Steve Kaplan Discusses CEO Pay

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
    Steven Neil Kaplan, the Neubauer Family Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, will look at executive compensation. He holds a master's degree in applied mathematics and economics from Harvard College and a PhD in business economics from Harvard University. Kaplan conducts research on issues in private equity, venture capital, entrepreneurial finance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate finance. He has published papers in a number of academic and business journals. He has testified to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and the U.S. House Financial Services Committee about his research. Kaplan is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and an associate editor of the Journal of Finance and the Journal of Financial Economics.

Комментарии • 11

  • @UTubekookdetector
    @UTubekookdetector 12 лет назад

    That's a very good point!

  • @mites7
    @mites7 12 лет назад

    You know, I had always thought that particular disconnect was strange, especially since most entertainers and athletes still work for a corporation or company (record label or team)

  • @MattVanWormer
    @MattVanWormer 12 лет назад

    Would love to have seen a comparison with top hollywood figures and athletes.

  • @christsuma3393
    @christsuma3393 7 лет назад

    One big problem especially in the west is this notion of cult of personality.....there always has to be a hero even when a whole team is responsible for success....the sports and the movies etc are there in plenty to distract the masses from the real issues affecting the society resulting in the grossly overpaid celebrities....Not too different for the CEOs either....its because of his/her visionary leadership that the company went from X to Y billion dollars profit....and since they know the average worker is desparate to keep their job due to lack of "wealth that begets more wealth" so the shareholders will only be worried about the bottom line profits and will only bother to properly compensate a couple of people at the very top...even though it's a collective effort with many of those in the middle and lower echelons working very hard... and the rest can catch whatever gets thrown their way.
    I've seen some people wondering why the public would worship the "celebrities" and detest the CEO types...its not hard at all to see why....with the celebrities they have simply been brainwashed since childhood to worship the celebrity actors and athletes etc....On the other hand CEOs are the people who work above them at work where they toll and bust their behihds and barely get compensated sufficiently to even account for inflation. The contrasts become very clear when the CEO and similarly ranked executive pullls into the parking lot with a vehicle that is more expensive than all the other vehicles in the parking lot combined......what's more damaging is actually the ability of the highest earners to amplify their wealth quite effectively whenever the economy takes a dive...they can purchase properties at pennies on the dollar while regular Joe Blows gets laid-off and foerclosed on...then sell back the same properties at much higher prices to those poor paupers that were foreclosed on once they get back on their feet.....the masses are constantly lied to that "economic cycles are natural"....they are not natural at all they are scientifically done in the flawed fractional reserve system particularly through the use of monetary policy.....And those cycles are not much more than transfer of wealth from the shrinking middle class and lower classes to those at the very top of the ladder.

  • @rumco
    @rumco 12 лет назад

    Public envies and hates businessman who get paid a lot but adore celebrities or sports figures who get paid even more.

  • @MattVanWormer
    @MattVanWormer 12 лет назад

    Yes, those were my thoughts as well. Would like to see it in ink and not coming from my mouth. I guess we need our royalty as well - throw back to serfs.

  • @CustomWeldingandFab
    @CustomWeldingandFab 4 года назад

    Now do a real comparison of CEOs pay and their employees pay over time. That is the most telling figure for the majority of America and not just the elite your comparing.