this sudden loud noise scraping at the door should've gave me a spook, you put really unique settings for this horror film that places it way over the usual, and of course this creature being my favorite creepypasta of all is just awesome, thanks a lot
i lost sound a third the way in. had to drag it to the end... then back again - twice before sound came back on. sorry, but this movie didnt make sense to me
this sudden loud noise scraping at the door should've gave me a spook, you put really unique settings for this horror film that places it way over the usual, and of course this creature being my favorite creepypasta of all is just awesome, thanks a lot
This shits great homie keep up the good work
Oh wow this is cool 😎
Why smile dog is the most creepiest thing
Amazing video as always!! You should research S M Zeus!!!
i lost sound a third the way in. had to drag it to the end... then back again - twice before sound came back on. sorry, but this movie didnt make sense to me
how did you record this video well you were dead
Bro Smile dog isn't real
It is real kid take a look at chainmail chasers episode:smile dog origins: interrogation
@@LordXPcPort7541 this doesn't mean that it is a paranormal photograph
it is just a photoshopped dog
it's a short film