  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • //​ ‪@THEKONGNER‬ Documentary - NARRATIVITY: TONE Music //
    去年,香港在疫情的陰影下處於百廢待興的狀態。在這片寂靜中,TONE Music 選擇了在這個時刻舉辦了兩場前所未有的音樂盛宴:「未來音樂祭 2022」(TONE MUSIC FESTIVAL 2022)和「未來音樂選 2022」(TONE MUSIC AWARDS 2022)。TONE Music 團隊希望為香港的音樂現場活動注入新的活力,喚醒人們對本地音樂的關注。
    為了記錄 TONE Music 的八位成員在籌備這兩場盛事中的真實心情和想法,THE KONGNER 從觀察型紀錄片的角度出發,以最真實、最不加修飾的紀實方式捕捉台前幕後的每個瞬間。從籌備初期到活動的順利落幕,THE KONGNER 的鏡頭記錄了這兩場音樂盛宴背後的珍貴片段和真實面貌。此外,我們還邀請了專業人士以及這兩場活動的參與者分享他們的對 TONE Music 以及香港音樂的感受和思考。而 TONE Music 的八位成員也毫不保留地在鏡頭前分享彼此的真實想法、面對困境時的處事方式,以及對香港音樂未來的深刻願景。
    這部紀錄片將引領觀眾深入瞭解 TONE Music 的心路歷程,探尋他們對音樂背後的激情和堅守。它不僅僅是兩場音樂盛宴的幕後花絮,更是一個探討本地音樂、活動策劃以及未來的具體想像。
    Amid the pandemic, Hong Kong was in a state of stillness. In this backdrop of tranquility, TONE Music took a brave step by organizing two groundbreaking music spectacles: the 'TONE MUSIC FESTIVAL 2022' and the 'TONE MUSIC AWARDS 2022.' intending to breathe new life into Hong Kong's music scene and rekindle people's interest in local music.
    To document the genuine emotions and thoughts of the eight members of TONE Music as they prepared for these two remarkable events, THE KONGNER adopted an observational documentary approach, capturing every moment, sincere and authentic, both on and behind the stage. From the early planning stages to the seamless conclusion of the events, THE KONGNER's lens immortalized precious moments and the true essence concealed behind these two musical extravaganzas. Additionally, THE KONGNER invited professionals and participants to share their sentiments and reflections on TONE Music and the Hong Kong music scene. Meanwhile, the eight members of TONE Music candidly revealed their thoughts, coping strategies in the face of challenges, and profound visions for the future of Hong Kong's music.
    This documentary is designed to provide viewers with an in-depth understanding of TONE Music's journey, delving into their enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to the world of music behind the curtains. It is not merely a backstage glimpse into two music extravaganzas but also an exploration of local music, event planning, and a tangible glimpse into the future.
    世道衰微,經營艱難,請支持 KONGNER:
    (1) 每月支持,加入 @THE KONGNER 會員計劃:kongner.com/id
    (2) 購買 THE KONGNER First Collection Merchandise:kongner.com/shop
    (3) 直接支持 Donation:
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Комментарии • 36

  • @HappyKongner
    @HappyKongner  Год назад +96

    這條紀錄片是 THE KONGNER 的獨立製作,並非任何機構委托製作的資助項目。THE KONGNER 一直以來都是以自負盈虧的方向營運,因此我們極之需要來自各方朋友的支援,才可以繼續前進。
    如果想要支持我們的價值、努力及理念,你可以選擇加入 THE KONGNER 會員以月費或年費形式支持我們,也可以選購我們精心設計的香港製造產品,讓我們可以繼續製作有關香港文化的原創作品、項目及舉辦不同活動。
    加入會員連結: kongner.com/id
    THE KONGNER SHOP 連結:kongner.com/shop
    This documentary is an independent production by THE KONGNER and is not a sponsored project commissioned by any organization. THE KONGNER has continuously operated on a self-sustaining basis, so we greatly rely on support from people interested in local culture to keep progressing.
    If you want to support our values, efforts, and ideals, you can join THE KONGNER membership and support us through monthly or yearly membership fees. Alternatively, you can browse and purchase our thoughtfully crafted products made in Hong Kong, which will enable us to continue creating original works and projects related to Hong Kong culture, as well as hosting various events.
    JOIN THE KONGNER ID NOW: kongner.com/id
    THE KONGNER SHOP Link: kongner.com/shop
    We sincerely appreciate your support!

  • @ksjourneyhk
    @ksjourneyhk Год назад +11

    亦感謝Tone Music對香港音樂既付出同心血🫡

  • @martinlau1456
    @martinlau1456 Год назад +7


  • @rj450027
    @rj450027 Год назад +13

    第一胎親生仔終於出爐,恭喜KONGNER 恭喜RINGO
    同時多謝TONE 帶俾我地咁好睇既SHOW~ 再接再厲!

  • @ashin_hikari
    @ashin_hikari Год назад +7

    小小支持!! 辛苦你地啦!!

  • @Stephenn_ss
    @Stephenn_ss Год назад +6


  • @MarkLam852
    @MarkLam852 Год назад +9


  • @Bonjouretranger
    @Bonjouretranger Год назад +4

    睇完成條Documentary之後都大概明白到籌備一個項目入邊要顧慮既位同埋會出現既問題 好多可以反思既位

  • @chingching826
    @chingching826 Год назад +7

    多謝 KONGNER 記錄🥹🫡

  • @DSLF_HK
    @DSLF_HK Год назад +3

    睇完篇片, 覺得製作單位咁人, 咁要唔多full time staff 做tone 既野, 其他人好多主業要做. 要攪個 show 同埋長遠發展真係人力同財力都未必夠~

  • @cairis_tyan
    @cairis_tyan Год назад +8

    都係果句~ 多謝KONGNER, 多謝TONE~

    @EVITAvsEVITA Год назад +6


  • @ysho5115
    @ysho5115 Год назад +3

    辛苦晒kongner,辛苦晒榮高,辛苦晒tone music, 多謝你地嘅付出

  • @cv5008
    @cv5008 Год назад +5


  • @loknessdh12
    @loknessdh12 Год назад +3

    個幾鐘嘅片 真係cls company 😢

  • @marcuslo1998
    @marcuslo1998 Год назад +4


  • @cosmos11131101
    @cosmos11131101 Год назад +4

  • @Dororo2003
    @Dororo2003 Год назад +4


  • @TeriverCheung
    @TeriverCheung Год назад +3

    Support you guys!

  • @四四四少
    @四四四少 Год назад +3

    Liked 😍👍🏽

  • @victorhung8631
    @victorhung8631 Год назад +3


  • @thomaslo6882
    @thomaslo6882 Год назад +2


  • @mis5606
    @mis5606 Год назад

    希望更多人能夠睇到,音樂只係香港文化產業其中之一。每次舉辦當然係想推廣更多俾人知,但係當要面對場地租金,政策規範問題。作為觀眾心態要開放,我都係透過tone 接觸到更多唔同類型嘅音樂。多謝Kongner 記錄低呢一切🫡

  • @axlhacker7
    @axlhacker7 Год назад +1

    來睇睇Tone 既故事!!!

  • @willson_man
    @willson_man Год назад +1


  • @滴露青年
    @滴露青年 Год назад +2


  • @yanyan228
    @yanyan228 Год назад


  • @jkfanreborn00
    @jkfanreborn00 Год назад

    香港人做既 講香港我地每日都聽 每日都留意既 關於香港樂壇既 docu ! 加油!

  • @dash7059
    @dash7059 Год назад +1


  • @mattcheung123
    @mattcheung123 Год назад +1


  • @oldman1627
    @oldman1627 Год назад +1


  • @UoyOtYadhtribYppah
    @UoyOtYadhtribYppah Год назад


  • @川普和津實
    @川普和津實 Год назад +1

    辛苦晒kongner, 但成個vibe好沉重咁😟作為一個音樂節既docu真係要攪到哭喪咁咩?

      @STEVENCSF Год назад +1


    • @yanyan228
      @yanyan228 Год назад +1


  • @aesop1639704
    @aesop1639704 Год назад +3
