Revolutionizing Fleet Carriers in Elite Dangerous: 5 Must-Have Improvements (If I was In Charge)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @Neo-vz8nh
    @Neo-vz8nh 7 месяцев назад +8

    No, don't make gameplay features behind Arx and paywall. That would be the biggest mistake ever happen to ED.
    Also it would be a huge pain in the butt to go back to your FC while you the other side of the galaxy for example (or just doing anything else). It should be an optional stuff which you could do, like a mission type (which is I agree to be a missing).
    Why we don't have material traders o the FC?
    But all in all, I don't think we ever have these, as FDev barely develops ED anymore.

  • @baske_7441
    @baske_7441 7 месяцев назад +5

    Sounds good to me but i'm a bit more pratical:
    1. allow us to plot routes, like we can with our ships, currently i can make about 10-12 jumps from the tank;
    1b. reduce jump times in both spool up as well as down.
    2. allow for resupply of the tritium tank if there is tritium in storage;
    3. allow for other people to contribute in the upkeep;
    4. allow for storage to be segmented with others, so it's easier to track with mining what belongs to who.
    5. allow back ground simulation to actually bring in profits from tanking and or re-arming, now they just land and do nothing.
    My load-out is such that i pay more then 20M a week for a crew that does basically nothing, i have to manually do most of the things above.
    Maybe a toggle setting to put the carrier in low OPS mode, to set all services on standby to reduce upkeep, instead of going by them one at a time.
    on the different liveries:
    1. more specific advantages to the different classes:
    1a. exploration can jump further but at reduced cargo space / landing pads, scan and probe from carrier;
    1b. combat reduction on repair re-arm, compared to the other two, more dakka to repel enemies from its "airspace";
    1c. Trade, more cargo capacity, market integration in current system, sell directly from the carrier;
    2. specific modules:
    2a. some sort of stellar cartography;
    2b. some sort of SLF hangar, so carrier can launch it's own CAP;
    2c. some sort of hangar to launch automated craft to transfer cargo to and from stations;

  • @orderoftwelve
    @orderoftwelve 7 месяцев назад +4

    Watched your whole video. Was surprised you didn’t mention : passive tritium scoop, a searchable and alphabetized cargo list, side grades to offer in engineering that they can now do. Modules and suit combinations to equip or unequip with one button. The people in charge of stations should level as they do their job-and should prob be more active as NPC that can give sidegrade (gear) quests as they get more proficient in their jobs. The escape pods added are nice , but only if you get to pick where they take you- imagine if ranking up with the dark wheel (6 dark wheel factions) spread in diff sections of the galaxy and after ranking to cordial with each one you could escape pod travel between them and diff sections of the galaxy ? Or pick which section to goto from your fc escape pod - circling the galaxy in the true wheel pod transport would change a commander …

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      there is aload that can be done with in game assets and filters and searches granted

  • @CMDR_Shokwave
    @CMDR_Shokwave 7 месяцев назад +1

    Basically, an Embassy Suite that contains local faction contact point for Missions, and Apex Taxi for easy mode. Interstellar Factor could be a permanent resident there for those of us who need a politician on payroll.
    The ability to go under to main hangar storage and walk around our fleet and simply get on board the one we want to use would be cool too.

  • @steve6290
    @steve6290 7 месяцев назад +6

    Apex Taxi's would be Great, but I can see issues with the Carrier settings. E.g. Squadron only. Great Idea's Ric, Hope Fdev are Listening for new concepts and directions.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      I hope so too! - gets enough views they might

    • @adamdiebold6412
      @adamdiebold6412 4 месяца назад

      Half the time when I wanna take a taxi...they dont go where I wanna go.

  • @goby1000
    @goby1000 7 месяцев назад +2

    I wish that they would have added some unique quests for carriers. Something like: Someone is missing and you have to get them back, when you are exploring in deep space (just to have a brake from only exploring and jumping). Rescue mission: Park your Carrier close to a station or planet/moon and get xxx many peoples in to your carrier and jump them to safety (Also your carrier will take some kind of damage while you do it, but not destroyed). Combat mission: you already talked about that but add: carrier vs carrier combat pvp and pve (first to cripple the carrier canons win).

    • @netwarrior1000
      @netwarrior1000 7 месяцев назад

      I would like to have seen exploration-based quests, such as go map planet x in the y sector, or go take exobiology samples from planet z.

  • @Make_Canada_Trudeau-Less-Again
    @Make_Canada_Trudeau-Less-Again 7 месяцев назад +2

    IMO one the largest missed opps was no eva in game, and with fleet carriers it makes the most sense and would have little impact on performance (cuz space). The ability to disembark on the pad up top, run around, maybe fix / repair stuff whatever. Eva everywhere wouldn't be that hard to implement.

  • @Torrle
    @Torrle 7 месяцев назад +2

    These are all great suggestions! If they ever expand the interiors a lot further and add some salvage gameplay loops, would love to see some crashed fleet carriers on the surface as a POI, or abandoned ones in space we can go inside!

  • @CynicalOldDwarf
    @CynicalOldDwarf 7 месяцев назад +1

    All ED needed to do was make a floating garage in space so end game players could move their fleet of ships about conveniently, they didn't have to be a persistent object they could've hung out in witch space, but basically just act a mobile base of operations so if one day you'd been mining but then the next you felt like combat you could hop in your appropriate ship. Yes you could get an NPC to move them around in the background sim, but they made it take too long and cost too much - you might as well of done the old shuttle about in a stripped down hauler.
    That's what I was hoping they were going to be, but instead it was yet more grind, and to top it off it was designed as a constant money sink. That was the final kick in the teeth for me, I was already burnt out of FDev not respecting my time, and immediately stopped playing when I saw how'd they'd done carriers.

    @CONTINGENCY_sys 7 месяцев назад +1

    Always room to improve and get creative for the entire space that is ELITE DANGEROUS. Remote mining operations, on board in system piloted navigation through systems in real time, boarding hacking instances they have already mechanically that could apply, customized loadout packages, ranking to remove loanership and make it ownership, customizing crew and onboard fighter bays for system wide instances. Why not fill the 16 slots with a crew of hired mercs that depart on your command in a conflict zone and hot it up. I've talked about this at range myself. Frontier has a range of community inspiration to source to be sure and existing mechanics to make it happen quickly.

  • @tigger4000
    @tigger4000 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'd love to see missions on board stations...
    Maybe some 'non-lethal' weapons?
    "Bob has gone crazy and taken hostages in the crew habitation module! Please help! But try not to hurt Betty - she's stuck in there with him!"
    (Some very nice workable suggestions in the vid!)

  • @andyf6581
    @andyf6581 7 месяцев назад +1

    Being able to plan and execute multiple jumps. Paying a crew to do virtually nothing, let the crew automatically refuel the carrier from your tritium stock and get rid of having to transfer fuel to a ship then transfer it back to the fuel tanks, if that's not possible at least change it to typing a qty in and a one click button to transfer it direct from your stock. A bit more animation to onboard AI half of them seem to be still pissed from last nights party and sleeping on benches. Allow buying an selling to be set up at the same time. Would love to see system scanning as you jump in as well, great idea.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад +1

      did you watch my first Fleet carrier video ? lots of more ideas in there too plus I another 5 things I would change coming out shortly

  • @TheGranicd
    @TheGranicd 7 месяцев назад +2

    - How about to see whos docked on FC?
    - How about setting a message for FC that all can see like where it is headed or whats planed by captain. Like a simple message board.
    - How actually sells drinks. Its so annoying to see bars in this game and not having drinks.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад +1

      very good idea nad something that is indeed lacking

    • @perilousrange
      @perilousrange 6 месяцев назад

      To your first point... I'd REALLY like "receipts". For example, at Timestamp CMDR XXX bought 3 YYY for ZZZ CR. I'd love to be able to interact with people who would use my carrier market.

  • @BannorPhil
    @BannorPhil 3 месяца назад +1

    1) Allow the purchase of Tritium directly from a station WITHOUT the need to ferry it back & forth from the station to the fleet carrier. The fleet carrier has to be stationed next to said station, of course!
    2) Allow the remote transfer of Tritium from storage to the fuel tank, WITHOUT having to be physically on board the fleet carrier. What are we paying the crew member for exactly, if they can't do simple tasks like this?
    3) Allow route plotting (more than just ONE jump at a time). Again - can't the crew do this in exchange foe the money they earn as crew members?
    There are others, but these 3 suggestions are critical for me.

  • @seryvouk4966
    @seryvouk4966 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'm surprised that few people are interested in the problem of extracting fuel for the carrier. Does everyone really only move around the bubble where tritium is easy to buy?
    Why can't we put NPCs in an equipped ship for tritium mining when we park our fleet carrier near tritium hotspots?? But instead of exploring nearby star systems, we are forced to work hard and take a long time to extract fuel from the icy rings ourselves.
    I agree to additionally pay the NPC pilots for this work. This could be background work. After all, carriers were introduced to make life more mobile, but instead, a significant part of them hangs out in a bubble at anchor.

  • @fuceye
    @fuceye 7 месяцев назад +1

    Colonia in three jumps.
    Taxi bay
    Carrier landing on planets
    Sleeping quarters with a box of Kleenex on the night stand.(I sneeze in my sleep)
    Have a elevators buttens to go to the bridge, ready room, concourse, and lastly take an elevator to the deck…you are forced to have magnetic boots on why not walk on the outside of your carrier…

  • @Deathbunnygirl
    @Deathbunnygirl 7 месяцев назад

    I think the mission idea is very good. It could even be expanded on by having various satellites throughout the system that acts as a link between the fleet carrier and station. Take down the satellite and the fleet carriers within its range lose access to the station database (no missions, trade data, etc.) for a few hours.
    It could even be hacked so if a cmdr takes a mission from a fleet carrier the hacker takes a percentage of the payout.

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 7 месяцев назад +1

    I wish, members of squardon could contribute to cash in carrier. And allow them to boost inf when located in a system for bgs, give all squardon members space for storage

  • @Windrake101
    @Windrake101 7 месяцев назад

    Another idea: Owner of the Carrier can (ether from in their ship in the Carrier management screen, OR from in the captain's quarters once disembarked) employ their crew (and more) on their carrier, and send them out on missions, similar to how its done in No Mans Sky.
    One such mission can be: Mine Tritium, and then you can select them to use one of your stored mining ships, and the amount of total tritium mined is determined by the cargo hold.

  • @josephorr5175
    @josephorr5175 7 месяцев назад

    Interesting, and I agree with all except #1. I don't want any game mechanic limiting functionality or access to my carrier involuntarily. But the other ideas are great. They all seem REAL easy to add into the game through a regular patch. Why there are no missions available on the carrier is amazing to me. And a carrier that actually DOES something in a system is another awesome idea.

  • @CMDR.Stormlynx
    @CMDR.Stormlynx 7 месяцев назад +1

    More carrier/livery layout options (I only like the Drake), more carrier interior options (hopefully sleeker-looking that the current recycled-assets 3 available), a market to buy from others/sell your own ship module/weapon related engineering materials when docked (data, manufactured, thargoid etc. - though Fdev may not like putting the material traders out of a job), a longer jump range (750 - 1000 Ly), less spin up/cooldown time for jumps, much more L/years per ton of tritium, pay only 10% of regular running costs for inactive services charges and bartenders who don't have an attitude problem :)

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      I totally agree - more customization which inturn would lead to immersion

    • @CMDR.Stormlynx
      @CMDR.Stormlynx 7 месяцев назад

      Is an obvious way for Fdev to get a cash injection via Arx without rewriting the game and building upon existing assets. It is surprising they have not taken advantage of this over the past few years - immersion can make repetitive grind seem more worthwhile and going a bit further, even offering via Arx uniform styles for your crew instead of the drab overalls plus bar patrons to be randomly dressed as NPCs are in stations. Not exactly riveting new gameplay, but I would say worthwhile additions.

  • @darthgarreth1306
    @darthgarreth1306 7 месяцев назад +1

    I would like the aircraft carrier to refuel tritium fuel automatically without the player's involvement. But: 1 - only to the fuel tank without the possibility of removing this fuel from the tank, 2 - the aircraft carrier would have to be in orbit of a planet with rings containing tritium deposits, 3 - we have to scan the planet and the rings ourselves to see if it contains tritium deposits, 4 - refueling speed, for example 100 units per hour.

  • @phil__1097
    @phil__1097 7 месяцев назад +2

    I would like if the carrier had it own police force. So if you go to a system that you the only station in the system

  • @mgmanten
    @mgmanten 7 месяцев назад +1

    Missions from the carrier would be cool 😎

  • @perilousrange
    @perilousrange 6 месяцев назад +1

    I'd like to see a much more nuanced commodity market and bartender. Complex deals, which aren't necessarily CR-based. For example, I'll offer Caustic Tissue Samples, but I want Biotech Conductors. I'll offer Manufacturing Instructions, but I want Ionised Gas or Selenium.

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 7 месяцев назад +1

    Allow players to subscribe to jump notifications per carrier, allpw cmdr to schedule a jump in x hours or set utc time thud informs subscribers to get count down till next jump

  • @netwarrior1000
    @netwarrior1000 7 месяцев назад

    Take a carrier into a combat zone and be able to participate by manning one of the carrier's turrets would be cool. I agree the ability to source missions when in a populated system would be good.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      Could be a good mini game sequence

  • @salvagegamer7743
    @salvagegamer7743 7 месяцев назад +1

    I would like the support ships they announced back when they just announced fleet Carriers also you would have to buy them from the fleet carrier vendor to add them to your fleet

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      Fleet carrier probably.... but who knows

  • @KaiKrakow
    @KaiKrakow 7 месяцев назад

    I think the "role" of the carrier as you buy via ARX should have no in-game effect at all except cosmetics. But I like the idea of downloading missions. But in the light of BGS, these should be missions only from allied factions of the system. Also, I think a taxi to or from the carrier would not work quite well given the carrier can jump around at virtually any time. Jumping a carrier into a combat zone would also not work, except it could be damaged or destroyed (currently, carriers are invincible, which is good). Regarding the bar: 1. I'd like to buy musical themes via ARX. 2. I'd like to have mini games in the bar among players so we could enjoy the waiting time for a jump (e.g. card games, dice etc). 3. I'd like to sell beer or other liquors but I would also need to restock these via buying somewhere at a station. 4. I'd like to actually see all the tolls go to my carrier account balance, currently most of the tolls vanish in thin air. That way, placing your carrier somewhere near player activity would actually make sense. 5. Carriers could act as a sort of law enforcement station where you could offer headhunting missions on players who killed your own squadron members. But that last one is probably hard to balance and could easily exploited to make money, so maybe this should get a "nay".

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 7 месяцев назад +1

    I like the download missions to carrier, how about give cmdr owner to create missions to target something in system

  • @adamdiebold6412
    @adamdiebold6412 4 месяца назад +1

    I started a discussion in Reddit about being able to attack a FC...and came under much hostilities. Fc owners are a priviledged bunch.

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 7 месяцев назад +1

    More carriers in system should enhance inf performing missions, and reduce other factions inf

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 7 месяцев назад +2

    Allow items you make suits weapons to be sold on your carrier turning your efforts into money

  • @adamdiebold6412
    @adamdiebold6412 4 месяца назад

    Often during settlement defense (or even base defense) in the thargoid war, a capital ship will show up in the middle of the battle. Why cannot we do that with an FC?

  • @keysersozeh3576
    @keysersozeh3576 7 месяцев назад +1

    Ability to route multiple jumps and refuel your tritium remotely.

  • @TNTTruth1
    @TNTTruth1 6 месяцев назад

    I think it would be Kool if, when you we're landing if the ship would call you by name and title and when you came aboard you were walking around The concourse captain on board

  • @kempo79
    @kempo79 7 месяцев назад

    With FC missions, there would be a problem, when the FC jumps out of the system, making people unable to complete the mission. With the taxi - what if owner denies all landings, especially during the course? It's probably doable, but is it worth the effort tho'? I agree with the suggestion FCs need more interiors. A LOT more. I'd suggest that FCs should have some kind of economic minigame implemented, so it can make (or lose!!!) money on its own. All those NPCs should have an impact on FC cash balance. Also - I think you should be able to hire (and equip) your own FC defence minifleet - with some kind of random events like pirate attack (similiar to megaships) or maybe another layer of economic game I mentioned earlier. Would love to buy and engineer all those little ships as my FC defence force.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      then the mission would be bound to carrier if it stayed within a certain range...

  • @tysonfranklin9781
    @tysonfranklin9781 7 месяцев назад +1

    All excellent ideas. Is there a way to get that over to frontier? Do they have a suggestion box?

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      you never know - they may watch this video - hahahahahaahahah

  • @HighwayUK
    @HighwayUK 7 месяцев назад

    If you gonna add boarding defence missions, then also make them pilotable in systems, just very slow and unweilding, likewise get the NPC ones already in the game the same functions to attack and defend player carriers etc, let them have turret guns for offense/defence etc and also destrucable with same rebuy mechanics as normal ships etc.... so can do larger scale clan invasion missions etc, or for mining bases up close to rings etc. More choice on internal decor and skins.... hell what about thargoid attacks and defence stuff too, or have military commendeer it for battles in thargoid overun sectors if you park up too close.

  • @bulletstop100
    @bulletstop100 7 месяцев назад

    I had to give mine up due to rl, but dude I would pick it up again if some of these were implemented.

  • @shunulu123
    @shunulu123 6 месяцев назад +1

    On-foot conflicts in the FC's interior. Supply/defence missions for FC. Declare war to System and create our own combat zones and get bounties or combat bonds.

  • @deckardcain9789
    @deckardcain9789 7 месяцев назад

    Wish I could tell my Carrier, "finish those last 5 jumps. I know you have the fuel." But no. It must wait all day, until I get some screen time

  • @odysseyisland2235
    @odysseyisland2235 7 месяцев назад

    My speculation about why different carrier classes can't do different things is because the only way to get a certain carrier layout is to pay real world money for it. So that would basically give it a pay to win type of advantage. But if they made purchaseing carriers like purchasing ships where you can pick the class of Carrier you want with the initial 5 billion purchase then I can see it happening that way. But implementing it now might cause drama with all the people who already paid real world money fot thier carrier layout.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      these are good points - but if you could select a role detached from that - that would be something

    • @odysseyisland2235
      @odysseyisland2235 7 месяцев назад

      @@RicardosGaming Yeah, and honestly I really do hope they do something like this in the future because it would add more enjoyment to owning a carrier. And I paid for an extra layout but I wouldn't be butt hurt if they changed it because it'll make the game funner.

  • @Frozenwinter84
    @Frozenwinter84 7 месяцев назад

    Multi-jump route plotting. So I could plot say 5 jumps and my carrier would execute them without me having to plot each one.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      That is in video 2 in a week or so

  • @CMDR_FrostyJack
    @CMDR_FrostyJack 7 месяцев назад

    I would be happy being able to move tritium from the FC hold to the tritium depot without the need for a Type 9 or physically having to be on board.
    I mean what am I paying millions per week for if the crew can't move tritium for me?

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly the box crew are useless

  • @Metal19063
    @Metal19063 7 месяцев назад +1

    carrier misions in the deep space was cool....your ca 5000 ly away and a man want to search this or this...sorry my english im german :) o7

  • @adamdiebold6412
    @adamdiebold6412 4 месяца назад

    Fighter bay? FCs have a fighter bay? Tell me more.

  • @SimWithDon
    @SimWithDon 7 месяцев назад

    More storage- for the size, the storage seems small. Or, modules shouldn't cout against storage. Crew fuelling from the hold. Silly to have to jumo in a ship to transfer fuel.

  • @GordyAdam
    @GordyAdam 7 месяцев назад

    We need the truth to be told. The 5 billion credits 'purchase cost' is to give you access to them but they are only leased. Who buys something and then pays 20 odd million credits every week for the upkeep? This keep people from playing, they can't bear the thought of the grind to constantly pay these upkeep cost or if they do come on, then that's what they're playing to do. The costs are killing the enjoyment of having them.

    • @Windrake101
      @Windrake101 7 месяцев назад +1

      Keep the lease cost, and associated upkeep, available as an option. BUT, also add a purchase cost of 100 billion, with no upkeep and lots of other additional features from then on!

    • @GordyAdam
      @GordyAdam 7 месяцев назад

      @@Windrake101 This is a great idea.

  • @marmalade6681
    @marmalade6681 5 месяцев назад +1

    Nothing personal.. i mostly like your video's.. BUT that last one is a reason im saying im glad youre not in charge.. i want nothing to do with running around shooting 'boarders'.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  5 месяцев назад +1

      Really? Horses for courses I suppose. I think alit more needs to de dobecwith on foot gameplay.... but opinions are good .... no? Thanks for commenting

    • @marmalade6681
      @marmalade6681 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@RicardosGaming OK... im fully up for a compromise.. How about a module you can add to you fleet carrier.. lets call it Boarding. It takes up no space as NPC's can use existing landing spots, It has very minimal upkeep costs and is cheap to install. It can be paused for those long trips into the black where you dont want to lose many millions of credits because you came back and had to fight to get back your FC.. and died like i would every time.. Make it optional. People that want it.. they can get it very cheap! people that dont.. never have to install it.
      Im all for working out solutions that benefit everyone.. Id be ok with this for sure..
      I just want to play a space exploration game.. i dont want to play an FPS game.. Lets all work out a way it can be done to benefit People that DO, and people that DONT.
      Kind of like gay marriage.. im ok with it for people that want this.. but please dont make it mandatory

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  5 месяцев назад +1

      @@marmalade6681 or docking ring - install a docking ring for shuttle transportation but that also opens you up to pirate attacks -------ooooh

  • @sammasic5849
    @sammasic5849 7 месяцев назад

    How about this one, reduce the FC jump times from 16 min to 4 min. I just don't see the point of me having to wait 16 min between jumps. All I do is get bored and leave the game.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      up to 20 minutes last weekend

    • @sammasic5849
      @sammasic5849 7 месяцев назад

      @@RicardosGaming that is ridiculous 😒 , how does one justify that idea of gameplay

  • @fossiliitv824
    @fossiliitv824 7 месяцев назад

    I'd like for instance to install new modules and or a tekno musik club.....or a chillout zone.......and of course i want the fc to jump more than 500ly

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад +1

      Good idea...what about a gym or obstacle course to simulate missions?

    • @fossiliitv824
      @fossiliitv824 7 месяцев назад

      besides i've always wondered where our commanders sleep@@RicardosGaming

  • @RyanMTube
    @RyanMTube 7 месяцев назад

    Remove the upkeep cost or reduce it massively. Not everyone wishes to play 40 hours a week to have a carrier and meet its upkeep.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      the CG goals can help alot with this but I know what you mean

  • @johnterpack3940
    @johnterpack3940 2 месяца назад

    I was right there with you until you got to pirates. Why does every game have to devolve into a brain-dead shooter at some point? I am absolutely fed up with every single space sim revolving around pirates. Nobody else matters, everything is designed to encourage, promote, enable pirates.

  • @netwarrior1000
    @netwarrior1000 7 месяцев назад

    A repel boarders gameplay would be cool addition.....agree. But would need more interior space though, but could be a reason to include expansive cargo holds and such.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      I agree - I think it would be cool

  • @Skychaser67
    @Skychaser67 7 месяцев назад

    Material traders on carriers.

  • @johnnyhshify
    @johnnyhshify 7 месяцев назад +1

    Minimalistic in every feature and development release, barebone basics with no imagination.

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      I know what you are saying - but - we have to raise these issues - who knows they may watch the video and spark an idea

  • @markgouthro7375
    @markgouthro7375 7 месяцев назад

    Elite should be able to kill Star Citizen. It already has sooo much. Hopefully they listen to the fans.

  • @jbreefer148
    @jbreefer148 7 месяцев назад +1

    No upkeep costs!

  • @77pigme77
    @77pigme77 7 месяцев назад

    -Portée de saut a 1000AL
    -Temps de charge de 5min au lieu de 15min
    -Augmentation du réservoir du Fleet (5000T)
    -Augmentation de la capacité de la soute a 40.000T
    -Mettre en place des améliorations d'ingénieur sur le Fleet pour par exemple agrandir la soute, diminuer la consommation de tritium, augmenter la portée etc etc
    -Possibilité de transférer le trtium directement dans le réservoir sans passer par le vaisseau
    -Possibilité d'acheter du tritium directement depuis le Fleet si on se met en orbite d'une station quitte a avoir un surcout pour le service.
    -Possibilité de programmer des itinéraires
    -Possibilité de pouvoir vendre dans le Fleet des vaisseaux, modules, armes et combinaisons modifiés par les ingénieurs

  • @colinjarmie8314
    @colinjarmie8314 7 месяцев назад +1

    I want my Drake carrier to go into comfort zones
    I do want it to have unlimited range and unlimited fuel
    No more buying tritium
    More done inside like my space and crew space
    And got to walk every deck and room and crew living area and vip living areas and go walk in engineering
    And no up keep cost

  • @colinjarmie8314
    @colinjarmie8314 7 месяцев назад

    One thing I don't need is pirates or people to take my vary expensive ship

  • @nathandi_maggio8297
    @nathandi_maggio8297 7 месяцев назад

    Hence why i got rid of mine after two years last week

  • @nathandi_maggio8297
    @nathandi_maggio8297 7 месяцев назад

    an absolute money pit

    • @77pigme77
      @77pigme77 7 месяцев назад

      Sauf si tu as mis suffisamment de crédit pour tenir très longtemps, le mien il y a assez de crédit pour l'entretien pendant 20 ans!

    • @RicardosGaming
      @RicardosGaming  7 месяцев назад

      too true!