playing gef (very disturbing)

  • Опубликовано: 6 июн 2024
  • idk what to put here ok here's a story instead
    once upon a magical time a baby with shining purple hair got born but there was a war the mom didnt want her to be like her father so she saved the baby with a spell please trap my child to a very peaceful place said the mother a shining voice in the gates of heaven saved the baby and trapped her in a palace of her own but it still wasnt over... The girl finished the book and she enjoyed it she saw some thorns trying to reach her she reads another book until it was sunset so she slept later then something got summoned and the thorns touched it... It exploded she heard this exploding and she immediately woke up she went down to see but then the building Collapsed she fell down heading to the nearby lake her pet showed up to carry her the pet said come on krystllyne run so she ran avoiding the thorns luckily she escaped luckily she saw a nearby kingdom she said cmon lets stay there she saw that wings appeard on her back while panicking she flew to the kingdom but fell so she swam she talked to the queen of the kingdom and the queen recognised her she was the queens daughter... She was shocked to hear this the queen said she could stay in the castle but the one controlling the thorns got angry and planned a attack the next day krystllyne woke up she wandered around the kingdoms forest to find food she ate food and she went back to the castle to see her big sister she was mad she said she ruined her painting krystllyne noticed something off about her sisters painting it was her old palace she saw it was destroyed she went inside her room to investigate... She needed to find some gemstones the next day she gathered to find some but it was hard because spiky thorns were blocking her way but she saw a witch she offered krystllyne to give the gems to her and she accepted it she gave it to the witch which was the thorn controller she laughed and took all the power she became huge and tryed to destroy the palace she ran away with fear while divine the thorn controller was following her and divine destroyed the palace leaving only krystllyne she she ran with fear she blocked divines attack divine once again became small they hadded a rough battle but krystllyne shattered the chandelier launching divine off the edge on shard sliced divines leg and divine fell to her doom all the power has been restored her family was back and krystllyne was officially princess and saved the world... 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑒𝑛𝑑

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