Stephanie is freaking awesome! Many people would be worried sick about this especially with a baby on the way but she's super optimistic and lifting her husband up. That's true love. The part about the tomato farm and the chicken shop were hilarious! I'm sure Tae will find a job soon and this might actually be a blessing in disguise. Change is scary but it's not always a bad thing. If money gets tight you guys can always open a Patreon.
I was about to suggest Patreon too. Alot of RUclipsrs I watch have a Patreon and even with $2 or $5 subscriptions, they’ve gotten alot of subscribers to sign up. I’m sure alot of people here would sign up too.
My thoughts exactly! Patreon would be a good way for subscriber to support them. Although they would need to upload more contents for the patrons which I am not sure they would have the time to with the arrival of the 3rd baby...
항상 밝은 에너지를 주는 가족 채널로 가끔씩 봐왔던 구독자에요 저는 일본에서 20년 살다가 코로나로 와이프 애기 한국으로 보내고 아이를 한국에서 키워야겠다고 결심하고 그나마 잘다니던 회사를 올해안에 퇴사하고 귀국할 생각입니다 나이도 좀 있어서 한국에서 일을 찾는 것도 걱정이고 오랬동안 한국에서 떨어져 있었기에 한국에 적응이 가능할지도 걱정도 되네요. 단지 외국에서도 맨바닥에 20년 버텼으니 가족도 친구들도 많이 있는 한국인데 어떻게든 될거라고 생각하고 있어요 태열씨의 처자식 부양을 해야되는 아버지라는 무거운 책임감이 공감되서 글남깁니다. 함께 화이팅 하시죠! 何とかなります! 何より明るく支えてくれる家族がいるんじゃないですか。 一緒に頑張りましょう!
파니씨 긍정적인 마인드가 큰 내조가 될 것 같아요. 어깨를 짓 누르는 가장의 무게가 오히려 삶의 원동력이 될 수 있는 시기가 찾아왔네요. 아이들, 와이프 얼굴 떠 올리면서 다시 한번 어깨에 힘 팍 넣으세요. 나도 은퇴가 얼마 남지 않은 나이고 짧은 학력에 임원도 되었고 그 간 살아온 날들을 돌아보면 기회는 여러번 있었던 것 같아요. 군생활 중인 무뚝뚝한 아들이 아빠의 임원 승진 소식을 전해 듣고는 "헐" 이라는 말로 일축했지만 수화기 너머 전해오는 기쁨은 충분히 전달받았답니다. 20년 전 쯤에 나를 보는 것 같아 그 때의 나에게 메시지를 던지는 마음으로 글 남깁니다. Everything's gonna be fine. 태일씨 빠샤!!!! 기죽지 않기로 약속!! 파니씨도....
I'm Japanese and my girlfriend is American. We live in Germany. I lost my job last year to COVID-19 and it was my first time ever lay off I had to handle. It was very hard emotionally and mentally. But my girlfriend tremendously supported me and believed in me doing fine. I really admire your wife cheering you up so much because it is so hard for many people to stay positive
Stephanie, you are a great wife and mother, it can’t be easy facing imminent delivery of a third baby , ( a most vulnerable period in any woman’s life) with the prospect of unemployment and house hunting looming. But what do you do? You laugh, tell your man how great he is and assure him that it will all work out. It is clear to see that Tae, takes his role as father, husband, and provider seriously, and whilst you may be nervous inside, you “ big him up” as we Jamaican like to say, bestowing pride and honour on him, allaying some of his fears. As you have rightly done, by focusing on the strengths your unit portray , your health and his diligence as a worker amongst others. This too will pass and years down the road, when heads are grey , you’ll look back, laugh, and shake your head in amazement at how you were able to get through this. Although I missed the antics of your beautiful children, especially Lance, thank you for sharing with us. You may be surprised at how how many people might be going through similar circumstances currently and had I been one of them, I would have found this video so helpful. As you say Stephanie, you will overcome this with God’s grace , a little love and lots of humour at Tae’s expense. God bless
@@JurijDos 우짜겠어요. 양국 사이가 틀어졌는데, 일본이 수출규제 철회 하지 않는데, 우리만 오매불망 일본 좋아요를 오ㅣ칠까요. 아님 대법원 판례고 뭐고 일본하나를 위해 대한민국 사법체제를 무너 뜨릴까요. 해결방법은 없고 이미 엎지러진 물 새로운 길을 찾아야죠. 노재팬이든 뭐든 세상은 항상 변화하고, 바꿔갑니다. 거기에 적응하느냐 못하느냐가 문제지. 두분의 밝은 에너지면 어디든 길은 찾아 가실거라 믿습니다.
@@dalbongpark2830 응? 일본이 무슨 수출규제를 했다고 구라를 치는지? 화이트리스트 제외는 일본입장뿐 아니라 국제적으로 합법에 의거한 행위인데 뭔개솔? 그동안 일본덕에 화이트리스트 개꿀빨던게 우리나라였는데 이제와서 황금알 낳는 거위의 배를 가른게 어리석은 이 나라와 반일로 지지율 해먹으려는 문죄인 정부가 자처한 일이잖음 나라꼬라지가 이런데도 아직 주제파악 못하는거 보면 개극혐ㅉㅉ
@@범화-z9g 불화수소등 일본 화이트리스트 규제 전에 꿀 빨았다고? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 일본이 꿀 빨았겠지. 뭘 알아야 대화를 하지. 화이트리스트 3품목 저개 일본의 기술인 것 같지? 저건 우리가 샘플 가져다가 수많은 베타 테스터 해주고 이렇게ㅜ만들어 주세요. 하면 만들어주는거임. 뭔 말이냐? 뉴스에서 나오는 수많은 신규 물질 기술이 나옴 그것들을 테스트해보고 하날 선택해서 둘이 머리싸매고 공동으로 개발해야 적용가능한 것들이 나온다고. 불화수소도 공정이랑 회사마다 원하는게 조금씩 다르고 그걸 우리가 테스트 안해주면 일본도 못만들어 무슨말인지 알겠니? 근데 한쪽에서 끊어버리면 저거 남품 받아 물건 만들던 쪽은 공정이며, 기계며 생돈 들여 바꿔야 하는거, 그럼 누가 손해고 누가 잘못이겠니? 그래서 그 결과 싹다 바꾸면서 우리나랴 중소기업들 함박 웃음 짓고 미국계 듀퐁 같은데도 한국서 뭉친돈 긁어 가잖아. 일본애 긁어 가던거 이스라엘 독일 미국 회사들이 가져가는건데, 우리가 무슨 일본 덕에 꿀 빨어. 그건 니꿈속에서나 그런거지.
@@dalbongpark2830 ㅉㅉ이러니 대깨문 소리를 듣는거야~기껏한다는 소리가 불화수소? 미친ㅋㅋㅋ 세계 원천기술 보유국 3개국중 하나인 일본이 뭐가 아쉬워서 우리한테 테스트받냐? 니 망상에서 받는거임? 일본이 지정해서 화이트리스트 명단에 올린 전세계 26개국중 아시아에서 유일하게 일본의 화이트리스트에 등재되서 무역으로 개꿀빨게 우리나라였는데 먼 개헛소리함? 대만 싱가폴 중국조차 오르지못했던 일본의 리스트에 이번 에칭가스사태로 우리나라 그간 남몰래 일본의 무역혜택을 받아온 사실이 뽀록나서 아세안연합이 일본에 항의한건 몰랐냐? 왜 우리만 빼고 한국만 혜택을 줬냐고 항의한건데 거기서 불화수소공정이 왜 나옴? 소설을 쓰려거든 니 일기장에 박기나 하자 응?~/& 망상말고 팩트 ㅇㅈ?
심적으로 어려운 상황을 긍정적으로 극복해 나가시는 모습이 참 인상적이네요... 스테파니 님의 밝고 긍정적인 기운을 보면서 항상 마음 졸이고 사서 걱정하는 제 자신도 돌아보게 되고 저도 저런 마음을 지니고 지내야겠다는 생각이 드네요 제 자신을 위해 타인을 위해... 이직 혹은 좋아하는 일을 찾으시든 태열 님한테도 조만간 좋은 소식이 있을거라고 믿습니다!
I've been in that position many times before and I'm only 30. God has always found new opportunities and brought new skills. I don't know if it worries me anymore as I've learned to trust in God because he has always come through. You guys have a stong faith in God and I have no doubt he will provide for you. He already has with 2 children and another on the way.
I've changed jobs three times already. The first one always hurts. Never thought it would get to me that much. I put my heart and soul into it but due to circumstances, they were not able to keep on board. So I know what Tae feels, EXACTLY. Family kept cheering me up and said it was the opportunity to travel. But all that I had on my mind was paying for rent, car payments, food on the table, etc. How will I take care of my family? I was seriously close to panicking. Didn't get much sleep during the days, weeks and months before finding the next one. You are very lucky that you have such a positive wife at your side. Its a HUGE boost in confidence but at the same time that much more responsibility on your shoulders. But overall, jts much better to go through it together than by yourself. Keep up your spirit Tae. You will find the next job soon! Keep sending out those resumes. Keep networking. Tell your friends to look out for new opportunities. Finally, load more advertisements on these videos. We will watch it!!!!
I understand your decision, but technically Tae didn't lose his job, he decided to walk away from his job since they offered him a position in Japan. It's also sweet to see how supportive and nurturing Pani is.
My husband lost his job when i was pregnant with our third and it ended up being a blessing in disguise. Trust God, He knows what He's doing! You are amazing people and deserve the best. I'll keep you in my prayers!
Your wife is trying to cheer you up. Take this in positive note, youvll have more time with your family and maybe there is a good opportunity for you out there. Like now online selling is booming due to the pandemic, as they say when a door close there's a window ooen.
Stephanie is a wonderful wife! 最初何かの冗談かと思いましたが、事情を聞いて驚きました!明るく現実を受け止めるStephpanieさんと一緒で良かったですね!初転職、ドキドキすると思います・・・。私は何度も転職しているのですが、やはりドキドキするものです。それでも焦らず、自分の職歴からアピールポイントを探してください。タイミングはいつやってくるかわかりませんから、履歴書や職務経歴書は常に更新しておくこと。できれば、転職のプロ(エージェント)でカウンセリング受けるとか(韓国にそんなのあるのかしら?)、できることをやって天命を待つのみです。応援してますよ~!
Stephanie and Tae, you are young and you can overcome this moment. Yes, you have more than a situation to handle, but always be positive like Stephanie suggests. I understand Tae, because the responsabilities are big and heavy on his shoulders. But I think that your love for each other and the support from your families and friends, of which I am sure of, will be the strong motivation to go ahead on your job hunting and house moving. By the way: if this would happened to me I'll be in a complete panic since I am alone, raising my two teen kids. 😉 I wish you the best luck and stay strong! I am here to support you, event from the far away Italy.
Having the love and support from your wonderful wife Steph will ease your mind and you will be able to think more clearly. Tae, don't make quick decisions about what job you want next. Take your time and clear your head.. I am sure that with your skills and being a very hard worker you will find a job that will be far more rewarding than the job you have now. You are young, smart, experienced, ambitious and extremely likeable. As we say in English "you are the whole package". You have a lot to offer a company. Stay positive. Wishing you and your family the very best. You are a lovely family and I really enjoy your videos. You have many fans including this one. Sending big hugs from Toronto Canada.
Worse case scenario, you could always move into your parents' house temporarily. Feel fortunate that you and your beautiful family are healthy. Things will get better after the pandemic goes away!
Stephanie is so optimistic, love how genuine you both are. Praying that Tae will find another job soon. will rewatch the videos without skipping ads. 💕
She wasn't just positive and supporting him mentally. She was fully prepared to go to work. She mentioned it quite a few times that she can go to work and he can even look after the kids so doing it the other way round is an option too. This girl was ready to do anything to make it work with a very positive attitude. Great wife but also great husband as she mentions how hard he works and how much he still comes home to help support the family. It must be very difficult to leave a company after remaining there for such a long time! The only company he has ever worked for but came to the point that he has to leave unfortunately. But as she said things will work out. He may have stuck to one company but all the more reason why he would be able to find something. Loyal employee and clearly good at his job which is why he has been employed for so long to the point of being allowed to have an opportunity to work in a different country. He has the skillset needed. Good luck to both. Things will definitely work out, besides Stephanie was more than ready to get a job to help financially! It be funny if she joked about a plot twist that she stopped him talking about starting the story at university because they could save it as a future content! A prequel story!
I love how optimistic and cheerful Steph is! Such a positive person and great wife😊 you guys definitely have a lot on your plate but I have complete faith that everything will work out for your family❤️
First of all Stephanie is radiating - she looks STUNNING - the pregnancy glow is really showing. Tae best of luck in this new adventure. Everything god puts in our path is meant to be 🙏🏼 I am very curious as to what factors you considered when deciding on staying in Korea when Japan would have been the easier choice. Best of luck!! At least you’ll have a lot of new content!
I love the way, you support your husband and, yes the laughter is good medicine for the soul good luck even though you don't need it I'm sure your job is out there waiting for you ☺️
퇴직 당한게 아니라 퇴직 하시는 거네요 ㅋ 웃을 일은 분명 아니지만 파니님에 리액션이 넘나 재밌고 한편으론 현명 하신것 같아요. 상황이 상황이니 만큼 그때 그때 현명하게 대응 하시는게 ㅎ 답은 없는것 같아요 요즘은요... You guys will be just fine trust me ! I've been worst situation ... Lost all my life saving money and job ㅋ but, somehow I made it out ㅎㅎㅎ It could be new 도전 time !!! or doing something else ... 가족 모두 건강 하시니 걱정 마세요!
Such a great wife. This is the time to be positive and smile. If she was as serious as he was, the whole family would been negative. She is such an amazing person.
Often When one door closes another one opens, is a saying often used. Here in the US job hopping, to downsizing layoffs etc. are common. Rare is the work at one (2) company for life is not that common (unless in a govt. or tenured type position like universities some civil jobs like mail, fire or police). This said, while scary, I've found that it has lead to growth and better opportunities.
추천영상으로 보게되었는데요 ! 어떻게 한 영상으로 두분과 내적 친밀감 엄청 높아진 느낌이에요 ㅎㅎ 한문장에 3개국을 넘나드는 두분 정말 존경스러워요 ! 거기에 삼중언어로 자막편집이라니 ;ㅁ; 구독하고 찬찬히 영상들 정주행하겠습니다 :) 두분의 긍정 에너지라면 잘되실 수 밖에 없을 것 같아요🌞 응원합니다🥳
one word: AFFIRMATION. thanks Stephanie for demonstrating that to us. I pray that God will open more and new doors for your family this year! God bless you! 🙏🏻♥️
My husband lost his job in November. And it was great to have these few months to think about different career paths and even countries we haven't considered to live in. Corona sure pushes us out of our comfort zone. He will start his new job 1st of March after spending 4 months at home. Actually he was working from home since 1st of February so I'm excited he will work from office again and that we did not kill each other or divorced :-). Fingers crossed for your new appartement! Good luck with job hunting guys. Spending more time with new baby seems like perfect timing for you to loose job. :-)
🤗 you two! We went through this after the pandemic started and we went into unemployment for about 6 weeks- the job market was bleak and we started to worry because usually there’s tons of computer development/database development jobs available....but so many people had put new hire freezes on.... we prayed and stayed very close to each other and spent time talking honestly. Also Stephanie- men also start to worry about their age in the work place and the competitiveness of a company wanting experience vs youth. Men also who are “head of the household” take this very seriously and it’s a stress on their well being. So while you are being funny- and supportive- just remember he needs to talk and express his feelings even if you find them uncomfortable. Let him get these feelings out so that you can help reassure him and know you are his soft place to land. Ps- my husband found a better paying job than the one who released him (25,000 a year more)from home even- still has it and his contract was just extended by a year at the new year- so it will happen!! I truly believe God only closed a door to open another... you are about to have an amazing opportunity!!
I’ll do my tiny part to help this lovely family by fully watching/clicking the ads and clicking thumbs up. It’s not much but if we all do it, we can help!
You two are simply amazing! You have such a fun and interesting relationship. It is so fun to see you handling this situation. I’m sure you are feeling stressed, but the support and confidence that Stephanie has in you Tae has to be encouraging and honestly confidence building. Having someone in your corner that has such a deep and abiding faith in you and your ability is just phenomenal. Have you found a new job yet? What are you looking into? I have a feeling you would be fantastic at anything you choose. Bless you in your search.
This episode reminds me of the movie " the company man". Characters in the movie lose their job. Some people somehow manage to live their life by selling Porsche, xbox and downsizing their house. By the way, one of the character killed himself out of despair. The only difference was how their wives treated them. One was cheerful and supporting while other was not. In the clip, it seems Stephanie tries her best to look chill and cheerful to help Tae. With her support I think he can overcome this situation in no time. By the way, it is funny that korean government's policy toward Japan and Japanese companies is rather hurting their own citizens.
아이도 늘어나는 상황이고 성격상 옮겨다니는 것보다 진득하게 한 곳에서 오래 근무하고 싶으신 성격같으니 불안은 하겠지만, 위기를 기회로 삼아야죠. 지금 코로나로 취직 시장 얼어붙었다고 해도 경력직은 조금 여유가 있습니다. 다들 신입 안뽑고 바로 투입될 수 있는 경력직만 찾아서 딱 일 제대로 배운 30대들은 그나마 기회가 많습니다. 어느 분야에서 일하셨는지 몰라서 각 직종마다 차이가 있겠지만, 어떤 분야든 자기 분야에서 열심히 해서 인정받고 있는 30대 후배들 보면 지금이 커리어 한단계 점프할 기회로 삼는 친구들 많습니다. 현지에서도 일하다가 한국법인으로 넘어온거라서 더 메리트도 있을 것이고...
Stephanie is very supportive and being optimistic will help Tae. My sincere wishes to both of you sorting out the options and Tae getting his next job very soon.
So sweet n understanding of Steph on Tae’s unfortunate job situation 💕 The love, positivity & support for each other is so strong. Trust in the Lord that He’ll provide 🥰
Hello! Thank for being brave and telling us! You will get another job and things will be okay ♥ I have 2 children and I have been made redundant twice over the last 10 years, each time I was pregnant. You will get a better job than the one you had and I see you both as an amazing couple who will succeed at everything xxx
Your work experience means you have a massive advantage and I can see you doing well. Plus, I look forward to buying merchandise if you want to for the channel when you both have more time xxx
Y'all are so cute! Am looking forward to videos of Tae "taking time off to pursue other interests". Seriously, though, the first time my husband was unemployed, we were expecting our first child. Staying positive and upbeat definitely helps.
Never have I seen a wife, a pregnant one at that, be so happy that her husband just got unemployed. Almost seems like a comedic TV show. Also, it's pretty ironic that the non-Korean spouse wants to stay in Korea the most. You might still end up back in Japan, however. I think it's a lot harder to find a job in Korea than in Japan. A lot of Koreans actually go to Japan for just that reason. The real irony would be if he got a job with a Korean company, but then transferred him to Japan.
파니씨 응원이 참 보기좋아요. 지금 모두가 힘든 것 같아요. 그렇게 따듯한 위로를 드리고 싶네요. 가장으로서 용기 잃지마시고, 남들보다 조금 일찍 새로운 경험을 하신다 생각하시고, 무슨 일을 하시든 힘차게 새출발하시길 기원합니다. 영상 다 보기전에 글 남기네요^^ 다시 영상보러 ㄱㄱ
Do you wanna know what I really appreciate about this channel? It's not performative. You simply show your lives as they happen and record them; I really appreciate that. Some channels make their kids the focus and use them as props. I cannot stress how much I love the way you love your children. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!
Stephanie is literally A PURE gold ! I mean, she knows the situation really well, but her attitude, her way of seeing the things, oh man you already win a lottery with such person next to you ! Don't be afraid of what is coming, even it's not very well in the moment, and hard to believe in , but the best is yet to come. We will always support you guys
Hey Pani and Tae, I stumbled upon your RUclips channel and really enjoyed learning a little about you two. Especially loved the part about Pani being such a supportive wife. Will partner w you two in praying for Tae to find that perfect job. Kinda funny but I have a 6 year old son and I prayed that he will marry someone like Pani who can encourage and support him through peaks and valleys of life.
A rich old man once told me that it would be easier to achieve success if I did one thing in particular. “Don’t chase women, find ONE great woman and stick with her.” He said 5 years later, as I’m watching this video I finally understand what he meant.
구독 눌렀어요. 저는 미국에 사는데 세째를 아내가 가졌을 때 실직을 하게 됐죠. 출산을 앞두고 회사를 통해 갖고 있는 의료보험을 잃게 되니 참 걱정이 많았었죠. 물론 주에서 제공하는 의료보험지원을 통해 혜택을 받았지만 그래도 본인 부담이 적지 않았어요. 가장으로서 제일 걱정이 혹시나 실질중에 처나 아이들 중에 누구라도 아프게 되면 어떻게 하나 하는 걱정이 많았어요. 다행히 세째 잘 낳고 아무탈 없이 무사히 지났었죠. 한국은 직장이나 지역을 통해서 저럼하게 의료보험이 잘 되어있으니 별다른 걱정을 안해도 될거라고 생각됩니다. 30대 중반이니 이참에 체력 보강도 좀 하시고요. 남자는 여자도 마찬가지겠지만 마흔 즈음에 많이 아픕니다. 이유도 없이 아프고 힘들어지는 때가 누구나 옵니다. 그런거를 모르고 이제 50에 가까와서 알게 되었어요. 건강관리도 잘 하셔서 계속 건강하게 가족들을 돌볼수 있는 초석을 다지는 시간들이 되도록 하시는 것도 좋으리라고 봅니다. 응원합니다.
사람이 살아 가면서 유념해야 될 것이 있는데, 그것은 좋은 일이 있으면 않좋은 일도 일어날수 있다는 것입니다. 이 문제를 인지하고 조심 한다면, 크게 심적으로 힘들어 지지 않을것입니다. 실직이 처음이라 당황스럽고 어찌해야 될지 몰라하시는것 같은데, 더 좋은 직장에 더 좋은 날들이 기다리고 있을거라 확신 합니다. 태열씨는 복이 많은것 같아요. 옆에 티파니 같은 와이프가 있으니 얼마나 든든합니까. 긍정적인 생각은 긍정적인 결과를 만듭니다. 다 잘 될거라 믿으세요. 화이팅~~ 렌스가 조금 밖에 않나와서 섭섭함 ㅋㅋㅋ 힘네세요.
I imagine its hard on Tae to be without a job for the first time, with wife, and 2.5 kids. I am sure God will provide an opportunity that you two would probably not have considered otherwise. Tae is right - raising your children and teaching them is as important as earning a salary. I think Stephanie has done a great job of encouraging her husband. What a blessing to have a wife who is so supportive. Not having experience job hunting can be intimidating. But God is faithful. I am sure Stephanie is unsure of the details, but being adaptable and willing to do what is needed to move past this bump in life is critical to your success as a family. There ARE people who make living on youtube and other such media sites. So that's a thought! I pray God encourages you and guides you to the right job, the right home, and protects and provides during the baby's birth and onwards.
Best wishes on Tae's job search. I'm glad you two can laugh about it. There's always some trepidation as well as excitement when searching for a new job. Hopefully, it will be something he truly enjoys.
My hubby is going through the same thing. It’s been 5 years since his company has laid off people or place them in another state in the US. We had bought a house so relocation was not a good idea. He has maybe 6 months left before complete shut down and he will be out of a job. We were bless with the extra years but he’s worried that finding a job at his age might be hard. Your young so I am sure you will find a job quickly but enjoy the free time. Don’t stress. 😉
남편 분 의 실직은 참 안타까운 마음입니다. 코로나 상황에 서, 아빠의 실직으로 아이들의 환경이 바뀌는 부분 등등 정말 간단한 상황이 아니네요... 심하게 공감 됩니다. 하지만 부인 스테파니 초 긍정적이고 멋진 마인드 가 있어서 잘 ~극복 할 것으로 믿습니다 . 분명 마음속으론 걱정 될 텐 데 ... 멋진 부인 입니다 . 남편 분 은 전생에 분명 나라를 구 하신 듯 홧팅 입니다^^ 남편 힘 내세요~~언제나 응원합니다
남편을 위로하는 아내
늘 웃음소리가 넘치는 가정
이쁜 자녀들
영상만 봐도 힐링이 되네요
실직하는 남편을 위한 와이프의 모습 감동이다. 행복한가정이 계속되길 기원한다.
Stephanie is freaking awesome! Many people would be worried sick about this especially with a baby on the way but she's super optimistic and lifting her husband up. That's true love. The part about the tomato farm and the chicken shop were hilarious! I'm sure Tae will find a job soon and this might actually be a blessing in disguise. Change is scary but it's not always a bad thing. If money gets tight you guys can always open a Patreon.
I was about to suggest Patreon too. Alot of RUclipsrs I watch have a Patreon and even with $2 or $5 subscriptions, they’ve gotten alot of subscribers to sign up. I’m sure alot of people here would sign up too.
My thoughts exactly! Patreon would be a good way for subscriber to support them. Although they would need to upload more contents for the patrons which I am not sure they would have the time to with the arrival of the 3rd baby...
@@riendXkolya but if Tae is unemployed, they might be able to balance it out. And they can always make it temporary until he gets a new job.
실직한 남편에 대한 와이프의 100점짜리 매뉴얼을 보는듯하네요
엄중한 가장의 무게도 나누면 작아집니다 응원할께요 힘!!
한 쪽 문이 닫히면 다른 쪽 문이 열리기 마련이죠.
이왕 정하신거 닫힌 문 앞에서 힘들어 하지 마시고 행복의 다른 쪽 문을 활짝 여시길 바랍니다.
태열씨. 저도 렌스만한 아들 하나 있는 아빤데 작년에 실직하고 새로운 곳에서 일하고 있는 중이에요. 파니씨 말대로 일은 어디에나 있을 꺼니 힘내시고 같은 가장으로서 응원합니다.
태열씨 결혼 잘하셨어요
Tiffany 씨 좋은 가정 에서
교육 많으셨습니다
예쁘고 모든면에서 긍정적이고
어른 말씀에 즐거운 마음으로
편하게 해드리는 모든면에서
아름다운 모습 보기 좋아요
건강 하시고 축복 많이 받으세요.
항상 밝은 에너지를 주는 가족 채널로 가끔씩 봐왔던 구독자에요
저는 일본에서 20년 살다가 코로나로 와이프 애기 한국으로 보내고 아이를 한국에서 키워야겠다고 결심하고 그나마 잘다니던 회사를 올해안에 퇴사하고 귀국할 생각입니다
나이도 좀 있어서 한국에서 일을 찾는 것도 걱정이고 오랬동안 한국에서 떨어져 있었기에 한국에 적응이 가능할지도 걱정도 되네요.
단지 외국에서도 맨바닥에 20년 버텼으니 가족도 친구들도 많이 있는 한국인데 어떻게든 될거라고 생각하고 있어요
태열씨의 처자식 부양을 해야되는 아버지라는 무거운 책임감이 공감되서 글남깁니다.
함께 화이팅 하시죠!
A positive wife makes a huge difference.
제가 이채널을 좋아하는이유 여기있네요 무한긍정밝은에너지 보고있으면 저까지 기분이좋아져요. 가장의 무거운어깨가 화면으로도 느껴지네요.태열님은 무슨일을하셔도 잘하실것같으니 힘내시고 응원합니다
근데 마지막 태열님 태세전환에 빵터졌어요ㅋㅋ유툽열일
파니씨 긍정적인 마인드가 큰 내조가 될 것 같아요. 어깨를 짓 누르는 가장의 무게가 오히려 삶의 원동력이 될 수 있는 시기가 찾아왔네요.
아이들, 와이프 얼굴 떠 올리면서 다시 한번 어깨에 힘 팍 넣으세요. 나도 은퇴가 얼마 남지 않은 나이고 짧은 학력에 임원도 되었고 그 간 살아온 날들을 돌아보면 기회는 여러번 있었던 것 같아요.
군생활 중인 무뚝뚝한 아들이 아빠의 임원 승진 소식을 전해 듣고는 "헐" 이라는 말로 일축했지만 수화기 너머 전해오는 기쁨은 충분히 전달받았답니다. 20년 전 쯤에 나를 보는 것 같아 그 때의 나에게 메시지를 던지는 마음으로 글 남깁니다. Everything's gonna be fine. 태일씨 빠샤!!!! 기죽지 않기로 약속!! 파니씨도....
정말 좋아하는 채널입니다. 이런 상황에서도 이렇게 긍정적으로 웃고, 서포트할 수 있는 부인이 있어서 태열씨가 부러워요. 꼭 더 좋은 기회가 있기를 바랍니다!
아내분이 현명하고 좋은 분이군요. 축복받으신 남편입니다.
이직은 필수인 시대예요! 능력자이시니 잘 되실꺼예요!
훨씬 떨어지는 저도 이직 잘만 했습니다! 연봉도 훨씬 높이구요!
아시는 것처럼 사람은 생각하시는대로 이루실수 있어요!
기도도 많이 하시구요!
항상 잘 보고 있어요! 힘내세요!!!
I'm Japanese and my girlfriend is American. We live in Germany. I lost my job last year to COVID-19 and it was my first time ever lay off I had to handle. It was very hard emotionally and mentally. But my girlfriend tremendously supported me and believed in me doing fine. I really admire your wife cheering you up so much because it is so hard for many people to stay positive
Stephanie, you are a great wife and mother, it can’t be easy facing imminent delivery of a third baby , ( a most vulnerable period in any woman’s life) with the prospect of unemployment and house hunting looming. But what do you do? You laugh, tell your man how great he is and assure him that it will all work out. It is clear to see that Tae, takes his role as father, husband, and provider seriously, and whilst you may be nervous inside, you “ big him up” as we Jamaican like to say, bestowing pride and honour on him, allaying some of his fears.
As you have rightly done, by focusing on the strengths your unit portray , your health and his diligence as a worker amongst others. This too will pass and years down the road, when heads are grey , you’ll look back, laugh, and shake your head in amazement at how you were able to get through this.
Although I missed the antics of your beautiful children, especially Lance, thank you for sharing with us. You may be surprised at how how many people might be going through similar circumstances currently and had I been one of them, I would have found this video so helpful.
As you say Stephanie, you will overcome this with God’s grace , a little love and lots of humour at Tae’s expense. God bless
If all of the wives in the world was like her, nobody would get a divorce
진짜 아내분 최고 👍😍 응원해주시는 모습이ㅜ너무 예쁘시네요!
남편분도 힘내세요 화이팅입니다!!!
본격 육아 대디 기대할께요!
실버버튼 가즈아!
진짜 블랙코미디네. ㅋㅋㅋ 아빠 혼자 장르가 느와르인데 뒤에는 디즈니야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
태열님이 상황에 압도되지 않도록 밝고 긍정적인 에너지로 용기를 주고 서포트해주는 스테파니님이 정말 멋집니다. 태열님도 분명 이전보다 더 좋은 직장을 구하실 수 있을 거라 믿구요, 저도 기도로 서포트 하겠습니다.
바가지 긁는 마누라보다 웃으면서 별일 아닌 것처럼 행동하는 마누라가 진정한 가족이다.ㅎㅎ 코로나가 많은 사람들의 삶을 바꾸네요!
@@JurijDos 노재팬 언급 1도 없는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 심지어 건축 목재 관련해서 노재팬이 왠말임? 님 집 콘크리트 누가 납품했는지 아세요?
@@JurijDos 우짜겠어요. 양국 사이가 틀어졌는데, 일본이 수출규제 철회 하지 않는데, 우리만 오매불망 일본 좋아요를 오ㅣ칠까요.
아님 대법원 판례고 뭐고 일본하나를 위해 대한민국 사법체제를 무너 뜨릴까요.
해결방법은 없고 이미 엎지러진 물 새로운 길을 찾아야죠.
노재팬이든 뭐든 세상은 항상 변화하고, 바꿔갑니다.
거기에 적응하느냐 못하느냐가 문제지.
두분의 밝은 에너지면 어디든 길은 찾아 가실거라 믿습니다.
@@dalbongpark2830 응? 일본이 무슨 수출규제를 했다고 구라를 치는지? 화이트리스트 제외는 일본입장뿐 아니라 국제적으로 합법에 의거한 행위인데 뭔개솔? 그동안 일본덕에 화이트리스트 개꿀빨던게 우리나라였는데 이제와서 황금알 낳는 거위의 배를 가른게 어리석은 이 나라와 반일로 지지율 해먹으려는 문죄인 정부가 자처한 일이잖음 나라꼬라지가 이런데도 아직 주제파악 못하는거 보면 개극혐ㅉㅉ
@@범화-z9g 불화수소등 일본 화이트리스트 규제 전에 꿀 빨았다고? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
일본이 꿀 빨았겠지. 뭘 알아야 대화를 하지. 화이트리스트 3품목 저개 일본의 기술인 것 같지?
저건 우리가 샘플 가져다가 수많은 베타 테스터 해주고 이렇게ㅜ만들어 주세요. 하면 만들어주는거임.
뭔 말이냐? 뉴스에서 나오는 수많은 신규 물질 기술이 나옴 그것들을 테스트해보고 하날 선택해서 둘이 머리싸매고 공동으로 개발해야 적용가능한 것들이 나온다고.
불화수소도 공정이랑 회사마다 원하는게 조금씩 다르고 그걸 우리가 테스트 안해주면 일본도 못만들어 무슨말인지 알겠니?
근데 한쪽에서 끊어버리면 저거 남품 받아 물건 만들던 쪽은 공정이며, 기계며 생돈 들여 바꿔야 하는거, 그럼 누가 손해고 누가 잘못이겠니?
그래서 그 결과 싹다 바꾸면서 우리나랴 중소기업들 함박 웃음 짓고 미국계 듀퐁 같은데도 한국서 뭉친돈 긁어 가잖아.
일본애 긁어 가던거 이스라엘 독일 미국 회사들이 가져가는건데, 우리가 무슨 일본 덕에 꿀 빨어. 그건 니꿈속에서나 그런거지.
@@dalbongpark2830 ㅉㅉ이러니 대깨문 소리를 듣는거야~기껏한다는 소리가 불화수소? 미친ㅋㅋㅋ 세계 원천기술 보유국 3개국중 하나인 일본이 뭐가 아쉬워서 우리한테 테스트받냐? 니 망상에서 받는거임? 일본이 지정해서 화이트리스트 명단에 올린 전세계 26개국중 아시아에서 유일하게 일본의 화이트리스트에 등재되서 무역으로 개꿀빨게 우리나라였는데 먼 개헛소리함? 대만 싱가폴 중국조차 오르지못했던 일본의 리스트에 이번 에칭가스사태로 우리나라 그간 남몰래 일본의 무역혜택을 받아온 사실이 뽀록나서 아세안연합이 일본에 항의한건 몰랐냐? 왜 우리만 빼고 한국만 혜택을 줬냐고 항의한건데 거기서 불화수소공정이 왜 나옴? 소설을 쓰려거든 니 일기장에 박기나 하자 응?~/& 망상말고 팩트 ㅇㅈ?
심적으로 어려운 상황을 긍정적으로 극복해 나가시는 모습이 참 인상적이네요...
스테파니 님의 밝고 긍정적인 기운을 보면서 항상 마음 졸이고 사서 걱정하는 제 자신도 돌아보게 되고 저도 저런 마음을 지니고 지내야겠다는 생각이 드네요 제 자신을 위해 타인을 위해... 이직 혹은 좋아하는 일을 찾으시든 태열 님한테도 조만간 좋은 소식이 있을거라고 믿습니다!
태열님 상심이 크겠지만, 요즘은 평생직장이 없습니다. 대부분 두번 이상은 이직하면서 일 한다고 합니다. 더 좋은 직장을 구할 수 있을겁니다:)
기도하고 응원할게요. 힘내세요!
마음 고생 많으시겠지만 마미가 옆에서 웃고 지내실려는 모습 보고 참 멋진 와이프란 생각 드네요😂❤️
思ってもいなかったタイミングでまさかの事態になりショックも大きいかと思いますが、心と身体が健康であれば必ず道は切り開けます!転職はある意味チャンスでもあります。少し休んで、ご自身により合う道を選べるよう願っています。'死ぬこと以外はかすり傷'という言葉を思い出しました。テヨルさんなら必ず大丈夫。しばらくは休んで、これまでのご自身を労ってくださいね^ ^
항상 긍정적인 스테파니를 보고 그런 마음가짐을 배우고 싶네요. 항상 힘내시기를 바라겠습니다!
I've been in that position many times before and I'm only 30. God has always found new opportunities and brought new skills. I don't know if it worries me anymore as I've learned to trust in God because he has always come through. You guys have a stong faith in God and I have no doubt he will provide for you. He already has with 2 children and another on the way.
I've changed jobs three times already. The first one always hurts. Never thought it would get to me that much. I put my heart and soul into it but due to circumstances, they were not able to keep on board. So I know what Tae feels, EXACTLY. Family kept cheering me up and said it was the opportunity to travel. But all that I had on my mind was paying for rent, car payments, food on the table, etc. How will I take care of my family? I was seriously close to panicking. Didn't get much sleep during the days, weeks and months before finding the next one.
You are very lucky that you have such a positive wife at your side. Its a HUGE boost in confidence but at the same time that much more responsibility on your shoulders. But overall, jts much better to go through it together than by yourself.
Keep up your spirit Tae. You will find the next job soon! Keep sending out those resumes. Keep networking. Tell your friends to look out for new opportunities.
Finally, load more advertisements on these videos. We will watch it!!!!
I understand your decision, but technically Tae didn't lose his job, he decided to walk away from his job since they offered him a position in Japan. It's also sweet to see how supportive and nurturing Pani is.
Should not have to leave the country. It shows it was not his work that was the problem but a company decision.
건강 조심하시고 항상 행복하시길 바랍니다.
My husband lost his job when i was pregnant with our third and it ended up being a blessing in disguise. Trust God, He knows what He's doing! You are amazing people and deserve the best. I'll keep you in my prayers!
Wow..God is good all the times.
Everything happens for a reason for real. We just need to keep up with positive thoughts!
Your wife is trying to cheer you up. Take this in positive note, youvll have more time with your family and maybe there is a good opportunity for you out there. Like now online selling is booming due to the pandemic, as they say when a door close there's a window ooen.
힘내시고 가족들이 있잖아요. 응원합니다. 좋은 일이 더 많이 나타 날 것 같습니다. 힘내세요.
I’m rooting for Tae to find another job after he rests for a month so he’ll be refreshed and can work hard to support your growing family.
Stephanie is a wonderful wife! 最初何かの冗談かと思いましたが、事情を聞いて驚きました!明るく現実を受け止めるStephpanieさんと一緒で良かったですね!初転職、ドキドキすると思います・・・。私は何度も転職しているのですが、やはりドキドキするものです。それでも焦らず、自分の職歴からアピールポイントを探してください。タイミングはいつやってくるかわかりませんから、履歴書や職務経歴書は常に更新しておくこと。できれば、転職のプロ(エージェント)でカウンセリング受けるとか(韓国にそんなのあるのかしら?)、できることをやって天命を待つのみです。応援してますよ~!
Stephanie and Tae, you are young and you can overcome this moment. Yes, you have more than a situation to handle, but always be positive like Stephanie suggests. I understand Tae, because the responsabilities are big and heavy on his shoulders. But I think that your love for each other and the support from your families and friends, of which I am sure of, will be the strong motivation to go ahead on your job hunting and house moving. By the way: if this would happened to me I'll be in a complete panic since I am alone, raising my two teen kids. 😉
I wish you the best luck and stay strong! I am here to support you, event from the far away Italy.
Having the love and support from your wonderful wife Steph will ease your mind and you will be able to think more clearly. Tae, don't make quick decisions about what job you want next. Take your time and clear your head.. I am sure that with your skills and being a very hard worker you will find a job that will be far more rewarding than the job you have now. You are young, smart, experienced, ambitious and extremely likeable. As we say in English "you are the whole package". You have a lot to offer a company. Stay positive. Wishing you and your family the very best. You are a lovely family and I really enjoy your videos. You have many fans including this one. Sending big hugs from Toronto Canada.
ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 코로나때문에 25년 일한 곳을 떠나 6개월째 쉬면서 천천히 나가고 있습니다...
우선 유튜브라도 꾸준히 많이 올리시면서 일을 찾으시기를 바랍니다 🙏. 응원합니다
I just love how Steph keeps cheering on him that's a great partner over there
Worse case scenario, you could always move into your parents' house temporarily. Feel fortunate that you and your beautiful family are healthy. Things will get better after the pandemic goes away!
Stephanie is so optimistic, love how genuine you both are. Praying that Tae will find another job soon. will rewatch the videos without skipping ads. 💕
이야.........갓수인데......분위기참좋네..........부럽다....화목한따듯한집....세상을다가지셨네 이부부는...행복은돈으로살수없다...이게현재 이부부한테는 맞는말인거같다..
So refreshing watching you interact with each other, without the kids around. It's a different dynamic that's interesting to watch.
본격적으로 전업유튜버의길로 드러선.......스타파니와태일씨부부....딱좋습니다!10만을넘어서 20만으로~셋째를넘어서4명을.....
She wasn't just positive and supporting him mentally. She was fully prepared to go to work. She mentioned it quite a few times that she can go to work and he can even look after the kids so doing it the other way round is an option too.
This girl was ready to do anything to make it work with a very positive attitude.
Great wife but also great husband as she mentions how hard he works and how much he still comes home to help support the family.
It must be very difficult to leave a company after remaining there for such a long time! The only company he has ever worked for but came to the point that he has to leave unfortunately. But as she said things will work out. He may have stuck to one company but all the more reason why he would be able to find something. Loyal employee and clearly good at his job which is why he has been employed for so long to the point of being allowed to have an opportunity to work in a different country. He has the skillset needed.
Good luck to both. Things will definitely work out, besides Stephanie was more than ready to get a job to help financially!
It be funny if she joked about a plot twist that she stopped him talking about starting the story at university because they could save it as a future content! A prequel story!
I love how optimistic and cheerful Steph is! Such a positive person and great wife😊 you guys definitely have a lot on your plate but I have complete faith that everything will work out for your family❤️
First of all Stephanie is radiating - she looks STUNNING - the pregnancy glow is really showing. Tae best of luck in this new adventure. Everything god puts in our path is meant to be 🙏🏼 I am very curious as to what factors you considered when deciding on staying in Korea when Japan would have been the easier choice. Best of luck!! At least you’ll have a lot of new content!
I love the way, you support your husband and, yes the laughter is good medicine for the soul good luck even though you don't need it I'm sure your job is out there waiting for you ☺️
I'm sorry to hear Tae lost his job; praying for you guys to find another better opportunity that fits your family needs and desires
퇴직 당한게 아니라 퇴직 하시는 거네요 ㅋ
웃을 일은 분명 아니지만 파니님에 리액션이 넘나 재밌고 한편으론 현명 하신것 같아요.
상황이 상황이니 만큼 그때 그때 현명하게 대응 하시는게 ㅎ 답은 없는것 같아요 요즘은요...
You guys will be just fine trust me ! I've been worst situation ...
Lost all my life saving money and job ㅋ but, somehow I made it out ㅎㅎㅎ
It could be new 도전 time !!! or doing something else ...
가족 모두 건강 하시니 걱정 마세요!
기분이 찹찹하시고 식구도 있는데 마음이 편하지는 않으시겠지요. 그러나 이런일이 기회가 될수도 있습니다. 나의 가치를 더 알아주는 직장이 반드시 나올것입니다.
스테파니상 정말 현명하고
지혜로운 아내분.
두분이 함께하시니 뭐든 길이
열릴거라 믿습니다.
Such a great wife. This is the time to be positive and smile. If she was as serious as he was, the whole family would been negative. She is such an amazing person.
Stephanie, I love your positive attitude. Things will work out Tae. A new door is opening w/new opportunities.
실직자 위로함에 구독 추가 합니다. 힘내세요!! 부인이 아주 현명하신 분이시네. 잘 될겁니다.!! ^ ^
Often When one door closes another one opens, is a saying often used. Here in the US job hopping, to downsizing layoffs etc. are common. Rare is the work at one (2) company for life is not that common (unless in a govt. or tenured type position like universities some civil jobs like mail, fire or police). This said, while scary, I've found that it has lead to growth and better opportunities.
추천영상으로 보게되었는데요 ! 어떻게 한 영상으로 두분과 내적 친밀감 엄청 높아진 느낌이에요 ㅎㅎ 한문장에 3개국을 넘나드는 두분 정말 존경스러워요 ! 거기에 삼중언어로 자막편집이라니 ;ㅁ; 구독하고 찬찬히 영상들 정주행하겠습니다 :) 두분의 긍정 에너지라면 잘되실 수 밖에 없을 것 같아요🌞 응원합니다🥳
"Laziness is my specialty" ^^ I can relate. I love you so much, so optimistic and I'm so grateful for you guys
one word: AFFIRMATION. thanks Stephanie for demonstrating that to us. I pray that God will open more and new doors for your family this year! God bless you! 🙏🏻♥️
My husband lost his job in November. And it was great to have these few months to think about different career paths and even countries we haven't considered to live in. Corona sure pushes us out of our comfort zone. He will start his new job 1st of March after spending 4 months at home. Actually he was working from home since 1st of February so I'm excited he will work from office again and that we did not kill each other or divorced :-). Fingers crossed for your new appartement! Good luck with job hunting guys. Spending more time with new baby seems like perfect timing for you to loose job. :-)
🤗 you two! We went through this after the pandemic started and we went into unemployment for about 6 weeks- the job market was bleak and we started to worry because usually there’s tons of computer development/database development jobs available....but so many people had put new hire freezes on.... we prayed and stayed very close to each other and spent time talking honestly.
Also Stephanie- men also start to worry about their age in the work place and the competitiveness of a company wanting experience vs youth.
Men also who are “head of the household” take this very seriously and it’s a stress on their well being.
So while you are being funny- and supportive- just remember he needs to talk and express his feelings even if you find them uncomfortable.
Let him get these feelings out so that you can help reassure him and know you are his soft place to land.
Ps- my husband found a better paying job than the one who released him (25,000 a year more)from home even- still has it and his contract was just extended by a year at the new year- so it will happen!! I truly believe God only closed a door to open another... you are about to have an amazing opportunity!!
I’ll do my tiny part to help this lovely family by fully watching/clicking the ads and clicking thumbs up. It’s not much but if we all do it, we can help!
눈팅만 했는데, tae님 어디가나 잘 하실만한 인품이고 실력을 가진듯합니다. 힘내시고
정부에서 다자녀 신혼부부의 주택마련의 경우 거의 무이자로 장기대출을 해주기때문에 희망을 가지시길
태열님 진짜 꼭 이분말씀 기억해주세요! 3자녀(태아포함) 다자녀 전세 및 추후 분양 청약도글코 꼭 알아보고하세요..
You two are simply amazing! You have such a fun and interesting relationship. It is so fun to see you handling this situation. I’m sure you are feeling stressed, but the support and confidence that Stephanie has in you Tae has to be encouraging and honestly confidence building. Having someone in your corner that has such a deep and abiding faith in you and your ability is just phenomenal. Have you found a new job yet? What are you looking into? I have a feeling you would be fantastic at anything you choose. Bless you in your search.
This episode reminds me of the movie " the company man". Characters in the movie lose their job. Some people somehow manage to live their life by selling Porsche, xbox and downsizing their house. By the way, one of the character killed himself out of despair. The only difference was how their wives treated them. One was cheerful and supporting while other was not. In the clip, it seems Stephanie tries her best to look chill and cheerful to help Tae. With her support I think he can overcome this situation in no time. By the way, it is funny that korean government's policy toward Japan and Japanese companies is rather hurting their own citizens.
아이도 늘어나는 상황이고 성격상 옮겨다니는 것보다 진득하게 한 곳에서 오래 근무하고 싶으신 성격같으니 불안은 하겠지만, 위기를 기회로 삼아야죠. 지금 코로나로 취직 시장 얼어붙었다고 해도 경력직은 조금 여유가 있습니다. 다들 신입 안뽑고 바로 투입될 수 있는 경력직만 찾아서 딱 일 제대로 배운 30대들은 그나마 기회가 많습니다.
어느 분야에서 일하셨는지 몰라서 각 직종마다 차이가 있겠지만, 어떤 분야든 자기 분야에서 열심히 해서 인정받고 있는 30대 후배들 보면 지금이 커리어 한단계 점프할 기회로 삼는 친구들 많습니다. 현지에서도 일하다가 한국법인으로 넘어온거라서 더 메리트도 있을 것이고...
Stephanie is very supportive and being optimistic will help Tae. My sincere wishes to both of you sorting out the options and Tae getting his next job very soon.
Don't skip ads! Click and go to the website people.
So sweet n understanding of Steph on Tae’s unfortunate job situation 💕 The love, positivity & support for each other is so strong. Trust in the Lord that He’ll provide 🥰
Hello! Thank for being brave and telling us! You will get another job and things will be okay ♥
I have 2 children and I have been made redundant twice over the last 10 years, each time I was pregnant. You will get a better job than the one you had and I see you both as an amazing couple who will succeed at everything xxx
Your work experience means you have a massive advantage and I can see you doing well.
Plus, I look forward to buying merchandise if you want to for the channel when you both have more time xxx
Really kind words of yours.
Check out our videos when you are free 😊
Y'all are so cute! Am looking forward to videos of Tae "taking time off to pursue other interests". Seriously, though, the first time my husband was unemployed, we were expecting our first child. Staying positive and upbeat definitely helps.
Never have I seen a wife, a pregnant one at that, be so happy that her husband just got unemployed. Almost seems like a comedic TV show. Also, it's pretty ironic that the non-Korean spouse wants to stay in Korea the most. You might still end up back in Japan, however. I think it's a lot harder to find a job in Korea than in Japan. A lot of Koreans actually go to Japan for just that reason. The real irony would be if he got a job with a Korean company, but then transferred him to Japan.
Praying for God’s favor, continued peace, and the right place He wants you to live. May you get the rest that you need. God’s got this!
파니씨 응원이 참 보기좋아요.
지금 모두가 힘든 것 같아요. 그렇게 따듯한 위로를 드리고 싶네요. 가장으로서 용기 잃지마시고, 남들보다 조금 일찍 새로운 경험을 하신다 생각하시고, 무슨 일을 하시든 힘차게 새출발하시길 기원합니다.
영상 다 보기전에 글 남기네요^^
다시 영상보러 ㄱㄱ
Do you wanna know what I really appreciate about this channel? It's not performative. You simply show your lives as they happen and record them; I really appreciate that. Some channels make their kids the focus and use them as props. I cannot stress how much I love the way you love your children. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!
있어보이려고 허세부리는 집보다 솔직하게 있는 그대로 보여주니깐
그게 더 정감있고 보기 좋네요
더 잘되실거라 믿습니다
Stephanie is literally A PURE gold ! I mean, she knows the situation really well, but her attitude, her way of seeing the things, oh man you already win a lottery with such person next to you !
Don't be afraid of what is coming, even it's not very well in the moment, and hard to believe in , but the best is yet to come. We will always support you guys
Hey Pani and Tae, I stumbled upon your RUclips channel and really enjoyed learning a little about you two. Especially loved the part about Pani being such a supportive wife. Will partner w you two in praying for Tae to find that perfect job. Kinda funny but I have a 6 year old son and I prayed that he will marry someone like Pani who can encourage and support him through peaks and valleys of life.
A rich old man once told me that it would be easier to achieve success if I did one thing in particular.
“Don’t chase women, find ONE great woman and stick with her.” He said
5 years later, as I’m watching this video I finally understand what he meant.
구독 눌렀어요. 저는 미국에 사는데 세째를 아내가 가졌을 때 실직을 하게 됐죠. 출산을 앞두고 회사를 통해 갖고 있는 의료보험을 잃게 되니 참 걱정이 많았었죠. 물론 주에서 제공하는 의료보험지원을 통해 혜택을 받았지만 그래도 본인 부담이 적지 않았어요. 가장으로서 제일 걱정이 혹시나 실질중에 처나 아이들 중에 누구라도 아프게 되면 어떻게 하나 하는 걱정이 많았어요. 다행히 세째 잘 낳고 아무탈 없이 무사히 지났었죠. 한국은 직장이나 지역을 통해서 저럼하게 의료보험이 잘 되어있으니 별다른 걱정을 안해도 될거라고 생각됩니다. 30대 중반이니 이참에 체력 보강도 좀 하시고요. 남자는 여자도 마찬가지겠지만 마흔 즈음에 많이 아픕니다. 이유도 없이 아프고 힘들어지는 때가 누구나 옵니다. 그런거를 모르고 이제 50에 가까와서 알게 되었어요. 건강관리도 잘 하셔서 계속 건강하게 가족들을 돌볼수 있는 초석을 다지는 시간들이 되도록 하시는 것도 좋으리라고 봅니다. 응원합니다.
사람이 살아 가면서 유념해야 될 것이 있는데, 그것은 좋은 일이 있으면 않좋은 일도 일어날수 있다는 것입니다.
이 문제를 인지하고 조심 한다면, 크게 심적으로 힘들어 지지 않을것입니다.
실직이 처음이라 당황스럽고 어찌해야 될지 몰라하시는것 같은데, 더 좋은 직장에 더 좋은 날들이 기다리고 있을거라 확신 합니다.
태열씨는 복이 많은것 같아요.
옆에 티파니 같은 와이프가 있으니 얼마나 든든합니까.
긍정적인 생각은 긍정적인 결과를 만듭니다. 다 잘 될거라 믿으세요.
렌스가 조금 밖에 않나와서 섭섭함 ㅋㅋㅋ 힘네세요.
I imagine its hard on Tae to be without a job for the first time, with wife, and 2.5 kids. I am sure God will provide an opportunity that you two would probably not have considered otherwise.
Tae is right - raising your children and teaching them is as important as earning a salary.
I think Stephanie has done a great job of encouraging her husband. What a blessing to have a wife who is so supportive.
Not having experience job hunting can be intimidating. But God is faithful.
I am sure Stephanie is unsure of the details, but being adaptable and willing to do what is needed to move past this bump in life is critical to your success as a family.
There ARE people who make living on youtube and other such media sites. So that's a thought!
I pray God encourages you and guides you to the right job, the right home, and protects and provides during the baby's birth and onwards.
1. 사업보다는 직장을 더 다니세요...사업 시작해서 후회하는 사람 90%.
2..이직은 퇴직한 다음에 준비하는것 보다 재직중일때 하는것이 유리...퇴직하면 연봉 협상들등 여러면에서 불리.
3. 연봉보다는 오래 다닐수 있는 직장 고려.
힘내세요!! 저도 비슷한 경우 였지만 다시 새로운 곳에서 잘 지내고 있습니다!! 인생은 새옹지마에요^^
모든 힘은 긍정적인 생각에서 나오는듯 합니다
빨리 가다보면 놓치는 일들이 많은데
잠시 머무르다 다시 출발할때 더 멀리 갈수있겠지요
세상에 얼굴만 이쁜게 아니야
어떻게 파니같은 사람이 다 있을까요? 어디서 태어났냐고
묻는다면 그냥 하늘에서 내려왔다고 해도 될듯하네요
오늘도 역시 태열씨한테 1패 하고 갑니다
Best wishes on Tae's job search. I'm glad you two can laugh about it. There's always some trepidation as well as excitement when searching for a new job. Hopefully, it will be something he truly enjoys.
On a positive note...Tae looks so handsome without his glasses and longer hair..MR HOTTIE 😁
Good luck on moving and finding a new job. I’m glad you both seem to be supporting each other so well during what would be a stressful time for many.
Stephanie is so positive and supportive.
You got this Tae! Cheering you and Pani all the way from Seattle!!! Such a funny heartwarming and encouraging clip. And yes, I 'liked' the video :)
My hubby is going through the same thing. It’s been 5 years since his company has laid off people or place them in another state in the US. We had bought a house so relocation was not a good idea. He has maybe 6 months left before complete shut down and he will be out of a job. We were bless with the extra years but he’s worried that finding a job at his age might be hard. Your young so I am sure you will find a job quickly but enjoy the free time. Don’t stress. 😉
남편 분 의 실직은 참 안타까운 마음입니다. 코로나 상황에 서, 아빠의 실직으로 아이들의
환경이 바뀌는 부분 등등 정말 간단한 상황이 아니네요... 심하게 공감 됩니다.
하지만 부인 스테파니 초 긍정적이고 멋진 마인드 가 있어서 잘 ~극복 할 것으로 믿습니다 .
분명 마음속으론 걱정 될 텐 데 ... 멋진 부인 입니다 . 남편 분 은 전생에 분명 나라를 구 하신 듯
홧팅 입니다^^ 남편 힘 내세요~~언제나 응원합니다