VICE News shame on you Vice. I didn’t watch and wish I could take my “view” from the view counter. Utter lack of integrity giving this piece of human garbage your platform for visibility. This is a disgrace. Take it down. Do something else. Take it down now.
I hardly leave comments. I'm old. However I liked the edge of Vice. How do you cut the end of an interview when he is getting into defending his cold readings? That's the red meat. There is a poster of Houdini in the damn background, a known skeptic. If there is more to the video I apologize, but as a student of literature we need a conclusion. Please tell me there is a full interview or else it looks like just another brown-nose piece. Which is fine, but we now know Vice is into salaciousness more than journalism. I was a BIG Vice fan.
@@dannyyspencerr i would put everyone's life on it. I'm a believer of many things, that are unproven. Hell even a possibility of people who can talk to the dead. This kid, is not one.
In a different piece about Tyler Henry he is in public at a boardwalk and asked by the journalist if he could do a reading right then and there, and Henry says he couldn't do it because too many people are around and it would be too "noisy" for him to make a specific connection. But here he is in an auditorium and it isn't too noisy at all... 🤔
Ikr! If I was that journalist I would keep pushing and suggest they could approach someone for a free psychic reading and free dinner and we'll find a quieter restaurant.
@@LAURA093058 your logic is backwards. Fix it. A crowd is a crowd. Scam artists like psychics are out of their comfort zone when they aren't on camera or surrounded by gullible fools to feed their narcissistic appetite.
He couldn’t do it because the people on the boardwalk were not going to pay hundreds of dollars for a reading, whereas everyone who attends his auditorium events has already paid. Lol. He can’t perform for a non paying crowd. It’s all about the money.
You can't fix stupid. But in reality, conmen like him prey on people who are in compromised emotional states. When something very traumatic happens, your brain chemistry is altered and can make it hard to discern reality. People like him are just a-holes who take advantage of people.
Super SONIC I agree with you, the dead are dead and know nothing! Witchcraft is been around for millennia. In the Bible you find the story of Saul, the first king of Israel consulting with a medium, the witch of Endor. See 1 Samuel chapter 28.
"I feel like I have to prove myself time and time again" With the amount of money you charge and the sad vulnerable people you exploit, your damn right
Indeed!! They’re fake and should be fined for the damage they cause.. Amanda Berry’s mom was told her daughter was dead.. Her mom died before she was discovered after 10 years of missing., I’m sure you’ve heard this story, but the sad part is Silvia Brown, smashed her hope.. I think it contributed to her death..
The amount of money he charges is on a sliding scale. If you're a well-off celebrity, it's more. If you're the average person, it's less. And he does do free readings.
Luke 16:19-31 King James Version (KJV) 19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. 30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
He smiles with his eyes... in a seemingly rehearsed manner. But what really matters is that he’s just another one taking advantage of people at their vulnerable hour.
It is rehearsed, his whole life he has been rehearsing… he will probably never stop rehearsing. But why is rehearsing a bad thing? I think it is lovely… means you are always trying to get better, no?
@@dr.jenniferma3914lol. No. He’s a con artist. The smile is to make people believe in what he’s saying. To appear friendly. It’s an act. What kind of “Doctor?” 😂
In regards to his last message, a false sense of comfort/closure is still wrong. He also knows that a lot of ppl blame themselves too, and preys on them. What should be happening is a licensed therapist should be on that stage helping ppl to deal with their commonalities of pain and helping them find closure, etc. But also it could be hard to do for a professional due ethical, confidentiality, and time constraint reasons. A licensed professional would also face harsher backlash if they aren't able to help.
Tyler Henry is a con-boy. He does what is known in the business as 'Cold Reading"... And he also gets cards on people he plans to 'read' that they have filled out before his performance.
He's really good too! He has a several tells though. He was having a difficult time looking the journalist in the eyes. He is very animated which distracts people and throw them off, leaving them with their guard down. He has young boyish looks which people mistake for youthful innocence. He was trying so hard to convince the journalist that he contradicted himself. He said he got clients by word of mouth, but rented this hall for his seminar. He got $50 from each one of these people and only did a few "readings". Saying he has a waiting list makes people believe this is real. Poor "Susie".
they explained what cold reading was in this video. did you watch this video? if so, why did you think you were relaying information to us in the comment section?
I used to work as a mover. One of the nicest houses I ever worked in belonged to a "Psychic". He wasnt there but he told my boss there were cameras everywhere so dont try anything funny. I guess those cameras come in handy when your clients are waiting to get a reading. Guy was worth millions and hes not famous or on tv. This scam artistry is so lucrative its hard to believe.
"There's nothing I can do to defend myself..." Yes there is - find an organization who will test your abilities in a way that makes cold or hot reading impossible. Agree in advance with them on what a fair test would be. There are plenty of organizations that would do that for you. Regardless of your opinion of his abilities, Tyler Henry doesn't belong on tv. If you believe in his powers, then he is one of the most important human beings on earth - there are mysteries he can be solving, lives he can be saving (he claims to be a medical intuitive) by helping doctors, and missing people he could be helping find, telling people what religion is true, etc. Really serious responsibility would come with this power - far too much for him to be wasting his time being on reality tv. And if his powers are bogus, then he doesn't belong on tv for equally obvious reasons. Keeping up with the Kardashians is not a credible launching point for earth-shattering discoveries of this magnitude.
@@cindyfitzgerald4500 If you're picking up on my skepticism of him, you've guessed right, but that really wasn't my point. I meant 1) there are ways he can defend himself against accusations of cold reading and hot reading, contrary to what he states in the video and 2) the implications of him being able to talk to the dead are utterly staggering. If he does have the powers he claims, he could and should be doing more important things than starring in a cheesy reality TV show. Was it one of those two things you disagreed with?
@@TheMysticAxiom Again, if he's not hot reading or cold reading, let him prove that. He could collaborate with a scientifically skeptical organization to design a test that could eliminate the possibility that he was cold reading or hot reading. So-called "delta waves" supposedly produced during a brain scan conducted by Dr. Drew Pinsky (who is an addiction specialist, not a neurologist) that appears to have been paid for by a tv network that has a financial interest in boosting his celebrity don't really prove anything. Tyler Henry is making a lot of money telling people he is connecting them with their dead relatives. I think that's an extraordinary claim, and for that reason, the burden is on him to prove, not me to believe. This goes double given that he has made a lucrative career out of doing this. I would love to live in a universe where it would be possible to communicate with the dead, but precisely for that reason it is especially important to hold people's feet to the fire if they claim to be able to do something like that - people who tell you what you want to hear and take your money for it should raise your suspicions. You seem to think you know what he's "really" doing. How did you come by this information? How do "delta waves" and the collective unconscious lead to gaining information from dead people? And how do you know he is doing this instead of talking to the dead?
When money is not involved, when there is no celebrity status and adulation, when it’s done only for love and to help people then I will listen. Otherwise it is sad and pathetic exploitation of the fear of death.
If a person is legit it takes a lot of work, practice and you literally going through the same emotions and pain as a person you are connecting to. It takes a toll on mediums personal life, very uncomfortable emotions to go through and don’t being sweaty , cold, shivering, hot, like someone just run over you, punched, stabbed. It isn’t easy as you think. And if there wouldn’t be real mediums, then police, detectives wouldn’t have mediums working for them.
@@zeroounce8874 Not a single police departments hire psychics to work a missing person case. Charlatans like Sylvia Brown to John Edwards have all been debunked. This kids only a matter of time.
M Gonzo: thank you, it’s true literally NO police department has ever hired psychics.... they will sometimes contact the department on their own and claim that the police used their “talents”. There’s a whole documentary on this. If people like Tyler were legit, they would be working for detectives as full time jobs....
@@zeroounce8874 well It’s all fake and fabricated there’s no such thing as talking to the dead because the dead can’t speak. If so this practice would be used more in actual murder cases and not for Hollywood tear jerkers.
That's something that regular nice people do, though. Most nice, sensitive people will try to make other people more comfortable by adjusting the way they come across. Most professional speakers have a set of facial expressions they use on stage or in interviews. Women are generally more socialized toward smiling for someone else's sake than men typically are, so a lot of men will misinterpret a woman smiling at them as flirting or, alternatively, become suspicious of a man who's more accommodating in nature that way- but generally smiling at people politely while one is on stage at a speaking event doesn't automatically mean someone is a scammer. Wanting others to feel comfortable doesn't always mean that someone has a backhanded manipulative agenda.
My sister had extra tickets to go see Sylvia Brown, before she died. some folks were wearing in memory t shirts of loved ones and Sylvia would say things like "a woman " or a young boy" I had to hold my laughter there was clearly pictures on the t shirts of the loved one Just saying it didn't feel like legit connections felt comedic
If you believe you can communicate with spirits and all that, that's fantastic. But I think its so unbelievably unethical and gross to claim that you connect a grieving individual with their deceased loved ones. It's such a scummy low-life way to make money.
Yes, and he said he wanted to work with parents of suicide victims. How sad is that? He would have already known that they committed suicide…he could say anything and through the parents’ grief, they would believe anything. Deplorable and sickening!
Tyler is 100 percent authentic! My sister and I received a reading from him in Welsh, MN and he knew VERY explicit details about my family and what we were privately experiencing at home. Tyler addressed the two biggest burdens hovering since my grandparents passed, 1) that I was in Minnesota when they passed and 2) that they never got to meet my youngest son. He described all their personalities perfectly. They don’t just stay in heaven, the love we share brings our loved ones here on earth. I have to defend Tyler all of the way because he changed my life forever. The love people have for Tyler will ALWAYS outweigh the negative comments. God put us on this earth to SPREAD love not hate and anyone that does this on a broad scale like Tyler, I highly respect. He is a blessing to the world and I thank him for having the courage to spread his love and talent across the country to give people peace. 💙 Sharing your faith can come at a price, but it is all worth it! 🙏🏻
Speaking of God, does He not command you in the good book: ‘There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.’? So when are we going to chase this little necromancer out? Your God doest tell us so.
Since you're a woman and your logical thinking is far less developed that opposite gender, plus you're a gullible mother, your claim is very questionable at best.
I honestly don’t care how anyone feels about what I’m going to say. There are many psychics that I’ve seen on tv throughout the years and I’ve gotten a feeling that they are not and cannot read people. There is one person that I saw and I knew from day 1 that he was the real deal. His name is Matt Fraser and I got to experience it myself with him. I don’t know how he knows but he knows. I have a lot of people that I’ve known who have passed on different ways. There is one that I begged to come through for 58 days. Everyday multiple times per day I would tell them who he was and what night I wanted them to come through. There are 100’s of people that are sitting back just like myself hoping that you’re picked. I almost fell out of my chair when he started talking to me. I didn’t tell him a thing and he knew who it was, who he was to me, and how he passed. At the time I didn’t even know how he passed because we were waiting for that answer. Matt refereed to their passing as “ an overdose “. I remember I wanted to say “ no. He doesn’t do drugs and hadn’t for a few yrs “. About a week or so after the reading this individuals mother told me that they had gotten the results back and that he had cocaine and fentanyl in his system. That’s not the only thing that he knew there was plenty more. I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to this stuff. Do I think that Tyler is real? I don’t know but I do find it to be very odd that he’s supposedly never seen any of these people. I remember watching a few of his readings with celebrities and thinking about how a lot of the information he was giving them was stuff he could probably be found on Google or another way
Stick him on front of a panel of psychologists and let them test him. They can determine if he qualifies a sociopath, psychopath, or wether or not he truely believes the things he tells himself. If he's the real deal, he should have no problem being tested to that extent.
@@IamCarrieNotBranshaw Even if he passed with flying colors, they would say the doctors, scientists were "in on it." The funny thing is...these skeptics are out here making money off of books, speaking conventions, etc... Just miserable people that like to piss on everyone elses's parade. Even if it is all just bullshit....these people are grown adults. Noone is robbing them. It would be pretty shitty for someone to exploit another's pain, yes. But, we have this thing called free will. Don't like psychics, dont see one.
One of the -expletive he read for, Dr. DREW, teamed up with a neuroscientist tame monitored his brain activity. There were interesting results and I think they mentioned meeting again for other tests. I’d bet that, no matter what “evidence” was provided, you would find a reason to disregard it.
I think of myself as an open-minded skeptic. I've had people "read" me that were speaking laughably in general terms. I've also had people say things that were eerily specific without any prompting or pausing for confirmation. This guy is clearly a con artist. He always starts off incredibly general. Most of the things he says on his show to start could apply to me. His guests think they are filling in the gaps when really they are telling the whole story.
Yeah it is. And plenty are open to the possibility. Not one psychic has proven their abilities. They're all either vague on details and with talking to the dead, use cold/hot reading or get messages in an ear piece from their assistants. James Randi proved this in his documentary An Honest Liar.
It saddens me that the vast majority of the world doesn't know we have both body and soul. Many have faith but do not know it as fact. It's almost only people that have crossed over and came back that realize there is another side. There is both body and soul. That is fact. In the next hundred years i think they will discover proof of supersymetry and they will better understand dark matter. The soul resides in this envelope. Its part of us. Its part of this universe but we cannot yet clearly detect it as it is so weakly interacting yet it is a fundemental part of conciousness. This guy is real but of coarse there are fakes. Everyone actually have some psychic ability derived from the soul. You just need to learn how to develop it more. There have been classified defence inteligence programs as well as special forces programs that are now declassified that take your natual psychic ability and enhance it through practice. Its called remote viewing and its heavily documented and proven. Tyler has just honed the natural ability thats in all of us.
Do you not think that the most reasonable explanation for people who have "crossed over" is that they were hallucinating due to the state their brain was in at the time?
As a tarot reader this pisses me off. Tarot is not a parlor trick. We are not all scammers. I generally do it as a therapeutic service. Sometimes I give some readings for free. People need to be less ridged and believe we are more connected than we think we are.
When I was 5 years old, I saw 2 women who were in a ghost like form , in my room, sitting on two of my little chairs. They spoke to me and although I don’t remember what they said..that was decades ago..i remember them vividly to this day. I asked my mom the next day who they were and all the color drained from her face. She changed the subject and I found out later two women, sisters, had died only months apart from each other just months earlier. In our neighborhood. I never knew them, they went to our church apparently but why they chose me I’ll never know. My mom was very open to what I saw…that was the first of many over the years. My grandfather had been part Sioux Indian and believed in spirits. But I could be in our church surrounded by a hundred people and see or hear a spirit and days later be at another place with lots of people and not hear or see a thing. We believe in electricity but we can’t see it yet we know it’s there. Same thing for people who are blessed with the ability to “stay in touch” with those who have passed. I had a near death experience. I saw the other side. If you knew what was there waiting for us, you would never fear death.
Bravosmom1 - I noticed no one responded to you. I just wanted to state I believe you. I think because most people do not have our experiences, they don't believe. I've been called a liar and accused of making up stories. I tell them the similar thing you did, but I had asked, You believe in God, right? Yes. Can you see or hear Him? No. Yet you believe? Yes. Then I ask, Then why don't you believe me? I have given up trying to encourage others to believe me. I let them believe whatever works for them. I know I am very sensitive. I know I have received messages - a few of which had saved my life. I know my son has received messages. I believe him as well. It seems to me being sensitive correlates with having the ability to sense or see or hear spirits. It's only 1-2% of the world's population, so, yes, it is extremely rare. As I say, it's a gift and a curse. Take care. Be safe. 🫂❤️
I don’t think he is doing that … I see why some may be suspicious, but I think he is really helping … watch all his videos and then decide … especially the ones with Dr. Drew.
He seems like he is trying to be as efficient as he can somehow… if you had such a gift, just imagine if you did … what would you do? Would you be a hospice nurse for a small portion of the population or …
What 16-year-old wants to be a hospice nurse? Red Flag of someone positioning themselves around vulnerable people. This guy makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Modern-day Stanton Carlisle
Your first question isn't a very substantive argument. Regardless of whether one believes in this ability or not, there are tons of 16-year-olds who already know the general field they wanna be in, including healthcare. You say it like it's such an outlandish thing.
Notice how all his readings are in a "controlled" environment. From the camera man to the person who is picked ahead of time..On that Netflix show, he literally told three ladies to "fill in the blanks for me" about their friend Lauren
This short video still doesn't tell me weather Tyler is a liar or not. they haven't really given much to prove of anythin. I just see people in the comments replying saying he's a layer, not really giving much proof other than they have already made up their mind about him. Personally I think Tyler is a good person... doesn't prove anything but it'll be pretty hard for somebody to hide being a good person tbh. Every time I watch him no matter what he's doing online, to me he seems like he is such a sweetheart who is purely and truly honest as a person not a medium... so as a good person why would he lie about being medium?
@@misscrabtree8433 I can remember the time when he told a man, he was going to die from a heart attack and within a month he died from a heart attack. I remember him telling Snooki she will have a baby boy and now she just gave birth to a baby boy. No I don't remember any lies, only things that have pretty much come true. I'm not saying that maybe does do a bit of research because maybe he knows that there's a chance he might not have a good reading... and he needs to fall back on something, he might only do this when a reading is really bad and they literally isn't much to talk about.
He claims to have never seen or heard of superstar celebrities. I just can't buy it. I only clicked on this video to share my opinion but I cannot stand to watch it.
I saw him at Cache Creek Casino. He was fabulous. No tickets were scanned. I trust and believe in him. He was a child when he first had this gift. I read his book. It is wonderful!!! He's one of the good guys. Truly. Love his tv show!
Gail VavRosky Did you see him when he talked to the late Allan Thicke? He told him not to disregard heart issues. Few months later Allan died of a ruptured aorta.
I have a scar on my knee and for a second i thought ... wow it can't be a coincidence, then the guy says he has it too... and i'm like ' dude we're related!'. Down to my senses and i'm like: 'we all want to make a sense of it'.
If he says this is B.S then explain how a psychic said to me that I was a sceptic, then said the only way I'd believe is to tell me that when people die suddenly sometimes they can't accept it, he then said for example if a person dies in a motorbike accident they can still think they are brother died in a motorbike accident and I swear I feel him and see him all the time, Apparently he stays with us because he hasn't accepted his death....the psychic said I had a question I asked when visiting a grave, I didn't say anything, he told me the answer to my question was "NO I am happy how I am" My son died and on his anniversary I asked are you growing in spirit.
vick kirikino I believe you and I think you’re experiences are beautiful! Our loved ones never really leave us! Bless you and sending love and positive energy to you!
I too share the rare gift, power even, of being able to google celerity bios. Later, with the power of magic balls and a crystal wand, I regurgitate the information.
I'm glad James randi continues the good fight of fighting the scammers, it's the worst emotional manipulation to impersonate the dead. If they could really do it they would NEVER do it in a public setting because the information the dead would pass are very sensitive and would need to be done in private (no one should have to grief in a public setting, imagine if your therapist did a session in front of 50 strangers).
Notice his last answer is him justifying his actions to himself. That he is “helping people authentically.” So it doesn’t matter if he is actually talking to the dead because those who he is conning money out of perceive it as truth. Keep telling yourself that Tyler and watch yourself burnout. He is literally reading from a binder which holds all the audience information gathered from public record paid or unpaid and social media. Internet is amazing, eh?
Lots of skeptics and cynics in the comments about Tyler smh...Yet so many of his predictions about future child births, deaths, and relationships have come true.
I don’t like the reporter he was rude, immediately assuming it isn’t real when he doesn’t have proof it isn’t. There isn’t proof anyway but this guy gives immediately details that are not in google and never met them before. When you have a gift there is going to be small minded people that will criticize. Im glad he is confident and doesn’t pay attention to the negativity.
"When you know in your heart what you are you can go to bed at night without any problem" I'm sure you know exactly what you and your lack of genuine empathy is why you can sleep at night. There's a reason you can't defend yourself against cold reading accusations.
He seems like a very nice, polite, young man … how do explain the brain scans that Dr. Drew did? Can you do that? (I mean I am all 4 Bam & Steve-O both just say’n … but that will work out.)
i do believe there is a afterlife and i believe that our loved ones are still here taking care of us but i don't need a psychic to tell be about my future and what type of characteristics my grandmother or loved one were like. I simply pray and see my loved ones in my dreams. i believe that the dead can communicate with us in our dreams but i don't believe that only one person can talk to them. he stated that it takes him an hour to prepare himself when talking to a client, that was a huge red flag for me.
I hope one day people wake up and realize that we are all one. The only thing that seperates us is our minds. The only thing in this world is consciousness. Its what I am and its what you are...thus we are all one. This kid isnt talking necessarily to dead relatives because consciousness never dies. He is simply talking to consciousness.
Communicating with Spirit is real, and every single person does it all of the time, most of us ignore it, or second guess what we are getting. The intention of a medium is healing and the most effective thing done is allowing the living to understand that your loved ones are never gone, and that we do carry on after we die. Believe or don't, it really makes no difference, because Spirit exists and doesn't depend on anyone's belief. Blessings.
There is life after death. Proof came in a dream vision two times from my Dad. The first was when I was at college my freshman year. The second was my sophomore year and my Dad came again and said, “Do not drive to Kansas City”. I went anyway. I had a accident, my little red Volkswagen Bug was totaled, but my roommate and I were not injured. The second came as I prepared to wed. My Dad came to me again and said that the man I was engaged to marry would spend money like my Mom. Daddy was right. We divorced after three years. The last visit came in ‘91 on three consecutive nights. After the third visit, mom became ill while talking on the phone to her best friend and dropped dead as she went to take one of the pills. There “is” life after death.
In not trying to be rude but your proof for something that has never been documented as being real is something that appeared in a dream? You can hear how this can sound a bit ridiculous right?
This is getting ridiculous! All this attention for a scammer ! He uses all the age old tricks to get information about the people in his audiences and they all fall for it because when you loose someone you become desperate. He should be stopped. THIS IS THE WORST MOST CRUEL KIND OF DECEPTION! I WOULD JAIL THE SKINNY RUNT FOR FRAUD !!
Can ya”ll explain to me why during a session with a client I had this overwhelming loving energy surge through every cell of my being and then had a downloaded message into my mind- “ I am a family relative that has passed away and I am here to love and support him” I asked him and he said yes his father- So all you people that are calling him a con please explain to me what I experienced???
This is years later, but don't listen to that other commenter. I actually feel kinda sorry for people who believe we've got this reality all figured out and that everything is as it seems.
@@lurategh yeah that person is an idiot. I get alot of idiot comments when i share these magical experiences ive had with spirit. Ive had many many more since!
Can we explain to you how you deluded yourself into thinking the dead are talking to you and decided to charge people in grief for it? No. Because we can't sink that low morally.
I do believe there are cons but Tyler seems legit. Have that skeptic guy get on stage and do readings as thorough as Tyler and prove it’s all fake then! Never seen a skeptic do that before, if it’s so easy then show us!
Illusionist Derren Brown has done it! Watch his video with "psychic" Joe Power. He totally outed Power for the fraud that he is and Derren Brown shows you just how it's done! He even did "psychic" reading with people that afterwards when he told them he was an illusionist not a psychic, they didn't believe him! You just don't know the "tricks of the trade". lol James Randi has outed plenty of "psychics" and can also show you how it's done.
@@barbarac9805 ok but where is it about tyler Henry. He has predicted things and they have come true. You cant just make that up. He knew alan thicke would die of a heart problem and a few months later he died of a heart attack.
I went to one who told me things that all came true. I took another person and she told him scary that was true. She was a psychic to the police in a very large city where I lived at the time (assisting in cases). I have no idea how she tapped into this stuff. She was a nice, normal mother of a seven year old in a suburb. It was many years ago.
Marian McAfee I believe you people think it a fake but it’s not. She shocked me too she told me and described my daughters room only after I asked what her future would be. She said things that no one knew about. Idk I mean I guess some people can guess. But she didn’t even want to do it because she was afraid I would judge her. She didn’t even do it for money. So she was very honest. Luckily I was able to communicate with my sibling. And she even said words that only my brother would say. Some people thought I was desperate for thinking it was true but if you don’t experience it you’ll never believe it. You know. I thanked her for doing it and for interpreted the dream for me. Apparently the dream was kind of a warning. Damn even told me something about my time come to an end. Idk I think everyone’s future is destined. But what is crazy is I dreamt of dying in an accident and so did my daughter who has a lot of dreams like me. Idk I don’t think I should be afraid but and I honestly don’t even think she told me in that way she was kind of in a trance.
Andrew So are stokes, cancer and many other common issues. I'm not really sure if I buy into this kid but kinda weird he nailed it. Check it out on RUclips. Kinda on the fence.
Linda Moore my main thing is that it is scientifically impossible and for me that’s that. I don’t believe in spirits or anything beyond particles and energy, so how am I supposed to believe him if he would be doing the impossible.
Andrew Well, yes if that's your beliefs that's cool. Mine are quite different. But, that's not to say I believe in this kid and I'll leave it at that. ✌️
Linda Moore that’s fine, I only have a problem when people act superior and say things like are you so naive that you believe that this world is all there is and shit like that. Anyways good day.
2:47 Tyler shows immense fear that the guy / or someone from Vice is going to be at the very top of that list ! He’s showing the real “ Deer In The Headlights “ scared to death 💀 of being exposed very soon 🤞🏻😉😂🤣
This is really fascinating because there are really people in the world who cannot handle grief or move on. If a "con-man" helps them move on, in a better way than a psychiatrist can, is it not their choice to believe? As it is our choice not to believe? Also, the episode he received a brain scan was pretty fascinating with Steve-O too
It’s called false hope. Oh wait, I’d rather believe a lie than have my feet planted in reality 🤷🏻♀. Maybe they should seek out a good grief psychiatrist. Gez.
These con-men and con-women should be arrested and thrown into the slammer. If they really had such a gift they should never charge for it. DISGUSTING. KARMA is going to come back and bite these fakes in the ass real hard!!!
YEP FOR SURE BIG TIME I SO DOUBLE WHAT YOU JUST EXPRESSED! ..With that big 5 letter word you wrote will come bite him back real hard he won't know what hit him.. ....truly makes me sit and think how on earth does he sleep at night!?, (hmm) well, probably not much I'd say tossing and turning planning and 🤥🤥 plotting how he'll play the next gullible victim in his sick twisted game of greed. ..Gee! GREED there's another 5 letter word that shouldn't be taken lightly it all catchers up don't think he'd be smiling then. Suppose that's the consequence when you're young and dum and too foolish or too ignorant (one or rhe other or both who really knows!?) to even be taking the time out aside to be considering the possibility consequences of such self centered short lived egotistical doings and actions.. I hope he wakes up to himself sooner rather than later. Sad case of a man to put it lightly. 🤔
Makes you really wonder what drives people to keep on doing such fraudulent shit. Oh that's right GREED NOT KARMA. I'd sure be crapping myself if I were in his shoes. I'd like to think most of us have good intentions with a pure conscious when all the lights go out at night as they drift off to a sweet sleep. Dont think anyone in their right mind would have a heart to do what he does as he does anyway. SILLY BILLY.. what can I but only just that! Ohh dear O dear moving on.
VICE News attended one of Henry's shows to examine the industry.
WATCH NEXT: We Went To The Fake Sneaker Capital Of China -
VICE News shame on you Vice. I didn’t watch and wish I could take my “view” from the view counter. Utter lack of integrity giving this piece of human garbage your platform for visibility. This is a disgrace. Take it down. Do something else. Take it down now.
What episode is this on? The April 4th episode is amount sumo wrestlers?!
I hardly leave comments. I'm old. However I liked the edge of Vice. How do you cut the end of an interview when he is getting into defending his cold readings? That's the red meat. There is a poster of Houdini in the damn background, a known skeptic. If there is more to the video I apologize, but as a student of literature we need a conclusion. Please tell me there is a full interview or else it looks like just another brown-nose piece. Which is fine, but we now know Vice is into salaciousness more than journalism. I was a BIG Vice fan.
Someone needs to do the good ol " this girl is me, I'm not missing or dead" thing to this kid.
well that would only work if he was faking it though.
@@dannyyspencerr which he is.
@@miketaylor9544 says who though?
@@dannyyspencerr i would put everyone's life on it. I'm a believer of many things, that are unproven. Hell even a possibility of people who can talk to the dead. This kid, is not one.
you’re fake
“1 hour of preparation.”
Being fed info by his team of social media deep dive and skimmers.
In a different piece about Tyler Henry he is in public at a boardwalk and asked by the journalist if he could do a reading right then and there, and Henry says he couldn't do it because too many people are around and it would be too "noisy" for him to make a specific connection. But here he is in an auditorium and it isn't too noisy at all... 🤔
Ikr! If I was that journalist I would keep pushing and suggest they could approach someone for a free psychic reading and free dinner and we'll find a quieter restaurant.
What makes you think a boardwalk and an auditorium are the same venue?
@@LAURA093058 your logic is backwards. Fix it. A crowd is a crowd. Scam artists like psychics are out of their comfort zone when they aren't on camera or surrounded by gullible fools to feed their narcissistic appetite.
@@LAURA093058 He never said they were the same venue.
He couldn’t do it because the people on the boardwalk were not going to pay hundreds of dollars for a reading, whereas everyone who attends his auditorium events has already paid. Lol. He can’t perform for a non paying crowd. It’s all about the money.
Stop giving these con-men attention, he CAN'T talk to ANY dead anythings.
Its witchcraft
Hey man, I talk to dead trees and T-Rex's it's like a spirit thing, like, you don't even understand
You can't fix stupid. But in reality, conmen like him prey on people who are in compromised emotional states. When something very traumatic happens, your brain chemistry is altered and can make it hard to discern reality. People like him are just a-holes who take advantage of people.
Super SONIC I agree with you, the dead are dead and know nothing! Witchcraft is been around for millennia.
In the Bible you find the story of Saul, the first king of Israel consulting with a medium, the witch of Endor. See 1 Samuel chapter 28.
@@HV71851 chapter 1 people who believe in demons and all that bullshit, will be scammed one day.
"I feel like I have to prove myself time and time again"
With the amount of money you charge and the sad vulnerable people you exploit, your damn right
Indeed!! They’re fake and should be fined for the damage they cause.. Amanda Berry’s mom was told her daughter was dead.. Her mom died before she was discovered after 10 years of missing., I’m sure you’ve heard this story, but the sad part is Silvia Brown, smashed her hope.. I think it contributed to her death..
The amount of money he charges is on a sliding scale. If you're a well-off celebrity, it's more. If you're the average person, it's less. And he does do free readings.
His net worth is $3Million. They pay to hear his bullshit.
A fraud
FR he's a shameless hack
Why would you give this scam artist some media coverage
Luke 16:19-31 King James Version (KJV)
19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:
20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
So people like us can call him a con man and let gullible people read the comments
The farther you rise, the harder you fall.
The Truth Never Told bro, how are you subscribed to Vice if you believe in biblical prophecy. Interesting combo.
Because scam artists deserve media coverage too like Trump
Honestly, with the right amount of guesses and the right amount of editing, ANYONE can be a psychic, lol
He smiles with his eyes... in a seemingly rehearsed manner. But what really matters is that he’s just another one taking advantage of people at their vulnerable hour.
You are absolutely right. That smile 😊 he's overdoing but fooling enough people though.
It is rehearsed, his whole life he has been rehearsing… he will probably never stop rehearsing. But why is rehearsing a bad thing? I think it is lovely… means you are always trying to get better, no?
@@TheAngeldancesthats not the point lol
The smile of this guy Tyler is really chilling. For a so called psychic pretending to show empathy, I would never trust a person like him.
I agree. I've always said the same exact thing about his smile.
I don't think that's a smile, I think it's more of a tic. His eyes don't smile with his mouth.
@@dr.jenniferma3914lol. No. He’s a con artist. The smile is to make people believe in what he’s saying. To appear friendly. It’s an act. What kind of “Doctor?” 😂
@@dr.jenniferma3914it’s a forced smile. Not genuine
06:55 I mean,...
In regards to his last message, a false sense of comfort/closure is still wrong. He also knows that a lot of ppl blame themselves too, and preys on them. What should be happening is a licensed therapist should be on that stage helping ppl to deal with their commonalities of pain and helping them find closure, etc. But also it could be hard to do for a professional due ethical, confidentiality, and time constraint reasons. A licensed professional would also face harsher backlash if they aren't able to help.
People are so gullible. This is why cults, MLM's and absurd, blind fanatism exists
Pam Rod Fr
All religions too.
I can talk to the dead. They never talk back.
and flatearthers
Why are we still gullible in 2019? Is this shit forever? How is this happening still?
Tyler Henry is a con-boy.
He does what is known in the business as 'Cold Reading"...
And he also gets cards on people he plans to 'read' that they have filled out before his performance.
Dale Jones WHAT? And these people still believe him anyway? Shit. He’s gotten these people completely fooled.
He's really good too!
He has a several tells though. He was having a difficult time looking the journalist in the eyes. He is very animated which distracts people and throw them off, leaving them with their guard down. He has young boyish looks which people mistake for youthful innocence. He was trying so hard to convince the journalist that he contradicted himself. He said he got clients by word of mouth, but rented this hall for his seminar. He got $50 from each one of these people and only did a few "readings". Saying he has a waiting list makes people believe this is real. Poor "Susie".
they explained what cold reading was in this video. did you watch this video? if so, why did you think you were relaying information to us in the comment section?
You have proof of this do you?
Yes but he only cons idiotic Hollywood lefties. He is doing the whole world a tremendous service. Bless him.
I used to work as a mover. One of the nicest houses I ever worked in belonged to a "Psychic". He wasnt there but he told my boss there were cameras everywhere so dont try anything funny. I guess those cameras come in handy when your clients are waiting to get a reading. Guy was worth millions and hes not famous or on tv. This scam artistry is so lucrative its hard to believe.
Frankie Fischer drop the name lol
And personal security.
"There's nothing I can do to defend myself..."
Yes there is - find an organization who will test your abilities in a way that makes cold or hot reading impossible. Agree in advance with them on what a fair test would be. There are plenty of organizations that would do that for you.
Regardless of your opinion of his abilities, Tyler Henry doesn't belong on tv. If you believe in his powers, then he is one of the most important human beings on earth - there are mysteries he can be solving, lives he can be saving (he claims to be a medical intuitive) by helping doctors, and missing people he could be helping find, telling people what religion is true, etc. Really serious responsibility would come with this power - far too much for him to be wasting his time being on reality tv. And if his powers are bogus, then he doesn't belong on tv for equally obvious reasons.
Keeping up with the Kardashians is not a credible launching point for earth-shattering discoveries of this magnitude.
Eric Goodemote your opinion of him is 100% wrong but that is your opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion!
@@cindyfitzgerald4500 If you're picking up on my skepticism of him, you've guessed right, but that really wasn't my point. I meant 1) there are ways he can defend himself against accusations of cold reading and hot reading, contrary to what he states in the video and 2) the implications of him being able to talk to the dead are utterly staggering. If he does have the powers he claims, he could and should be doing more important things than starring in a cheesy reality TV show. Was it one of those two things you disagreed with?
A wonderful summary !! - Bravo ☺☺
@@TheMysticAxiom Again, if he's not hot reading or cold reading, let him prove that. He could collaborate with a scientifically skeptical organization to design a test that could eliminate the possibility that he was cold reading or hot reading. So-called "delta waves" supposedly produced during a brain scan conducted by Dr. Drew Pinsky (who is an addiction specialist, not a neurologist) that appears to have been paid for by a tv network that has a financial interest in boosting his celebrity don't really prove anything.
Tyler Henry is making a lot of money telling people he is connecting them with their dead relatives. I think that's an extraordinary claim, and for that reason, the burden is on him to prove, not me to believe. This goes double given that he has made a lucrative career out of doing this. I would love to live in a universe where it would be possible to communicate with the dead, but precisely for that reason it is especially important to hold people's feet to the fire if they claim to be able to do something like that - people who tell you what you want to hear and take your money for it should raise your suspicions.
You seem to think you know what he's "really" doing. How did you come by this information? How do "delta waves" and the collective unconscious lead to gaining information from dead people? And how do you know he is doing this instead of talking to the dead?видео.html
When money is not involved, when there is no celebrity status and adulation, when it’s done only for love and to help people then I will listen. Otherwise it is sad and pathetic exploitation of the fear of death.
If a person is legit it takes a lot of work, practice and you literally going through the same emotions and pain as a person you are connecting to. It takes a toll on mediums personal life, very uncomfortable emotions to go through and don’t being sweaty , cold, shivering, hot, like someone just run over you, punched, stabbed. It isn’t easy as you think.
And if there wouldn’t be real mediums, then police, detectives wouldn’t have mediums working for them.
@@zeroounce8874 Not a single police departments hire psychics to work a missing person case. Charlatans like Sylvia Brown to John Edwards have all been debunked. This kids only a matter of time.
M Gonzo: thank you, it’s true literally NO police department has ever hired psychics.... they will sometimes contact the department on their own and claim that the police used their “talents”. There’s a whole documentary on this. If people like Tyler were legit, they would be working for detectives as full time jobs....
@@cortneyrens I must see this documentary!
@@zeroounce8874 well It’s all fake and fabricated there’s no such thing as talking to the dead because the dead can’t speak. If so this practice would be used more in actual murder cases and not for Hollywood tear jerkers.
“When you know what you are you don’t worry what anyone else thinks” well said
Yes a scam artist
@@maccusmc a scam artist would be scared to be outed and not sleep well! Lmao level up your brain
@@alkvirjkinta2987 People can fake not being scared, y'know.
@@alkvirjkinta2987 ok so you're also a sucker to another fake medium?
Imagine being so gullible
The world spins baby, it won't stop for the likes of liers, for liers are weak and will one day fall. But the world keeps spinning.
I had so much hope for John Edward until he told a Kardashian he didn't see children in her future....that was Kim which now has 4 kids.
He smiles at odd moments. It’s like he’s doing it to reassure the person to whom he’s speaking.
That's something that regular nice people do, though. Most nice, sensitive people will try to make other people more comfortable by adjusting the way they come across. Most professional speakers have a set of facial expressions they use on stage or in interviews. Women are generally more socialized toward smiling for someone else's sake than men typically are, so a lot of men will misinterpret a woman smiling at them as flirting or, alternatively, become suspicious of a man who's more accommodating in nature that way- but generally smiling at people politely while one is on stage at a speaking event doesn't automatically mean someone is a scammer. Wanting others to feel comfortable doesn't always mean that someone has a backhanded manipulative agenda.
He being awkward.
He’s just socially awkward
@@joshuapotter9575 I don’t think so. Con artist types aren’t typically anxious.
@@aguy559 So then i guess he isn't a con artist.
Jesus Christ!
Man it sucks seeing grieving people wasting their hard earned money on charlatans.
Pasicho Like people who donate to their churches.
My sister had extra tickets to go see Sylvia Brown, before she died. some folks were wearing in memory t shirts of loved ones and Sylvia would say things like "a woman " or a young boy" I had to hold my laughter there was clearly pictures on the t shirts of the loved one Just saying it didn't feel like legit connections felt comedic
@@firecracker1782 Sylvia Brown was not able to predict her own death. She is dead, and no one has "talked" to her.
You don’t really care about these people, you’re just like everyone else, you just don’t like someone getting away with something you don’t agree with
If you believe you can communicate with spirits and all that, that's fantastic. But I think its so unbelievably unethical and gross to claim that you connect a grieving individual with their deceased loved ones. It's such a scummy low-life way to make money.
I've heard people all psychics grief vampires, which is so accurate
Yes, and he said he wanted to work with parents of suicide victims. How sad is that? He would have already known that they committed suicide…he could say anything and through the parents’ grief, they would believe anything. Deplorable and sickening!
"your READING a celebrity, you can google them, there's so much SHIT out there about them" 3:10-3:13 WOW!
Tyler is 100 percent authentic! My sister and I received a reading from him in Welsh, MN and he knew VERY explicit details about my family and what we were privately experiencing at home. Tyler addressed the two biggest burdens hovering since my grandparents passed, 1) that I was in Minnesota when they passed and 2) that they never got to meet my youngest son. He described all their personalities perfectly.
They don’t just stay in heaven, the love we share brings our loved ones here on earth.
I have to defend Tyler all of the way because he changed my life forever. The love people have for Tyler will ALWAYS outweigh the negative comments. God put us on this earth to SPREAD love not hate and anyone that does this on a broad scale like Tyler, I highly respect.
He is a blessing to the world and I thank him for having the courage to spread his love and talent across the country to give people peace. 💙
Sharing your faith can come at a price, but it is all worth it! 🙏🏻
Speaking of God, does He not command you in the good book: ‘There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.’? So when are we going to chase this little necromancer out? Your God doest tell us so.
You've been had. You gave him far more information than you realised. These people learn and practice techniques to do so.
Sorry lady you’ve been scammed.
No chance you put all that info on Facebook or social media of any kind? Even an obituary?
Since you're a woman and your logical thinking is far less developed that opposite gender, plus you're a gullible mother, your claim is very questionable at best.
I honestly don’t care how anyone feels about what I’m going to say. There are many psychics that I’ve seen on tv throughout the years and I’ve gotten a feeling that they are not and cannot read people. There is one person that I saw and I knew from day 1 that he was the real deal. His name is Matt Fraser and I got to experience it myself with him. I don’t know how he knows but he knows. I have a lot of people that I’ve known who have passed on different ways. There is one that I begged to come through for 58 days. Everyday multiple times per day I would tell them who he was and what night I wanted them to come through. There are 100’s of people that are sitting back just like myself hoping that you’re picked. I almost fell out of my chair when he started talking to me. I didn’t tell him a thing and he knew who it was, who he was to me, and how he passed. At the time I didn’t even know how he passed because we were waiting for that answer. Matt refereed to their passing as “ an overdose “. I remember I wanted to say “ no. He doesn’t do drugs and hadn’t for a few yrs “. About a week or so after the reading this individuals mother told me that they had gotten the results back and that he had cocaine and fentanyl in his system. That’s not the only thing that he knew there was plenty more. I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to this stuff. Do I think that Tyler is real? I don’t know but I do find it to be very odd that he’s supposedly never seen any of these people. I remember watching a few of his readings with celebrities and thinking about how a lot of the information he was giving them was stuff he could probably be found on Google or another way
Stick him on front of a panel of psychologists and let them test him. They can determine if he qualifies a sociopath, psychopath, or wether or not he truely believes the things he tells himself. If he's the real deal, he should have no problem being tested to that extent.
He did that do in this season's final earlier this year.
@@IamCarrieNotBranshaw Even if he passed with flying colors, they would say the doctors, scientists were "in on it." The funny thing is...these skeptics are out here making money off of books, speaking conventions, etc... Just miserable people that like to piss on everyone elses's parade. Even if it is all just bullshit....these people are grown adults. Noone is robbing them. It would be pretty shitty for someone to exploit another's pain, yes. But, we have this thing called free will. Don't like psychics, dont see one.
One of the -expletive he read for, Dr. DREW, teamed up with a neuroscientist tame monitored his brain activity. There were interesting results and I think they mentioned meeting again for other tests. I’d bet that, no matter what “evidence” was provided, you would find a reason to disregard it.
he has been tested..
I think of myself as an open-minded skeptic. I've had people "read" me that were speaking laughably in general terms. I've also had people say things that were eerily specific without any prompting or pausing for confirmation. This guy is clearly a con artist. He always starts off incredibly general. Most of the things he says on his show to start could apply to me. His guests think they are filling in the gaps when really they are telling the whole story.
The fact that you even believe there are people who has such powers, makes you a prime candidate for these scammers. All psychics are fake! 🤦🏽♂️
“For those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who don’t believe, no proof is possible”
Yeah it is. And plenty are open to the possibility. Not one psychic has proven their abilities. They're all either vague on details and with talking to the dead, use cold/hot reading or get messages in an ear piece from their assistants. James Randi proved this in his documentary An Honest Liar.
Just not true
When the need to believe increases the ability to see truth decreases
It saddens me that the vast majority of the world doesn't know we have both body and soul. Many have faith but do not know it as fact. It's almost only people that have crossed over and came back that realize there is another side. There is both body and soul. That is fact. In the next hundred years i think they will discover proof of supersymetry and they will better understand dark matter. The soul resides in this envelope. Its part of us. Its part of this universe but we cannot yet clearly detect it as it is so weakly interacting yet it is a fundemental part of conciousness. This guy is real but of coarse there are fakes. Everyone actually have some psychic ability derived from the soul. You just need to learn how to develop it more. There have been classified defence inteligence programs as well as special forces programs that are now declassified that take your natual psychic ability and enhance it through practice. Its called remote viewing and its heavily documented and proven. Tyler has just honed the natural ability thats in all of us.
Do you not think that the most reasonable explanation for people who have "crossed over" is that they were hallucinating due to the state their brain was in at the time?
fergal farrelly you are so right and thank you for the way you said it all good job!
It’s very embarrassing to be 23 years old and embarrass yourself like that. I’m 24 and I would never take advantage of people like that 😩
Do you think E! will give Tyler his own show If he is a scam. Your name can be easily ruin.
As a tarot reader this pisses me off. Tarot is not a parlor trick. We are not all scammers. I generally do it as a therapeutic service. Sometimes I give some readings for free. People need to be less ridged and believe we are more connected than we think we are.
It is indeed nothing more than a parlor trick
P.T. Barnum put it best. "There's a sucker born every minute".
Stoned Soup a man qualified to say so
He never said that, but that perfectly summarizes this.
It’s good to know that I’m not bashing him because I want him to be real. I know he’s a fake and there shouldn’t be question that he is using people.
When I was 5 years old,
I saw 2 women who were in a ghost like form , in my room, sitting on two of my little chairs. They spoke to me and although I don’t remember what they said..that was decades ago..i remember them vividly to this day. I asked my mom the next day who they were and all the color drained from her face. She changed the subject and I found out later two women, sisters, had died only months apart from each other just months earlier. In our neighborhood. I never knew them, they went to our church apparently but why they chose me I’ll never know. My mom was very open to what I saw…that was the first of many over the years. My grandfather had been part Sioux Indian and believed in spirits. But I could be in our church surrounded by a hundred people and see or hear a spirit and days later be at another place with lots of people and not hear or see a thing.
We believe in electricity but we can’t see it yet we know it’s there. Same thing for people who are blessed with the ability to “stay in touch” with those who have passed. I had a near death experience. I saw the other side. If you knew what was there waiting for us, you would never fear death.
Bravosmom1 - I noticed no one responded to you. I just wanted to state I believe you. I think because most people do not have our experiences, they don't believe.
I've been called a liar and accused of making up stories. I tell them the similar thing you did, but I had asked, You believe in God, right? Yes. Can you see or hear Him? No. Yet you believe? Yes. Then I ask, Then why don't you believe me?
I have given up trying to encourage others to believe me. I let them believe whatever works for them. I know I am very sensitive. I know I have received messages - a few of which had saved my life. I know my son has received messages. I believe him as well.
It seems to me being sensitive correlates with having the ability to sense or see or hear spirits. It's only 1-2% of the world's population, so, yes, it is extremely rare. As I say, it's a gift and a curse.
Take care. Be safe. 🫂❤️
That insincere false fake smile grinds my gears.
Lol @3:47 he seemed so shocked when he found out he got the name Suzy right 🤣
I’ve been doing sessions for a while now and tbh synchronicity and validation never gets old, it’s amazing I love it lol
Cooooonnnnnnnnnn mmmmaaaaannnn!!!
He shakes his head at the end
This guy looks like Macaulay Culkin turned into the devil
Exploiting grieving people is one of the most disgusting scams out there, what a despicable human.
I don’t think he is doing that … I see why some may be suspicious, but I think he is really helping … watch all his videos and then decide … especially the ones with Dr. Drew.
He seems like he is trying to be as efficient as he can somehow… if you had such a gift, just imagine if you did … what would you do? Would you be a hospice nurse for a small portion of the population or …
Does vice not realize that the point of journalism is to prove wrong falsehoods and not spread them?
Eggsy ikr
Watch the video, they criticize him all the way through and then talk to a guy who debunked him.
Sun Tzu they also finish the video with him getting the last word saying that everyone else is lying
@@eggsy8271 Yes, they are showing how much of a conman he is, he basically admits that he doesn't give a shit.
It's heavily implied he's lying
What are the chances that ticket-holders fill out a survey or questionnaire about who they hope to contact in the afterlife?
Damn this is what happened to Macaulay Culkin.
He’s full of crap and is a con artist
What 16-year-old wants to be a hospice nurse? Red Flag of someone positioning themselves around vulnerable people. This guy makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Modern-day Stanton Carlisle
Your first question isn't a very substantive argument. Regardless of whether one believes in this ability or not, there are tons of 16-year-olds who already know the general field they wanna be in, including healthcare. You say it like it's such an outlandish thing.
2:40” 175 “ a true narcissist 👿.
Notice how all his readings are in a "controlled" environment. From the camera man to the person who is picked ahead of time..On that Netflix show, he literally told three ladies to "fill in the blanks for me" about their friend Lauren
Wow his body language at the end combined with his vocabulary is like a sociopath. Watch the last 2 min in slow motion. 🔎
Argh, scary
How can this kid sleep at night lol
Patrick M Ikr. He’s exploiting the pain of others for fame.
This short video still doesn't tell me weather Tyler is a liar or not. they haven't really given much to prove of anythin. I just see people in the comments replying saying he's a layer, not really giving much proof other than they have already made up their mind about him. Personally I think Tyler is a good person... doesn't prove anything but it'll be pretty hard for somebody to hide being a good person tbh. Every time I watch him no matter what he's doing online, to me he seems like he is such a sweetheart who is purely and truly honest as a person not a medium... so as a good person why would he lie about being medium?
Paitten Bishop can you think of a scenario that would prove he’s a liar? The problem is the claims he’s making aren’t falsifiable
Paitten Bishop I agree 100% with you!!
Cindy Fitzgerald I’m God’s son and he told me to tell you that you should give me all of your money. can you prove that this isn’t true?
@@misscrabtree8433 what you just said didn't make sense.
@@misscrabtree8433 I can remember the time when he told a man, he was going to die from a heart attack and within a month he died from a heart attack. I remember him telling Snooki she will have a baby boy and now she just gave birth to a baby boy. No I don't remember any lies, only things that have pretty much come true. I'm not saying that maybe does do a bit of research because maybe he knows that there's a chance he might not have a good reading... and he needs to fall back on something, he might only do this when a reading is really bad and they literally isn't much to talk about.
He claims to have never seen or heard of superstar celebrities. I just can't buy it. I only clicked on this video to share my opinion but I cannot stand to watch it.
Well, then, how was that a well informed opinion?
He never said he's never heard of superstar celebrities. I think he avoids knowing who he is going to read - whether or not their a celebrity.
Exactly he doesn't know michael jackson or urkiel lmfao total sham
Beautifully done, but too short! Thanks!
I saw him at Cache Creek Casino. He was fabulous. No tickets were scanned. I trust and believe in him. He was a child when he first had this gift. I read his book. It is wonderful!!!
He's one of the good guys. Truly. Love his tv show!
Gail VavRosky Did you see him when he talked to the late Allan Thicke? He told him not to disregard heart issues. Few months later Allan died of a ruptured aorta.
Linda Moore wow,and old man with heart issues. Very spot on. 🙄
Teatimewithtiff Shut up 🤐!
Teatimewithtiff 😁
Its weird that anyone could find his facial expressions comforting
Thousands of people work for the shows crew.... wouldn’t somebody have noticed something by now. Googling, ear pieces? Something?! Lol
When he said if you are full of shit you would be a bad person. Notice his face and how he reacts to that question.
If that guy can do what he claims then ask D. B. Copper where is the $200,000?
Isn't James Randi still offering 1 million?
I don't think D. B. would tell him! 😂
@@kel2880 yeah, I think the dead person has to be willing.
What about the $2,000,000 challenge Chris Angel has offered to Theresa Caputo?
This kid probably doesn't even know who D.B. Cooper is 🤣
I have a scar on my knee and for a second i thought ... wow it can't be a coincidence, then the guy says he has it too... and i'm like
' dude we're related!'. Down to my senses and i'm like: 'we all want to make a sense of it'.
The source of his power “Google”
If he says this is B.S then explain how a psychic said to me that I was a sceptic, then said the only way I'd believe is to tell me that when people die suddenly sometimes they can't accept it, he then said for example if a person dies in a motorbike accident they can still think they are brother died in a motorbike accident and I swear I feel him and see him all the time,
Apparently he stays with us because he hasn't accepted his death....the psychic said I had a question I asked when visiting a grave, I didn't say anything, he told me the answer to my question was
"NO I am happy how I am"
My son died and on his anniversary I asked are you growing in spirit.
vick kirikino I believe you and I think you’re experiences are beautiful! Our loved ones never really leave us! Bless you and sending love and positive energy to you!
“I could go to bed at night knowing“... my bank account is doing amazing.
I too share the rare gift, power even, of being able to google celerity bios. Later, with the power of magic balls and a crystal wand, I regurgitate the information.
I'm glad James randi continues the good fight of fighting the scammers, it's the worst emotional manipulation to impersonate the dead.
If they could really do it they would NEVER do it in a public setting because the information the dead would pass are very sensitive and would need to be done in private (no one should have to grief in a public setting, imagine if your therapist did a session in front of 50 strangers).
In Canada this is illegal to profit from.
There are people that have this GIFT to give us reassurance that there is an afterlife
No, there aren't! You just don't know the "tricks of the trade" lol!
@@barbarac9805 we will only know the answers when we are dead.... hopefully
None of us know for sure what is out there
Read the quran and you will have all the reassurance of the afterlife
Notice his last answer is him justifying his actions to himself. That he is “helping people authentically.” So it doesn’t matter if he is actually talking to the dead because those who he is conning money out of perceive it as truth. Keep telling yourself that Tyler and watch yourself burnout. He is literally reading from a binder which holds all the audience information gathered from public record paid or unpaid and social media. Internet is amazing, eh?
Lots of skeptics and cynics in the comments about Tyler smh...Yet so many of his predictions about future child births, deaths, and relationships have come true.
He looks crazy
I don’t like the reporter he was rude, immediately assuming it isn’t real when he doesn’t have proof it isn’t. There isn’t proof anyway but this guy gives immediately details that are not in google and never met them before. When you have a gift there is going to be small minded people that will criticize. Im glad he is confident and doesn’t pay attention to the negativity.
"When you know in your heart what you are you can go to bed at night without any problem" I'm sure you know exactly what you and your lack of genuine empathy is why you can sleep at night. There's a reason you can't defend yourself against cold reading accusations.
He seems like a very nice, polite, young man … how do explain the brain scans that Dr. Drew did? Can you do that? (I mean I am all 4 Bam & Steve-O both just say’n … but that will work out.)
@@TheAngeldancesi mean.. another guy from the E! Network ?
i do believe there is a afterlife and i believe that our loved ones are still here taking care of us but i don't need a psychic to tell be about my future and what type of characteristics my grandmother or loved one were like. I simply pray and see my loved ones in my dreams. i believe that the dead can communicate with us in our dreams but i don't believe that only one person can talk to them. he stated that it takes him an hour to prepare himself when talking to a client, that was a huge red flag for me.
Tyler's all good people on here are haters.
Laurayne I agree too
Where is the full video? This is just a snippet. I'd love to watch this.
Me too
I hope one day people wake up and realize that we are all one. The only thing that seperates us is our minds. The only thing in this world is consciousness. Its what I am and its what you are...thus we are all one. This kid isnt talking necessarily to dead relatives because consciousness never dies. He is simply talking to consciousness.
Very well put.
I'm just kidding 😂 you're just a fool.
Exactly! I wish more people were aware and understood this. Mindfulness and awareness
3:55 That was one of the scariest laughs ever.
Shakes his head NO when he said he helped people and done so authentically😅
Communicating with Spirit is real, and every single person does it all of the time, most of us ignore it, or second guess what we are getting. The intention of a medium is healing and the most effective thing done is allowing the living to understand that your loved ones are never gone, and that we do carry on after we die.
Believe or don't, it really makes no difference, because Spirit exists and doesn't depend on anyone's belief. Blessings.
There is life after death. Proof came in a dream vision two times from my Dad. The first was when I was at college my freshman year. The second was my sophomore year and my Dad came again and said, “Do not drive to Kansas City”. I went anyway. I had a accident, my little red Volkswagen Bug was totaled, but my roommate and I were not injured. The second came as I prepared to wed. My Dad came to me again and said that the man I was engaged to marry would spend money like my Mom. Daddy was right. We divorced after three years. The last visit came in ‘91 on three consecutive nights. After the third visit, mom became ill while talking on the phone to her best friend and dropped dead as she went to take one of the pills. There “is” life after death.
In not trying to be rude but your proof for something that has never been documented as being real is something that appeared in a dream? You can hear how this can sound a bit ridiculous right?
I remember Banachek from Rogan! Good job Vice.
Pretending to be a psychic is much better than flipping burgers
Thanks for the head's up John Oliver.
His smile is so creepy
Yep, it does.
This is getting ridiculous! All this attention for a scammer ! He uses all the age old tricks to get information about the people in his audiences and they all fall for it because when you loose someone you become desperate. He should be stopped. THIS IS THE WORST MOST CRUEL KIND OF DECEPTION! I WOULD JAIL THE SKINNY RUNT FOR FRAUD !!
If you believe in psychics you are being duped. Get a therapist.
I sometimes think therapists dupe people. Not nearly as much as psychics, though, that's for sure.
@@billscannell93 Fair point.
Can ya”ll explain to me why during a session with a client I had this overwhelming loving energy surge through every cell of my being and then had a downloaded message into my mind- “ I am a family relative that has passed away and I am here to love and support him” I asked him and he said yes his father- So all you people that are calling him a con please explain to me what I experienced???
This is years later, but don't listen to that other commenter. I actually feel kinda sorry for people who believe we've got this reality all figured out and that everything is as it seems.
@@ElysianSounds lol...
@@lurategh yeah that person is an idiot. I get alot of idiot comments when i share these magical experiences ive had with spirit. Ive had many many more since!
Can we explain to you how you deluded yourself into thinking the dead are talking to you and decided to charge people in grief for it? No. Because we can't sink that low morally.
2:38 In other words: He's scheduled to scam 175,000 people.
I do believe there are cons but Tyler seems legit. Have that skeptic guy get on stage and do readings as thorough as Tyler and prove it’s all fake then! Never seen a skeptic do that before, if it’s so easy then show us!
Illusionist Derren Brown has done it! Watch his video with "psychic" Joe Power. He totally outed Power for the fraud that he is and Derren Brown shows you just how it's done! He even did "psychic" reading with people that afterwards when he told them he was an illusionist not a psychic, they didn't believe him! You just don't know the "tricks of the trade". lol
James Randi has outed plenty of "psychics" and can also show you how it's done.
@@barbarac9805 ok but where is it about tyler Henry. He has predicted things and they have come true. You cant just make that up. He knew alan thicke would die of a heart problem and a few months later he died of a heart attack.
I’ve been read by a medium who’s not famous. They aren’t always a scam
I went to one who told me things that all came true. I took another person and she told him scary that was true. She was a psychic to the police in a very large city where I lived at the time (assisting in cases). I have no idea how she tapped into this stuff. She was a nice, normal mother of a seven year old in a suburb. It was many years ago.
Marian McAfee I believe you people think it a fake but it’s not. She shocked me too she told me and described my daughters room only after I asked what her future would be. She said things that no one knew about. Idk I mean I guess some people can guess. But she didn’t even want to do it because she was afraid I would judge her. She didn’t even do it for money. So she was very honest. Luckily I was able to communicate with my sibling. And she even said words that only my brother would say. Some people thought I was desperate for thinking it was true but if you don’t experience it you’ll never believe it. You know. I thanked her for doing it and for interpreted the dream for me. Apparently the dream was kind of a warning. Damn even told me something about my time come to an end. Idk I think everyone’s future is destined. But what is crazy is I dreamt of dying in an accident and so did my daughter who has a lot of dreams like me. Idk I don’t think I should be afraid but and I honestly don’t even think she told me in that way she was kind of in a trance.
I might have to become a medium so I can steal dumb people's money too
No no, RICH dumb people in Hollywood. Why waste time on housewives wanting to talk to grandma?
What i dont like about this interview is the interview comes as cynicism and not neutral at all..
He gave a reading to Alan Thicke regarding heart ❤️ issues just months before he passed. He died of a ruptured aorta. Things that make you go hummm???
Linda Moore because heart problems are common.
Andrew So are stokes, cancer and many other common issues. I'm not really sure if I buy into this kid but kinda weird he nailed it. Check it out on RUclips. Kinda on the fence.
Linda Moore my main thing is that it is scientifically impossible and for me that’s that. I don’t believe in spirits or anything beyond particles and energy, so how am I supposed to believe him if he would be doing the impossible.
Andrew Well, yes if that's your beliefs that's cool. Mine are quite different. But, that's not to say I believe in this kid and I'll leave it at that. ✌️
Linda Moore that’s fine, I only have a problem when people act superior and say things like are you so naive that you believe that this world is all there is and shit like that. Anyways good day.
how can such a person sleep at night?
This really isn’t that bad of a video. They talk to both sides and give out real info
Fake smile is a tell. This is nonsense.
i do believe tyler is legitimate
2:47 Tyler shows immense fear that the guy / or someone from Vice is going to be at the very top of that list ! He’s showing the real “ Deer In The Headlights “ scared to death 💀 of being exposed very soon 🤞🏻😉😂🤣
Where is the full interview?
He’s so uncomfortable when asked if he’s a fraud. Then he shows creepy smile and justified his fraud, “I’m helping people.”
This is really fascinating because there are really people in the world who cannot handle grief or move on. If a "con-man" helps them move on, in a better way than a psychiatrist can, is it not their choice to believe? As it is our choice not to believe? Also, the episode he received a brain scan was pretty fascinating with Steve-O too
he is not helping people move on. He is exploiting people's trauma for money.
It’s called false hope. Oh wait, I’d rather believe a lie than have my feet planted in reality 🤷🏻♀. Maybe they should seek out a good grief psychiatrist. Gez.
Illusions cannot replace truth, for every lie we tell incurs a debt, and sooner or later that debt is repaid.
@@luiousy7329 Did you just repeat a line from HBO's Chernobyl?
These con-men and con-women should be arrested and thrown into the slammer. If they really had such a gift they should never charge for it. DISGUSTING. KARMA is going to come back and bite these fakes in the ass real hard!!!
YEP FOR SURE BIG TIME I SO DOUBLE WHAT YOU JUST EXPRESSED! ..With that big 5 letter word you wrote will come bite him back real hard he won't know what hit him..
....truly makes me sit and think how on earth does he sleep at night!?, (hmm) well, probably not much I'd say tossing and turning planning and 🤥🤥 plotting how he'll play the next gullible victim in his sick twisted game of greed.
..Gee! GREED there's another 5 letter word that shouldn't be taken lightly it all catchers up don't think he'd be smiling then. Suppose that's the consequence when you're young and dum and too foolish or too ignorant (one or rhe other or both who really knows!?) to even be taking the time out aside to be considering the possibility consequences of such self centered short lived egotistical doings and actions.. I hope he wakes up to himself sooner rather than later. Sad case of a man to put it lightly. 🤔
Makes you really wonder what drives people to keep on doing such fraudulent shit. Oh that's right GREED NOT KARMA. I'd sure be crapping myself if I were in his shoes. I'd like to think most of us have good intentions with a pure conscious when all the lights go out at night as they drift off to a sweet sleep. Dont think anyone in their right mind would have a heart to do what he does as he does anyway. SILLY BILLY.. what can I but only just that! Ohh dear O dear moving on.