Next best “screw you” to this event is defenderknights clears where they wait like 9 minutes until the freeze (from the map hazard) eventually turns into cold only.
Pretty sure if you kept Skalter, Skalter's doll DOT did just as much damage as Ulpianus does solely cause of his low atsp and frozen debuff. I hate this stage because of the stupid gimmick.
That was the most "Screw You" to an Event Gimmick that i ever seen.
Next best “screw you” to this event is defenderknights clears where they wait like 9 minutes until the freeze (from the map hazard) eventually turns into cold only.
Immovable object vs unstoppable force ahh clear. My man Chadpianus is a fuckin high risk CC enemies
Frozen fishes vs the fridge
Now we only need an abyssal hunter who can provide status resistance to all abyssal hunters
Boss with a nuke vs. Operator with a nuke
Ulpianus with abyssal hunter team is basically Surtr hospital squad but afk
Thanks for the run I can iterally do this in event rerun with my fish squad
this makes my head hurt
like having a brain freeze? 😏
냉동참치 ㄷㄷㄷ
Bro is a fucking menace 😭
너무 오래 걸려서 기믹 찬바람이 끝났잖아
may I know when will we r able to change the skill/module of the character we borrow??
Pretty sure if you kept Skalter, Skalter's doll DOT did just as much damage as Ulpianus does solely cause of his low atsp and frozen debuff. I hate this stage because of the stupid gimmick.
중섭은 은심호도 복각하나보네...
그건그렇고 어비셜팟이 구닥다리라고 하는 사람도 있는데 아무리봐도 억까인건 확실하네 ㅋ
대공 박아서 그렇지 땅바닥 틀어막는건 든든함...
@@lovina6652 전적으로 동의~
하도 든든해서 다른 오퍼 컨트롤하고 상황에 신경 더 쓸 수 있어서 좋음
어비셜팟이 구닥다리라기보단
울피안 글래디아는 밸류가 개높은데 나머지 멤버들은 굳이굳이가 된 거에 가까움