Had a tonsillectomy and had an Artery bleed in my tonsil, immediately got a wash clothe and applied pressure, all I thought of from shows/movies/stuff I seen is pressure pressure pressure, and got to the ER immediately, never let up, glad i did the right thing basically
Great video, though if you have a CoTCCC TQ readily available and aren’t sure, I’d recommend applying it when in doubt and then EMS can remove it when they arrive and do their assessment if need be. A few minutes of an unnecessary TQ being applied is better than a few minutes of not having one applied when you really did need it.
Had a tonsillectomy and had an Artery bleed in my tonsil, immediately got a wash clothe and applied pressure, all I thought of from shows/movies/stuff I seen is pressure pressure pressure, and got to the ER immediately, never let up, glad i did the right thing basically
Great video, though if you have a CoTCCC TQ readily available and aren’t sure, I’d recommend applying it when in doubt and then EMS can remove it when they arrive and do their assessment if need be. A few minutes of an unnecessary TQ being applied is better than a few minutes of not having one applied when you really did need it.
Do you not use reasy packed trauma bandages in the US?
Good video, thanks
Arterial bleeding -} pulsating and bright red in colour
Oh my !
pressure points not being used anymore