Kids are swinging to heavy of bats, to long or to heavy. Get a bat that you don't drag through the strike zone. In college and Minors I swung a 33 inch bat 29 ounces. 30 ounces was about the limit for me and I was a pretty big guy. Bat speed is key. Get yourselves stronger and to swing heavier bats. The faster you can swing a heavier bat the further the ball will go, ie homeruns and power.
Kids are swinging to heavy of bats, to long or to heavy. Get a bat that you don't drag through the strike zone. In college and Minors I swung a 33 inch bat 29 ounces. 30 ounces was about the limit for me and I was a pretty big guy. Bat speed is key. Get yourselves stronger and to swing heavier bats. The faster you can swing a heavier bat the further the ball will go, ie homeruns and power.