The Manorah shows the last 7 years....the middle candle is used to light all the other candles, just like Jesus is higher than all other lights. And being that he died after 3 and 1/2 year he is in the middle of the Manorah. A smoldering wick he will not put out.interesting enough is I once studied where the word wicked comes from. It comes from twisted that where the ed part comes from and wick..combined twisted wick is wicked, like Antichrist...false light. May God bless you my friend. PEACE 🕊
Thank you, Brother Tom, for sharing your Biblical understanding with us. I’ve been amazed and blessed by the knowledge and wisdom God has given you regarding His Word. Concerning the calendar, 3 calendars deserve our attention. They are the Gregorian, Hebrew, and Biblical calendars. There is a good understanding of the Gregorian and Hebrew Calendars and good websites to convert from one calendar to another. It is the Biblical Calendar that warrants additional examination. Understanding two Hebrew words, Moedim and Tekufah, helps us understand the Biblical Calendar. Moedim is “God’s Appointed Times,” and Tekufah is a special day that marks the turn of a season. Moed (Strong’s H4150) is used in Daniel 11:27 to mean “at the time appointed.” In Daniel 12:7, moed means “time” as in the cycle of the Lord’s appointed times of His Feasts. Tekufah (Strong’s H8622) means at the turn of the season, or the turn of the year as seen in Exo 34:22 and 1 Samual 1:20. The current Hebrew Calendar does not reconcile the 15th day of the first month of Nisan to the first fruits of the barley harvest and therefore, is not in agreement with the Biblical Calendar given in Lev 23. The current Hebrew Calendar requires a leap year to reconcile its days to the seasons. There is no Biblical reference to a leap year. The Book of Jubilees 6:23-38 identifies the features of the Biblical Calendar. There are 12 months of 30 days for 360 numeric days. There are also 52 weeks of seven days for 364 days in the yearly reckoning. The four-day difference is the Tekufah Days, 2 equinoxes, and 2 solstices. These four days are added, one each at the end of each season. They are identified as days during the year but are not part of the annual day count or numbering when counting days for calculations. Each of the four seasons is 3 months of 30 days for 90 days, plus one Tekufah Day, totaling 91 days. This brings the annual total days to 364, but only 360 days are in the numeric count. Reconciling to the 365.25 annual solar days is most likely accounted for when the first day of the first month is set to the sighting of the first crescent moon. There is no mention of a leap day nor a leap year in the Bible. Just as the moon's cycle is reconciled to the sun’s cycle so are we reconciled to the Father by the Son. When the first day of the first month is set to the first crescent moon, Passover, on Nisan 14, will always be a weekly Sabbath on a full moon, and the 15th to the 21st is always a full week from Sunday to the Sabbath. When the first two Tekufah days are added to the calendar at the end of the third and sixth months, the 7th month of Tishri has the same day alignment as the month of Nisan. This means that the 15th to the 21st of Tishri is a full week, from Sunday to the Sabbath, for the Festival of Tabernacles, making it a perfect alignment. Using the 360 numbered days on the Biblical Calendar is exactly 1260 days, 42 months, and 3.5 years. Jubilees warns that failure to follow the 364-day cycle results in the years being dislodged and the seasons disturbed. If 6 months of 30 days and 6 months of 29 days for 354 annual days is used, then 354 minus 364 days results in the seasons coming 10 days too soon.
Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the prophets which is what Father Abraham told the rich man in Luke 16 when the rich man said if a man should go to his brothers from the dead, they would listen; but Father Abraham replied, if they don't hear the Law and The prophets, neither will they listen though one returns to tell them from the dead."Luke 16:31 And he said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one may rise out of the dead.”"
Moshe and Elijah appeared on Mt of Transfiguration with Yahushua. Moshe represents the Law/Torah and Elijah was the prophet sent to the Northern Kingdom the 10 Lost we can connect the dots. The Lost Sheep are coming into the fold by way of Messiah and obedience to the Torah. HalleluYah
I stopped listening at 18:50 because the more I listened to him explain "common literary writing", the more I heard him take the Holy Spirit out of the writing and put the writing into the hands of the man. "In the beginning was the Word..." Nothing was made that was made without the Word... "The God said..." Words matter sir. God does not use empty words or numbers. I don't follow all those rabbit holes, but I have no doubt that if it is in the Word of God, there is a reason...
@@yeshuaischrist9951 Says you.... Now who are you? Oh you are mister gaslighter... telling people them must have a "comprehension" problem if you disagree with them... Narcissist. You need some time away from the internet, it has made you believe your opinion is far more valuable then it really is.
1 day equals a thousand years. A thousand equals a day. How does this fit in with what you say? Does God mean a day or the thousand? This question I have heard. I thought it was a good question. No one knows the day or the hour. They will know the season. By the signs God gave us.
Habakkuk 3:9 Thy bow was made quite naked (bare), according to the oaths of the tribes (oaths were sworn over your arrows), even thy word. Selah. Thou didst cleave (divided) the earth with rivers. Revelation 12:11 💘
@@markhauserbible7168 “Why didn’t the disciples know that Jesus could feed the 4,000 after he had fed the 5,000 in the previous chapter?” Matt 15:33 (KJV) The so called “Christian” leaders of today teach that it is because they didn’t have faith. But the fact is that anyone involved in such a miracle and still skeptical would not only remember it but would be anxious for a similar situation to arise and prove it one way or the other. The discrepancy is put there to prod those with eyes to see (those sincere in search of truth) to investigate. The answer is given in the 16th chapter where Jesus speaks of the leaven of the Pharisees. Matt 16:6-12 (KJV). If that bread were literal then the disciples had every reason to believe that Jesus was being literal about the leaven and he therefore had no reason to chide them. But that bread being symbolic he chided them for not considering and taking to heart his teachings even after the third time of bringing up the subject. That teaching is what you are reading now. The bible (KJV) says that Jesus followed no will of his own but the will of God. John 6:38 (KJV) His life in the flesh is an ensample (representation) of God's laws. Jesus says that bread represents his flesh (his life) which in turn represents God's law (the bread of life). John 6:51 (KJV) Jesus’ death gave us the New Testament. Matt 26:28 (KJV) and Heb 9:16 (KJV) The New Testament brings meat to the scriptures, represented by the two fishes. The meat is the symbolic code and patterns that bring/bind all scripture in the bible (KJV) together. Heb 5:12-14 (KJV) It has been 2 thousand years since Jesus, so each fish represents 1 thousand years. In turn the five loaves of bread represent 5 thousand years that God gave his laws to man. 21 And they that had eaten were about FIVE THOUSAND men,…Matt 14:21 (KJV) This gives us a glimpse of Gods timeline. 7 thousand years ago Adam was kicked out of the garden. It also shows us that we are at the end of our time on this earth; 13 … and in the earthquake were slain of men SEVEN THOUSAND: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. Rev 11:13 (KJV) Amen
Brother Tom, you were doing so good until the 37 minute mark. You are correct about the time periods NOT being literal. So, why do you all of a sudden think John in Rev11:1-2 is talking about a literal temple. The time periods you were discussing are directly tied to this TEMPLE. It's the BODY, the CHURCH, BELIEVERS. How do I know this? Rev11:2 The court, which is without the TEMPLE leave out, and measure it not, for it is given to the GENTILES (Unbelievers) and the HOLY CITY (Church Body) shall they TREAD UNDER FOOT for 42 months. This is the CHURCH AGE. (It's been 2000 years) This is what Jesus was talking about in Lu21:24 And you shall be led away captive into ALL NATIONS. And Jerusalem (Church Body) shall be TRODDEN DOWN of the GENTILES, until the TIME of the GENTILES be fulfilled. (42 months= Church age) This is what Paul was talking about in 1Cor2:13-14. To God be the Glory
Jesus tells us to read Daniel's prophecies so that we can understand the end times. Daniel refers to prophecy regarding the future in times, days, and/or weeks. For Daniel, 1,260 days represent Tribulation; and times, times, and half a time represent Great Tribulation. The 70th week in Daniel is divided into two periods of forty-two months. The first half represents Tribulation and the second half represent Great Tribulation. (Words of Jesus) Matthew 24:15 (NKJV) “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand) 1st Half of Daniel’s 70th Week (Tribulation) Key Point #1: A thousand two hundred and sixty days (1,260 days) = God’s Time Key Point #2: Forty-two months (42 months) = 1st Half of Beast’s Time Daniel 9:27 (NKJV) Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; *** Covenant of false peace - Tribulation - one week = 7 years Revelation 11:1-3 (NKJV) 1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. *** 2nd Woe *** Note: We can confirm that this key point describes the 1st Half of Daniel’s 70th Week/Tribulation because the Antichrist will not allow worship in the temple during the Great Tribulation. 2nd Half of Daniel’s 70th Week (Great Tribulation) Key Point #3: A time, times, and half a time (3½ years) = 2nd Half of Beast’s Time Key Point #4: Forty-two months (42 months) = 2nd Half of Beast’s Time Daniel 9:27 (NKJV) But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” *** Abomination of Desolation Daniel 12:1, 7 (NKJV) 1 “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book. 7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished. *** 3rd Woe *** Note: We can confirm that this key point describes the Great Tribulation because, "And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as it never was since there was a nation, Even to that time." Revelation 13:1-18 (NKJV) 1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” 5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. 11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. * 666 - This represents the Beast during the Great Tribulation and the 2nd Half of Daniel’s Week = 3rd Woe
Also, science tells us that the earth rotates around the sun, but scripture says the opposite; 12 On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.” 13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on[b] its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!
@@NTuneLabswant that for only THAT day only to win the war? It even says it was for that day only in the verses you just quoted. That's why it was so unusual and "hadn't happened since that day"... because it was only for a day that things stopped.
@@nancymcnemee right, BUT the SUN Stopped. Stopped what? MOVING. If the earth rotates around the sun, then the EARTH should have stopped, not the sun and moon.
The two witnesses are NOT on this earth YET. Rev. 11: 4 tells us that the two witnesses are standing before Yahweh in heaven TODAY. Zeck. 4: 3 and 13- 14. Rev. 11; 6 tells us that the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah. Moses and Elijah are coming at the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9. Moses and Elijah will come from heaven to this earth on Tabernacles. Elijah is coming from heaven to this earth and will repeat what he did on mount Carmal again. Elijah wil bring the children of Israel back to Yahweh. Moses is coming from heaven and will do exactly what he did on mount Sinai again. Moses showed the children of Israel their Messiah in the Law of Moses. Elijah and Moses will turn the hearts of the children to the Father and the heart of the Father to the children. Moses and Elijah will be killed and RAISED from the dead 3 days later and taken back to the 3RD heaven to await the second coming. So it is written. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Heb 12: 14 bless you
Amos 3: 7. Yahweh does nothing unless He tells His servants the prophets. ALL Yahweh's inspired prophets are in the inspired scripture. Yahweh's inspired prophets have spoken everything mankind needs to know up to the second coming. Knowing this this we will ask Yahweh a question about the future of America. Father Yahweh:" What is the future of the United States of America. ? " Yahweh MUST tell us the answer to our question in the inspired scripture. It is all written. Amos 3: 7. America will make war with Persia. After the war with Persia then Persia will have no posterity. THEN America will become GREAT. Satan's 7th empire on the earth. When America becomes GREAT then Yahweh will cause America to break into 4 Kingdoms. With Kings. Then out of one of these 4 Kingdoms will come the false messiah. The false messiah will put America back together again as one nation and America will become exceedingly GREAT. THEN America will become ONE Kingdom. With A KING. Then will be fulfilled Rev 17: 8. The beast that WAS, " The USA. " . " IS NOT, " broke into 4 Kingdoms." YET IS. " America put back together again. The false messiah will be Satan's literal genetic son who this very day is in the Abyss. Rev 11: 7. Satan's literal genetic son will be crowned KING of America. This will be Satan's 8th and last empire on the earth up to the second coming. Rev 17: 11. THEN Satan's literal genetic son will go to Yahweh's LAND and sit in Ezekiel's temple and be crowned KING of the world. King of Kings. We are told to know the enemy. Satan is copying the bible to be like the Most high Yahweh. Yahweh is making a Kingdom for His literal genetic SON Yahshua to rule the world. Rev 20: 4 . Satan is going to make a Kingdom for his literal genetic son to rule the world. Rev 13: 1- 5. Satan's literal genetic son will rule the world from Jerusalem for the last 42 months before the second coming. These things are clearly written in Daniel chapters 7 and 8. To those who laugh at these things to come I say this to you:" YOU will SEE these things come to pass. " In that day you will know who I AM. Rev 19: 10. Things to come for the wise. Daniel 12: 10. Thee sinners will not understand, BUT the wise will understand. So it is all written. May Yahweh give you all the understanding He knows you need to stand before His literal genetic SON Yahshua in all Holiness on that great day of Yahweh Almighty Glorified for all the world to see. Heb 12: 14. Bless you
@@CherLombard Present day truth for the wise. Dan. 12: 10. The book of Daniel is sealed until the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9. Dan. 12: 4 says:" many will run to and fro and knowledge in the book of Daniel will increase at the time of the end." Dan. 7: 4. The first beast is The LION with eagles wings. The LION is the British empire and the eagles wings is America at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 5. The bear is Russia . The 3 ribs are 3 nations Russia invades at the time of the end. Ukraine is the first of these 3 ribs. Dan. 7: 6. Is 4 Asian nations. Not in existence yet. These will come into existence at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 7. The FIRST one world order. Not in existence yet and will arise at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 8. The false messiah comes out of the 4TH beast. Dan. 7: 11. The 4TH beast is destroyed FIRST. Dan. 7: 12. The first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these scriptures to be fulfilled the 4 beasts of Daniel 7 MUST be alive at the SAME time. The time of the end. Very plain and simple literal scriptures. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you There has never been an Empire in history called " Media- Persia." Daniel lived in the Persian Empire. Dan. 8: 17 tells Us that the RAM and the GOAT fight at the time of the end. Dan. 7: 11. tells us that the 4TH beast dies first. Dan. 7: 12 tells us that the first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these scriptures to be fulfilled the 4 Beasts of Daniel 7 MUST be alive at the same time. The time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9. Dan. 8: 20 Is Media and Persia at the time of the end. Persia will unite with Iraq and then unite the middle east under Islam. Persia will go to Yahweh's LAND and put to the sword EVERY man, woman, child and baby Jew in Israel. No survivors. NONE. 10 Million Jews world wide will die. This will cause the GOAT to come from the west. Dan. 8: 5.The GOAT comes across the face of the whole earth. This scripture is literal. The GOAT is the united nations with America leading the WAY. Dan. 8: 8 tells us that America will win the war with Persia and then break into 4 nations. Out of 1 of the 4 nations will come the false messiah. Dan. 8: 9. The false messiah will put America back together again. Rev. 17: 8. The people on the earth will SEE America that was, Is NOT, Yet is. The false messiah will be crowned KING of America. Dan. 8: 21. The false messiah will go to Yahweh's LAND and enter the golden gate to the temple mount showing that he is the King of Israel and the King of the Christians. Ezekiel. 44: 1-3. Yahshua entered the golden gate 2,000 years ago onto the temple mount and presented Himself as the Passover Lamb for inspection. They found no fault in Him. Then the false messiah will be crowned KING of the world. King of Kings. King of 10 Kings. Rev. 13: 1- 5. Then will be fulfilled 2 Thes. 2: 3- 4. This scripture is literal. The false messiah will be Satan's literal genetic son. Rev. 11: 7 tells us that the beast is NOT a human man. The beast is a hybrid human. 2 thirds angel and 1 third human. Satan's son ruled the earth in the Days of Noah. Satan's son will rule the earth for 42 months before the second coming. Yahweh does EVERYTHING twice. My hearts desire is:" Rev. 22: 14. Rev. 21: 1- 4." These scriptures commence at the second coming. rev. 20: 4 and 6. rev. 5: 10. Matt. 5: 5.isa. 2: 3- 4. isa. 11: 6- 9. Isa. 66: 22- 23. Micah 4: 2- 3. These scriptures are fulfilled in the Thousand years. Zeck. 14 is the second coming. Zeck. 14: 4- 5. The great valley is the resting place for Yahshua's BRIDE as the home for the SAINTS during his thousand year reign on the earth made new as king of kings and Lord of lords. Rev. 21: 9- 10. Rev. 21: 2. Gal. 4: 26. Zeck. 14: 9. And Yahweh will be The GREAT KING over all the earth during His Messiah's thousand year reign as king of Kings. Zeck. 14: 16. the nations are still on the earth AFTER the second coming and will go up to the new Jerusalem to keep the feast of tabernacles for the thousand years. Matt. 5: 5. The Meek will inherit the earth made NEW commencing at the second coming. 1 Thes. 4: 15- 17. This is the fulfillment of Tabernacles on the earth at the second coming. 2 peter 3: 10- 13. verse 10. The second coming. verses 11 and 12 Yahweh burns the UNIVERSE. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heavenS and the NEW earth for His Sons thousand year reign on the earth made new as king of kings. Rev. 20: 4 and 6. Rev. 5: 10. The SAINTS will rule with Yahshua in the NEW Jerusalem on the earth made New commencing at the second coming. Rev. 2: 26- 28. Rev. 21: 1- 4. Yahshua brings His BRIDE with Him at His second coming . The tabernacle of Yahweh is with men and they will be His children and Yahweh will be their God. Isa. 66: 22- 23 and Rev. 21: 1- 4 agree perfectly. Rev. chapters 20, 21 and 22 commence at the second coming and are fulfilled on Judgement day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a period of time of 24 hours. The Last day of this corruptible creation. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. the LAST day of this corruptible creation. Gen. 1 : 1. Yahweh created Time, Space and matter. The first day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Yahweh will put out of existence this corruptible creation. The Last day. 1 Cor. 2: 9. NOTHING in this corruptible creation is in Yahweh's Everlasting Incorruptible Kingdom. BEFORE Gen 1: 1. There was the everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh. AFTER Rev. 20: 7- 15. The Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh will continue. LOOK not to the things of this world as they will all pass away. But LOOK for things not seen. FAITH. May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
@ You sure are studious of the scriptures and have given me much to try and understand. I know that the beasts are governmental and I do know of the abominations that the Nephillim committed and figured somewhere in the future they would arise again. I thought maybe Rome and the Papacy would play a big part in the end times. So you believe the Bride will already be with Him at His second coming? Are they the 144K the 12k from each tribe. What is it that you think makes one the Bride because I believe they are those that have the faith of Yahushua and keep the commandments. Well the nation of Israel is is going to get decimated for Yah is going to cleanse and sanctify that land before the New Yirusalayim comes down. I do believe that Yahushua’s 2nd coming will be at the blast of the 7 th Trumpet. I have been walking in Torah for some years, back slid became the prodigal, but praise Yah He drew me back into the fold. I am alone in this walk. My husband is not a believer. I study on my own and listen to lots of Torah teachers. There are no fellowship groups in my area and my family and few friends do not want to hear the truth. Where did you get all this understanding of Revelation and how the end plays out? There is lots I need to learn.
Thom? There are 52 weeks in a year... based upon the 7 day week which is NOT flexible. If you total the number of 'Sabbath' hours you come to 1248 (hours) which leaves 12 hours for the 'LAST NIGHT' before the 'DAY' of the LORD. This 12 hour period (the 'last night') is also the 1/2 hour of silence in heaven. The last night - as a part of the Day of the Lord - will be 'silent' as there will be no 'work' done in it, the work being the process wherein there is nothing left to rexoncile as all of the scriotures will have been fulfilled and thus the 'end' will come. Day is when we follow the law... and thus are led by the 'cloud' and why the voice which spoke of Jesus came from it [cloud]. Conversely, we are also led - or 'baptized' by fire... and this happens at night. This was the purpose of Jesus 'timing'... 70 AD was an 'end time', and the next time will be worldwide. John preached repentence which is associated with obedience, where as Jesus preached about BOTH truth of promise AND grace for 'sin'. Thus, as the 'word' Jesus represents the 'law', and as per Paul, the 'power' of the law is 'sin'... so as to point out that what we will not appreciate by following the staff, we will instead be taught and forceably - by the just judgement of the law... which is constant, in a reap as sow, while God reaps ALL fashion. Still waiting for a phone call. Shalom. 👑
Rev 9:15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men......They're all the same, no man knows the hour, but we do know that the last two days of the feast of Trumpets are called the last great day. Two days and they are considered one. And nobody know which of those two days the two witnesses will signt the first sliver of the new moon. Nobody knows which of those two days or at which hour. Then you the days 1,260 day's then the month 42 months and then the year 3 and 1/2 years....its all the same, they the Angels are preparing now.. hahahah TRUST ME ON THAT....PEACE 🕊😇
12 hours of darkness, 12 hours of light= spring equinox = The 12 tribes, like 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness = the 12 Apostles, fall equinox. Remember the Jews seek a sign, is why they looked for the crescent. As told to me, things of the new moon, is of the spirit, things of the full moon is of the flesh.
The 24 elders are the hours of the day, and the vooks of the original Hebrew Bible - the word, the law. 12 & 12 as are the 12 grandsons of Abram, and the 12 grandsons of Abraham. The 'name' must be considered else the Angel of the Lord was inaccurate in saying 'your only son Isaac'. The symbolism in the scriptures is very revealing if you keep (1) eye closed. 😉
Awesome teaching thank you!!❤
Great Teaching
Pastor Tom as you explained the word chiasm I noticed the Chanukkiah behind you…..the perfect symbol of the word “chiasm”.
The Manorah shows the last 7 years....the middle candle is used to light all the other candles, just like Jesus is higher than all other lights. And being that he died after 3 and 1/2 year he is in the middle of the Manorah. A smoldering wick he will not put out.interesting enough is I once studied where the word wicked comes from. It comes from twisted that where the ed part comes from and wick..combined twisted wick is wicked, like Antichrist...false light. May God bless you my friend. PEACE 🕊
Thank you
How can you expect our full attention during these sessions while they are consistently interrupted by ads?
The speaker has zero control over ads. I think his teachings are valuable enough to pay for RUclips premium so I have no ads.
Thank you, Brother Tom, for sharing your Biblical understanding with us. I’ve been amazed and blessed by the knowledge and wisdom God has given you regarding His Word.
Concerning the calendar, 3 calendars deserve our attention. They are the Gregorian, Hebrew, and Biblical calendars. There is a good understanding of the Gregorian and Hebrew Calendars and good websites to convert from one calendar to another. It is the Biblical Calendar that warrants additional examination.
Understanding two Hebrew words, Moedim and Tekufah, helps us understand the Biblical Calendar. Moedim is “God’s Appointed Times,” and Tekufah is a special day that marks the turn of a season. Moed (Strong’s H4150) is used in Daniel 11:27 to mean “at the time appointed.” In Daniel 12:7, moed means “time” as in the cycle of the Lord’s appointed times of His Feasts. Tekufah (Strong’s H8622) means at the turn of the season, or the turn of the year as seen in Exo 34:22 and 1 Samual 1:20.
The current Hebrew Calendar does not reconcile the 15th day of the first month of Nisan to the first fruits of the barley harvest and therefore, is not in agreement with the Biblical Calendar given in Lev 23. The current Hebrew Calendar requires a leap year to reconcile its days to the seasons. There is no Biblical reference to a leap year.
The Book of Jubilees 6:23-38 identifies the features of the Biblical Calendar. There are 12 months of 30 days for 360 numeric days. There are also 52 weeks of seven days for 364 days in the yearly reckoning. The four-day difference is the Tekufah Days, 2 equinoxes, and 2 solstices. These four days are added, one each at the end of each season. They are identified as days during the year but are not part of the annual day count or numbering when counting days for calculations.
Each of the four seasons is 3 months of 30 days for 90 days, plus one Tekufah Day, totaling 91 days. This brings the annual total days to 364, but only 360 days are in the numeric count.
Reconciling to the 365.25 annual solar days is most likely accounted for when the first day of the first month is set to the sighting of the first crescent moon. There is no mention of a leap day nor a leap year in the Bible. Just as the moon's cycle is reconciled to the sun’s cycle so are we reconciled to the Father by the Son.
When the first day of the first month is set to the first crescent moon, Passover, on Nisan 14, will always be a weekly Sabbath on a full moon, and the 15th to the 21st is always a full week from Sunday to the Sabbath. When the first two Tekufah days are added to the calendar at the end of the third and sixth months, the 7th month of Tishri has the same day alignment as the month of Nisan. This means that the 15th to the 21st of Tishri is a full week, from Sunday to the Sabbath, for the Festival of Tabernacles, making it a perfect alignment.
Using the 360 numbered days on the Biblical Calendar is exactly 1260 days, 42 months, and 3.5 years.
Jubilees warns that failure to follow the 364-day cycle results in the years being dislodged and the seasons disturbed. If 6 months of 30 days and 6 months of 29 days for 354 annual days is used, then 354 minus 364 days results in the seasons coming 10 days too soon.
Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the prophets which is what Father Abraham told the rich man in Luke 16 when the rich man said if a man should go to his brothers from the dead, they would listen; but Father Abraham replied, if they don't hear the Law and The prophets, neither will they listen though one returns to tell them from the dead."Luke 16:31 And he said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one may rise out of the dead.”"
Moshe and Elijah appeared on Mt of Transfiguration with Yahushua. Moshe represents the Law/Torah and Elijah was the prophet sent to the Northern Kingdom the 10 Lost we can connect the dots. The Lost Sheep are coming into the fold by way of Messiah and obedience to the Torah. HalleluYah
I stopped listening at 18:50 because the more I listened to him explain "common literary writing", the more I heard him take the Holy Spirit out of the writing and put the writing into the hands of the man.
"In the beginning was the Word..." Nothing was made that was made without the Word... "The God said..."
Words matter sir. God does not use empty words or numbers. I don't follow all those rabbit holes, but I have no doubt that if it is in the Word of God, there is a reason...
Says you.... Now who are you? Oh you are mister gaslighter... telling people them must have a "comprehension" problem if you disagree with them...
Narcissist. You need some time away from the internet, it has made you believe your opinion is far more valuable then it really is.
1 day equals a thousand years.
A thousand equals a day. How does this fit in with what you say?
Does God mean a day or the thousand? This question I have heard. I thought it was a good question. No one knows the day or the hour. They will know the season. By the signs God gave us.
Habakkuk 3:9
Thy bow was made quite naked (bare),
according to the oaths of the tribes
(oaths were sworn over your arrows),
even thy word. Selah.
Thou didst cleave (divided) the earth
with rivers.
Revelation 12:11
One day is NOT a 1000 years. 2Pt3:8 A DAY IS AS a 1000 years. This simply means our thoughts on time is NOT Gods timing.
@@markhauserbible7168 “Why didn’t the disciples know that Jesus could feed the 4,000 after he had fed the 5,000 in the previous chapter?” Matt 15:33 (KJV)
The so called “Christian” leaders of today teach that it is because they didn’t have faith. But the fact is that anyone involved in such a miracle and still skeptical would not only remember it but would be anxious for a similar situation to arise and prove it one way or the other. The discrepancy is put there to prod those with eyes to see (those sincere in search of truth) to investigate.
The answer is given in the 16th chapter where Jesus speaks of the leaven of the Pharisees.
Matt 16:6-12 (KJV).
If that bread were literal then the disciples had every reason to believe that Jesus was being literal about the leaven and he therefore had no reason to chide them. But that bread being symbolic he chided them for not considering and taking to heart his teachings even after the third time of bringing up the subject. That teaching is what you are reading now.
The bible (KJV) says that Jesus followed no will of his own but the will of God. John 6:38 (KJV)
His life in the flesh is an ensample (representation) of God's laws. Jesus says that bread represents his flesh (his life) which in turn represents God's law (the bread of life). John 6:51 (KJV)
Jesus’ death gave us the New Testament. Matt 26:28 (KJV) and Heb 9:16 (KJV)
The New Testament brings meat to the scriptures, represented by the two fishes.
The meat is the symbolic code and patterns that bring/bind all scripture in the bible (KJV) together. Heb 5:12-14 (KJV)
It has been 2 thousand years since Jesus, so each fish represents 1 thousand years. In turn the five loaves of bread represent 5 thousand years that God gave his laws to man.
21 And they that had eaten were about FIVE THOUSAND men,…Matt 14:21 (KJV)
This gives us a glimpse of Gods timeline. 7 thousand years ago Adam was kicked out of the garden. It also shows us that we are at the end of our time on this earth;
13 … and in the earthquake were slain of men SEVEN THOUSAND: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. Rev 11:13 (KJV)
Acts 7:48 says God is not in your building........if he isn't there, why are you?
Brother Tom, you were doing so good until the 37 minute mark. You are correct about the time periods NOT being literal. So, why do you all of a sudden think John in Rev11:1-2 is talking about a literal temple. The time periods you were discussing are directly tied to this TEMPLE. It's the BODY, the CHURCH, BELIEVERS. How do I know this? Rev11:2 The court, which is without the TEMPLE leave out, and measure it not, for it is given to the GENTILES (Unbelievers) and the HOLY CITY (Church Body) shall they TREAD UNDER FOOT for 42 months. This is the CHURCH AGE. (It's been 2000 years) This is what Jesus was talking about in Lu21:24 And you shall be led away captive into ALL NATIONS. And Jerusalem (Church Body) shall be TRODDEN DOWN of the GENTILES, until the TIME of the GENTILES be fulfilled. (42 months= Church age) This is what Paul was talking about in 1Cor2:13-14. To God be the Glory
I think God knew that New Testament readers would be using the Gregorian calendar.
Jesus tells us to read Daniel's prophecies so that we can understand the end times. Daniel refers to prophecy regarding the future in times, days, and/or weeks. For Daniel, 1,260 days represent Tribulation; and times, times, and half a time represent Great Tribulation. The 70th week in Daniel is divided into two periods of forty-two months. The first half represents Tribulation and the second half represent Great Tribulation.
(Words of Jesus) Matthew 24:15 (NKJV) “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand)
1st Half of Daniel’s 70th Week (Tribulation)
Key Point #1: A thousand two hundred and sixty days (1,260 days) = God’s Time
Key Point #2: Forty-two months (42 months) = 1st Half of Beast’s Time
Daniel 9:27 (NKJV) Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; *** Covenant of false peace - Tribulation - one week = 7 years
Revelation 11:1-3 (NKJV) 1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. *** 2nd Woe
*** Note: We can confirm that this key point describes the 1st Half of Daniel’s 70th Week/Tribulation because the Antichrist will not allow worship in the temple during the Great Tribulation.
2nd Half of Daniel’s 70th Week (Great Tribulation)
Key Point #3: A time, times, and half a time (3½ years) = 2nd Half of Beast’s Time
Key Point #4: Forty-two months (42 months) = 2nd Half of Beast’s Time
Daniel 9:27 (NKJV) But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” *** Abomination of Desolation
Daniel 12:1, 7 (NKJV) 1 “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book. 7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished. *** 3rd Woe
*** Note: We can confirm that this key point describes the Great Tribulation because, "And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as it never was since there was a nation, Even to that time."
Revelation 13:1-18 (NKJV) 1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” 5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. 7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. 11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. * 666 - This represents the Beast during the Great Tribulation and the 2nd Half of Daniel’s Week = 3rd Woe
The earth doesn't move. The sun revolves around the earth as stated in the book of Enoch.
So science is wrong. Ok.
@@schnauzerloversmom science... yeah look how it handled covid!
Also, science tells us that the earth rotates around the sun, but scripture says the opposite;
12 On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel:
“Sun, stand still over Gibeon,
and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still,
and the moon stopped,
till the nation avenged itself on[b] its enemies,
as it is written in the Book of Jashar.
The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.
14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!
@@NTuneLabswant that for only THAT day only to win the war? It even says it was for that day only in the verses you just quoted. That's why it was so unusual and "hadn't happened since that day"... because it was only for a day that things stopped.
@@nancymcnemee right, BUT the SUN Stopped. Stopped what? MOVING. If the earth rotates around the sun, then the EARTH should have stopped, not the sun and moon.
Its been time, times and half a time since moshe time
The two witnesses are NOT on this earth YET.
Rev. 11: 4 tells us that the two witnesses are standing before Yahweh in heaven TODAY. Zeck. 4: 3 and 13- 14.
Rev. 11; 6 tells us that the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah.
Moses and Elijah are coming at the time of the end.
Dan. 12: 4 and 9.
Moses and Elijah will come from heaven to this earth on Tabernacles.
Elijah is coming from heaven to this earth and will repeat what he did on mount Carmal again.
Elijah wil bring the children of Israel back to Yahweh.
Moses is coming from heaven and will do exactly what he did on mount Sinai again.
Moses showed the children of Israel their Messiah in the Law of Moses.
Elijah and Moses will turn the hearts of the children to the Father and the heart of the Father to the children.
Moses and Elijah will be killed and RAISED from the dead 3 days later and taken back to the 3RD heaven to await the second coming.
So it is written.
May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come.
Heb 12: 14
bless you
Are you sure
Amos 3: 7. Yahweh does nothing unless He tells His servants the prophets. ALL Yahweh's inspired prophets are in the inspired scripture. Yahweh's inspired prophets have spoken everything mankind needs to know up to the second coming. Knowing this this we will ask Yahweh a question about the future of America.
Father Yahweh:" What is the future of the United States of America. ? " Yahweh MUST tell us the answer to our question in the inspired scripture. It is all written. Amos 3: 7.
America will make war with Persia. After the war with Persia then Persia will have no posterity. THEN America will become GREAT. Satan's 7th empire on the earth. When America becomes GREAT then Yahweh will cause America to break into 4 Kingdoms. With Kings. Then out of one of these 4 Kingdoms will come the false messiah. The false messiah will put America back together again as one nation and America will become exceedingly GREAT. THEN America will become ONE Kingdom. With A KING. Then will be fulfilled Rev 17: 8. The beast that WAS, " The USA. " . " IS NOT, " broke into 4 Kingdoms." YET IS. " America put back together again.
The false messiah will be Satan's literal genetic son who this very day is in the Abyss. Rev 11: 7.
Satan's literal genetic son will be crowned KING of America. This will be Satan's 8th and last empire on the earth up to the second coming. Rev 17: 11.
THEN Satan's literal genetic son will go to Yahweh's LAND and sit in Ezekiel's temple and be crowned KING of the world.
King of Kings.
We are told to know the enemy. Satan is copying the bible to be like the Most high Yahweh.
Yahweh is making a Kingdom for His literal genetic SON Yahshua to rule the world. Rev 20: 4 .
Satan is going to make a Kingdom for his literal genetic son to rule the world. Rev 13: 1- 5. Satan's literal genetic son will rule the world from Jerusalem for the last 42 months before the second coming.
These things are clearly written in Daniel chapters 7 and 8.
To those who laugh at these things to come I say this to you:" YOU will SEE these things come to pass. " In that day you will know who I AM. Rev 19: 10.
Things to come for the wise. Daniel 12: 10.
Thee sinners will not understand, BUT the wise will understand. So it is all written.
May Yahweh give you all the understanding He knows you need to stand before His literal genetic SON Yahshua in all Holiness on that great day of Yahweh Almighty Glorified for all the world to see. Heb 12: 14.
Bless you
Tell me, do you think Trump is the false prophet?
@@CherLombard NO.
@@sonofyahweh8 that sounded like an absolute lol
@@CherLombard Present day truth for the wise. Dan. 12: 10.
The book of Daniel is sealed until the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9.
Dan. 12: 4 says:" many will run to and fro and knowledge in the book of Daniel will increase at the time of the end."
Dan. 7: 4. The first beast is The LION with eagles wings. The LION is the British empire and the eagles wings is America at the time of the end.
Dan. 7: 5. The bear is Russia . The 3 ribs are 3 nations Russia invades at the time of the end. Ukraine is the first of these 3 ribs.
Dan. 7: 6. Is 4 Asian nations. Not in existence yet. These will come into existence at the time of the end.
Dan. 7: 7. The FIRST one world order. Not in existence yet and will arise at the time of the end.
Dan. 7: 8. The false messiah comes out of the 4TH beast.
Dan. 7: 11. The 4TH beast is destroyed FIRST.
Dan. 7: 12. The first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast.
For these scriptures to be fulfilled the 4 beasts of Daniel 7 MUST be alive at the SAME time. The time of the end.
Very plain and simple literal scriptures.
May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you
There has never been an Empire in history called " Media- Persia."
Daniel lived in the Persian Empire.
Dan. 8: 17 tells Us that the RAM and the GOAT fight at the time of the end.
Dan. 7: 11. tells us that the 4TH beast dies first.
Dan. 7: 12 tells us that the first 3 beasts will be alive for a season and a time LONGER than the 4TH beast. For these scriptures to be fulfilled the 4 Beasts of Daniel 7 MUST be alive at the same time. The time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9.
Dan. 8: 20 Is Media and Persia at the time of the end.
Persia will unite with Iraq and then unite the middle east under Islam.
Persia will go to Yahweh's LAND and put to the sword EVERY man, woman, child and baby Jew in Israel. No survivors. NONE.
10 Million Jews world wide will die.
This will cause the GOAT to come from the west.
Dan. 8: 5.The GOAT comes across the face of the whole earth.
This scripture is literal. The GOAT is the united nations with America leading the WAY.
Dan. 8: 8 tells us that America will win the war with Persia and then break into 4 nations.
Out of 1 of the 4 nations will come the false messiah. Dan. 8: 9.
The false messiah will put America back together again. Rev. 17: 8. The people on the earth will SEE America that was, Is NOT, Yet is.
The false messiah will be crowned KING of America. Dan. 8: 21.
The false messiah will go to Yahweh's LAND and enter the golden gate to the temple mount showing that he is the King of Israel and the King of the Christians. Ezekiel. 44: 1-3.
Yahshua entered the golden gate 2,000 years ago onto the temple mount and presented Himself as the Passover Lamb for inspection. They found no fault in Him.
Then the false messiah will be crowned KING of the world. King of Kings. King of 10 Kings. Rev. 13: 1- 5.
Then will be fulfilled 2 Thes. 2: 3- 4. This scripture is literal. The false messiah will be Satan's literal genetic son.
Rev. 11: 7 tells us that the beast is NOT a human man. The beast is a hybrid human. 2 thirds angel and 1 third human.
Satan's son ruled the earth in the Days of Noah. Satan's son will rule the earth for 42 months before the second coming.
Yahweh does EVERYTHING twice.
My hearts desire is:" Rev. 22: 14. Rev. 21: 1- 4." These scriptures commence at the second coming. rev. 20: 4 and 6. rev. 5: 10. Matt. 5: 5.isa. 2: 3- 4. isa. 11: 6- 9. Isa. 66: 22- 23. Micah 4: 2- 3. These scriptures are fulfilled in the Thousand years.
Zeck. 14 is the second coming.
Zeck. 14: 4- 5. The great valley is the resting place for Yahshua's BRIDE as the home for the SAINTS during his thousand year reign on the earth made new as king of kings and Lord of lords. Rev. 21: 9- 10. Rev. 21: 2. Gal. 4: 26.
Zeck. 14: 9. And Yahweh will be The GREAT KING over all the earth during His Messiah's thousand year reign as king of Kings.
Zeck. 14: 16. the nations are still on the earth AFTER the second coming and will go up to the new Jerusalem to keep the feast of tabernacles for the thousand years.
Matt. 5: 5. The Meek will inherit the earth made NEW commencing at the second coming.
1 Thes. 4: 15- 17. This is the fulfillment of Tabernacles on the earth at the second coming.
2 peter 3: 10- 13. verse 10. The second coming. verses 11 and 12 Yahweh burns the UNIVERSE. Verse 13 Yahweh creates the NEW heavenS and the NEW earth for His Sons thousand year reign on the earth made new as king of kings. Rev. 20: 4 and 6.
Rev. 5: 10. The SAINTS will rule with Yahshua in the NEW Jerusalem on the earth made New commencing at the second coming.
Rev. 2: 26- 28.
Rev. 21: 1- 4. Yahshua brings His BRIDE with Him at His second coming . The tabernacle of Yahweh is with men and they will be His children and Yahweh will be their God. Isa. 66: 22- 23 and Rev. 21: 1- 4 agree perfectly.
Rev. chapters 20, 21 and 22 commence at the second coming and are fulfilled on Judgement day. Rev. 20: 7- 15.
Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a period of time of 24 hours. The Last day of this corruptible creation. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. the LAST day of this corruptible creation.
Gen. 1 : 1. Yahweh created Time, Space and matter. The first day.
Rev. 20: 7- 15. Yahweh will put out of existence this corruptible creation. The Last day.
1 Cor. 2: 9. NOTHING in this corruptible creation is in Yahweh's Everlasting Incorruptible Kingdom.
BEFORE Gen 1: 1. There was the everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh.
AFTER Rev. 20: 7- 15. The Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh will continue.
LOOK not to the things of this world as they will all pass away.
But LOOK for things not seen. FAITH.
May THE Creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come.
Heb. 12: 14.
Bless you
@ You sure are studious of the scriptures and have given me much to try and understand. I know that the beasts are governmental and I do know of the abominations that the Nephillim committed and figured somewhere in the future they would arise again. I thought maybe Rome and the Papacy would play a big part in the end times. So you believe the Bride will already be with Him at His second coming? Are they the 144K the 12k from each tribe. What is it that you think makes one the Bride because I believe they are those that have the faith of Yahushua and keep the commandments. Well the nation of Israel is is going to get decimated for Yah is going to cleanse and sanctify that land before the New Yirusalayim comes down. I do believe that Yahushua’s 2nd coming will be at the blast of the 7 th Trumpet. I have been walking in Torah for some years, back slid became the prodigal, but praise Yah He drew me back into the fold. I am alone in this walk. My husband is not a believer. I study on my own and listen to lots of Torah teachers. There are no fellowship groups in my area and my family and few friends do not want to hear the truth. Where did you get all this understanding of Revelation and how the end plays out? There is lots I need to learn.
Thom? There are 52 weeks in a year... based upon the 7 day week which is NOT flexible.
If you total the number of 'Sabbath' hours you come to 1248 (hours) which leaves 12 hours for the 'LAST NIGHT' before the 'DAY' of the LORD.
This 12 hour period (the 'last night') is also the 1/2 hour of silence in heaven.
The last night - as a part of the Day of the Lord - will be 'silent' as there will be no 'work' done in it, the work being the process wherein there is nothing left to rexoncile as all of the scriotures will have been fulfilled and thus the 'end' will come.
Day is when we follow the law... and thus are led by the 'cloud' and why the voice which spoke of Jesus came from it [cloud].
Conversely, we are also led - or 'baptized' by fire... and this happens at night. This was the purpose of Jesus 'timing'... 70 AD was an 'end time', and the next time will be worldwide.
John preached repentence which is associated with obedience, where as Jesus preached about BOTH truth of promise AND grace for 'sin'.
Thus, as the 'word' Jesus represents the 'law', and as per Paul, the 'power' of the law is 'sin'... so as to point out that what we will not appreciate by following the staff, we will instead be taught and forceably - by the just judgement of the law... which is constant, in a reap as sow, while God reaps ALL fashion.
Still waiting for a phone call.
they will prophesy for the 1260 days not during those days.
Rev 9:15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men......They're all the same, no man knows the hour, but we do know that the last two days of the feast of Trumpets are called the last great day. Two days and they are considered one. And nobody know which of those two days the two witnesses will signt the first sliver of the new moon. Nobody knows which of those two days or at which hour. Then you the days 1,260 day's then the month 42 months and then the year 3 and 1/2 years....its all the same, they the Angels are preparing now.. hahahah TRUST ME ON THAT....PEACE 🕊😇
12 hours of darkness, 12 hours of light= spring equinox = The 12 tribes, like 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness = the 12 Apostles, fall equinox. Remember the Jews seek a sign, is why they looked for the crescent. As told to me, things of the new moon, is of the spirit, things of the full moon is of the flesh.
God is Spirit, and wants to be worshiped in Spirit
The 24 elders are the hours of the day, and the vooks of the original Hebrew Bible - the word, the law. 12 & 12 as are the 12 grandsons of Abram, and the 12 grandsons of Abraham. The 'name' must be considered else the Angel of the Lord was inaccurate in saying 'your only son Isaac'.
The symbolism in the scriptures is very revealing if you keep (1) eye closed. 😉
@@ChrisMusante of course, Jacob= Israel
The new covenant to come
Twelve is God’s number for government. 12 tribes, 12 months, twelve notes in the chromatic music scale…. I could go on and on.