Geometric Solids - Sensorial - Montessori

  • Опубликовано: 7 май 2016
  • This video goes through the presentation of the montessori Geometric Solids! An absolute favourite in the Childrens House - there are soo many extensions you can do with this material!
    • As you are talking to the children about these geometric solids, let them feel each one and talk about each solid if it is a sphere you can explain that is has no sides that it can roll.
    • A square how many sides does it have, and that it has points.
    • As you are talking about the solids you can tell them the names of each solid so they can eventually learn the names.
    • Regular and curved solids:
    • Sphere - All points on the surface are equidistant for the center.
    • Ellipsoid - A form whose plane surfaces are either ellipses or circles.
    • Ovoid - egg shaped
    • Curved Solids with plane and curved surfaces:
    • Cylinder - a solid bounded by two parallel planes which are curved.
    • Cone - a solid with a circular base joined by straight lines to the vertex.
    • Solids bound by straight lines:
    • Prisms - The end face can be any regular polygon.
    • Rectangles - the side faces are always rectangle
    • Triangular prism - This has a triangle for the end face
    • Square Prism - this has a square face on each surface
    • Square Based pyramid - The end face is that of a square
    • Rectangular Based Pyramid - Named by the base of the pyramid.
    • This activity is a child of five years and onward
    • There are a group of wooden cards that can be used when demonstrating this activity, they fit perfectly on the base of the solids that are prisms.

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