My daughter was born 23 weeks and weighed 1 lb 4 1/2 oz. She is now a beautiful 32 year old young women carrying her first baby due 12/12/24. I really can't sum up the care my daughter received at St. Lukes. It was Superior. Loved so many of the nurses! We were Blessed to land in KC at St. Lukes.
Thank you to ALL NICU nurses and other care providers. Without all of you angels my babygirl would not be alive today. My girl was born at only 26 weeks gestation (Type 1 diabetic mom) and the nurses were the absolute BEST! They cared for my baby so well. And after 6 weeks in the NICU my baby went to the step down unit and then came home! She is about to turn 17 in 8 days ♥️♥️
My son was born at 25 weeks. 27yrs ago. Wow has it changed. Only thing that hasnt chaged was the care and compassion we recieved from the nurses and doctors there. Never would have made it through without them
I'm thinking about becoming a Foster Grandparent in the NICU. I am currently a volunteer at my local VA Hospital. I work directly with my fellow veterans who are inpatients.
My daughter was born 23 weeks and weighed 1 lb 4 1/2 oz. She is now a beautiful 32 year old young women carrying her first baby due 12/12/24. I really can't sum up the care my daughter received at St. Lukes. It was Superior. Loved so many of the nurses! We were Blessed to land in KC at St. Lukes.
Thank you to ALL NICU nurses and other care providers. Without all of you angels my babygirl would not be alive today. My girl was born at only 26 weeks gestation (Type 1 diabetic mom) and the nurses were the absolute BEST! They cared for my baby so well. And after 6 weeks in the NICU my baby went to the step down unit and then came home! She is about to turn 17 in 8 days ♥️♥️
My son was born at 25 weeks. 27yrs ago. Wow has it changed. Only thing that hasnt chaged was the care and compassion we recieved from the nurses and doctors there. Never would have made it through without them
Hope to be a NICU nurse someday :) this is so inspiring, thank you!
I'm thinking about becoming a Foster Grandparent in the NICU. I am currently a volunteer at my local VA Hospital. I work directly with my fellow veterans who are inpatients.
Thank you for this video! From a future NICU nurse!
I’m meant to do this ❤❤❤