Giselle isn't just a ballet; it's a timeless journey through the ethereal realms of love, betrayal, and redemption. With each delicate pirouette and haunting melody, it unveils the beauty and tragedy of the human heart, captivating audiences with its spellbinding grace and poignant storytelling. A true masterpiece that transcends time and leaves an indelible mark on the soul of anyone fortunate enough to witness its mesmerizing performance.
Absolutely mesmerizing! Giselle takes us on a timeless journey through love, betrayal, and redemption, captivating us with its grace and poignant storytelling. Truly a masterpiece that leaves an indelible mark on the soul.🌹🩰
Hvala na opisu.Sjajna recenzija!Carlota Grisi je prva balerina koja je stala na ono što se danas zovu baletne špice ili pointes,a Giselle je predvodnica"bijelog baleta"a ostalo je povijest.Ispravite me ako gdje griješim;plesala sam balet i pročitala Haynea.🇭🇷👍👏🤝❤
Hvala vam na komentaru! Drago mi je da vam se recenzija svidjela. Carlota Grisi je zaista bila prva balerina koja je izvela ulogu Giselle i popularizirala tehniku plesa na špicama. Giselle se smatra jednim od najvažnijih baleta iz razdoblja romantizma i ključnim djelom "bijelog baleta". Izgleda da ste sve dobro naveli! Drago mi je čuti da ste plesali balet i da ste čitali Haynea. Hvala vam još jednom na vašem doprinosu! 🇭🇷👍👏🤝❤
Nagyszerű balettmüvészek. Csodálatos elöadás. Gratulálok a Tisztelt karmesternek, zenekarnak és az egész stábnak aki résztvet hozzá hozni, szinpadra E gyönyörű elöadást. Köszönöm, György Tibrea. Fantasztikus produkció.
Köszönöm szépen a kedves szavakat! Nagyon örülök, hogy élvezted az előadást, és megtisztelő, hogy ilyen elismerően szóltál a balettművészekről, a karmesterről, a zenekarról, és az egész stábról. Az ő kitartó munkájuk és tehetségük tette lehetővé, hogy ez a csodálatos produkció megszülethessen.
Evo još malo recenzije; Carlotta Grisi je rođena u Hrvatskoj i po njoj se zove ulica u kojoj je živjela i škola baleta u Novigradu,na premijeri Giselle žene su padale u nesvijest jer su bile užasnute pojavom potpuno blijedih vila koje su služile preko scene🇭🇷
Hvala na dodatnim informacijama! Carlotta Grisi je zaista ostavila veliki trag u baletnoj umjetnosti, a posebno je poznata po svojoj ulozi u "Giselle". Fascinantno je čuti da se ulica i baletna škola u Novigradu zovu po njoj! Ta premijera "Giselle" doista je bila revolucionarna za svoje vrijeme, s duhovitim vilama koje su izazvale šok i strah kod publike. Njena povezanost s Hrvatskom čini njezinu priču još zanimljivijom i posebnijom 🇭🇷.
Can somebody please even out Giselles hemline of her gorgeous costume. I have never seen Giselles costume with chiffon layer over the tulle skirt, it looks gorgeous but the tulle hemline is uneven.....
Dziękuję za komentarz! Rzeczywiście, Giselle zawsze zachwyca swoim pięknem i subtelnością. Jeśli chodzi o Albrechta, zauważyłem, że miał momenty, gdzie mogło to wyglądać na problemy z kondycją. Zespół baletowy, choć pełen talentu, czasami może prezentować się nieco nierówno, co też przytrafia się najlepszym. Mam nadzieję, że mimo wszystko całość dostarczyła emocji i wrażeń!
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy the performance. We appreciate all feedback as it helps us to improve. Could you share more about what specifically you didn't like? We strive to make each show better and your insights would be valuable.
We appreciate your honest feedback. Capturing emotion and creating a strong connection between the dancers is essential, and it's something we’re continuously working to perfect. We'll make sure to address these aspects in our future performances. Thank you for helping us grow
Андрейздравствуйте,спасибо!!!❤Прекрасный балет!!
Здравсвуйте! Благодарю за комментарий и прекрасный отзыв )
Worth watching. Amazing dancers!
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks
Thank you so muchh
Thanks for your comment 🤗
Thanks a lot Artur!
Giselle isn't just a ballet; it's a timeless journey through the ethereal realms of love, betrayal, and redemption. With each delicate pirouette and haunting melody, it unveils the beauty and tragedy of the human heart, captivating audiences with its spellbinding grace and poignant storytelling. A true masterpiece that transcends time and leaves an indelible mark on the soul of anyone fortunate enough to witness its mesmerizing performance.
Absolutely mesmerizing! Giselle takes us on a timeless journey through love, betrayal, and redemption, captivating us with its grace and poignant storytelling. Truly a masterpiece that leaves an indelible mark on the soul.🌹🩰
Such a beautiful dancers! Bravo !
Thanks for your support and comments)
The sound of this video.. is so good. thank you for posting!
Thanks for your comment !🙏🏻
Thank you ❤❤❤
Thank you for your comment 🙏🏻
Hvala na opisu.Sjajna recenzija!Carlota Grisi je prva balerina koja je stala na ono što se danas zovu baletne špice ili pointes,a Giselle je predvodnica"bijelog baleta"a ostalo je povijest.Ispravite me ako gdje griješim;plesala sam balet i pročitala Haynea.🇭🇷👍👏🤝❤
Hvala vam na komentaru! Drago mi je da vam se recenzija svidjela. Carlota Grisi je zaista bila prva balerina koja je izvela ulogu Giselle i popularizirala tehniku plesa na špicama. Giselle se smatra jednim od najvažnijih baleta iz razdoblja romantizma i ključnim djelom "bijelog baleta". Izgleda da ste sve dobro naveli! Drago mi je čuti da ste plesali balet i da ste čitali Haynea. Hvala vam još jednom na vašem doprinosu! 🇭🇷👍👏🤝❤
Nagyszerű balettmüvészek. Csodálatos elöadás. Gratulálok a Tisztelt karmesternek, zenekarnak és az egész stábnak aki résztvet hozzá hozni, szinpadra E gyönyörű elöadást. Köszönöm, György Tibrea. Fantasztikus produkció.
Köszönöm szépen a kedves szavakat! Nagyon örülök, hogy élvezted az előadást, és megtisztelő, hogy ilyen elismerően szóltál a balettművészekről, a karmesterről, a zenekarról, és az egész stábról. Az ő kitartó munkájuk és tehetségük tette lehetővé, hogy ez a csodálatos produkció megszülethessen.
Evo još malo recenzije; Carlotta Grisi je rođena u Hrvatskoj i po njoj se zove ulica u kojoj je živjela i škola baleta u Novigradu,na premijeri Giselle žene su padale u nesvijest jer su bile užasnute pojavom potpuno blijedih vila koje su služile preko scene🇭🇷
Hvala na dodatnim informacijama! Carlotta Grisi je zaista ostavila veliki trag u baletnoj umjetnosti, a posebno je poznata po svojoj ulozi u "Giselle". Fascinantno je čuti da se ulica i baletna škola u Novigradu zovu po njoj! Ta premijera "Giselle" doista je bila revolucionarna za svoje vrijeme, s duhovitim vilama koje su izazvale šok i strah kod publike. Njena povezanost s Hrvatskom čini njezinu priču još zanimljivijom i posebnijom 🇭🇷.
Thanks so much for your support!
Великолепный балет, прекрасная музыка и исполнение ❤ мешает только слушать кашель в зале(
Can somebody please even out Giselles hemline of her gorgeous costume. I have never seen Giselles costume with chiffon layer over the tulle skirt, it looks gorgeous but the tulle hemline is uneven.....
Thank you for your comment, your opinion is very important to us) We will definitely correct it.
But unfortunately, it was on this day that the ballerina accidentally tore her magnificent dress on backstage 🤷♂️
Gselle zachwycająca, Akbrecht ma chyba problem z kondycją, zespół baletowy nerówno.
Dziękuję za komentarz! Rzeczywiście, Giselle zawsze zachwyca swoim pięknem i subtelnością. Jeśli chodzi o Albrechta, zauważyłem, że miał momenty, gdzie mogło to wyglądać na problemy z kondycją. Zespół baletowy, choć pełen talentu, czasami może prezentować się nieco nierówno, co też przytrafia się najlepszym. Mam nadzieję, że mimo wszystko całość dostarczyła emocji i wrażeń!
What do you mean? Sorry, I didn't get it.
I think she's a great Giselle and I think he's not at her level.
Thank you. A good comment. Tell me, what level, in which theater would you like to see her?
@@MoiseiProduction Thank you, I'll leave it to you.
Polscy tancerze o nebo lepsi
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but some dancers need to work on their technique and a lot.
Really? NO credit to the choreographer or composer?
Sorry. Did you watch the video or just read the description? I changed the description especially for you.
@@MoiseiProduction I watched most of it. It's awesome.
@@sschimel That's great to hear! Which part did you enjoy the most?
I will not watch this ballet when the dancers are not mentionned Shame on you
Shame on you that you were too lazy to open the description and read it.
😂😂😂 In my opinion, even the technical staff mentioned here!
Thank you very much for your comment, for your interest in the video and our artists. But may I ask which artists you would like me to mention?
@khristinasholoiko8391 Yes, it’s true .
🤣 I take it you didn't pass 1st grade reading?
Terrible ballet ! Sorry. Shame
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy the performance. We appreciate all feedback as it helps us to improve. Could you share more about what specifically you didn't like? We strive to make each show better and your insights would be valuable.
@@MoiseiProduction No feeling or emotion, just stone faces. There is no connection between the artists. Dance technique also falters.
We appreciate your honest feedback. Capturing emotion and creating a strong connection between the dancers is essential, and it's something we’re continuously working to perfect. We'll make sure to address these aspects in our future performances. Thank you for helping us grow
Ön szégyeje magát mert Egy udvariatlan. Egy kérdés- - akkor miért is írt!?!