I actually did a range test with the reflectors and got to 20,200ft distance using sport mode. I ignored the RTH when the battery hit 70% at 20,000ft. Once I got to 200ft further I realized I may run out of power so I did return to home manually using sport mode, but had to land about 1/4 mile short of my launch location and then go get it. I did another flight to 3 miles distance without the reflectors and safely returned. So I found that using the reflectors with the mavic pro for further distance rather than with just the bare antennas is pointless if you don’t have enough battery power to make it back anyway. However, I think for shorter range flights through physical obstructions like trees, the reflectors give a slight advantage for better transmission. This is based on a few tests I have done, but still inconclusive. One thing that’s important to note, using sport mode does use more power. I tested this too. I flew the same path twice with and without sport mode. The test with sport mode used 7% more power and that was at 10,000ft distance. This is because wind resistance isn’t double at 40mph vs 20mph. It’s 4x. hypothetically if it could fly in a vacuum, sport mode speed should use the same battery power vs non-sport mode because you cover 2 times the distance in the same time period. But the only way to utilize battery power for max distance flight is using non-sport mode to fly into the headwind and return using sport mode with a tailwind.
Yeah, the faster you go the more air you have to push with exponentially more power. I also kinda wondered about the wisdom of being able to fly farther than the point of safe return. I agree with your point about using the reflectors for a stronger signal when obstructions are an issue.
However, every second you're flying you're burning juice so by flying faster you spend less time and therefore use less juice. So...it's a trade off between less time and more drag. What we need is a polar chart showing speed / range as we have for flying gliders. I don't have one though ☹️
Yup, I see roughly 7-10% more battery usage by using sport mode versus P mode (those sensors make no difference). Also, going full-tilt forward versus not pushing the sticks fully forward also changes the amount of power you use. Finally, RTH seems to choose the flight velocity of lowest battery draw.
The hood made a buffer for the wind preventing it from going faster both ways like a parachute effect , only good for taking pic in the sun not for distance or speed.
This is where I think DJI did very well in engineering their drones, cause the range limit seems to be battery limited and not controller range, assuming people don't fly it down to 10%. I have done the sport mode vs regular and battery life is worse in sport mode. Another test I did was to fly out in regular mode with headwind and back in sport mode with tailwind, and range is excellent. You can look at power consumption to see if your drone is speed or tilt limited to get an idea of how much range you will have. For example, in sport mode with just a few MPH headwind the power will be at 100%, whereas with a light tailwind, maybe only a MPH or so, you can fly 40mph at 75% power or so, which means the drone is speed limiting, not tilt limiting. Either way, these things are amazing with their ability to transmit 4k video over miles of distance instantly.
Great video! What's amazing is the detail of the WiFi FPF. I've tried WiFi FPV and got no range on it . Within a few feet I was having video cutouts. My new drone has 5.8G FPV and 720p camera. Your image quality is superb! Keep up the great vids and I'll keep coming back
Cole Williams DJI refers to it as “WiFi” in several places though. On the Spark they refer to it almost exclusively as “Wifi” even though it’s clearly MUCH more powerful than any household WiFi, even on the Spark. It is interesting that it uses the same 2.4 and 5 GHz bands though...
Wow what an amazing video! You have an incredible flying spot. There was a minute there I was certain you weren’t gonna make it back. Nerve wracking! Looks like you still had pretty decent signal strength even at that range. I guess at this point battery life is the limit instead. Pretty cool. Can’t wait to pick one of these up on eBay for a good deal.
I might add that there's a location near me that similar to yours up on the side of a mountain with no interference and I took my phantom 4 pro stock out pretty much like you did and got 3.6 miles out but the battery was my limitation and I still had good strong signal strength on both the bird and the video. I ended up having 19% battery when I got back so I probably could've hit 4 miles but again battery seems to be the limitation on these. It sure gets the adrenaline flowing!
I just love these videos where you fly and comment in real time. That action cam on the chest is also great. Much better than those videos with lots of b-roll and loud crappy music. Continue making these awesome videos!! I only watch your videos with joy.
The Mavic Pro costs 1400 USD here in Sweden. Do you think it's worth the price? I would buy it in a heartbeat if we Swedes had American prices, but we don't. :( 1400 USD (and this is the sale price) seems to be a little much for such an old product, or is it?
+Adriansnetwork Yikes! That's like 40% more. If your going to buy it, you may want to spend a bit more and get the Platinum which has some upgrades for longer quieter flight 👍
Yup battery is a limitation on this drone as far as distance. It's not starving from signal really even without the add on booster. Love your videos man keep it up!
Great Video and thanks for taking a risk and educating us on this drone & range ! I would never do something so risky and unnecessary BUT a HUGE THANK YOU !!
Some users have issues with them if the drone is directly above, the extenders focus the signal towards the drone area. So its like having a pencil beam vs wide angle flashlight. You will get more range but less width spread should you want to fly say from the left to the right over a greater range. The product is simple in principle so it works quite well on all DJI products. I used it a more on my phantom 4 pro. No issues on the mavic yet since I have not even passed the 1.5 mile mark. Thanks again for another cool video. Subbed.
Good job on commentary and keeping it interesting. I just got some of those and I fly from my house and always lose signal due to interference. But with them on, 2 miles no problem!
Great, My heart was pounding. I thought in an environment like this the unit should go 3 miles with nothing. In your experience do the boosters truly help. I can't seem to get a mile with out the screen loosing the picture and often the connection Lots of trees around and I'm low and flying over mts. but still. . Great video either way.
If you want it to come home on the least battery, engage RTH first and let the craft pick the most optimal angle and once it starts moving, kick it out of RTH with sports mode toggle and full stick forward in sports mode for a speedy return. Should be useful even if the app crashes. I found it even flies diagonally to counter the crosswind if there is any.
+Bob Brown Great idea. I just wanted to try it manually here but have used that same technique while range testing other GPS drones in the past like the XK X380 👍
Need to compare range with and without reflectors, to see if they actually make a difference. I Enjoy all of your range tests. I look forward to the next one.
Excellent flight and video. Picture quality was very good with the ND16 filter. I am amazed at the precision landing feature and with my P3A had it for sure. Thanks again for sharing.
Dustin, being new in the drone world, my understanding is that with FFA rules the craft can't fly above 400'. That said, when you were over the area where the landscape sloped downward, does the craft know your still within those limits? The video was stunning... Just bought my Mavic, and now were into a major winter storm. Just figures.. lol
To give you the gain the dishes create a more directive signal, so you need to make sure your antennas are pointed in the direction of the drone at all times, more so than the stock setup
+Missouri Drone Guy Yep, the parabolic antenna is more useful in less open/ higher interference areas I believe. I could have probably made the distance without it but perhaps the video link would have been more glitchy/laggy. I'm wondering if the sun hood is creating more or less air drag as well 😀👍
I always use the performance meter, that way I can see the attitude. Letting me know which way the wind is pushing. Also course lock so I’m only pushing the throttle.
Dustin, another great video. I'm very interested in the quality and reliability of the "on screen, real time picture". So my question - Using the same tablet / smart phone on a Mavic Pro and a Phantom 4 Pro, which drone will give the best quality and reliable "on screen, real time picture". Thanks and keep making great videos!
Good vid. I agree that we need tech to display height over ground not over launch point. I've spent a lot of time flying gliders and unless the mavic camera screwed up my depth perception I'd be amazed if you were below 400ft once you were away from the hill - worth checking on an aviation chart to be on the safe side 😊👍🏻
I bought my mavic pro yesterday man and you scare me when you ignore the return home your drone and I was nervous and finally you got your drone back 🤪
Mahalo DD for that one....crowded up there, eh?...lol...well just confirmed my thoughts...the Spark is very good but the Mavic...better ..gotta order one soon...well done my friend!
I just bought the Spark and Mavic Pro both about 1 month ago. Like the video states in the beginning, I was also disappointed that my Spark seemed to lack the super impressive Precision Landing feature, despite the Spark User Manual PDF stating that it does! However, I have achieved at least one Spark Precision Landing! So it is possible despite no checkbox, setting, or mention anywhere in the app. I think the video author is correct, YOU need to manually ascend at least 25 feet directly at takeoff, in order for the bottom camera to snap the internal image data of the landing area.
Great video. This drone is incredible for those that can competently use it. If you lose the drone in the bush over a mile from launch point, and the app crashes, can you still track the drone by booting up again and using the gps map?
I would never take the risk you did, but glad you made it back. You lucked out because it appears you had a tail wind, lucky you. If you went 3mi without the windsurfer, there doesn't seem to be much use for one since the battery is the limitation, am I wrong? IMO, you should always return no lower than 60% battery on distance runs, unless you know you will have a tailwind. Unfortunately with Mavic you have no ATTI mode to measure the speed or direction of winds at altitude. Also, given you were below 20% on your return, why go into RTH when this takes more battery to climb and descend? Lastly, when you have a dog nearby, especially an Akita or pit bull, dogs are known to attack drones out of the blue. You may want to consider a hand catch in that scenario to minimize risk. You were lucky that dog was docile.
Great video bud. I just got the mavic pro recently, While it's cool and all guess I'm a little late to the party. Do you still have yours? Or what would be the next upgrade in your opinion?
Mavic 2 series or wait for the Mavic 3 to be announced soon would be a good upgrade path. If you'd like to stray from DJI.. Autel Evo 1 or 2 and the SKYDIO 2 may be good options as well.
Excellent video, I personally don't think the parabolics are required on a mavic, unless of course you can in future get some form of extended battery, regarding the app crashing, I had it all the time using my shield tablet, switched to a ipad mini and no crashes (and no I'm no fan boy, I use android for my phone ;) )
Was surprised you were moving the camera with so little power left. Every little counts 👍 Good job! Question: If you had lost it at that distance, would it have come home on it's own?
Good job+Great video:) Which smartphone you use in this video? And this often happens#DJI MAVIC PRO ( because I only use Android + iPhone is better optimized or .... )?
+Larry Ahee check out my Mavic Pro Hawaii 4k video. I go a few miles down the cliffy coast with ocean waterfalls and caves. At the ridge of the furthest waterfall the wind must have been gusting strong, maybe 20+ mph and you can see the Mavic try to fight it in the on-board video.
Interesting video but not sure what the topic was. - Drone case ? - Precision landing ? - Antenna extender ? Also, I would not worry about RTH and Precision Landing when my battery is at 20% --- these consumed more time/electricity and jeopadised further drone safety.
I flew to 6,600 feet this week. When it landed, I had tears in my eyes. For some reason, I care for it like my dogs. The Mavic Pro is an amazing little machine and I just Love it.
Think I'm gonna have to get a Mavic too! Since the flight path is erased when the app crashed on you, did the flight log get erased as well, or at least the part of the log before the app crash? I plan on using my iPhone with this quad, I believe you said Apple products crash less with the DJI Go 4 app?
Hello from South Florida! I have enjoyed all of your reviews and soon will have one of these drones but in the meantime, checking out all of the laws and regulations here. in my area. Just thinking if you would of gone the full 20,000 feet and how much more worried you would have been!
Very interesting. I doubt I'd ever need that range but good to know it has it. Just one small question. Does the inbuilt rth use more or less power than the manual sports mode? I'm just wondering how the speed/time/voltages compare. I haven't seen that tested anywhere.
+didactylos4 diddy4 Good question. I've heard "talks" of GPS mode getting it further as the lower speed is more efficient. RTH should be using a bit more power possibly since it kicks in more autonomous processing. Sport mode seems like it would be the most inefficient but the amount of distance you can cover faster in some wind seems better for a max range test. I'll have to try the same test in standard GPS mode and see the difference 🤔
That would be interesting but I would suggest you'd be able to tell just as easily over a shorter distance (say a mile) I don't want you to risk the quad. :) Fly out a mile, note the battery status and then rth back and see what is left. Then do the same using sports mode to return. A fresh battery might be advisable. As I say I have never seen it properly tested or a definitive answer
Nice video. Talked me into a mavic. All I've flown is 200/300 cheaper drones in the yard line of sight. I'm looking forward to getting out there an exploring. Fpv
great video...but remember he gets that range THERE....i would guess it is a very low interference area ( less power lines, wifi signals, cell towers etc) i wonder how far it would go in an area with "norma"l urban or suburburb interference....still a great video.
Goose bumbs on the return to home. Bravo pour ce test de distance. Thanks for sharing the beautiful scene. Gimbal cover should be remove and keep only Lens 8 or 16 you hade ?
+Stephen J When they pulled up I was doing the Spark range test, facing that same direction speaking and pointing with the cam on my head but apparently they thought I was just a weirdo or honesty didn't give a rip that I was trying to film...lol. Oh well 🤔
I succeeded in bringing my Pro at the top of " Becca di Nona" ( 3142 meters high ) mountain in Aosta Valley, Alps, starting from just out the town, and brought it back. Battery was new, and it landed at ...... 0% It scared the hell out of me. GREAT GREAT GREAT drone
if it's working right then naturally it will make it super deaf in anything but the intended direction. Great for long trips out in one direction, not so hot if you forget to aim it the right way. Neat and cheap as dirt, though... I'll have to get one of these. Or make on on my 3d printer - should be stupid easy. Thanks for the video! You're very brave. :-)
Wow, so many warnings ignored? Compass off song ought to have been a return home immediately, then passing the ‘home time’ ought to have been ringing bells in your head. Also, not checking settings after your previous update was overlooked. Tut tut! Interesting video, nice country shot. 👍🏻
Great flight Dustin! About the app crashing I think it is an android problem. My S7 edge crashes at least twice every flight. I am switching to ipad mini 4 just for flying only. Have heard that Apple products never crash.
Signal level and same distance no diffrerence . You can see and compare pro review Part 3 at 12:54, Part 4 at 10:58 Parabolic antenna booster not effected.
Nice video, little concerned as to why your altimeter wasn't working, it should have adjusted you altitude using the barometer as you flew, where you able to correct that?
I have flown mine 17,000 ft without the reflectors ,Also mine flies around 48-50mph at full forward stick (with no wind) but I do find if I limit it to 30-35 it will fly further because it's drawing less current.
Normally from what I understand the optimal position for the antennas is a 45 degree angle. With the parabolic enhancement it would probably be a 90 degree angle for the position of the antennas. Is that correct? It appears that's how you are rocking in this video.
Hi Dustin, I'm enjoying your videos. Thanks for all the information. One question, does the app crash on both android and iOS? Thanks and keep up the good work.
Can you do a distance test in an area that has buildings or other interference like one would flying over houses in the suburbs. - I’d love to see the comparison between the two.
Totally agree with ya on the backpack and the Boosters they rock...- it's by far the best one on the market. I mean it even carries my OSMO 2 mobile stabilizer and everything else. If you do any pano shots, that Hood gets in the way thats the only thing about the hood.. I tell you to have some BRASS mate flying your drone that far not to mentioned with only 9 minutes left to RTH! Anyways, how do you like the Parabolic Boosters? I am getting ready to add a pair of these Cube lights that are for the Mavic Pro WHAT ARE YOUR Thought about them? Do you have to be Airmen certified to fly your drone out of line of sight?
The boosters aren't really necessary if there is no interference in a setting like this. If there are obstructions and other interference they will help 👍
This planet just is not big enough any more to offer us some privacy when we could use it most. Hopefully your “neighbors” will be more considerate next time. Awesome video as usual, Dustin.
I must be missing something here. The 6.4 miles mentioned in the title of this video is the total distance your drone travelled out and back. Your drone only travelled 3.2 miles away from your home point which is less than the 4.3 miles advertised by DJI without using range boosters. So how is this a test of the Parabolic Range Boosters?
Dustin, Where is the location that you are flying in Maui? It looks beautiful. I will be traveling to Maui this year and also would like to fly there.
UPDATE....my S7 edge now never crashes after I set my screen resolution from the highest setting down to the middle of the range setting. Works great now.
Beautifully done. Thinking about purchasing... if you press RTH does it return slower than if you manually Sport Mode it. Trying to understand limitations. TY
great flight! is this the bird that went in the drink a few months ago or is this another one? id imagine after a short period of time under water the motors/fc board would be no good but you never know sometimes... great job brother... o if this is a different bird...dont drop this one in the drink lol!
I actually did a range test with the reflectors and got to 20,200ft distance using sport mode. I ignored the RTH when the battery hit 70% at 20,000ft. Once I got to 200ft further I realized I may run out of power so I did return to home manually using sport mode, but had to land about 1/4 mile short of my launch location and then go get it. I did another flight to 3 miles distance without the reflectors and safely returned. So I found that using the reflectors with the mavic pro for further distance rather than with just the bare antennas is pointless if you don’t have enough battery power to make it back anyway. However, I think for shorter range flights through physical obstructions like trees, the reflectors give a slight advantage for better transmission. This is based on a few tests I have done, but still inconclusive.
One thing that’s important to note, using sport mode does use more power. I tested this too. I flew the same path twice with and without sport mode. The test with sport mode used 7% more power and that was at 10,000ft distance. This is because wind resistance isn’t double at 40mph vs 20mph. It’s 4x. hypothetically if it could fly in a vacuum, sport mode speed should use the same battery power vs non-sport mode because you cover 2 times the distance in the same time period. But the only way to utilize battery power for max distance flight is using non-sport mode to fly into the headwind and return using sport mode with a tailwind.
Shut up and take my money is how i feel when watching these videos =)
Yeah, the faster you go the more air you have to push with exponentially more power. I also kinda wondered about the wisdom of being able to fly farther than the point of safe return. I agree with your point about using the reflectors for a stronger signal when obstructions are an issue.
Turning all the Sensors off preserves battery on long flights also..
However, every second you're flying you're burning juice so by flying faster you spend less time and therefore use less juice. So...it's a trade off between less time and more drag. What we need is a polar chart showing speed / range as we have for flying gliders. I don't have one though ☹️
Yup, I see roughly 7-10% more battery usage by using sport mode versus P mode (those sensors make no difference). Also, going full-tilt forward versus not pushing the sticks fully forward also changes the amount of power you use. Finally, RTH seems to choose the flight velocity of lowest battery draw.
Still, by far, my favorite RUclipsr. Thanks for the great videos!
The hood made a buffer for the wind preventing it from going faster both ways like a parachute effect , only good for taking pic in the sun not for distance or speed.
This is where I think DJI did very well in engineering their drones, cause the range limit seems to be battery limited and not controller range, assuming people don't fly it down to 10%.
I have done the sport mode vs regular and battery life is worse in sport mode. Another test I did was to fly out in regular mode with headwind and back in sport mode with tailwind, and range is excellent. You can look at power consumption to see if your drone is speed or tilt limited to get an idea of how much range you will have.
For example, in sport mode with just a few MPH headwind the power will be at 100%, whereas with a light tailwind, maybe only a MPH or so, you can fly 40mph at 75% power or so, which means the drone is speed limiting, not tilt limiting.
Either way, these things are amazing with their ability to transmit 4k video over miles of distance instantly.
Charlie Odom they don’t transmit 4K video. They record 4K video.
Great video! What's amazing is the detail of the WiFi FPF. I've tried WiFi FPV and got no range on it . Within a few feet I was having video cutouts. My new drone has 5.8G FPV and 720p camera. Your image quality is superb! Keep up the great vids and I'll keep coming back
Gregory Ross that’s cuz it ain’t WiFi it’s OcuSync
Cole Williams DJI refers to it as “WiFi” in several places though. On the Spark they refer to it almost exclusively as “Wifi” even though it’s clearly MUCH more powerful than any household WiFi, even on the Spark.
It is interesting that it uses the same 2.4 and 5 GHz bands though...
Wow what an amazing video! You have an incredible flying spot. There was a minute there I was certain you weren’t gonna make it back. Nerve wracking! Looks like you still had pretty decent signal strength even at that range. I guess at this point battery life is the limit instead. Pretty cool. Can’t wait to pick one of these up on eBay for a good deal.
I might add that there's a location near me that similar to yours up on the side of a mountain with no interference and I took my phantom 4 pro stock out pretty much like you did and got 3.6 miles out but the battery was my limitation and I still had good strong signal strength on both the bird and the video. I ended up having 19% battery when I got back so I probably could've hit 4 miles but again battery seems to be the limitation on these. It sure gets the adrenaline flowing!
I just love these videos where you fly and comment in real time. That action cam on the chest is also great. Much better than those videos with lots of b-roll and loud crappy music. Continue making these awesome videos!! I only watch your videos with joy.
+Adriansnetwork Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy my style 😁🍻
The Mavic Pro costs 1400 USD here in Sweden. Do you think it's worth the price? I would buy it in a heartbeat if we Swedes had American prices, but we don't. :( 1400 USD (and this is the sale price) seems to be a little much for such an old product, or is it?
+Adriansnetwork Yikes! That's like 40% more. If your going to buy it, you may want to spend a bit more and get the Platinum which has some upgrades for longer quieter flight 👍
Yup battery is a limitation on this drone as far as distance. It's not starving from signal really even without the add on booster. Love your videos man keep it up!
Great Video and thanks for taking a risk and educating us on this drone & range ! I would never do something so risky and unnecessary BUT a HUGE THANK YOU !!
Some users have issues with them if the drone is directly above, the extenders focus the signal towards the drone area. So its like having a pencil beam vs wide angle flashlight. You will get more range but less width spread should you want to fly say from the left to the right over a greater range.
The product is simple in principle so it works quite well on all DJI products. I used it a more on my phantom 4 pro. No issues on the mavic yet since I have not even passed the 1.5 mile mark.
Thanks again for another cool video. Subbed.
Good job on commentary and keeping it interesting. I just got some of those and I fly from my house and always lose signal due to interference. But with them on, 2 miles no problem!
Yup Steve, my own flights confirm the same. They do work and are effective!
I have these extenders with a Mavik Air, I’m using them more as insurance against losing signal at regular distances
A lil scared to take mine that far, “yet” ,but , very impressive bro! The longer I own her the more comfortable I am about her reliability
Dustin - You are a real daredevil! Nice baby crying sound effects. :-)
+samnella9 lol 😂👍
This was amazing. I'm slightly shocked.
When you're lucky, you don't have to be good. Not a good modus for a pilot of anything.
Oh no. It's mister doom and gloom 😂
And you're still butthurt. Pretty sad.
I just bust out laughing!!!! You're voice is always so calm and chill and then all of a sudden the sound of a baby crying. Hilarious.
+Gadget Inspector lol... I was panicking inside 😂🍻
Absolutely one fine demo hats off Dustin ! I got to have one !
I cant wait for the day we have 1 hour batteries lol
Yep, battery tech is the real bottle neck for amateur dronies.
autel already reach 40mins+ with there evo ii line
DJI Matrice 300 RTK released today....55 minutes flight time
Yeah 1 hour battery but half hour remote battery great😣
@@2bsure dji mavic pro controller does 3 hours ez
Saw this video ordered one 5 min into the video...
So stoked for this...
Will be picking it up tomorrow hopefully...
Great, My heart was pounding. I thought in an environment like this the unit should go 3 miles with nothing. In your experience do the boosters truly help. I can't seem to get a mile with out the screen loosing the picture and often the connection Lots of trees around and I'm low and flying over mts. but still. . Great video either way.
If you want it to come home on the least battery, engage RTH first and let the craft pick the most optimal angle and once it starts moving, kick it out of RTH with sports mode toggle and full stick forward in sports mode for a speedy return. Should be useful even if the app crashes. I found it even flies diagonally to counter the crosswind if there is any.
+Bob Brown Great idea. I just wanted to try it manually here but have used that same technique while range testing other GPS drones in the past like the XK X380 👍
Bob Brown et
About 20 minutes into the video I'm petty sure I saw Sasquatch. That drone is awesome!!
Thats a relief, I thought I was the only one who saw him!
Need to compare range with and without reflectors, to see if they actually make a difference. I Enjoy all of your range tests. I look forward to the next one.
+sptrader You won't get much further with them on in the country like this but it will help more in a rural area with more interference
I canceled a meeting today just to watch if you ended in the woods 😂😂😂😂😂
Yay mission accomplished 😂😉
Because people cancel meetings at work for a video they can pause and watch after. Dont get people who compulsively lie lol..
Priorities Rob. Fun and enjoyment first... work can wait (depending on your career) 😂🍻
Excellent flight and video. Picture quality was very good with the ND16 filter. I am amazed at the precision landing feature and with my P3A had it for sure. Thanks again for sharing.
+dheller777 😀👍
Dustin, being new in the drone world, my understanding is that with FFA rules the craft can't fly above 400'. That said, when you were over the area where the landscape sloped downward, does the craft know your still within those limits? The video was stunning... Just bought my Mavic, and now were into a major winter storm. Just figures.. lol
wow! That was awesome. I just ordered my mavic from amazon, thanks to your video. Cheers
Loving the reviews. Just subscribed and on a mission to watch all your videos. Keep up the great work!
+Subido 88 Wow thanks. Welcome and glad you enjoy them 😀👍
To give you the gain the dishes create a more directive signal, so you need to make sure your antennas are pointed in the direction of the drone at all times, more so than the stock setup
YOU should fly it till it looses signal then ad the booster and see if it goes further.
That was INCREDIBLE!!! WOW!!! Great job and thanks for all the info.
Dustin very good range test but you had me on the edge of my seat good video bro keep it up
Reflectors work great for a USB WiFi dongle on your laptop when you’re traveling. Thanks for sharing! 👍
With your stock battery, looks like you need nothing more for the distance. You're living the dream out there man...
+Missouri Drone Guy Yep, the parabolic antenna is more useful in less open/ higher interference areas I believe. I could have probably made the distance without it but perhaps the video link would have been more glitchy/laggy. I'm wondering if the sun hood is creating more or less air drag as well 😀👍
I always use the performance meter, that way I can see the attitude. Letting me know which way the wind is pushing. Also course lock so I’m only pushing the throttle.
Dustin, another great video. I'm very interested in the quality and reliability of the "on screen, real time picture". So my question - Using the same tablet / smart phone on a Mavic Pro and a Phantom 4 Pro, which drone will give the best quality and reliable "on screen, real time picture". Thanks and keep making great videos!
Good vid. I agree that we need tech to display height over ground not over launch point. I've spent a lot of time flying gliders and unless the mavic camera screwed up my depth perception I'd be amazed if you were below 400ft once you were away from the hill - worth checking on an aviation chart to be on the safe side 😊👍🏻
I bought my mavic pro yesterday man and you scare me when you ignore the return home your drone and I was nervous and finally you got your drone back 🤪
best droner youtuber💙😍👌
Nice video on the DJI Mavis Pro. I really love the backpack.
Awesome to see the progress of technology!!
Thank you for a super demonstration...plan to check out the rest of your videos.
Thank you,
Mahalo DD for that one....crowded up there, eh?...lol...well just confirmed my thoughts...the Spark is very good but the Mavic...better ..gotta order one soon...well done my friend!
Thanks for sharing Dustin. Very informative. All your video's are great.
I just bought the Spark and Mavic Pro both about 1 month ago. Like the video states in the beginning, I was also disappointed that my Spark seemed to lack the super impressive Precision Landing feature, despite the Spark User Manual PDF stating that it does!
However, I have achieved at least one Spark Precision Landing! So it is possible despite no checkbox, setting, or mention anywhere in the app.
I think the video author is correct, YOU need to manually ascend at least 25 feet directly at takeoff, in order for the bottom camera to snap the internal image data of the landing area.
Great video. This drone is incredible for those that can competently use it. If you lose the drone in the bush over a mile from launch point, and the app crashes, can you still track the drone by booting up again and using the gps map?
I would never take the risk you did, but glad you made it back. You lucked out because it appears you had a tail wind, lucky you. If you went 3mi without the windsurfer, there doesn't seem to be much use for one since the battery is the limitation, am I wrong? IMO, you should always return no lower than 60% battery on distance runs, unless you know you will have a tailwind. Unfortunately with Mavic you have no ATTI mode to measure the speed or direction of winds at altitude. Also, given you were below 20% on your return, why go into RTH when this takes more battery to climb and descend? Lastly, when you have a dog nearby, especially an Akita or pit bull, dogs are known to attack drones out of the blue. You may want to consider a hand catch in that scenario to minimize risk. You were lucky that dog was docile.
Nice video, I have same dishes on my mavic, they work for me, I have never lost signal with them on, and would recommend.
+PBazBarrett 👍
Great video bud. I just got the mavic pro recently, While it's cool and all guess I'm a little late to the party. Do you still have yours? Or what would be the next upgrade in your opinion?
Mavic 2 series or wait for the Mavic 3 to be announced soon would be a good upgrade path. If you'd like to stray from DJI.. Autel Evo 1 or 2 and the SKYDIO 2 may be good options as well.
Excellent video, I personally don't think the parabolics are required on a mavic, unless of course you can in future get some form of extended battery, regarding the app crashing, I had it all the time using my shield tablet, switched to a ipad mini and no crashes (and no I'm no fan boy, I use android for my phone ;) )
Was surprised you were moving the camera with so little power left. Every little counts 👍 Good job! Question: If you had lost it at that distance, would it have come home on it's own?
Very cool! Really enjoyed this view and your commentary.
Good job+Great video:) Which smartphone you use in this video? And this often happens#DJI MAVIC PRO ( because I only use Android + iPhone is better optimized or .... )?
Wow. The Mavic video is far superior to the Spark's. The difference is remarkable. Planning an upgrade in the future.
Nice video and very good range. Love all videos you are makeing.waiting for more.
+Axel abc Thanks Axel 🍻👍
Axel abc making
Great job as always what's the worst wind you flown in
+Larry Ahee check out my Mavic Pro Hawaii 4k video. I go a few miles down the cliffy coast with ocean waterfalls and caves. At the ridge of the furthest waterfall the wind must have been gusting strong, maybe 20+ mph and you can see the Mavic try to fight it in the on-board video.
Interesting video but not sure what the topic was.
- Drone case ?
- Precision landing ?
- Antenna extender ?
Also, I would not worry about RTH and Precision Landing when my battery is at 20% --- these consumed more time/electricity and jeopadised further drone safety.
Bout to get one soon, cant wait!
Remember, it's "Tilt" the camera (gimble) up and down and "Pan" left and right. I did enjoy the video. Thanks.
Great video. You definitely deserve more subs!
Very impressive and nail biting at the same time.
glad you got her home Dustin.
+cibie01 Thanks. A great flight indeed 😉✌
I flew to 6,600 feet this week. When it landed, I had tears in my eyes. For some reason, I care for it like my dogs. The Mavic Pro is an amazing little machine and I just Love it.
cibie01 it has auto return
wow nice video man. I was scared waiting to get it home before battery issue
Dude this is trippy. I have the exact same shirt and your beard looks identical to mine!
Think I'm gonna have to get a Mavic too! Since the flight path is erased when the app crashed on you, did the flight log get erased as well, or at least the part of the log before the app crash? I plan on using my iPhone with this quad, I believe you said Apple products crash less with the DJI Go 4 app?
if you adjust your low battery warning it might help with the rth going home early
Hello from South Florida! I have enjoyed all of your reviews and soon will have one of these drones but in the meantime, checking out all of the laws and regulations here. in my area. Just thinking if you would of gone the full 20,000 feet and how much more worried you would have been!
Very interesting. I doubt I'd ever need that range but good to know it has it. Just one small question. Does the inbuilt rth use more or less power than the manual sports mode?
I'm just wondering how the speed/time/voltages compare. I haven't seen that tested anywhere.
+didactylos4 diddy4 Good question. I've heard "talks" of GPS mode getting it further as the lower speed is more efficient. RTH should be using a bit more power possibly since it kicks in more autonomous processing. Sport mode seems like it would be the most inefficient but the amount of distance you can cover faster in some wind seems better for a max range test.
I'll have to try the same test in standard GPS mode and see the difference 🤔
That would be interesting but I would suggest you'd be able to tell just as easily over a shorter distance (say a mile) I don't want you to risk the quad. :)
Fly out a mile, note the battery status and then rth back and see what is left.
Then do the same using sports mode to return. A fresh battery might be advisable. As I say I have never seen it properly tested or a definitive answer
+didactylos4 diddy4 That would be more scientific. A great test. I will try it 👍
Nice video. Talked me into a mavic. All I've flown is 200/300 cheaper drones in the yard line of sight. I'm looking forward to getting out there an exploring. Fpv
great video...but remember he gets that range THERE....i would guess it is a very low interference area ( less power lines, wifi signals, cell towers etc) i wonder how far it would go in an area with "norma"l urban or suburburb interference....still a great video.
Goose bumbs on the return to home. Bravo pour ce test de distance. Thanks for sharing the beautiful scene. Gimbal cover should be remove and keep only Lens 8 or 16 you hade ?
Another great video!! Funny about those people having to park two feet from ya...
+Stephen J When they pulled up I was doing the Spark range test, facing that same direction speaking and pointing with the cam on my head but apparently they thought I was just a weirdo or honesty didn't give a rip that I was trying to film...lol. Oh well 🤔
Epic as always
I succeeded in bringing my Pro at the top of " Becca di Nona" ( 3142 meters high ) mountain in Aosta Valley, Alps, starting from just out the town, and brought it back. Battery was new, and it landed at ...... 0% It scared the hell out of me. GREAT GREAT GREAT drone
Is the Mavic Pro worth buying today? I’ve got someone trying to sale me one
Awesome man best demonstration I have seen and I have seen a few wish I could afford one of them well done pal 5☆
if it's working right then naturally it will make it super deaf in anything but the intended direction. Great for long trips out in one direction, not so hot if you forget to aim it the right way. Neat and cheap as dirt, though... I'll have to get one of these. Or make on on my 3d printer - should be stupid easy. Thanks for the video! You're very brave. :-)
Wow, so many warnings ignored? Compass off song ought to have been a return home immediately, then passing the ‘home time’ ought to have been ringing bells in your head. Also, not checking settings after your previous update was overlooked. Tut tut! Interesting video, nice country shot. 👍🏻
Litchi has a feature that lets you control you altitude relative to the ground.
+222dfb brown Wow really? So it knows the craft AGL at all times? What database is it referencing for ground elevations?
google maps. watch this ruclips.net/video/QsMtzM-ccIM/видео.html
You the man ! Keep pushing them drones !
Nice i can watch your drone videos all day long
Video starts at 3:38
Great flight Dustin! About the app crashing I think it is an android problem. My S7 edge crashes at least twice every flight. I am switching to ipad mini 4 just for flying only. Have heard that Apple products never crash.
+John Jones I'm sure your right 😂👍
John Jones Apple products crash as well....FYI.
Note 5 Android has never crashed. And when it happens the first time I will panic because I am too spoiked now.
Signal level and same distance no diffrerence . You can see and compare pro review Part 3 at 12:54, Part 4 at 10:58 Parabolic antenna booster not effected.
Thank you for sharing , i had similar issue of app crash on android.
Nice video, little concerned as to why your altimeter wasn't working, it should have adjusted you altitude using the barometer as you flew, where you able to correct that?
I have flown mine 17,000 ft without the reflectors ,Also mine flies around 48-50mph at full forward stick (with no wind) but I do find if I limit it to 30-35 it will fly further because it's drawing less current.
Normally from what I understand the optimal position for the antennas is a 45 degree angle. With the parabolic enhancement it would probably be a 90 degree angle for the position of the antennas. Is that correct? It appears that's how you are rocking in this video.
Hi Dustin,
I'm enjoying your videos. Thanks for all the information. One question, does the app crash on both android and iOS?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
+Mike Chivers More on Android it seems
Maui looks beautiful. Thanks for the video!
Can you do a distance test in an area that has buildings or other interference like one would flying over houses in the suburbs. - I’d love to see the comparison between the two.
+Coach Rob I plan to at some point. It'll definitely be less range but the parabolic dishes will help in an urban environment with interference 👍
Totally agree with ya on the backpack and the Boosters they rock...- it's by far the best one on the market. I mean it even carries my OSMO 2 mobile stabilizer and everything else. If you do any pano shots, that Hood gets in the way thats the only thing about the hood.. I tell you to have some BRASS mate flying your drone that far not to mentioned with only 9 minutes left to RTH! Anyways, how do you like the Parabolic Boosters? I am getting ready to add a pair of these Cube lights that are for the Mavic Pro WHAT ARE YOUR Thought about them? Do you have to be Airmen certified to fly your drone out of line of sight?
The boosters aren't really necessary if there is no interference in a setting like this. If there are obstructions and other interference they will help 👍
Another excellent video!! Thanks for the info man.
open range and those people wanted to be right next to you lol!
This planet just is not big enough any more to offer us some privacy when we could use it most. Hopefully your “neighbors” will be more considerate next time. Awesome video as usual, Dustin.
I must be missing something here. The 6.4 miles mentioned in the title of this video is the total distance your drone travelled out and back. Your drone only travelled 3.2 miles away from your home point which is less than the 4.3 miles advertised by DJI without using range boosters. So how is this a test of the Parabolic Range Boosters?
very but a little crazy pushing that range
Dustin, Where is the location that you are flying in Maui? It looks beautiful. I will be traveling to Maui this year and also would like to fly there.
UPDATE....my S7 edge now never crashes after I set my screen resolution from the highest setting down to the middle of the range setting. Works great now.
You read my mind! lol I was just going to ask how they work with the mavic after your spark video. ;)
+Brandon Z 😁🍻
No way will I risk that. That made me nervous and it’s not mine.
Beautifully done. Thinking about purchasing... if you press RTH does it return slower than if you manually Sport Mode it. Trying to understand limitations. TY
Yes, it tries to fly back at the most efficient speed in RTH
great flight!
is this the bird that went in the drink a few months ago or is this another one?
id imagine after a short period of time under water the motors/fc board would be no good but you never know sometimes...
great job brother...
o if this is a different bird...dont drop this one in the drink lol!
+birdman316 This is a different one. First one is still in the deep 😂🍻
Great flight, Dustin which smart phone or tablet model are using for the live view? thanks!
I use an LG G6 at the moment. With DJI updates it become more stable and does not crash anymore.
thanks dude!