Major Kong (extended)

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024
  • Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Комментарии • 159

  • @VagabondPraetor
    @VagabondPraetor 16 лет назад +2

    I have to love the use of the same music track in all the aircraft sequences. Builds up a sense of inevitable duty.

  • @LordBicen
    @LordBicen 15 лет назад +1

    Well he wasn't really left a choice. the electronics were fried, and he knew that as soon as he fixed it he wouldn't have time to escape. He turned lemons into lemonade, and he chased the dragon and rode him down. Classic Scene. One of those moments that just sticks with ya... kinda takes your breath away.

  • @onebangerboys
    @onebangerboys 16 лет назад +1

    Gawd.. This is the best part of this classic movie! Awesome! Makes me proud to be an American! A Can Do!.. Get 'er done attitude.
    Thank you so much for posting this .. the best part of the movie.

  • @loufalce
    @loufalce 16 лет назад +1

    YEEEEEEHAAAA! It still almost makes me wet my pants, its soooo funny!

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    #1 - The first election was stolen via hanging chads in a state run by GWB's brother. The second election was won by a matter of one state, angered many people and cast a grey pall over the electoral college system. This crap conversation isn't worth my taking hours to explain the vast number of issues in both elections such as Nadar's interference, the counting of absentee ballots, etc., etc., so and so forth to you.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    Given that this movie is a comment on war, every post here was spurred by its content. Hence, you posting hateful shit here: "all such comments ... are basely ignorant and not worth responding to."
    All three of your last posts add up to one thing: "I, jagiar, am a fucking moron who can't read -not here nor through any newspaper over the last 4-6 years that would tell me that the majority of Americans are against the war- and enjoys talking in circles." Thank you for that inciteful summary.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    That comment, made while claiming to be talking to certain people, made it obvious that you were lying about your original intent. Your insistence on trying to argue grammar and symantics (a favorite refuge for those with no point), from the standpoint of my being an American, further highlights your bold-faced lying.
    Bottomline: You called Americans idiots, lied that you didn't, and you were called on both acts. Accept it. All this whining bullshit after the fact doesn't change anything.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    I see the problem now. Reading comprehension; you just don't have any.
    First, you claimed to be talking only to certain people One Week after your original "American idiots" comment. My timing in reviewing comments doesn't change when you typed it. That's just plain stupid.
    Second, dumbass, if I'm being told I'm out of space: I'm Out Of Space. Period.
    Third, no shit that's what you were referring to with the "eat up" statement. That's why you were told to fuck off. (cont'd below)

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    even weaker...
    what was spelled wrong, oh mighty one? oh wait - or was it that I misused English? there are only so many spaces allowed per comment and sacrificies had to be made. therefore, here, let me retype it for you, so you don't have to work to try to understand (an approach, apparently, applied to many a thing):
    'what it is that I "eat up", in your clever use of the proverbial you;...'
    further, let me reiterate: Fuck Off

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    If you were speaking about specific comments, Respond To Them. A random insult against a society of people (with a suspiciously late claim of speaking to just a few while still attacking the whole) without taking two seconds to make your "point" clear in the first place, makes you no less an idiot than those you've self-righteously judged. Now, as far as having the nerve to try to tell Me, who you've never met, what it is that I eat up in your clever use of the proverbial you; kindly fuck off.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    "Now, as far as having the nerve to try to tell Me, who you've never met...."
    I never asked you anything, dipshit. You used the word 'what' in two sentences above. Does this mean that those statements are now, miraculously, questions in your world?

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  15 лет назад

    no apology needed; it is kind of vague if one doesn't look at any others... what i meant by "extended" was to define this clip from the others I could find at the time that only included the actual bomb drop/ride to earth...

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    your claim of speaking to only a few people is suspiciously late in that it wasn't made in the first damn place. my response of "it's satire genius" has nothing to do with 95% of your response above.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    The so-called Stanley Kubrick soundtracks I just sampled on Amazon don't have the right version of the song. It'd be interesting to know if there is a TRUE soundtrack out there. Too tired to look for one right now, though.

  • @delmonteland
    @delmonteland 17 лет назад +1

    oh my god. I can't stop laughing

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  17 лет назад

    that's a whole other scene, uberklok; separated by another scene in the middle ("mein fuhrer, i can walk!!!" ?)
    i didn't want to go posting the whole last chapter of the movie... ';-}

  • @OdeeOz
    @OdeeOz 16 лет назад

    I know a Colonel that used to fly those... and yeah he'd get down to 200-500 feet and grease it in like Maj. Kong. Best clip of the movie imho Thanks for sharing.

  • @Taygun89
    @Taygun89 15 лет назад

    look for..."The animals went in two by two"
    We sang this once in 5th grade *lol*
    It's like "The animals went in two by two hurra, hurra, the wasp the ant and the bumblebee hurra hurra the animals went in two by two the X, the Y and the kangoroo hurra, hurra and they all went into the arch for to get out of the rain..." OH MY GOSH! The old times...I'm missin' them so much :D

  • @teeembeee
    @teeembeee 16 лет назад

    "Well, boys, I reckon this is it - nuclear combat toe to toe with the Rooskies. Now look, boys, I ain't much of a hand at makin' speeches, but I got a pretty fair idea that something doggone important is goin' on back there. And I got a fair idea the kinda personal emotions that some of you fellas may be thinkin.' Heck, I reckon you wouldn't even be human bein's if you didn't have some pretty strong personal feelin's about nuclear combat."........Major Kong

  • @MrUnidyne
    @MrUnidyne 15 лет назад

    According to people who worked on this film, Pickens didn't know the film was supposed to be a comedy, and his authentic Southern drawl confused the crew who thought he was a method actor and was "finding" his character. He'd later state, "After 'Dr. Strangelove', the roles, dressing rooms and paychecks all started gettin' bigger."

  • @teeembeee
    @teeembeee 16 лет назад

    Slim Pickens was not the original pick to be Major Kong.......Peter Sellers was going to play that role also. He was sick when they were ready to shoot Kong's scences and Kubrick went out of the studio and ran into Pickens and asked him to fill in with cowboy hat and all. Pickens had just got done filming some cowboy movie.

  • @blackdeath099
    @blackdeath099 16 лет назад

    This is an awesome movie. True comedy... I mean even 44 years after, I find that REALLY funny. That's what we can call a classic....
    And perhaps, do someone indeed got a soundtrack or something ? Cause yeah, that's the best version of When Johnny go marching home that exist.. The only true one for me.

  • @snorfledumpkins
    @snorfledumpkins 14 лет назад

    Funny Major Kong had no idea he was causing the end of the world, this was the crazy general's fault.
    Kong thought he was just doing his duty to do whatever he could to protect his home and the people he loves. Kind of like what we did to Japan, and I stand by it.

  • @ArsontAngelfire
    @ArsontAngelfire 15 лет назад

    Agreed. My girlfriend recently had to write a paper over some characters from the movie. She called Kong crazy because he rode the bomb; I just say he's a patriot, and he did what had to be done. I don't think he could have gotten off the bomb even had he wanted to.

  • @HudsonAO8TQ1
    @HudsonAO8TQ1 16 лет назад

    "if it hair-lips everyone on bear creek"
    i guess they all got hairy lips now!!!!!
    i got the mp3 if anyone wants, nice tune to fit and AWESOME SCENE!!!
    best scene of the movie IMO apart from when Ripper and Mandrake do their bit in his office hahahaha great movie!
    thanks for the upload dude! 5 stars!

  • @teeembeee
    @teeembeee 16 лет назад

    Wax, I think I remember Slim being on Johny Carson and talking about it a long time ago and then I read about it on Wiki under the subject of Slim Pickens........that actually says that Sellers broke his leg or something.
    What else does kubricks bio say? In any event this is very interesting stuff.

  • @Shmoilyman
    @Shmoilyman 16 лет назад +1

    Definitely my favorite film. Ever.

  • @michdo23
    @michdo23 15 лет назад

    YOUR Computers and YOUR MP3 Players?... hm at least for THOSE 2 i know for SURE that they were not invented by an american... but anyhow, you're right about the Internet. And the 3 quadrillion pornsites with it. That'd be a shame.

  • @63gstone
    @63gstone 16 лет назад

    I wonder if this movie was about the Rooskies doing this wheather you American haters would be posting comments like "typical Russian idiots" and "I hope Bush realizes this is typical of the Russian military"? I love this movie! Thanks for posting!

  • @JustGoWithDaShow
    @JustGoWithDaShow 15 лет назад

    This was the dialog for Slim Pickens Bomb riden!

  • @rmstorms
    @rmstorms 16 лет назад

    My favorite movie of all time! My parents introduced me too it as a kid. The Air Force was very upset at the accuracy of how these B-52 scenes were portrayed. Apparently the Air Force didn't realize it was public record.

  • @FLJuJitsu
    @FLJuJitsu 16 лет назад

    It really is amazing how close they got to the real B-52 cockpit given that at the time it was closely held secret.

  • @ekahiway
    @ekahiway 16 лет назад

    It was '64... my cousins and I snuck into the theatre. When I saw this scene I thought about all those stupid duck under your desk and cover civil defense drills in school... what a bunch of crap.

  • @chardtomp
    @chardtomp 17 лет назад

    There are a lot of variations of the expression. In Full Metal Jacket,(Also by Kubrick) Sgt. Hartman says, "I will motivate you Pvt. Pyle, if it short-dicks ever cannible on the Congo!"

  • @ThirdTerm
    @ThirdTerm 16 лет назад

    James Earl Jones kicks so much ass!!
    And yes, as an American let them ridicule all they want. I just dont think you must have much of a sense of humor. One the best movies ever made!!

  • @HobartUk
    @HobartUk 16 лет назад

    it was really clever how they filmed that, they had the background as a backdrop and just had the bomb sitting there, amazing camerawork to make it look so realistic

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    i didn't delete anything, egomaniac... apparently, unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around the internet

  • @michdo23
    @michdo23 15 лет назад

    Anyone remember that old PC game ( or was it on the Amiga?) Nuclear War? That scene was in the intro. I always wondered who came up with that until i saw this :)

  • @Myrsky7
    @Myrsky7 15 лет назад

    The song is "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again", a popular Civil War song.
    (It's known to a lot of children as "The Ants Go Marching", it has the same tune.)

  • @Seastorm21
    @Seastorm21 16 лет назад

    A true classic...I also like the part where he reads off the survival kit contents "Shoot a feller could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that". HAHAHA

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    With that, I'm done approving/replying to your comments. You speak much shit with no actual knowledge.

  • @EAFSQ9
    @EAFSQ9 16 лет назад

    "In the simpsons parody, homer rides a bomb against beatnicks, but he is just dreaming while riding a real bomb behind the local bomb shelter shop"

  • @skybanner9
    @skybanner9 15 лет назад

    I've often wondered if that line has any deeper meaning or significance. I haven't seen enough western movies to see if it was used elsewhere.

  • @datafork
    @datafork 16 лет назад

    Mr. Kong is such a beautiful character, a completely infallible sense of duty. to bad our own government could not be so pure and benevolent.

  • @51362879
    @51362879 16 лет назад

    The late Slim Pickens was truely a cowboy's cowboy. Great actor. Stanly couldn't have picked anyone better to play the Major Kong.
    5 stars!

  • @MichaelGiulianoMPL
    @MichaelGiulianoMPL 16 лет назад

    technically it's just "seeking refuge". The 'a' isn't necessary. Whatever, please continue. This is becoming very entertaining.

  • @philblunt420
    @philblunt420 16 лет назад

    it means a break up, like the old tv show from the 80's called "Dear John"

  • @iloverush123
    @iloverush123 15 лет назад

    Curas1, you'd piss a lotta muslims off, and Mecca has no strategic value!

  • @chardtomp
    @chardtomp 17 лет назад

    Slim Pickens made well over 100 movies, most of them being westerns, but this is the scene that he's always remembered for.

  • @hhhhhhyy
    @hhhhhhyy 17 лет назад

    what's the sound track in this movie during this scene I relay like it.

  • @Bubbadude329
    @Bubbadude329 16 лет назад

    its not like major kong is a perfect representation of the average american back then.

  • @MarcJboy
    @MarcJboy 15 лет назад

    Nice clip nk, but did I miss something? Don't see where it's 'extended'. If I did miss something, then apologies. tc!

  • @mstytz
    @mstytz 16 лет назад

    Yeah, like alpha and omega, beginning and end.
    Tons of symbolism in this movie, always been a favorite of mine

  • @LZaleskiYT
    @LZaleskiYT 15 лет назад

    HI MR. LINGAN!!! (and everyone else in my class about to watch this clip...) XD

  • @bogeyatyour6
    @bogeyatyour6 17 лет назад

    because I gave him thumbs down instead of giving him thumbs up of Kubrick´s best films :)

  • @DannyBGer
    @DannyBGer 16 лет назад

    At least the commander has believed that he's Baron of Muenchausen (the who has ridden on a cannonball).

  • @reving19
    @reving19 16 лет назад

    "Hey, what about Major Kong?" ...and the rest is movie history.

  • @TyRUpp
    @TyRUpp 15 лет назад

    Dear Major Kong: "Bomb doors, negative function, ... and, this is NOT CNN!"
    (I miss Slim Pickens.)

  • @fino72
    @fino72 16 лет назад

    The name of the march is: "when johnny comes marching home" a popular song of the American Civil War

  • @gaguy1967
    @gaguy1967 15 лет назад

    whats interesting is it in unlikely any black man had a operational role in flying a B52 in 1964

  • @califgirl101
    @califgirl101 17 лет назад

    What a great scene this is. God rest Stanley Kubrick. Thanks again. :)

  • @Bucketheadcheese
    @Bucketheadcheese 15 лет назад

    Yes, it is James Earl Jones. He sounds a bit like Darth Vader even withouth the scuba gear :)

  • @joelat713
    @joelat713 15 лет назад

    A metaphor for life itself. No one gets out alive. You might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

  • @tazer710
    @tazer710 15 лет назад

    I KNEW HE SOUNDED LIKE DARTH VADER!!! But is it just me or does that B-52 need to pull up?

  • @ridergirl11
    @ridergirl11 15 лет назад

    yeah they just forgot the guy in the bomb room
    well at least it would be a fun ride

  • @darkain666
    @darkain666 17 лет назад

    Hahaha...makes me remember the simpson's parody with Homer riding the bomb...hehehe

  • @myndenway
    @myndenway 16 лет назад

    Darth Vader flying an attack run. He had the tables turned on him 13 years later.

  • @Zeta9966
    @Zeta9966 16 лет назад

    uh, this is a really old march... And I assume you're referring to Die Hard?

  • @octo20
    @octo20 16 лет назад

    This movie is pure genius. Damn, they don't make comedies like this anymore.

  • @highlander723
    @highlander723 15 лет назад

    I dont care if your my next door neighbor! He should have dropped it on you!

  • @BFGfreak
    @BFGfreak 15 лет назад

    Be careful what you wish for, you might get a crazed Texan...wait a minute

  • @kapasvonkapas
    @kapasvonkapas 16 лет назад

    If i am to go out with a bang , this is the bang i want

  • @iloverush123
    @iloverush123 15 лет назад

    Thats how I want to go. Slim Pickens, a Great!

  • @bogeyatyour6
    @bogeyatyour6 17 лет назад

    I always luagh at that scene...
    sorry...I wanted to give you thumbs up

  • @spokmage
    @spokmage 16 лет назад

    indeed datafork. it's a shame we aren't all born mindless automatons.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    HA - I never knew that! Thanks for sharing... ;}

  • @arcpeter
    @arcpeter 16 лет назад

    John is an equivalent to Ivan.
    Ivan is a popular russian name.

  • @MikeWadePiano
    @MikeWadePiano 15 лет назад

    I'm currently very confused as to what this film is about..

  • @dojokonojo
    @dojokonojo 16 лет назад

    does any1 know what the march motif in the background called?

  • @joshstevens76
    @joshstevens76 15 лет назад

    I bet that was a heck of a ride (until the end, that is)!!!

  • @mistersmiley99
    @mistersmiley99 16 лет назад

    what is the song in the backround? i cant seem to find it

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  17 лет назад

    aaaaah - i didn't even see that... DOH!

  • @Focks82
    @Focks82 15 лет назад

    lol unreal tournament 1,used the drstrangelove gun lol

  • @MrUnidyne
    @MrUnidyne 15 лет назад

    The song is based on "When Johnny Comes Marching Home".

  • @ironrushscorp
    @ironrushscorp 15 лет назад

    is it just me or is that a very young james earl jones?

  • @minimelo321
    @minimelo321 16 лет назад

    yes, Major Kong is played wonderfully by Slim Pickens.

  • @krisvires
    @krisvires 16 лет назад

    I guess everybody on Bear Creek is hair-lipped now!!

  • @kmz5
    @kmz5 15 лет назад

    The greatest movie of all time and so true today.

  • @blackdeath099
    @blackdeath099 16 лет назад

    Indeed, but scary ? Lol, it's kinda just funny :)

  • @xevcosmo
    @xevcosmo 16 лет назад

    march motif is "when johnny comes marching home'.

  • @chardtomp
    @chardtomp 15 лет назад

    That major Kong is one motivated son of a bitch!

  • @a.r.s.e.n.i.o.
    @a.r.s.e.n.i.o. 16 лет назад

    if you read his lips he says Dallas, not Vegas.

  • @cheesium238
    @cheesium238 16 лет назад

    Im gonna call Major Konk to Mr B from now on :P

  • @Dragonblack90
    @Dragonblack90 15 лет назад


  • @WhatUpTKHere
    @WhatUpTKHere 16 лет назад


  • @K4rt80y
    @K4rt80y 16 лет назад

    Look close. James Earl Jones is the bombarier.

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  17 лет назад

    it's a comedy; why be sorry? ;}

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  16 лет назад

    uummmmmmm... well, damn!

  • @nkwhite
    @nkwhite  15 лет назад

    another reason Kubrick rocked

  • @senorohnoes
    @senorohnoes 15 лет назад

    the end of the world is coming anyway... xD