What Is Discipleship and How Is It Done?

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 779
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

Комментарии •

  • @BibleJourneyMinistries
    @BibleJourneyMinistries 4 года назад +60

    Majoring in Christian Discipleship in graduate school. These were my exact two outcomes: to evangelize the lost and train them in the word once saved + help current believers grow even closer all while I’m learning and growing from others as well.

    • @BrunDawgie
      @BrunDawgie 3 года назад +1

      Perfecto! Thanks for your concise and thorough answer.

      @DEAR.HOLYSPIRIT 2 года назад +1

      Also Mark 3:13-19 cast out demons

    • @williamwhite6867
      @williamwhite6867 Год назад

      Thank you for your clear concise description of discipleship.
      Actually a real help in my life ❤.

  • @localdwlr_cvtem1458
    @localdwlr_cvtem1458 4 года назад +64

    Discipleship is biblical and we need to practice this. I come to realize that discipleship is important. If discipleship is not happening in your life as a Christian, no matter how many years you've been a Christian, then the world is discipling you without even noticing it.
    Honestly, I went to a church for almost 6 years and did not experience discipleship. Even though I read many good theology books on Christian living, I realize I was being self-sufficient and a lone ranger. As of now, I'm part of a church where discipleship groups meet together and praying that we and others in the body would take discipleship seriously.

    • @amberbrown8959
      @amberbrown8959 3 года назад +1


    • @PerfectByClip
      @PerfectByClip Год назад +1

      Amen to that, I feel the need to be in active discipleship with fellow brothers and sisters. It's extremely important to look at all kinds of solidified views. Different denominations, each of them alike see God in a different light that's good and encouraging, minus clear corruption of demonic teaching which is to be debated. You see a tree by its fruits. Anyways, guess I just want to encourage you to keep preaching Jesus, he's good. Miracles, signs, and wonders do exist with all the glory going to Jesus Christ.

  • @rosebudpumpkinseed1745
    @rosebudpumpkinseed1745 6 месяцев назад +4

    Just started being a discipler!

  • @leadersofleaders
    @leadersofleaders 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing this, and may the Lord continue to bless you and your teaching.

  • @livingalifeoftruthministries
    @livingalifeoftruthministries 2 года назад +7

    So excited to be discipled soon! Can't wait till I can make disciples!

  • @TheGnosticChristian
    @TheGnosticChristian 5 лет назад +14

    "Make disciples," (Mt 28:19) is one of our commissions. Not to be confused w/being a Life Coach. A Disciple Maker is, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, a Tour Guide. Amen 😉

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 года назад +4

      Keith Green once said in a song, that the church is a sleep in the light, and that we like the light of out TV more then the light of the World!
      We live in a day and, age where most christians do not want to be Discipled...I do not need any headship, God speaks to me . . .
      Most of the reason that we don't want to be Disciples is, then we would have to be responsible with the knowledge given to us . . . We want a Christianity that will not cost us anything? I don't have to witness to others, that's not my calling. The Great Commission isn't a calling, but a commission to all of God's Saints. God didn't save you, for you just to sit in a pew in the church building. If you are truly saved you are a Bond slave to Christ you are not your own you were bought with a price. . . .so stop resisting God!
      In the Backpacking community there is a term "hike your own hike" or HYOH, don't tell me anything I will learn this on my own . . .in the 1970s people would go around saying "Do your own thing" but if you look closely at these people . . .most people saying this where all doing almost the exact same things. . .
      As believers in Christ, we need to humble ourselves and be willing to learn from our leaders . . .Many future Pastor go to Bible Schools and pay a lot of money to learn what they elect to study . . .
      In Jesus's day the requirement to be a Disciple was you had to forsake all Luke 14:33 Whosoever KJV, in this day and age we just need to pass the test. . .then we can get our degree saying we are now pastors. . .
      Most contemporary church leadership, today have paid a very little cost for there credentials, that allows them to shop around to the highest bidders
      to get the highest salary to come on staff as a pastor...Many church organizations have a team that looks for pastors that they can hire . . .
      In Jesus day the men that became future church leaders, many times were unlearned men . . . men that weren't looking for just a paycheck, but men willing to forsake all to and be Disciples . . .men that would eventually lose their lives for the sake of Christ.
      Today many of our church Pastors have never been Disciples, so they don't know how to Disciple other men . . .a Pastor that has never been a Disciple would do good to humbly leave the ministry for a time of Discipleship . . .
      The World is going to Hell, because our church leaders, many of them have head knowledge, but have never been Discipled to do the work of the ministry themselves . . . Jesus said to for sake all, then he said in Mark 16:15 Go into all the World and Harold the gospel salvation with conviction to everyone . . . To be a Pastor, means just that to Pastor or Disciple men to do the work of the ministry, to help faithful Discipled men, find their destiny in Christ . . .to teach men to Speak the Gospel of Salvation as a lifestyle to all people.... Roman's 10:14-17
      And to go and seek out them that are lost making disciples of all men. . .Hodos!
      -Friar Rodney Burnap

    • @ohnobo14
      @ohnobo14 2 года назад

      I wish everyone that commented here would have read this first

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 2 года назад

      @@friarrodneyburnap4336 a disciple has a Rabbi / teacher, when Jesus says make disciples he means that their Rabbi / teacher is Jesus, not you. Not anyone else.
      The following are the words of God the Son. Do with them what you will:
      And they love the uppermost rooms at feasts... and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your teacher, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
      "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."
      - JESUS

  • @ranimungcal
    @ranimungcal 3 года назад +5

    Amen and amen!blessed be the name of the Lord alone!❤️

  • @mauireyes674
    @mauireyes674 4 года назад +4

    Thanks, so clear explanation.

  • @OfficiallyJaaLa
    @OfficiallyJaaLa Год назад

    Thank you for this!! God bless you and your ministry! 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @HearGodsWord
    @HearGodsWord 6 лет назад +4

    Very helpful

  • @kevingreaux7133
    @kevingreaux7133 4 месяца назад

    Showing unbelievers Christ also means telling people the whole gospel and not shaving off the edges of the truth to make the gospel more appealing. All too often when people evangelize they are afraid or ashamed to tell people the whole truth.

  • @lydiameriana3154
    @lydiameriana3154 4 года назад +2

    Thank u!!!

  • @Joecho7777
    @Joecho7777 5 лет назад +3


  • @pauloaraujo7887
    @pauloaraujo7887 3 года назад

    Thank you

  • @themiguellebron
    @themiguellebron 3 года назад +2

    Answer begins at 1:52

    • @sethlester1659
      @sethlester1659 3 года назад

      Thank you, I was wondering when he was going to finally get to the point.

  • @keilana6
    @keilana6 4 года назад +3

    Seeking discipleship for 25 years in the church. Have not found any where that I have attended. Should be the most important ministry. Have found it difficult to become a disciple on my own.

    • @LoyaPlaysMinecraft
      @LoyaPlaysMinecraft 7 месяцев назад

      I hope you’ve been doing well in your journey and walk with Jesus. What has helped me is reading the gospels and what Jesus commanded for his followers + the letters in the New Testament. So once you have that knowledge you take the faith you have to act on that knowledge and having the self control to keep doing the good you know what to do

  • @someperson9536
    @someperson9536 4 года назад +11

    It is my understanding that making disciples means to help people to follow Jesus. You don't have to meet with someone during a time called "discipleship" in order to help someone to follow Jesus. Helping someone to follow Jesus counts as making disciples whether or not you call the time spent with other people "discipleship time."

    • @stephenbabine9032
      @stephenbabine9032 3 года назад

      Start with Eph 4:11 and read all of the Acts of the Dsciples made Apostles and you will see there is much much more in Discipleship that Yeshua Commanded but said wait until you are EMPOWERED from above which was/is still the Baptism of Yeshua and FIRE called the Baptism of or by the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues also much much more that most believe and or have not be discipled into this knowledge thus still ignorant milk feeding babies. HEB. 5

    • @countmontecristo2832
      @countmontecristo2832 5 месяцев назад

      Discipleship is a lifelong process. It starts from the time a person starts to follow Christ and continues into the person's lifetime.

  • @countmontecristo2832
    @countmontecristo2832 5 месяцев назад

    In my church we practice the IRD method of discipleship.

  • @WWStudio360
    @WWStudio360 3 года назад +6

    What would you suggest for the church to implement some intentional moves toward discipleship? I heard you talk about all of us doing some form of discipleship but could there be a way for the church today to make way for a church that makes disciples regularly and not just seasonally? Community is the life of a believer and the life of the church but the problem we are facing today is people are isolating more and more and there is less of meeting up and doing life together so there are more people falling through the cracks and not finishing the race. As the church we are called to make disciples and make intentional ways for people to meet and grow in Christ, if this is not being done then we are in disobedience.

    • @localdwlr_cvtem1458
      @localdwlr_cvtem1458 Год назад

      jesse thank you for sharing. this is what i've learned when it comes to discipleship. the church is the first place where discipleship should happen. every Sunday the pastor preaches the sermon and encourages the church to apply it after. The church I go to we have discipleship groups where we talk about the sermon, listen to feedback and concerns, and determine how should we apply it in the following days. Also, it is a blessing to meet other believers in different walks of life.
      proverbs 27 17 - iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another

  • @leighb.8508
    @leighb.8508 5 лет назад +10

    "Disciples" were first called "Christians" at Antioch, yet the meaning of the words are different. You can't even use them interchangeably. Jesus said, "go make disciples," not go make "Christians." He said, "...be My disciple," not "...be My Christian." Therefore, a disciple may be called a Christian but a Christian may not necessarily also be called a disciple. There's a difference! Besides the difference in meaning and use, there's a definitive Word on what Jesus said a disciple actually is, from Luke 14:25-33. (I believe this summation is the primary reason that "many" will say "Lord, Lord!" in that day and not be able to enter heaven; because they loved Jesus only up to the point where it would cost them something, or everything. They loved the benefits and blessings of following Jesus, instead of Jesus Himself). If you follow Jesus as a disciple, it's going to cost you something, maybe everything, but HE IS WORTH IT!
    Luke 14:25-33 KJV
    ...And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, *If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.* For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. So likewise, *whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple...* Luke 14:25-33 KJV
    Here's how Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines "Disciple" and "Christian."
    DISCIPLE, noun [Latin , to learn.]
    1. A learner; a scholar; one who receives or professes to receive instruction from another; as the disciples of Plato.
    2. A follower; an adherent to the doctrines of another. Hence the constant attendants of Christ were called his disciples; and hence all Christians are called his disciples, as they profess to learn and receive his doctrines and precepts.
    DISCIPLE, verb transitive
    1. To teach; to train, or bring up.
    2. To make disciples of; to convert to doctrines or principles.
    This authority he employed in sending missionaries to disciple all nations.
    3. To punish; to discipline. [Not in use.]
    CHRISTIAN, noun
    1. A believer in the religion of Christ.
    2. A professor of his belief in the religion of Christ.
    3. A real disciple of Christ; one who believes in the truth of the christian religion, and studies to follow the example, and obey the precepts, of Christ; a believer in Christ who is characterized by real piety.
    4. In a general sense, the word Christians includes all who are born in a christian country or of christian parents.
    CHRISTIAN, adjective [See the Noun.]
    1. Pertaining to Christ, taught by him, or received from him; as the christian religion; christian doctrines.
    2. Professing the religion of Christ; as a christian friend.
    3. Belonging to the religion of Christ; relating to Christ, or to his doctrines, precepts and example; as christian profession and practice.
    4. Pertaining to the church; ecclesiastical; as courts christian
    CHRISTIAN, verb transitive To baptize.

    • @missmargmillionaire6421
      @missmargmillionaire6421 5 лет назад +5

      # 3 of definition of christian is a disciple, your argument is null and void. A disciple is a follower/student of Christ. So is a Christian. Period.

    • @JonathanGrandt
      @JonathanGrandt Год назад

      Was Judas a disciple?
      Was Judas a Christian?
      Was Judas a believer?

  • @justinstorm
    @justinstorm Год назад

    Thank you so much. Lifted a huge weight of amibiguity

  • @electropalsceo
    @electropalsceo 6 лет назад +5

    A believer is a Disciple

    • @stephenbabine9032
      @stephenbabine9032 3 года назад

      Then you say all the demons are his disciples because they believe as most Christians only are believers but not following in the "footsteps" of their Messiah Yeshua that he taught as the Great Shepherd as disciples became The Dusciples but later made disciples that made more disciples like Yeshua had done to then in SMALL GROUPS and still belonging to a mass of disciples that gather as a large community...where the shepherd does his job and that is make us healthy for the master Shepherd. As only sheep make sheep shepherds do not and cannot make sheep/pastors! Peter FEED my sheep! Sheep follow shepherds and know the Master Good Shepherd's voice!

    • @electropalsceo
      @electropalsceo 3 года назад +1

      @@stephenbabine9032 before you say anything, you need to read your bible

    • @yancey5587
      @yancey5587 Год назад

      a disciple makes it his life’s mission to make other disciples and to baptize in the name of Jesus.

  • @joycesarala6673
    @joycesarala6673 Год назад +3

    i dont think Jesus meant discipleship to be complicated

  • @Chief124
    @Chief124 9 месяцев назад


  • @johnknop6825
    @johnknop6825 2 года назад +1

    Jesus is very clear that converts are not disciple. Jesus very clearly gives requirements to being His disciple.

  • @13forty4ministry4
    @13forty4ministry4 6 лет назад +10

    We just did a similar video on our ministry channel!

  • @someperson9536
    @someperson9536 4 года назад +2

    Is telling non-Christians about God's plan of salvation a part of making disciples?

    • @mountainman5025
      @mountainman5025 4 года назад +2

      Yes. Disciple means follower of Christ. To lead someone to the LORD, is to make them a follower of Christ. They still need to be taught His ways though.

  • @joashmbogholi8168
    @joashmbogholi8168 Год назад

    Can you give scholarship to teens who want to start discipleship

  • @CalebSDavis
    @CalebSDavis 6 лет назад +13

    Never thought I would say this but, unfortunately Pastor John is wrong. And this is what happens when we don’t study Jewish culture.
    Discipleship is jewish, and Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi who had Jewish disicples and used a jewish discipleship method. Hence he used words like “Come follow me” or “When a disciple is fully trained he will be like his teacher.” These are all not original these are in reference to rabbinic discipleship.
    Very easy to research and very much historical facts. There is a distinction in discipleship, it is very different than what we do today and if more teachers made disciples we would see more authentic believers

    • @DJ-zh7es
      @DJ-zh7es 6 лет назад +5

      I'm not following your point. What did he say that you feel is false?

    • @RocZi
      @RocZi 5 лет назад +1

      interested to know what is the difference with what Pastor John is saying too. Pls let us know your interpretations vs his

    • @deandreross4745
      @deandreross4745 5 лет назад +1

      RocZi you have to look at his last sentence to understand. he’s comparing what a disciple should be to what a Christian is today.. tbh the everyday Christian is not AUTHENTIC.
      there’s verses that a Christian must be a disciple that’s what I agree to in the video, but a disciple is the salt of the earth or the light of the world, we are to change the world and spread the gospel, as the 12 disciples did through the Holy Spirit.
      now it’s been over 2000 years so almost the whole world (outside of like places like North Korea) at least know ABOUT Jesus, so you might say the very day Christian has nothing less to spread to since people are openly rejecting it..
      but I say to you.. even the “Christians” who feel there living the Christian life needs to be lessened in discipleship. I can tell the Christian who goes to church for a prosperity, health or wealth sermon or because there bills are due and they need a financial breakthrough clearly didn’t follow Jesus and his TRUE teachings. we are not even to inherit this world, we are too change it, to save it.. preform these miracles not cause our friend is sick.. (that’s why many can’t heal) but to testify to a non believer and bring glory to the father.
      even now I’m uprooting this “western American Christianity” in the name of our father, because it’s simply either makes you lukewarm are unknown to the father. why do you think may say “god loves me, so he won’t send me to hell cause I’m gay, he wouldn’t have made me this way”
      this is deception at its finest, and EXACLTY proof to why we aren’t being true disciples.
      that’s why I don’t even call my self the title Christian, Jesus didn’t even use that name.. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, in honor of the father..
      a “Christian” in America is not about how you live.. sadly we don’t understand that’s suppose to separate us from the rest of the gentiles as Israel was to be from the world.. a true believer is asking “god, what do you want me to do today “ not in desire or distress to this world.

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 года назад

      Keith Green once said in a song, that the church is a sleep in the light, and that we like the light of out TV more then the light of the World!
      We live in a day and, age where most christians do not want to be Discipled...I do not need any headship, God speaks to me . . .
      Most of the reason that we don't want to be Disciples is, then we would have to be responsible with the knowledge given to us . . . We want a Christianity that will not cost us anything? I don't have to witness to others, that's not my calling. The Great Commission isn't a calling, but a commission to all of God's Saints. God didn't save you, for you just to sit in a pew in the church building. If you are truly saved you are a Bond slave to Christ you are not your own you were bought with a price. . . .so stop resisting God!
      In the Backpacking community there is a term "hike your own hike" or HYOH, don't tell me anything I will learn this on my own . . .in the 1970s people would go around saying "Do your own thing" but if you look closely at these people . . .most people saying this where all doing almost the exact same things. . .
      As believers in Christ, we need to humble ourselves and be willing to learn from our leaders . . .Many future Pastor go to Bible Schools and pay a lot of money to learn what they elect to study . . .
      In Jesus's day the requirement to be a Disciple was you had to forsake all Luke 14:33 Whosoever KJV, in this day and age we just need to pass the test. . .then we can get our degree saying we are now pastors. . .
      Most contemporary church leadership, today have paid a very little cost for there credentials, that allows them to shop around to the highest bidders to get the highest salary to come on staff as a pastor...Many church organizations have a team that looks for pastors that they can hire . . .
      In Jesus day the men that became future church leaders, many times were unlearned men . . . men that weren't looking for just a paycheck, but men willing to forsake all to and be Disciples . . .men that would eventually lose their lives for the sake of Christ.
      Today many of our church Pastors have never been Disciples, so they don't know how to Disciple other men . . .a Pastor that has never been a Disciple would do good to humbly leave the ministry for a time of Discipleship . . .
      The World is going to Hell, because our church leaders, many of them have head knowledge, but have never been Discipled to do the work of the ministry themselves . . . Jesus said to for sake all, then he said in Mark 16:15 Go into all the World and Harold the gospel salvation with conviction to everyone . . . To be a Pastor, means just that to Pastor or Disciple men to do the work of the ministry, to help faithful Discipled men, find their destiny in Christ . . .to teach men to Speak the Gospel of Salvation as a lifestyle to all people.... Roman's 10:14-17
      And to go and seek out them that are lost making disciples of all men. . .Hodos!
      -Friar Rodney Burnap

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 года назад

      @@deandreross4745 Keith Green once said in a song, that the church is a sleep in the light, and that we like the light of out TV more then the light of the World!
      We live in a day and, age where most christians do not want to be Discipled...I do not need any headship, God speaks to me . . .
      Most of the reason that we don't want to be Disciples is, then we would have to be responsible with the knowledge given to us . . . We want a Christianity that will not cost us anything? I don't have to witness to others, that's not my calling. The Great Commission isn't a calling, but a commission to all of God's Saints. God didn't save you, for you just to sit in a pew in the church building. If you are truly saved you are a Bond slave to Christ you are not your own you were bought with a price. . . .so stop resisting God!
      In the Backpacking community there is a term "hike your own hike" or HYOH, don't tell me anything I will learn this on my own . . .in the 1970s people would go around saying "Do your own thing" but if you look closely at these people . . .most people saying this where all doing almost the exact same things. . .
      As believers in Christ, we need to humble ourselves and be willing to learn from our leaders . . .Many future Pastor go to Bible Schools and pay a lot of money to learn what they elect to study . . .
      In Jesus's day the requirement to be a Disciple was you had to forsake all Luke 14:33 Whosoever KJV, in this day and age we just need to pass the test. . .then we can get our degree saying we are now pastors. . .
      Most contemporary church leadership, today have paid a very little cost for there credentials, that allows them to shop around to the highest bidders to get the highest salary to come on staff as a pastor...Many church organizations have a team that looks for pastors that they can hire . . .
      In Jesus day the men that became future church leaders, many times were unlearned men . . . men that weren't looking for just a paycheck, but men willing to forsake all to and be Disciples . . .men that would eventually lose their lives for the sake of Christ.
      Today many of our church Pastors have never been Disciples, so they don't know how to Disciple other men . . .a Pastor that has never been a Disciple would do good to humbly leave the ministry for a time of Discipleship . . .
      The World is going to Hell, because our church leaders, many of them have head knowledge, but have never been Discipled to do the work of the ministry themselves . . . Jesus said to for sake all, then he said in Mark 16:15 Go into all the World and Harold the gospel salvation with conviction to everyone . . . To be a Pastor, means just that to Pastor or Disciple men to do the work of the ministry, to help faithful Discipled men, find their destiny in Christ . . .to teach men to Speak the Gospel of Salvation as a lifestyle to all people.... Roman's 10:14-17
      And to go and seek out them that are lost making disciples of all men. . .Hodos!
      -Friar Rodney Burnap

  • @JeremyBarker-s1h
    @JeremyBarker-s1h Год назад

    If your goal is to own materialism, your not a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • @Cgcoleman4691
    @Cgcoleman4691 5 лет назад +5

    You can be a Christian without being a Disciple but you can not be a Disciple without being a Christian.
    FYI: A Disciple is a learned one but the Bible speaks about carnal (worldly) Christians.

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 года назад

      Keith Green once said in a song, that the church is a sleep in the light, and that we like the light of out TV more then the light of the World!
      We live in a day and, age where most christians do not want to be Discipled...I do not need any headship, God speaks to me . . .
      Most of the reason that we don't want to be Disciples is, then we would have to be responsible with the knowledge given to us . . . We want a Christianity that will not cost us anything? I don't have to witness to others, that's not my calling. The Great Commission isn't a calling, but a commission to all of God's Saints. God didn't save you, for you just to sit in a pew in the church building. If you are truly saved you are a Bond slave to Christ you are not your own you were bought with a price. . . .so stop resisting God!
      In the Backpacking community there is a term "hike your own hike" or HYOH, don't tell me anything I will learn this on my own . . .in the 1970s people would go around saying "Do your own thing" but if you look closely at these people . . .most people saying this where all doing almost the exact same things. . .
      As believers in Christ, we need to humble ourselves and be willing to learn from our leaders . . .Many future Pastor's go to Bible Schools and pay a lot of money to learn what they elect to study . . .
      In Jesus's day the requirement to be a Disciple was you had to forsake all Luke 14:33 Whosoever KJV, in this day and age we just need to pass the test. . .then we can get our degree saying we are now pastors. . .
      Most contemporary church leadership, today have paid a very little cost for there credentials, that allows them to shop around to the highest bidders to get the highest salary to come on staff as a pastor...Many church organizations have a team that looks for pastors that they can hire . . .
      In Jesus day the men that became future church leaders, many times were unlearned men . . . men that weren't looking for just a paycheck, but men willing to forsake all to and be Disciples . . .men that would eventually lose their lives for the sake of Christ.
      Today many of our church Pastors have never been Disciples, so they don't know how to Disciple other men . . .a Pastor that has never been a Disciple would do good to humbly leave the ministry for a time of Discipleship . . .
      The World is going to Hell, because our church leaders, many of them have head knowledge, but have never been Discipled to do the work of the ministry themselves . . . Jesus said to for sake all, then he said in Mark 16:15 Go into all the World and Harold the gospel salvation with conviction to everyone . . . To be a Pastor, means just that to Pastor or Disciple men to do the work of the ministry, to help faithful Discipled men, find their destiny in Christ . . .to teach men to Speak the Gospel of Salvation as a lifestyle to all people.... Roman's 10:14-17
      And to go and seek out them that are lost making disciples of all men. . .Hodos!
      -Friar Rodney Burnap

    • @YoxxSHIxx
      @YoxxSHIxx 4 года назад

      That's not what Jesus said

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 года назад

      @@YoxxSHIxx What is not what Jesus said...?

    • @YoxxSHIxx
      @YoxxSHIxx 4 года назад

      @@friarrodneyburnap4336 your not a Christian if your not Jesus Christ diciple

    • @YoxxSHIxx
      @YoxxSHIxx 4 года назад

      @@friarrodneyburnap4336 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • @JeremyBarker-s1h
    @JeremyBarker-s1h Год назад

    Jesus said to get rid of your belongongs to be a disciple. So why do teachers like this

  • @ktmlifer
    @ktmlifer 2 года назад

    Here’s how it’s done. ruclips.net/video/_THcM0RYNN0/видео.html

  • @nathanblack3607
    @nathanblack3607 3 года назад

    “Cultural persecution…” 🙄