Biggest problem for rengar is that the champ is overwhelmingly filled with bugs. From conquerer stacks not properly working to his empowered e flying through champions and scuttles… These buffs make him oneshot adcs harder, which is the wrong direction. Fuck these buffs, fix my champ
yea i played graves vs rengar two days ago, he oneshot me through shieldbow and plateds and i oneshot him as well, a bit slower, but then u play vs udyr skarner and all these bruisery champs as either graves or rengar and ur doing less than nothing while they kill u easily
@@window9213 YES THATS WHAT IM SAYIN IMMA SO MAD I dunno who is in charge of assassins on phreaks team, but he needs to have his paid vacation days reduced
hey Nemesis clips channel! THANK YOU BUD for always getting these Patch reaction clips!!! I love the way Nemesis always runs through the notes and makes them quickly summarized in his own words!
He's still so easy to oneshot when he is at his strongest, only enchanters could help him but now he does 40% the damage of any other ADC and dies at the same speed
@@einjharrelraca corki in low elo for some reasons is garbage while he doing incredible good high elo . I suppose cause he isn't a scaling champ anymore but a snowball mid game champ and people in high elo can abuse him to close games faster
Well there goes the 1 AD Caster marksman who is expressly good into tank champions, Lucian, Jhin, Ezreal, MF are all bad into tanks compared to their lane-mates and now smolder is falling to the same fate
Teemo can't have one strong patch always insta nerfed afterwards. Brand was arguably the strongest champion in the game, 52-56% WR ranging from multiple tiers of play, for multiple months and patches in jungle, mid, bot and support... and that champion plays itself.
Smolder changes are honestly terrible. He's basically a worse version of corki that deals less damage early and less damage late...the 225 stacks only mattering to E is straight garbage.
teemo being OP is because they changed sweeper years ago making them less reliable to make trap champs better, also it's because in higher elo he's jungling and can shit out mushrooms all over the enemy jungle that last 5 minutes, so even though he can be on the other side of the map farming he also simultaneously pressures the other side of the map with mushrooms he shat out an eternity ago. 5 minutes in LoL is an eternity, for example it's the base cooldown for flash as well as the time it takes for the dragon to respawn. and during all of this, his mushrooms could still be stealthed somewhere on a side of the map he hasn't been on for a while. also need i mention that his traps can reveal enemies because they have a vision radius, also there's no limit to how many he can have out at once so level 11 with malignance he can shit out so many mushrooms that you won't be able to clear them all with an oracle, all while they provide him with either free information/damage while he's on the other side of the map farming his camps or even laying more traps after you clear his other ones. teemo's only problematic role is jungle honestly which is why he's probably getting either a nerf to his clear vs monsters (because that is also another reason why he's strong, especially with liandry's) or the lifespan of his traps, i don't think teemo top will suffer from traps either losing a minute or two on their lifespan but teemo jungle loses a lot of the pressure he was abusing
Well yeah mushrooms are a problem since they reworked the sweeper and also having 3sec blind on a 4.5 Q cd on late game let you barely auto attack him so... He also is, like Corki, one of the most statechecky range champion
2 weeks later "we are nerfing smolder q ratio by 30%, w ratio by 20%, e cooldown by 9 seconds and r healing by 150 base. BUT WE ARE COMPENSATION BUFFING HIM WITH A 15% CRIT RATIO ON HIS E PROJECTILES!!!
If kog nerf isn't ap scaling I'm quitting. No one is complaining abt ad on hit kog while ap kog is in every 3rd game soitting cancer in high and low elo
Yun Tal will probably be good on AA champions. Will definitely scale better than Collector (Fleet/Lethal Tempo Cait). We'll have to see the actual buff. Plenty ADCs won't care anyway since they build (or can effectively build) other items. Basically the ones affected are: Cait (especially First Strike / HoB) Jhin Draven (especially HoB) Samira Tristana Nilah There's smth like 15 other ADCs
lol so they decided to remove the only unique thing that not only somewhat represents the theme of Aurora going between worlds, but also is a new and unique move that gives the champion kit just the little personality it needs? W design, now shes just a 3 hit passive mage with light cc
Would really like ability haste to return to the game in some way. Feels horrible for a lot of champions when you get around 30-40 ability haste at full build.
If they are gonna do that (I don’t disagree), they should give back AD to the Crit Atk Spd items. Lots of the tradeoffs differ from class to class, with Lethality losing AH or Movement Spd. Me personally I want to play 3.5 Atk Spd that do 5 dmg a pop and I hate this new 500 Dmg once a second AAing
@@zachtemoro2116 i think it would also make champions like caitlyn far less miserable to play against so you don’t get nuked in two or three autos from fullscreen
It genuinely scares me that a few people actually think Ambessa is broken. She’s gimmicky at best and a throw pick at worst. Her weapons feel like wet pool noodles and the only argument I’ve heard in her defense is “She’s good when she’s ahead” (as if thats not EVERY CHAMPION when they’re fed). Theres just no stage in the game where she is impactful, she is just a worse Darius with none of his Strengths
I think she is a strong skirmisher in mid game. Try to pick champs while they are rotating as they really cant run from her. You kind of have to play at the edges of teamfights and try to isolate 1-2 guys to duel them. Her head on 5v5 is kinda whack.
@@ANilahAtiongood for you mate, but then why would u pick her over Riven then? Shes the same champ but better at any time before lvl16 and 3items+. Ambessa is a snowball character with weak early games, these champs only work in mid and jgl (Eve, Ekko, Kindred, Qiyana etc...) in a 1v1 setup it wont work with 2 ppl of the same lvl
I’ve been wanting to quit since Ksante was released. Boring meta, Riot has no idea what to do with Crit items, uninteresting champion releases. I’m chilling this next patches, many players are quitting, this game is head diving into a dead game.
Isn’t every season in history just that? They spend the whole year trying to balance the new seasons shitty paradigm Then just nuke it the next season Rinse repeat
what’s your solution then lil guy? do you think they’re just gonna delete her from the game? also you’re bronze if you think ambessa is meta in any way.
@@eebbaa5560 I’ve been wanting to quit since Ksante was released. Boring meta, Riot has no idea what to do with Crit items, uninteresting champion releases. I’m chilling as well, many players are quitting, this game is head diving into a dead game.
why the fuck are they shoving yun tal down our damn throats if it’s not a good option it’s not a good option, it’s very niche but nerfing such a core item on many champs like collecter to try to get people to use it is ridiculous what riot employee is getting their job security off of that damn items success
In my opinion there is 2 problems with collector. The first issue is that every other item feels trash that it doesn’t have much competition. Kraken or blade are just not viable items anymore. 2nd, I think Collector gives too many stats. It gives AD, Lethality, and Crit. Having an item give all 3 of these stats is a bit too much and makes it hard to balance. I think they should pull back on one stat and have it only give 2 stats. That way you are not just building it because it’s a stat check item, you’re building it more for the execute passive.
@@Riceisgood777 I should have specified, I think the crit chance should be removed. It should be AD + lethality. They can even bring up the AD in compensation for crit chance loss.
To be honest, I think Ambessa is genuinely quite weak right now. When she was announced I was as scared as everyone but she does seem kinda ass I can’t lie.
she’s weak even by design but league players are too jaded to see that. they see dashes and think she’s op when she has almost no utility or survivability in her kit. her damage is decent if she gets fed, but she has an insanely weak early game. even if they buff her i don’t think she’ll ever be broken. genuinely just a worse riven
she seems weak because people are learning the champ still. riots going to buff the shit out of her. and she's going to break 60% winrate overnight. its going to be fucking viego all over again, cause this is how every bruiser release goes.
league players thinking ambessa is broken is a perfect representation of everything that’s wrong with the game and its community these days. no one cares about evaluating the game intelligently or holistically anymore everyone just complains about everything while not quitting the game because they’re addicted to it. it’s beyond exasperating at this point. idk how people don’t get tired of hearing themselves whine about the same things every single patch. just a miserable community overall
Bro you are so right. Literally the other day i was speaking about Aurora adjustment. I was saying that the changes are okay beside the reset (which they said they probably bringing back(I thought it was dumb cuz it was her core gimmick not the passive)). N someone reply saying you must be low elo or dont play her a lot. N im like you act like critical thinking doesnt exist? They mad about her vs tanks/bruisers… like bruh she not supposed to auto win against melee n she already basically win against most mid laners.
I am genuinely concerned when I see people call weak a new champion that has 46% win rate in its first few days of release. Ambessa is broken af just wait until people get a bit of mastery and start building cyclosword on her. The most concerning part of this champion isn’t even the amount of mobility it has but the fact that such high mobility is paired with a slow and suppression 😂
@@eebbaa5560 That says a lot, doesn't it? If I am a 500LP player that can actually kite above average and I can't kite out "WITH THE BEST CHAMPION FOR KITING IN THE GAME", then that should give you a better insight. Are you pretending a champion that fully builds CDR, those CDR items are all bruiser items with a lot of defensive stats, and will be dashing every time she casts an ability isn't a problem for the ADC role? I don't main ADC, I'll give you that, perhaps my kiting isn't Uzi level mb.
There are a lot of champions that can easly gap close to adc and ambessa isn't even consistent in doing it. Her probably only job is done better by most of the other champs nocturn riven renekton yet she have to have terrible laning to do half what they can
@@The_Lightless because the way she is right now is cancer tbh. she might suck but it’s still unfun to play against her nukes and healing. the rework will probably be out in a few months anyway
@@eebbaa5560 She is literally the definition of an ultimate reliant champion. She is not a champion without it. She is really weak early game and you pretty much have to flip better teamates and laners for the first 10-15 minutes of the game. She is extremely weak until first item and doesn’t come online until 2nd item when you start dealing AP damage. She is also not very good at dueling or ganking until 6 and even after level 6, her ganks are still decent at best. She has very clear and obvious counter play that low elo players don’t understand. Some champions are just inherently flawed like this but the level of nerfs that Shyvana herself has gotten compared to others that we have seen like Yorick and Illaoi who were nerfed for the same reason is absurd. She should have gotten the Kayn treatment where she was stronger in early game but weaker in late game which makes her more balanced overall for the majority of players. I’m not saying she should get it right now, but it’s something she should have gotten a long time ago.
@ i mean yeah that’s all fair and it’s the reason why she’s getting reworked. i’m not saying she’s good or overpowered; quite the opposite, in fact. having shyvana in a game is just miserable for everyone involved no matter what. you pretty much don’t have a jungler on your team if you get a shyvana but if she somehow gets fed she literally just oneshots people. riot just wants people to stop playing her until she gets reworked.
Biggest problem for rengar is that the champ is overwhelmingly filled with bugs. From conquerer stacks not properly working to his empowered e flying through champions and scuttles…
These buffs make him oneshot adcs harder, which is the wrong direction.
Fuck these buffs, fix my champ
yea i played graves vs rengar two days ago, he oneshot me through shieldbow and plateds and i oneshot him as well, a bit slower, but then u play vs udyr skarner and all these bruisery champs as either graves or rengar and ur doing less than nothing while they kill u easily
@@PongLenis-zw8kv Lol have you seen the buffs they put up? 50% more ad on his R with more armor shred xD
I dunno who is in charge of assassins on phreaks team, but he needs to have his paid vacation days reduced
hey Nemesis clips channel! THANK YOU BUD for always getting these Patch reaction clips!!! I love the way Nemesis always runs through the notes and makes them quickly summarized in his own words!
I know Twitch is very annoing to play vs but the poor rat is in the gutter
He's still so easy to oneshot when he is at his strongest, only enchanters could help him but now he does 40% the damage of any other ADC and dies at the same speed
@magnov983 the problem Is that Gold and under ppls cant play vs stealth
@@wolfrost9915 and yet its still negative wr at all elo
@Nope_Nope- i mean Is hard to buff cause a 1-2%win in Emerald+ Is a 2-4% in Gold and under
and he should stay that way
Zac will always be a better in lane. Who need sustain in jungle nowadays. Even the designer wanted for him to be played in top.
Back in the day jungle was harsher😢 now its like disney
Kha'Zix I barely see nowadays, and that has nothing to do with his ult
Also that Kog Luden's build is so goofy
Didnt he just get nerfed lul
Kog was a bork user
on kog specifically, yeah. that happens when you ruin an entire classes items while they are already struggling to find relevance.
Corki dodged nerfs again RIOT
Stop complaining he has 3 mana less now, he's unplayable
he needs rework
he's litteraly at a 50% winrate in botlane and 48% mid. Christ this "all adcs are broken at all times no matter what!" shit is getting old.
@@einjharrelraca corki in low elo for some reasons is garbage while he doing incredible good high elo . I suppose cause he isn't a scaling champ anymore but a snowball mid game champ and people in high elo can abuse him to close games faster
@@einjharrelracalemme guess u are adc main
Well there goes the 1 AD Caster marksman who is expressly good into tank champions, Lucian, Jhin, Ezreal, MF are all bad into tanks compared to their lane-mates and now smolder is falling to the same fate
Rell changes seem to hit her roaming which makes sense now resistances over move speed and more damage seems cool she was stealing leonas place
the ult buffs for rengar are basicly ussles for large amout of people becus verry few people use the ult corectly
With auroras ult no longer trapping enemies and last longer you will have to play off of using the TP that the ult gives to secure kills now sadly
Bro lost to text wall and glossed over the biggest change.
@@IYPITWL bro yes don’t play
riot " we want more build diversity " but we want to force players to certain builds anyway🤡
Teemo can't have one strong patch always insta nerfed afterwards.
Brand was arguably the strongest champion in the game, 52-56% WR ranging from multiple tiers of play, for multiple months and patches in jungle, mid, bot and support... and that champion plays itself.
Smolder changes are honestly terrible. He's basically a worse version of corki that deals less damage early and less damage late...the 225 stacks only mattering to E is straight garbage.
The teemo being over powered is low elo players dont buy scanner and dont wait out the blind
teemo being OP is because they changed sweeper years ago making them less reliable to make trap champs better, also it's because in higher elo he's jungling and can shit out mushrooms all over the enemy jungle that last 5 minutes, so even though he can be on the other side of the map farming he also simultaneously pressures the other side of the map with mushrooms he shat out an eternity ago. 5 minutes in LoL is an eternity, for example it's the base cooldown for flash as well as the time it takes for the dragon to respawn. and during all of this, his mushrooms could still be stealthed somewhere on a side of the map he hasn't been on for a while.
also need i mention that his traps can reveal enemies because they have a vision radius, also there's no limit to how many he can have out at once so level 11 with malignance he can shit out so many mushrooms that you won't be able to clear them all with an oracle, all while they provide him with either free information/damage while he's on the other side of the map farming his camps or even laying more traps after you clear his other ones.
teemo's only problematic role is jungle honestly which is why he's probably getting either a nerf to his clear vs monsters (because that is also another reason why he's strong, especially with liandry's) or the lifespan of his traps, i don't think teemo top will suffer from traps either losing a minute or two on their lifespan but teemo jungle loses a lot of the pressure he was abusing
Its all about the mushrooms man
Well yeah mushrooms are a problem since they reworked the sweeper and also having 3sec blind on a 4.5 Q cd on late game let you barely auto attack him so... He also is, like Corki, one of the most statechecky range champion
Nah the champ is just braindeadly broken
You must have a kink then for getting counter picked and having weakside jgl eat tidepods while you are losing hp for even csing.
Soooo lethality smolder gotcha
Max W first
2 weeks later "we are nerfing smolder q ratio by 30%, w ratio by 20%, e cooldown by 9 seconds and r healing by 150 base.
Lethality smolder is trolling
@window9213 no, no it ain't actually
embrace, ravenous hydra smolder
If kog nerf isn't ap scaling I'm quitting. No one is complaining abt ad on hit kog while ap kog is in every 3rd game soitting cancer in high and low elo
i mean. riot killed every adc item in the game. he has no other functioning option than to build ap.
Collector nerf, we can't have one good fkng starter item for adcs
Yun Tal will probably be good on AA champions. Will definitely scale better than Collector (Fleet/Lethal Tempo Cait). We'll have to see the actual buff.
Plenty ADCs won't care anyway since they build (or can effectively build) other items. Basically the ones affected are:
Cait (especially First Strike / HoB)
Draven (especially HoB)
There's smth like 15 other ADCs
@@Avramopoulos1 lethal tempo cait XD
@@dinmea8011 I don't like it either. Some people like it
Well after seeing the notes released collector nerf aint that bad tbh
lol so they decided to remove the only unique thing that not only somewhat represents the theme of Aurora going between worlds, but also is a new and unique move that gives the champion kit just the little personality it needs? W design, now shes just a 3 hit passive mage with light cc
I really just wanna know the jinx changes tbh
Im eating good this patch with Quinn toplane hell yeah, yun tal rush on quinn is border line psychotic rn 😎
GIVE US RELL JG BACK RIOT (blame proplay for we losing one of the most fun tanks in the jg)
Would really like ability haste to return to the game in some way. Feels horrible for a lot of champions when you get around 30-40 ability haste at full build.
If they are gonna do that (I don’t disagree), they should give back AD to the Crit Atk Spd items. Lots of the tradeoffs differ from class to class, with Lethality losing AH or Movement Spd. Me personally I want to play 3.5 Atk Spd that do 5 dmg a pop and I hate this new 500 Dmg once a second AAing
@@zachtemoro2116 i think it would also make champions like caitlyn far less miserable to play against so you don’t get nuked in two or three autos from fullscreen
or maybe players can make their skillshots count instead of spamming them on 3s CDs
cringe take most abilities nowadays still have way lower CD than they used to in the past just check Leona Q and the History of it.
It genuinely scares me that a few people actually think Ambessa is broken. She’s gimmicky at best and a throw pick at worst. Her weapons feel like wet pool noodles and the only argument I’ve heard in her defense is “She’s good when she’s ahead” (as if thats not EVERY CHAMPION when they’re fed). Theres just no stage in the game where she is impactful, she is just a worse Darius with none of his Strengths
She has dashes!!!!!
That's it
Its funny cause people thought she'd be op but she's honestly pretty garbo
I think she is a strong skirmisher in mid game. Try to pick champs while they are rotating as they really cant run from her. You kind of have to play at the edges of teamfights and try to isolate 1-2 guys to duel them. Her head on 5v5 is kinda whack.
I'm 71% win rate with her.
She's broken. Her autos deal damage if you use them after an ability cast just like riven?
@@ANilahAtiongood for you mate, but then why would u pick her over Riven then? Shes the same champ but better at any time before lvl16 and 3items+. Ambessa is a snowball character with weak early games, these champs only work in mid and jgl (Eve, Ekko, Kindred, Qiyana etc...) in a 1v1 setup it wont work with 2 ppl of the same lvl
Kogmaw is played in high elo KR server (ap)
Noooo not AP Kog nerf 😔😢 I love to play him as my chill poke sp pick.
I’ve been wanting to quit since Ksante was released.
Boring meta, Riot has no idea what to do with Crit items, uninteresting champion releases.
I’m chilling this next patches, many players are quitting, this game is head diving into a dead game.
graves mains rn
Nerf Caitlyn before her prestige skin. Great marketing Riot Phreak.
Riot Fix Rengar!
Twitch found dead in a ditch
Shyvanna rework 🫣🫣🫣
hope next split riot just revert everything they did this year, shitty meta
Bounty system ?
Isn’t every season in history just that?
They spend the whole year trying to balance the new seasons shitty paradigm
Then just nuke it the next season
Rinse repeat
@@argothapro1295current bounty system is good
kraken, bork, collector, youmuus, (and probably soon the statikk build), wtf will akshan build?
Yun Tal?
@@magnov983 i mean, if its better than rn, then it maybe a good option
Like any other adc, lethality
@@SkylerFG it wont be. the moment you build it, you just handed your opposing laner a free 800 gold stat advantage.
@@wildart3253 too bad every adc who can effectivly use lethality has already had their ad ratio's gutted and replaced with fucking crit ratios.
Graves is good again for 1 patch, then both his core items get nerfed.
Meanwhile corki champion :D
I am officially lost on the meta, ill chill till ambessa is gone
she’s not even meta you’re delusional lol
what’s your solution then lil guy? do you think they’re just gonna delete her from the game? also you’re bronze if you think ambessa is meta in any way.
@@eebbaa5560bro, he just said he’s lost in the meta. It’s not deep, get off his dick
@@eebbaa5560 I’ve been wanting to quit since Ksante was released.
Boring meta, Riot has no idea what to do with Crit items, uninteresting champion releases. I’m chilling as well, many players are quitting, this game is head diving into a dead game.
Finally a rengzr buff holy, it only took riot 5 patches in a row at 44% wr for them to realize any tank makes him unplayable in soloq 🤡
well at least 3 of the most MR abusers now the rest riot
why the fuck are they shoving yun tal down our damn throats if it’s not a good option it’s not a good option, it’s very niche but nerfing such a core item on many champs like collecter to try to get people to use it is ridiculous what riot employee is getting their job security off of that damn items success
Yun tal is already pretty op on some champs imo
In my opinion there is 2 problems with collector. The first issue is that every other item feels trash that it doesn’t have much competition. Kraken or blade are just not viable items anymore. 2nd, I think Collector gives too many stats. It gives AD, Lethality, and Crit. Having an item give all 3 of these stats is a bit too much and makes it hard to balance. I think they should pull back on one stat and have it only give 2 stats. That way you are not just building it because it’s a stat check item, you’re building it more for the execute passive.
@@The_Lightless No one gonna build collector for that crappy passive without lethality
@@Riceisgood777 I should have specified, I think the crit chance should be removed. It should be AD + lethality. They can even bring up the AD in compensation for crit chance loss.
@@tediop1330 you're really trying to say a 75% gold effecient item that HAS TO BE BUILT FIRST is strong in anyway? now THAT is a take.
To be honest, I think Ambessa is genuinely quite weak right now. When she was announced I was as scared as everyone but she does seem kinda ass I can’t lie.
she’s weak even by design but league players are too jaded to see that. they see dashes and think she’s op when she has almost no utility or survivability in her kit. her damage is decent if she gets fed, but she has an insanely weak early game. even if they buff her i don’t think she’ll ever be broken. genuinely just a worse riven
She’s just gonna fall into the same camp as all the other fundamentally broken 200yr champs
Flip flip between unplayable and hilariously OP
think shes gonna be riven 3.0 in that regard
she seems weak because people are learning the champ still. riots going to buff the shit out of her. and she's going to break 60% winrate overnight. its going to be fucking viego all over again, cause this is how every bruiser release goes.
If they just revert the W on aurora then the changes will be fine.
Assassins are weak guys lets buff rengar
league players thinking ambessa is broken is a perfect representation of everything that’s wrong with the game and its community these days. no one cares about evaluating the game intelligently or holistically anymore everyone just complains about everything while not quitting the game because they’re addicted to it. it’s beyond exasperating at this point. idk how people don’t get tired of hearing themselves whine about the same things every single patch. just a miserable community overall
riot did everything for this
speak for yourself. I quit months ago 💀 I hope on for the occasional arams with my gf, but i wouldnt be caught dead playing norms or ranked
Bro you are so right. Literally the other day i was speaking about Aurora adjustment. I was saying that the changes are okay beside the reset (which they said they probably bringing back(I thought it was dumb cuz it was her core gimmick not the passive)). N someone reply saying you must be low elo or dont play her a lot. N im like you act like critical thinking doesnt exist? They mad about her vs tanks/bruisers… like bruh she not supposed to auto win against melee n she already basically win against most mid laners.
poor tham lose ap scalings here he builds full tank 1 hits me as adc with 3 aa 1 r
I just ban her everytime ATM cause people either pick it on my team in top or jungle and run it or 3n3my picks it and they get super fed
Buff rengar yi rammus nerf adcs again. El classico phreak. Lets make only mages meta bot!!!!
I am genuinely concerned when I see people call weak a new champion that has 46% win rate in its first few days of release.
Ambessa is broken af just wait until people get a bit of mastery and start building cyclosword on her. The most concerning part of this champion isn’t even the amount of mobility it has but the fact that such high mobility is paired with a slow and suppression 😂
The ability to kite is totaly ignored by her, if i play ashe and ambessa is in the game, i know i wont be playing the game while she's alive.
you play one of the best champions for kiting in the game. adc players crying about everything will never cease to amaze me.
@@eebbaa5560 That says a lot, doesn't it? If I am a 500LP player that can actually kite above average and I can't kite out "WITH THE BEST CHAMPION FOR KITING IN THE GAME", then that should give you a better insight.
Are you pretending a champion that fully builds CDR, those CDR items are all bruiser items with a lot of defensive stats, and will be dashing every time she casts an ability isn't a problem for the ADC role?
I don't main ADC, I'll give you that, perhaps my kiting isn't Uzi level mb.
There are a lot of champions that can easly gap close to adc and ambessa isn't even consistent in doing it.
Her probably only job is done better by most of the other champs nocturn riven renekton yet she have to have terrible laning to do half what they can
@@karku5577you're capping if you think riven and renek is better at catching adc than ambesa
@@eebbaa5560 as if kiting has worked in the game in the last 8 years. kiting died the day camille was put in this damn game.
Shyvana nerfed again. Why not just delete this champion already?
they’re literally going to. no point in balancing her when she’s going to be gone soon. she’s the next champion getting reworked
@@eebbaa5560Then why nerf her? Let her be as is for a bit longer so players can enjoy her while they can.
@@The_Lightless because the way she is right now is cancer tbh. she might suck but it’s still unfun to play against her nukes and healing. the rework will probably be out in a few months anyway
@@eebbaa5560 She is literally the definition of an ultimate reliant champion. She is not a champion without it. She is really weak early game and you pretty much have to flip better teamates and laners for the first 10-15 minutes of the game. She is extremely weak until first item and doesn’t come online until 2nd item when you start dealing AP damage. She is also not very good at dueling or ganking until 6 and even after level 6, her ganks are still decent at best. She has very clear and obvious counter play that low elo players don’t understand. Some champions are just inherently flawed like this but the level of nerfs that Shyvana herself has gotten compared to others that we have seen like Yorick and Illaoi who were nerfed for the same reason is absurd. She should have gotten the Kayn treatment where she was stronger in early game but weaker in late game which makes her more balanced overall for the majority of players. I’m not saying she should get it right now, but it’s something she should have gotten a long time ago.
@ i mean yeah that’s all fair and it’s the reason why she’s getting reworked. i’m not saying she’s good or overpowered; quite the opposite, in fact. having shyvana in a game is just miserable for everyone involved no matter what. you pretty much don’t have a jungler on your team if you get a shyvana but if she somehow gets fed she literally just oneshots people. riot just wants people to stop playing her until she gets reworked.
tldr: you will be banning rengar instead of skarner problem solved