In Islam, it is believed that the evil eye can be warded off by reciting specific prayers, seeking protection from Allah, and being mindful of invoking blessings (e.g., saying "MasyaAllah") when admiring something. Some people also wear amulets or practice other protective rituals to prevent the effects of ain.
In Islam, it is believed that the evil eye can be warded off by reciting specific prayers, seeking protection from Allah, and being mindful of invoking blessings (e.g., saying "MasyaAllah") when admiring something. Sebab takkan I nak ambil gambar you masa muka berjerawat kan? Law of attraction ✨️ semoga murah rezeki sekalian
Sangat cantik❤
Terima kasih Jun Feng✨️🫶
Absolutely NO! Hati² penyakit 'Ain ya..
contoh kesan penyakit ain
"cantiknya kulit awk, flawless"
esoknya berjerawat
In Islam, it is believed that the evil eye can be warded off by reciting specific prayers, seeking protection from Allah, and being mindful of invoking blessings (e.g., saying "MasyaAllah") when admiring something. Some people also wear amulets or practice other protective rituals to prevent the effects of ain.
In Islam, it is believed that the evil eye can be warded off by reciting specific prayers, seeking protection from Allah, and being mindful of invoking blessings (e.g., saying "MasyaAllah") when admiring something. Sebab takkan I nak ambil gambar you masa muka berjerawat kan? Law of attraction ✨️ semoga murah rezeki sekalian