leftist tiktoks to watch while studying

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2023
  • business email: adudebusiness@gmail.com
    video title suggestions: forms.gle/e69SnwDozvWqZRPA8
    if y'all wanna support me:
    venmo: @some_guy_named_peyton
    no pressure!!!

Комментарии • 100

  • @voidquill
    @voidquill Год назад +93

    im not studying im playing splatoon instead haaha >:)

    • @captaincaspian42
      @captaincaspian42 Год назад +10


    • @voidquill
      @voidquill Год назад +12

      @@captaincaspian42 oh dang im playing splatoon 3 you wanna add me?

    • @cronchybo
      @cronchybo Год назад +13

      you better study or I will fight you /j

    • @WTMR-FM
      @WTMR-FM Год назад +2

      yooo fr

    • @Quinn-_-
      @Quinn-_- Год назад +3

      I’m happy you made a friend but pls study-

  • @lillard.lover07
    @lillard.lover07 Год назад +53

    i havent gotten a full nights sleep in a month now but these videos always keep me going ❤️

    • @aleftistdude
      @aleftistdude  Год назад +12

      that's delightful. I hope you're able to sleep more soon

  • @isabelledoodles6100
    @isabelledoodles6100 Год назад +18

    Guess who just go into art school!!!! I did!! It’s only for a year because I’m doing a foundation course, and then I’m going to do games technology (which is computer science specifically for making video games) at university :)))
    I’m very excited and happy teehee

    • @realimereads2707
      @realimereads2707 Год назад


    • @heyitsmeyourlesbianfather7256
      @heyitsmeyourlesbianfather7256 Год назад +1

      Omg! Congratulations! :D
      I myself go to an art school, but it's unfortunately not that good at accommodating for my disabilities. Hope it goes better for you, and have a great day! /g

  • @isacocca3187
    @isacocca3187 Год назад +13

    The one about black people's hairstyles was so interesting, i loved it

    • @realimereads2707
      @realimereads2707 Год назад +3

      Sammeee, i squealed recogning the protective threads cuz my mom does those for me and siblings.

  • @my.beloved.turtle2136
    @my.beloved.turtle2136 Год назад +20

    Guys! I'm getting tickets for a band I really like that's finally coming to somewhere close enough to me. Also, I love all of the book recommendations as well, I get lots of gift cards from conservative family members for book places and it's fun getting to use their money to read about things they hate.

  • @astraeterna
    @astraeterna Год назад +34

    Howdy, y'all! c]:) *[RABBIT REPORT]*
    The hutch is coming along pretty well, all that's left is to add the door and paint it. Also, I barely get any time with them because of homework and stuff, but I actually got to hold them yesterday! ONE OF THEM FELL ASLEEP IN MY LAP!!! 10/10 experience, would definitely recommend.
    As for names, no one else wants to name them after Team Rocket :(. However, we have taken to calling them Pepper and Moth (because they're black and white and my siblings are nerds :P), but we may change them soon because my family is very indecisive 🧇
    (idk why the waffle emoji is here)
    Sorry for rambling, will report more soon! ✨

    • @mewmew6158
      @mewmew6158 Год назад +1

      Yay, congrats on holding a baby rabbit!

    • @lucyl4603
      @lucyl4603 Год назад +1

      Gosh, I love rabbits. Please, check out Lennon the bunny for rabbit care advice, they are very fragile, but so rewarding once you know how to get on their level. Best of luck to you and the bun buns

    • @AnarchicCrow
      @AnarchicCrow Год назад +1

      THATS SOOO CUTE! Thank you for the bun updates! I'm glad they're doing well! ❤️

  • @shelbypowell9919
    @shelbypowell9919 Год назад +25

    Creative Writing Prompt 82: This week we started an original short story. Today we're getting started on the first draft. Just get started. If you get stuck, go back to your outline and add more points. Leave notes in the margins if you're able. “Here's what I want this to do” “this is what I want to express here” “I'd like this to be more dynamic” etc.
    Now remember, what's most important is that you get something down. If you start feeling discouraged, skip the point and come back to it. We're going to be fleshing the whole thing out later. But here are some points you'll want to make sure you hit:
    You're going to want a strong opener, especially if your idea is a bit of a slow burn. Something to quickly establish tone and reader investment. And that reader investment needs to be well-earned. Nothing sours the mood quite like coming to story A and getting excited only to find out the author wanted to tell Story B instead. You also want to have smooth transitions from point to point. X and then Y and then Z makes for a boring story. Don't be afraid to trail off for a bit into internal monologue or description, give your reader a break from plot.

    • @swarm-of-moths
      @swarm-of-moths Год назад

      oh, thank you for the advice! i'm currently trying to write short snippets of a bigger story and this helps!

    • @shelbypowell9919
      @shelbypowell9919 Год назад

      @@swarm-of-moths happy to help

  • @Molly-iw1rc
    @Molly-iw1rc Год назад +14

    Long comment about criminal justice system:
    I am studying, well I'm writing an essay for my criminal justice course, and I will say that it's interesting to read about the criminal justice system and how honestly vague it is.
    Like there is so much accepted room for someone to literally destroy someone's life. I get why people compare it to the medical field because it should be treated with the same level of care and detail that the medical field attempts to have. There are procedures and rules, but it's totally acceptable if someone does not follow the procedures and rules.
    There is so much gray area, which can be expected when dealing with ethics and how that differs between people, but why can't the ethics be defined in some way.
    They are defined through the procedural nature of the system, but I think that's a huge part of the issue as well. The system itself is under these other systems that make it very hard for any part of the system to be just or ethical, and the focus on procedure feels like it is always opposing the possible focus on empathy or critical thinking. How can you attempt to seek justice when you brought up thinking justice and fairness are rare? How can you prevent people from becoming victims when your job can and does create victims through a lifeless procedure and power imbalance?
    Like it feels like everything is working around "seeking justice isn't possible so it's okay to be wrong, but also we will give your decisions and observations enough weight to literally kill someone", why is the safety net for getting something wrong so weak? Why aren't there more protections for suspects and less protections for the people who are given the job to literally decide someone's future?
    It's kind of wacky to read about in a textbook lmao like it's not exactly sugarcoating but it's weird for it to be stated as a given.

    • @bagel_blob6376
      @bagel_blob6376 Год назад +3

      i completely agree with you. the criminal justice system is kinda f/cked up and weirdly non specific

    • @user-dg3ug7ny5d
      @user-dg3ug7ny5d Год назад +1

      Sometimes there feels like there's more justice in how inmates treat those with disgusting human assault charges than what the actual legal system has and dishes out.
      Also, how the hell is death row sentencing still a thing? The stats themselves show an unjustifiable number of people killed are later ruled to be falsely convicted.
      Off topic可是我喜欢你的中文名字!It's very plant focused :)

  • @chrisiscool
    @chrisiscool Год назад +6

    11:34 bro who tf uses a fork to eat bread💀 wanting to eat that with a fork is not just hating a culture but hating logic👁️👄👁️

  • @goosegoddess
    @goosegoddess Год назад +10

    i have my mock exams next week and yet im here instead of studying 👺👺👺👺

    • @aleftistdude
      @aleftistdude  Год назад +1


    • @realimereads2707
      @realimereads2707 Год назад +3

      I wish you the best of luck, and remember, you can always improve if it goes badly. That's what mocks are for. Beat that exam!!!

  • @cozie-mango
    @cozie-mango Год назад +7

    Books on Indigenous Issues 00:00 - 00:29
    Books on “anti-violence” 1:42 - 2:10

    • @heyitsmeyourlesbianfather7256
      @heyitsmeyourlesbianfather7256 Год назад +2

      THANKS! I always forget to write down the book recs, and when i go back i can never find them, so this is REALLY useful! /g

    • @cozie-mango
      @cozie-mango Год назад

      @@heyitsmeyourlesbianfather7256 np I’m the same way

    @aDIOS_TOREADOR Год назад +13

    I really love this comps their able to educate me so well! And their amazing to listen too while I doodle. Thanks for creating these awesome comps! They have helped me realize alot of political things, truly awesome!

  • @salsamango5474
    @salsamango5474 Год назад +6

    My parents have said in the past that they think colonization is a natural part of human history and that it has been happening since ancient roman times so therefore it's unavoidable. I don't know how to argue with them because they know a lot about ancient history and they act as though they are so much smarter than me and make me feel dumb. But I know that that is wrong to say, there is nothing natural or normal about colonization.

    • @panamarimusic4024
      @panamarimusic4024 Год назад +3

      One of my parents thinks the same. But I would say to bring up how faulty the systems built after colonization are. I would also bring up how colonization is only for bringing a specific race (the one that colonized) out on top, and having them be the "rulers" of the society. Everyone else is forced to the bottom and has to go through trials that the ones on top don't have to go through; or some of the ones on top have to go through those same trials 'cause the systems after colonization are just that faulty. It's all based on power lust and power lust isn't exactly just a natural thing.
      Colonization is *common* part, but not a natural part. Not all humans are inherently greedy. The sentiment that we all are only comes from us all being pit against each other; not by nature causes or lack of resources, but by the higher ups.
      I'm black, and my dad has that view, but I don't know how he could when so much of society works against him as a black man.

    • @salsamango5474
      @salsamango5474 Год назад +3

      @@panamarimusic4024 thanks for responding I'm glad that you feel the same as me. It's frustrating because I think they have been convinced that the way things are is okay and normal and that we should just be happy with what we have. But that completely ignores that what we have in this country is only possible because of the endless exploitation of the global south and even still we are in poverty. I'm white and my parents are too so it's easy for them to just ignore the systems of oppression and rationalize them away. I may be nieve but I don't think the world has to work in a way that causes so much suffering

    • @panamarimusic4024
      @panamarimusic4024 Год назад +3

      @@salsamango5474 You're totally right! You're not nieve at all. Capitalism, White Supremacy, and the US government thrives on your's and my parents beliefs. Breaking down those systems will definitely lead to a life with less suffering, it's not impossible. But a lot of the older generation is afraid of breaking down those systems.

    • @theeccentric7263
      @theeccentric7263 Год назад +2

      Roman history and “Western” history is not all or even most of history. There are so many non-white civilizations that haven’t inevitably ended in colonizing other people. There are so many civilizations that we simply will never know about, due to the limitations of archeology. That’s why the conclusion that your parents come to show a profound lack of knowledge in this topic.

  • @kitty_catra
    @kitty_catra Год назад +6

    Perfect time because I'm actually starting my homework

    • @aleftistdude
      @aleftistdude  Год назад +3

      based!!! the first comment I've seen of someone actually doing their hw while watching this

  • @noahthecomrade
    @noahthecomrade Год назад +8

    Hey guys, I need help with a situation that happened today.
    Yesterday after social studies class I noticed that my old white Social Studies teacher kept saying “blacks” rather than “black people”. She said the latter 0 times and the former 13 times. I talked about this with my best friend (who is black) and she agreed that it felt kind of racist. I let my social studies teacher know of this, and she said she would work on it.
    Today, I was having a panic attack, and a friend brought me to the principal. The principal yelled at me, saying that I had called my social studies teacher a racist (i swear on my grave that was not what i said) and that it was rude of me. She also did a similar thing to my best friend, even though my best friend wasn’t involved. I can only assume that the social studies teacher reported us both. Yelling at me like that was a violation of my 504 plan, and it caused me to spiral into even deeper distress than I already was.
    I don’t think I did the wrong thing by trying to talk to my social studies teacher about that, but the principal (who is black) seemed to disagree, so I’m not sure. Did I do anything bad, and if so, what should I do next to correct it? /genq
    (Note; I am autistic and I need tone indicators. Please use them if possible.)
    Update: I reported the 504 violation the counselors, they said they would take care of it but tbh i doubt anything will change. However, I don’t think it’ll happen a second time, and if it does I can threaten legal action, i think. Thanks yall for your responses :)

    • @kylowr3n
      @kylowr3n Год назад +6

      i don’t think you did anything wrong & i understand and agree with what you and your friend were saying! /gen and since black folks aren’t all the same, some might disagree with what you two were saying. /info
      sometimes there’s also more effective ways to voice a concern like that than others. /info i’d be happy to offer advice about that if you want :) /gen

    • @noahthecomrade
      @noahthecomrade Год назад +2

      @@kylowr3n thank you :)

    • @rowan8133
      @rowan8133 Год назад +4

      I don't think you did anything wrong at all. If you were polite about it, I don't see why your teacher would have a reason to report or not do what she said she would(work on it). Also, your principal concerns me. nobody should yell at an already distressed student, especially not about something so serious. I hope you feel better and everything works out 😊 /gen
      edit: also I love your username and pfp lol! very adorable ^w^ /gen

  • @tuesdaywithanh
    @tuesdaywithanh Год назад +13

    rambling to fight the, feel free to ramble in the replies :)
    the past few days I've been helping my grandma sort her fabric collection, and she's got a lot :)
    it's been pretty nice tho, it's cool to see all the interesting fabric scraps she has :>

    • @AnarchicCrow
      @AnarchicCrow Год назад +2

      I love sorting through the fabric in my house! My mum has some really nice velvets and sliks, its sensory heaven for me 🥰

  • @TheLeftistLynx
    @TheLeftistLynx Год назад +4

    0:31 Preach!
    1:26 !!
    9:10 !!!
    Keep in mind, all of these TikToks are significant in their own way! I'm just highlighting my favorites.
    And to everyone who's reading this, take care of yourself. Treat yourself to something you like/enjoy. Even if it's just a little bit a day, a week, you can do it. Find something that works for you. Have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening!

    • @TheLeftistLynx
      @TheLeftistLynx Год назад

      @green mayo man🍓 Have done, thank you!!

    • @McFlurrArtt
      @McFlurrArtt Год назад +1

      Thank you for your encouragement, this honestly makes me wanna continue my weight loss :)

    • @TheLeftistLynx
      @TheLeftistLynx Год назад

      @@McFlurrArtt Whatever works for you :)

  • @robuxyyyyyyyyyy4708
    @robuxyyyyyyyyyy4708 Год назад +2

    9:00 It's also quite obvious that people's skin color gets a lot darker than that

  • @funkytransboy
    @funkytransboy Год назад

    These videos are my favourite thing to watch while studying!!

  • @chansfeet2500
    @chansfeet2500 Год назад +2

    I'm here instead of doing my discussion post lmao. It can wait though!

    • @kylowr3n
      @kylowr3n Год назад +1

      yuck i hate those :( good luck tho!!

    @POSSUMDCAB Год назад +2

    I have not done any homework since the start of the year, but ill just crochet instead :3

  • @ErutaniaRose
    @ErutaniaRose Год назад

    Saving up for a bookshelf and books that I have seen in these comps.

  • @captaincaspian42
    @captaincaspian42 Год назад +4

    I missed the State Of The Union while working and I frogot to record it, does anyone know what happened? All I'm finding is dumb Fox News clips 😭

  • @nonamefame8891
    @nonamefame8891 Год назад +1

    Froggo is back! With updates!
    -I wanna write a story
    It's gonna be cool
    ...that's it.

    • @rowan8133
      @rowan8133 Год назад

      you go froggo. You write that cool story.

  • @jam-zr5wv
    @jam-zr5wv Год назад +2

    if anyone has any book reccomendations, I want to get some leftist books as a gift for my dad, who is pretty leftist himself but still have some liberal views. I'm probably not going to be able to actually go to a bookstore alone to get stuff for a couple months, so books coming out in the near future are cool too. sadly, I probably can't order anything online, so books I might be able to find in a relatively small community bookstore would be preferred? if anyone can think of anything that would be great, I don't read much non-fiction because I honestly really struggle to comprehend it without reading a few times over, so if anyone can think of any fiction or non-ficition that reads like a story that could be awesome too ( I really don't want to be pushy I'm sure I can find recommendations elsewhere but real people are my preferred go-to for recs)

  • @gasmaskcrow6484
    @gasmaskcrow6484 Год назад +1

    15:03 FREEDOM IS A VERB!!!!!

  • @mewmew6158
    @mewmew6158 Год назад

    The axe video was so cool!

  • @eggfroggowo
    @eggfroggowo Год назад +1

    My club is making Valentine's day themed boxes!!! 😆😆

    • @kylowr3n
      @kylowr3n Год назад +2

      that’s so cool!! what’s your club about? i’m making one at my school about zines :D

    • @eggfroggowo
      @eggfroggowo Год назад +2

      @@kylowr3n my club is called saga! It stands for sexuality and gender alliance. We talk about lgbtq related things and come up with solutions to make the lives of the lgbtq community better!

    • @kylowr3n
      @kylowr3n Год назад +1

      @@eggfroggowo that’s epic!! love the name 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

  • @lexdoesstuff1190
    @lexdoesstuff1190 Год назад

    9:21 lemme guess, this guy teaches at a school in California

  • @robuxyyyyyyyyyy4708
    @robuxyyyyyyyyyy4708 Год назад +1

    13:07 She gives me so much gender envy it's not fair

  • @lordpretzel
    @lordpretzel Год назад

    *Tw rant mentioning ableism and queerphobia*
    In science I sit next to this ignorant boy who is constantly making fun of queer and disabled people (and by proxy me for trying to correct him). He’s pretending to be ignorant and pressing me to explain queer things and then makes fun of them. Whenever I call him out he gets really defensive and claim various other people are being homophobic. I made the mistake of telling him about neo pronouns and genders and he spent the entire hour and a half of our double period making fun of them. I’m so tired of him and all the others like him in my school who are rampantly and outwardly bigoted. It’s hard, but I have a good friend group who are also lefty and that helps.

    • @lordpretzel
      @lordpretzel Год назад

      On a lighter note, I’m nearing the end of the school year and am going to Germany for the first time over summer and I’m so excited! It should be a good chance to practice my German (which god knows I need lol)

  • @hi_im_cricket_im_ur_consci2194

    Can u do a vid on Chicano/Latine movements/culture??

  • @realimereads2707
    @realimereads2707 Год назад

    17:30 If someone has the creator on tiktok, can you link their resource please?

  • @broken_queer_but_fighting8589
    @broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Год назад +2

    Hey can you take care of yourself? Just do one small thing that will make yourself happy. And if you feel like you can do more, please stretch, drink some water, and eat something. You matter so much. I send all the virtual love. 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗

  • @oreocookies5846
    @oreocookies5846 Год назад +1

    Dude you gotta stop giving us so many book recs my tbr list is getting too long 😅

  • @insertwittyusernamehere3082
    @insertwittyusernamehere3082 Год назад

    how is the one with the axe leftist?

  • @moonlightrobbery
    @moonlightrobbery Год назад

    So uhhh...is the nice axe lady single?

  • @munachifgt6221
    @munachifgt6221 Год назад

    Do i like this video or keep it at 690 choices choices.

  • @hedge1247
    @hedge1247 Год назад +3

    Wow! Early!!! >:)

  • @spice4life.
    @spice4life. Год назад

    I have a quaestion and now just keep in mind that i have been trying to learn from these videos:
    Can you be rascist to white people too? I looked up the definition and it seems that yes you can because it's just discrimination to a race?
    pls help y'all

    • @realimereads2707
      @realimereads2707 Год назад +3

      Idk how in depth of a response you'd want, but the way I see it there aren't structures in place that systematically disadvantage white people *because* they are white. I'd write more but I'd have to think about my response more.

    • @enbycharlie6287
      @enbycharlie6287 Год назад +2

      (I'm white, please listen to POC and trust them about this more than you trust me, I just wanted to give my interpretation and what I've heard)
      Although dictionary definitions tend to say things like treating one race better than the others or something along those lines (I haven't searched it up recently, but from what I remember and you describe), discrimination like racism, sexism, etc., are based on power and privilege. The group in power (set by the system, countries can still be racist with a POC in a position of power or sexist with a woman (or enby person, but I don't know if this has happened) in power) can not be oppressed, and therefore you can't be racist, sexist, etc to them. Someone not liking white people or men or whoever is in power cannot even compare to entire systems built around hating/oppressing marginalised people
      This thought seems to be quite common in newly educated (white) leftists, so I am not trying to be mean or anything, just answering your questions the best I can

  • @nickb1156
    @nickb1156 Год назад +1


    • @gooeater1544
      @gooeater1544 Год назад +19

      Thanks for the engagement nick

    • @nickb1156
      @nickb1156 Год назад +1

      @@gooeater1544 yess more people should discover this video and realize how self-destructive modern leftism is 🥰🥰