Bossman i want you to know that as a self employed welder your channel has be a lifeline and treasure trove of knowledge for me. Thank you for all the ideas. Big fan of all your videos. Keep up the great work!👍🏼
Gate builds are always good. Metal makes such a sturdy gate, I am surprised anyone ever uses just straight wood. Looking forward to this series of gates Jimbo. I'm sure there was a reason for it but I always put the "pin" of the patch on the gate so it isn't hanging out there waiting to take someone's eye out.
I really enjoy watching your videos Jimbo. I bought a cheap welder 2 years ago. My plan was to teach myself to weld after wanting to learn for 40 yrs. Darn thing is still unopened in the box. It may be a good time to break it out and use it being on a forced covidcation for the next several weeks. Washington contractors have been deemed nonessential...
Jimbo, you do some great work i love your enthusiasm with all your projects and positive prospective on all you do. From one fabricator to another, i wish you well friend. Great job on the gate, stay clean and stay safe. I look forward to seeing your next project. 👍
Love it, I just ordered my materials, I’m gonna go pick them up this morning. I’ll be building FOUR gates just like this for my house! I didn’t know how to ask for the exact style of scroll so I have to go down to our ornamental supply place to check them out in person see if they can match something up to your video lol. You did an excellent job
Shouldn't the latch bar be welded to the gate and the clasp to the post? That way when the gate is open there are no obstructions in the gate opening....that can catch on whatever you are taking through the gate...hmm? Great build otherwise....
It all depends on how the costumer wants it trust me there's always a reason that gate is swinging out so you have to put it that way. If it swang in then I'll be the way you say
Question... if the posts were not being ancored to a wall or something and you were just going to dig a hole and fill with concrete, would that wall thickness fir the posts be sufficient enough for the weight of the gate? Thanks in advance
Great video love it , and all the detail you put in the video can you show how the finish touch looks . Love your video , and don't see this much on RUclips i will l keep watching you
Looks pretty nice that decorating piece it's all steel where do you buy it I'm in Los Angeles and all we can get is the aluminum pieces but what you got is one continuous piece gives you a neater look
Another excellent video Jimbo. Can I ask how you stop the gate from being simply lifted off and stolen whilst using bullet hinges? Struggling a bit. Thanks
Hello sir I am your subscriber from lndia. I love your videos, your working style of welding is very clean and finishing. I want to learn how you do that, please suggest me the steps to learn.
Hello Jimbo. Sure do appreciate your videos. I learn a lot from you. When you are making a smaller gate out of the .06? wall thickness what gauge wire do you weld with? .030 or thinner? Thanks
Great work, thanks. How is the 15 inch evolution saw? Does it cut straight and true? I have the 14 inch version and, while it eats through steel, it is extremely imprecise.
badass love this project one question on the hinges the gate can just be lifted up off of them? normally they are opposite so gate cannot come off correct? thank you
Date late dollar short but on the latch, the finger, several videos youve mentioned them being to long for the post. Why not just cut some of the fron off so you still have the latching effect but make the finger fit your post better without gussets etc? Just my thought jimbo. Love watching your videos buddy and seeing your creativity. 👍
Very Kool, I really like the plug covering the bolt, a cleaner look than tabs. i made a a side gate with Doggy View for my daughters house. How can i share photo with you?
Hi there, nice job. I just would like to share with u my observation regarding the wood grain in this gate, u could play around with it so it will look more awesome. Maybe u can give it a try in the upcoming projects. ✌️✌️✌️
After watching a few of your gate videos, I noticed you like to use self-tapping screws to hold the angle-iron in place. Living in Hawaii, this type of screw and gate would be dust in a matter of 2 years. Is there any type of protective coating besides powder coating that you'd use to protect the metal from rusting? I can see using stainless for the self-tappers, but after seeing all of my neighbors wrought iron gates go to crap and my wood gate still hanging on strong after 16 years, not too sure how I would protect this type of gate for the long haul. Really beautiful gates btw. Thanks
When you have the metal shop bend the radius what is that radius? I assume they are going to ask me and I don't have any idea, bit of a hail mary question since this is a 2 year old video but nothing ventured nothing gained! Thanks love the vids.
The problem with the evolution cutter is due to improper use. If you want to cut under an angle you have to adjust the bolt that holds the fence. Then you will be able to cut a 45 all the way true your tubing.
You know Jim, your video documentation is so detailed, a guy doesn't always need to listen to the narration the second go around.....I just put on "Hammer of the Gods" by Led Zeppelin and just watch'ya
I have the same machine you don't need the backing you can simply move the adjustable part forward it has more room to move there's 3 sections to it you're cutting on section A as long as your on B or C you'll be good
Bossman i want you to know that as a self employed welder your channel has be a lifeline and treasure trove of knowledge for me. Thank you for all the ideas. Big fan of all your videos. Keep up the great work!👍🏼
I like how you make all your projects look so easy to build.
Your garage is amazingly organized!!!
Have to admit that this guy doing amezing job. Good luck in future projects. My comlipents.👍👍👍
Ver happy I found your site, hope I can replicate some of your work & thanks again..
Gate builds are always good. Metal makes such a sturdy gate, I am surprised anyone ever uses just straight wood. Looking forward to this series of gates Jimbo. I'm sure there was a reason for it but I always put the "pin" of the patch on the gate so it isn't hanging out there waiting to take someone's eye out.
That gate really turned out nice.
Jimbo, you build some high quality gates. Awesome shop you have. Stay safe in California.
I agree, pre-drilling the self tappers is much easier.
Absolutely beautiful gate!
Beautiful Work 👍🏻
Dude recently started watching ur channel man really motivated me to start my own thing everything very helpful an informative
go for it! its a lot of fun if u like the challenges that will come up, I've been doing it for the last 18 years, and love it
I really enjoy watching your videos Jimbo. I bought a cheap welder 2 years ago. My plan was to teach myself to weld after wanting to learn for 40 yrs. Darn thing is still unopened in the box. It may be a good time to break it out and use it being on a forced covidcation for the next several weeks. Washington contractors have been deemed nonessential...
Jimbo.... You tha Man!
Im going to make this gate this spring. I hope it comes out right. Fingers crossed. Lol
Man...I love your videos!👨🏭👍
Love the video, can you put out an install video? Thanks
fantastic job as usual jimbo...all the best,stay safe...............dougie
I love how you overdo things, and I mean that as a compliment.
oh man i cant wait for that series of gates, beautifull contest btw
I want your shop Jimbo, lovely.
Wow that's great work!!!
I wish I had someone local to me who could do some work like yours!!!
Great design Jimbo and the process seems right on par! I like it! Thanks for the video!
Jimbo, you do some great work i love your enthusiasm with all your projects and positive prospective on all you do. From one fabricator to another, i wish you well friend. Great job on the gate, stay clean and stay safe. I look forward to seeing your next project. 👍
Love it, I just ordered my materials, I’m gonna go pick them up this morning. I’ll be building FOUR gates just like this for my house! I didn’t know how to ask for the exact style of scroll so I have to go down to our ornamental supply place to check them out in person see if they can match something up to your video lol. You did an excellent job
Nice! I like your shop.
Evolution is giving these saws to everyone, it seems. This is the fifth person they’ve given one to recently.
Mel Gross I don’t trust it as well
Nice job! The ideas you give me are mind boggling!
Awesome work Jimbo! 😃👍🏻👊🏻
Awesome tutorial!
Once again great job! Still keeping an eye out for your bench dogs.
Nice job.
Just designing one of these for my house. Thank you read my mind
Nice job! 👍
Love your work. Where did you purchase the scroll work?
Great video !!
3:00 did you tried 3m cubitron?
Shouldn't the latch bar be welded to the gate and the clasp to the post? That way when the gate is open there are no obstructions in the gate opening....that can catch on whatever you are taking through the gate...hmm? Great build otherwise....
total agree with you, I have fitted quite a few of these and never put them on that way round,
It all depends on how the costumer wants it trust me there's always a reason that gate is swinging out so you have to put it that way. If it swang in then I'll be the way you say
Good observation.. I was thinking the same
Sometimes there's not enough room to do it the other way like in his case right now or if the customer wants it that way you got no other choice
Thanks for the content, love following your project builds!
A great video - I really appreciate the extra detail you’ve been including. Cheers.
Do you remember what degree the roll is on the arch?
Question... if the posts were not being ancored to a wall or something and you were just going to dig a hole and fill with concrete, would that wall thickness fir the posts be sufficient enough for the weight of the gate? Thanks in advance
Great video love it , and all the detail you put in the video can you show how the finish touch looks . Love your video , and don't see this much on RUclips i will l keep watching you
Nice job
awesome work!
Looks pretty nice that decorating piece it's all steel where do you buy it I'm in Los Angeles and all we can get is the aluminum pieces but what you got is one continuous piece gives you a neater look
Nice job. 👍🏽
Looks great!!!! Good idea on the topics of upcoming videos. I look forward to those. Keep safe buddy.
Good job 👍
Another excellent video Jimbo. Can I ask how you stop the gate from being simply lifted off and stolen whilst using bullet hinges? Struggling a bit. Thanks
Well done sr
Belo trabalho.
Never built anything with a radius. How would I go about having my metal shop roll 1x2 to a radius similar to that? Is it an exact “size”?
Hello sir I am your subscriber from lndia. I love your videos, your working style of welding is very clean and finishing. I want to learn how you do that, please suggest me the steps to learn.
Love your style of gates... do you ship to New York?
Nice result. How do you communicate the radius dimensions to the person bending the square tube?
Hello Jimbo. Sure do appreciate your videos. I learn a lot from you. When you are making a smaller gate out of the .06? wall thickness what gauge wire do you weld with? .030 or thinner? Thanks
I love your work
I'm surprised you haven't madea roller yourself. With all the amazing stuff that you have created, doing this as a project shouldn't be hard for.
Pre-drill for self tapping is the way to go. Only people that have had to install would understand.
Nice job. Where did you get the ornamental metal pattern from?
Great work, thanks. How is the 15 inch evolution saw? Does it cut straight and true? I have the 14 inch version and, while it eats through steel, it is extremely imprecise.
I am wondering if evolution sent you that saw?
Awesome work! For the radius flat bar, have you considered using a shrinking die?
How did the materials cost you for this job with out your discount if you have any
What kind of Brand saw to cut metal or recommendations ?
About how many cuts do you get out of that cold cut saw before you have to change the blade?
badass love this project one question on the hinges the gate can just be lifted up off of them? normally they are opposite so gate cannot come off correct? thank you
You use mig and stick welding. I want to get a welder but dont know which is better. Can i get a recommendation on which to buy
Date late dollar short but on the latch, the finger, several videos youve mentioned them being to long for the post. Why not just cut some of the fron off so you still have the latching effect but make the finger fit your post better without gussets etc? Just my thought jimbo. Love watching your videos buddy and seeing your creativity. 👍
Pls do a a video on how to charge for your work.
How important is it to drill small holes in tubes etc to let moisture out of the profiles?
Nice. Thank you
Nice i love it
Whats the name of the paint gun your using?
Liked the table
How do you calculate the dimensions for a gate with a radius or arc
Could someone just clarify what 063 tube wall thickness is in good old mm !!!!!!
Thanks for watching Steven, Approx. 1.60mm Jimbo!
What size of wire are you using Jimbo
What primer did you use toward the end?
a sturdy door that will last a few years just the way i like it!
I miss the intro music that fades out at the beginning of your vids. Another great vid...good job.
Very Kool, I really like the plug covering the bolt, a cleaner look than tabs. i made a a side gate with Doggy View for my daughters house. How can i share photo with you?
In general was the slugger a good saw
Very nice!
Hi there, nice job. I just would like to share with u my observation regarding the wood grain in this gate, u could play around with it so it will look more awesome. Maybe u can give it a try in the upcoming projects. ✌️✌️✌️
After watching a few of your gate videos, I noticed you like to use self-tapping screws to hold the angle-iron in place. Living in Hawaii, this type of screw and gate would be dust in a matter of 2 years. Is there any type of protective coating besides powder coating that you'd use to protect the metal from rusting? I can see using stainless for the self-tappers, but after seeing all of my neighbors wrought iron gates go to crap and my wood gate still hanging on strong after 16 years, not too sure how I would protect this type of gate for the long haul. Really beautiful gates btw. Thanks
What is the longest driveway swing gate that you think you could make without it sagging?
When you have the metal shop bend the radius what is that radius? I assume they are going to ask me and I don't have any idea, bit of a hail mary question since this is a 2 year old video but nothing ventured nothing gained! Thanks love the vids.
Hey Jimbo, I have a Fein slugger saw, just wondering what happened with it , bearings, motor??
Thanks for watching, It looks like the bearings or bushing on the pull down handle just right of the spring. Jimbo!
Sounds like a good time for a cold cut saw rebuild video to me, how about ya'll ???
The problem with the evolution cutter is due to improper use. If you want to cut under an angle you have to adjust the bolt that holds the fence. Then you will be able to cut a 45 all the way true your tubing.
You know Jim, your video documentation is so detailed, a guy doesn't always need to listen to the narration the second go around.....I just put on "Hammer of the Gods" by Led Zeppelin and just watch'ya
Ha where can I get the table your using for clamping down everything
What size of plugs were they and where do you get them?
What type of wood u used
What size bullet hinges do you use?
I have the same machine you don't need the backing you can simply move the adjustable part forward it has more room to move there's 3 sections to it you're cutting on section A as long as your on B or C you'll be good
What’s the name of the decorative top I can’t seem to find it at kingmetals
Thanks for watching, There called forged steel scrollwork. On page 85 in the catalog. Jimbo