Ini niat gilak si buat lagu sekelas rock pop kayak saosin dicover dengan pas dengan suara akustik , voice sama suara musik akustiknya pas , gakecepetan gakelambatan ... Kalo nanti subs lu satu juta , itu gw yg doain bro... Amminn
It's just like him To wander off in the evergreen park Slowly searching for any sign Of the ones he used to love. He says he's got nothing left to live for (He says he's got nothing left...) And this time I think you'll know. You're not alone There is more to this, I know You can make it out You will live to tell She's just like him Spoiled rotten Confused by the lies she's been fed And she's searching for no one. (But herself) Her eyes turn to green and she seems to be happy That she is here And this time I think you'll know... You're not alone There is more to this, I know You can make it out You will live to tell You're not alone There is more to this, I know You can make it out We're not alone There is more to this, I know You can make it out You will live to tell. (So tell me) You're not alone There is more to this, I know You can make it out (Make it out) You will live to tell (Live to tell) You're not alone There is more to this, I know (And I know) You can make it out You will live to tell. You are not alone. You're not, you're not alone
Mantap bang, suara lu bisa masuk ke lagu apa aja yg lu cover dan adem didengernya. Sekalian yg Seven Years Acousticnya juga bang. Di tunggu, sukses terus
Sumpah masih heran kok bisa channel ini penonton nya sedikit 😢😢😢 .. padahal kualitas cover nya salah satu yg Terbaik ..
Gw juga heran bang
Wajar bng,peminat pop punk masih terhitung minoritas,greenday minority
Selera musik kan beda beda bang 😅
kenapa lah, karna indo bnyak pencinta dangdut dari pada musik begian,
tapi jjur, enak ni cover2, udah gua subrek ya🙏
Kurang goodlooking kayaknya bang
Waktu begitu cepat berlalu coy... Perasaan baru kapan dengerin lagi saosin pas smk.... Skrg dh punya anak😂
Ini niat gilak si buat lagu sekelas rock pop kayak saosin dicover dengan pas dengan suara akustik ,
voice sama suara musik akustiknya pas , gakecepetan gakelambatan ... Kalo nanti subs lu satu juta , itu gw yg doain bro... Amminn
Amin bro terimaksih
Tenang, tahun ini baru ratusan penonton.
Tahun depan ini chanel meledak. Terus aja mabro jangan berhenti, kita temenin. ❤️🔥
trs lah kembangkan bakatmu... trutama utk sang Vocalist
Nostalgia bngt Ama lagu ini
nostalgia jaman smp😢😢 hidup msh indah gaada beban dan cicilan😂😂
Anjiiiiiirrr maraneh alusss 🦾
Anjaaay lagu fav di cover sempurna bro 🎉
Maaf baru nemu channel lu bro..kereenn....dgn senang hati gw subscribe klo yg kyak gini...
Enak bang🤘
Request beautiful ones Suede
Tetap berkarya, kalian keren
keren bgt nih 👍
Ini beda ini🤩🔥,keren bang lanjut bang cover" nya gw tunggu cover "Afterlife-Avenged Sevenfold"🎶
Semoga sukses bang , cover nya bagus semua
Perfect dong simple plan
Ngeri, Go go go🔥🔥🔥
Kenapa baru sekarang gua baru nemu yt lu sumpah bagus bagus banget coveran lu
Sukses selalu mas coverannya , Bagus bgt
Keren......gak pernah gagal cover lagunya 👍 mcr welcome black parade
Gak pernah gagal cover lu bang....
segera menjadi besar dengan cover lagu-lagu luar gas!
Mantap covernya... Boleh lah ADTR it means a lot to you
It's just like him
To wander off in the evergreen park
Slowly searching for any sign
Of the ones he used to love.
He says he's got nothing left to live for
(He says he's got nothing left...)
And this time I think you'll know.
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell
She's just like him
Spoiled rotten
Confused by the lies she's been fed
And she's searching for no one.
(But herself)
Her eyes turn to green and she seems to be happy
That she is here
And this time I think you'll know...
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
We're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell.
(So tell me)
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
(Make it out)
You will live to tell
(Live to tell)
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
(And I know)
You can make it out
You will live to tell.
You are not alone.
You're not, you're not alone
best. salam dari malaysia 😊
That good acoustic cover; keep it up, mas!
Ajib, makasih bang udah cover lagu favorit
aduhhh 😍😍😍
Gilakk vocalnya bagus asli kualitasnyaa❤❤
Keren ini sumpah
Wih.. Keren keren.. Semangat bang.. Menyala abangkuhhh
Goks bro cover paling enak 😍
Mantap bang, suara lu bisa masuk ke lagu apa aja yg lu cover dan adem didengernya. Sekalian yg Seven Years Acousticnya juga bang. Di tunggu, sukses terus
Wowwww wowww suaranya
Sumpah keren abiss, cba yg 7 years bang, versi accousticnya🙏
Great job, my man!
Keren kak...
selalu ganas wiii
Lagu kesukaan ku belasan tahun lalu waktu SMK.
Emang paling thebest nih APS kalo cover lagu emo
Hayo yng mau bikin vidio tiktok pakai sound ini mantul bgt 😍😍
Gaskeun wkwk
perfect bangg
SAOSIN 7 YEARS bliiiiii
Nice one, man😎👌🏻
Bagus? Ini hidden gems anjir,kok bisa banyak yg gak denger ama nonton
Semangat broo kita tunggu boom nya 🎉🎉🎉
A7X bang..seize the day sama warmness on the soul
Keren bang, request sigrid ft bmth bad day, asli klo reff nya pake suara tinggi gox bngt
Coba lagu "Wide Awake"
dari "Man Overboard" mas.
Request Next cover Gea - jiwa yg bersedih versi pop punk bro 😊
30-The kill 🎉
Ini keren ini SUMPAH
Semangat bang. Request paramore / avril bang terserah yang mana aja dah
Bang cover a day to remember end of me
Anjir sumpah edaaaan, mantep banget
Mantap bang
Bang coba cover The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
Gua udah subrek lo bang
2:39 gokil bang 🔥😢
Bli request lagu maafkan aku dri the orion
suara si abang nya tuh bisa masuk kemana aja, anugerah
Versi rocknya bang
Cover 510 juga bang
11-12 ma suara asli
Saosin 7 years bang
Bang blink 182 dance wiht me dongg ❤
request bang firehouse - i live my life for you . thanks
Bahasa inggrisNya faseh mas ,belajar dimana😊
Setuju knpa ya dikit
info tuning sama chord dong
sedikit lagi lebih mlk.cp #SWE
Lirik bahasa inggris sulit, fokalisny enak bet hampir gada mis
Plis Cover Scared Of Bums judulnya Damai bang
Damai sudah pernah bro, cek di channel yaa
Bang cover linkin park-shadow of the day bang🙏🏻
Spill dong nama2 personilnya
Saran aja natural aja bang vidio nya
Siap bang
Info kunci gitarnya bang
*Promo SM* 😕
Bagi chordnya dong kak.🥺