Why would you want to take advantage of someone or their family when they are at their lowest? The higher power tends to have special spot for these people on their judgment day. Karma will eventually catch up.
Y is our people always depend on our relatives...kwv tij neej tsha...this is America, we need to make sure that we love ourselves and our, our family which is your own family, not relatives, I'm sure everyone knows what I mean already...because at the end of the day, your own family is your own responsibility...sad but it's true!!
This is one sided story. Anyone who tells their story, makes themselves the better person. As people age, they get sick, similar illnesses. Only God can judge. Live humble, keep being true and honest.
Why are you still wasting your time interacting with that ex sister in law? You should've cut off all ties and communication unless it has significant of importance. Noth her and her husband don't deserve forgiveness. They both deserved their karma.
Nco ntsoov luag nqa nyiaj tuaj pab rau yus yog, luag tuaj qee luag lub kua muag rau yus tus neeg tuag ntawv nqa mus pov tseg xwb. Koj muab cov nyiaj no ces nws tsis muaj chaw mus ces yus yuav tau txais luag lub kua muag. Tos tsev neeg uas muaj tus tuag ntawv siv ho tsis npam los vim nws muaj tus tuag ntawv yuav nqa lub kua muag iab no mus rau qhov ploj qhov tuag rov duas pem ntuj lawm ces luag tseem siv ntau npaum cas los tsis npam, ho yus nqa tsis tau mus pov tseg ces yus yuav tau txoj kev tuag es thiaj yuav nqa tau mus pov tseg.
Nyuam qhuav haum xwb cov neeg khav theeb saib tsi taus lwm tus thaum yus lub neej zoo mas yus xav tias tiam no ces yus yuav tsi txawj laus txawj txom nyem ua neej nyob zoo lis yav qos muaj ntu loj ntu me thaum yus muaj txhob saib tsi tau cov txom nyem.
Niam taus aw tsis yog npam os vim noawv yog noob mob cancer xwb os yxhob hais ib qhov ob qhov pos npav lub npam xwb os es yog li yus tus tuag es hos yus npam lov poj hmoob
Dag tiag tiag zaj dab neeg no na. Yeej tsis muaj ib tug neeg twg yuav nyiag tau $40k es tej kwv tij neej tsa nim tsis hais tau dabtsi rau cov tub sau ntawv. Tsis muaj ib tug poj niam twg nim yuav los muab nws lub neej coj los qhia rau tus neeg uas nkawv tau ua phem rau…. Koj lam tau lam hais kom muaj muaj ceem xwb. Dag dlau tsis txaus ntseeg….
Ua li koj tus txiv hais ntag mas tus tau noj tau siv dawb ces yog tus ntse no tab sis koj to taub yuam kev lawm yam koj ua koj nyiag luag tug los ua koj tug koj zoo siab heev tab sis koj noj tas koj raug txim koj tsis kaj siab koj raug npam koj coj mus yuav tsev los tsis tau tsev nyob yuav yam twg los tsis tau yam ntawd siv hnub koj tuag mus txog dab teb los dab yuav coj cov uas tub tub sab li koj mus nrog cov twb xub tuag ua ntej koj lawd teem txim thiab tsis muaj ib leej tus twg yuav dag tau vaj tswv tus uas tsim koj thiab nws saib ntsoov peb lub neej uas peb niaj hnub ua vim nws hais tias tsis muaj ib yam dab tsi yuav los thaib nws ob lub qhov muag kom nws tsis pom ib yam dab tsi kiag .
Kuv ces cov khoom uas coj mus siv tas nram tsev txias lawm ces kuv yeej tsis nqa los tsev lawm os. Cas tseem ho yuav txeeb tej niag nyiaj tshav ntuj ntawd os. Tus neeg lim hiam uas tseem kam tuaj qee tej nyiaj tshav ntuj nov ces nws lub neej yuav tsis txog qhov twg lawm.
Cia ua ib qhov kev kawm rau cov neeg E tseem muaj lub siab phem li no hnov thiab seb tom ntev ho puas muaj cov xav ua li no thiab yom....ua tsaug ua koj coj tuaj shared rau peb nrog koj hnov nawb mog.
Kev tuav nyiaj hauv tsev txias mas tsis txhob muab tus txheeb Txheeb los tuav muab ib kwv tij kim zog thiab ib tug qhua txheeb ze los tuav cov nyiaj tsav ntuj so it is fair to say
Saib tsis tau luag xav hais tias tus tuag lawm ces yuav tsa tsis tau qhov ncauj los hais koj no es koj nim siv lawv cov nyiaj kua muag ib kuag muag daw ywj siab yam tsis ntshai tub qaug leej twg li no yom. Ntuj yeej muaj qhov muag saib tus neeg lim hiam li ko. Ziag no txog koj zeeg npam lawm ces kojnkawg lawv tij laug qab mus lau.
Cv nyiaj uas lv tau kev tsaus ntuj yg cv nyiaj kua muag iab kua muag daw xb luag mb pes tsawg ua koob hmoov 6 yus los yus yv pes tsawg xb luag tsi mb los cia li xb es tseem yv nyiag noj thb na?????
Don't think that stolen sunshine or dowry money isn't cursed because it is. I have one uncle that after my dads death stole my dads sunshine money and my mom looked the other way like this lady. When my sister got married, he came to demand my mom give him her bridal money and my mom gave it to him without our consent. Till today, he has no grandchildren. He went to ask a shaman why can't any of his kids has any kids? The shaman told him that in his lifetime, he has done things to some orphans and is paying for his sins that way. We orphans just zip our lips but we know what he did and so does he. He still doesn't have the face to ask us for forgiveness since he's a proud Hmong man in 1975 status 😂. All i say is good riddance off him and stay far away.
Hmoob aw… nej xav tias tsi npam sim ua seb maj , cov noj luag li nyiaj es npam los Muaj cov tsi tau noj lawv nyiaj es luag iab liam xwb no los lawv ho rov npam tuag tas thiab os
Hmoob ruam tshwj xyuam tsis yog tus tuag lawm rov los cob caub ces tsis yog npam, muaj tej caj ces yeej muaj tus kab mob los ntawm roj ntsha xws li mob ntsws, mob plawv los yog mob lub siab. Koj tus kwv ces txawm nws lees thiab tsis lees los yeej yuav tuag tseem los lees kom poob ntsej muag ua ntej nws tuag ces twb tsis yog ruam xwb tseem tshaj qhov ruam lawm.
This woman is one lair.. no one will ever say your husband's going to die..and don't ask Sherman to ua neeb to your husband. Aren't you too old to lie.
The part where she is lying is where she claimed that enemy sister in law came to spill her dirt of being with a married man and having the wife come to beat her up, to this woman. If that niam ntxawm is that dumb and lacks basic common sense to not share her downfalls with a woman that she hates and hates her then the story owner needs to cut her niam ntxawm some slack as she truly is slow and says whatever to anybody.
Why would you want to take advantage of someone or their family when they are at their lowest? The higher power tends to have special spot for these people on their judgment day. Karma will eventually catch up.
Greed & $$$
Y is our people always depend on our relatives...kwv tij neej tsha...this is America, we need to make sure that we love ourselves and our, our family which is your own family, not relatives, I'm sure everyone knows what I mean already...because at the end of the day, your own family is your own responsibility...sad but it's true!!
Same, I don't rely on anyone, i don't even get people to babysit fo me or feel the need to attend parties so they will come to mine.
People who steal funnel money are just going to take karma to them self it only good when it given to you....
This is one sided story. Anyone who tells their story, makes themselves the better person. As people age, they get sick, similar illnesses. Only God can judge. Live humble, keep being true and honest.
Sad...that brother can do this to brother. Perhaps it's not Karma but hereditary 😢
Why are you still wasting your time interacting with that ex sister in law? You should've cut off all ties and communication unless it has significant of importance. Noth her and her husband don't deserve forgiveness. They both deserved their karma.
Koj zaj dab neeg no Hai tau tu siab heev 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nco ntsoov luag nqa nyiaj tuaj pab rau yus yog, luag tuaj qee luag lub kua muag rau yus tus neeg tuag ntawv nqa mus pov tseg xwb. Koj muab cov nyiaj no ces nws tsis muaj chaw mus ces yus yuav tau txais luag lub kua muag.
Tos tsev neeg uas muaj tus tuag ntawv siv ho tsis npam los vim nws muaj tus tuag ntawv yuav nqa lub kua muag iab no mus rau qhov ploj qhov tuag rov duas pem ntuj lawm ces luag tseem siv ntau npaum cas los tsis npam, ho yus nqa tsis tau mus pov tseg ces yus yuav tau txoj kev tuag es thiaj yuav nqa tau mus pov tseg.
Ua neeg nyob, nyiag luag li no, tsis yog tsawg tabsis ntau heev, tej no yog nyiaj kua muag iab , kua muag daw mas yuav tsum npam xwb.
Tu niam tijno lub siab loj tshaj qho kv xa thb zoo siab qho kj muaj kj lub siab zoo qhiav lo rau peb xyaum mog❤❤❤
I like the photo lady in red dress
Siab phem dhau cia kom npam npam li no thiaj paub ntshai mas..
Tug niam luas koj tham tau tu kuv siab tshaj plwg li kuv tsis muaj niam hlub kuv lov mlog koj tham es kuv kho siab kawg 😂😂😂😂
Ntshaw nyiag thiab lis hiam xwb yog lis ntawm tij los cob xwb os 😂😂
Ua neeg phem ces tau phem Ua neeg zoo ces tau zoo xb lam.
😂cov neeg siab dub ces yeej nyob ruwv rau lub siabli ntuw tau nyiaj kua muag xwb yeej xav nyob rau lub siab
Nyuam qhuav haum xwb cov neeg khav theeb saib tsi taus lwm tus thaum yus lub neej zoo mas yus xav tias tiam no ces yus yuav tsi txawj laus txawj txom nyem ua neej nyob zoo lis yav qos muaj ntu loj ntu me thaum yus muaj txhob saib tsi tau cov txom nyem.
Niam taus aw tsis yog npam os vim noawv yog noob mob cancer xwb os yxhob hais ib qhov ob qhov pos npav lub npam xwb os es yog li yus tus tuag es hos yus npam lov poj hmoob
You reap what you sow… lol 😂 you get what you deserve because you lied and you took a lot of their money!!
Wow! Lesson to be learned here. Nyiaj tshav ntuj is money kuas muag iab xwb es cas yuav muaj lub siab lim hiam nyiag thiab 🤦♀.
Dag tiag tiag zaj dab neeg no na. Yeej tsis muaj ib tug neeg twg yuav nyiag tau $40k es tej kwv tij neej tsa nim tsis hais tau dabtsi rau cov tub sau ntawv. Tsis muaj ib tug poj niam twg nim yuav los muab nws lub neej coj los qhia rau tus neeg uas nkawv tau ua phem rau….
Koj lam tau lam hais kom muaj muaj ceem xwb. Dag dlau tsis txaus ntseeg….
Wow txhob ua siab phem saib tsi tau lwm tus peb ua neeg txawm lwm tus ruam hai tsi tau los ntuj pom os
Leej twg nqa nyiaj tuaj pab los twb sau npe thiab nqe pab pes tsaug es ua cas ho tsis saib cov ntawv nab hais kuj tsis txaus ntseeg rau tej yam thiab
Tej zaum tus sau nyiaj ntawv yuav nyiag cov nyiaj ntawv es nws tsi sau cov neeg tuaj pab ntawv npe ne
Ua li koj tus txiv hais ntag mas tus tau noj tau siv dawb ces yog tus ntse no tab sis koj to taub yuam kev lawm yam koj ua koj nyiag luag tug los ua koj tug koj zoo siab heev tab sis koj noj tas koj raug txim koj tsis kaj siab koj raug npam koj coj mus yuav tsev los tsis tau tsev nyob yuav yam twg los tsis tau yam ntawd siv hnub koj tuag mus txog dab teb los dab yuav coj cov uas tub tub sab li koj mus nrog cov twb xub tuag ua ntej koj lawd teem txim thiab tsis muaj ib leej tus twg yuav dag tau vaj tswv tus uas tsim koj thiab nws saib ntsoov peb lub neej uas peb niaj hnub ua vim nws hais tias tsis muaj ib yam dab tsi yuav los thaib nws ob lub qhov muag kom nws tsis pom ib yam dab tsi kiag .
Kuv ces cov khoom uas coj mus siv tas nram tsev txias lawm ces kuv yeej tsis nqa los tsev lawm os. Cas tseem ho yuav txeeb tej niag nyiaj tshav ntuj ntawd os. Tus neeg lim hiam uas tseem kam tuaj qee tej nyiaj tshav ntuj nov ces nws lub neej yuav tsis txog qhov twg lawm.
Koj niag txiv twb xub tuag lawm ne es yog li koj tus txiv ho muaj kev npam dab tsi na los poj hmoob
Cia ua ib qhov kev kawm rau cov neeg E tseem muaj lub siab phem li no hnov thiab seb tom ntev ho puas muaj cov xav ua li no thiab yom....ua tsaug ua koj coj tuaj shared rau peb nrog koj hnov nawb mog.
Tus poj niam no kuv xav tias yeej ruam nruab thiab los lawm
Es twb pamxeeb nyiag $44,000 dollars diam es tseem nyob Tsev Luam ib hoob pw xwb?
hnav li nkauj hmoob VIBNAIS.
Peb tus Tswv Yesxus yeej hais tias koj muab lub luaj licas luj rau leejtwg, Vajtswv yeej yuav muab lub luaj li ntawd los yog loj dua luj rau koj…
Cov neeg noj lwm tus li no ces ntuj yeej yuav qee kom txhob tau siv cov nyiaj no! Pom kiag ntawm qhov muag lawm
Kev tuav nyiaj hauv tsev txias mas tsis txhob muab tus txheeb Txheeb los tuav muab ib kwv tij kim zog thiab ib tug qhua txheeb ze los tuav cov nyiaj tsav ntuj so it is fair to say
Saib tsis tau luag xav hais tias tus tuag lawm ces yuav tsa tsis tau qhov ncauj los hais koj no es koj nim siv lawv cov nyiaj kua muag ib kuag muag daw ywj siab yam tsis ntshai tub qaug leej twg li no yom. Ntuj yeej muaj qhov muag saib tus neeg lim hiam li ko. Ziag no txog koj zeeg npam lawm ces kojnkawg lawv tij laug qab mus lau.
Cv nyiaj uas lv tau kev tsaus ntuj yg cv nyiaj kua muag iab kua muag daw xb luag mb pes tsawg ua koob hmoov 6 yus los yus yv pes tsawg xb luag tsi mb los cia li xb es tseem yv nyiag noj thb na?????
Don't think that stolen sunshine or dowry money isn't cursed because it is. I have one uncle that after my dads death stole my dads sunshine money and my mom looked the other way like this lady. When my sister got married, he came to demand my mom give him her bridal money and my mom gave it to him without our consent. Till today, he has no grandchildren. He went to ask a shaman why can't any of his kids has any kids? The shaman told him that in his lifetime, he has done things to some orphans and is paying for his sins that way. We orphans just zip our lips but we know what he did and so does he. He still doesn't have the face to ask us for forgiveness since he's a proud Hmong man in 1975 status 😂. All i say is good riddance off him and stay far away.
Tej saum koj tus niam ntxawm xav tias.koj tus txiv tuag lawm ces tsam koj ho tham nws tus txiv no es nws thiaj hais phem rau koj..
Wow!!! Koj pab ntxhais no zoo nkauj kawg os niam Ntsuab Teev
Hmoob aw… nej xav tias tsi npam sim ua seb maj , cov noj luag li nyiaj es npam los Muaj cov tsi tau noj lawv nyiaj es luag iab liam xwb no los lawv ho rov npam tuag tas thiab os
Hmong lub siab yeej zoo li no. Thaum nws paub tias tsis muaj ib tug khov nyob rau have tsev neeg lawm ces nws yuav cheat.
Yog kawg
Npam mas
Npam tiag tiag hos
Hmoob ruam tshwj xyuam tsis yog tus tuag lawm rov los cob caub ces tsis yog npam, muaj tej caj ces yeej muaj tus kab mob los ntawm roj ntsha xws li mob ntsws, mob plawv los yog mob lub siab.
Koj tus kwv ces txawm nws lees thiab tsis lees los yeej yuav tuag tseem los lees kom poob ntsej muag ua ntej nws tuag ces twb tsis yog ruam xwb tseem tshaj qhov ruam lawm.
Muaj ib txhia neeg twb noj nyiaj ntees tuag li no ntau zaus lawm lawv twb tsis npam li as
Ntuj mam raug txim thaum tuag os.
Nyias ua rau nyias ris xwb
Heap c😅a😅😅
Cas tsis npam li no rau txhua tus khuj noj ne
This woman is one lair.. no one will ever say your husband's going to die..and don't ask Sherman to ua neeb to your husband. Aren't you too old to lie.
The part where she is lying is where she claimed that enemy sister in law came to spill her dirt of being with a married man and having the wife come to beat her up, to this woman.
If that niam ntxawm is that dumb and lacks basic common sense to not share her downfalls with a woman that she hates and hates her then the story owner needs to cut her niam ntxawm some slack as she truly is slow and says whatever to anybody.