Avoid PSAudio Strata. The built-in streamer does not work. PS Audio NEVER RESOLVED THE STREAMING SOFTWARE ISSUE SINCE BETA TESTING, AND KNOWINGLY RELEASED THE FAULTY PRODUCT. The unit will continuously require resetting which over the long term will damage it. And you will not get any assistance from the Colorado manufacturer.
I own the Strata. **The streaming software doesn't work.** Causes repeated lock-ups despite firmware updates. Even PS Audio no longer responds as they have no clue how to resolve this issue. Despite the decent SQ, I advise avoiding the Strata. It's clearly not ready for primetime and is cynically released to the public.
The BEST moment of PS Audio Strata ownership is the moment you sell it. Why? Because the built-in streamer is underdeveloped. There are no software updates, and the unit consistently crashes, and the Boulder guys are unresponsive. Save yourself the money and hassle and look elsewhere for an all-in-one unit.
國仁兄呢排咩事喪汁自己英文發音 😅
陳𡩋成日提單元大低音寬鬆d 而細聲時都有好低音
想請教下 係咪大聲細聲都係座地喇叭著數? 想升級喇叭
同價錢計 細座地804d3好 定頂級書架tad me1好
至於英文發音,always 要讀正音既,無得話自己讀得書少(雖然係事實)而要求開脫,咁有觀眾提點,執得返就執返佢,係好事來既(國仁)
呢個 topic 值得講多一集
pro trick: you can watch series on flixzone. Me and my gf have been using it for watching loads of movies lately.
@Harper Rory Yea, been watching on Flixzone for years myself :)
@Harper Rory definitely, have been using flixzone for since december myself =)
小弟都用緊佢部DirectStream DAC, 啲聲即刻寬鬆自然,仲有得免費update佢個FPGA,聲音上再有升級
最後果句 ‘最緊要知道自己做緊乜’👍🏻
国仁哥,想睇 BHK 前级和 mono 既 review!
讚定先!PS Audio喎。Paul McGowan嘅Ask Paul有啲似國仁個人頻道嘅「國仁齋talk」,有意思得嚟又學到嘢。
國仁兄,講講Bowers & Wilkins PI7 True Wireless In-Ear Headphones,唔該
請問這款與oppo HA-1 可以做個簡單的評價嗎?
對於DAC 部分使用來說明一下..謝謝!
呢部推 focal aria 926 得唔得? 夾唔夾呢?
krell kav400xi如何?
应该和 Lyngdorf 2170 pk一下, Lyngdorf 2170这个数码扩音机可是数码信号直接推喇叭。
PS audio啲嘢幾唔錯,我冷門咗啲,幾年前睇Stereophile雜誌評測推薦bhk preamp(仍是每年A grade常客),膽粗粗買嚟用夾active喇叭,到現在也非常滿意。
最近聽過佢部phono amp也好得
What ares the speaker cable ?
都係果句, 國仁現場收音枝咪超正! 我用 fujitsu notebook,接Focal耳塞, 已聽到 Magico 式低音, 而且音場濶大
咁誇?不過我只可以講,我半年前買了一對俄羅斯咪,取代一直沿用的 Rode,錄出來的聲音也真的不同了,俄仔的咪比較暖和潤澤(國仁)
Nice review. I enjoyed watching. Great advice about large speakers in small room. Acoustics treatment is essential. Thanks
多謝你咁詳盡嘅介紹,咁如果我用佢推Proac T10S, 會唔會 over 咗?
是否廣角鏡?為什麼A1 toe-in向外放?
No toe in or toe out
請問用denon A1H 推唔推到A1?唔該
Stellar Strata 輸出100W, 1kHz, 8Ω,大概只等於70W R.M.S. 8Ω 推 4Ω, 84db, A1其實好勉強。
Strata has 200 Watts at 4 ohms (1kHz)
用緊佢部Stellar Gain Cell DAC, 後級係咪配返Class D 會比Class A/B 好呢?
Class D係細部同好力同平者,呢部Gain Cell解決標準Class D問題者,但係咪用Class D反而應該睇喇叭係乜重要啲(國仁)
@@feverSoundHK 如果ATC SCM 11 ?
@@rickykwan7121 ATC 正正就係唔夾 Class D 的喇叭~
@@feverSoundHK 有乜書架喇叭合適class D?求推荐🙏🏻
如果推b&w 705 s2係咪唔夠力呢?
should be no problem~
请问soulnote A-2能推magico A1吗?
國仁兄可唔可以拍用Diablo 300推A1? 我從前試過,未開聲,好麻麻。好想知您見解
相信更多人想知Diablo 300推A3
@@feverSoundHK 可惜😭
吉川先生,你个ID 真系够嗮出位
Hegel H390及Magico A1用家路過
同路H-300但對於focus audio Fp-60 好似唔太夠力
@@Nikon-ZF H300係上上代,用soundengine 1,瓦數一樣,但力水差好遠, 有說法H160 (SoundEngine 1)已優於H300。而家新一代Hegel 機都係用 SoundEngine 2😊
吉村春代! Hahahahha 勁爆贏咗!!!
唔係偏見,人声真係唔掂(Ps audio 老板自己講過D類失真,市场需求而做)
feverSound 加油🤓🤓
有對閑置Yamaha NS-10M Studio.... 夾個咩amp俾距好?
真係好多選擇喎,見過有人用Crown class B amp,亦有人用 Yamaha amp,而香港Avon studio則是用Bryston 既
well done ....不再驚
可惜class d amp容易坏
PS Audio Sprout user here :)
小小一台机器居然拿来推魔域 艺高人胆大
Avoid PSAudio Strata. The built-in streamer does not work. PS Audio NEVER RESOLVED THE STREAMING SOFTWARE ISSUE SINCE BETA TESTING, AND KNOWINGLY RELEASED THE FAULTY PRODUCT. The unit will continuously require resetting which over the long term will damage it.
And you will not get any assistance from the Colorado manufacturer.
I own the Strata.
**The streaming software doesn't work.**
Causes repeated lock-ups despite firmware updates. Even PS Audio no longer responds as they have no clue how to resolve this issue.
Despite the decent SQ, I advise avoiding the Strata. It's clearly not ready for primetime and is cynically released to the public.
The BEST moment of PS Audio Strata ownership is the moment you sell it. Why? Because the built-in streamer is underdeveloped. There are no software updates, and the unit consistently crashes, and the Boulder guys are unresponsive. Save yourself the money and hassle and look elsewhere for an all-in-one unit.