FoEhints: (December 1st, 2023) Winter Event 2023 in Forge of Empires

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 57

  • @FoEhints
    @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +7

    This is the first comment pinned belo the video with
    - Script
    - Rush Quests
    - Daily Quests
    - Daily Specials

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +3

      FoEhints: (December 1st, 2023) Winter Event 2023 in Forge of Empires
      The Winter Event 2023 starts on December 1st, 2023. It is the last and longest event of the year and follows the familiar pattern of previous years.
      As usual, we collect winter stars again. We have 20 immediately at the start of the event. You will receive a further 10 stars each time you log in.
      As usual, the event's quest series is divided into 38 Rush Quests, which can be tackled immediately, plus a further 32 Daily Quests, one of which is added to the Rush Quests each day. The first 38 quests are rewarded with 10 Winter Stars each. After that, there are 30 Winter Stars per quest. As always, I write the tasks in the first comment pinned below the video.
      The milestone for the 21st quest and the 54th quest reward us with 50 and 150 Winter Stars respectively.
      You can also get Winter Stars from the incidents in and around the city.
      The winter stars are then used to open presents. When opening the gifts, you can sometimes get more winter stars. If you open the gift with the shuffle symbol, you will receive a completely new set of gifts. With each gift, you immediately receive a small prize, with one of the gifts containing the daily special. These daily specials are quite something. They also include kits for the Grand Prizes from previous years. All daily specials as they were on the beta server can also be found in this first comment pinned below the video.
      Sometimes one of the packages contains an advent calendar key. The first key found on a day opens the door of the current day in the Advent calendar. Each additional key found on the same day provides a piece of a master key and 10 stars. 5 pieces of the master key then allow you to open a door that you have missed.
      Each opened door of the Advent calendar contains an instant prize.
      The Advent calendar in the winter event cannot be completed without using diamonds. Even completing all 31 Daily Challenges, each of which yields a piece of the Master Key, is not enough to complete the calendar, even with a lot of luck. That's why I recommend that players without diamonds simply take the few doors that can be opened along the way. Gifts are unwrapped when the Daily Special is attractive. Incidentally, this Daily Special can be exchanged for a different one once every day.
      Each gift you open brings you one or two steps closer to another Grand Prize. As usual, every second Grand Prize is an upgrade kit for the main prize of the event.
      This year's main prize is the Winter Wonderland Pyramid. This is an event building that can initially be upgraded to level 10 with upgrade kits. The 11th upgrade requires a special silver upgrade kit and results in the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid. This special upgrade kit is assembled from fragments produced by the level 10 version of the building.
      The Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid in turn produces fragments for a Golden Upgrade Kit. With this, the pyramid can then become Majestic.
      With the Winter Stars from the quest line and the milestones, you can open enough gifts to get more upgrade kits than required. This will reliably get you the Grand Prize at level 10 and then it's only a matter of time before this building is upgraded to the Great Pyramid and then the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid.
      The Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid then produces up to 48 goods of the current age, up to 19 Forge points, up to 12 military units, as well as high bonuses for the attack values of both the attacking and defending armies.
      In addition, there is an extra attack bonus in favor of the attacking army for guild battles and in favor of the defending army for guild expedition level 5.
      Finally, we should briefly mention the elf workshop. This is not a gift, but an offer to buy. With each Daily Special, you can choose one of two items. However, you only get this item if you pay 2,995 diamonds for it.
      Compared to what Innogames usually charges for in-game purchases, the offer is quite attractive at this price. However, as this deal can only be made with diamonds, it will not be possible for all players. And to be honest, you can get by without this extra prize and save yourself the 30 euros.
      Once again, we will all be able to enjoy a variety of small and large prizes. It's going to be another really good event.

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +5

      Rush Quests
      Quest 1:
      Gather (1,020 - 1,920,000) coins
      Quest 2:
      Spend (5 - 22) Forge Points
      Quest 3:
      Defeat this small army OR Solve this simple negotiation and Gather (400 - 880,000) supplies
      Quest 4:
      Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age and Pay (1,400 - 1,680,000) supplies
      Quest 5:
      In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (2 - 13) times and Make people enthusiastic
      Quest 6:
      Recruit 4 units from your age OR Recruit 5 units from the previous age and Pay (1,400 - 1,680,000) supplies
      Quest 7:
      Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age and Gather (1,100 - 1,760,000) coins
      Quest 8:
      Gather (20 - 260) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (30 - 270) goods to the guild treasury and Spend (12 - 54) Forge Points
      Quest 9:
      Finish an 8-hour production (2 - 13) times in a production building
      Quest 10:
      Donate (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury OR Solve this simple negotiation and Finish a 4-hour production (2 - 10) times in a production building
      Quest 11:
      Acquire (1 - 2) Sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production (2 - 13) times in a production building and Gather (800 - 1,650,000) supplies
      Quest 12:
      Win (2 - 9) battles OR Spend (24 - 108) Forge Points and Pay (4,000 - 7,034,400) coins
      Quest 13:
      Build 2 culture buildings from your age OR Build 3 culture buildings from the previous age and Gain (30 - 21,000) Total Population
      Quest 14:
      Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation and Pay (12 - 54) Forge Points
      Quest 15:
      Gather (24 - 312) goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury and Pay (2,200 - 3,868,900) coins
      Quest 16:
      Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army and Buy 5 Forge Points
      Quest 17:
      Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Win (2 - 5) battles without losing
      Quest 18:
      Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age and Pay (1,700 - 2,016,000) supplies
      Quest 19:
      Contribute (24 - 108) Forge Points to Great Buildings OR Solve this complex negotiation and Gain (230 - 40,000) happiness
      Quest 20:
      Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Defeat (10 - 50) units and Gather (1,000 - 2,200,000) supplies
      Quest 21:
      Build 7 decorations and Finish a 1-hour production (2 - 14) times in a production building
      Quest 22:
      Collect 5 incidents OR Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age and Pay (2,400 - 4,220,600) coins
      Quest 23:
      Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win (2 - 9) battles and Gather (500 - 1,100,000) supplies
      Quest 24:
      Solve this moderate negotiation OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions and In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (3 - 20) times
      Quest 25:
      In a production building, finish a 4-hour-production (2 - 13) times OR Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building and Gather (1,000 - 1,600,000) coins
      Quest 26:
      Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age and Buy 5 Forge Points
      Quest 27:
      Gather (24 - 312) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury
      Quest 28:
      Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors and Pay (2,100 - 2,520,000) supplies
      Quest 29:
      Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation and In a production building, finish a 5-minute production (3 - 21) times
      Quest 30:
      Collect 3 incidents OR Contribute (30 - 135) Forge Points to Great Buildings and Gather (1,000 - 1,600,000) coins
      Quest 31:
      Donate (20 - 180) goods to the guild treasury OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production (2 - 13) times and Spend (16 - 70) Forge Points
      Quest 32:
      Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Defeat (10 - 50) units and Pay (2,400 - 4,220,600) coins
      Quest 33:
      Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather (1,000 - 2,200,000) supplies
      Quest 34:
      Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation and In a production building, finish a 1-hour production (2 - 16) times
      Quest 35:
      Gather (20 - 260) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (20 - 180) goods to the guild treasury and Spend (14 - 65) Forge Points
      Quest 36:
      Defeat (15 - 75) units OR Solve this complex negotiation
      Quest 37:
      Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Win (2 - 8) battles without losing and Pay (2,100 - 2,520,000) supplies
      Quest 38:
      Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production (2 - 13) times and Spend (10 - 43) Forge Points

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +4

      Daily Quests
      Quest 39 - 1st December:
      Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age and Gather (1,000 - 2,200,000) supplies
      Quest 40 - 2nd December:
      Recruit 5 units OR Gather (42 - 546) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading and Gather (1,000 - 1,600,000) coins
      Quest 41 - 3rd December:
      Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation
      Quest 42 - 4th December:
      Gather (24 - 312) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury and Pay (2,200 - 3,868,900) coins
      Quest 43 - 5th December:
      Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 18 productions in production buildings from the previous age and Spend (24 - 108) Forge Points
      Quest 44 - 6th December:
      Win (3 - 8) battles without losing OR Gain (460 - 80,000) happiness
      Quest 45 - 7th December:
      Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Solve this moderate negotiation and In a production building, finish a 5-minute production (3 - 20) times
      Quest 46 - 8th December:
      Collect 3 incidents OR Motivate or polish 20 buildings of other players and Pay (2,100 - 2,520,000) supplies
      Quest 47 - 9th December:
      Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army
      Quest 48 - 10th December:
      Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Build 4 residential buildings from the previous age and In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (3 - 20) times
      Quest 49 - 11th December:
      Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation and Buy 5 Forge Points
      Quest 50 - 12th December:
      Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 12 productions in production buildings from the previous age and Gather (20 - 260) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
      Quest 51 - 13th December:
      Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age and Gain (230 - 40,000) happiness
      Quest 52 - 14th December:
      Defeat this medium sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation and Spend (18 - 81) Forge Points
      Quest 53 - 15th December:
      Gather (38 - 494) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (50 - 470) goods to the guild treasury
      Quest 54 - 16th December:
      Spend 450 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (4 - 23) times and Gather (1,000 - 1,600,000) coins
      Quest 55 - 17th December:
      Defeat (15 - 75) units OR Solve this complex negotiation and Spend (10 - 43) Forge Points
      Quest 56 - 18th December:
      Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 14 productions in production buildings from the previous age and Gather (2,000 - 3,200,000) coins
      Quest 57 - 19th December:
      Defeat this small army OR Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building and Pay (6,000 - 10,551,600) Coins
      Quest 58 - 20th December:
      Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather (30 - 390) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading and Finish each production option once
      Quest 59 - 21st December:
      Win (2 - 9) battles OR Solve this moderate negotiation and Spend (16 - 76) Forge Points
      Quest 60 - 22nd December:
      Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Build 3 residential buildings from your age and Buy 4 Forge Points
      Quest 61 - 23rd December:
      Collect 4 incidents OR Visit 15 Friends Taverns and Pay (1,700 - 2,016,000) supplies
      Quest 62 - 24th December:
      Gather (36 - 468) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury and Spend (12 - 54) Forge Points
      Quest 63 - 25th December:
      Defeat this medium sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
      Quest 64 - 26th December:
      Solve 7 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Acquire (2 - 4) sectors
      Quest 65 - 27th December:
      Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army and Gather (2,000 - 3,200,000) coins
      Quest 66 - 28th December:
      Win (3 - 14) battles OR Gather (50 - 650) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
      Quest 67 - 29th December:
      Spend 600 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 3 sectors and Gain (60 - 42,000) Total Population
      Quest 68 - 30th December:
      Build 2 culture buildings from your age OR Build 4 culture buildings from the previous age and Gather (1,500 - 2,400,000) coins
      Quest 69 - 31st December:
      Gather (50 - 650) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate (40 - 360) goods to the guild treasury and Finish a 1-hour production (4 - 26) times
      Quest 70 - 1st January:
      Win (2 - 5) battles without losing OR Acquire 2 sectors without fighting and Spend (12 - 54) Forge Points

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +5

      Daily Specials
      Day 1 Chocolatery Selection Kit
      Day 2 Winter Canal Selection Kit
      Day 3 500 Previous Age Goods
      Day 4 Winter Bakery Selection Kit
      Day 5 300% Defense for Attacking Army Boost
      Day 6 Winter Spire Selection Kit
      Day 7 Epic Winter 2023 Selection Kit
      Day 8 250 Guild Goods
      Day 9
      Day 10 One Up Kit
      Day 11 Tarot Card Caravans Selection Kit
      Day 12 Sunflower Oil Press Selection Kit
      Day 13 250 Goods
      Day 14 Windmill Farm Selection Kit
      Day 15 Athlon Abbey Selection Kit
      Day 16 Finish Special Productions
      Day 17 Heroes Tavern Selection Kit
      Day 18
      Day 19 Governor's Villa Selection Kit
      Day 20 500 Guild Goods
      Day 21 Golden Crops Selection Kit
      Day 22 Harvest Farm Selection Kit
      Day 23 Renovation Kit
      Day 24 Fiore Village Selection Kit
      Day 25 Vineyard Estate Selection Kit
      Day 26 125 Next Age Goods
      Day 27 Olympic Treasury Selection Kit
      Day 28 Mountain Reserve Selection Kit
      Day 29 Epic Spring Selection Kit
      Day 30 Epic Historical Questlines Selection Kit
      Day 31
      Day 32
      Day 33 1000 Guild Treasury Goods
      Most information on this page taken from

    • @DarkWaters2009
      @DarkWaters2009 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@FoEhints thank you 🙂

  • @MoM2.0
    @MoM2.0 10 месяцев назад +20

    I was getting worried we weren’t going to get a video for this event. Thank you so much for helping us!!

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +6

      yes, I'm so late this time because the event is still running on beta.
      It is my goal to always finish the event on beta before I publish the video.

    • @cody-wn2ic
      @cody-wn2ic 10 месяцев назад

      Yes you are a little late but you beat Mooningcat and Uber14. But as for the elves prizes why?!?!?!? And the fragments for the upgrades? Where were those for the laboratory prize? Inno got me like😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡. But many thanks for your video.

    • @zek451
      @zek451 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@cody-wn2ic the trio of FoE content creators that keep us all fed

    • @bestestusernam.
      @bestestusernam. 10 месяцев назад +1

      Right, I was checking in everyday last week😅

  • @tails183
    @tails183 10 месяцев назад +8

    Holy crap, finally an event that isn't idiotically complicated.

    • @hatsunemiku5586
      @hatsunemiku5586 10 месяцев назад

      Imagine creating another board game just to be a minigame that will last 20 days

    • @sebastianmartinsson8243
      @sebastianmartinsson8243 10 месяцев назад +4

      Yay, a braindead event with no skill whatsoever, were you can finish all the boring and repetetive quests in an hour and then just sit and wait. Oh the joy

  • @Pickhandle
    @Pickhandle 9 месяцев назад +1

    I have a city in Bronze Age - only started it last week - and I already have a level 10 Pyramid producing 10 troops a day. And as you rightyl point out, no need to bother further: it produces 3 fragments each day which means in 60 days I will have the ultimate pyramid. In Bronze Age!

  • @greatozgreatoz5641
    @greatozgreatoz5641 10 месяцев назад +2

    I am glad they keeping it easy un like most of the events this year.

  • @eliahabib5111
    @eliahabib5111 10 месяцев назад +2

    The video is about 6 minutes with a shown total length of about 9.
    Like previous years the prizes in the boxes aren't very valuable.
    But this year the calendar rewards are much more valuable! But not all boards contain a key!
    A small error: you get one of the reward for 3k diamonds added to the list when you find one of the special 'gifts' (shuffle, double and show two) NOT when you find the daily special like said in the video.

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +2

      yes, sorry, my fault
      I wanted to use some exclamation marks in the video and while editing there were moved behind the end of the video. So it became longer than it was supposed to be.

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад +2

      Apparently on Beta the Calendar daily rewards included some prizes like a Nutcracker Guardian (L1) or the upgrade, or up to 45 forge points. Not bad at all. If you can collect fragments for "master keys", save them until near the end of the event, when we will have better information about which days of the Calendar have the best rewards.

  • @DanFox-p9m
    @DanFox-p9m 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks! 4x4 nice....where to put it 🤔
    The exclamation marks were worth waiting for 🤣

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад

      sorry, a mistake I made when editing the video

  • @ONE_GEN_X
    @ONE_GEN_X 10 месяцев назад +2

    After a few minutes of playing today I knew the calendar was going to be impossible without diamonds

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      It's still not 100% clear to me yet if diamonds (or how many) will be necessary to complete the Calendar. I'm waiting for MooingCat's guide on this issue.
      Keep in mind that Inno have increased the amount of key fragments that you get from Daily Challenges. On average, you will get 0.46 keys per day, so completing 31 Daily Challenges gives you a bit more than 14 keys. That means that you only need to find 18 keys in the minigame. It MIGHT be possible for free, although I'm expecting it will be more likely to need maybe 1000-ish diamonds to complete the last few days.
      Also note that if you try going for the Calendar, you will very likely end up about 40 progress shy of the Golden upgrade for the Chocolatery on the Grand Prize track, and also almost definitely finish in the Bronze rather than Silver league - unless you spend even more diamonds on Stars for extra progress of course. So there are some serious tradeoffs in choosing for either Calendar completion or just maximum progress/free play.
      If you DO decide to risk trying to complete the calendar, for the first two weeks of the event don't play the minigame unless you have at least 250 Stars AND you see a key listed in the prizes (before you shuffle). No key shown? Then shuffle but wait until reset the next day to check again. In the second half of the event, you should have enough stars to try play through the minigame daily until you get a key, regardless of if there is a key in the first set of prizes or not. You need 18 keys in total from the minigame. Good luck!

  • @sourfeet4676
    @sourfeet4676 9 месяцев назад

    Is the calendar prizes random?

  • @henrytopham9681
    @henrytopham9681 10 месяцев назад +2

    diamonds needed for the calendar:-( it's hard enough to get all the keys. Most underwhelming event prize for some time , merry xmas INNO.

  • @fabiodias7406
    @fabiodias7406 10 месяцев назад

    I already have all the daily specials, dammm

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      Nothing wrong with having a few more Mountain Reserves in your city - or maybe some Nutcracker Guardhouses?

  • @chrisgrandpre6063
    @chrisgrandpre6063 10 месяцев назад +1

    I guess the tips and tricks don't get there.

  • @guyganon7152
    @guyganon7152 10 месяцев назад

    This one seems similar to the pirate event.

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      Yes, the Summer 2023 (Pirate) event used to be completely different, but this year they changed the mechanics to be similar to the Winter event. Some of this year's Winter event mechanics have also changed to be similar to the Summer event implementation, rather than the same as last year's Winter event.

  • @dyingmaisy
    @dyingmaisy 9 месяцев назад

    If this game wasn't rigged from the beginning it would be fun. If you needed to only purchase a bit, it would be doable. Each calendar day SHOULD contain a key to at least give you a chance. Not providing one is a poor choice.

  • @hatsunemiku5586
    @hatsunemiku5586 10 месяцев назад

    Is there any good plan to have everything prepared for rush quests? I would like to complete them fast, prepare production building for supply production and would also like to manage my tavern a bit or prepare my army (currently EMA). What is the best tactic to prepare as much things as this is possible? There would also be a problem with army because I would need to wait for Alcatraz production or event buildings that give random units. Can I skip it by gathering prizes from guild expedition or guild battlegrounds? I would like to get much better at this game mainly from events and faily quests. I'm also in the group of people who are tested in the polish server L (pl11) and I have major changes mainly in technology tree. The technlogies cost much less but thing like antique dealer, new pvp are moved to the later ages, the changes end in the colonial age. Could you explain or make a video about the tactic for this players? I'm in early middle ages and the antique dealer is in the high middle ages but I still want to level up my great buildings and have a strong army in my era. I still don't know if I should rush to colonial or just accept this unlucky situation

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад

      The best preparation for an event:
      Make sure you can collect the city’s daily production when you start to work on the questline. Use collecting the production to complete the first quests immediately

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад +1

      For new players, try to build up a stockpile of spare coins, supplies, forge point packets, and goods in between events, so that you can easily spend a lot rushing through the initial quests. Also don't advance into a new technology era just before an event starts, as you will be asked to build buildings and units of your new era, which are more expensive (and you might not have researched them yet?).
      Next, make sure that you have at least two supply production buildings of your current era (special event buildings like the L1 Cider Mill or Jumpin' Pumpkin are great for this in later eras), and build a bunch of 2x2 Blacksmiths. There are usually a lot of "complete several xHour supply productions" quests.
      Keep a part of your city empty where you can easily build new buildings (and then delete them) as needed for quests that require that.
      For quests that require you to gather supplies or coins or population, you can rush through these by building items and then deleting them. It's not efficient, but it's fast. If you have some houses or cultural or supply buildings in inventory from a previous event, these can be useful to place and then delete. (For population, build and delete Goods buildings in lower eras, or military buildings in higher eras.)
      For quests that require "gathering goods", setup a "loop trade" or "Circular trade" (various names for the same thing), where you have two trades of goods type A and B: A for B and also B for A. (Make sure that they are goods from the same era, in the same amount, and I recommend setting them to "guild only".) Then link the trades on a message to your guildmates and hope that someone else takes both trades for you.
      For quests that require donating goods into treasury, you can do this if you have spare goods, or rely on collecting from a Statue of Honor or similar building from Guild Battlegrounds. It's worth having a few of these in your city. Great Buildings that generate guild goods do NOT count for quests like this.
      For quests that require gaining happiness, you can either build (and delete as needed) the 2x2 Memorial Stone Age decorations for smaller amounts, or in later eras, keep an event building in inventory that gives a lot of happiness (e.g. Graveyard, Winter Bakery, Golden Crops, Pirate Boathouse etc.). You can place a high-happiness event building into your city, and it will complete in 5 seconds (if connected to a road). Then use a "store building" kit to put it back in inventory (and remember to "lock" it again).
      Yes, building up your tavern and friends list in advance is very important for completing questlines (and daily challenges). Have a look through the quests list in advance (pinned comment 1) to see if there are any quests to visit friends taverns, or collect tavern silver, or activate boosts in the tavern, and adjust your usual schedule a bit if needed.
      It's a good idea in general to make a copy of the quests list, and save it to your PC (if playing on browser). That will help you prepare for various tasks in advance, assuming there are not too many changes between Beta and the real event.

    • @hatsunemiku5586
      @hatsunemiku5586 10 месяцев назад

      @davidbarry6900 I'm not a new player. I just returned to this game after 4 years with new account and previous knowledge, I had a great start because of good guild and my situation is stable. Now I'm able to produce around 130fp daily (including automatic every hour production) and have about 3500 honey and I have 11 honey buildings from EMA and I use it for exchange with everything. I have 3 production buildings of my era, 8 blacksmiths for quests and great building some of them are lvl 10 already. I also have many good buildings like halloween event main building, 2x terrace farms lvl 2, some buuldings that produce random military units and 2 rogue hideouts. I have 2 wishing wells in my inventory but I don't want to use them because chance for diamonds is very low and I have little space in my city caused by the terrace farms which need a lot of space and population. If population problem would be solved I could destroy 20 2x2 population buildings. I have no problem with happiness, because of event buildings and traz. The biggest issues are lack of space and population. I would also like to know if there is any way to give a computer the task to create city in better way so I have less roads and more space for temporary buildings

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      @@hatsunemiku5586It sounds like you are doing fine. Lack of space is ALWAYS a problem in this game. You might eventually need to delete your Terrace Farms and Alcatraz to help make more space. They are not necessary these days, if you get other buildings that provide units, and there are more efficient ways to get forge points (e.g. the Monsterwares' Boutique from Halloween event).
      Population is a TEMPORARY issue. Within a few more events you will have event buildings like the Governor's Villa or Fiore Village (or many others) that give lots of happiness and population (plus other benefits). (Reminder to use One-up or Renovation kits to update them as you advance eras).
      No, there is no computerized solution to figure out optimal city layouts. The "tetris" aspect is an intentional component of the game, where you need to readjust your city occasionally over time as you gain space and new buildings. You might want to look at the FoEHelper addon for PC browsers, which has a feature where you can upload your city to try work on an online version (user account required). But you're still doing the same thing that you would with pen and paper.

  • @francesconati75
    @francesconati75 10 месяцев назад +1

    Riassunto in italiano:
    L'evento invernale del 2023 in Forge of Empires inizia l'1 dicembre 2023 ed è l'evento più lungo, nonché l'ultimo, dell'anno. Si basa sul consueto schema degli anni precedenti e richiede la raccolta di Stelle Invernali. Le missioni dell'evento sono divise in 38 missioni Rapide e 32 missioni giornaliere, con ricompense in Stelle Invernali che aumentano man mano. Le Stelle possono essere ottenute anche da avvenimenti in città e vengono usate per aprire regali, offrendo specialità quotidiane che includono oggetti speciali e chiavi per il Calendario dell'avvento. Se si cerca di completare il calendario senza diamanti, non è garantito riuscirci. Il premio principale dell'evento è la Piramide del Villaggio Invernale, potenziabile tramite kit di aggiornamento. Questa piramide offre benefici significativi, inclusi beni dell'età attuale, punti Forge e unità militari. Il Laboratorio degli Elfi è un'offerta di premi extra ottenibili vincendo le specialità giornaliere, questi premi degli elfi sono acquistabili con diamanti ma non sono essenziali per il completamento dell'evento.
    Elenco missioni nel primo commento fissato sotto il video.

  • @pirolf
    @pirolf 10 месяцев назад

    the vidéo end at 6'20, after its black

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад

      yes, sorry, my fault
      I wanted to use some exclamation marks in the video and while editing there were moved behind the end of the video. So it became longer than it was supposed to be.

    • @rojodiver3344
      @rojodiver3344 10 месяцев назад

      Congratulations! You are our first viewer to notice our bonus 3 minutes of material. You have won a free, all-expenses paid trip for 2 to Grödersby to participate in their annual Sherlock Holmes impersonator Festival in June of 2028. Please contact our admins to claim your prize.

  • @Karin-ec4co
    @Karin-ec4co 9 месяцев назад


  • @paulwilson2651
    @paulwilson2651 10 месяцев назад +2

    Sadly FOE is dying from power creep.

    • @casuallyenjoy5077
      @casuallyenjoy5077 10 месяцев назад

      ditto - Inno will definitely face this problem in FoE

    • @rojodiver3344
      @rojodiver3344 10 месяцев назад +1

      I think power creep is helping. No one could ever hope to get close to the whales of the game or getting to the final Ages if they just started this year. Now it's more likely if they play lots. And for the whales, they just replace buildings that are becoming superseded. It's much more exciting....although I guess not for anyone that wanted to not engage with the game and just sit on their 10 year old city full of Sentinel Outposts and Winners Plazas.

    • @MultiPets.
      @MultiPets. 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@rojodiver3344 Let's be honest here, these power creep buildings are a way to motivate the low attention span players and give them the chance to use their money to skip ahead in the game. Problem is that they have crossed the line with it and it's starting to make major gameplay elements like Great Buildings for example obsolete. Basically not a good thing in long term, rather short term profits for them.

  • @spardasquadspqr3535
    @spardasquadspqr3535 10 месяцев назад

    Compared to halloween this rewards are trash. I managed to build 8 new iron age cities and, get 2k goods each in all of them from 3 ages, bunch of fp and then lv up zeus and oracle to lv8. Here i see that inno pulled another garbage sliwdown, called 2 lights instead of 3 for grand price. ...
    Ehh winter event was always trash but i dont think that ill participate in this waste of time

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад +1

      The Winter Wonderland Pyramid is good and very easy to get to max level for free - totally worth it even if you don't have much time to play; it's an easy event with not much thinking necessary.
      If you login daily and save your stars to spend on only one or two days, you can get around 20 daily specials (plus or minus a few). This is easily enough to get a L11 Chocolatery, with a good chance of getting the Golden upgrade (requires 460 progress) for free. Alternatively, you can go for the Governor's Villa, Heroes Tavern, Sunflower OilPress, Mountain Reserve, Olympic Treasury, or Nutcracker Guardhouse, all of which are quite good (depending on how you play your city).

  • @GregMartinson-v1e
    @GregMartinson-v1e 10 месяцев назад

    I seem to remember that it only gives 1 or 2 matches. Is that correct?

    • @FoETipps
      @FoETipps 10 месяцев назад


    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      Correct, but you get twice as many stars this year as in last year's event, so it still works out better for players this year (more prizes, more grand prize progress for free).

  • @MichaelHurdle-m7u
    @MichaelHurdle-m7u 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks very much for this very informative video. I appreciate the work you do👍😀. I see that you refer to Fandom as a source of information and, looking there I see that the Grand Prizes list hasn’t been updated. Do you know where this list could be sourced ?

    • @FoEhints
      @FoEhints  10 месяцев назад +1

      Grand Prizes:
      free Winter Wonderland Pyramid Level 1
      20 50 FP
      40 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      60 200 Goods
      80 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      100 finish special prod.
      120 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      140 one up kit
      160 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      180 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Level 1
      200 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      220 50 fragments silver upgradekit
      240 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      260 portrait Jasper
      280 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      300 50 fragments silver upgradekit
      320 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      340 50 fragments golden upgradekit
      360 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      380 50 fragments silver upgradekit
      400 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      420 50 fragments golden upgradekit
      440 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgradekit
      460 Chocolaterie Golden Selection Kit
      On Beta I got the Grand Prizes above the dashes.

    • @MichaelHurdle-m7u
      @MichaelHurdle-m7u 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@FoEhints Thank you very much for this very prompt and helpful response to my query 😀👍. Best regards, Mike

  • @ihatejavascript
    @ihatejavascript 10 месяцев назад

    ok. Those 2995 diamonds would be paid once for the entire event, or after I claim the rewards, I have to pay the amount once again if I wanna get the prizes again?

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      The latter. 2995 diamonds gets you one set of prizes from the Elves Workshop. If you open more gifts in the minigame, you will stock up the Workshop with a new set of "blessings". You can then buy THOSE (2nd set) for another 2995 diamonds - and repeat if you have enough interest and diamonds. Personally, I spent too many diamonds already in the Summer event earlier this year, and I'm not convinced that the Nog Shop is worth blowing a bunch more diamonds to get.

    • @ihatejavascript
      @ihatejavascript 10 месяцев назад

      @@davidbarry6900 oh... ok. Thank you so much

    • @davidbarry6900
      @davidbarry6900 10 месяцев назад

      @@ihatejavascript Also note that if you decide it might be worthwhile to spend the 2995 diamonds on the Elves' Workshop prizes, it's probably worth getting the best prizes possible. If neither option in a selection is ideal, click on the question mark below, to see what OTHER prizes are in the random draw list, and pay diamonds to "switch" to another prize, if one of them is good. Repeat as needed. On average you might need to pay 120-ish diamonds to get a better prize. 2995 diamonds (+another 700-ish) can be decent value for a bunch of extra Stars and/or Nog Shops or Chocolatery levels etc.