My 1st Abyssal GANK


Комментарии • 5

  • @mayaki2406
    @mayaki2406 Месяц назад +3

    Thanks for sharing, I'm sorry you tell you but you did everything wrong mate, not judging as we all know seeing this in video than living it isn't the same.
    You ain't gonna warp away from close range gankers (maybe from tornados without warp scram/disrupt) so for the next time this happens to you or someone else finding your video follow the next steps.
    Before losing cloak timer:
    1st - Preheat all your modules
    2nd - (Before this scenario) If you have another account create a dummy alt and bring it to the system you running abyss. When you see the gankers warp your alt in an Ibis or the other basic factions ships and attack the gankers, this will spawn concord and if the gankers aggress on you concord will be already on grind (you can delete your dummy alt when reaching -5/-10 sec status and create a new one).
    For this method you have to be 100% coordinated with your "dummy ganking alt", depending on the security of the system concord will take longer or shorter to arrive, so calculate this and 1sec before concord spawn to kill your "dummy ganking alt" make your move with the gila and start aligning somewhere (this way gankers won't have a chance to spawn concord somewhere else in the system because in your grid will be an aggresion 100% of the time, first from your dummy ganker and 2nd from the gankers trying to kill you).
    3rd - You could have a support alt character (shield booster, remote shield repair etc but is not mandatory).
    4th - Never select jump/dock options because your ship will stand still if warp disrup/scram, always align (if you rip you will be pre aligned to insta warp with your pod in case of no smart bombs).
    5th - WHEN you do 2nd step activate all your heated modules and target all the gankers, kill as many as you can (make sure your safety is green btw) so you reduce the ganking DPS. they are paper for your gila, you will melt them. If you kill 2 or 3 of them you have more survival chances.
    There are also other methods as:
    Having some kind of tanky hauler nearby to store all your loot (personally i prefer use this time to shot the gankers for less ganking DPS).
    Having and alt that will bump your ship away from the gankers and they will have no chance to kill you because tracking and optimal weapon range (but this one is not 100% effective, they could try to make you miss the bump). There was a video in YT of someone bumping a freighter when it was being ganked and that just saved it.

    • @marcoaurelio2209
      @marcoaurelio2209 21 день назад

      Hello my friend, how are you? A tech2 cruiser equipped with an Assault Damage Control, can avoid a gank? What do you think? Sure, we have numerous variables to consider, but have you ever experienced something similar?

    • @mayaki2406
      @mayaki2406 21 день назад

      @@marcoaurelio2209 ALL ships that can be flown in HS can be ganked and killed no matter what, they could just bring more ships or bigger for the gank.
      Cant tell you more without knowing what you wanna dowith that ship, if its abyssals try the steps above but if you are asking about some kind of "immortal" ship for HS sorry, that doesn't exists, the best way to avoid a gank/kill is knowing how the gankers operate and so countering their tactics.

  • @RanaRandom
    @RanaRandom Год назад

    Payback by Concorde
    Tengu, you're late .

    • @andytaylor1
      @andytaylor1  Год назад +1

      Aye, made me feel a bit better ;-)