World revolution or socialism in one country?

  • Опубликовано: 3 июл 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @Ein_Kunde_
    @Ein_Kunde_ 7 дней назад +11

    That is a silly question.
    The answer is obviously SOCIALISM EVERYWHERE IT IS POSSIBLE.

    • @V.I_Lenin
      @V.I_Lenin 5 дней назад +1

      It is the same case with Trotskyists, always. All they can manage to do is discredit those who have succeeded in establishing socialism, collaborate with whoever is against their current enemy (often right-wingers, and they commonly label regular Marxist-Leninists "Stalinists"), and make their own parties shatter over and over. They base their views on rumors and deny facts. To anyone reading this, I recommend The Finnish Bolshevik's video where he reacts to a video with common Trot-arguments,видео.html , hilariously so!

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@V.I_Lenin Trots, especially in western countries are elitist degenerates, who speak Socialism because the present world is making them too itchy. I live in India, and I have never seen a Trotskyist in my global South country.

  • @jamesjohnson2394
    @jamesjohnson2394 4 дня назад +1

    This is the trouble. No-one nows how to do socialism properly except us. Why hasn't every revolution done it how Western Europe tells them to do it?

  • @misanthropyunhinged
    @misanthropyunhinged 7 дней назад +11

    stalin's socialism in one country wasn't 'national prejudice' it was out of necessity after revolutions failed elsewhere.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 7 дней назад

      Trots can't reason with anything, as they lack a material understanding of USSR at that time, and even the contemporary world.

    • @theceseb1736
      @theceseb1736 6 дней назад

      it wasn't necessary to lead communist partys to cooperate with the national burgeoisie of other countries like spain or china, which in the case of spain sabotaged the revolution. Stalinism betrayed the international working class, there are countless examples.

    • @Salonsozi
      @Salonsozi 5 дней назад

      The socialism in one country WAS the fail. And as you see it leaded to nothing else than collapse s as n capitalist Restauration, like lenin and Trotsky predicted bigbrain ..

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@Salonsozi Socialism in one country was Lenin's idea you stupid Trot.
      Uneven economic and political development is the absolute law of Capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible in first in several or even in one Capitalist country taken separately." - Lenin CW,Vol.21, 339-343
      "Socialism cannot achieve victory simultaneously in all countries. It will achieve victory first in one or several countries, while the others will remain bourgeois or pre-bourgeois for some time." - Lenin CW,Vol.23, 77-87
      The reason why Trotskyism hasn't materialized anywhere out of the elite coffee shops in New Yorks, is because the Trots don't even know what Trotskyism is.

  • @leedowner2249
    @leedowner2249 7 дней назад +3

    Could you shorten your videos somehow ? TBH all these videos which have been upto 10 hours long... no one's watching all that

    • @schadensbild.official
      @schadensbild.official 7 дней назад +1

      just watch the main part and skip the discussion? That’s literally under 45 minutes. The discussion is secondary but there are also lots of qualitative inputs so for those who want the full experience it’s a nice to have.

    • @leedowner2249
      @leedowner2249 7 дней назад

      @schadensbild.official I haven't watched any of it, I subscribe to lots of marxist, socialist channels and I'm a active member of the socialist party
      It's important that in our communication with the public which would include a public youtube channel like this, that we don't scare people off. A 10 hour video does exactly that
      I like hakim on RUclips and marxism 101, videos are 10-15mins
      Different types of videos because this channel does long speeches and discussions and those other channels don't
      It's just too long

    • @misanthropyunhinged
      @misanthropyunhinged 7 дней назад


    • @misanthropyunhinged
      @misanthropyunhinged 7 дней назад +1


    • @leedowner2249
      @leedowner2249 7 дней назад

      @@misanthropyunhinged you're spending about 20 hours a week watching these videos then

  • @hgewhewhewdhewr3142
    @hgewhewhewdhewr3142 7 дней назад +6

    Stalin said and proved that Socialism in one country hastens the world revolution which does not happen simultaneously. It is undeniable he proved just that.

    • @Salonsozi
      @Salonsozi 5 дней назад


    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@Salonsozi The shame is on you Trot. At the time of Stalin's death, Marxism Leninism had inspired one quarter of the world to Socialism. What has Trotskyism achieved so far in this world, other than being the ideology of some losers and wieners in Starbucks?

    • @gasoline9666
      @gasoline9666 2 дня назад +1

      but world revolution never did happen, so how did he prove something that didn't happen?

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 2 дня назад

      @@gasoline9666 "Stalin said and proved that Socialism in one country hastens the world revolution which does not happen simultaneously."
      Do you have the necessary healthy brain cells to read and understand the conjunct of words, a.k.a sentence? Because the original commenter only used the words 'hastens the world revolution' and he also said 'doesn't happen simultaneously'. Nowhere in that one single sentence, did he claim that Stalin said world revolution would happen at once. You assumed something that was not there, and replied to it, like you are some kind of intellectual. All I can see is that, Trots don't posses the mental ability to grasp what is being said in one single sentence.

    • @hgewhewhewdhewr3142
      @hgewhewhewdhewr3142 День назад +1

      @@gasoline9666 What part of "does not happen simultaneously" don't you understand? why do you think you are special enough for world revolution to have happened before or during YOUR lifetime? How about help protect those countries trying to build socialism in one country rather than sh***ng on them along with the imperialist counter revolutionaries smh

  • @morningstararun6278
    @morningstararun6278 7 дней назад +11

    Below are the list of countries that have adopted Trotskyism and became successful :
    The list is pretty long, but it is visible only for the Trots 😂😂

    • @LG-pd6ez
      @LG-pd6ez 5 дней назад +8

      Where's Stalin's eastern block now mate? They're exactly where socialism in one country leads you: back to capitalism.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@LG-pd6ez Stupid Trots having no focking clue that there was a coup in Soviet leadership by a Trotskyite called Krushchev. And where is Trotsky's permanent revolution mate? It didn't even materialize outside of the coffee shops in New York 😂. Silly Trots.

    • @Salonsozi
      @Salonsozi 5 дней назад

      What you degenerate call Trotskyism means nothing else than Bolshevism. And yes Bolshevism don’t succeeded because of your beaurocratic konterrevolution. So Name me one Marxist Leninist State which not degenerated until it became a capitalist country you moron…

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@Salonsozi China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba and North Korea are right there in front of your eyes, you m0ron. Bolshevism doesn't succeed? Then why did your demi-god Trotsky join the Bolsheviks? Bolshevism transformed a country from a feudal backwater of Europe into a modern superpower within a generation that defeated US in the space race. Yes, there was a setback, but the east is still red with China's rise. Marxism-Leninism is once again the most feared word among the Capitalist world. Name me one single place where Trotskyism has ever achieved anything, go on. And no, you can't say coffee shops in New York.

    • @jamesjohnson2394
      @jamesjohnson2394 4 дня назад +2

      @@LG-pd6ez Pretty sure it was decades of American interference, wars and economic strangulation.

  • @morningstararun6278
    @morningstararun6278 7 дней назад +4

    Socialism in one country was a theory that Lenin himself adopted, long before 1924, and there had been many instances when Lenin opposed Trotsky's opportunistic theories. One such instance would be the Trotsky's proposal to United States of Europe, which he wanted Russia to become a part of. Lenin condemned this outright, saying that it would only strengthen Europe's hegemonic power more, and it would totally weaken any chance for the building of Socialism anywhere. Lenin said that a divided and weak Europe is good for the development of Socialism than a strong united one. These Trots have buried their heads up the Imperialists' a55 for far too long, that they have problems differentiating Imperialism and Socialism.

    • @wistfulhiper3269
      @wistfulhiper3269 6 дней назад +1

      How exactly did Lenin "adopt" socialism in one country?

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@wistfulhiper3269 Lol it amuses me that Trots are not educated in the works of Trotsky himself. Ever read anything about the Permanent Revolution put forth by Trotsky? It was an idea that peasant societies are reactionary and cannot be called revolutionaries who can build socialism, and the two stage revolution where Capitalist phase is necessary to build Socialism, and the opposition to Socialism in one country. And ofcourse, that idiot Trotsky added opposition to "Stalinism" as an additional theory, which was basically Marxism Leninism. Now answering your question. How did Lenin oppose this theory of Trotsky. The below were Lenin's thesis.
      Peasants are not Socialists, but were revolutionaries in the bourgeois-democratic sense.
      A worker peasant alliance was sufficient to proceed to Socialism.
      Bolsheviks argued for a worker peasant alliance against feudalism and capitalism. - Lenin's Thesis.
      "We have not arrived , or even begun to arrive, at the creation of Socialist society.....real progress of a socialist economy in Russia will only become possible after the victory of proletariat in the major European countries." - Trotsky, Peace Program, 1922
      All the Trots around the world(well they are not everywhere, except the coffee shops in New York), Just read the below passage very carefully.
      "Socialism cannot achieve victory simultaneously in all countries. It will achieve victory first in one or several countries, while the others will remain bourgeois or pre-bourgeois for some time." - Lenin CW,Vol.23, 77-87

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      @@wistfulhiper3269 And read this one too.
      "Uneven economic and political development is the absolute law of Capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible in first in several or even in one Capitalist country taken separately." - Lenin CW,Vol.21, 339-343
      And don't ask me again if Lenin adopted Socialism in one country. Yes he did in plenty of his writings, but Stalin was the one to install the idea in practice. What did Trotsky do, other than sucking up to the western proletariat, to make a revolution in their respective countries? Trotskyism is simply opportunism, with western bootlicking in between.

    • @wistfulhiper3269
      @wistfulhiper3269 5 дней назад

      ​@@morningstararun6278 "The international situation is grave because the German, French and British imperialists are only waiting for an opportune moment to fling themselves once more on the Soviet Republic. The task of our Party is to throw off the yoke of capitalism; this can only be done by an international revolution. But, comrades, you must realise that revolutions are not made to order. We realise that the position of the Russian Republic is that the Russian working class has been the first to succeed in throwing off the yoke of capital and the bourgeoisie, and we realise that it has succeeded in this, not because it is more advanced and perfect than others, but because our country is a most backward one." -Lenin | Speech Delivered At A Public Meeting In The Sokolniki Club | 1918
      If Lenin isn't enough for you: " *- 19 -*
      *Will it be possible for this revolution to take place in one country alone?*
      No. By creating the world market, big industry has already brought all the peoples of the Earth, and especially the civilized peoples, into such close relation with one another that none is independent of what happens to the others.
      Further, it has co-ordinated the social development of the civilized countries to such an extent that, in all of them, bourgeoisie and proletariat have become the decisive classes, and the struggle between them the great struggle of the day. It follows that the communist revolution will not merely be a national phenomenon but must take place simultaneously in all civilized countries - that is to say, at least in England, America, France, and Germany.
      It will develop in each of these countries more or less rapidly, according as one country or the other has a more developed industry, greater wealth, a more significant mass of productive forces. Hence, it will go slowest and will meet most obstacles in Germany, most rapidly and with the fewest difficulties in England. It will have a powerful impact on the other countries of the world, and will radically alter the course of development which they have followed up to now, while greatly stepping up its pace.
      It is a universal revolution and will, accordingly, have a universal range." -Engels | The Principles of Communism | 1847
      It's easy to go fishing for quotes from theorists like Lenin that appear to support nationalism. For Marx, Engels and Lenin, it was clear that revolution would succeed only if it was international. Sure, world revolution wouldn't happen instantaneously, it has to start somewhere. It could be one or a few revolutions, that spark more and more, signaling proletarians of all nations to rise up. An isolated revolution, as was the case with Russia, was doomed to fall back into competing with bourgeois states and rejoining the *capitalist* world economy.

    • @morningstararun6278
      @morningstararun6278 5 дней назад

      ​@@wistfulhiper3269😂😂😂 stupid Trot, just carefully read the quote you made from Lenin. Where the hell did he say that we should not build Socialism in one country, and must await the Socialist revolution in developed Western Capitalist countries? Now please do enlighten me Trot, where did Lenin support Trotsky's theory of global revolution, or at least European revolution at once? Yes, the task of the party was to overthrow Capitalism everywhere. Any 15 year old Communist would agree to that. But where did Lenin say that we should push for the world revolution? Because I don't see any words from the quote that YOU SHARED, of Lenin, that even remotely resembles a support for the global revolution. Yes, I did fish for the quote, but I did it to substantiate my claims. And the Lenin's quote you shared is also substantiating my claim 😂😂😂. And the funniest thing ever is, you didn't even realise when you posted it.
      And about the support for global revolution by Engels, he was wrong. The theories of his time were not sufficient, and had shortcomings, which is why we look upto Lenin, and which is why we call ourselves Marxist-Leninists, remember?