Quoting Jesus (Message for the Christians) | Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
    Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
    cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'
    And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me,
    you who practice lawlessness!'
    Matthew 7:21-23 (NKJV™)
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Комментарии • 53

  • @ayanproudmuslim
    @ayanproudmuslim 13 лет назад +4

    Allahu Akbar!!! A Classmate who acknowledge the correctness of Islam contacted me today and we discussed Christianity and Islam.This just so happen to be after I listen to this lecture...she is not A Muslim YET..but we are getting there InshaaALLAH..it doesn't end there..then another person asked me today how to discuss Jesus (Peace be upon him) and show his real Message.May ALLAH (Aza WaJal) reward you for this comprehensive lecture immensely and guide your in-laws and this entire Ummah! Ameen!

  • @monicarward
    @monicarward 10 лет назад +10

    This is an excellent lecture! You take one issue and break it down into:
    Christian Idea * Biblical Fact * Quranic Fact * Real World Example
    I truly appreciate this work!

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад +2

      @@thehourglassfan3515 Vegeta blue is better!

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад +2

      Song of Solomon 5:16 (In the Bibble they remove the name of the Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to lovely)
      ḥik-kōw His mouth [is]
      mam-ṯaq-qîm, most sweet
      wə-ḵul-lōw and Yes he [is] altogether
      ma-ḥă-mad-dîm; lovely
      zeh This [is]
      ḏō-w-ḏî my beloved
      wə-zeh and this [is]
      rê-‘î, my friend
      bə-nō-wṯ daughters
      yə-rū-šā-lim. of Jerusalem.

  • @TheMuslimImam
    @TheMuslimImam 4 года назад +5

    You nailed it Bro!!!!!

  • @rufuslamah7517
    @rufuslamah7517 2 года назад

    I can’t never get enough of you mehn.Please make part two of these kind of videos.

  • @muhammad78633
    @muhammad78633 11 лет назад +3

    May ALLAH bless brother Wajidi :)

  • @renajaber22
    @renajaber22 2 года назад

    Masha´Allah, this lecture is so needeed! speacially beacause we muslims that live in a majority christian country are always asked many things about Jesus peace be upon him. And i am so happy that u gave us verses of the Bible to make people read on their own bibles the statements that jesus made it it! subhanaAllah! JazakAllahu Khairan!

  • @OneWayToParadise
    @OneWayToParadise  12 лет назад +4

    You are correct, I understand that Catholicism does not represent the whole of Christianity. Yet, even if other denominations do not agree on one aspect, the general belief still entails a dogma which was never taught by a prophet. There is one God whose is not three in one.

  • @Cassieskins21
    @Cassieskins21 12 лет назад

    Jazak Allah Khair Abu Mussab. Simple, logical, yet powerful lecture.

  • @Cassieskins21
    @Cassieskins21 12 лет назад +1

    wonderful. nice and simple

  • @nawidaziz2955
    @nawidaziz2955 6 лет назад +2

    Salamu aleykum the ayah from 1:06:41 is from Sura Saff (61:6) and not Sura An Nahl, you probably accidentally swapped the numbers

  • @myasesaleh4631
    @myasesaleh4631 6 месяцев назад

    Salam walakume brother. May Allah bless you ! Can you tell me the verse in the Bible that was once censored! And later they uncensored it. You had it in one video and I forgot which video! Please and thank

  • @OneWayToParadise
    @OneWayToParadise  12 лет назад +2

    Actually, there were several Christian viewers alhamdulillaah...

  • @Mancunian786
    @Mancunian786 12 лет назад

    excellent lecture

  • @Dawahdude0
    @Dawahdude0 13 лет назад

    Mashallah SUPERB presentation very Unique and Convey the message rationally

  • @187redrumm
    @187redrumm 13 лет назад

    great lecture once again brother. may Allah reward you :)
    will send this to my christian friends salam ailaykum

  • @kekenutikeke
    @kekenutikeke 12 лет назад +1

    I am a cristian and im proud of it,i read bible many times and all i leorn from it is to love,respect,,healp the one in need,not to kill,stil ,spit,or judge...You preach what you understand on your point of vew and so are all the Prists.Jesus teach his Falower to love help and respect.Thats why i read the bible my self and i understand on my way.Im not judge you or any one else,but i will keep my belive as is.Onets i heard that the Bble is not made for inteliget ppl to understand and i beliveit

    • @kingmosesix432
      @kingmosesix432 3 года назад +1

      Go ahead.....
      But just to let u know in islam we follow islam based on evidence n proof first then we believe. Unlike a person like u who just blindly believe.
      Anyway in day of judge we will all see who was on straight path of guidance n who was error......

    • @kekenutikeke
      @kekenutikeke 3 года назад

      @@kingmosesix432 So you did not see God you don't belive in him,did you see your Mohamed?,what is your evidence you have? or proof ? error to you.

    • @marshallmuki2924
      @marshallmuki2924 Год назад

      Your statement is a two way street.
      Did you see God? Did you see Jesus?

    • @Testbooster7
      @Testbooster7 5 месяцев назад

      @@kekenutikeke islam is more trustworthy, has a perfect system confirming what the prophet peace be upon him said, appeals to human nature, and has many miracles confirming it is divine.

  • @bobnizar
    @bobnizar 12 лет назад

    Jazakallah khairan

  • @Mancunian786
    @Mancunian786 12 лет назад

    May allah(swt) reward you for all your hard work..ameen

  • @thebasementonlinegaming5394
    @thebasementonlinegaming5394 4 года назад

    Ma shaa Allah

  • @khidrrr
    @khidrrr 13 лет назад

    Jazakallah khair!
    Excellent, just excellent arguments! SubhanAllah! How beautiful our Deen is. :)
    Btw, love the vest. haha.

    • @FufuZ
      @FufuZ 2 года назад

      Assalaamu alaikum khidr from 10 years ago 👀

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад

    bonus 2, for christians:
    If Creator made us pairs a sign He's 1 & Perfect, why He needs to become 3?
    Follow Jesus, David, Musa, Ibrahim etc. who taught Monotheism & law of Islam!
    Vs. farisi paul contradicting w/ divine sonship pretrinity, & lawless guilt!
    Must God degrade into 2 to forgive or 3 to guide? or be a man who bows to God? or an Angel who bows to Man? When being 1 shows perfection! Who is the comforter to last forever in John 14 :16? (Quran 33:40)!
    1) Monotheistic salvation vs. "Divine" son-ship.
    No new God forms in a womb in Job 25 :4 or at all in isiah 43 defeats John 1!
    (John prologue is suspect of being an addition due to writing style)
    vs. Paul - "The 1st one to declare Jesus the Son of God: Acts 9:20: "And straightway he [Paul] preached Christ in synagogues, he is the Son of God." Not of Jesus but of Paul.
    Paul made the unforgivable - breaking the greatest command - salvation.
    (ultimate hypocrisy)
    Deuteronomy 6:4 &
    Mark 12:29 Jesus replied, "The most important commandment: 'Listen! LORD our God is the 1 and only LORD.
    Good slave/Son-ship is figurative : Dawud vs Jesus
    Psalms 2:7 : Lord said unto me [David]: 'Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee."
    Luke 3 :22 - Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. A voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased.”[b]
    **B. - Luke 3 :22 (NRSV) Other ancient texts say : You are my Son, today I have begotten you.**
    So Bible's footnotes shows Jesus became a figurative son at baptism as an adult like David in original text...
    Proving Islam's claim that bible's changed not only internally true but that Injil taught Islam first!
    This also shows Holy spirit is present & not the comforter.
    Figurative son-ship of Adam in bible, Jesus is human like him!
    Luke 3 :38 - son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam, "son of God."
    **Quran 3 : 59 - Verily, the likeness of 'Îsa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was.**
    2) Law & Righteousness
    Deuteronomy 4 :2 - You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it, but keep the commandments...
    Psalms 119 (poem on keeping law) - 4- You have laid down precepts to be fully obeyed.
    James 2 : 17 - faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.
    Mathew 5 : 17 - Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; ... but to fulfill.
    John 14:15 - “If you love me, keep my commandments...
    vs. Paul: romans 10 :4 - For Christ is the end of the law...
    What did Jesus mean by I won't leave you orphaned in john 14 :18?
    **John 14 : 23 - “Those who love me will keep my word, my Father will love them, & we will come to them** & make our home with them... 26 - the Advocate (Paraclete/Ahmad), Holy Spirit, **whom the Father will send in my name,** will teach you all, & remind you all that I have said to you. **(Matches Quran 61 :6)**
    Follow laws to not be an orphan & Jesus will be with you until a Prophet comes.
    It's not the holy spirit - present at baptism.
    john 16 : 7 - ... for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; ...
    John 1 : 20 - ...“I am not the Messiah (Jesus).” 21 ... “Are you the prophet [(like Moses - Deuteronomy 18 :18) a.k.a. Muhammad peace & blessings on him]?” He answered, “No.”
    3) Mercy vs. Original sin & forgiveness through cruci-fiction!
    Deuteronomy 24 :16 - `Fathers are not put to death for sons, & sons are not put to death for fathers - each for his own sin...
    (Repeated in Ezekiel 18 : 20 which adds: righteousness of the righteous is on him, & wickedness of the wicked is on him.)
    exodus 23 : 7 - from a false matter thou dost keep far off, and an innocent and righteous man thou dost not slay; for I do not justify a wicked man.
    Deutoronomy 12 : 31 - You must not do the same for the Lord your God, because every abhorrent thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods. They would even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.
    Matthew 19:14 - "Children come to me, & do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven"
    vs. Hebrew 9 : 22 - ... without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
    28 - Christ, once having been offered to bear the sins of many, ... to salvation!
    God is above being a man (Job 25 :4) & doesn't need a "son-sacrifice" for mercy.
    **Matthew 12:7: "But if ye had known what this means, I will have mercy, & not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless."** (also Mathew 9 :13)
    Mathew 5:7 - Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
    Hosea 6 : 6 - "For I desired mercy & not sacrifice, ...
    Isiah 1 : 18 - “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;...
    19. If you are willing & obedient,...
    (see luke 19 too)
    **Quran 39 : 53 & 54 - ... Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: verily, Allah forgives ... & turn in repentance & obedience...**

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад

    deut 5 : 9 - You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
    contradicts deut 24 : 16 - Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.

  • @amatullaabdulla1337
    @amatullaabdulla1337 11 лет назад

    Jazakallau kairan brother. Regarding your/his statement that Jesus was the only prophet who Allah hasn't claimed the soul yet, where is the Islamic evidence that he is the only prophet or is it rather the only prophet known who hasn't died yet? According to the Bible Elijah (who buy the way also raised the dead to life etc by God's leave) went to heaven in a chariot and didn't die on earth so they were expecting him back on earth

  • @zombie92272
    @zombie92272 12 лет назад +1

    This is Incorrect... Jesus never told you to worship him or call him LORD...
    This means you are not doing what he told you to do... Because he preached the that the Father is 1 = Islam
    + your question makes perfect nonsense... But the answer is "NOTHING" & "NO"

  • @TheGateway7861
    @TheGateway7861 12 лет назад +1

    LOOOOOOOOOOOL I didn't see the bank example in terms of where it was going,then when the brother dropped it I just burst out laughing.
    Please 'Christians' (a name given by the enemies of people who followed Christ),see sense...

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад

    4) Cruci-Fiction isn't historical even in bible or prophetic.
    Jesus is predicted to be saved from cruci-fiction,
    Psalms 22: 1. My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
    16. (scripts differ)
    21 Save me from the lion : -- & -- from horns of high places, Thou answered me!
    (like Mathew 26 :39 Jesus prostrates as a Muslim)
    psalms 116 - 1 I have loved, because Jehovah heareth My voice, my supplication,
    8 For Thou hast delivered my soul from death...
    13. The cup of salvation I lift up,
    john 11 : 41 So they took away the stone. And Jesus looked upward and said, “Father, I thank you for having heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me,
    Corinthians 15 : 14 - if Christ has not been raised, then our claim & your faith has been in vain.
    John 17 : 3 - 5 : You are the only True God, I am who you sent, and I finished my mission ( before crucifiction and after praying for Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings on him - the comforter. ). Glorify me like I was before with you ( all humans were with God before in ephesians 1.)
    Jesus here is fully agreeing with Islam, there is only One God, he is separate, crucifiction isn't his message but waiting praying for Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.
    31 : I die daily! - (Death is often exaggerated in bible)
    No direct witnesses but added on later showing bible changes :
    Mark 15 : 40 - There were also women looking on from a distance;...
    Luke 23 : 49 - But all his acquaintances, ... stood at a distance,
    Mathew 27 :55 - Many women were also there, looking on from a distance;...
    John 19 : 17 - Jesus Carried the cross himself...
    (removing Simon likely crucified in his place)
    25 - Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother...
    Thesalonians 2 : 9 - The lawless one will be w/ how Satan works & use all sorts of displays of power through signs & wonders that serve the lie,
    (Matches paul)
    10 wickedness deceives those who are perishing, as they refused to love the truth & be saved.
    (Matches Farisis)
    *11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so they'll believe the lie.*
    *Quran 4 : 157 - And because of their (boast), "We killed Messiah 'Îsa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah," - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it appeared so to them, & those who differ ... follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not.*
    5) Verdict : God is 1, Islam is true!
    Paul, the lawless false Prophet of Mathew 24 :11 & 12, wanted to remove the laws, Paul degraded God's forgiveness to create a polytheistic son (Acts 9, Hebrew 9 & Romans 10) against scripture (Isaiah 43 & Mathew 12 :7) to remove laws, inspired by the devil. A Perfect God needs no partners. Paul is corrected in salvation, sin & righteousness by the lawgiver & comforter Prophet Muhammad peace & blessings on him of john 1 :21 & 16 :8!
    Acts 9 :3 - he (Paul) was approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.
    Luke 10 :18 - Jesus said, “I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning.
    Mathew 24 :11 & many false prophets will arise & lead many astray.
    12 & because of the increase of lawlessness,
    Paul lost blessings for his tribe by removing the laws.
    Jeremiah 31 : 36 - If these statutes depart from before Me, An affirmation of Jehovah, Even Israelites doth cease From being a nation before Me all the days.
    Cruci-fiction (attempt) led to lawlessness.
    Mathew 21 :38 - tenants saw the son (Jesus), & said, ‘This heir; let us kill him & get his inheritance.’
    & 43 Therefore I say kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people of fruits of the kingdom. (law)
    Kingdom given to Ismael's tribe -
    Genesis 17 : 20 - As to Ishmael, I have heard thee; lo, I have blessed him, made him fruitful,...; 12 (Saudi?) princes & I have made him become a great nation;
    even paul went to Arabia, where Ismael dwelt 1st (Genesis 21 :21 - Paran) -
    Galatians 1 : 17 - nor did I go to Jerusalem to those who were already apostles before me, but I went away at once to Arabia,...
    Where the global Prophet, who paul thought he was - would come to correct him (IRONY), -
    *Isaiah 42 : 6 - Jehovah, did call thee in righteousness... I give thee for a covenant of a people, And a light of nations. ... 11 The wilderness & ... villages Kedar (Ismael's son) inhabits, Sing inhabitants of Sela, From the top of mountains they cry. (Mt. Selah is Medina)*
    Jesus says -
    Mathew 15 : 24 - “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
    *Jesus leaves his tribe for Islam on return:*
    Isiah 49 :1 - ... O peoples, from afar, Jehovah from the womb hath called me, ...
    *6. ... `It hath been a light thing That thou art to Me for a servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob,... I have given thee for a light of nations, - same term for Islam of Arabia in bible.*
    (& more)
    paul is the lawless false prophet, so covenant is given to the fruitful Ismael - the final Prophet lawgiver like Moses, to be forever as comforter is only Nabi Muhammad peace & blessings be upon him!
    Solomon songs 5 :16 - He is MUHAMMADIM - (name in Hebrew)
    John 16 : 8 - & when he comes, he will prove the world wrong on (original) sin, righteousness (law) & judgment (salvation):
    6 : 162. *Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (creation).*
    163. *"He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims."*
    164. *Say: "Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then unto your Lord is your return, so He will tell you that wherein you have been differing."*
    165. And it is He Who has made you generations coming after generations, replacing each other on the earth. And He has raised you in ranks, some above others that He may try you in that which He has bestowed on you. *Surely your Lord is Swift in retribution, and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.*

  • @exactormortis7433
    @exactormortis7433 3 года назад +1

    I was expecting quotes from Jesus. Was not. There were quotations from the Bible, but they were misquoted. Of course, because the narrative in this video is not the narrative of the Bible ...

    • @exactormortis7433
      @exactormortis7433 2 года назад

      @@enacausmembrane nope, misquotes did not disappear even at half speed. Second-hand embarrassment only took twice as long ...

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад

    Jon 14 Jesus says follow the laws and I will be with you...
    Paul in Roman's 10.4 removed law including Tawhid so fits lawless false Prophet of mathew 24.11. In acts 9.3 he saw devil of Luke 10.18. He set up the comforter Prophet after Jesus in Jon 1.21. 1st word in Quran Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is enough to refute bible, Allah is Merciful enough to create and forgive, while bible degrades yo paganism saying sacrifice is needed.
    Internal points.
    Jon 17.3 - You are the only true God and I am Jesus christ You sent, I have finished the work.
    - point is Jesus is separate from God and his work finished after praying for the comforter before crucifiction...
    Hosea 11.9 - God is not a man...
    The corrective Prophet.
    John 16 says the paraclete will come (Prophet like Musa).
    Para is comparative, clete means glory.
    Most praising (present tense) is Ahmad.
    Most praised (past tense) is Muhammad.
    Isaiah 42 here is my servant I uphold (Ahmad in hebrew).
    Solomon 5.16. He is MUHAMMAD-im. (Hebrew reading is on RUclips for this verse too.)

  • @10452land
    @10452land 12 лет назад +3

    We as Christians we believe, we follow what our lord Jesus Christ asked us to.
    but let me ask you something, be fair and answer honestly.
    if a christian living in a Muslim country spoke same way as you're talking but about islam WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HIM? wouldn't he be killed savagely?

    • @ummesalmatahir6745
      @ummesalmatahir6745 7 лет назад +2

      10452land No.

    • @vengefulavenger7151
      @vengefulavenger7151 5 лет назад +2


    • @mohammadmuzammil1354
      @mohammadmuzammil1354 4 года назад +1

      There is still Christians Arabs it's might be a example for you but most of them covert to the true path because Christians are the most close people to the Islam

    • @kekenutikeke
      @kekenutikeke 3 года назад +1

      @@ummesalmatahir6745 rong they are.

    • @kekenutikeke
      @kekenutikeke 3 года назад +1

      @@mohammadmuzammil1354 not true,if they don't convert in muslim they have no right at all,so many have no chose but to convert,even if they dont like it.

  • @aburafa6509
    @aburafa6509 12 лет назад

    @henry, admitting that arguments are truthful n yet holding onto to false beliefs ain't no smart thing to do. When truth comes to you, you should submit and let go of false beliefs. There is no religious book on earth where the author claims that he is the creator of heavens and earth n to him everything belongs n to his you shall return except Quran. Jesus was never a God but a servant of God. When it comes to heaven or hel u should ponder n submit to truth. There is no hiding from ur creator

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад

    the Prophet after Jesus in jon 1.21 is the paraclete/comforter in jon 16, who is prophet like Musa in deut 18.18 who is the light onto nations in Isaiah 42.6 and 11 from mt. Selah aka Medina. In Isaiah 49 :1-14 Jesus leaves zi0n for this light of nations of the paraclete comforter.
    Deut 33.2 Lord went from Sinai (Musa) to seir (Jesus) and shone highest in Mt. Paran Mecca leading 10k ppl, this is Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.
    Isaiah 42.1 This is my servant upheld or Ahmad in hebrew.
    Solomon 5.10 says he leads 10k ppl, next 5 verses describe him physically.
    V. 16 He is MUHAMMAD-im.
    Para is comparative, Clete means glory.
    Most praising = Ahmad.
    Most praised = Muhammad.
    Bani Israel follows Islam.
    Ismail settled in Paran in gen 21.21.
    Gen 28 :18 Israel copies Kaba.
    Exodus 5.1 Musa says let my people go to do Hag or cycles as in circling or sacrifice feast done at the Kaba, hag comes from Haggar or Hajjar in Arabic, the mother of Ismail or Haj.
    Musa learned of Hajj from Shuaib or Jethro shows high level of non bani Israel prophets in yeahood scripture. Confirmed in Quran 28 :27 Arabic.
    Musa went to paran land of the Kaba in numbers 13 as did Dawud in book of Samuel, valley of Baca or Makka in Psalms 84, and ponds of ZamZam.
    Josh 24 :26-27 - Setting up stones in holy place that will witness against us.
    Isaiah 6 :6 shows the ritual copying Hajj of kissing stone for repentance.
    Jesus in mark 3.35 says in Aramaic my followers are Mushlem or submitters.
    Jesus also prostrated to Allah like a Muslim like Ibrahim in genesis 17.3.
    All the Prophets were Muslims peace and blessings be upon them who taught Tawhid and law including Jesus in mark 12.29, mathew 5.17 and john 14, follow law not to be orphaned while away. Crucifiction has no evidence, in one gospel Mother Mary was a block away & a later one she is under the cross, big contradiction... View Quran 2 :5, 3 :55 on Allah being the best planner and Thesolonians 2 :9!
    Paul in acts 9 :3 saw deviI of luke 10 :18, Roman's 10.4 removes the law fitting the false Prophet of mathew 24.11.
    Even paul looked for the Prophet of Arabia in galatians 1.17.
    He is the Prophet like Musa of Mt paran Mecca, lawgiver of of mt. Sela Medina, paraclete comforter to last forever so the name of the Lord shines highest, He is Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him.
    Musa in exodus 24 set up stone markers for each tribe, Josh 6 :16 has 7 tawafs.
    Psalms 138 :2 - Has the temple as a Qiblah like the Kaba before & after.
    Josh 24.27 - says stones will testify.
    Jeremiah 36.9 - says 9th month is for fasting like Ramadan.

    • @9-11amossadvanbomberplotai9
      @9-11amossadvanbomberplotai9 2 года назад

      deceiver in bible, In Quran 3 :55 Allah is best of planners.
      Thesalonians 2 : 9 The coming of the lawless (Paul acts 9 :3 saw deviI of luke 10:18)..., 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives. They (Yeahood) perish, they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11. So God sends the best lie & delusion so that they will believe the lie.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 2 года назад

      What did Jesus teach in earliest known versions of the 4 gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John) except Islam?
      1) Tawhid & Rahma - Mark 12.29 Mathew 12 :7
      2) Law - Mathew 5.17, Jon 14.23 vs. Paul Heb 9 & romans 10.4 - no mercy/law!
      3) He is only human like David - Luke 3.22 nrsv footnote , Jon 5 :30
      4) No crucifi-ction - no witnesses until jon switch mother Mary's place, if you honest this shows deliberate change from narrative it has no evidence matching Islam. Quran 3 :54 & 55 to Thesalonians 2 :9! Mark 16 :8 is original ending, no 2nd showing of Jesus copied by other gospels
      5) There is a Prophet after Jesus to come named Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him with verses like jon 1.21, Isaiah 42 etc.
      paul in acts 9.3 saw deviI of luke 10 :18 & removed Jesus's commands in romans 10 :4, matches false no command prophet in mathew 24:11...
      even paul looked for prophet in Arabia in gal 1 :17, who comes after Jesus in Jon 1 :21...
      Anything other then this is a contradiction of Jesus earliest message consistent with all prophets before or figurative. Game over.
      Like Quran 3 :7 says use the clear verses to define the unclear verses!
      Allah's Traits in Sura 112 match Jesus's words in oldest bible: Allah is 1 - Mark 12:29.
      Allah is Merciful - Mathew 12 :7. vs. God needs sacrifice (Paul in Hebrews 9)
      Allah is not begotten nor begets - Job 25 :4. vs. Paul in Acts 9 :20!
      Allah is not a man - Hosea 11 :9 vs. Jon 1 (Logos monolougue addition)

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Год назад

      All Prophets Taught Tawhid - Deut 4 :6, Mathew 12 :29.
      Prophets said obey law - Duet 4 :2, Psalms 119, James 2 :17, Mathew 5 :17, Jon 14 :15
      Prophets taught Allah forgives w/o sacrifice - Isiah 1 :18, Hosea 6 :6, Mathew 12 :7 & 9 :13!
      Prophets taught no inherited sin - Deut 24 :16, Ezekiel 18 :20, Exo 23 :7.
      Tawhid includes attributes such as God is not a Man like in numbers 23 :19 or Hosea 11 :9!
      Bonus : Duet 12 : 31 - ... thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods. They would even "toast" their sons and their daughters in the Nar to their gods.
      vs. Paul:
      "The 1st one to declare Jesus the Son of God: Acts 9:20: "And straightway he [Paul] preached Christ in synagogues, he is the Son of God." Not of Jesus but of Paul.
      romans 10 :4 - For Christ is the end of the law...
      Hebrew 9 : 22 - ... without the shedding of ... there is no forgiveness.
      28 - Christ, once having been offered to bear the sins of many, ... to salvation!

  • @lychee159
    @lychee159 13 лет назад

    Wish i can be his second wife..

  • @pretoshohmoofc
    @pretoshohmoofc 12 лет назад

    That's funny, all of the comments must be first approved by you. This removes anyone like myself from publicly exposing your nonsense. LOL!!! ROTFL!

    • @kingmosesix432
      @kingmosesix432 3 года назад

      Ya nonsense
      Which is pagan Christian like u explaining Christian shirk, out right blasphemous statements, illogical, irrational, un supported by bible even and also historically evolved cult....
      Ya plx thats good... spare us thos nonsense plzz...... our standard of tawhid is up highest..... we dont even care wht rubbish u hv to say...
      Its self contictory n without evidence anyway.

    • @kekenutikeke
      @kekenutikeke 3 года назад

      @@kingmosesix432 pagan dose not mean Christian,but a person who haven't been baptise. Dont critisise Christian cus they dont think like u .As u say on the judgement day we all will see,you belive what you are broght up with and so do Christian people .Like i sead i don't judge you don't judge me. God bless you.