Why are there no female audiophiles?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • psaudio.com
    High-end audio appears to be dominated by males. What's the reason for this gender discrepancy if it is true?

Комментарии • 265

  • @mica412
    @mica412 4 года назад +80

    I am female and in my early 50's and since being in my early twenties I have always spent any excess money I have on being able to produce the best sound I possibly can from my C.D.'s, audio cassettes and records. Whether that makes me an audiophile or not, I don't know, all I do know is I enjoy listening to my music just as much as any guy out there😊.

  • @kinkias
    @kinkias 4 года назад +47

    I brought my wife with me once, much against her will, to an audio store. We sat in their main room to listen to their new main system, costing around 1 million euros, on the day before its reveal, wich would introduce the new flagship Magico speakers in our country. While the staff was making the final adjustments and tweaks, and I was drooling at the sight of the speakers (omg so huuuuge!), the amp, the cables (so thick! omg!), fist thing she says is: "the left speaker is louder than the right one". We all stopped and listened more carefully, and all the the staff started panicking as we all realized that she was absolutely right. And it wasn't that hard to noticed tbh... That says a lot. Most of the time, we are more concerned about the gear, than the sound itself. God bless women!

    • @StewartMarkley
      @StewartMarkley 4 года назад

      Nat N NO, DM is the lucky one.

    • @janinapalmer8368
      @janinapalmer8368 4 года назад

      D M ...... you nailed it !!
      Men are no different with cars either

    • @stephensmith3111
      @stephensmith3111 4 года назад +3

      My late wife, though not an audiophile, had ears more golden than mine. She was a professional speech/language pathologist who would diagnose elementary though middle school kids with speech problems and then devise corrective programs for them. She also played piano.

    • @alexandre7634
      @alexandre7634 3 года назад

      It's reminds me a lot of some sound engineers passion for vintage gear like old mics, eq or compression unity hardware 😅 you don't need those to make great music but we all love fancy stuff

  • @rhuvaughn
    @rhuvaughn 4 года назад +16

    I’m a woman, and I love great sound.
    It’s a love that was inherited from my stepfather (may he Rest In Peace). He was a huge stereo geek in the late 60s and early 70s, and we had a specific listening room in our house. He listened to lots of jazz and classical music, which I learned to love, too.
    And when we kids left the nest, he always made sure we had good audio set-ups. So I was spoiled rotten.

    • @chrishernandez2490
      @chrishernandez2490 2 года назад

      I have a 1 year old daughter and this is definitely my goal

  • @polymusegal
    @polymusegal 4 года назад +53

    I must be an anomaly. I love seeing how well the boxes are put together. However, if it doesn’t sound outstanding regardless of manufacturer I won’t buy it. I do A/B comparisons before I buy anything. And I can sit for hours listening to vinyl. Let me assure you there are other females like me.... maybe not a lot but we are here listening and watching in the background.

    • @pichass9337
      @pichass9337 4 года назад +1

      In the background... where you belong

    • @polymusegal
      @polymusegal 4 года назад +15

      Liam Martin 2: Electric Boogaloo Why must you be an asshole?

    • @marianneoelund2940
      @marianneoelund2940 4 года назад +14

      Condescending and unappreciative remarks like that, Liam, make me highly reluctant to share advice and tips.
      How about if you move along now, and fade into the background yourself?

    • @pichass9337
      @pichass9337 4 года назад

      @@marianneoelund2940 how am I supposed to do any of the things you told me to? This is the internet, don't try to be witty here.

    • @mica412
      @mica412 4 года назад +2

      @@polymusegal - You took the words out of my mouth!

  • @ThinkingBetter
    @ThinkingBetter 4 года назад +19

    Female audiophiles are perhaps more genuine audiophiles by not being so obsessed about the hardware and snake oil side of things but more about the music. I can respect that.

    • @jakedill1304
      @jakedill1304 3 года назад

      No matter what where when why, if you're a guy... There's always going to be some sort of measuring... From tripods to Adolf they could be in the same conversation and they'd still be at the very least mentally subconsciously challenging every response.
      I believe there's a mathematical equation something like the TMI scale but that is as you can imagine heavily disputed as to its specifics, although universally accepted in the scientific community...

  • @L.Scott_Music
    @L.Scott_Music 4 года назад +3

    I think it's a sociological thing for the most part and it is changing as young girls are interacting with tech more than when I was young. It doesn't matter what kind of tech, once you get your mind around and enjoy tech the interest expands to any tech field. Women were isolated from tech in general society in prior decades but there were exceptions that proves women have always had a equal acumen for tech to men. Society is evolving and change happens.

  • @noahbirdrevolution
    @noahbirdrevolution 4 года назад +33

    I actually reconnected with an ol acquaintance & she had a vintage Marantz, ol Technic turntable & some Garrard speakers that sounded rather balanced. They just don't go around bragging about it like it's a d*ck swinging contest. Lol

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 4 года назад +3

      I suspect she's extremely well off, and just went out and purchased a very high end quality system.
      Very rarely will a woman ever spend a significant amount of their disposable income or net worth on audio gear.

    • @wa2368
      @wa2368 4 года назад +4

      It is probably a 50/50 even split among "MUSIC LOVERS" for men and women (which is the whole fcking point of all this gear). My wife probably has a equal amount of her own music she listens to. She plays 3 musical instruments, i can play one! Dudes are just more prone to OCD (and related mental illnesses) when it comes to gear! The ladies have a healthier approach to this and it's a good thing that they're not falling into this endless pursuit a.k.a expensive trap a.k.a bottomless pit.

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 4 года назад

      @@wa2368 True, guys can be too ocd with their hobbies.

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 4 года назад

      @Fat Rat Why don't you ever have to buy a woman a watch?
      There's a clock on the stove.

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 4 года назад

      @Fat Rat Why are women's feet smaller than men's?
      So they can be closer to the sink to wash the dishes.

  • @contemporaryhomeaudio
    @contemporaryhomeaudio 4 года назад +4

    My wife is satisfied with a boombox even though she loves music every bit as much as I do. For her it's things like the lyric content or if it makes her want to dance rather than outright fidelity. She appreciates good sound when we listen to the main system but her priorities when listening are different than mine. I mostly hear vocals as an instrument, I have difficulty following the meaning of lyrics unless I have them written down so I can see them, she connects with artists that speak to her lyrically.

  • @marianneoelund2940
    @marianneoelund2940 4 года назад +8

    I'm an audiophile when it comes to pianos and a few other instruments - extremely sensitive to tone quality. The down side is that can be a curse when it comes to finding an instrument with pleasing sound.
    With audio gear, every system I've ever heard has obvious deficiencies and falls short of live instruments. It's hard to get excited about that. Although, I haven't visited PS Audio yet. ;-)
    But as an engineer, I do like to see others' designs, and test equipment to see what its strengths and weaknesses are (and how honest the mfgr specs are). I appreciate products that are well-designed and built to last.

    • @KingOath
      @KingOath 4 года назад

      I have the same problem with speakers. Unfortunatly I can’t afford anything good enough to suit my taste, I can always hear an issue

    • @sailingaquarius23
      @sailingaquarius23 4 года назад

      You have to build your own speakers. Multi-amped. DSP , drivers that compliment each other. Thats what I'm working on.
      Retail speakers always focus on the big bass. Getting a subwoofer to jive with the main is the problem. Your looking for fundamental tones that are complete. Retail speakers are for sound stage and wide range speaker response. What they cant do is create the power of a piano in a 5 or 6 inch woofer no matter how many they have.

    • @KingOath
      @KingOath 4 года назад

      Fat Rat All very true Sir and thank you, I don’t necessarily mean I want perfect reproduction though, moreso a certain style of sound. I’ve recently got back into building speakers after not doing so since I was a teen, and I think I can get the sound I’m after for a reasonable cost by building.
      I really enjoy an almost ambient live-at-a-distance type sound, where the main instruments are there and clear enough though not neccesarily perfect, but the background effects and the “sound of the studio” are audible. I’ve found that large semi modern and high sensitivity speakers like mid 90’s 12” boxes seem to do this well so I’m working towards that side of things

    • @KingOath
      @KingOath 4 года назад

      STEREO JUNKY I actually do multi amp with a DSP :) isnt it awesome!

    • @sailingaquarius23
      @sailingaquarius23 4 года назад

      @@KingOath Yup, for 40 years now. I have chucked the chokers. Its all about what lies in the signal path. People do all this and that just to need big amps and the push it through a choker. Oh well, I got teenagers and I teach them better. Its like an old dude telling you that fuel injection aint no good because you can't work on them.
      I tell you that my kids could learn and run a DSP right now. And they are 15 and younger. Just you wait, and see. They will have DSP's just so they can feel
      "at home".

  • @MrSatyre1
    @MrSatyre1 4 года назад +6

    Having been in this industry as a manufacturer for decades, I know several women audiophiles, but by no means many. There are plenty of politically incorrect (and usually accurate) reasons for this.

    • @inthezone4123
      @inthezone4123 4 года назад +1

      I enjoy this channel, but I thought this video was a bit PC. Yes, I can see guys getting excited about the equipment, but the equipment produces the fantastic sound, which for most folks would be the end game. In my experience, most women are interested in cost and effort that goes into a good sound system. If we were to chat with the owners of hifi shops over the last 4 decades, I'm sure most of them would say that 80% of their customers men.

  • @nevzataydin1
    @nevzataydin1 4 года назад +4

    this gone from 'women are same as men' to 'women are better in every way' pretty quick. plz no to sexism in every way.

  • @thegrimyeaper
    @thegrimyeaper 4 года назад +5

    My mom was always so good about walking into a room and instantly notice if whatever box I was testing was worse or better than the previous box. Too bad she had no interest in it.

  • @andershammer9307
    @andershammer9307 4 года назад +24

    I always had trouble finding women who shared my interest in audio and electronics.

    • @josetorres5566
      @josetorres5566 4 года назад


    • @thunderbird66613
      @thunderbird66613 4 года назад

      @Fat Rat I've seen that. Talking audio and showing off skin makes me shake my head. No class. It could be done in a more appropriate way.

    • @sisbrawny
      @sisbrawny 4 года назад

      Anders Hammer - Not that there's anything wrong with that. haha

    • @rhuvaughn
      @rhuvaughn 4 года назад

      Like me?

    • @thunderbird66613
      @thunderbird66613 4 года назад +1

      I don't know you. Maybe?

  • @redforrori
    @redforrori 4 года назад +1

    Ima tell you why. I'm 50, and when I grew up my dad took care of all the hooking up of things, electrical things, etc. There weren't opportunities to learn about HOW to do things like there are today. I just--for the first time in my life--ordered my first receiver and speakers. And I had to SEARCH online for how to hook things up! And I mean SEARCH. There are very few beginner videos and articles. Like serious beginner, i.e. "Ok this does this. You plug it in here. If you add this to this, you might get better sound." There is a "stereotypical barrier" to that knowledge still I think. I think it's getting better...but it's still there. Also, when I, as a woman, go into a traditionally "man sphere" like comic book stores, hardware stores, etc., I don't often get treated kindly by the men who work there. Now this is not ALWAYS the case, as it's not ALWAYS the case that women don't have the chance to learn about electrical thingies and stereo systems, but it does happen. Also, with all due respect, sometimes audiophiles are snobs and look down at any newbie, male or female. Not kind. Cheers to channels like this that are so good to teach people! Thank you from a newbie who has needed your help!

    • @mmm81m6
      @mmm81m6 4 месяца назад

      I had pretty much the same experience, my dad was into HIFI, and put together a very nice system back in the 70-80s that I started to use as a teenager to listen to vinyls and oldies, and I just loved it but I had simply no idea how it all came together ot the technical aspects of it and my dad didn't really explain any of it to me (possibly had I been a guy things might have played out in a different way not sure). In 2023 I bought my first pair of proper loudspeakers and started to build a system around them. For someone new to it all, it can be a bit frustrating and fiddly, you start to search online, read reviews, go to shops and realise you are always the only woman there. My partner didn't get too excited by all this, and he is not very geeky generally speaking, so I've been taking this up as my own hobby so to speak. I've found shop owners to be quite nice and friendly, and other customers (all male of course) to be happy to give tips and suggestions. I don't know maybe because I am always the only lady in the shop, and strangely interested in this guy's hobby, asking them tons of questions, everyone is quite friendly and open.

  • @bizyz
    @bizyz 4 года назад +2

    most of the women i have seen at the last 4 axpona shows i have been to are the wives and girl friends of show goers and exhibitors.there have been a handful who are part of the exhibitor teams as well as a very few lone audiophile females who are there on there own.but imagine if you will,groups of audiophile women who would show up at the axpona show by the dozens not only to check out all the latest high end gear but also prowl the hallways looking to hook up.only problem is,many of the male show goers are at the age where their libidos would no longer be up to snuff.

  • @rollingtroll
    @rollingtroll 4 года назад +3

    Part of it is obviously culture, women are told to have 'female hobbies'.
    Also, sidenote, women are often not allowed to be 'boyish', which is probably why they mature quicker.
    But also... I go to audio gatherings regularly and the misogyny is off the charts.
    The way men talk behind their women's backs is literally making me speak up, much to the confusion of the old,
    frustrated, naggy men that are most prominent in this hobby.
    To illustrate this issue, here's a little selection from the comments on this video.:
    "They just don't listen!"
    "Women like Bluetooth speakers. Us men love stereos and big speakers delivering sound phones and Bluetooth speakers don't deliver."
    "I'm a guy and I get all juiced up about a box too."
    "Last thing we want is a lot of sense-we just need the thrill of the buy"
    "I've never met a woman that cares about audio at all."
    "Build a box like a handbag/purse they'll get excited :-)"
    "Try making a shoe shaped box haha. "
    "Mansplaining is down lately. Female understanding is also down."
    "Girls just complain that the music is too loud. They just never get to experience the sound."
    "Because they cannot sit still long enough to listen to the damn music"
    "Because they can never be quiet and hear the music...... Mic drop."
    "A woman stays in her she shed the kitchen lol"
    Would you stay in an environment where it is common to be treated like that? I wouldn't.
    Every girlfriend I had enjoyed my audio rig. And the ones that didn't stick around as girlfriends, all wanted an amplifier, a pair of half decent speakers and a record player.
    Anyone who says women just 'aren't interested', isn't worth a significant other in their lives.

    • @thisisnev
      @thisisnev 4 года назад +1

      Rolling Troll, you nailed it. Toxic masculinity is a stain on the hobby.

    • @rollingtroll
      @rollingtroll 4 года назад +1

      ​@@thisisnev All we can do is introduce the not-yet-audiophile women we have around us to it, share the love for music and, in my case that turns out to work rather well, vinyl and help them upgrade until they are on a nice trajectory. Provided they are interested. Obviously, because that's a big one as well, try and be interested in their hobbies? It can be surprising. I had a girlfriend who studied Pedagogy, something that sounded interesting to me, and I was bored out of my mind. And I had a girlfriend who studied law, which I thought was boring as hell, and it was super interesting. I also found out that crocheting cannot hold my interest for very long, but make-up has some nice science and tech behind it. I don't feel like applying it to myself, but I also definitely didn't mind watching make-up blogs while she was watching LGR, HubNut and Top Gear with me. It just makes sense.

    • @rollingtroll
      @rollingtroll 4 года назад

      @Fat Rat What are you on about?

    • @rollingtroll
      @rollingtroll 4 года назад

      @Fat Rat So you are talking about women talking through guitar solo's I reckon? Well... I fear I understand why you are not seeing many female audiophiles. Even while having a laugh that's just not the way you talk about other people behind their backs. I'm sorry mate, I'm sure you mean well but sexism is rampant in this audio scene, and I don't think there's much room for jokes anymore, at least not in my opinion :).

    • @rollingtroll
      @rollingtroll 4 года назад

      @Fat Rat last time I checked women were people, yes. You seem to think differently. Good night!

  • @stevefick3919
    @stevefick3919 4 года назад +4

    Their hearing is their "motherly instinct", I believe. I know my wife could ALWAYS hear our son stirring in the middle of the night when he was a baby. Long before I could. Or maybe that's just selective hearing? LOL!

  • @techocrazy
    @techocrazy 3 года назад +1

    Please we need more female audiophiles on the various Facebook groups including "Audiophiles on a budget". Do participate.

  • @ericdaniel323
    @ericdaniel323 4 года назад +1

    My wife is the perfect example. She's played the piano since she was a kid and played French Horn in high school and college, so her ear is pretty well-trained. I upgraded from Pioneer BS-22 bookshelves to Martin Logan floorstanders about 5 years ago - NOT a subtle change - and her only comment was that the floorstanders took up too much space and sounded the same. 😐
    Still, she doesn't make a big deal about me spending reasonable amounts of money on my hobby provided it doesn't interfere too much with her decorating, so I think she might just be busting my chops about the sound to keep me in my place, so to speak.

    • @dorkvader5332
      @dorkvader5332 4 года назад

      Women like their decorating more than anything .Stiff shit if she doesn't like the look of your speakers then they have to go.I think she is pulling your leg about the sound.

  • @pannonianbrute
    @pannonianbrute 4 года назад +5

    Come on now Paul, some of the most hyped audiophile manufacturers are led by ladies who are quite the audiophiles, you know that :)... Jozefina of EAT or Gaby from Crystal Cable to name a couple, (with Audio Note joining the ranks eventually with the heiress Ms. Emily Q.)
    Many women, as many of my friends, are simply put off by the excess and the vulgarity prevalent in most of high-end, along with the inaccessibility, not to mention the many creepy males involved :D (You Sir are a rare exception). Similar to how some would feel about a Porsche. I would argue though that all musicians are audiophiles as they care about sound beyond what is necessary, and many of the most talented artists, especially in classical music, are also women....so there actually might be roughly the same spread of audiophiles among gender. Just my 2 cents, have a great day ;)

    • @StewartMarkley
      @StewartMarkley 4 года назад

      pannonianbrute I wouldn’t say that all musicians are audiophiles, musicphiles yes, but that is a completely different thing.

    • @SergeantRoosters
      @SergeantRoosters 2 года назад

      Musicians are far from audiophiles. Why do you think so many recording engineers have to alter crap to make it sound objectively worse cause the artist wants it that way

  • @JustinMurray170fin
    @JustinMurray170fin 4 года назад +6

    Skillfully navigated that minefield.😄👍

  • @scarabeo500gt
    @scarabeo500gt 4 года назад +1

    If the wallet is fat enough and one has a "LARGE" credit line - Women care about anything! That time of month tho,,,,NOTHING BUT DEATH AND DESTRUCTION....And with all things a few EXCEPTIONS to the rule and some cool music/gear loving chicks!!! REMEMBER Audiophiles them self are a rare breed anyways....

  • @johnolson4977
    @johnolson4977 4 года назад +13

    I don’t think Women are Easily fooled by overpriced audio and Slick salesman.

    • @marianneoelund2940
      @marianneoelund2940 4 года назад +1

      I love to terrorize Slick salesmen. I listen to them for a while, then start throwing the truth back at them, identifying every little deception in their sales pitches. Or I start asking technical questions that they can't answer.

  • @GameTL
    @GameTL 4 года назад +2

    You made my day saying 'bitchin'

  • @KenTeel
    @KenTeel 2 года назад +1

    Because women were designed to reproduce and create domestic environments. They've traditionally focused on relations, domestic environments, and family. Men, were designed as providers. This meant: tools. Men created and depended on tools. This accounts for men's orientation toward tools. The particulars of audio equipment fall under the details of a particular set of tools. Naturally men would be attracted more the the details of tools than women are, generally. Of course there are always exceptions, but percentage wise, they are small in numbers.

  • @markielinhart
    @markielinhart 4 года назад +9

    There’s me!

    • @markielinhart
      @markielinhart 4 года назад +1

      Well, a music lover at least...

    • @ivanronin8209
      @ivanronin8209 4 года назад +1

      @@markielinhart You dont qualified dear , You are a Feminists !

    • @johnolson4977
      @johnolson4977 4 года назад +1

      One of the few 🙂

    • @speakersr-lyefaudio6830
      @speakersr-lyefaudio6830 3 года назад

      How would you recommend I get more females into it? I can get men into the hobby pretty well.

  • @KingOath
    @KingOath 4 года назад +1

    It’s like Dr Peterson said, by nature, women are generally more concerned with people, men are generally more concerned with things.
    Music is about people, emotion, feeling. Stereo components are just things.
    Men find a connection between their things and their masculinity, which can give a man an emotional connection with a thing.
    Women attach much less emotional value to these things are therefore see them as simply filling a purpose, rather than filling an emotional need or desire.

  • @mmm81m6
    @mmm81m6 4 месяца назад

    I am female, I play music, and love listening to music, and now that I have a bit more disposable income I am so happy to be able to listen to the music I love on a nice HIFI system...In my 20s I simply didn't have enough money to afford this, I used to listen to music through computer loudspeakers, iPod, and radio in my car, and make the most of it so now I am so happy to have a bit more cash to spend on music. I would love to see more girls on HIFI forums, it's a bit of a geeky hobby that's true, but the result can be a lot of fun, listening to music you love sound amazing, so give it a go!

  • @paulaj2829
    @paulaj2829 4 года назад +2

    we must be very careful about how we say this but.. i don't think they enjoy our type of enjoyment with music as well as new tools for the rest of the house.. but saying that .. my wife has got me doing most of the jobs around the house now.. now that i have retired.. hope i didn't say the wrong things to upset our female lady's..

  • @user-xb4nn6ql5l
    @user-xb4nn6ql5l 4 года назад

    That box fascination thing rings a bell - my wife regularly rebukes me about all my f&@*ing boxes. So a few years ago when, after half a lifetime’s hesitation, I started designing and building my own kit, I also also started making my own boxes, not out of metal, but wood and other organic materials. I still take a lot of stick over the number of boxes we own, but they are no longer “ugly”. Ever thought of employing a lady box designer?

  • @jimbasler1054
    @jimbasler1054 4 года назад +1

    You handled that pretty well...... I would have backed out of the room,turned out the light,closed the door,and pretended I didn't hear a damned thing......

  • @davep2945
    @davep2945 4 года назад +2

    Funny how we never ask why aren't there more male quilters! Lol.
    Look, women love music, there's no doubt about that. And yes, they absolutely recognize quality sound when they hear it. But to most women, and most men, good enough is just that, good enough. We tend to act like most men are audiophiles and that women just don't seem interested but the truth is that there really aren't that many audiophiles, period. Heck there's one amateur car detailing channel on YT with more subscribers than the top ten home audio channels combined. And that would probably hold true if you used the top twenty! Most audio gear, even high quality stuff is sold to people who will never use it to it's full potential and they don't care. But men love gadgets and gear collecting in any hobby while women tend to hone in more quickly on what works for them and are satisfied once they find it. So even if you introduced a hundred thousand women to high end audio and they all really wanted a great system the vast majority would research, audition, trial and tweak in the beginning just like men do. And then they'd settle on what they really like and just enjoy the music. You still wouldn't see hordes of women wandering the floors of major audio shows or hi-fi dealers just browsing like men do. Of course, there are areas of interest women have in which they are just as restless as men are. But electronics are not usually one of those areas. Be courteous to those who are interested just as you would any guy you meet who's a fellow audio enthusiast. Introduce those ladies you know to the difference high end can make and perhaps a few will take an ongoing interest. But don't expect many to get all geeked up over a thousand dollar turn table cartridge. Hell, I don't give a darn about that stuff.

    • @johnolson4977
      @johnolson4977 4 года назад

      Damm that was well Thought out ....

    • @davep2945
      @davep2945 4 года назад

      @@johnolson4977 Hey John, appreciate that.

  • @cineaudiophile4465
    @cineaudiophile4465 3 года назад +1

    The comments here are a perfect example why there aren't more women visible as audiophile. The answer is pretty simple and applicable across most fields/disciplines/interests regardless of gender/race/ethinicity: you are more likely to gravitate towards interests where the people in charge - and those that represent them - look like you.
    If everywhere you go there's nothing but similar looking dudes making, selling, and even worse - making facepalm sexist claims about why you don't care for something - guess what? You're not going to have the broadest appeal to the opposite sex. It's really not that complicated. If audiophiles promote themselves as an obsessive and insular boys' club prone to bizarre generalizations about others, as many of the comments attest, it's not a surprise women aren't that interested.
    Also, the next video RUclips has cued after this one is Paul answering 'Are audiophiles mentally unstable'? I rest my case.

  • @gramblor1
    @gramblor1 4 года назад +1

    I think men are more obsessive than women, and audiophilia attracts men who are prone to obsession. There's something about drilling into a problem that men are more adapted for, and the attempt to discover audio perfection is an invigorating outlet for a typical male proclivity.

  • @dandonna3904
    @dandonna3904 4 года назад +1

    Hey Paul there's a ideal for you a dating site audiophiles?

  • @1999zrx1100
    @1999zrx1100 4 года назад +3

    Handled very well and fully agree on everything said. We love our toys. 😎

  • @pichass9337
    @pichass9337 4 года назад +5

    Asking the hard questions I see

  • @scarmenl
    @scarmenl 4 года назад

    My wife does not get directly involved but having proved to her that better audio sounds better she in no way fights my improving our systems. Well, other than telling me that we have no funds for that right now. On the other hand, she will start a saving program just to get what I have suggested.

  • @Evertb1
    @Evertb1 4 года назад

    The last thing my wife wants to be called is an audiophile I think. But her ears work just fine and she knows quality sound when she hears it. Jus past month I needed to get my Roon Core server off line (Flac only). I have a Plex server running on my NAS (same albums as Roon but MP3). So I started the Plex client on my TV (yeah I know) to listen to some of my favorite tracks while I was busy with the Roon box. My TV and Roon endpoint are connected to the same audio system. So the main difference was the source. When my wife entered the living room she almost immediately asked if anything was wrong with our audio system because it sounded bad. She did not know Roon core was off line. I doubt she even know what it is and what it does. To her the only thing that counts is that she can listen to nice music.

  • @SuperMcgenius
    @SuperMcgenius 4 года назад +6

    All my female friend love the sound of tubes.

    • @StewartMarkley
      @StewartMarkley 4 года назад +3

      45 th Parallel you must have a big one 😆

    • @StewartMarkley
      @StewartMarkley 4 года назад

      @Omne Obstat always loved those 😉

    • @andershammer9307
      @andershammer9307 4 года назад

      @Omne Obstat A girl once asked me to test her tubes. I should have gone out with her.

    • @hxhdfjifzirstc894
      @hxhdfjifzirstc894 3 года назад

      You sick, sick freak.

  • @michaelmcintyre9179
    @michaelmcintyre9179 4 года назад +3

    uh ! they like shoes

  • @saedamad
    @saedamad 4 года назад +4

    Me and my wife share the same interests... She loves to listen to music... Her hearing is much better then me.. Lol

  • @QoraxAudio
    @QoraxAudio 4 года назад

    There is a general consensus within psychology that men are relatively more interested in material things, while women are relatively more interested in people/immaterial things.
    I think Paul is right, if it was solely about the art of music (immaterial thing), it would probably be the other way around.

  • @gregturner2668
    @gregturner2668 3 года назад

    Men with things women with people is a well researched phenomenon.

  • @howardskeivys4184
    @howardskeivys4184 4 года назад

    If there any female audiophiles out there, I would love to meet you, with a view to sharing our audiophile journey and hopefully marrying each other and marrying up our components. Like would be so much sweeter sharing it with a woman who shares my enthusiasm for this topic and appreciating the same things as me, and appreciating each other.
    If you are out there and perhaps already involved with a man who prefers to watch tv 24/7 then introduce him to my wife and no one gets hurt or left out.
    Waiting, hoping, anxiously and positively for a favourable response!

  • @savvassidiropoulos5952
    @savvassidiropoulos5952 4 года назад +1

    I will say that women focus into listening to the music and all they require is decent playback quality. We guys focus in specs or tweaks or comparisons and fancy meddling with the hardware instead. Call me a heretic but I firmly stand by my opinion... Perhaps I'm an audiophile... :)

    • @StewartMarkley
      @StewartMarkley 4 года назад

      Savvas Sidiropoulos Women are more often musicphiles, men are more often audiophiles, and get too hung up on the gear. Being a retired electronics engineer and audio engineer, I can and do appreciate the gear and acoustics as much as anyone, but I always look at that stuff as a means to an end rather than the end itself.

  • @yiasemi
    @yiasemi 4 года назад +1

    lol I just poofed out of existence. I have ears, love music and love my Martin Logans. I don't constantly chase upgrades though.

  • @ivanronin8209
    @ivanronin8209 4 года назад

    For the same reason Men don't care about shoes collection . We are different !

  • @InsideOfMyOwnMind
    @InsideOfMyOwnMind 4 года назад +2

    I'm a guy and I get all juiced up about a box too.

  • @jakedill1304
    @jakedill1304 3 года назад

    Funny thing is I met my wife, well there were two questions with wrong answers...
    Yeah you like The grateful dead? What shows and which tracks?
    So when I mean headphones I mean like headphones not earbuds or nothing so maybe when you get home or something?
    And what I got was a description of her purchasing process for her audio technica's, and a list of tracks from I think the early seventies....
    And now she's my wife and I love her to death...

  • @judgegixxer
    @judgegixxer 4 года назад +9

    but they sure get excited about shoes, even though they're just boxes for feet.

    • @ericdaniel323
      @ericdaniel323 4 года назад +3

      Foot boxes. I'm stealing that. Thank you.

  • @burkholdst.rudderberg3574
    @burkholdst.rudderberg3574 4 года назад +2

    We should count our blessings. When Tupperware becomes Krell's parent company, we should start worrying!

  • @sisbrawny
    @sisbrawny 4 года назад

    The fact there's discrepancies in demographics in different things is not a bad thing. It's just a fact of nature. Patterns exist because differences in biology. Just because differences exist doesn't mean it's a "bias" or "prejudiced discrimination" or "sexism"... It just simply is what it is. Nothing wrong with asking the question to understand why things the way they are however. But automatically jumping to the conclusion is because of something negative is really ignorant.

    • @sisbrawny
      @sisbrawny 4 года назад +1

      Not saying the guy in the video did this though. I'm also not sure about the claim women are more musical. All the great composers of classical style music are male. Music prodigies are almost always male. And almost every female I've known has terrible taste in music, seemingly fixed onto top 40 radio pop music.

  • @Oystein87
    @Oystein87 4 года назад

    I like the design on th SACD player👍 But it would be nice with a display twice as high for 2lines of CD text etc.

  • @coguglielmi
    @coguglielmi 4 года назад

    Agreed women usually aren't quite excited by boxes. Indeed they may try to put them away, out of their sight instead. But saying that women are better at music than we men (ha ha ha !) are is far-fetched! I guess our sensitivities differ, but one isn't above the other to me. My wife doesn't give a damn about music. I would damn myself for music, and only for that.

  • @FATMAN162x
    @FATMAN162x 2 года назад

    Idk bout the maturity stuff or brain stuff lol but men are visual creatures, women are auditory creatures. We all appreciate music. Women love their toys too, they just don't get giddy and nerd out like men do.

  • @jean-lucd3846
    @jean-lucd3846 4 года назад

    My wife does not want me to replace the ugly JBL Ti5000 because they sound too good te be replaced !

  • @rodrigojardon717
    @rodrigojardon717 2 года назад

    The real question is ¿Why there's not young woman's audiophiles?

  • @tarquesh
    @tarquesh 4 года назад

    Music is an art, it must be loved to play it on good audio equipment. So honor artists by listening music on expensive audio equipment.
    But the romantic way is to enjoy music at low fi equipment like an old transistor radio.
    Making music is great to do, so sing along.

  • @nico3641
    @nico3641 4 года назад +5

    The Masculine is interested in things. The feminine is interested in relationships. Of course this is over generalized and your mileage may vary.

  • @skip741x3
    @skip741x3 4 года назад +1

    did you just call audio listening a "Sport" ? Uh no bro, just no... I love audio myself and have a good setup but I also do sports as in actually Do them and not just watch them music listening does not qualify as a sport..
    I'd love to see some youtube channels hosted by female audiophiles ...Im sure there are plenty!

  • @ktchang7123
    @ktchang7123 4 года назад

    Audiophile in most cases mean box, what are in side and what it can do rather than enjoy the music that's why most of them have more gears than music.Women has more music than gear so we do not label them as such. They are music lovers or musicophiles.

  • @gotham61
    @gotham61 4 года назад

    AXPONA has been postponed until August due to Coronavirus.

  • @djsparkyy
    @djsparkyy 4 года назад

    Men TEND to be more focused on THINGS. Women TEND to be more focused on PEOPLE.
    Not all men and not all women, but a statistically large enough percentage that it makes a difference

  • @balamuruganj6058
    @balamuruganj6058 4 года назад

    Thought women just didnt get picky about how things sounded in a caertain way.

  • @MatthewSuffidy
    @MatthewSuffidy 4 года назад +1

    They play cello instead.

  • @Frankonero12
    @Frankonero12 4 года назад +1

    Because women have two left ears.

  • @hxhdfjifzirstc894
    @hxhdfjifzirstc894 3 года назад

    There's no female audiophiles, because it's the technical realm... nay, the knife edge of the technical realm, of music. Men find the newest frontiers, women come in later.

  • @shawnshelt3824
    @shawnshelt3824 3 года назад

    We pretty handy to have around, we build bridges, bombs, ballasts and love beautiful women.

  • @mattgiunt
    @mattgiunt 4 года назад

    Last thing we want is a lot of sense-we just need the thrill of the buy

  • @WildernessMusic_GentleSerene
    @WildernessMusic_GentleSerene 4 года назад +2

    Okay PC Paul :) Yes, there are female audiophiles, just like there must be at least one female feminist sewer worker....somewhere. But overall they don't care, my female musician friend gets excited about a song she heard and wants to play it for me on the 10cent speaker of her iPhone. Why my female friend, a fantastic musician/composer (keyboard and guitar) and a stellar vocalist, can listen to that horrid excuse for audio I don't know?? Obviously the content is sooooo much more important than the engineering and accurate reproduction (realistic) of the audio, so much so, she won't bother to play it on her recording studio near fields for me.

  • @ironcourt
    @ironcourt 4 года назад +6

    There are female audiophiles: my girlfriend is one of them.

    • @johnolson4977
      @johnolson4977 4 года назад +7

      Girlfriend is a key word , Get married to her and she’ll tell you to get those big speakers out of her living room.😊

    • @kevindavis4709
      @kevindavis4709 4 года назад

      @@johnolson4977 yup 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ironcourt
      @ironcourt 4 года назад

      @@johnolson4977 ahahah! :D will keep you updated!

    • @andershammer9307
      @andershammer9307 4 года назад +2

      @@johnolson4977 I got married and my wife made a room for me and my big speakers. Only thing is I don't get to listen much.

    • @johnolson4977
      @johnolson4977 4 года назад

      Anders Hammer Many of us have our own room For Audio, The keyword here is own , And not where our family lives , The living room.
      My audio room is on the third floor of my house
      So I don’t bother anybody.

  • @belcantobrasil
    @belcantobrasil 3 года назад

    That's because they only hear what they want no matter the source!!!!

  • @Algazimalaya986
    @Algazimalaya986 4 года назад

    Im pretty sure there are plenty of female audiophiles like janna dagdagan

  • @sailingaquarius23
    @sailingaquarius23 4 года назад

    Passive crossovers kill the livelyness in speakers.
    Ladys can hear like birds.
    Dudes need the earth to shake. Me, I'm a birdude.
    4+ hours at 60db of multiamp fun is better then being beat up. Midrange, fundamental tones, have been overlooked by the "sellable sound" (warm).
    Focus on getting the midrange right or end up petting your equipment.

    • @StewartMarkley
      @StewartMarkley 4 года назад

      STEREO JUNKY Most passive crossovers kill the livelyness in speakers because they use cheap parts. Go watch Danny Ritchie at gr-research for someone who really knows his stuff and makes speakers come alive with sound audio engineering (no pun intended) by reworking the crossovers. Another reason speakers don’t sound lively is because of their low sensitivity. High efficiency speakers (horn speakers) having in the neighborhood of 100dB per watt at 1 meter, sound very lively due to their low distortion in the upper dynamics and low power compression. The music is really great and lively when the horn speakers use high quality crossover components.

    • @sailingaquarius23
      @sailingaquarius23 4 года назад

      @@StewartMarkley Thanks, I forgot to say IMO.👍. I do watch him from time to time. I'm just not a line array kinda guy. Got's to have my 15's. They are high efficiency.
      My phillips dome mids seem to be a good match for them. I just dont do passive. 40 years now.

    • @sailingaquarius23
      @sailingaquarius23 4 года назад

      Rock music isn't noise pollution, its just a challenge in a loudspeaker. Killing the signal into chokes, series-parallel just makes it that much harder.
      Paul has said he would love to build a fully active speaker. Its just not widely excepted. So many people hated front wheel drive and fuel injection, look at it now.

  • @GtrPknMama
    @GtrPknMama Год назад

    I’m a musician, I audiophile from the inside out….lol

  • @WoodstockG54
    @WoodstockG54 4 года назад +3

    Because they are too busy catering to our lazy butts.

  • @bibitsurawan
    @bibitsurawan 4 года назад

    come on Maan...
    you give some idea for some feminist
    this area is the place with peace and pure dedication
    do you see movie? and now they expand their interest in Manga world??!!!

  • @laurentzduba1298
    @laurentzduba1298 4 года назад +1

    Weirder fact - the few(er) that I know of and / or my regular clients are exclusively "white" despite all of them are of Central Asian ethnicity. 🤔

  • @manardh7387
    @manardh7387 4 года назад

    My Grandmother used to play Elvis on the console.

  • @josefbuckland
    @josefbuckland 4 года назад

    Is it cuz I is whack?!

  • @danekunderhill4812
    @danekunderhill4812 4 года назад +1

    It's just electronics in general. If only I could find a lady friend who enjoy a soldering iron as much as I!

  • @rajendrabiswas
    @rajendrabiswas 2 года назад

    Women need to give us men a AirPods

  • @lloll69
    @lloll69 4 года назад

    Brain are wired differently... Hmmm. It's like my gals at home keep asking me for advise what look nice on them right? Grin

  • @highcurrent1125
    @highcurrent1125 4 года назад +1

    50 or 60....LOL....its like going to a Rush concert!!

  • @chadbarker2316
    @chadbarker2316 4 года назад +2

    My wife loves it when I crank the Cerwin Vega 15s to 10! Hahahahaha

  • @cat-lw6kq
    @cat-lw6kq 4 года назад

    In some things they are very good I was a frameworker in the phone co. The women were excellent when it came to wife wrapping and soldering.

  • @redforrori
    @redforrori 4 года назад

    Also, you said "bitchen". Hee :) I say that too.

  • @georgeclueless6092
    @georgeclueless6092 4 года назад +1

    Women only obsess over two things their age and their looks. Everything else (except perhaps income and status) is noise.

  • @theshootindutchman
    @theshootindutchman 4 года назад +3

    Please don't EVER become politically correct, I will no longer be able to have respect for you😊

  • @bigjay1970
    @bigjay1970 4 года назад +1

    Ladies obsess over their looks/weight, not a particular sonic signature like us idiots!🤯🤓 Many men who obsess over these small sonic details usually have very little heartbreak in their lives or stuff going wrong! Either that or the opposite and they have great worries and distract themselves with worrying about every sonic detail. The 2nd is me!🤯🤔🤫 And I'm talking about worrying if that $1,000 speaker cable is adequate!🤪 Or worrying if the power out of the wall socket is adequate or if they need a $$$$ power generator!🤔🤔🤭🤭🤭😳 Paul as he mentioned many times falls under the 1st reason.🙄 And after Anie's death may also realize most of this obsessiveness is just silly in the whole picture as we are seeing today with this Virus situation.🤯🤯🤯 I like nice things just like the next guy but I even draw the line not worrying if the power cable that came with my $5,000 amp/receiver is adequate.

  • @garethsnaim8174
    @garethsnaim8174 4 года назад

    Now never mind the questions, perhaps its about time to end the shutterstock account and make your own thumbs?

  • @kalijasin
    @kalijasin 4 года назад

    You have several working for you Paul? LOL

  • @kevindavis4709
    @kevindavis4709 4 года назад +2

    Women like Bluetooth speakers. Us men love stereos and big speakers delivering sound phones and Bluetooth speakers don't deliver.

  • @finscreenname
    @finscreenname 4 года назад

    The wife knows good sound but is just not into it like I am. I just did some upgrades to my system and she picked up on it without me saying anything and this is a woman that when I met her (in her 30's) she didn't even have a TV.
    Women like a single switch, gas and go kind of thing. Men like to tinker. They like good music but if its not right there they will either suffer through it or turn it off. Men fix it. Not saying the rolls cant be reversed. I've seen many men that wouldn't know what end of a screwdriver to use and women that would not only know what end but work into the dirt with it but that's not the norm.

  • @alexstewart8097
    @alexstewart8097 4 года назад

    Women with their much more nurturing hearts are more in tune with how music touches them deeply than with the , to some extent, superficiality of how it sounds to their ears (specially when the perceived differences between hi fi systems is not only quite subjective but in many cases almost indistinguishable). Besides, what is one of the main reasons why most young boys get into playing music and form their own bands in the first place, other than their mothers making them though...? Was that not PC or sexist from my part? LOL.

  • @Scottlp2
    @Scottlp2 4 года назад

    Sounds like you have a lot of new products coming out.

  • @Robbinsffxi
    @Robbinsffxi 4 года назад

    I’ve read up on this. And there is a distinct difference between the sexes when it comes to interest. For a woman to be as interested in things as the average man, she needs to be more interested in things than 85% of all women. And the average man isn’t even a geeky hardware junkie. It’s interesting.

  • @djzoloft
    @djzoloft 4 года назад +1

    I was so close to making my girlfriend believe that the acoustic panels i want will make our living room more attractive! She told me i'm a liar and i can't hide it and started laughing and she still is. That was a week ago....

  • @Dreez76
    @Dreez76 4 года назад

    My sister wouldn't hear the differense between my Yamaha A-S1100 and a pineapple Mp3 player....