Is this the best Charlotte Build? CQ Tier List Review feat.

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 103

  • @floris1111
    @floris1111 7 месяцев назад +105

    Can't wait for 87 minutes of Benny discussion

    • @aBlackMage
      @aBlackMage 7 месяцев назад +10

      Still not enough, we need a 9-hour video essay on him

  • @Scepti
    @Scepti 7 месяцев назад +90

    To put Benny's Strength stat issues into some perspective, because I think it's kinda hard to see how bad it really is by just looking at him in a vaccum, Benny has 7 personal strengthat level 15
    The following units have 7 personal base strength: Beruka, Selena, and Peri
    You might notice, all of these units join at level 10 instead of level 15 and before Benny does
    Not only that, Beruka and Selena are frequently criticized for their low strength despite having the same strength as an armor knight who's 5 levels higher than them
    Leo, a literal mage, has 6 base personal strength
    In fact Mages are the only units who Benny can beat in terms of strength
    If you want a list of the personal strength of every unit in CQ at level 15 internal assuming only leveled in the base class ignoring the strength base of that class, because Knight's very high stats are the only thing making Benny look tolerable, it looks something like:
    Effie - 12.2
    Camilla - 12
    Charlotte - 11.75
    Keaton - 11
    Silas - 10.4
    Azura - 10.4
    Peri - 10.25
    Arthur - 10.2
    Beruka - 9.7
    Jakob - 9.6
    Odin - 9.5
    Mozu - 9.4
    Selena - 9.25
    Niles - 9.15
    Kaze - 8.7
    Benny - 7
    Felicia - 3.8
    Elise - 2.5
    Nyx - 1.9
    Benny just flat out has the worst strength relative to his base level of any physical unit in the game, and all the units even remotely close to him (Kaze, Niles, Selena, Mozu) are all units who are notable for their incredible speed, and they're still looking better than him even without that
    and to make matters worse because if being the literal bottom of the barrel wasn't bad enough, many of the units above him come with skills that augment damage, Selena has Strong Riposte, Beruka has Str+2, Kaze can friendship for something like Elbow Room even if that's not usually worth it, Mozu has easy access to Quick Draw, Jakob's usually known for his ability to pick up damage stacking skills from reclass
    Benny meanwhile only has 1 damage boosting skill in his entire skill learnset and it's Axefaire at promoted level 15, and he has 0 options for friends to augment his class set to find any other damage boosting skills
    Getting Benny to double is a comedy joke, but it's a common joke because it's somehow frequently the best way to get him to kill stuff because his offense is so pathetically bad he's pretty much the only unit in Fates who struggles to OHKO enemies with the right amount of stacking and setup
    Ohh and just to laugh at Benny further, here at Beruka's 15/1 Averages as a Wyvern Lord rounding up at .5:
    HP 28 | Str 18 | Mag 1 | Skl 22 | Spd 13 | Lck 14 | Def 21 | Res 10 | Mov 8
    Here are Benny's stats if instantly reclassed to Wyvern Lord
    HP 31 | Str 15 | Mag 0 | Skl 19 | Spd 9 | Lck 12 | Def 21 | Res 10 | Mov 8
    That's right, aside from 3 HP she is better in literally every way
    Beruka, the unit who people comment on as extremely well balanced because her poor stats are made up for by her amazing class, has purely better stats in every area compared to Benny, an armor knight
    tl;dr Benny's strength is pathetic to a degree that is almost comical
    Benny can still trivialize about 90% of CQ with almost no difficulty because this game is silly like that

    • @samkeiser9776
      @samkeiser9776 7 месяцев назад +24

      There’s something fitting about benny having a strength stat that looks ok but is actually very underwhelming.

    • @klodpraisor
      @klodpraisor 7 месяцев назад +33

      Argument: benny is weak
      Evidence: benny is bad
      Conclusion: benny trivialize the game
      Hotel: you are the ocean’s gray wave

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill 7 месяцев назад +1

      For me the sad thing is that 15/1 General Benny has worse HP and the same base Defense as Xander, who joins shortly afterwards. While Benny will have Defense +2, Xander has Siegfried and his personal skill, effectively making him more defensive than Benny, whose whole role is to be the defensive character.

    • @Leirsa
      @Leirsa 7 месяцев назад +1

      It's unreliable, but if I wanted to get Benny to kill things, I'd give him Luna from Great Knight for extra help, which is also in his class line

    • @skywing217
      @skywing217 3 месяца назад

      just some food for thought but Benny technically has better defense than Beruka beacause of Def +2 and natural cover that's +5 def and that's actually kind of a big deal so stats aren't everything also he can get armored blow which makes his def even better when initiating. To me Benny is good more because of his class of armor knight/ Great knight not so much because of his stats although he should theoretically become the unit with the most defense in the entire game which can be relevant even if enemies ignore him there are uses for a unit that takes no physical damage. I for one used him to make the ninja chapter a joke by choke-pointing the map and feeding all kills to whoever i wanted because all the enemy could do was stare at Benny's forehead until it was their turn to die and Benny gaining 4 levels just from chip exp because of it. Unit's who gain that much exp just by hitting things aren't exactly a norm so that makes him easier to use and kind of worth it to me by itself.

  • @mvjbass9561
    @mvjbass9561 7 месяцев назад +21

    I'm grateful that Flora's entire discussion wasn't just "you can capture a generic maid with capped weapon ranks" like a lot of other Fates tier lists.
    She's far from a great unit, but I disagree with her usual label as the only worthless unit in Conquest.

  • @bigzonks4393
    @bigzonks4393 7 месяцев назад +59

    As a Benny fan I wish he was a good enough unit to be worth discussing for 90 minutes.

    • @lolmetaknight
      @lolmetaknight 7 месяцев назад +7

      Imo he's a pretty good unit, his personal skill is good against dodgy enemies, his low speed isn't a problem once he get the wary fighter skill, his secondary class has also gives him good skills.

    • @jorgechi4627
      @jorgechi4627 7 месяцев назад +3

      I'm using him on my current lunatic run and I have grown to love him as a unit and character. His supports with beruka are supper cute and he gets access to the wyvern classes. Also, he took 0 damage on ninja hell, allowing for a 200 turn grindfest on the starting location.

    • @skywing217
      @skywing217 3 месяца назад

      @@jorgechi4627 ^This i used Benny mainly just for the defense and then quickly realized on papaer he doesn't seem great but in practice the dude is insanely useful in what you use him for. The ninja map became a joke for me and just an easy map to give levels to my archer's Effie and Arthur as well as my samurai Odin. And those 3 went on to become Legendary units because Benny gave them the opportunity to level insanely fast on ninja map into some cracked out units.

  • @mapleit7076
    @mapleit7076 7 месяцев назад +50

    Flora heals an aching soul.

    • @Blaze-nm1uh
      @Blaze-nm1uh 7 месяцев назад +7

      you have given me a fucking trauma response holy shit.

    • @littleguystar
      @littleguystar 7 месяцев назад +4

      “Come out come out…”

  • @ZetoTarken
    @ZetoTarken 7 месяцев назад +12

    I think Izana should be above Flora if only because Rally Magic is much harder to get compared to an Entrap user. Forrest and Dwyer are naturally decent Entrap users and will also usually be more accurate than Flora to boot. Other Rally Magic users, on the other hand, are only accessible through Corrin's selected class and, due to quirks with inheritance, a Nyx mothered Nina. Now maybe you want Shrine Maiden Corrin like a certain relay run but usually it's quite difficult to get a different Rally Magic user on team Nohr.

  • @brunaolinto560
    @brunaolinto560 7 месяцев назад +9

    Another comment because I’m SO HAPPY the two of you will discuss Gen II. They’re SUCH FUN TO TRAIN! Making a Gen II only run has really made me appreciate some of the inheritance shenanigans going on with them. I’m so so so so so happy I can’t wait for those videos (because I know for sure it’s going to be at least 2, most likely 3 videos lol)

  • @SniperYanda
    @SniperYanda 7 месяцев назад +9

    I think one thing that's being slept on for Shura is if you go Adventurer -> Mechanist -> Adventurer after Lv15, you have an Adventurer with Replicate, Pass, Move+1, Rescue Staff access, and pretty good stats to boot. He has a strong start, continues on with being great against fliers, ninjas, mages, golems/puppets with move+1 pair up bonuses and great chip/survivability, and ends on an incredibly useful and unique niche by being two Pass/Rescue users in one unit deployment slot. All for 2 heart seals across the entire game, can do those heart seals almost anytime, no supports needed, no weapon rank grinding required, no stat boosters needed, just works out the box.
    Also, if you compare him side-by-side with Selena even as Bow Knights, Shura comes out on top in stats. At 15/5 for her and base for Shura, she matches him on Spd/Def and is behind in every single other stat, then at 20 promoted on both she still matches Spd, is +5 on Def, but Shura is +2 HP, +4 Str, +1 Mag, +7 Skl, +2 Lck, +6 Res over her. Plus all the easy access to his other class skills.

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill 7 месяцев назад +1

      Shura's bases are REALLY good. I usually find myself getting the Boots, but it's nice to have a unit that doesn't need large amounts of stat manipulation. I suppose the Killer Bow and Mend staff are fairly good items to obtain too.

  • @VrikoLaka
    @VrikoLaka 7 месяцев назад +12

    About Benny:
    He is sadly so... underwhelming. In Rev he is actually really alright in Hard. Never a top tier unit, but he pulled his own weight sometimes, without ever reclassing outside of General.
    But if you wanna make him good, he is... funny.
    Give him Flight (probably Marrying beruka or F!Corrin), give a Partner seal, and pivot him into Malig Knight for skills. Grab Wary Fighter (so his speed is not an issue, and he becomes REALLY tanky), Savage Blow, and have an actually really funny unit with area chip damage AND giving +hit to all of your other units, while having a LOT of movement. Good? Nope. Funny? Yea.
    It's sad actually, Benny is my second favorite unit just behind Beruka because he is ADORABLE... But maaan he is not that great... :(

  • @bo0ots427
    @bo0ots427 7 месяцев назад +1

    All the conquest vids have gotten me excited to try it again. Haven't played it since launch, so I'm looking forward to picking it up again.

  • @elji-w3k
    @elji-w3k 7 месяцев назад +7

    I’d like to propose two more targets that are very handy to use Entrap on: the Merchant and Paladin bosses in invasions 2 and 3 respectively.
    By using the Nestrian castle layout, and putting impassable buildings or even movement lowering ones (Nohrian Glade and Ore Mine), you can seal off the lower entry point of My Castle, which is only accessed by grounded units, giving you the perfect opportunity to Entrap the boss and kill them, thereby stopping reinforcements and making the invasion maps way easier.
    The Merchant’s more complicated for this, since B staves by ch18 is not very feasible, but you can wait until immediately after that map to recruit Flora, and for Invasion 3 it’s much of the same.
    I don’t think she should rise since able to Entrap two important threats in grinding maps isn’t huge, but it’s something only she can do with no investment whatsoever, and it does make things quite easier on you (even better is that they are both turn 1 strats, so you can just reset if she misses provided it isn’t an Iron Man).

  • @brunaolinto560
    @brunaolinto560 7 месяцев назад +5

    Putting Shura below Mozu is the kind of take that feels wild when first analysed, but the more thought you put into it, the more it makes sense. In CQ, Shura lacks his insane Rev bases and the exclusivity of high Speed bow user. In this game, the likes of Niles, Mozu and Bow Knight!Selena can replicate everything he does in his base class with supports and just as good stats. The stats can actually be higher since Shura’s growths are on the lower side.
    Supports are, to me, the biggest reason why none of the Corrinsexuals* hold up past a couple of chapters after their recruitment. Supports mean better Pair Up bonuses, better adjacent bonuses on Attack Stance and access to new classes, which can make many units skyrocket. The likes of Izana and Shura don’t really have that, so they’re very limited to what they got.
    Lucky for Shura he has Ninja for 1-2 range with bases that hold up well enough, but that are easily outclassed by Kaze and Ninja!Silas.
    *Gunter is the exception because of his combo of personal skill + pair up bonuses giving Corrin a great edge in combat. Still shouldn’t be given that much credit because Corrin could probably pick other pair up partners and still one round the enemies that need to be ORKO’d.

  • @MrEntinen
    @MrEntinen 7 месяцев назад +19

    God dammit, now I want to make a Dark Knight Benny just to easily move around a -30 avoid blob.

    • @xanderismellow
      @xanderismellow 7 месяцев назад

      -30 to adjacent units. But yeah, that sounds really funny. Tack on savage blow, and wary fighter because no way he'll double anyway and that should be some good damage.

    • @MrEntinen
      @MrEntinen 7 месяцев назад

      I don't think you can have Savage Blow and Hearthseeker in the same build? For damage I guess you could just run Vengeance.

    • @xanderismellow
      @xanderismellow 7 месяцев назад

      @MrEntinen you right. I thought he had a friendship with Leo for some reason

    • @AudreyII970
      @AudreyII970 7 месяцев назад +4

      Nah dude, Sorceror with Wary Fighter so he can Nostank lol. His Strength sucks anyway, might as well get some free healing in!

    • @MrEntinen
      @MrEntinen 7 месяцев назад

      I know were in full meme territory but I think I'd still go for the 15/60 physical stats of dark knight Benny versus 9/25 sorcerer lol
      Like fuck it, just slap Sol in there and call it a day XD

  • @moomanchu608
    @moomanchu608 7 месяцев назад +22

    Your editor loves xenoblade music. It IS the best ;)

    • @Mekkkah
      @Mekkkah  7 месяцев назад +23

      hey thats me

  • @ivanbluecool
    @ivanbluecool 7 месяцев назад +37

    Love Charlotte so much.

    • @mihaimercenarul7467
      @mihaimercenarul7467 7 месяцев назад


    • @Ethan-nl2wg
      @Ethan-nl2wg 7 месяцев назад


    • @theghostcreator776
      @theghostcreator776 7 месяцев назад +12

      ​@@Ethan-nl2wgthat guy's been borderline stalking this commenter to harass them

    • @altreon3608
      @altreon3608 7 месяцев назад


    • @nodot17
      @nodot17 7 месяцев назад +6

      Charlotte loves your money
      now I ain't saying she's a golddigga,
      but she ain't messin no broke ninjas

  • @krows-love
    @krows-love 7 месяцев назад +3

    Charlottes bulk is literally fine for chapter 17, this is literally a chapter where elise can juggernaut enemy groups, charlottes defenses arent even that bad either, due to her high hp and wyvern class defense base she is actually decent at enemy phasing groups of enemies and also can do some wacky shenanigans on 24 for ep and can also do the hammer ohko strat in chapter 26 with axebreaker + trample.

  • @OkMakuTree
    @OkMakuTree 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for showing Flora some respect, I feel like people always downplay her strengths and overemphasize her weaknesses. Once you crunch the numbers it's a lot easier to appreciate what she brings to the table. Love this series! :)

  • @nodot17
    @nodot17 7 месяцев назад +9

    what if shura, izana, and flora came with a level 1/10 skill from one of their second seal options.
    so flora with heartseaker or malefic aura and such.

  • @CarbonMalite
    @CarbonMalite 7 месяцев назад +5

    I really love Shura. If Niles grows well, Shura becomes boots. If Niles doesn't work out, you get a really solid unit.

    • @Mekkkah
      @Mekkkah  7 месяцев назад +6

      tbh after all this I think I'd try early promo Selena over Shura next time (but that's partially because I've already used Shura)

  • @Starwars-Fanboy
    @Starwars-Fanboy 7 месяцев назад +18

    I think the big issue with Shura is that hes a replacement unit in a game that isnt designed around not reseting. Conquest requires perfect or near perfect play compared to the rest of the series. Unless youre playing an ironman or got rng screwed on your units, shura doesnt get the opportunity to be a replacement unit and shine. Its a shame because when shura does get a spot on the team he can perfom about as good as Kaze or your other bow combat units.

    • @zorgling25
      @zorgling25 7 месяцев назад +18

      I think the place where Shura is most useful is on blind or first-time playthroughs. Many of the niches that other units supercede him in require specific kinds of investment or preparation (e.g. promoting by a certain time to start training weapon ranks, building supports to access certain classes, etc.), and someone who is playing the game for the first time might not be aware of all of these things.
      For example, Mekkah and Zoran talk about how his role of 1-rounding Master Ninjas in the Ninja Cave can be replicated by Selena or Mozu--but it is not guaranteed that a blind player would know about the Ninja Cave and prepare a unit for this role. They might have promoted Selena to Hero or not trained Mozu. The fact that Shura is a unit that does it at base means that he's a crutch that new players can rely on for situations like this, and can be used in scenarios where players distributed their resources suboptimally because they didn't know the game well enough yet. Once someone is more familiar with Conquest and no longer needs this sort of thing, they can take the Boots instead.

  • @thegamewoods8473
    @thegamewoods8473 7 месяцев назад +9

    It speaks to the power of pair up that the Jagen that joins halfway through the game with god awful growth rates is anything higher than literal worst in the game.

  • @naiRISE766
    @naiRISE766 7 месяцев назад +9

    I like using Keaton. I also don't hack the castle resources in so his personal is appreciated. Though it procs like once in a year.

  • @drew_gon1617
    @drew_gon1617 7 месяцев назад +2

    33:47 dang, it’s unfortunate how you guys didn’t talk about his personal skill Collector, I feel most of the discussion you guys had for him was around his class & as a backpack in it, with only small mentions of him as a unit outside of it, I can understand if you haven’t used him, but you can get 1-2 others into the Wolfskin class, & during Zoran’s Hinoka clear from a while back, “it’s better to have your backpack be an actually built unit themselves, so you effectively double their HP”, so while I don’t fully disagree with his placement, I do wanna make a comment about him to add to this discussion, if that’s no problem! comments are good for the system XD
    Now Keaton might not be an Azura, but he does grant something unique that you might want to go for if you’re playing solo (we never did get a resource DLC)
    His personal skill, Collector, grants a luck % chance to give 3 resources (path dependent, so no pearls or peaches on conquest) at the end of each turn for the first 7 turns. This skill cannot trigger if he’s a backpack. This is a way to get lot of resources that you might only be able to obtain through Castle drops
    He is someone that you will have to work a little harder for to get online & functioning sure, but I say give him some stat boosters, favorite him a bit, yeah a lot of characters want a skill book, but Keaton wants that Goddess Icon, & if you want something that gets online “fast”, I’ve got two ideas for you:
    1) A+ Laslow & train his bow rank asap, Anna’s Bow is a B ranked Castle drop, which grants +5 luck when equipped, if you can’t get it, his 40% Luck growth (Bow knight gives +10%) & luck base does mean you’re decently more likely to get resources
    2) Azura S rank & speed into Falcon knight for the 50% total luck growth, you’ll get 2 Wolfskins to take his place as a backpack, & a flying staff user if you wanna do rescue shenanigans. Kinshi knight is also a great option, it only makes a total 45% luck growth, but it’s still a solid class with access to B rank bows as well
    (Secret 3rd option: Keaton wants to get into Lodestar asap, 55% growth, doubled luck bases, highest luck cap in the game at 40 (Anna’s bow+ Kinshi only hits 39) no S or A+ needed, everyone else wants to go in & get out, Keaton wants to Stay in it!! At least that’s my thoughts~)
    I do like the idea of Keaton being a rally unit since it would allow him to goof off for the first 7 turns without needing to fight & still supporting the army~ plus I believe conquest does get a castle drop staff that grants Luck when used but idr lol
    another interesting note, because of his personal, he’s someone who appreciates +luck backpacks like Kinshi knight, the Troubadour line, Basara, etc. so not only does he not wanna be a backpack, he wants someone to be his backpack! & if you’ve been using somebody like Hytaka, then you have a perfect partner for Keaton as a Basara, who else will have a support with him at his join chapter? Keaton won’t need more supports than him for a good second I’d say!
    In general, Keaton is B rank, he can do things others can’t, in both base class & as a luck unit, but I agree that getting him online is a little tougher, & might not be as beneficial as training up someone such as Arthur or Effie, as well as his “best class” imo being locked behind S rank/Dlc, & his favorite Bow is both a castle drop & High ranked. Still, this discussion should be mentioned, since you can have other wolfskins, yes you can’t capture more (which is a crime imo), but Valouria & possibly Shigure give more than enough for useful backpacks for their classes alone, Keaton is the Wolfskin who can do more!
    Thank you for reading if you made it this far!! I’m genuinely enjoying this video & this series~ i’m just an avid Luck build Keaton man & I like to talk about this whenever I can~ again thank you and hope you have a great day~~

  • @LoudWaffle
    @LoudWaffle 7 месяцев назад +9

    Understandable to give Benny the whole hour and a half, he's an extremely complex unit with way too many build options.

  • @jonathanlgill
    @jonathanlgill 7 месяцев назад +1

    I agree that Selena is Xander's best partner (even if you're looking exclusively for a pairup bot). Bow Knight and Falcon Knight give useful stats that Xander probably needs more than berserker's excessive strength; Strong Riposte can make up the strength difference anyways (and in the scenarios where it doesn't, just deploy Charlotte for those specific instances). Hero + Bow Knight are excellent classes for Xander to have access to (Laslow gives these as well, but it's convenient to consolidate your support targets into one unit who provides everything he needs).
    Edit: On the Flora segment, the move to attack Hayato requires 9 movement from a flier. A master ninja like Kaze is helpful because the movement bonus he provides gets any promoted flier to that benchmark. But Flora's Maid pairup won't. Because of that, I don't think she can really replicate what a strong master ninja can do there. I suppose you could delay it to a later turn, I guess. I've not tried that, so I'm not sure how the enemy flier movement would be impacted.
    Really excited to hear the children discussions. I think it's viable to tier them, and I'll add my own thoughts to those.

    • @papita69xxx
      @papita69xxx 7 месяцев назад +1

      Another thing you can do to get that extra square is use swap or shove from a capturable unit which both capturable bosses in the main story of this game have access to and of course generics also work.
      I've always done Xander x Charlotte because i found myself needing the extra oomph on more than one occasion but you are right probably. I wanted to do Peri though but the extra bulk at tje beggining made it so enemies didn't want to attack Xander. Giving Peri Wyvern seemed tempting though

  • @israel120298
    @israel120298 7 месяцев назад +6

    Sol maid charlotte 10\10 fun rating

  • @OnceandFutureSoph
    @OnceandFutureSoph 7 месяцев назад +7

    Is there anything to be said for giving Kana Shura's Mov+1? I'm really reaching for utility but it's not something many other marriage partners can provide.

    • @nodot17
      @nodot17 7 месяцев назад

      niles could do it quicker since he joins much earlier and is pretty much guaranteed to hit lvl 10 thanks to chapter 10 pegasus.
      technically nyx could as well but... why

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill 7 месяцев назад +2

      Male Corrin can't friendship seal with Niles (because Niles is one of the few same-sex S support options), meaning that Shura is the only way Male Corrin can access Outlaw through Friendship.

    • @nodot17
      @nodot17 7 месяцев назад

      @@jonathanlgill sure but you could always just outlaw talent and friendship/partner seal into the actual class you want since theres no shortage on wyvern or sorcerer or ninja or whatever to mooch off of. Assuming you don't want a hoshidan class

  • @jonathanlgill
    @jonathanlgill 7 месяцев назад

    Love the Valak Mountain Xenoblade music.

  • @Volk.Matrinex
    @Volk.Matrinex 7 месяцев назад +3

    Funny how this Sunday was a day for two tier lists for Mekkah. It will have to be bit by bit lol

  • @kingbeerz7978
    @kingbeerz7978 7 месяцев назад

    Random staff idea. I would have loved it, if you had no one die through the game, if you then used Bifrost on the final map, it’d let you revive Ryoma or something for an alternate ending. It’s kind of a silly idea, but it could be a neat secret.

  • @baltemys6097
    @baltemys6097 7 месяцев назад

    Hooooolyyyy an hour of Benny discussion

  • @SergioSanchez-rj8fo
    @SergioSanchez-rj8fo 7 месяцев назад +4

    I really don't know how to play ninja hell in lunatic without saizo being killed without Benny, its esential in that map

    • @cartooncritic7045
      @cartooncritic7045 7 месяцев назад +5

      You can pretty easily get Saizo locked into a couple of rooms on Ch17 where no enemies can fight him and he can't move anywhere afterward. Benny isn't strictly necessary for this tech, but he can still help out a lot for sure.

    • @OkMakuTree
      @OkMakuTree 7 месяцев назад +3

      Saizo's default pathing will take him into the treasure room where he an be trapped. So as long as you efficiently clean up the enemies in the starting area it's not too hard to get him safely tucked away to protect the speedwing

  • @AudreyII970
    @AudreyII970 7 месяцев назад

    I appreciate the doom metal vibes for the Charlotte section, feels on brand for her lol 14:06
    It does make me wonder, she and Peri are both frail units with Maid as their easiest access for 1-2 range: which one does it better? I'm guessing Charlotte just for the easy Sol access and the free HP+5 providing some semblance of bulk, but idk.

    • @papita69xxx
      @papita69xxx 7 месяцев назад +1

      I was pondering about this about the stats and all and i realized with Peri it would take marriage + friendship since she doesn't have any of the classes on her set. Charlotte can get there with just a heart seal so yeah Charlotte would be the better choice and also Peri's res is the only defensive stat that ain't absolutely terrible

  • @aclashoffireandice4084
    @aclashoffireandice4084 7 месяцев назад

    Is Anna going to be on this list? The Three Houses DLC characters were covered, right?

  • @dutczar5436
    @dutczar5436 6 месяцев назад

    I just finished CQ Hard for the first time and the staff rank issues really are terrible. My Elise was mostly healing through the whole game (Felicia reclassed to and stuck with Master Ninja for Replicate, Adventurer Niles was probably the 2nd staff user, and Falcon Knight Selena was the third but she was mostly Leo's backpack) and by the final chapter she was halfway through B. I couldn't use Fortify even though I wanted it as an option, I had to use an Arms Scroll with all the money I had lying around. Couldn't use Bifrost at all, though nobody died even on Endgame.

    • @GIR177
      @GIR177 5 месяцев назад +1

      The Bïfrost is terrible and mainly just sold for money and you will never need to buy and use Fortify pretty much ever. You have multiple opportunities to capture generic maids that have S-rank staves in Ch18 and Ch26, so it's not that big a deal if you really do want an extremely good staff bot.

  • @SvanEsch123
    @SvanEsch123 7 месяцев назад +1

    Charlotte stan till I die I always use her but I am starting to run out of ideas lmao, I once used her as an Onmyoji in a Rev run and she never ONCE gained a magic level💀 I gave her a few stat boosters but she literally had 12 magic at endgame lmao, her crit was insane tho so I could still reliably get her to kill

    • @GIR177
      @GIR177 5 месяцев назад

      This is so cursed. I love using her too

  • @matiastorres2553
    @matiastorres2553 7 месяцев назад +3

    i always feel benny is soo underated, i always play ironman and he may save u a lot of times, his insane def makes amazing to hold enemys and when promoted he has access to wary fighter

  • @FereldenKrogan
    @FereldenKrogan 7 месяцев назад +1

    Can't you get dark falcon and dread fighter simply by having the game ? Why not consider those classes ?

    • @Docaccino
      @Docaccino 7 месяцев назад +2

      Those classes completely uproot the balance of the game so most unit discussions and tier lists don't account for them. Dark flier and other DLC classes are essentially promoted classes that don't cost a master seal and retain unpromoted EXP gain, which lets any unit in such a class snowball extremely quickly. Basically, whoever you give one of those DLC seals to is gonna become your best or second best unit, which is pretty boring for the sake of discussion.

  • @supasid6591
    @supasid6591 7 месяцев назад +2

    Anyone got a list of all the songs in the vid? Not a xeno fan but this music is fire

  • @lucassilvateixeira3730
    @lucassilvateixeira3730 7 месяцев назад

    I might have missed you guys talking about it but will you also make reviews for Birthright and Revelations?

    • @Awesublime
      @Awesublime 7 месяцев назад

      I doubt it, I don’t think either have nearly as much experience in BR or Rev as Conquest. I think other fates RUclipsrs that have more interest in those games would be able to rate them better.

    • @Mekkkah
      @Mekkkah  7 месяцев назад +1

      I can't speak for Zoran but I know he's much more familiar with CQ than the other two games. I'm down to learn about the other games from people willing to tell me in this format of course! But it'll be a bit since I don't want to focus only on Fates for an extended period of time.

    • @lucassilvateixeira3730
      @lucassilvateixeira3730 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Mekkkah I see. Thank you very much for answering me and making such great content.

    • @sully_betic
      @sully_betic 7 месяцев назад

      @@lucassilvateixeira3730 If you are interested in Birthright, you can check out Bad at Life's video discussions on BR units. He does seperate videos for each unit dicussing potetnial builds and how viable they can be overall. They are worth watching imo!

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill 7 месяцев назад +2

      The channel "Bad At Life" has an ongoing Birthright unit review series right now. It's very in-depth.

  • @t.b.cont.
    @t.b.cont. 7 месяцев назад +1

    Music list?

  • @maniacallyhappy
    @maniacallyhappy 7 месяцев назад +1

    Aw yeah, no weeks long dry spell! Let's go!

  • @W0nston
    @W0nston 7 месяцев назад

    We must add boots to the tierlist as we are assuming everyone is recruited, your words not mine

  • @kirbymastah
    @kirbymastah 7 месяцев назад +1

    Flora - she misses her 77% displayed hit freeze animation four times in a row despite getting rally skill'd

  • @swiftbuizel
    @swiftbuizel 7 месяцев назад +8

    Shura below Mozu is an insane take Im not here for it at all 💀

    • @cartooncritic7045
      @cartooncritic7045 7 месяцев назад +9

      I'm a Shura apologist but I would also put Shura below Mozu.

  • @alemfi
    @alemfi 7 месяцев назад

    Editor mekkah truly based

  • @mintx1720
    @mintx1720 7 месяцев назад +2

    How on earth is Charlotte this close to Effie when Effie joins 1/3 of the game earlier

    • @cartooncritic7045
      @cartooncritic7045 7 месяцев назад +10

      +8 Strength and +5 Speed on S-rank Pair-Up is one hell of a drug for male physical units.
      Though if I had it my way Effie would be higher up on the list, but I'll admit I'm biased since Zerker Effie was the Takumi killer of my Lunatic Full Recruitment run.

    • @Andromeda7747
      @Andromeda7747 7 месяцев назад

      Effie does not like her base class and her reclass is really bad for her (until promotion at least) so she needs marraige/ friendship to get into a class where she can really do work. There's nothing really good for an armour knight to be doing in chapters 7-12 other than being a pretty good pair up bot. Charlotte joins in a really good class for her and immediately is a fantastic portable stack back pack. Basically effie doesn't tend to do that much in the 5 chapters before Charlotte joins and Charlotte does more when she does join

    • @mintx1720
      @mintx1720 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@Andromeda7747 To be fair she could be married to Arthur and be a Zerker at this point. The tier list is pretty lenient towards resources since Selena and Silas are so high up there.

  • @chavothemouse6687
    @chavothemouse6687 7 месяцев назад


  • @Keon994
    @Keon994 7 месяцев назад +11

    I strongly disagree with your Effie placement, I think she should be much higher, but everything else looks great.

    • @Starwars-Fanboy
      @Starwars-Fanboy 7 месяцев назад +3

      I'm not a big fan of Effie, but I agree. She should atleast be above Beruka and Laslow.

    • @mvjbass9561
      @mvjbass9561 7 месяцев назад +4

      Agree, she's looking a little low imo. I really don't think Beruka contributes more to a run than her.

    • @cartooncritic7045
      @cartooncritic7045 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@mvjbass9561 Beruka starts in a flying class in a game where flight is extremely nice to have in the mid- and late-game. A low-investment Beruka can be a ferry for Kaze or give Wyvern Rider to a better unit through marriage while providing nice percentage-based chip and/or Rally support.
      I love using Effie for her insane Strength but she absolutely needs some Speed growths and to ditch the Knight class tree ASAP if she’s going to be truly great.

    • @Keon994
      @Keon994 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@cartooncritic7045 Effie doesn't need speed she has Wary Fighter. Also you can 1 shot most things with a silver lance. She can also tank everything and retaliate with a javelin. Effie is really good to use the adjacent attack system with due to her lack of ability to double.

    • @michaelvisosky743
      @michaelvisosky743 Месяц назад

      ​@@Keon994Effie both needs speed and has it. Her base in Knight is low, but her growth is something like 50% in Knight - not spectacular, but above average. A Speed pair up plus Inspiring Song can easily push her over doubling thresholds. Wary Fighter seriously hurts her, because even in General, most enemies would be unable to double her, and she has the potential to double many enemies.
      General is also pretty bad for her. Archer Effie goes hard, but honestly I think she performs just fine in Great Knight.
      This has been a Don't Give Effie Wary Fighter PSA.

  • @isaivilchis5921
    @isaivilchis5921 6 месяцев назад

    😅😅l😊😊the 😊