of us already have been since before the Internet even existed!!!!!
WE stopped working for taxed dollars and filing taxes decades ago!!!!
That's just the tip of the iceberg of things one can do to live Free of government.
You might start by throwing out their biggest weapon of control (govern) the Tel-LIE-vision!!!!!
They don't call it PROGRAMMING for NOTHING 📺
Speed of science
99 percent of the people in the comments are all vaccinated. And they think they know better. As soon as the next hysteria by the govt is released they will fall in line an rat on their neighbors and family. Don't think for a minute because they make obvious agreeable points here they know better or are on 'your side '
"Science is real" ...
There is nothing moral or consensual about governments. Government is force, the raw exercise of power and power does not argue. Those without power argue within the parameters established by the powerful.
Brilliant explanation
It's just hierarchy. Not only is this a natural way to create order, it is the only way. Decentralization makes you weak to anyone who is centralizing.The only other option is chaos and it never lasts long.
Goverment is rigged, the people on top are above the law. This has been true since the dawn of civilization and will be until it's dusk. I would rather people accepted those facts then ramble while being powerless.
Get in power, do things, but someone will always draw the short stick.
Assume u r referring to the current operation of many national governments, but otherwise this is an incorrect blanket statement. Many people consent to forming a gov in order to establish specific rules.
@@Richard-ki4nkgm Who decides the "rules" and laws? You don't need government and laws for a society to exist in peace and freedom. Governments are force and force is tyranny.
great words! also a thought: good art can argue outside those parameters established by the powerful, into hearts
During the fire in Lahaina the citizen's who did NOT listen to the police and made their own path out of the fire, survived.
I've frankly always found it a bit odd that I'm supposed to 'obey' some people who I don't even know and who are 1200 miles from where I live.
Yes for sure.
Well, don’t ‘obey’ them.
I've always found it a bit odd that the same rules that apply to us, far more often than not, do not apply to them.
@ like pardoning your own son for example?
@@Time_Travelling_Brother_Louie That's one good example!
By far one of the best channels on YT. Keep up the amazing work. Will invest when I can. Thank u for all your work!!
This by far is one of the best presentations you ever made I've been talking about this for 25 years most people don't believe me
Yes, we hear you. I adopted the disrespect for government authority at age 6 when the reality of compulsory education was impressed on my pissed-off little personality.
America is a republic not a democracy.
I do !
@@julieisthatartMarvelous ! Shining little jewel
@@julieisthatart Same here! ❤ Did your parents also try to beat you into conformity? My mom still doesn't understand why I barely talk to her, especially now that she realizes the truth.
Without needing to hear another word, no.
Non compliance is your civic duty, "i was just following orders" is not a defense.
It was the Lt. William Calley defense in Vietnam.
“Government is an essential part of human existence and without it we would all die.”
Source: The Government
ALL forms of hierarchy MUST end permanently.
@user-gz4ve8mw9l yes love not war lol❤Love being king the only authority aka God lol love✌🏿🤞🏿🙏🏿✋🏿🛌🏿💤😴🥺😍🥰😊😇🛋🏡💠🌎♾👑💔❤
@@user-gz4ve8mw9l Some sort of leadership is still necessary for a functional society, such as the family, mutual groups, etc. Leadership works best when it is decentralized and personal.
There's always a whole lot of brave people in the comment sections when in reality 95% of the people I observed wore the bondage muzzles for YEARS when the TV told them to.
many are frustrated with this situation, and they know deep down inside they are helpless to change it, but they are still angry and tired of it, that is why we pray "let your kingdom (government) come" we need God intervention, but the majority wont look to it for relief their egos get in teh way. God can only help humble and modest people.he wont force himself onto those who refuse to look to him for help.
@@rosesmith6208you sound like my sister. Keep up the good work.
Not me.. I refused EVERYTHING the government and their propaganda tools (media) vomitted up..
Never vaxxxed, never masked, ignored lockdowns.
Simple answer. Ditch the tv. It is so peaceful without it. No more listening to brainwashing lies. First step to freedom.
"Mother, should I trust the government?"
I think you know the answer.
No mother ever went "I'm so proud my son is a wretched politician"
"Mother's going to put all her fears into you"
"Mother's gonna make all of your nightmares come true..."
Mother should I run for president 😂🧱
It’s funny, because even the most authoritarian people nowadays will usually reply with an instinctive “no” to that question, but in the very next breath argue why the government’s authority is still moral and necessary.
A favorite quote, probably first heard from you-
Written over 400 years ago-
“Resolve to serve no more, And you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer, then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, full of his own weight and break it in pieces.”
Étienne de La Boétie
The Politics of Obedience
you knwo there is an account in the bible about how sennachrib was on a rampage of destruction in samaria and judah and when he got close to jerusalum hezekiah was a rightous ruler who prayed and prayed and worked hard to avoid compromising Gods requriements and when assyrians came to their door that night God killed 90 percent of his men and what happend? his power was gone. he went back home to be murdered by his two sons. So yes if people would not obey unlawful orders then wars would be few and far between. they have no power unless enough people obey them, but satan supports human governments and will crush any opposition, he uses propaganda, and fear against people to keep them in subjection. but only as long asGod allows it. daniel 2:44
I’m reading everyone don’t pay taxes and they’ll eat themselves for food
There is a concept known as Natural Law, which suggests that the only laws a private individual should follow are those that are inherently just and rooted in nature. Anything beyond this is merely a construct of human opinion or societal convention, rather than an absolute truth.
The Ten Commandments
This is what Anarchism is really about.
I think we have a too optimistic view on humans. From my experience we are not fit for freedom. Not in this current state.
Humans in the real world are crazy, like actually nuts. The damage is done and the more detached you are from the system, the more obvious it is
Govt should obey consent of the governed. Govt should Follow the constitution, respect the rights of private citizens.
I would love an amendment that govt gets highly punished for violating citizens rights.
Government always become tyrannical.. history shows that.. we need true anarchy
Governmyth requires people to be slave minded because freedom minded people won't put up with some stranger telling them what to do.
Hence the meme, 'Repeal 19'.
"Governmyth", that's a good one
You must be a teenager.
👌 just like the news! I ask people if they would allow a stranger to hang out with them in their living room while they discusses their views of what’s going on in today’s world and they look at you with utter disbelief. So I ask them why they allow the likes of Sandra sully and Mark Ferguson in and all you get is a puzzled look 😅
Muhammad, which flavour of boot polish is your favourite?
NO. Do NOT obey. Disobedience to immoral poorly principled societal systems, such as this Robber Baron Empire, is the best action to take.
The “robber baron empire”…. 🤦♂️
@Individual_Lives_Matter when 3 people have more money than the bottom half of the population you are in a robber baron empire, empire because of the hundreds of military bases the us have in its satellite countries
but you are obeying them if you were not they would of put you in prison, or took your job or property. have they done that? then you are obeying them. they just dont care as long as you pay your taxes and dont plot against the government. to disobey in these areas woudl be suicide and what benefit would that be to you, your family and friends? not leave it to God to destroy them, they will free human kind from all human governments. humans are not designed to rule over humans and when you add satan to the mix understand why no man can free himself from human governments and their oppressions. luke 4:4-8
"It's a big club folks
And WE ain't in it.
You and I are NOT in the big club"
- George Carlin
Same holds true for Klaus Schwab's "Stakeholder Capitalism". Hint: we plebs are not "stakeholders".
@GazGuitarz he and his goons won't last very long not so long as there are people how love freedom and will fight to the bitter end to defend it
The moment you accept an authority as your superior you become a slave.
Try not paying your taxes and see how quickly you change your mind
@@AllanHinde-mb2pr maybe because the people beforehand accepted authority as their superior and now their predecesors (us) are paying the price (we are in the slave section)?
Too bad we are born without a choice in the matter.
Most people are already (wage) slaves. Government is just a tool in the hands of the rich.
Tell that the Christians/Muslims/jews
As an anarchist, this comment section fills my heart
But most people have been duped into thinking anarchy means something different
@ of course, can’t allow the slaves to know the truth or the slaves won’t obey anymore
It's time for everyone to awaken from the Slumber in The Matrix and embrace true freedom of true Anarchy
@@Ducky-b8y What anarchy isn't by Larken Rose.
It is an eye opener.
Anarchy is fundamentally chaos, without order there can be no society
The illusion of property ownership has always puzzled me. Try not paying property taxes and you will find out that you dont own your land or your home... you rent it from the government till you cant pay for the privilege of the fantasy of ownership.
Yup, and my mortgage just went up over $300/month because they decided to raise the mill rate. I’m sure I got a letter that apologized for the “inconvenience” and thanked me for my “flexibility”.
Exactly. Too few are aware of it. Property taxes are extortion, even worse than labor taxes
If I have to pay to live in my own home, then I'm renting.....and this fact infuriates me.
Property taxes tie us to the system, otherwise you could be self sufficient on a relatively small plot of land.
The only thing government should do is protect life and property when individuals cannot. Protecting individual sovereignty and property sometimes require force. I could see this being privatized but I could also see it being the only legitimate function of government.
The globalists are already planning an AI judiciary. Yuval Harari (WEF) spoke recently about no need for future elections because AI can predict the winner before hand.
Those in government must abide by the same rules as those they govern. A government becomes invalid the moment it engages in special rulemaking due to its position.
They regularly step on and ignore our Inalienable rights as if they dont know the meaning of the word 'Inalienable'.
Then all governments are invalid from their formation. Government only exists to create rules for some and loopholes for others.
Tell that to President Poopy Pants.
The essence of liberty is simply leaving other people alone. That applies to government too.
People shouldnt fear the governments
Governments should fear the PEOPLE
Sounds great in theory !!!
No. There's your answer.
Hahaha, they will throw your butt in jail !!! Sorry...
@@richardadams6988They will do no such thing, they can try, but they will not live.
I think the real issue lies with all the people willing to enforce the edicts of the government. It doesn't matter how corrupt or asinine they are or how unjust their decrees are if we are all complicit in legitimizing their legal fictions.
You’re right but there will always be people like that. The structure is the problem. It has grown beyond accountability.
state-sponsored gangstalking by remote neural monitoring 👍👍
@@Individual_Lives_Matter - Yeah, I think when the majority of the resources get converted to money and sent off to the cities, central banks and federal government first and foremost, they get control how things get doled out. Problems follow with that centralized control. If we moved to paying taxes to local governments and then let that trickle up to the state, federal and then international level, I think the landscape would look very different. At least until they figure out how to capture that (again) as well.
Government should be followed 100% when they have these 5 attributes.
1)small enough to be toppled by a militia
2)transparent enough to show mistakes and be audited any time
3)disciplined enough to self-correct bad actors before caught by an audit
4)set minimum standards and gatekeep against non-citizens to maintain a high trust society
5)is not for profit
While government exists to serve the people, there is a reason people can benefit by not having to govern themselves. Government acts as a parent and should be comprised of experienced individuals we trust to guide us and listen to with the expectation their conglomerated wisdom is probably better than our singular knowledge - if we appointes the right people at least.
Its the people's fault for allowing government to go bad, ultimately.
The US is an example of one of the worst governments right now, and Poland one of the best.
The problem is that Government never has and ultimately never will exist to serve the people. As far as they are concerned we exist to serve them. And If we are being honest with ourselves Government will never abide by those 5 attributes or any others for that matter. It's high time we learned to govern ourselves rather than externalizing our authority to those we should know better are corrupt.
@claytonveno3710 to serve the people is the reason people enacted governmental bodies.
We're talking about the idea of government. We all already know that the majority of state governing bodies are corrupt right now and their disposition to the people.
Yes, government has turned on its members many times. No, you dont want to live in an unorganized society without structure or standards.
Again, the reason for corrupt government is the tolerant governed that let them get out of hand - not that government is inherently bad. Thats brainwashy type lolbertarian think.
You externalize some authority to your family, coworkers, and community members every day of your life already. A small amount of interdependence is healthy. Dont blame the obvious symptoms of a failed system as proof the system could never work... At least when you have no replacement besides doing everything yourself with no experience of what that entails.
....LoL .. naive theory...
@@WhiteMouse77most of philosophy is naive, because it’s theoretical
Problem with this criteria is that they assume government does not display any human characteristics or nature. What is our nature? To engage in what most benefits ourselves, and so governments like the US are in accordance with human nature. Not saying it’s good, it just is.
The government should obey us. Their only purpose is to serve our interests by keeping our rights secure and our country organized
Government is not necessary…I can govern myself and so can you
@@carolinejohnson9165 this is the way
The problem comes when you are the victim of one or more persons or corporations. What do you do when your neighbors take away your freedom, family or property?
The American Constitution was written under Common Law, but it's not what we are using now, hence the problem.
I suppose you are the only free person in the world 😂
Believe it or not, it is necessary. And Im saying this as someone who is a pro-anarchy. Government needs to exist or else there will be no common grounds where the strong will dominate the weak, unless you want our cities to be run by mob bosses.
However, government should fear the public and should be a public servant. Not the other way around.
If we lived in a racially homogeneous Nation as intended then we would have much less need for government. Western governments are at war against Whites and trying to erase us.
The measure of the state's success is that the word anarchy frightens people while the word state does not.
Very good!
The answer is NO.
But honestly, if there's no standing up against them done by the thousands, we will have to keep obeying them even though we know they're corrupt.
There's more of us than them, but nothing will be done.
And your absolutely right !!
That's why they've caged Tommy.His following
No one seems to be able to answer this question, so I hope you can be the first.
Let say the people rise up and overthrow their repressive government. What then? What happens next? Will there be a Constitutional Convention? Will there be elections? If so, who will be the delegates? Who will provide security for them and the convention and the elections as a whole? The military will be in complete disarray and law enforcement will be all but a distant memory, so that is a problem that would need to be addressed.
On a related matter, what will be done to maintain national security? Our enemies would be insane to not capitalize on the ensuing chaos to mount an invasion to take control of our nuclear arsenal and whatever advanced weapon systems we have hiding at places like dream land, so who’s going to organize and command whatever remains of our forces to repel that invasion?
Like I said, nobody seems to either be able or willing to answer these questions, so I hope you’ll be the first.
@seneca1932 the cycle will keep repeating itself. If new people come into power to help the masses, they will eventually become corrupt themselves.
@DiegoB0525 It's become a way of life!!
My absolute favorite channel on YT and the most pertinent topics for our era imo.
Love it, thank you
I highly recommend "Anarchy, State, and Utopia", by Robert Nozick, on this subject.
Stoicism is ok too.
Excelent work. Reminds me of Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem a report on the banality of evil. To abdicate morality to the government is to surrender morality to the tragedy of the commons.
We, the People should not be subservient to federal bureaucrats.
It's a Zionist cult.
The word government comes from Latin and means: Mind Control.
It could be taken as "the mind to govern (over others)" - but it does attract shallow and selfish minds, that themselves are easy to control for some majordomo... the tendency is strong.
Even the Bible had laws and restrictions!!
Popular sovereignty: The government is based on the consent of people. The government's source of authority is the people, and its power is not legitimate if it disregards the will of the people. Government established by free choice of the people is expected to serve the people, who have sovereignty, or supreme power.
That sounds great except when the government gets too big and does what it wants, regardless of elections and popular opinion.
Thats why it's a Zionist cult.
We came to believe the government was the guardian of our rights. When in actuality the people organically predisposed to infringing on our rights, is and has always been, governments.
No, especially when they are corrupt!
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lets be real. The government has absolute power because they have a monopoly on violence and control of any money you have that is not physical cash and they can take it at will with jargon or turn it off on you till you behave or get in the cage.
Its all socialism.
The system promotes corruption
So… always?
academy oF ideas.
Larken Rose's "It Can't Happen Here" and No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner should make some people's head explode.
I don't like thinking about politics often but when asked I define myself as a philosophical anarchist. For practical reasons my life choices don't always or even often reflect this position, but when it comes down to it I find the logical consistency of it elegant and beautiful (particularly in a world where power imbalances result in so much ugliness.)
You don't like that Christian shame?
@@YoungGirlz8463he dont like politcs and how they work and thinkink and they are play gym for both side also Christian
Case law: "Ever man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institution formed by his fellowman without his consent." Cruden v Neale, 2 N.C. 338 May Term 1796
A ; NO, When I was a kid we said Representative government. Now the term is "the governed" . We were NEVER meant to be "governed" the government IS supposed to serve and represent the populace NOT dictate to us. They want us to forget their proper function and be our dictators.
If they can take your money (time/effort/energy) by the threat of force (income tax), then they don’t have to represent you.
@@Individual_Lives_Matter ..People make the argument speaking out doesn't affect the government yet they want to control what you say. you say they don't have to represent us then what's the need to brainwash the public that it's the opposite ? Yes they DO have to represent us, they just need the proper 🔥 motivation. 🔥⚡
this is why pure authoritarian regimes are more honest. Elections are a scam to give a legitimacy veneer to corrupt authoritarian traitors
The State Citizen is free, subject only to the laws made in pursuance of the Constitution. The government is a public body. Servants to the people. It should be clear that a knowledgeable Citizen would not listen to a government giving unlawful directives. But we don't have knowledgeable citizens. We have a society filled with people who choose their own safety, job security, and money over freedom and liberty. It could be from their lack of knowledge regarding liberty and freedom, or it could be the sheep mentality to just go the easiest route.
Judge Learned Hand's speech on liberty from 1944 seems relevant.
Anarchy is the only way of life for me.
Anarchy, in what sense? Everyone can be free or anarchical in their own minds atleast, given ability to meditate in "transcendental" consciousness.
@@redgrengrumbholdt2671 One need not live surrounded by Anarchy in order to live by and embody it's principles. In fact, the moment you seek to install Anarchy as an overarching social practice, it ceases to be Anarchy. I survive in spite of the state, not because of it and it's destruction is therefore something which I can never seek without delegitimizing my own philosophy. It is the will of many others that they be ruled over and it is my will to be left alone to live as I see fit but I cannot be legitimate in this demand if I am unwilling to extend the same privileges to others which I seek for myself. Besides, even if I were to destroy the state, people would just create another one. The state can seem all encompassing and impossible to avoid. Indeed, if you decide to crusade against it, then it shall be. However with care and wisdom, one can reduce their interactions with, as well as their contributions to the state; in fact, depending on how dedicated you are it's possible to bring those things down to zero. Many however are not willing to go that far and I'm not entirely sure doing so is necessary. You just have to learn how to interact with the state on your own terms and avoid allowing yourself to ever become dependent upon it for your continued existence. Most importantly though, you can never participate in social welfare systems or the electoral and political process unless you wish to assume responsibility for the failings of the state. Lastly, do not underestimate the power of your mind. Even if it was only in your mind at the start, it won't stay that way. When you change yourself, you change the world. People like to think of evolution in physical terms, one creature turning into another through external pressures and random mutation but this perception is incomplete at best. Evolution doesn't begin with a physical change, more often than not it begins with a change in psychology and behavior. The creature which is to evolve must make the conscious decision to behave differently and then it must physically follow through upon that decision. No bird evolved a beak capable of breaking seeds or the crop necessary to grind them up in if they had not first began engaging in the activity of eating seeds which then forced their bodies to adapt to doing so. Yes, outside selective pressures have an effect but the only reason the gazelle began running faster than the cheetah was because it chose to run in the first place.
These are the thoughts of a King. Run like a gazelle.
Anarchy bucko Everything thats done is set by Rules from authority Go in jungel and talk about it
@AveragepoliticsEnjoyer You are free to believe that.
Never obey, only comply, and even then, only when just.
It depends. Government is a consequence of people. If the government is bad, that indicates that the people in the government are bad, and those people are just a subset of the overall population. It's a mistake to think that the people running the government are the bad people and the people not running the government are the good people. There's a lot of crossover. If the majority of people are too stupid or apathetic to put good people in government then that is an indictment on the moral character of the general population. If the vast majority of the people were good responsible and conscientious voters then you'd never have a bad government.
Government is a Democide cult.
But good government does not exist. Sorry.
I agree but I think we need to factor in the fact that our institutions have been captured and turned against the people, misinforming them for generations. We also live in a high-tech world and face tools of corruption never faced by humans throughout recorded history.
Are you for real
@JonHart-y5o Each of us decides what the degree of reality is for any subject. If a person's mind decides that something is mostly real but it isn't, the result can be an increased probability of unexpected results, which can cause suffering. Predicting what is real increases the probability that a person can avoid a situation that causes suffering.
CASE LAW: Penhallow v. Doane's Admin, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54).
"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, & a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating & attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons & the contracts between them."
The government should obey us. Simple
It should not even exist.
Nobody is qualified to governm other than themselves.
@@nitsudocsicnarf347 It only exists because the same corrupt soulless entities keep spreading their tentacles far and wide. From sea to shining see. It’s always been going on.
America has its own version of Mythology. The founding fathers and the constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
True, and that is the basis for our Republic, but that presents a dilemma. Since the vast majority of people in the comments and online seem to believe, in their infinite wisdom, that all governments are illegitimate in one way or another, no matter what form they take, the only logical conclusion would be that the people have, themselves, become illegitimate and therefore should not be obeyed and should be abolished.
@@seneca1932 That’s real Cute. Keep thinking it through.
this is 1 of da best vids on utube 4 explaining why all gov'ts on earth operate illegally according to Natural Moral Law!!!
Government is based on the violation of the most basic moral principle, i.e. the Non-Aggression Principle. There exists no right or authority that Government claims for itself that individuals do not have, but Government rules by authority based on violence or the threat of violence, and on that basis only.
Its a zionist cult.
If it becomes a tool of complete and utter repression and oligarchy, I aim to misbehave...
No, the answer is no.
Great video!!!! KEEP GOING! THIS IS POWERFUL!! EVERYONE needs to watch this!
Gandhi taught that compliance with an unjust law is evil.
It is unethical to enforce bad laws. In the very near future crimes will require victims.
WE, THE PEOPLE are The Government. The Constitution says so. Local, State, and Federal have overstepped on The Constitution.
They must be worthy to govern. And lately, that has become problematic.
I absolutely love how in-depth you discuss the topics on your channel!
One of the founding fathers of this once great country said, " Government at its very best is a necessary evil and at its worst it is an intolerable one." And its been a long time since its been at its best.
What originally made this such a great country was a small government with few basic laws and interest free money. 3/4 of our present day government servants are unnecessary and incompetent parasites on the rest of the people.
Politics = competition for power and resources, and when diplomacy fails, war happens. Two of the biggest most profitable business scams are WAR and ILLNESS.
The Bill of Rights was written to protect you from the government. Most of what was written after that enslaves you to corrupt corporate America. Cops and courts hate it. Most cops know little if anything about the bill of rights. Yet they swear an oath to uphold the bill of rights. Being in violation of their oath is grounds for termination.
Simple answer: Nope. Our American government is supposed to answer to us, because of democracy. Laws, rules and regulations should be what the majority agrees to, for the greater good.
No. It is run by narcissists.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such ...
Democracy is tyranny.
Consent - this is where manipulation comes into play, witheld information, disinformation, scare tactics, appeals to emotions et cetera.
The government should obey the people, not the other way around.
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Pirates=admiralty law. Governed by…consent
hail satan
Pirates had a democracy of sorts. They could vote for their captain if they didn't like their current one, or he didn't raise enough loot.
What's even more, there is actually no such "thing" as government, there are only people (making claims).
All governments fail eventually because there is no ethical way to force your morals onto you neighbors.
One of your best videos. Almost perfect
(I would just argue about the 33-39 era in Germany where the government actively improved the life of the citizens and seemed to really care, especially when you compare to now where criminals are released, but you can go to jail for a Facebook post)
People should not fear their government. The government should fear its people.
A fantastic commentary, well done. Related reading on this subject “The Constitution of No Authority” by Lysander Spooner.
Dialectics and reason ain’t gonna work. What did that Greek dude say, Don’t quote laws to we who hold swords.
Governments should obey the people..
or bureaucrats are better people 👍👍
Yes an no it's a government that has done a lot to the people we need to bring this country back
The original purpose of the United States government was not to be "obeyed" nor is that word present once in the declaration of independence or constitution but yet here we are.
There was a push for fascism before the county was ever founded
Your thumbnail icon is a 2D representation of a cube, Which historically represents punishment and Entrapment in time and space. Edit: Just no
Ticed it's even cubes inside of cubes.
the government doesn't have your best interest in mind
In America we the people are the government. We vote in leadership, in good faith, that they will conduct and implement the necessary actions to maintain our society. We grant them the power to choose to rule over us according to the fundamental laws of our country and its laws and constitution. We as a people choose to submit ourselves to their rule.
I disagree that our government should be allowed to run in a morally corrupt status. Eventually that corrupts society and the social fabric necessary for a strong and stable society.
As Americans we have the right to civil disobedience when our leaders make decisions that oppose good will of the people.
Neither do I believe any government should dictate religious beliefs or personal morality that does nothing to harm another.
Unlike a majority of the world’s governments we can object and legally fight against the decisions of our government. It’s a slow process, and often flawed, but at least we have recourse.
I believe a good dose of skepticism is necessary to safeguard those who rule over us.
We can take that power away if need be.
This is the only comment on this video that I've seen yet which is actually a breath of fresh rationality. Thank you.
Very based💯🙏
Meanwhile in reality: Americans are centrally controlled by a state apparatus rivaled in size only by China.
. . . the people aren't united enough or self sufficient enough to take away power from the rich who control government.
Nor is the majority willing to face retribution for doing so.
That is such a sweet and naive take. Elections enable the illusion of consent.
To answer the title question the purpose of a government is to facilitate cooperation for the well being of a nation. It exists to serve the nation not the other way around.
Profound content as always, AOI...
This has helped me to understand a lot of notions I've been struggling to piece together, thank you!
If you seek to be led, you seek to be misled.
An unjust law is no law at all.
To answer your question, we should abolish it. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. We absolutely need to take our power back
The answer to the question is, HELL NO!!! "THEY" work for us, "WE" don't work for "THEM". "THEY" must do as we ask of "THEM".
Obey the government? I would say not always but the government has a way of saying: "Ve haf vays uf making you obey us."
In a war of attrition, losses must be accepted
Kamala "with the swipe of my pen" Harris agrees.
No ! The government needs to obey we the people!!!
No. Why does it take 18 minutes to say this?
I see you friend
It is not a simple thing to unindoctrinate someone
Americans. They think every thought they think amd every word they say, everyone wants to hear about in detail 😅
@@fingerprint5511 Ironic, whyd you comment? Oh, the
Absurdist irony.
The option to leave. In order to leave you have to pay a fee and then penalty taxes on top of it. Are you really free if that’s the case?
Glad our founding fathers said no. But then they turned around and did the same thing, so the problem is a flaw in the nature of humans.
They didn’t really. They wanted a very limited government. Hamilton was a piece of shit and several bad Supreme Court precedents and a civil war later we find ourselves in a “soft” tyranny.
Perfect timing for this gem. 👌
Incredible video. I appreciate AOI.
Quick answer, only as much as what keeps you out of jail…
Don't house and feed me bro.
@ that’s your job my friend..