My principle for every woman to engage for life time commitment, the man ought to have three must qualities: He must be a God fearing and knowing person; he must be educated; he must have a sustainable income generating job. As a father, I told my daughter these qualifications in order to be accepted by me. Moreover, I never expect any relationship before my daughter gets at least a bachelor degree for me to even consider talking about that topic. In my view, there is no YEBRET MEZGIA BAL. (She must be free from any dependency on her husband)
ሰላም ወንድሜ ጨዋውና በስነምግባር የተሞላህው ወንድሜ ሰላምህን ያብዛልህ ❤❤❤❤❤
ቤተሰቡ ይህንን ቻናል እንደግፍ በጨዋነት የተሞላ ነውና በርታልን ወንድማችን
ሁሌ እንዲህ ቀልድ ጣል አድርግ 😂😂እናመሰግናለን❤❤
ተዝናንተናል 😂😂አውታር
ዛሬ እንደኔ በጣም ደክሞት የተፋታታ በ like ቴኪው አዉታር😂
The painter is just amusing !!!!!! 👍👍👍👍
ፍቅርሲዝም አለህ
enkuwan bedehna metahe anbesawe
አገልጋይ ወይስ ተገልጋይ 😂
The poet is just amusing !!!!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
አይይዶኪሌ ነብስህን በአፀደ ገነት ያኑረው ስራህ ከመቃብር በላይ ይኖራል😂😂😂
Egzeabher yestek betam naw feta yarekegn 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ፍቅርሲዝም ተመቸኝ😅😅😅
My principle for every woman to engage for life time commitment, the man ought to have three must qualities: He must be a God fearing and knowing person; he must be educated; he must have a sustainable income generating job. As a father, I told my daughter these qualifications in order to be accepted by me. Moreover, I never expect any relationship before my daughter gets at least a bachelor degree for me to even consider talking about that topic. In my view, there is no YEBRET MEZGIA BAL. (She must be free from any dependency on her husband)
ለምን አትጋቺውም እዴትነው ሴቶች መስመር የለቀቃችሁት ለመሆኑ ባል የለሽም ልጅ የለሽም ሁሉንም ተይው ለወለዱሽ እናትሽ ስትይ በሶሻል ሚዲያ ራስሽን አታዋርጂ ሴት ልጅ ክቡርናት እናት; ሀገር; እህት; ሚስትናትና ክብሯን ማንነቷል መጠበቅ አለባት።
Ante eradu tidebiralek koda
sidibu min bet new jezbawa
Beselam new ?????
የመልክቱ አድራሻ እና ማንነት የማን እንደሆነ አይታወቅም መልሰነዋል ተቀበሉ 🤣