Dr. Yasir Qadhi: Following Saudi Moon sighting is incorrect and not in Shariah‏ Proof

  • Опубликовано: 9 авг 2013
  • www.moonsighting.org.uk/en/ The following Saudi Arabia Moonsighting Decision: It is the responsibility of ever Muslim of UK, Ulama, Trustees of the masaajid Organizations and masses to be firm on Haqq and not to compromise on this. Following Saudi is a Munkar and an open wrong.
    Mohi-ul-Islam Siddiquia Azhar Academy Forest Gate Newham North Islamic Association Green Street Forest Gate Idara Minhaj-ul-Quran Upton Mosque Ouwwat-ul-IsIam Society Islamic Dawa Council Jamia Darussalam Dalston Mosque Sandringham Masjid Albirr Leyton Muslim Community Centre Jame Masjid Noor-ul-Islam Walthamstow Mosque Leytonstone Ashville Muslim Welfare Trust & Masjid Leytonstone Shah Jalal Mosque East Ham Masjid Tawheed Manor Park London Church Road Masjid Islamic Dawah Centre Islamic Centre Upton Ibrahim Mosque Al-Hira Centre Masjid al Falah Leicester Al Huda Jamiatul Darul uloom Bury Ulama Britain - Hizbul Ulama UK Upton Park Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association Madina Jame Poplar Mosque Imam Abul Hussain Khan Abu Tayyeb abdul kaium Whitechapel East London Mosque Sheikh Abdul Qayyum Yasir Qadhi Masjid Ilyas Stratford Islamic Crawley Mosque Association Madrassa Al-Tawheed Islamic Education Centre Abubaker Walthamstow Central Masjid-e-Umer Queens Road Walthamstow Masjid South Woodford Bait-ul-Aziz Islamic Cultural Muslim Association Nigeria Lewisham Kent Assalatur-Rahman Islamic Association Greenwich Islamic Centre Dulwich Islamic Centre GA Islamic The Islamic Cultural and Community AI-Muntada Al-Islami iccuk ict croydon Trust Brixton Cultural Centre Khatme Nabuwwat Centre Islamic Cultural Education Centre Balham Mosque Hyderi Islamic South London Islamic Centre Mitcham Streatham Common Tooting Islamic Centre 145 Upper Tooting Bec Idara-e-Jafferiya Gatton Road Mosque Darul Aman Masjid Wimbledon Muslim World League Mayfair Islamic Centre Acton Muslim Welfare Association Chiswick Mosque Gunnersbury Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre Kensington Mosque Trust Islamic Universal Association Shepherds Bush Mosque Islamic Academy Nottingham Muslim Centre Ealing Broadway Al Madina Mosque Victoria Basildon Islamic Centre Muslim Cultural and Welfare Association Carsharton ICT Croydon Mosque Thornton Heath Enfield Mosque Redbridge Islamic Centre Harrow Central Mosque Hidaya Anjuman Himayt al Islam Islamic Education Cultural portugal Imam Central Mosque Lisbon Munir Society Hounslow Jamia Masjid Islamic Centre Muslim Education Ilford Mosque Ilford Kingston Jamia Mosque Differences Timetable Shariah Ramadhan Eid Havering Romford Mosque mancheter Nottingham Bradford Scotland Glasgow Central Mosque Luton Sheffield Shaykh Sudais Zakariyya markaz dewsbury uk Batley Bolton Masjid Al Falah Leicester Umar Abubakr Mosque Islamic Jamia Masjid and Centre Sutton Centre Wembley Masjid & Islamic Centre Maulana leicester london Bury Hadhrat Moulana Muhammad Masjid Khizra Bury Sheikh Usmani Mufti Taqi Usmani Tariq Jameel Tablighi Ramadhan Eid Tablighi Jamaat Maulana Ilyas Ghuman Saleem Dhorat Shaheed Samiruddin Qasmi Mufti Allama Mufti Ebrahim Desai inaam Hafiz Mumtaz ul Haq Malik Sulayman Gani Muhammad Sindhi Islam Channel Islam Guidance Society Dr Ahmad Al Dubayan the Director General abu yusuf Masjid-E-Quba Stamford Hill North London Balham Battersea Islamic Centre Brixton Crawley Darul Amman Dulwich Epson Ewell Islamic society Quwatul Islam Jamit ul Muslemin Quwat ul Islam Crawley Kingston Mosque lewisham kent Mitcham Peckham afghani South london Islamic centre Streatham london South Norwood Sutton Wimbledon Woking the Shahjaham Al Muzzammil Norbury salafi masjid East london Mosque Alwaleed Bin Talal Darul uloom London Leicester Bury Southall Abu bakr Masjid Central west Drayton Al Aalah hayes Cranford Heathrow Jamia Greenford Bilal WLIC Jamia Masjid Acton Hendon Mosque Dr israar ahmed ramadhan Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Noor Ummah peace TV 2014 hajj Al Mahdi Mosque Al-Rahma Mosque Abbey Mills Mosque Aziziye Mosque London Baitul Futuh Birmingham Central Mosque Blackpool Central Mosque Brick Lane Mosque Bristol Jamia Mosque Chesham Mosque Croydon Mosque Darul Barakaat Mosque Didsbury Mosque East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre Faidhan-e-Madina Mosque Fazl Mosque Forest Gate Mosque Ghamkol Shariff Masjid Green Lane Masjid Jaame Masjid Leeds Grand Mosque London Central Mosque Madina Mosque, Horsham Manchester Central Mosque Markazi Masjid Masjid Umar mosque Medina Mosque Sheffield Noor-ur-Islam Mosque Leyton Waltham Forest North London Central Mosque Shacklewell Lane Mosque Shah Jahan Mosque Shropshire Islamic Foundation Stratford Street Suleymaniye Mosque London Upper Brook Street Chapel Manchester Belfast Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre Ayrshire Central Mosque Central Scotland Islamic Centre Stirling Scotland Dumfries Islamic Society Glasgow Central Mosque Edinburgh Central Mosque Inverness Masjid Noor Perth Mosque Scotland Syed Shah Mustafa Jamee Masjid Victoria Road Mosque Masjid-e-Abu Hurairah Cardiff Masjid-e-Zawiyah Swansea Mosque

Комментарии • 34

  • @zubayral-itaali871
    @zubayral-itaali871 8 лет назад +2

    The opinion of the Ḥanābilah is to begin the fast when one country sees the moon. The scholars of the Ḥanābilah hold the opinion that the Ḥadīth brother Yāsir mentioned is general, not specific to one country. The fact that the unification has not happened does not mean it is invalid. Ash-Shawkanī رحمه الله responded to the Ḥadīth of Qurayb رضي الله عنه by saying that ibn ‘Abbās رضي الله عنه did Ijtihad in this matter based upon a Ḥadīth that he heard. More info on Aḥmad Mūsā Jibril's explanation of the book of fasting in Zād al-Mustaqni’.

  • @reynoldfranks4332
    @reynoldfranks4332 Год назад +1

    There is difference in opinion .thats why as muslim keep away from confusion. One ummah one eid.

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +1

    Prophet S.W simply tried to correct the system of that time 29 and 30 days alternative..at that time Shaban will have always 29 days and Ramadan 30 days..Fasting ayat was came during Shaban ...our days in a month will be 29 or 30 days but it may 29 29 30 and 30 30 30 and 29 we have to observe the moon(not to see with naked eye) and decide..its very simple .they didnt know the calculation..but now we know exactly..u can always check with ur eyes also..

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +2

    dear brother Reezu...though time is different day is same throughout the world..There is an order..u have to think and learn where the friday prayer starts and where it ends..there is a place (not on land) where sun is in same place one prays Juma prayer and other is prays thursday Zuhar prayer.and where 0 and 24hros meet.that is what Quran 2:189 says.there is a time order its scitific and Islam is scientific..Day will be same for 0 ours and 24 hours..only thing is it takes 24 hours....why All Muslims think and act in the wrong direction I dont understand..Day and date should be same for a Calendar..

  • @salafialbanism6725
    @salafialbanism6725  7 лет назад +1

    Saudi Not use Islamic date. The Saudi government had already initiated the Ummul Qura calendar in the Saudi from 1972. These meetings were conducted solely for the purpose of uniting the Islamic Countries of the World to the Saudi formulated calendar. Specifically, for the commencement of Ramadhan and both Eids.

  • @SalfSalih
    @SalfSalih 9 лет назад +4

    سعودى رؤيت كا تاريخى حقائق اور اهل علم كے مشاهدے۔
    حضرت مفتى سعيداحمدصاحب پالنپورى، شيخ الحديث دارالعلوم ديوبند۔
    يہاں ايک اور بات پر تنبيہ ضرورى هے، اور وه يہ كہ چاند کے معاملہ ميں حساب كا اعتبار نہیں، مگر ديكهنے ميں يہ آيا هيكہ كچهہ بےدين مسلماں سعوديہ كى رؤيت كو منوانے كيلئے رؤيت كى جهوٹى گواهى ديتے ہيں، پس ايسى صورت ميں اگر حساب كو اس حد تک مان لياجائے كہ اگر امكان رؤيت نہ هوتو گواهى قبول نہ كى جائے: ميرى ناقص رائے ميں اسميں كوئى حرج نہیں. (تحفة الألمعى شرح سنن الترمذى جلد3 ص57، حضرت مفتى سعيداحمدصاحب پالنپورى، شيخ الحديث دارالعلوم ديوبند)۔

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +1

    kindly search Islamic Calendar -speech by Ali Manikfan in English you tube

    • @REEZU88
      @REEZU88 10 лет назад

      what shaikh says in this video is nothing wrong its ur poor understanding making islam limited to science which has nothing to do with

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +1

    observe the moon for 6 months u will know which date u are ,,,at that time
    they use to do it and ..we all can easily celebrate Eid on one day..because we are praying Juma on Friday through out the world.If shawal 1 is on friday it should be same for whole world.who canchange the dates which Allah ST has already fixed?9:36,37

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +1

    Month word derived from moon.lunatic word also derived lunar because at that time they didnt know that moon follow exact calculation..some month it has 29 and some month 30days they thought it has no order ...so lunatic ..but I say lunatic word should be deleted..

    • @romanakhan4075
      @romanakhan4075 4 года назад

      The word ‘lunatic’ is derived from the Latin word ‘lunaticus’ because they believed that epilepsy and madness was caused by the bad influence of moon. Like some people still believe that some planets and stars have good and bad influences on people’s life. It has nothing to do with moon’s cyclic movements

  • @oxymor0n1
    @oxymor0n1 10 лет назад

    What community? The local Muslim community or the greater Muslim community?

  • @mdwangsa90
    @mdwangsa90 5 лет назад +2

    I beg to differ, Allah has blessed our time with advance technologies that we can live stream the new moon sighting across the globe, even via RUclips. The hadith of new moon sighting did not mention it has to be done according to locality, it just said "whoever witness it". Thus, global sighting should be sufficient and should be adopted in our era. It is logical to do so since there is only one moon circling the earth. How could the new moon of Makkah be different with that of the rest of the world? In terms of the mechanism, I suggest the new moon sighting should start from the longitude of the very eastern point of the earth (ie. far east Russia or Japan) and should end at the longitude of Makkah (as it is the true prime meridian of the earth). If the new moon has already been sighted, say, in Japan, thus, the rest of the world can immediately set the next day as the first day of a new month. But, if let say the eastern asian countries failed to sight the new moon, they should wait latest until the sighting time reaches Makkah (or other regions that lies in the same longitude of Makkah). If there is no new moon sighted from the east until the Makkah longitude, then the whole world can declare that the month is of 30 days. The western countries don't have to do the sighting, just rely on the sighting of the eastern half of the globe. But if at last minute, the new moon has been sighted at the Makkah longitude, then the eastern countries should follow suit and declare the next day as the first day of a new month. There is still time for the eastern countries to make such adjustment since it is still night in the eastern countries when maghrib enters the Makkah longitude. We cannot compare the month calendar with the prayer time calendar because the difference in the latter only involves time and not day. Every single day the whole world will pray the same 5 prayer of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isya'. There will be no case of different localities do different number prayer on the same day. For example, there will be no case in which the Japanese do not pray Fajr because they do not see the fajr sadiq coming on Monday, while on the same day when the time comes, the Saudi people pray fajr. No, such case will never happen due to the difference in prayer time. We are still unified by day. But if we still insist on setting the hijri month calendar based on localities, we will see the ummah will do different ibadahs on the very same day! One part of the world is fasting, and the other part is celebrating eid. I understand this had happened and accepted in the past. But why must we ignore the blessing of advance technologies that Allah has bestowed upon our time? Why not use it to unify the ummah with one calendar only? If we can choose to unite, why still choose to differ? Unity is the symbol of strength. We are one ummah, one month, one calendar.

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +1

    Saudi will never perform prayer of a day before IIndians do..likewise Indians will never perform prayer of a day before Australians do..for all Ibadaths there is an order..Let us pray.all Ulumas do find the right path...because Iblees is playing major role regarding this subject he never wants Muslims to unite...

  • @xlnc4737
    @xlnc4737 4 года назад +1

    This reminds me nicely of all these fake Saudi moon sightings, and after this, they usually offer an apology. Please follow your local moon sightings/ or your local masaajid who follow local moon sighting.

    • @fs5297
      @fs5297 4 года назад

      They aren't fake! It is just the difference of moon sighting in your country n Saudi Arabia

    • @NK-vd8xi
      @NK-vd8xi 3 года назад +1

      @@fs5297 no, a lot of them are actually fake.

    • @fs5297
      @fs5297 3 года назад

      @@NK-vd8xi bro they see moon n announce it for themselves not for the whole world! So the point people are saying is totally obsurd!

    • @NK-vd8xi
      @NK-vd8xi 3 года назад

      @@fs5297 no lol you're misinformed, sure, they don't announce it for the world, but indeed they claim to see the moon on nights where it is physically impossible, rather than admit the flaw of their calendar.

    • @fs5297
      @fs5297 3 года назад

      @@NK-vd8xi What if I say you are misinformed! Bro people living there aren't mad,my father lived there for two years, thing like this can happen but rarely n there is no flaw in calender ... Calender is islamic... But you people don't understand that moon sighting can be on different dates in different places and it is even confirmed by the Sahaba, there is a narration in their time too.

  • @teeyef
    @teeyef 10 лет назад +1

    Humma is not applicable in our times..because we know exactly where moon is Quran says that sun and moon follow exact calculation.we are following calculation of the sun but not accepting the calculation of the moon..Prophet S.W will not tell unscientific and foolish things ..only thing we have to do research ..speaker is making all Muslims confusing.No Imams never taken the hadees of Kuraib.No uluma is doing research on what Quran says in this regard..all are behind confusing hadees...

    • @REEZU88
      @REEZU88 10 лет назад

      if u disagree wat shaikh says here, & u worried of juma prayer but u never thot of timings, if 1 pm in london then its 3 pm in arabia, at the same time its fajr in america and esha time in australia, as per ur ideology we need to pray juma prayer not only same day,, then why not same time? regardless of what time is in UK, USA, AUSTRALIA & ARABIA..
      U'VE GOT POOR UNDERSTANDING, u need to grow up, learn some knowledge b4 u comment

    • @REEZU88
      @REEZU88 10 лет назад

      Tamton Farhad very stupid understand, islam is since beginning and islamic is not depending on science, coz islam is islam the path of prophet(saw) not the path of ur idiots bernard shaw or any other stupid scientists, if u believe islam is scientific then how wud u describe of grave pushment as per ur scientific ideology?

    • @salafialbanism6725
      @salafialbanism6725  9 лет назад +2

      Tamton Farhad Prophet S.W will not tell Blindly Follow Saudi Government Moonsighting Decisions. We follow Sannah Not Saudi.

    • @ehtizadzashkiyor7490
      @ehtizadzashkiyor7490 9 лет назад

      REEZU88 lol spammer spotte.

  • @XAbdr
    @XAbdr 5 лет назад

    ISNA is the governing body. People don't want to follow. We should follow because the Quran says to.