2010 - Russian Air Force - Sukhoi Air Power - HD - High Definition Trailer

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 188

  • @Belgradjanin92
    @Belgradjanin92 14 лет назад

    Devis kao i uvek postavlja nove standarde za odlican klip...Samo napred

  • @Billabongs122988
    @Billabongs122988 12 лет назад

    This is what I like about the Russian Bear. Silent, humble but deadly. Strength is ridiculously under-estimated. It's stance has always been on the defensive, not offensive unlike it's Atlantic Golden eagle counterparts.

  • @putinstop
    @putinstop 12 лет назад

    Superjet-100 - это учебно боевой самолет! На нем наши летчики учатся летать! А так же - это отличный штурмовик! Его вооружению может позавидовать любой самолет подобного класса! И наконец по поводу двигателя) Поверь наши инженера не на столько глупы, чтобы делать двигатель по принципу пылесоса)) Срок эксплуатации самолета не менее 30 лет! И еще посмотри как взлетает Superjet-100, у него над двигателем есть защитные ворота, они закрываются и открываются, когда необходимо

  • @mattmatt115
    @mattmatt115 13 лет назад

    @konischev F35 is derived from Yak144 which is hugely hilarious because the Russians had a super sonic, super cruising VTOL aircraft in the 80's. They even had designed one with NK32 engine, with 31,000lbs of non-afterburning thrust and 55,000lbs with afterburner. The thing would have been absolutely amazing....
    BTW i visited Hotilovo airbase, and.... WOW!!!! You'd be shocked... Mig31, is HUGE and just looks.... brutal, and ass kicking good!! I loved it.
    Anyway bud take care!

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    It's lighter, Modular, has revised sights (rear sight further back), more ambidextrous utility, 3rd burst as well as single & full auto, rail system for easier mounting of optics, capability for chambering larger rounds(modular).
    AK74M is a great weapon, but it has always lacked modular capability, and ability to mount optics with ease. Eventually it would have to be replaced.
    SVRF is also receiving new T90s, S400&500 SAMs, Further development of BTR 90 & BMP 4, BMD 4, T90MS, new Iskanders etc.

  • @F1kimifanatic
    @F1kimifanatic 12 лет назад

    Russian Fighter are more beautifuly made than the american fighter aircraft.
    Su-37 is a monster
    What a nicely edited video wid good BG Music made by SRBdevis2000
    Keep up the good work

  • @PegasusMedicalSquad
    @PegasusMedicalSquad 12 лет назад

    Something I can agree on. Russian technology far exceeds most of Europe's when it comes to airplanes. The only problem being that all the European nations would team-up and provide a stubborn opponent. One thing Russians and Americans share is a passion to fight for their country and display great bravery (look at all the WWII American Heroes, and what they did, as well as Russian heroes), a trait that's becoming more and more rare...

  • @monkeypoo3000
    @monkeypoo3000 13 лет назад

    I love your videos keep posting!

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    Regardless of Cobra's combat applications, for which it can allow opponent to overshoot than allow pilot to drop nose & fire a R73 heatseeker, it's a feat of aeronautical engineering that has kept itself to only experimental & MiG29/Su27/F22 series.
    Although by 1990, 90xSu27 & 540xMiG29 were in the VVS, there was still 1125 other fighters, not to count the PVO & the rest of the WARPAC, so numbers might still be on WARPAC's side.

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    The Cobra belonged to the MiG29&Su27 until F22. Those planess are the only one who can do it. The F18 & F16 you speak of are either experimental/technology demonstrators (F16 MATV/VISTA,F/A-18 HARV, Rockwell-MBB X31, F15 ACTIVE (other cobra planes-all experimental)).
    Initial Su27&MiG29s lacked AESA, but I've lost count how many improved variants have been made since & they've now got AESA
    F22 development was accelerated due to newer threats

    @NUSRPKINA 14 лет назад

    Excellent video God bless our saviors of the world!
    Together for ever Russia and Serbia!

  • @AK49Gunner
    @AK49Gunner 13 лет назад

    Australia is getting the F-18E/F Supe rhornet and the F-35, which is light years ahead of anything Sukhoi has.

  • @assassin7777777
    @assassin7777777 14 лет назад

    I see in the comments of every modern warfare technology video, people crying whos the best, well my opinion is fellas that no matter its russian war-plane or american, the important thing is that its deadly... And both of these air-forces are the deadliest in the whole world...

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 13 лет назад

    Read up on the Sukhoi OKB. When the US brought out the F15, the Soviets decided to build a counter part (MiG 29 & Su27), & the performance of the Su27 series, shocked the west into designing the F22, EF2000 & Rafale etc. It could perform manouvers no other plane could, was cheap, & VERY advanced. In many (not all) aspects, the Russians overtook the west on military technology. And tests of the Su27 vs F35 came out badly for f35, along with Su35 vs EF2000, Su35 won.

  • @celpabedn
    @celpabedn 14 лет назад

    Super Vid daj još !

  • @evavenera
    @evavenera 14 лет назад

    Suhoi zmaj... mnogo je dobar klip

  • @venezuelalibre474
    @venezuelalibre474 11 лет назад

    Привет из Венесуэлы! Да здравствует Россия

  • @augustohoff7648
    @augustohoff7648 12 лет назад

    Wow I Love the Mig 29

  • @naskosturbo
    @naskosturbo 11 лет назад


  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    In wargames, initial versions of F35 faced against Su27s, Su30s, and the results were damning. watch?v=BhGIglwmFB8
    the wargames were part of the development.
    Regarding Cobra, it has the same controversy as the Harrier VIFF. If you haven't seen it, you might not survive to tell the tale. But if you know what is happening, then you know where he'll be, and you can cannon him.
    EF2000 test pilot said the 1st time he saw VIFF, "it was horrifying... but the next time I shot him out of the sky"

  • @MilanVVVVV
    @MilanVVVVV 11 лет назад

    Respect from Serbia.

  • @specnaz91
    @specnaz91 14 лет назад

    ruje bato... svaka im cast!!!

  • @desident
    @desident 14 лет назад

    Extra je vid pozz cccc

  • @KrasivyiiStalin
    @KrasivyiiStalin 12 лет назад

    @strizhi you must be american. clearly yu know better than we did, they only train us here in the military but to know stuff like that is cool thank you . goodluck too

  • @packr72
    @packr72 12 лет назад

    the pilot is what makes the difference, as does number of aircraft, ground support, awacs, air refueling and all of those advantages are held by the usaf, 200 flight hrs a yr for the average pilot vs 60 for the average russian pilot, until the russians come to red flag we will never know

  • @PegasusMedicalSquad
    @PegasusMedicalSquad 12 лет назад

    Meanwhile an F-35 Lightning II comes in and snatches the mic from any Russian plane. Sadly, it's a shame that we stopped producing F-22 Raptors, as the technology in them was so far out of this world.

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    And dont forget about learning battlefield , sands / mud fields / marsh / forests / mountains...
    In 24 hours?

  • @KrasivyiiStalin
    @KrasivyiiStalin 12 лет назад

    @strizhi Im from st. petersburg too. im training for su 35. we use mig 25s for display. no mig can fly from december to march. on su's allowed.

  • @basstardsound
    @basstardsound 11 лет назад

    i'm italian and i'm proud of you russian!
    dasvidania from italy!

  • @strizhi
    @strizhi 12 лет назад

    @KrasivyiiStalin hey thanks for the reply - that's awesome. I was in the army 19K (tanker) drove and loaded SEP Abrams 3rd Gen MBT. Jealous as hell though...I hear plans of 90 Su-35's are up in the air for this year alone am I right?? And why can't migs fly for a quarter year??

  • @PegasusMedicalSquad
    @PegasusMedicalSquad 12 лет назад

    Funny thing is, they forgot to input so many variables, it wasn't even funny... and yes, I did read that article. Also, whereas the heat signature on the F-35 is less (and although you have stealth variants of the SU-35) the F-35 has a large advantage over the SU-35. Now if only we could manage government debt as well as we manage avionics...
    However, you have a valid point. We'll just have to wait and see in real life since Russia sells SU-35s to a wide variety of countries.

  • @MrRuffy39
    @MrRuffy39 12 лет назад

    well RAF can proudly care logo of the cutest Air Force in Europe......I mean just look at them.....Eurofighter and Harrier are really big threat to Su-35, MiG-29M2, MiG-35, Su-30, Yak-130....(Sarcasm lvl.....its OVER 9000!!!!)

  • @MrRuffy39
    @MrRuffy39 12 лет назад

    I honestly cant imagine whats going to happen with eurofighter when it meets Su-35..........poor little thing......

  • @strizhi
    @strizhi 12 лет назад

    @KrasivyiiStalin HOLY SHIT you're in the Russian Air Force??
    What do you do?? I'm from St Petersburg originally and one of my earliest memories is seeing a MiG-25 going full blast past the sound barrier!! Scared the shit out of my brother and sister LMAO
    I know ya'll don't use em anymore but still let me on the latest news :)))

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    Though it was nearing completion, (S500). O well, still a formidable system (S400)

  • @pepito062796
    @pepito062796 12 лет назад

    Greetings from Bulgaria, Russian brothers. Bulgaria needs to modernize its Air Force with high quality Su-35s, not crappy American F-16s or expensive Eurofighters.

  • @LichtMaschinenGewehr
    @LichtMaschinenGewehr 12 лет назад

    fuck, carrier landings must be scary as hell

  • @konischev
    @konischev 13 лет назад

    @mattmatt115 ya i heard that they did get developed from the Yak.....but i also keep hearing thats at the same time its a big time fail because its cost way too much and the thing is not battle ready at all. only cool thing it can do is hover

  • @ushockey08
    @ushockey08 13 лет назад

    @AK49Gunner It's true, the T-50 isn't a good plane at all. It suffered a flame out at the MAKS airshow. And it's not even in service yet. For all we know it can't do anything except fly, and not well. It was sluggish on turns during unveiling. And, it doesn't use 5th generation engines like American jets do.

  • @UltimateOwnz
    @UltimateOwnz 11 лет назад

    USA had to fight two countries in middle east, and Georgia didnt really become NATO member untill 2008, but they were involved with NATO peace org. since 1994.

  • @fernandopinoordonez
    @fernandopinoordonez 12 лет назад

    the silver part and the bear are here

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    Yes , Finland , France , Mongolia , Afganistan , Germany , what else from the past we should remember today ? :)
    Well , you wanna say that US can analyse enemy forces / thier tactics / strategic positions/adavantage and positions of near units , the weaponary and its usage , sneak into bases to get all the intel about their actions then plan an attack of usage of thier own forces combined with air/sea and plan backup strategies in case if something goes wrong in 24 hours?

  • @strizhi
    @strizhi 12 лет назад

    @KrasivyiiStalin I am an American but I was Russian born. I'm as proud Russian American as an Irish American is - don't mess with those guys LOL
    Ahh I guess I read more then I should LOL but yeah just realize there is as much if not more success stories in your country as there is in mine :) Also many Americans here I know respect the Russians and the rest is BS talk. We're two allies and you're a future pilot of one of the most formidable air forces today :)

  • @raptorman101
    @raptorman101 14 лет назад

    nice Sukhoi

  • @americansingle77
    @americansingle77 12 лет назад

    everytime i saw this video the only thing i can say Russian Army they are ready for any type of war God blessing all peoples of Russian uraaaa :)

    @NUSRPKINA 14 лет назад

    @Nadiaang There is no problem with me and Bulgaria too!

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    And now near all 1st world air forces understand that these aircraft can do that maneuver, but in a hypothetical WW3 from after the commissioning of Su27 & co. the cobra could have help take down many a NATO pilot.
    Remember to take a perspective from the period of development as well as today.

  • @andreuchiha1097
    @andreuchiha1097 11 лет назад

    I hope my country will have air force like this to increase military power, but I know that's really impossible to have it cause it so poor...

  • @marleyjay01
    @marleyjay01 13 лет назад

    @Dogmeat1950 you keep living in that enclosed bubble of yours while the rest of the world moves forward

  • @tht1drnkrussian
    @tht1drnkrussian 12 лет назад

    so you are telling me you are a pilot for the sukhoi superjet?

  • @packr72
    @packr72 12 лет назад

    the s400 yes, the s500 is still under development, no country has the ability to intercept ICBMs at this point, both the us and russia will have this capability, but not for a few yrs, maybe 2017

  • @americansingle77
    @americansingle77 12 лет назад


  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    and i say , this is pretty wise words , you should do the same , instead of argueing in internet , make your country greater then it is.

  • @jacksos101
    @jacksos101 12 лет назад

    Anyone have any idea what or who this music from???????????? A million thanks to anyone who can tell me!!!

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    I never said F35 faced Su35, but Su27 in wargames near japan. It's tech only blows other older planes away at BVR, not VR combat, where Russian jets hold a distinct advantage in missiles and aircraft. in VR, Su35 in the hands of a competent pilot would beat F35, & maybe tie with F22 according to ausairpower

  • @SoCxXerXceS
    @SoCxXerXceS 13 лет назад

    @TheRussianpower123 That's if it can get that high before getting blown out of the sky?

  • @petar19992
    @petar19992 14 лет назад

    uz duzno postovanje... mozda gresim, ali cini mi se da je neko ovde iskopirao klip korisnika sukhoi4ever.... mislim da su neki efekti njegovih ruku delo... pozdrav...

  • @Dogmeat1950
    @Dogmeat1950 13 лет назад

    @doonbugie WW2? i'm sorry but if your going to respond to a old debate, please give me a little more then WW2. I don't remember talking about WW2 on this vid.

  • @coloneldenisov
    @coloneldenisov 13 лет назад

    Russian air force are the best in the world!

  • @MrSilverfish12
    @MrSilverfish12 13 лет назад

    Whats the name of that big su that has a toilet and a kitchen

  • @SRBdevis2000
    @SRBdevis2000  14 лет назад

    @petar19992 Ovo nije klip korisnika sukhoi4ever.....

  • @UltimusLogos
    @UltimusLogos 14 лет назад

    @1989WOX To nije istina! Amerikanci su unistili 5, slovima: PET Mig 29ki u zalivskom ratu, ostalo su bili stariji avioni kao Mig 21.
    Nemoj pokusavati sad da mi kazes da si i ti to mislio pod onim "i sl" da si koristio interpunkciju i sintaksu pravilno bilo bi ok, ali ovako se vidi da navijas za... zna se koga, cak ako i izostavimo zavrsnu zeljicu.

  • @FrontlineSniper01
    @FrontlineSniper01 12 лет назад

    @nestea3963 But why did you attack Croatia!? What was the point of the war?

  • @lover14boy
    @lover14boy 13 лет назад

    russia = power
    power = respect

  • @Tjecktjeck
    @Tjecktjeck 11 лет назад

    actially french pilots are the best, second place is probadly betwen russia or us. btw im russian, but cant deny that french pilots having most advanced training

  • @boffinboy100
    @boffinboy100 12 лет назад

    READ! I said "the west" which includes W Germany, France, UK, Belgium etc.

  • @PegasusMedicalSquad
    @PegasusMedicalSquad 12 лет назад

    The F-35 vs. PAK-FA... hmm... I think F-22 would be a better match, seeing as the F-35 has a single-engine whereas the F-35 and PAK-FA are both dual engines. We'll just have to wait to see, however. Hopefully, we won't ever have a war (US and Russian relationships are better), but I think a contest would be a great way to settle it. Granted, we know next-to-nothing about each other's planes, because a lot of stuff is kept confidential. Stupid character limit, hard to say anything lengthy.

  • @alex080297
    @alex080297 12 лет назад

    Павел Осипович Сухой PESPECT.

  • @GeorgeTheCretan
    @GeorgeTheCretan 14 лет назад

    Great video,,,,,,,
    Big Russia, but the bad is that my brother doesn't exist orthodox army,,,
    Russia doing bussiness with enemies, im talking about Turkey,,,
    Military bussiness,

  • @mariosaavedra8205
    @mariosaavedra8205 12 лет назад


  • @Sgipon
    @Sgipon 13 лет назад


  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    so...why should i care about USA ambitions in IRAQ? or other ambitions?

  • @nestea3963
    @nestea3963 12 лет назад

    i hope this year Serbia will buy 16 of them ;)

  • @Nadiaang
    @Nadiaang 14 лет назад

    and Bulgaria :)

  • @josephbautista5970
    @josephbautista5970 11 лет назад

    ... I think US has the MOST AirForce power in the world. That's my opinion.

  • @packr72
    @packr72 12 лет назад

    the f22 is also limited as a multirole aircraft, it would be the best SEAD option if HARM missiles could fit in it's weapon bays. overall the f22 is a better designed airframe, but with the advancement of missiles supermanueverability may be useless in 20 yrs, so it might be better to have an aircraft loaded with advanced avionics and counter-measures. i like the f22 more, but unless a republican gets elected this yr, 187 is all your gonna get, which is not enough

  • @TheKifinas
    @TheKifinas 13 лет назад

    su-31 there's no such a plane you digs !!

  • @0Russian
    @0Russian 13 лет назад

    Russians The Best !

  • @celpabedn
    @celpabedn 14 лет назад

    @Australci su imali Sukhoi i Raptor, i jedan pilot je rekao, da je u manevrima Sukhoi uvek pobedio!Wox , ako vidiš kolika košta jedan Su ili Raptor dođes u omer gotovo 4:1.Ima problema sa uzdržavanjem i njegov oklop je problematičan na kišu..Za rat tebi treba durabilan i odporan avion a ne igračka koja treba 150 procesora i tim 100 ljudi da ga održavaju! Sukhoi 35-37, ima bolju avioniku i radar od F15! Uspoređivati godinama unazad je glupo i nema veze sa današnjim razvojem!

  • @Dogmeat1950
    @Dogmeat1950 13 лет назад

    @HondaMugen81 I didn't say, I had no Respect for the Russians. I never said that. I'm just saying it's a WORLD WAR not just a war against the Germans or Europe for that matter, there is a place much larger then Europe during WW2 and that was called the Pacific.
    Lets not forget that parts of the USA where invaded too. try to learn History, your failing at it. Alaska,Guam,Wake Island,Philippines, and the USA was fighting a Enemy that did defeat Russia back in 1903.

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    well , i must say , there is appears alot of people in russia who speaking shit about russia. Like opposition , they smacked whole country in dirt in the view of the whole world and keep doing that. Well , i just stop continuing this conversation , it sure was pretty nice to speak , but i dont really care. My grandpa said , if you would care about things which not touching you - you'll never build your own life and never gain succes. His father told him the same

  • @1989WOX
    @1989WOX 14 лет назад

    @celpabedn pa to oko cene bas i nije istina al ajde... cene sa wikipedije definitivno ne vaze s obzirom da su to osovne i 1. verzije... i rus kad napravi avion u fulu cena dodje do i preko 100mil$... sto se tice elektronike takodje... svi ruski koji se danas proizvode sem "limarije" imaju svu novu elektroniku... imas i neki ruski snimak gde sami govore i poenta je da vreme vrhunskih pilota prolazi a dolazi vreme vrh aviona gde ce pilot samo odluciti STA a avion odluciti KAKO...

  • @Dogmeat1950
    @Dogmeat1950 13 лет назад

    @doonbugie ya um no, not going to read through 3 months of Comments just to try and see what your talking about, you can tell me or just keep moving.

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    "Russian military - poor pay, insufficient supplies, and absence of proper training" - well , as i said before , i was there and saw all things which is different from things you say
    Joint operation in Germany? never heard of it , well ,since i dont care , there is many different types of units which got different objectives,like , rus airborne and us navi is pretty similar
    Why is that so important to you to insult someone else? :D This is internet dude! This is so pathetic :D

  • @Lativik
    @Lativik 13 лет назад

    мне может кто нибудь объяснит, откуда у сербов такая лихорадочная любовь к россии??? ммм?? ... хотя я плохо знаком с югославским конфликтом и т.д

  • @celpabedn
    @celpabedn 14 лет назад

    @1989WOX Rusi kažu da avion košta oko 70-80 ali istina jeste da kad narućiš više komada pade mnogo i cena, pa i ako vidimo nemaju ni mnogo kupaca tako da ta cena jeste preterana!
    Nikada neće čovek postati manjevredan, iskustvo, intucija i faktor nepredvidljivosti, računalo nema tako razvijeno ko čovek, previše gledaš Sci Fi filmove! Rusi su samo mehaničkom tehnikom bez računala napravili bolji katapult za avion, kojeg su onda hteli kupiti i Ameri!

  • @SuperSakolik
    @SuperSakolik 11 лет назад

    Что за музыка?

  • @tonycopz
    @tonycopz 13 лет назад

    kapan2 tak sopirane ^^

  • @ITmage
    @ITmage 14 лет назад

    @speedkills4life It wasnt son...USA or NATO never met SU27/SU30/SU35 in combat....and even when they had operations aganist armies operating Russian aircrafts that were Mig21,23 and few Mig29 without working radars and SPO. Same thing with tanks. So when NATO attack some country armed with SU30MK or Mig29SMT/M2/OVT come and say this again i will admitn. Until then dont post your own imagination, we dont need to know everything... -.-

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    a what?

  • @berka333
    @berka333 14 лет назад

    go motherland orthodox Russian:))+CCCC+

  • @ortegamaximiliano
    @ortegamaximiliano 12 лет назад


  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    I presume that you found out that Russia cant respond to anyone by buying some apples in "Russian" market.
    Once again , no point at all from your side))))
    And i will tell you a small secret....I was in Russian army , but dont tell anyone ;)

  • @su35bmsoldier
    @su35bmsoldier 14 лет назад

    su-35bm is best

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    what do you know about Russia ? exept internet or TV? You are not makin any point , so...)))

  • @sirhalyavshik
    @sirhalyavshik 13 лет назад

    oh , you still showing that you dont know anything about everything :D
    Russian army is not using conscripts as main force for a long time. There is a conscripts , trainings and such , but those people will never reach battlefield , unless they sign up a contract and get advanced training and equipment.
    And still cant understand why you care about this crap , i dont :D i just know , what i saw with my eyes and do with my hands , thats pretty much for me

  • @UltimateOwnz
    @UltimateOwnz 11 лет назад

    Russia has the best airforce? Prove me how.

  • @SoCxXerXceS
    @SoCxXerXceS 13 лет назад

    @TheRussianpower123 Yeah it would, and? Do you want me to tell you how many jets can take out a mig-31? haha

  • @monkeypoo3000
    @monkeypoo3000 12 лет назад

    why can't america and russia just become friends and take over the world? lol

  • @DusanStev996
    @DusanStev996 11 лет назад

    in the world*