Serbian student protesters march ahead of bridge blockade
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Hundreds of striking students marched through the Serbian countryside Friday as they took their anti-graft protest toward the northern city of Novi Sad, where they intend to blockade three bridges over the River Danube this weekend. (AP video by Eldar Emric; Vojo Stjepanovic; Armin Durgut). Read more:
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All the best for Serbian students in their anti corruption fight. They only want democratick Serbia not coruption.
Upravo tako ❤
@tomasbalca4084 naravno.
To je 1 posto studenata😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@Ilijavukadinovic-ls7ug izvolite gospođo ili gospođice na sajt zavoda za statistiku. Nadam se da ste dovoljno pismeni i obrazovani da na osnovu podataka ukupnog broja studenata i studenata koji su u protestu odredite koliko je to u procentima.
@zoran9021 stoje babi milo to joj se i snilo. N1
Wow. Respect for the young people.
Glasali smo vecinski za ovu vlast I nije u redu sto rade na ulicama .U vašoj državi neka ovo rade da vas vidimo !!!!!????
Kakvi studenti opozicija bi da opet krade a oni koji nerade i nisu na poslu smanjiti platu koliko su radeli tolika plata to vazi za prosfetari
Vau !!!!!! gledaj svoja posla u svoju državu
Young Serbs - you give us hope, make us happy
Why are you out here protesting I don't know my phone told me to come.
Malo sutra ludaci ako nema s nadu sto zivis😂😂😂😂
Gledajte vi v a š u ,omladini i ne šaljete nam primere najgoreg iz vaših izbezumljen ih umova Naša omladina će shvatiti da je i s k o r i š ć e n a za ostvarivanje t u đ i H ciljeva,naša omladina nije glupa ,ipak je većinski s r p s k a iunjima teče krv pradedova....
😂😂😂😂😂 always the most easily manipulated and easily bribed. Let them go to Ukraine to fight for the US when they protest on their behalf
These kids should receive the Nobel prize for peace. ❤
Yes ❤❤❤
They will
they are already candidates for Nobel price
They are getting WAY better prize: The Prizo of Our Serb Ancestors - from Vinca, Starcevo to Balkan's Wars, 1914-18, 1941-45 and 1991...
They are Serbian BRIGHT FUTURE
Those kids are id.ot's!
Support to students (and their teachers, and everyone else who joined these protests) from Germany!!!
Fight for your rights!
Fight for justice!
Fight against such a corrupt, criminal system!
Nisi ñiti bolji od njih ludaci😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
F germany
Студенти су милион светлосних година испред НЕПИСМЕНЕ банде на власти.
Realnost je da su studenti nepismeni
@@ŽeljkoCvetićanin😅😅😅sns banda je nervozna
Da neko može obaviti anketu hodajućih studenata iznenadio bi se da niko od njih nos ne zna obrisati, niko ne zna kako dalje, koga postaviti na vlast. Niko od njih ne zna kako postaviti sistem da ništa ne radiš a da kinta kaplje! Garantujem da su svetski prvaci u skrolovanju telefona i ostalih gadžeta. A rad-šta je to? Čemu to? 😢
Ajde kazi kolika je svetlosna godina ludak😂😂😂😂😂😂
Our students are our proud❤☦️😊🇷🇸
Koriste decu kukavice😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@ Picka ti materina botovska. Da Bog da ti od sad pa doveka lice bilo kao ovi smajlici koje si naredjao, plakao do sudnjega dana bagro prodana.
@@Ilijavukadinovic-ls7ugOpet ti jel si to u smeni bila?
Support to the young, brave students and youth fighting for their freedom! ❤
Kva sloboda vidis da setaju slobodno😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Heroes of Serbia !
Poštovanje za Vaš stav, hrabrost, odlučnost i upornost. A najviše što ste pokazali složnost i ljudskost. ❤DRŽTE ste. Sreća prati hrabre🎉🎉🎉
@@Ilijavukadinovic-ls7ug koliko vas plaćaju da trolujete ološu....
Studenti ssmo napred spasite srbiju molim vas mismo propala drzava
Thank you for covering the probable end of dictatorship in Serbia.
Најчистији, најискренији и најмирнији протести икада ❤️🇷🇸🙏🏻
Zato sto pustamo budale da smejemocirkuzantima😂😂😂
Ponosna sam što sam mama. Preponosna!
Bravo deco!
Jaka si mamica deca treba u skole ane droga mamice😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Izmedju 100.000 i 200.000 ljudi je bilo sinoc u Novom Sadu, zavisno od toga da li se posmatraju na jednom mestu ili po celom gradu.
Kretao sam se celim gradom, i svuda su bile prisutne grupe ljudi koji su se kretali ka mestima okupljanja.
Napravio sam video od par minuta, iz prvog lica, na profilu.
Pogledao video, super je!
Sabskrajbovao sam se
Support is Australije 👏👏👏👏👏👏🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖
Svaka cast!
If you ask any of these people why are there protesting they won't be able to tell you
@@JohnAdams-mu7xdznaju zašto protestvuju
Actually they do know
Bravo 👏
No Nato, No EU, no Rio Tinto digging lithium, no Vucic, no corruption
Heroji ❤❤❤❤
Za drogu😂
@Ilijavukadinovic-ls7ug za pad sns
One of them will soon be the new president
Svaka čast za studente 🇺🇸🇺🇸❤❤
Студенти су неочекивано чудо над чудима. Браво и хвала.
Jesi vala smo nisu smeli da skoce u dunav i da blokiraju da ne tece😂😂😂😂😂😂
Restoring my fate in mankind!!
Студенти наше национално благо! Thank you AP for you your effort.
Buduci diplomirani iditi
@Ilijavukadinovic-ls7ug 🥪🐀
Podrška za mladost i lepotu Srbije!
Da se otera u istoriju radikalska rulja iz prošlog veka i da nama svane sloboda.
Živeli studenti Srbije❤❤❤❤❤
Organizers of these incredible protests: Please be smarter! Have some signs and some interviews in English. It will be much easier to get international media coverage and international support if viewers around the world can better understand what's going on. When the world watches protests in France, Pakistan, Palestine, Brazil--wherever-many signs are in English. In these noble protests I see only signs in Cirilica, which no one around the world can understand. I know these protesters are intelligent--why don't they understand this basic concept???
Also, other nations besides Serbia do use and understand Cyrillic 😊 (just, again, not Western ones).
This kind of ethnocentric thinking is what happens when you are led to believe that the West is the center of the world. You are not alone though, and it happens all around the world. As someone who has travelled to large and small countries where not a word of English is spoken or written in their cities, it's interesting to realize there are whole worlds of people out there who aren't intensely (or at all) aware of what's going on in places like the US, Canada, or Western European countries... And they think their ways are best too, without knowing or understanding much about us.
All to say, I challenge you to shed the kind of thinking that led you to look down at protestors in a country you don't even seem to be too familiar with. Approach with curiosity and humility in the future. Student of the world and all that 🙌
I think they understand basic concept:
Nobody will help them, but themselves.
What they can expect from you is flavored semantics, which changes end result by 0%.
So, your sign understanding-or lack of it-does not affect protests outcome.
Please share and support. They are our light and saviors. And they are nominated for Nobel prize, fighting against crime and corruption♥
@@kanadanka you are wrong. Besides, do you expect help and coverage from the russians and bulgarians? And no, i do not live in a western country, i am your northern neighbor and i DO NOT understand what ia written in those signs. A wrongfully understood pride can make the difference between global awareness and a " meh, another russian country in trouble". Just sayin'
Deca Naša, i Ravnica,Suncem obasjana,....--Vidi Bog....
EU bureaucrats, officials and politicians still turning they heads on protest, still keeping they mouths shut, still ignoring what happening in Serbia, openly taking Vucics side, openly supporting one of the last autocrats and dictators in Europe. Disgrace and shame on you!!!
😂😂😂 EU bureaucrats are corrpted too... Do not expect help from them. They are the same like Aleksandar Vučić.
He work for them.
@@RioTintoGoAwayFromDrinaRiver Znam, brt, ovo je upućeno strancima, nek vide i nek pročitaju, možda do nekoga i dopre, nadam se.
We see more images of Putin, Z suits and russian flags at the demos than EU flags. Why should EU officials be concerned about those demos?
Serbia doesn't want to be part of Nato and EU
We don't need them to interfere
We don't care about Eu and Nato.
These young people, these heroes walking the streets relentlessly, each and every day... They are our best and brightest. ❤❤ AP, thank you for your honest reporting and for your continued coverage.
To su vecinom drorirasi neradnici😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Живели студенти.
Finally somebody walks in Europe, not many but anyway ...
Dalmazie is Italy❤
Vojvodina and Sandjak are the two youngest European independent states
@@novopanovo Dalmacija i Istria je Italija.
Vojvodina i Sandžak dvije najnovije europske nezavisne države
AP is alive!!! I thought you have died.
Di questa Serbia si può essere solo orgogliosi.
Ovo je Srbija.
Nije to Srbija to je mulj Srbije😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Questa e la peggiore delle Serbie.
Students are LIGHT ☀️😊🤗❤️❤️❤️ Love, Faith and Hope 🌸🌺🌸🍀❤️🤗🤗❤️❤️🤗
Dobro ljudi, ali svi znamo da režim nema namjeru da odstupi. Sve ovo je bez političkog vodstva u zemlji u kojoj je faktički uništena opozicija. Priča o mirnim studentima izgleda romantičarski, ali kako će to izgledati ukoliko se krene preuzimanje vlasti i ko će tu preuzeti odgovornost... Sve ovo može poslužiti da se građani probude i da se vremenom napravi neka značajnija promjena.
Vlast će preuzeti oni koje narod bude hteo jednog dana. Studenti neće. Niti će studenti da upadaju u institucije. Njihovo je da pokažu masovnošću i kulturom da se može, da nas ima više i da nismo sami. Kao i da je trenutna opozicija bemislena, nepostojeća, nesposobna. Ako u Srbiji ne može da se stvori neka iole sposobna politička ekipa da iskoristi ovo sada pokazano i očigledno masovno nezadovoljstvo naroda, pa onda SNS i treba da ostane na vlasti. Protesti su tu da pokažu koliko nas ima i kakvu podršku imamo. Politika je već odgovornost nekog drugog, ne mogu studenti baš sve da rade, niti treba sve da rade.
Ako ne može, ako nema ko? Pa vidi, motaj kablove, gasi svetlo, pa da se razilazimo k'o ljudi. Jer ako ovu energiju i nezadovoljstvo, koja je najveća od petog okrobra, neko ne iskoristi uspešno - SNS APSOLUTNO treba da vlada narednih 100 godina jer ovaj narod bolje ne zaslužuje i bolje i nema.
Thanks AP!
Amazing to see today's youth fighting for their future and not fleeing to another country to escape corruption and crime in their own country. Respect !
Bore se da dobiju drogu bez novca😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@Ilijavukadinovic-ls7ugЈеди паризер идијоте.
Rusite sve pred sobom samo napred
Sahovnicu na celo idiote
👍👍👍💙💙💙EU , Brüssel ?????
Brisel se po obicaju pravi mrtav i pusta da nas ovaj unisti.
♥ Legends!
Niste. Pravili. Necete. Rusiti. Podrska. Vucicu. Zivela. Srbija. ....oni. koji. Nevole. Srbiju. Neka. Se. Izgube.....
It's been a while, Western media! Where've you been? 😊
Why such concerned about Western media coverage? You use to prefer Sputnik and Russia Today.
@alejandrosotomartin9720 Excuse me, have we met before? What do you think you know about my preferences? 🙂
jebale te zapadne medije
@@nedajtesepasjimsinovima Yours? The one of the huge majority of Serbians. Demanding attention from the West while demanding help to Russia.
water though rare day mints quiet jaunt
bravo. 😅
Tak také studia, neka placu pare za energii, za své, za sto se platí, kad tako studuju.
Context anyone?
Corrupt government
Link in the description has an article explaining their protest.
Ovo ti je brale 0,00001posto Srbije.js bi ovo sve u zatvor
Jesi sendvič i začepi
Ne komentarišite zbivanja u Srbiju nije u redu da omladina studenti izlaze na ulicama . Zivio Vucic koji je vecinski regularno izabran od nas naroda.
😅Idiote placas najskuplju struju u Evropi!U Sloveniji struja 40eura a nama racun za decembar 500eura..Gde ti je mozak bre?!
If this was in Russia it will never let this happen
Па, није ни у Стби дозвољено. Али, ваљда знаш шта је правда и слобода?
Једи паризер идијоте.
...на Дунав
Idemo na Mars! Idemo na Mars!
is Serbia
Why protested???
Because the goverment is beyond corupt. A primitive criminal organization.
Ne prvavi se blesav botino snsovska
They are bored of government. They want to back Bible rules, and start follow Christ again.
@dragonraopen2604 Ne seri...
@dragonraopen2604 you are bored of life
If so, I support Soros…But if every action ascribed to Soros was actually funded by him, he’d have more money than has ever existed…How about all the far right billionaires? There are many more of them.
A bit of Soros, yes
😯Samo toliko malo jado! pa što lažete više sami sebe😂😂😂😂
Ovo je ne vezano za marsiranje studenata do NSa, ali sto na svakom protestu ima po neka stara crnogorska zastava? Pa nije ni cudo sto je Milo pokrao Crnu Goru i pretvorio je u Montenegro...
Ima mnogo razlicitih zastava u smislu geografske pripadnosti studenata,bilo je i tribalskih - koji se vezuju za Karadjordja i prvi ustanak,bile su zastave gvozdenog puka,sad razumem i da se zastava koju pominjes koristi jer neko ima poreklo odatle :)
Ako su im zahtjevi ispunjeni.sta sad hoce? Rusiti vlast? 😢
Nisu ispunjeni .Zašto je predvidjena ugovorena cena iznosila 3,5 miliona evra prerasla u 16 miliona? To je javni objekat, znači od novca svih gradjana. Ko je sklapao i potpisivao ugovore? Zašto nije uradjena finansijska forenzika? Zašto se posao sklapao sa kineskim firmama ( bez tendera)? Ko su bili ti fantomski podizvodjači radova? Zašto niko od funkcionera nije priznao krivicu? To se pita i majka tragično preminulog mladića Stefana Hrka. Pošto je u pitanju objekat od javnog značaja izgradjen od novca tih istih gradjana ( pa i porodica žrtava), gradjani još nisu dobili odgovore. Porodicama žrtava i gradjanima se duguju odgovori. Možda je Vama svejedno i što je 15 života ugašeno, ne znam.
Zahtevi nisu ispunjeni.
Samo setajte....Alo ,vlast u Srbiji samo IZBORI gradana ,Nista na silu ,IZBORI
Једи паризер идијоте.
Нема више смрдљивих снс Ђилас ботова! Хвала Богу. Готови су сви.
Ja želim da ovo prestane ili da znam šta će se desiti sa fakultetima. Ova neizvesnost me iznervirava i zašto ako su prostesti moramo da svi stanemo umesto da ispoštujemo i nastavimo dalje
@Username92381 Иди у вражију матер. Будалчино.
Prvo zatvor, onda izbori
Another May 68 in the making. Beware!
Maybe you should go protest also because your kosova is poorest in Europe. But if you like it enjoy it.
You can not eat Kosovo (the land of a blackbird in Serbian = Kos = Blackbird). Anyways, you must fight for a better life now that you have your own country.
Kosovo is Serbia
Is Serbia ❤
Vucic is the most moderate in Serbia. These demonstrators didn´t prove to be better than him.
Једи паризер идијоте.
Готов си паризеру.
А јест их пунооо хахаха
Једи паризер идијоте.
The Fourth Balkan war ?
No,This is against corrupt government in Serbia
And Anti states govetnrnt
maybe there will be a civil war because, on one side, you have the youth who see the government as corrupt, and on the other, the elderly who see the government as a figure like Tito. I'm not saying who's right or wrong here because life goes on
People like to complain
About government corruption. Yeah. Go figure. Wanting a democratic government instead of a corrupt one that preys on old petty nationalistic complaints, holding the country back from progress.
How dare they! Lol
Yeah, especially when innocent kids die because of corruption.
Доста више цигане неписмени.
AV forever
Forever In preason? Yes, yes!
@@RioTintoGoAwayFromDrinaRiver Provjeri kako se piše zatvor na engleskom da ne ispadaš seljak
Gde si Amigo ????? Lutas po selima !!!!!! Za Beograd , Za Beograd !!!!!!!! pa do Novog Sada !!!!!
Bajkeri ce tebe srediti !!!!!
4 milona maraka vodje protesta su dobili od zapada
Ovo su samo ovčice od vodja, koji su dobili keš da naprednu SR.ruše
❤❤❤kosovo is Serbia
Idu ovce a i čobani 😂😂😂😂😂😂hahahaahahahaha
Студенти су неочекивано чудо над чудима. Браво и хвала.