Play or Pass Episode 2 | SEGA's PSO2 NGS Ban Wave, 100$ Sonic Dash, The State of NGS & I'm Back Bois

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 67

  • @everydere
    @everydere  3 года назад +3

    Discord Server:
    I've been streaming a loooot more especially with FFXIV Ultimate Raids on my Twitch! Anyways I'm back from the store, and I got the milk. If you've got any MMOrpgs to suggest, comment them down below! Also if you wanna play together on FFXIV come join the discord server or add me ingame!

  • @inspectormeals5298
    @inspectormeals5298 3 года назад +2

    You got me with your great speaking voice holy shit keep it up!! ❤️

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @Deilais
      @Deilais 3 года назад +1

      This should be the top comment! I just love how smooth his speaking voice is, I watch his videos more for his lovely cute voice than for the info in the video.

  • @shatteredsentient5321
    @shatteredsentient5321 3 года назад +1

    His World, Hat in Time music, Quake? too much good in this video.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      I really miss quake T_T. I WAS SO SAD WHEN QUAKE LIVE BECAME BUY TO PLAY! Quake Champions has a pretty niche community and you can still find a match at any time of the day btw if you wanna try it out! I'm kinda banking on halo infinite to scratch the arena shooter itch, but mannn I REALLY love bunny hopping. Titan Fall 2 is probably the most popular of the FPS i've played recently where bunny hopping is just something that's normal there. But unfortunately it got DDOS'd recently (same issue as Titan Fall 1) and EA hasn't fixed it recently I think T_T

  • @magnusgodrik9870
    @magnusgodrik9870 3 года назад +4

    Pso2 is not a streamable game. Im with you 100 percent but i feel they overextended themselves by banning personal DMs if the parties are happily participating.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Yup it's 100% not a streamable game just from the content you can make (and man people are REALLY good at making crazy creations). The personal DMs bans are interesting since it's only bannable if you're reported. So I really have to wait and see how aggressive it is, since if you're reported by some random player and it turns out you ERP'd HEAVILY 20mins before the UQ would SEGA actually ban for that.
      EDIT: Good news! SEGA does NOT pry into your DMs for ERP, unless you're actually reported for randomly ERP-ing with people. SO basically you can ERP your heart out. It just has to be between two consenting parties (just like FFXIV).

  • @unclaimedusername6608
    @unclaimedusername6608 3 года назад +4

    "It all comes back to Mabinogi"
    If Mabinogi updated its visuals to a more modern type of anime MMO, I wouldn't be playing NGS. I'd still be playing Mabinogi. That game is everything I wanted in an mmo, but I can't handle how poorly the graphics have aged. But I do miss it dearly.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +2

      Mabinogi as much as I despise what it became, is still one of the most unique MMO experiences and one of my most favorite MMO experiences. I'm very sad honestly that it devolved into a horrible p2w mess over the years, and eventually alienated the whole NA community by not merging all servers into one. If they just updated the visuals + engine, adopted a similar play to win style NGS/base PSO2 has, and allowed ways to level up crusader without always requiring 3 players. I 100000% would be playing mabinogi as well.
      I played it for yeaaaars but since I play my MMOs completely F2P, the P2W eventually hit a level that made me go "Okay it's time to put this one down to rest". That and modding became more and more necessary just to get the game running at a decent level. I remember downloading Abyss/Tiara for the font changes so I could open my character screen without lagging LOL.
      I did hear they improved A LOT of stuff and I'm planning on making a video one day, where i make a completely new character on Nao + review what mabinogi is like in 2021 for new players. But atm I'm pretty much grinding out Ultimate on FFXIV in prep for the Stat Squish/Job Changes messing with how we get clears atm.

  • @Neru619
    @Neru619 3 года назад +4

    After playing casually for a week I got my main class to lv 20 and my BP sitting at 1301, nothing much else to do but grind the other classes and get them to lv 20. Which is what I'm currently doing so after maxing everything if there's no new content then I'll slow down and come back in december.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      That's some pretty good progress and a pretty solid plan! October we will be receiving Bouncer which is a REALLY fun class from base PSO2 and I'm hyped for it. But other than that class drop, we are receiving our massive update in December and maaaybe a mission pass in November-ish

    • @Neru619
      @Neru619 3 года назад +2

      @@everydere Oh cool well I'll be sure to level that class up as well.

  • @Gravesyte
    @Gravesyte 3 года назад +2

    If the whales keep filling Sega's pockets they'll think they can get away with it.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      from my experience in previous whale MMOs, whales are freakin SCARY with how much they'll invest. Mabinogi's still alive over the years from how much crazy whaling goes on in that game. It's like 2$ a roll for your weapon, huge amounts of gachas for gear, pets/mounts which are required costing 20$ each. It's insane LOL. Maplestory too if you're not playing the reboot server is super whale too, but on the reboot server you'll probably end up spending money too for outfits + other things

  • @matshbocks
    @matshbocks 3 года назад +1

    Also I love the chapter names(oh god I just realized they're song names.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      Yup!~ That way everyone can find out the songs pretty easily incase they want to hear them. Hat In Time is some of my favorite songs ever and one of my favorite games (I used to speedrun it casually)

  • @Zeomantic
    @Zeomantic 3 года назад +4

    A lot of this stuff is common sense. Plus you don't know if there are minors out there, so they have to cover their asses. Apart from the obvious (the "-isms") one person's version of "toxic" may be very different from another. I always found the "golden rule" to be the best advice - treat others how you want them to treat you.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +2

      10000% that golden rule is very true also minors are super common in these types of games (F2P + Anime), having the game devolve into seeing hentai 24/7 is something that definitely had to be addressed + would draw away potential players.

    • @Requimatic
      @Requimatic 3 года назад +3

      The argument of minors is irrelevant as the game is very clearly rated M for all of the reasons they're now banning people for. It is NOT Sega's, Steam's, Microsoft's, Epic's, or anyone else's job to be a parent to any minor.. except for the parents of said minors.
      Failed parenting is NOT an excuse to shove feelgood politics down everyone's throats. What's happening now will be the end of this game, and gaming in general if it continues. If this does not concern you, you are a part of the problem.. plain and simple.
      In case you haven't seen it, even speaking lewdly to your SIGNIFICANT OTHER IN PRIVATE CHATS is bannable. Support was straight up asked this, by a female no less (shouldn't matter, but you know how people are), and their response was "Yes, this is a bannable offense." See Kero's video for said emails.
      I agree that literal hate speech and racism have no place anywhere, and I'm fine with that (as is everyone else, I assume). But what Sega's doing now? No thank you.
      Get woke, go broke.

    • @Zeomantic
      @Zeomantic 3 года назад +2

      ​@@Requimatic Not gonna stop people from using them as a scapegoat though. Anything to avoid personal responsibility. I dunno about going full doomer "Ragnarok" though. Banning someone for a mutually consentual activity in private is some serious overreach, but I imagine there are some underlying legal issues involved.
      Sega has made a number of questionable decisions with this game over the past few months, but I still enjoy it for what it is. If I were to stop supporting companies for things I didn't agree with, I'd literally have nothing to watch/play/wear/eat.
      That said, I don't even play on global, but as a content creator, I still have to care what happens with it since the lion's share of my viewership is on global.

    • @cosmosofinfinity
      @cosmosofinfinity 3 года назад +2

      @@Requimatic It was never rated M for nudity/sexual content reasons, this obviously isn't Cyberpunk 2077. Halo was rated M too, even though that is just mild alien blood. Rated M doesn't mean the same thing for every game. The only thing questionable here is that the ESRB never rates online interactions anyway, so what the game allows or disallows in terms of chat maturity is totally the game's prerogative for how welcoming they want their community to be I guess.

    • @UmbraWeiss
      @UmbraWeiss 3 года назад

      The game is M rated for f sake.... This minor argument is just dumb, parents need to start and watch out what their kids play.

  • @HangGrenade01
    @HangGrenade01 3 года назад +6

    I'm just logging in for daily stuff really

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      Same! Daily + occasionally doing weekly for N-Meseta so I have a stockpile anytime there's something I actually want. I used to do material runs every day but that got reallllly tedious every day, and my stockpile for those upgrade mats are at a decent level. Also what cha playing on the side btw im curious cause atm im just doing FFXIV ultimate raids to get more shiny weps

  • @Gravesyte
    @Gravesyte 3 года назад +1

    I'm so glad I stayed on the JP servers

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Imagine Block 20/19/01 from Ship 2 in JP, but now that's every block. That's what Global was like throughout the year (especially during times where an update drops). Now the toxicity/ban stuff won't really affect you in JP sincee there's a giant language barrier and as long as you don't type honestly, no one is really going to report you. Imo if I had a choice between staying with JP or going to Global. I still would have chosen global just to not run into that issue where got DDoS'd back in I think 2014/2015, and it prevented me from playing the game with Cyberkitsune's proxy T_T. Nowadays we have wayyyy more options for VPNs which makes that situation less of an issue + I could use the VPN on FFXIV as well for lower ping (although I'm close to FFXIV's servers). NOW THE THING I REALLY MISS from PSO2 JP, is ALL my Evangelion stuff + my Aria the Scarlet Ammo TMGs. If they ever merged JP+Global (incredibly unlikely), I'm 100% going to get my Eva+Aria stuff back LMAO

    • @Gravesyte
      @Gravesyte 3 года назад +1

      @@everydere yeah I mainly keep to myself there only thing I'll put in public chat is a stamp congratulating someone on a rare drop or; wherever I spot a gigantic I'd use and put the area to let everyone know.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      @@Gravesyte I seriously love the stamp system in NGS and I use it frequently too for congratulating peeps. Also I reallly wish NA would shout out when a gigantix is in an area OTL. There's a lot of cultural stuff in terms of how JP vs NA plays that I miss from PSO2 JP LOL

  • @knwjb5844
    @knwjb5844 3 года назад +1

    If you want the Naruto run, 45-48 scratches and get the 3 month premium with freebie, that's $121, that alone reach the sonic collab for the month

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Holy crap I never actually mathed it out so this was an interesting read! Yeah for me, I usually view the scratch bonuses as just something nonexistent since it's pretty much a pity system for when you don't get what you want but adds some exclusives if you decide to spend more than usual. It's still a very hefty investment for a F2P game that I'd rather put towards something else ($121 is about 1 Deluxe AAA game or 2 AAA games). I would enjoy though if the sonic collab was just a pack again like at the start of PSO2 Global. In that timeline, people would probably be ticked off it's another pack (Rappy+Aelio+Sonic), but it's better than the alternative 100$ LOL

  • @matshbocks
    @matshbocks 3 года назад +1

    I come back to the game occasionally, mainly just trying to build up ship 4 street cred as the true bag of ship 4! MATTCHEW BAGGERSTON!

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      Same! I login every week-ish do my weeklies and then chill out LOL

  • @retrofraction
    @retrofraction 3 года назад +1

    For the bans, anymore I never use in-game chat or VC.
    It started with the Esports games, just to cover features devs would leave out.
    But I now use 3rd party chat programs for these specific issues.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      Yup the majority of time I spend in ANY mmo, communication went from Ventrilo -> Skype/TeamSpeak -> Discord, and now the majority of conversations I have are mostly based in Discord and not ingame. FFXIV is in the same way since talking about certain programs (Parsing) will net you a ban if someone perceives it as discriminating against them. PSO2 I've had some great chats ingame but the majority of the time, I've just kept to discords. Now that SEGA's policy is more in line with FFXIV, I wonder how aggressive they'll be enforcing it down the road. But 3rd party chat programs are always the best tbh since it allows people to talk even if you're not ingame

  • @carlomolina7858
    @carlomolina7858 3 года назад +1

    They should implement housing in NGS so they could keep the kinky stuff indoors.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      We had personal quarters in base PSO2 and they were GREAT. I hope by next year NGS will be able to implement personal quarters and even allow us to transfer some furniture from base pso2 to NGS quarters. It'd also give me a nice N-Meseta sink since I've been just hoarding it like a madman due to nothing to buy with it LOL

  • @Gravesyte
    @Gravesyte 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for talking about that 100 dollar movement ticket. They could've done the 20 dollar thing or could've had it as a code in the SCU release I would've done that. I hate it that they're that money hungry for a movement ticket I think they're going to do that for the ninja run ticket too.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Yeah those ticket prices are wayyyyyyyy out of my comfort zone for what I'm willing to spend. I'm a-ok if it was 20$ (or 40$) and I got exactly what I wanted, but 100$ and I have to spend it on AC scratches which I don't want is 100% not something I'm into. There's things they can reasonably price and it's okay, but 100$ for ninja run + sonic dash is pushing it A LOT.

  • @cosmosofinfinity
    @cosmosofinfinity 3 года назад +2

    Let's all talk to each other like we talk to our grandma. You wouldn't show your grandma your hentai... would you?
    I wish block 69 was still around so that could be the official designated safe zone for adult activity. The PSO2 red light district. Just add a disclaimer before the block transfer process. Opt-in, opt-out! Everybody wins

  • @RenRip
    @RenRip 3 года назад +1

    NA base was so weird after Steam was added. That’s when I started seeing more and more toxicity. One former alliance member kept trying to attack our leader whenever our leader made a joke not even offensive, even one time he was mad cus our leader had to go afk for a bit when we were setting up an urgent run. Me being an officer I had to step in and straight up warn him alongside another officer. It got to the point where he left and tried saying we were threatening him. Like lol what? Prior to Steam players joining I rarely if ever seen as much toxicity as post Steam. The amount of H3nt4i tho, that definitely hasn’t changed until recently. Lewd symbol arts have always been bannable so the change is welcomed. Another former alliance member went with a buddy and I to good ol b69, he posted a lewd SA, he got 24 hour chat banned the next day. Back in ep 3 so yea. A good majority of these changes I cherish.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      I agree 100%. I feel like once a game ends up on steam, toxicity increases a looooot. PSO2 while it was microsoft store only was pretty decent community wise, then Steam's release happened and it pretty much went downhill from there. Also jeez I have no clue how players like your former alliance member play the game LOL. Like PSO2 has always been a relatively casual game where you take it at your own pace, and do anything you want. That's one of the biggest appeals of PSO2 to me, is I can go as hard as I want at it, or as casual as possible.
      Prior to NGS I did see A LOT of people complaining about every single Face of the Abyss run in Global, and it was insane. Post NGS, the game has been super simplified+made more casual, and I've ran into players who berate others for not playing Fighter. IMO one of the biggest downfalls of current MMO gaming, isn't even the game itself. It's the community just cannibalizing on itself now. Which makes me pretty sad cause I loooove interacting with players, but a large amount treat each other as if they're enemies in a PVE co-op game. FFXIV runs into this too where people will bring up your logs for a super minor mess up (I've seen this happen A LOT in ultimate parties recently).

  • @wahahaFM
    @wahahaFM 3 года назад +1

    yea i got 3days suspension for my player ID and character name and sega change it to urnull( u are nothing ) and didn't give me a free name change , if i want to change my player ID & name it will cost 4500AC . i ain't paying any to sega .FYI the name and ID i used is when the server up till now

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      The way I see it, is SEGA should compensate you with a free name change if you got a 3 Days Sus + forced name change. I'd take it up with SEGA support and see if a customer service rep can get you a name change, cause I would 10000% not spend the 4.5k AC for a name change. Especially with how recent the policies were updated, I think forced retroactive changes to player IDs/Char names need to be compensated with some way to change your name for free one time. If I may ask, what were your char name + ID incase SEGA flagged it wrong?

  • @GalaticLobber
    @GalaticLobber 3 года назад +1

    Dailies, etc. Just those. As for Classes, I'm leveling my Force to 20 for my Gunner Main. Gonna do the same for my Ranger. Who doesn't like going, unga bunga on mobs and bosses with near infinite PP for PAs.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Unga Bunga is the best motivation for what I've slowly turned my NGS gameplay into LOL. I initially played Gunner, switched to Ranger then Braver. And the best Unga Bunga i've experienced so far is TeFo. What you do is setup Evolcoat Talis+Wand as a multi weapon, and it compounds onto Techter's increased PB gain. So since talis is 24/7 consistent damage with convergence shot, you pretty much just spam that from any range and it *just works* . Then for burst periods, all you have to do is whip out your wand and spam wave crash.
      Ranger is also my fave unga bunga because throwing a grenade then IMMEDIATELY going to fear eraser, is 100% AFK and watch the boss die mode LOL.
      Gunner though... is hands down by FAVORITE AoE grinding class if you do GuFo. All the optimization for chain triggers? Yeah no just toss that out the window and unga bunga the AoE PA to 100 Chain then charge it for another 100 LOL. I think overall my gameplay atm is like 50/50 GuFo and TeFo. But it might change when Bouncer drops depending on how unga I can make jetboots

  • @NexusSetlment
    @NexusSetlment 3 года назад +1

    Lost ARK delay got me hella mad. Not gonna lie

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      Let it sink in, they probably delayed it for New World . Jk jk but if they did that'd be pretty bad tbh I feel like New World needed the delay more than Lost Ark LOL. Also Lost Ark's new release date is March 31 2022 which is ooof I'm teaming up with a fellow content creator to make some raid content when it drops though

    • @NexusSetlment
      @NexusSetlment 3 года назад +1

      @@everydere The thing is, i dont doubt that they delayed it for New World. And ughh thats so far away.

  • @cosmosofinfinity
    @cosmosofinfinity 3 года назад +1

    Totally not in theme with the channel, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the final Rebuild of Evangelion movie. I love Ramiel too, he does work nicely for PSO2 memes

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Ohhhh my god I'm 100% going to do a review honestly of the last movie cause I cried SO HARD once it ended. Everything about the final movie was by far EVERYTHING I've ever wanted for an ending to my favorite series. Hideaki Anno really hit it COMPLETELY out of the ball park with 3.0+1.0 and ONE LAST KISS by Utada really cemented the final scene so freaking good. I've been following Evangelion ever since I can remember and it will forever be my #1 favorite series of all time. I think the only other series I could think of that come slightly close would be Welcome to the NHK at #2 for me, and Chainsaw Man which is going to be receiving an anime VERY soon.

  • @lovanialilia
    @lovanialilia 3 года назад +3

    Im using a fully decked tzvia gear set to run UQ, nthing stopping this one XD

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +2

      You are my spirit animal, and keep doing it! I won't stop you at all embrace the power of tzvia

    • @shatteredsentient5321
      @shatteredsentient5321 3 года назад +1

      O.o I have 47.1% ranged potency destroying animals XD

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      @@shatteredsentient5321 Its so freakin fun to see how hard you can hit on the level 1 stuff right outside of central city LMAO

    • @troymack8205
      @troymack8205 3 года назад

      @@shatteredsentient5321 sheesh that's a lot of damage 😆 mind me asking what's your gear set up? I'm currently at 38 percent range potency.

  • @rovaljax
    @rovaljax 3 года назад +1

    The ban waves scared alotta folks lately and especially after rumors are abound that ERP is bannable period. After seeing some comments however it seems personal dms are safe.
    Just for the love of god don't do it in public. As an RPer prior to PSO2 dont do that. Yes its a mature game but mature rated games allow suggestive tones. The obviously explicit stuff is under Adults Only. Plus not everyone wants to know how your characters go to town with one another.
    Im still playing pso2 ngs though my main character's at level 20 in ranger, force and fighter and +40 on their gear for ra/fo. However my alts are less than desired to say the least so i might go for them if im not in star trek online or swtor.
    Edit: lets not forget the catalyst for SAs being removed was when bots began to make use of it.
    Edit2: I think MMObytes made a vid on why older mmos are "better" than modern mmos and itd be nice to hear your thoughts on that topic. Also joke's on you i dont have cultured SAs, only meme esque ones.

    • @UmbraWeiss
      @UmbraWeiss 3 года назад +1

      They ban you even if you do it in private, they don't care, the only thing they verify are the logs for words that are bannable, and than you are baned.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      @@UmbraWeiss Roval's correct on this one, Gwiz reached out and confirmed they do not ban ERP unless it's reported explicitly for ERP. So SEGA's not really scanning your DMs 24/7, unless you're being reported for specifically that. So basically, keep ERP between 2 consenting individuals, or use Discord alternatively.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      Yup from talks I've had with other content creators, personal DMs are pretty much safe even when they contain ERP. My guess is it was a customer service rep giving the standard ToS that ERP is bannable without clarifying from SEGA. But from Gwiz/SEGA, ERP in your personal DMs are actually okay so just don't do in out loud. Which pretty much lines up with FFXIV's same ToS of "Don't ERP out in the streets, keep it in whispers".
      Also YUP the initial catalyst for SAs being removed was bots using it solely for advertising their Meseta buying services. Eventually SEGA had to do something about it since we are a F2P game and our issues with botting will always be a thing.
      I gotta check out that MMObytes video since I haven't seen it. But my initial opinion on Older MMOs being better than Modern MMOs, is 1000% nostalgia goggles. Older MMOs were the wild west of MMOs. Modern Day MMOs especially recently have moved more towards a cosmetic/pay for convenience approach versus the old days of rampant pay to win. I've had a lot of discussions about how NGS is pay to win, but it's nothing near the wild west of 2007~2013 MMOs where not paying ANY money prevented you from playing the game. The designs as well were NO WHERE near as friendly as current MMO designs too. Ragnarok for example, would actively destroy your whole character for misinputing just one stat point. Mabinogi would actively punish you for ranking up skills in a wrong order due to a hidden metric called Combat Power. Maplestory once cubes were introduced, began balancing around cubes and cash shops. BnS is still P2W af, but has made strives to get you to somewhat mediocore passable gear for content.
      Now for those players who say "these games were never pay to win", sure if you didn't invest too much time into the MMOs technically P2W didn't affect you. But looking at a REAL time investment, the P2W creeps up hard and fast. Before you know it, you'll end up either trying to play through the P2W and suffer as a F2P, or join the ranks of P2W to keep your character relevant.
      Usually when people say Older MMOs are better, they're looking at it through rose tinted glasses. If you asked me when the best period of FFXIV was, I would say A Realm Reborn/Heavensward on release. But if you asked me if I would want the game to go back to that, it would be a 1000000000% absolutely not. The changes to the game to casualize MMOs and make them more accessible is what makes modern MMOs better than older MMOs. The fact that the biggest complaint about NGS is cosmetic based outside of content (from being a new game btw), speaks VOLUMES about the current state of MMORPGs. Even the increase of inventory space from 50 to 100 in NGS is a HUUUGE QoL from Base PSo2 to NGS, along with the skill tree becoming not punishing at all.
      Also if you ever decide to revisit older MMOs, we just don't play them the same anymore. People talk about content variety and how they don't like spamming the same dungeon over and over and over. But if you look at older MMOs, the design was still there. If we had the amount of information we spread about MMOs back in 2010, the whole way we played would be entirely different.
      And the best example I can give for this. Is Old School Runescape. Old School Runescape is a snapshot of 2007 runescape and I played it for a solid 4 months. But it just was not the same as when I was a kid playing that MMO. All the years of playing MMOs, you begin to realize how the systems work because it's *a game*, and your experience throughout the years have changed how you play MMORPGs today. Before I knew it, I had surpassed where I was as a kid within a week, and I even did content I didn't do (Fire Cape) within a VERY short time. OSRS does add some new things to help the experience, but none of that was relevant to when I played the game and how I played the game. And the new OSRS content that was added exclusive to OSRS, I haven't even touched yet. The biggest thing I missed from older MMOs honestly, was just being oblivious to how MMORPGs worked.
      Even to this day the game of FFXIV that I play, hasn't changed it's core design since 2.0. But what's changed over the years is me as a player and I've gotten wayyy more efficient at playing FFXIV's game.
      ANYWAYS I should turn this into a more indepth video tbh LOL but
      TL;DR: Older MMOs are 100% nostalgia goggles, the problems people have with current MMOs are amplified by 900x in Older MMOs. Modern MMOs have made games more simpler so you can enjoy them easier. When people talk about older MMOs being better than Modern ones, it's remembering when you were oblivious to the rampant issues, not that they were better than games today.
      Source: I played every single Nexon MMO and Mabinogi for 6-7 years before dropping it because I hit the realization you could surpass my 6-7 years of progress with 500$.
      EDIT: And every MMO on the market since basically 2004 OTL

    • @rovaljax
      @rovaljax 3 года назад +1

      @@everydere Thank you for the in depth explanation. MMOByte's video on the matter says that the developers have more passion in older MMORPGs than now but this explanation works as well.
      Id be down for a separate vid on this matter from your perspective.

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад +1

      @@rovaljax Ohhh yeah I watched the video, and I agree on that point to a certain degree. I think back in the older MMOs, developers had more passion (runescape is a great example of this), but nowadays it's more profit driven in games specifically like WoW. Other MMOs not too much, but WoW in particular is a special case where they do updates/patches based on raw data rather than seeing community feedback.
      For PSO2's whole lifetime, I'd say it's a weird stance cause the game itself is very anti-profit driven and promotes just playing the game. NGS' whole design is anti-profit too since you're designed to run out of things to do and just login minimally and keep up with other players. It's similar to subscription based games but without a subscription which is interesting. But I prefer that future of MMOs since I don't want MMOs I play to be a full time job or even part time job LOL.
      I'll def have a video up on it sometime soon since I've been meaning to talk about the whole MMO scene especially with the vast amount of choices we have nowadays along with their design differences from older MMOs.

  • @shatteredsentient5321
    @shatteredsentient5321 3 года назад +1

    Is that new world?

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      Yup! It's footage I got from the OBT day 1 on stream to test out how it played + if I would like it. And then I ended up playing another like 15-20 hours going realll fast to see what endgame is like LOL

  • @leonkaishin9989
    @leonkaishin9989 3 года назад +1

    Like your voice so didnt enjoy the long random rant on destinty/etc LUL i can see you enjoy PSO2 cause the video playing is all about it LUL

    • @everydere
      @everydere  3 года назад

      itsa pretty sick game 👌