pretty sure if u keep ur run energy over 80% and run the entire time u dont fall... could be a myth, but its worked 3 times for me since osrs came out.
Is it true that in Tirannwn there’s a boss most people call Zulra but on the dock there’s a sign that reads “solo mission” which in elven means snake? Im curious
The Isafdar traps got me wondering about another one: does having run on/off influence the success rate of passing these traps, or agility shortcuts in general? I feel like running towards the leaves pitfall traps gives me a higher chance of jumping over them than when I walk towards them, but maybe that's just me imagining things.
I always turned my run off when passing Isfadar stick and wire traps and on for passing leaf traps, for regular agi shortcuts I'd just be perma-sprinting to wherever my destination was so can't speak for those, but it always felt to me like if I tried passing stick traps with run on I'd keep getting slapped around by it (not using this AMAZING spam click 100% success discovery of course) a lot more than with it off, would be interesting to see if that's actually the case or my mind making me think so.
@@TooMuchDad There are definitely some agility obstacles I can think of where these factors apply, though the ones I can think of off the top of my head are all quest related (Olaf's slippery bridge and Morning's End obstacles being the main ones that spring to mind), I can't think of any in open gameplay where I'm positive it applies, though logically I'd expect some like the log balances where it would apply. It would be great to finally know if there is actually things other than agi level that change the rates (not that knowing will stop me running around in full armour anyway).
the fact that south is PROVEN to be faster now, after seeing some reddit posts that question it, and then questioning it myself, somehow validated my entire childhood
One thing I do know is that during itchlarin's little helper, you get the jump 100% of the time on 100 stamina, no matter your agility level. I did this on 4 accounts and never failed the jump once. Might have been insanely good rng, but I doubt it. You have to take that jump like 6 times during the quest.
@@devonhazelton9842 yeah idk if its 100% but i know that your odds drop dramatically if you have low energy. I also believe some old agility feats like that check if you're holding things, and that affects your odds as well
Soup for years got tired of being told his quest guides were ass. So he slaps back with some of the greatest osrs content of the last couple years. Soup really puts is heart into all his videos. Love you soup
like when he says that you lose 12 run energy from running over the bridge, when he clearly lost 23? lol or when he says "it makes your run energy either not go down at all or go down less slowly"
@@SoupRS ah i didnt see it started at 90. but it went down to 77 and simply replenished one when you arrived. it ticks up from 77 to 78. but i guess thats nitpicking. BUT: flicking certainly isn't meant to make it drain "less slowly", because that would mean faster
Myth: Iasor seed (the one that lowers disease chance) will give you more herbs on average than an Attas seed (the on that increases yield), because the amount of herbs you save from dying will be higher than the extra yield you get. This assumes secateurs and ultracompost. Diaries and farming cape would help but are probably not necessary to see that trend
Myth: For the few quests that have npc item fetch quests, does clicking out of the textbox allow you to reroll items? There's a note about it on the Forgettable Tale wiki and I swear I remember Roidie doing it with Fairy Tale 1 on a past hardcore but not since.
Yes, you can switch the ores that the dwarves in dorgeshun ask you to fetch. For instance sometimes they want 6 mithril, if ukeep the textbox open and step away, you can reroll the ore. i always reroll back from mith to coal/iron on low level irons doing that quests. I do it everytime. for this quest for sure
I love how years of brain simulation and repeating same moves over and over again, everyone kinda figured out that the southern staircase is just a little bit faster without ever thinking too much about it. That's exactly the kinda thing a runescape player would notice.
I'm 7 days into my first account and have always used the southern staircase so far as it just felt right. I wonder if it's something people can just tell intuitively, even though it's such a minor difference.
@@RequiemOfSolo its interesting because ive played for like 4 months and I always take the southern staircase, I had no clue it was faster I just used it because It got to be muscle memory
I think it's more because the south side of Lumbridge castle is more useful, given that it has the kitchen, the RFD basement, the backdoor, and the spinning wheel. The only thing on the north side is the Duke. So, people got in the habit of going south anyway.
I've played runescape since before Lumby had any bank, and also never did RfD or cooked in Lumby, and yet I still always used the south stairs. It just felt right
myth: loot tables from generic monsters (skeletons, zombies, goblins etc) varies due to location and or level and the wiki has the loot tables all mixed up
the reason why the staircases face in different directions is because they are the same asset re-used however if you had them both facing towards the bank the northern staircase would put the player on a tile the player cant stand on (because its technically a wall) hence the player would become stuck so they rotated the staircase until it put the player on a tile that they can stand on. a fix to this would be to get the asset they used and invert it but this would have been a lot harder to do back when it was originally made then it is now and its really not something worth putting resources into now to fix
Do trees go away faster if more people are woodcutting them? Is it the same time for 1 person to cut a yew on average than if 3 people were cutting a yew on average? My childhood needs to know.
You should do the run myth again but instead start from 0 run and see if it's faster to click run every time it hits 1 or to letting it build up for a bit
Does the amount of people chopping a single tree force the different woodcutters to compete over a log drop or is it independent per account? I always default to trying to take an unoccupied magic tree in the woodcutting guild because I feel like the tree depletes faster with more people chopping at once.
it does depede faster, because every log you cut has a chance of cutting the tree down. but i dont think it affects your rate of getting logs while chopping the tree. of course it affects it because you have to change trees more
Most things like these don't have a set number, it's always a chance of depletion. So, it on average depletes faster proportionally to the number of people rolling that chance of depletion.
When measuring distance, remember that your character runs two tiles at once, and can even run diagonal while skipping a tile. The number of tiles stepped on is not the number of tiles between the start and the destination. Turn on the RuneLite plugin that highlights your character's tile to see what I mean.
Soup, I'm begging you, please test the myth that having run energy off makes the Ardy Knights less likely to move when pickpocketing. I hear people preach this all the time, and I honestly think it's hearsay.
I thought people just said that cuz its better for pickpocketing. if you accidentally click past the knight and it reads the click as outside the building (either in the bank or that one store you can push a knight into), having run off prevents you from getting as far away before you fix your clicks. I'm assuming a myth just kind of spawned from that helpful tip
i tested this back in the day (like 3years ago) 100pickpokets -first with run and then without, maybe my luck was good, but he moved 8 times (i was 70+thieving) moved multiple tiles but i only counted the amount of times he moved, without run though it was 3times, but it is a very small sample size, but id say just keep it off, its better in every way shape or form
Myth: i have been doing cox ffa for a while and there seems to be something called points cap. Everyone says that you are not allowed to drink xeric's aids without ovl, but i haven't found any vids that confirms this and also not on the wiki. They say if you drink xeric's aids without ovl you will have a cap on the amount of points that you get from it. So you get less points if you drink it...
Unless you’re upscaling the raids (3+2) this is true, you only receive a certain amount of points from drinking pots, and some pots give more points I think chymstry covers it in one of his early cox guides. If you’re not trying to be a sweat it’s not a big deal but if you’re trying to point max then I’d follow this rule.
how raids pot points work is known. you get a specific number of sips, iirc 5 per person in the raid + 5 regardless of size. the last 5 sips give heavily reduced points. you don't drink pots in casual FFAs because it allows one player (the guy capping) to get all the points. and if you spam sip aids/revits/whatever then you are wasting sips on low point per sip potions- overloads give 2-3x more points than aids, which give 2x or so more points than twisted pots etc. one neat thing you can do is to range pot then twisted pot as thisll give you the boost without wasting a sip. if you watch mass raids youll see the fisher/alts just spam sipping overloads the whole time, because ideally ALL your sips-that-give-points are overload sips. ofc, this does not make sense in normal raids. and in general point capping isn't worth considering because it's maybe 200-300 less points per missed overload sip, but it is worth considering in the sense that itd be scummy in an ffa to during prep rush pots and just start spam sipping them. if you all pot at once you all get the same split of the potion points. also, finally, points go to those that make it and someone else sipping your pots is 50% bonus points. so if player A gets the tekton overload and player B, C D and F all sip it player A gets 600x4 points.
idk about anyone else but i for sure would enjoy more of these. i usually use runescape videos as background content while playing a game and dont pay too much attention but i watched the entire thing and stopped what i was doing
Yoo man I love this series! Couple of Myths I've heard and was always curious about is.... 1. When pickpocketing, do items in your hands effect the succuss rate? 2. When range or maging an npc, does distance effect hit chance?
ground items still respawn faster, though this is largely irrelevant nowadays. stuff like waterbirth snape grass collecting, wildy wines you wanna be on 330
Not anymore. Ahrim's staff used to be two-handed and did not have a magic damage bonus, so any dagger with BiS magic shield provided better bonuses overall. That was changed around 2017.
This idea is great :) Love the style and format of the video. Could figure out optimal bird house/herb/farm runs, banking runs, better gp from selling vs trading mole parts, any random event myths on timing/rewards.
Can you see the Chaos Elemental in f2p worlds by being close enough to the fence/being there at the right moment? I remember it seeing myself back in the 2007 days without having membership
Also very concerned about the pickpocketing results at 6:30 and if they are statistically significant or possibly due to low sample size? This seems super interesting, so diving deeper into this data and possibly adding side pickpockets to the results would be good content.
I’m not sure how you would test this but I’ve heard the DWH spec actually works on guardians in chambers. You will always hit a 0 but it’s still suppose to lower its defense if you would of actually hit.
@@FlyinRaptorJesus that's not what he's saying, and hitting a 0 can still constitute a successful special attack. there's two things that can happen when you attack. you miss, or you hit. when you miss, you always hit a 0. when you hit, you roll a number from 0 to your max hit - say, 75 with a DWH. if you hit, but roll a 0, the target's defence is still lowered.
Back before 2007 scape it was a myth and a strategy to sneak in an unexpected dds spec. Used to also feel like it was more accurate. And it also tricked up some opponents clicks.
I always wondered if spinners spawning in Pest Control might be something like Corporeal Beast and the Dark Core, with hits above a certain threshold having a chance to spawn one, or just a flat chance in general per hit to spawn. Never considered special attacks being the chance to trigger, interesting theory, though I want to say I feel like I've 100% solo'd a portal myself in dharoks (no spec of course) but where spinners have spawned in on me.
Myth: In theory single brother Barrows runs seem to be more efficient if you only need 1 specific brother's loot on an ironman. But in practice the rate of getting an item seems to drop below the suggested maths on wiki. For example, during leagues I only needed Dharok loot still, so I farmed only Dharok with last recall, and went dry over 20x the expected drop rate.
For the Elf trip-wires! I believe the success rate is higher if you right click "step-over" rather than simply left clicking! I believe each rock on the side of the trip wire could be clicked, So I wonder whats the best way to least fail the trap.
Does wearing an amulet of catspeak prevent the evil bob random from spawning for you? A couple years ago I was wondering if the public text appearing above evil bobs head would change to a comprehensible language instead of just saying "meeeooooww" if it spawned when youre wearing a catspeak amulet. However, I never got it to spawn while wearing one. So, now I wonder if it is even possible to spawn when youre wearing one. This might be difficult to test though...
Myth: On an agility course, stopping on the tile before an obstacle increases the odds of success. Compared to just clicking from obstacle to obstacle.
I have found this as well. Especially at the desert agility pyramid (fail the jump gap more than 50% when running towards it, whereas I fail it closer to 25% of the time when stopping right before it and then walking on)
Before eoc, so maybe the same for osrs. Soul wars(when clan calling was a big deal). Everybody used to dig with a space in the little grave yards claiming they were getting “loot”. I never got anything, but there were months where people were just standing, digging… was that ever true?!
You know this experiment with the monkeys? It's about a ladder and a group of monkeys, where they put a banana at the top of a ladder, and when a monkey tries to climb up the ladder, all the other monkeys (on the ground) will be sprayed with ice water, so each time a monkey would attempt to climb the ladder, they would pull down and beat up that monkey in order to avoid the ice water. So after some time, they stopped using ice water on the monkeys, but each time a new monkey tried to climb up the ladder, the other monkeys would pull it down and beat it up, because that's what they learned is supposed to happen when you climb the ladder. This just reminded me of that experiment.
Every time you upload a video I erase one college course from my head to make room for useless runescape knowledge that I will remember for the next 30 years
it definitely matters, your attack style gives you an invisible bonus in the corresponding xp gaining stat. e.g. if you have a DDS and you spec on aggressive, it will likely have a slightly higher max hit depending on all other bonuses compared to speccing on defense, for instance.
It depends of the weapon. Some weapon the atk style matters (like dds) and others dont because the spec will roll against the monster’s specific def and has a specific atk style (im thinking godswords that all roll against slash def, and has a slash atk style spec based)
3:04am watching soup's video hear a knock in the headphone thinks its coming from the house scared the shit out of me god sake. love the video keep it up
Would like to know if spamclicking in the abyss helps you get through obstacles faster, and/or comparing the speeds of different obstacles there. I feel like I have the best speed and least delay with the agility shortcuts there.
That I can say is true. It puts you into a "stall" untill you are succseeding. So you are clicking till it succseeds. That is also why you take less hits when doing it. If you click once and then let the animation play out with a fail, you will take a lot more hits.
I thoroughly enjoyed Soup's TED talk about different kinds of traps. Cheers! Especially whether doing it from behind or facing even has a difference. It does, 6.9%
One of the best myths I remember from school is the Barbarian Village guy with the massive axe. I remember everyone thinking at the time that he had a very small chance of dropping the huge axe... sadly no one ever got it!
Hey Soup, I got one for you since no one listens try this out. On the new guardians of the Rift mini game you can keep your essence in your pouches as long as you fill them before the end of the round. note you cannot leave the mini game or empty pouches before the next round starts or they will be gone.
I feel when farming herbs you get a better yield when you plant different herbs as opposed to the same herb. Like they coded in some secret crop rotation to boost yields
That bit about the Lumbridge teleports is interesting-- it proves that teleport tablets *don't* just cast the corresponding teleport spell. I wonder if there are any other discrepancies? I doubt any could be *useful*, but it's a neat idea.
To go into more detail with the Elven traps. The stick trap spam clicking works because of a 1t delay of beginning the trap as a failure I believe, which is determined immediately. Because of this, no matter your agility level, spam clicking it "interrupts" this action from happening and therefore the action only has the chance to go through on the time its rolled successful. Either it overrides all other actions or doesn't have a delay. Either way, I think its unique to this one agility trap type, and likely a result of poor coding.
Checking the wiki I was curious, and actually learned something I was pretty confused by: Why the hell can I slash webs with an anchor that only attacks with stab and crush? The answer: For no good reason, it has a +10 slash bonus, and it just has to be a weapon-type item with a positive slash bonus to work.
In your 4:1 guide you never warned me drinking a revitilisation potion would make olm cast his prayer halving orbs! Would love if you tested this out. Sit at less than 10% prayer and drink a revite just before an auto attack.
13:36 You did this fine, however there is a more efficient way. When run energy hits 0, it takes an extra tick or two until it starts to regenerate. The most efficient way to run/walk long distances is to manually turn off run just before you hit 0, this will regen run 1 tick faster. Not that anyone asked but this is also true for Zelda BOTW
Myth: Mining, agility, thieving, firemaking, and woodcutting levels and tier of hatchet/pickaxe influence how quickly you access the center of the abyss.
Hey Soup thanks for picking up my silly myth and including it in the video, I meant more like an occasional toggle so you don't do as much walking but it was just something I thought of as I wrote that comment and you took it to a whole new level and tested it really thoroughly. You're the GOAT! P.S. Can't wait for this year's GG
If you go to Draynor Manor basement and shut down your phone at exactly 3 am you`ll see a baggy, sleep-deprived face contemplating it's life choices on the screen
What are the fastest xp rates for all skills in the game? Love to see this myth busting. Also what bosses are the best?! Love to see these myth busters too
I don't know if you can logistically test this, but it's been a myth in the HLC that the attas seed effect causes your ultra compost to sometimes not work on herb patches.
the great thing about these experiments is that they’re.. well, experiments. You’re showing your method and allowing us to test as well. Results speak for themselves, and you’ll likey not have a repeat of regicide with results that back your findings :) Anyway, the boys love pickpocketing from behind ;)
Spam clicking the stick trap in isfadar works as the animation for failing the trap can be cancelled for some reason, so by spam clicking you just cancel any failure animation but not the successful ones
Gilenoir Games contestants better be taking notes, the more Soup learns the wilder the challenges will become.
I’m so stoked for something bonkers
LOL such a good comment
Myth: giving a player named "wideeyedbass" 1mil coins will grant the player access to endless fame and fortune!
Somehow my puny brain didn't put together the possiblity that soup was training to be a mega games master 😅
Min tiles walked to go from Yannile to Port Plasmatis challenge would be a hype elimination game.
Does spam clicking the floor in the Desert Treasure pyramid actually decrease the chance of getting kicked out?
Fuck, this needs answering asap!!!
pretty sure if u keep ur run energy over 80% and run the entire time u dont fall...
could be a myth, but its worked 3 times for me since osrs came out.
Spam clicking the subscribe button on Solo Missions page makes you way cooler. Fact.
Is it true that in Tirannwn there’s a boss most people call Zulra but on the dock there’s a sign that reads “solo mission” which in elven means snake? Im curious
Keep your energy over 80% and you'll never fail again
3:01 you really made me check if someone was knocking on my window since I was just listening to the video 🤣
The Isafdar traps got me wondering about another one: does having run on/off influence the success rate of passing these traps, or agility shortcuts in general? I feel like running towards the leaves pitfall traps gives me a higher chance of jumping over them than when I walk towards them, but maybe that's just me imagining things.
I always turned my run off when passing Isfadar stick and wire traps and on for passing leaf traps, for regular agi shortcuts I'd just be perma-sprinting to wherever my destination was so can't speak for those, but it always felt to me like if I tried passing stick traps with run on I'd keep getting slapped around by it (not using this AMAZING spam click 100% success discovery of course) a lot more than with it off, would be interesting to see if that's actually the case or my mind making me think so.
@@sgtnubbings6501 i do exactly the same thing. For things like log balancing, I sometimes turn run off, if I fail it a lot, for instance.
Similarly, does weight affect success rate on these traps. Or amount of run energy remaining. I swear I’ve heard of shortcuts where these matter
@@TooMuchDad There are definitely some agility obstacles I can think of where these factors apply, though the ones I can think of off the top of my head are all quest related (Olaf's slippery bridge and Morning's End obstacles being the main ones that spring to mind), I can't think of any in open gameplay where I'm positive it applies, though logically I'd expect some like the log balances where it would apply. It would be great to finally know if there is actually things other than agi level that change the rates (not that knowing will stop me running around in full armour anyway).
@@TooMuchDad I think weight might, but idk about run energy. Never thought about that one before tbh.
I won’t believe you if you say the lumby castle south path isn’t faster, it is in my heart
I'd feel dirty going up north.
the fact that south is PROVEN to be faster now, after seeing some reddit posts that question it, and then questioning it myself, somehow validated my entire childhood
I still refuse to believe it
There should be a report feature in game for the animals who go north
@@Edzter They both have equally many tiles to the banker :D so this proved absolutely nothing :D
Myth: if it's taking a long time to gather a resource, clicking on it again to reset the gathering animation can speed up the process.
I believe (in most cases) it just resets the roll. So maybe, maybe not.
roll reset
Some of these myths were actually super interesting. I never knew about the spamming spacebar and 1 key to get through the stronghold.
Great vid!
Checked the wiki and the lumbridge teleport did indeed get updated.
The osrs wiki is one hell of a treasure!
Myth: Does having a higher run energy actually decrease your chance of falling in places like the agility pyramid and the mourning's end temple?
One thing I do know is that during itchlarin's little helper, you get the jump 100% of the time on 100 stamina, no matter your agility level. I did this on 4 accounts and never failed the jump once. Might have been insanely good rng, but I doubt it. You have to take that jump like 6 times during the quest.
@@devonhazelton9842 I WISH I KNEW THIS BEFORE
@@devonhazelton9842 yeah idk if its 100% but i know that your odds drop dramatically if you have low energy. I also believe some old agility feats like that check if you're holding things, and that affects your odds as well
Only weight reduces chance to fail, not energy
i also want to know if having run turned on affects chances or not
Soup for years got tired of being told his quest guides were ass. So he slaps back with some of the greatest osrs content of the last couple years. Soup really puts is heart into all his videos. Love you soup
like when he says that you lose 12 run energy from running over the bridge, when he clearly lost 23? lol
or when he says "it makes your run energy either not go down at all or go down less slowly"
@@jurgnobs1308 My run energy started at 90 and ended at 78 - a loss of 12. What do you mean?
@@SoupRS ah i didnt see it started at 90. but it went down to 77 and simply replenished one when you arrived. it ticks up from 77 to 78. but i guess thats nitpicking.
BUT: flicking certainly isn't meant to make it drain "less slowly", because that would mean faster
Slayermusiq for quest guides
Soup for content.
@@jurgnobs1308 you're nitpicking after being proven wrong, because you can't admit it
Myth: Iasor seed (the one that lowers disease chance) will give you more herbs on average than an Attas seed (the on that increases yield), because the amount of herbs you save from dying will be higher than the extra yield you get. This assumes secateurs and ultracompost. Diaries and farming cape would help but are probably not necessary to see that trend
damn, id like to see this one solved. ive always thought attas was better for obvious reasons but when you put it like that it makes a lot of sense.
@@josesuokas217 My hunch is with the prevalence of disease free patches it probablt isnt correct, but i'm not sure! :D
If you "watch" your herbs every unsafe patch, iasor is kinda useless. Then again we should have a mythbuster on all 3 types of seeds. Good call
@@josesuokas217 attlas is better if you use crop resurrection and have high magic level
This has been proven with math on disc.
I love the very subtle gap you left in "Mike Hawk". Hmm, wonder what it'd have sounded like if it was a bit faster...
this is already my favourite new series on youtube!
Does using augury in a pvp situation actually increase your odds of not being frozen or is it not included in the formula
@@lagunarium pretty sure some JMOD answered this on twitter at some point saying it helps
@@Stoff_Rocks_Packs got a link?
@@lagunarium Nah I don't think it was mod ash though you can probably find it.
Myth: For the few quests that have npc item fetch quests, does clicking out of the textbox allow you to reroll items? There's a note about it on the Forgettable Tale wiki and I swear I remember Roidie doing it with Fairy Tale 1 on a past hardcore but not since.
giant dwarf is one you can manip, unsure about others
Yes, you can switch the ores that the dwarves in dorgeshun ask you to fetch. For instance sometimes they want 6 mithril, if ukeep the textbox open and step away, you can reroll the ore. i always reroll back from mith to coal/iron on low level irons doing that quests. I do it everytime. for this quest for sure
You can test that in 2 seconds
Soup I'm very interested in this concept. Please make more.
The pickpockets from behind was surprising along with spam clicking traps in priff
I love how years of brain simulation and repeating same moves over and over again, everyone kinda figured out that the southern staircase is just a little bit faster without ever thinking too much about it. That's exactly the kinda thing a runescape player would notice.
I'm 7 days into my first account and have always used the southern staircase so far as it just felt right. I wonder if it's something people can just tell intuitively, even though it's such a minor difference.
@@RequiemOfSolo its interesting because ive played for like 4 months and I always take the southern staircase, I had no clue it was faster I just used it because It got to be muscle memory
I think it's more because the south side of Lumbridge castle is more useful, given that it has the kitchen, the RFD basement, the backdoor, and the spinning wheel. The only thing on the north side is the Duke. So, people got in the habit of going south anyway.
I've played runescape since before Lumby had any bank, and also never did RfD or cooked in Lumby, and yet I still always used the south stairs. It just felt right
i spent hours collecting those mind runes, like literall hours
Myth: in the falador partyroom the 3balloons have a lower rate of having items then the solo balloon
I'd believe this in my past experiences
Good point
More of these for sure, you have such great ideas for videos and execute em so well. Keep killin it my guy
myth: loot tables from generic monsters (skeletons, zombies, goblins etc) varies due to location and or level and the wiki has the loot tables all mixed up
I think this one could be easily tested by checking the NPC IDs using a plugin. Interesting one to check!
Big facts. I had an area locked account that wiki said I could get 2 cosmics off skeletons in a certain area and it wasn’t possible.
Lots of area locked accounts already find that drop tables on the wiki are wrong
the reason why the staircases face in different directions is because they are the same asset re-used however if you had them both facing towards the bank the northern staircase would put the player on a tile the player cant stand on (because its technically a wall) hence the player would become stuck so they rotated the staircase until it put the player on a tile that they can stand on.
a fix to this would be to get the asset they used and invert it but this would have been a lot harder to do back when it was originally made then it is now and its really not something worth putting resources into now to fix
Pretty cool
If they fixed it, the spaghetti code would probably cause the G.E. to turn purple.
Do trees go away faster if more people are woodcutting them? Is it the same time for 1 person to cut a yew on average than if 3 people were cutting a yew on average? My childhood needs to know.
I really want to see this one
It is quicker with more people because it is a 1/8 (could be wrong) for each time a log is cut.
SUCH a great idea Soup! You stay bringing great original ideas to osrs community. Keep it up!
will did something very close to this last week
You should do the run myth again but instead start from 0 run and see if it's faster to click run every time it hits 1 or to letting it build up for a bit
1:00 Yo that was my myth I suggested
Does the amount of people chopping a single tree force the different woodcutters to compete over a log drop or is it independent per account? I always default to trying to take an unoccupied magic tree in the woodcutting guild because I feel like the tree depletes faster with more people chopping at once.
it does depede faster, because every log you cut has a chance of cutting the tree down. but i dont think it affects your rate of getting logs while chopping the tree. of course it affects it because you have to change trees more
Most things like these don't have a set number, it's always a chance of depletion. So, it on average depletes faster proportionally to the number of people rolling that chance of depletion.
Nice vídeo i have one suggestion
The fish spots deplete over time and move to another place or it deplete based on how many fishes got caught?
In a whipstake does flicking to defence really helps?
Love this idea. Please do more!
What is the absolute fastest way you can do a herb run?
0:35 LOL wtf?? I love that hahaha! You get a big thumbs up from me, hahaha.
Love this new series idea!!
You're such a great content creator, soup. Your videos always flow like a story.
When measuring distance, remember that your character runs two tiles at once, and can even run diagonal while skipping a tile. The number of tiles stepped on is not the number of tiles between the start and the destination. Turn on the RuneLite plugin that highlights your character's tile to see what I mean.
Soup, I'm begging you, please test the myth that having run energy off makes the Ardy Knights less likely to move when pickpocketing. I hear people preach this all the time, and I honestly think it's hearsay.
I thought people just said that cuz its better for pickpocketing. if you accidentally click past the knight and it reads the click as outside the building (either in the bank or that one store you can push a knight into), having run off prevents you from getting as far away before you fix your clicks. I'm assuming a myth just kind of spawned from that helpful tip
@@Mr_Spaghetti I think you are right, there is no benefit to keeping it on.
i tested this back in the day (like 3years ago) 100pickpokets -first with run and then without, maybe my luck was good, but he moved 8 times (i was 70+thieving) moved multiple tiles but i only counted the amount of times he moved, without run though it was 3times, but it is a very small sample size, but id say just keep it off, its better in every way shape or form
Myth: i have been doing cox ffa for a while and there seems to be something called points cap. Everyone says that you are not allowed to drink xeric's aids without ovl, but i haven't found any vids that confirms this and also not on the wiki. They say if you drink xeric's aids without ovl you will have a cap on the amount of points that you get from it. So you get less points if you drink it...
Unless you’re upscaling the raids (3+2) this is true, you only receive a certain amount of points from drinking pots, and some pots give more points I think chymstry covers it in one of his early cox guides. If you’re not trying to be a sweat it’s not a big deal but if you’re trying to point max then I’d follow this rule.
how raids pot points work is known. you get a specific number of sips, iirc 5 per person in the raid + 5 regardless of size. the last 5 sips give heavily reduced points.
you don't drink pots in casual FFAs because it allows one player (the guy capping) to get all the points. and if you spam sip aids/revits/whatever then you are wasting sips on low point per sip potions- overloads give 2-3x more points than aids, which give 2x or so more points than twisted pots etc.
one neat thing you can do is to range pot then twisted pot as thisll give you the boost without wasting a sip.
if you watch mass raids youll see the fisher/alts just spam sipping overloads the whole time, because ideally ALL your sips-that-give-points are overload sips. ofc, this does not make sense in normal raids. and in general point capping isn't worth considering because it's maybe 200-300 less points per missed overload sip, but it is worth considering in the sense that itd be scummy in an ffa to during prep rush pots and just start spam sipping them. if you all pot at once you all get the same split of the potion points.
also, finally, points go to those that make it and someone else sipping your pots is 50% bonus points. so if player A gets the tekton overload and player B, C D and F all sip it player A gets 600x4 points.
idk about anyone else but i for sure would enjoy more of these. i usually use runescape videos as background content while playing a game and dont pay too much attention but i watched the entire thing and stopped what i was doing
Myth: you get more yield from herb patches if you have more inventory slots available
myth: your express vpn add ending will always be the "most replayed" spot in the video from everyone skipping ahead
Two of my favourite childhood things coming together.
Mythbusters and RuneScape.
Got my like.
Keep it up soup x
Yoo man I love this series! Couple of Myths I've heard and was always curious about is.... 1. When pickpocketing, do items in your hands effect the succuss rate? 2. When range or maging an npc, does distance effect hit chance?
Myth: monsters/items spawn faster on more populated worlds.
Also, YES! Keep doing this! Awesome vid!
Oooh shit that ones been around for 20 years.
If I remember right, that used to be true and then they normalized spawn times.
is it even a myth? u had to be in a populated world in order to boss without standing around for ages..
Would be cool to still test it haha I know it used to work back in pre EOC but did it change and when?
ground items still respawn faster, though this is largely irrelevant nowadays. stuff like waterbirth snape grass collecting, wildy wines you wanna be on 330
this was a pretty good idea, i would be impressed to see how many episode ideas you could come up with though
Is the bronze dagger actually more DPS than an ahrims staff?
Not anymore. Ahrim's staff used to be two-handed and did not have a magic damage bonus, so any dagger with BiS magic shield provided better bonuses overall. That was changed around 2017.
This idea is great :) Love the style and format of the video.
Could figure out optimal bird house/herb/farm runs, banking runs, better gp from selling vs trading mole parts, any random event myths on timing/rewards.
Can you see the Chaos Elemental in f2p worlds by being close enough to the fence/being there at the right moment? I remember it seeing myself back in the 2007 days without having membership
@@ProBotGamming sup
great idea mate, mysteries and stuff like that are the best kind of content in youtube, and runescape doesn't have enough
Myth: Turning your run off while pickpocketing a lured Ardougne Knight will help preserve the lure.
Also very concerned about the pickpocketing results at 6:30 and if they are statistically significant or possibly due to low sample size?
This seems super interesting, so diving deeper into this data and possibly adding side pickpockets to the results would be good content.
I’m not sure how you would test this but I’ve heard the DWH spec actually works on guardians in chambers. You will always hit a 0 but it’s still suppose to lower its defense if you would of actually hit.
Extremely easy to test using stat spy on lunars
@@lig7118 if you always hit a 0 it wont lower it. The guy is saying if potentially you hit would it lower its defense.
@@FlyinRaptorJesus that's not what he's saying, and hitting a 0 can still constitute a successful special attack. there's two things that can happen when you attack. you miss, or you hit. when you miss, you always hit a 0. when you hit, you roll a number from 0 to your max hit - say, 75 with a DWH. if you hit, but roll a 0, the target's defence is still lowered.
@@FlyinRaptorJesus if sgs heals you the dwh should decrease def
Honestly blown away with the pickpocketing from behind vs in front. Could you test it from the side too? In the name of science.
myth: using special attacks while running are most likely to hit, rather than standing still. (from my experience at vorkath with dwh)
obviously not
Back before 2007 scape it was a myth and a strategy to sneak in an unexpected dds spec. Used to also feel like it was more accurate. And it also tricked up some opponents clicks.
Myth: The Neitiznot teleport on the enchanted lyre is either closer or equally close to the bank as the Crafting cape teleport.
I use it when catching karambwans bc I have lumby elite diary. The problem is that it has 1 second animation before you tele
@@gunars12345 Yeah the strumming animation definitely weakens it. Still a useful and not too well-known tele though.
A rare channel member, thank you sir :)
@@TheAbyssofFire yeah, I was pleasantly surprised when I first learned about it
Myth: Attas and Ultracompost bottomless bucket don't stack for herbs.
Dude has easter eggs in his videos about a pixelated clicking game. Absolutely God tier content creator. Much love
Love how you made sure to pronounce 'Mike Hawk."
Are Tele tabs or Tele spells more efficient time/spawn wise?
3:02 That actually got me. I ran to my backdoor, thinking someone was banging on my window.
The only answer I hope to have answered is: does spec’ing portal cause healers to spawn?
I always wondered if spinners spawning in Pest Control might be something like Corporeal Beast and the Dark Core, with hits above a certain threshold having a chance to spawn one, or just a flat chance in general per hit to spawn. Never considered special attacks being the chance to trigger, interesting theory, though I want to say I feel like I've 100% solo'd a portal myself in dharoks (no spec of course) but where spinners have spawned in on me.
@@sgtnubbings6501 personally I think it’s a silly myth from way back when I played in 2006.
Would love to see more! I've already seen some great suggestions for a next video!
Myth: having higher run energy available will allow you to complete the obstacles at a higher rate in the fester treasure pyramid.
Same for the underground pass jumps on the platforms with the zammy mages
I would definitely like to see this become a regular series on the channel.
Myth: In theory single brother Barrows runs seem to be more efficient if you only need 1 specific brother's loot on an ironman. But in practice the rate of getting an item seems to drop below the suggested maths on wiki. For example, during leagues I only needed Dharok loot still, so I farmed only Dharok with last recall, and went dry over 20x the expected drop rate.
For the Elf trip-wires! I believe the success rate is higher if you right click "step-over" rather than simply left clicking!
I believe each rock on the side of the trip wire could be clicked, So I wonder whats the best way to least fail the trap.
Does wearing an amulet of catspeak prevent the evil bob random from spawning for you?
A couple years ago I was wondering if the public text appearing above evil bobs head would change to a comprehensible language instead of just saying "meeeooooww" if it spawned when youre wearing a catspeak amulet. However, I never got it to spawn while wearing one. So, now I wonder if it is even possible to spawn when youre wearing one. This might be difficult to test though...
Myth: On an agility course, stopping on the tile before an obstacle increases the odds of success. Compared to just clicking from obstacle to obstacle.
I have found this as well. Especially at the desert agility pyramid (fail the jump gap more than 50% when running towards it, whereas I fail it closer to 25% of the time when stopping right before it and then walking on)
@@belaythisorder For me it was most notable on the 'slippery log' obstacles, like in the barbarian and wilderness courses.
Before eoc, so maybe the same for osrs. Soul wars(when clan calling was a big deal). Everybody used to dig with a space in the little grave yards claiming they were getting “loot”. I never got anything, but there were months where people were just standing, digging… was that ever true?!
You know this experiment with the monkeys?
It's about a ladder and a group of monkeys, where they put a banana at the top of a ladder, and when a monkey tries to climb up the ladder, all the other monkeys (on the ground) will be sprayed with ice water, so each time a monkey would attempt to climb the ladder, they would pull down and beat up that monkey in order to avoid the ice water.
So after some time, they stopped using ice water on the monkeys, but each time a new monkey tried to climb up the ladder, the other monkeys would pull it down and beat it up, because that's what they learned is supposed to happen when you climb the ladder.
This just reminded me of that experiment.
Every time you upload a video I erase one college course from my head to make room for useless runescape knowledge that I will remember for the next 30 years
Does the attack style (crush/stab/slash) matter when using a special attack or does it always happen on the same attack style?
it definitely matters, your attack style gives you an invisible bonus in the corresponding xp gaining stat. e.g. if you have a DDS and you spec on aggressive, it will likely have a slightly higher max hit depending on all other bonuses compared to speccing on defense, for instance.
It depends of the weapon. Some weapon the atk style matters (like dds) and others dont because the spec will roll against the monster’s specific def and has a specific atk style (im thinking godswords that all roll against slash def, and has a slash atk style spec based)
Here is a myth I heard at 2006 and kept doing it ever since: Woodcutting/Mining is faster if don't have any armour on
Myth busters, low-key my favorite show of all time.
-Also,this has increased my game knowledge to a whole new level!
3:04am watching soup's video hear a knock in the headphone thinks its coming from the house scared the shit out of me god sake. love the video keep it up
Would like to know if spamclicking in the abyss helps you get through obstacles faster, and/or comparing the speeds of different obstacles there.
I feel like I have the best speed and least delay with the agility shortcuts there.
That I can say is true. It puts you into a "stall" untill you are succseeding. So you are clicking till it succseeds. That is also why you take less hits when doing it. If you click once and then let the animation play out with a fail, you will take a lot more hits.
I thoroughly enjoyed Soup's TED talk about different kinds of traps. Cheers!
Especially whether doing it from behind or facing even has a difference. It does, 6.9%
One of the best myths I remember from school is the Barbarian Village guy with the massive axe. I remember everyone thinking at the time that he had a very small chance of dropping the huge axe... sadly no one ever got it!
Hey Soup, I got one for you since no one listens try this out. On the new guardians of the Rift mini game you can keep your essence in your pouches as long as you fill them before the end of the round. note you cannot leave the mini game or empty pouches before the next round starts or they will be gone.
Runescape Accounts have pre-set RNG values.
honestly incredibly believable for an account to have a seed that determines all the rng like in pokemon.
Myth: the herb patch in Morytania has a hidden higher chance for your herbs to get diseased
Myth: Does constantly changing attack styles while boxing in the duel arena increase your chance to win?
Okay ive always had this crazy idea,
is it faster to use soups quests guides or slayermusiq?
I feel when farming herbs you get a better yield when you plant different herbs as opposed to the same herb. Like they coded in some secret crop rotation to boost yields
Please do more! I remember videos like these back in the day from people like BornForPVM so it’s cool to see newer myths tested out
What’s the fastest way to get through the dense forest in southern Karamja? Is having the red topaz or the other machetes faster than a regular one?
That bit about the Lumbridge teleports is interesting-- it proves that teleport tablets *don't* just cast the corresponding teleport spell. I wonder if there are any other discrepancies? I doubt any could be *useful*, but it's a neat idea.
To go into more detail with the Elven traps. The stick trap spam clicking works because of a 1t delay of beginning the trap as a failure I believe, which is determined immediately. Because of this, no matter your agility level, spam clicking it "interrupts" this action from happening and therefore the action only has the chance to go through on the time its rolled successful. Either it overrides all other actions or doesn't have a delay. Either way, I think its unique to this one agility trap type, and likely a result of poor coding.
My only worry with making this into a series is, how many myth's are there? Might be a short series, but still cool to see!
idk, osrs is a huge game with many odd crooks to explore. I could definitely see this go on for a while before the myths become too obscure.
Myth: The higher level the sword the better chance you have to slash a web.
Not a myth. The higher a slash bonus gives a higher chance to cut the web. This update was added like 2 years ago.
Checking the wiki I was curious, and actually learned something I was pretty confused by: Why the hell can I slash webs with an anchor that only attacks with stab and crush? The answer: For no good reason, it has a +10 slash bonus, and it just has to be a weapon-type item with a positive slash bonus to work.
In your 4:1 guide you never warned me drinking a revitilisation potion would make olm cast his prayer halving orbs! Would love if you tested this out. Sit at less than 10% prayer and drink a revite just before an auto attack.
You did this fine, however there is a more efficient way. When run energy hits 0, it takes an extra tick or two until it starts to regenerate.
The most efficient way to run/walk long distances is to manually turn off run just before you hit 0, this will regen run 1 tick faster. Not that anyone asked but this is also true for Zelda BOTW
Lovely idea for a new series, would be great to see some real statistics on the significance of some differences!
Myth: Mining, agility, thieving, firemaking, and woodcutting levels and tier of hatchet/pickaxe influence how quickly you access the center of the abyss.
Hey Soup thanks for picking up my silly myth and including it in the video, I meant more like an occasional toggle so you don't do as much walking but it was just something I thought of as I wrote that comment and you took it to a whole new level and tested it really thoroughly. You're the GOAT! P.S. Can't wait for this year's GG
110 percent more of these, super enjoyable would be an awesome series
I love when the sweaty strats prevail lol. Makes things more fun
i dont even play runescape but i find runecape videos fascinating to watch. high quality content.
bro that knock audio HAD ME ALMOST fall out of my chair. I have my desk right next to door and i swear it sounded like someone just knocked on it.
If you go to Draynor Manor basement and shut down your phone at exactly 3 am you`ll see a baggy, sleep-deprived face contemplating it's life choices on the screen
That knock in headphones just scared the hell out of me at almost 2 AM. You're a monster.
What are the fastest xp rates for all skills in the game? Love to see this myth busting. Also what bosses are the best?! Love to see these myth busters too
I don't know if you can logistically test this, but it's been a myth in the HLC that the attas seed effect causes your ultra compost to sometimes not work on herb patches.
the great thing about these experiments is that they’re.. well, experiments. You’re showing your method and allowing us to test as well. Results speak for themselves, and you’ll likey not have a repeat of regicide with results that back your findings :) Anyway, the boys love pickpocketing from behind ;)
Spam clicking the stick trap in isfadar works as the animation for failing the trap can be cancelled for some reason, so by spam clicking you just cancel any failure animation but not the successful ones
5:17 T H I C C
well played soup that knocking sound at 3:01 had me jump and open my door because i thought someone was there.......i live alone