This revisioning of the idea still took me around 4 hours to make its terrible how much time and effort goes into making something completely unique. Sorry for uploading an utter FAIL at the end of the year, I hope at least some of you will enjoy it. Have a beautiful holiday season 🎅 Hopefully next year I can find time to show you the ABSOLUTE worst way to Defeat the Sawmill horde. You might be thinking if I could not kill a horde like this in 1 hour, how can it get even worse? Subscribe, because - That video is probably going to take me weeks to complete.
I would have given up way before you did. You did get me thinking I should grab a copy of the game for my PS4. It would probably be entertaining to play the game in all it's buggy glory.
What a patient man not weird for a married man, i can stand 30 minutes of reset TLAD intro , after that i like fuck it try again tommorow and you have patient of a god kill a horde using rock
This revisioning of the idea still took me around 4 hours to make its terrible how much time and effort goes into making something completely unique.
Sorry for uploading an utter FAIL at the end of the year, I hope at least some of you will enjoy it. Have a beautiful holiday season 🎅
Hopefully next year I can find time to show you the ABSOLUTE worst way to Defeat the Sawmill horde. You might be thinking if I could not kill a horde like this in 1 hour, how can it get even worse?
Subscribe, because - That video is probably going to take me weeks to complete.
Finally a video and not a live stream or short 😁
Well live streams and shorts are easier to make.
AWesome job even though..I am watching all the video my brother..Respect!!!
Oh god, please brother spare yourself from the torture, I tortured myself enough for this :'D
I would have given up way before you did. You did get me thinking I should grab a copy of the game for my PS4. It would probably be entertaining to play the game in all it's buggy glory.
Please do not do it on a ps4 slim, as the framerate is total cancer. Totally would recommend on ps4 pro or ps5 tho just for shits and giggles.
@inz002 Thank you for your advice. I don't think I have the slim. I have the limited edition Darth Vader PS4. But I play on my PS5.
What a patient man not weird for a married man, i can stand 30 minutes of reset TLAD intro , after that i like fuck it try again tommorow and you have patient of a god kill a horde using rock
Apparently not patient enough :'D Maybe next year.