Brutal Wolfenstein:V.1.0 vs V.5.5.
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Been messing around with some usb when i suddendly stumble across the first ever version of Brutal Wolfenstein i made,way back in 2014.I wanted to make this video,where i quickly play E1M1 in v.1.0 and in the current last version,v.5.5.
It's nice to see how my work has drastically changed over the years.
I've uploaded v1.0 and v2.5.1. in one package to anyone curious.They are pretty ancient so they require a really old gzdoom version,such GzDoom 2.2.0.
Hohh boy, I remember the older versions were really very, very rough back then. Nowadays, it's really impressive from all the work that was put into from there. Especially the levels that do look quite nicer that way.
you can see the glue holding together the older versions of this mod.
Dude you're on fire. I remember when Brutal Wolf first hit the scene, I looked at it and thought "man this has potential", but also "it has a long way to go". I'm in my 40s and don't have much time to play, so I lost track, but today I thought I'd check up on this mod and lo and behold, not only is it still being maintained, but holy shit you've been doing some incredible work on it. Crazy it's been 8 years. Just downloaded v5.5 and I hope I'll find some time to play soon. Great stuff!
i really like the remade episode of brutal wolfenstein 5.0+. particularly the environments. the environment of the natural caves and underground sections mixed with the more professional and human made area's like the laboratories and the bases all makes it feel very immersive. also the little details like how the laboratories are filled with scientists that are all making calculations, potions, purple fluid, and so on for Dr. Schabbs to create the mutants that we all know and hate
I never got to finish Wolfenstein back in those days. But thanks to this mod i manage to witness the ending for the first time. And loved it from start to finish
this mod has progressed a lot since the first version.
Mod bellissima, niente da dire. Così bella che mentre scrivo sto commento ho di sottofondo la musica del menu principale a palla. La cura dei dettagli è assurda e complessivamente per me assomiglia un po' a un misto tra il classico Wolf3D e Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Geniale l'idea di usare la voce di Steve Blum come doppiatore di Blazkowicz. Continua così
So this mod have 8 years journey… way long than I expected
Nice progress
Я поиграл немного,замедление пуль противников действительно улучшило геймплей.😀🚩
I remember how cringe the 3.0 version of this mod was. Now its beyond amazing with all of the work put in!
I’m surprised you’re still touching up on this mod occasionally.
3.0 was hilariously bad,those sprites were so trash and i still wonder why in the fuck the 16 years old me put a random cupa the creeper in the pacman level.I personally think the mod became tollerable with 4.5.
4.0 and 4.1 were more acceptable but still pretty rough.
tbh 4.0 and 4.1 werent that bad I kinda liked redesings of bosses but yeh it was kinda rough mostly cuz of some map designs and some sprites on enemies and bosses felt bit incomplete,
Pretty awesome mod!
Why is Hans Gross not appearing in the Episode 1 Remake?
Nice. Older versions, before version 5.5 was easier, but this last one is just hardcore all the way. Even on easy difficulty, there will be less enemies but they still will do too much damage to you. I played this game for few months trying to beat it. Was playing via lzdoom, cause GZDoom sucks in everything, and when i got to the final boss of the first episode then i got stuck. Boss simply just didn't showed up and i didn't know what to do to make him showed up. Thus i stoped there and abandoned this game. Instead i'm playing Brutal Doom. At least it doesn't have problems like that lol
Its because theres assets that only gzdoom can load. Yeah gzdoom is shit but wha i am going to do abouit
@@usuarionaoincluido7733 And because GZDoom is shit, i no longer play Doom mods. All tho i wanted to make my own collection of Doom mods for myself. I even have a list of mods that i wanted to download. They are old but will work for me.
@@deathcold_longplaysua4846 yeah sad but i wanna play doom mods sadly i need to play with gzdoom but i know some source ports that runs mods like zandronum
@@usuarionaoincluido7733 Yeah, zandronum and LZDoom does the job very well. Sadly, there is not a lot mods for those ports, cause mods creators don't want to make mods for those two ports too. So yeah, we have to play what we have, and the rest we need to skip.
@@deathcold_longplaysua4846 true because their younger brother do the job "better" sad but i think that brutal wolf runs without errors on zandronum
May I use one of brutal wolfenstein's soundtracks as background audio for a timelapse?
I'm not sure which version I first played, it was about 2 or 3 years ago at most, maybe it was 4.x? I recently downloaded 5.5 and it's awesome. The first version I played had a Hitler fight closer to the vanilla, but I like the new closed arena in 5.5. But I remember in the older one I played, on E1L10 there was a weird altar like room with something that looked like a dead MLP pony on it (which I thought was hysterical). It's not there n 5.5. I miss it!
By the way what's with the Enclave soldiers lol and why can't you pick up their gun? Walking over it dsplays "What is this?!" but you don't actually pick anything up. I THINK in the older version I played, you could.
Remake extended with v7.0 is needed 😅
Mod fantastica, la ricarica che si resetta quando clicco durante l'animazione mi ha fatto storcere un pò il naso all'inizio, ma alla fine mi è piaciuta perchè mi mette dei freni e non mi lascia correre come un matto pronto a farsi crivellare dalle guardie e mi da tempo per farmi pensare ad una strategia (anche se vedo che è un bug, dati I caricatori vuoti eterni che cadono quando inizia l'animazione ogni volta).
Inoltre quando ho provato a vedere quali mostri erano stati sostituiti e quali sono stati aggiunti sono stato preso alla sprovvista da Synergo e le due vittime legate mi hanno fatto ridere.
Quella feature si chiama "reload canceling" e l'ho messa con l'ultima versione. Prima se il giocatore ricaricava non poteva cambiare Arma finche non finiva l'animazione ed essendo ormai abituato a giochi dove puoi interromperle, mi dava personalmente fastidio. E' un po' buggata, ma considera che a livello di gameplay adesso il giocatore e' meno incapacitato di prima durante una sparatoria.
Quella feature si chiama "reload canceling" e l'ho messa con l'ultima versione. Prima se il giocatore ricaricava non poteva cambiare Arma finche non finiva l'animazione ed essendo ormai abituato a giochi dove puoi interromperle, mi dava personalmente fastidio. E' un po' buggata, ma considera che a livello di gameplay adesso il giocatore e' meno incapacitato di prima durante una sparatoria.
hey ZiomcCall have you considered releasing an optimization update for gore and graphics? because I really like this game a lot but when I kill 2 or more enemies and the blood builds up a bit I have a big drop in FPS and I really enjoy killing those Nazis, undead, and finding each secret of the levels
Go to the btws menu and tap blood and gore and set it to the lowest
Esse jogo é muito Top
Yo, you're still working on this?
I'm afraid not, although BW is still going strong. Let's give Zio a round of beers for the great foundation he made
Edit: It's a last minute touchup, but he'll always be welcome should he make a permanent return
Yes, expect some dev diaries in the future.
@@ZioMcCall Awesome. Love from the Project Brutality team.
Idk why I can’t get this to fucking work.
Zdoom compatability?
Only GzDoom.
@@ZioMcCall *sad Freedoom mobile noises*
The hell is this?
It's cringe.