Discussion | Br. Ehsan Arshad v Maulana (Maturidi) | MUST WATCH

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2022

Комментарии • 168

  • @lionsden27
    @lionsden27 Год назад +26

    While explaining this verse of ‘Allah’s rising above the Throne’, Hafiz Ibn Katheer has written, ‘We must thread the path of the Mazhab of the pious predecessors like that of Malik, Al Awzaa’ie, Thawri, Laith bin Sa’ad, Shafi, Ahmad, Ishaq bin Rahaway and others besides them from the leaders of the Muslims of the past and present. (They held firm to the view) that this should be accepted in the same way it is mentioned without describing a mode, a semblance or likeness and without negating it’.

  • @ibraheembm975
    @ibraheembm975 Год назад +11

    " Mowlaana " kept on pointing upwards so.... he just wants to hide the truth

  • @riazzaman20
    @riazzaman20 Год назад +4

    Unity is far greater in our condition than squabbling over masali that have been debated for centuries.

    • @nahimwasit
      @nahimwasit 9 месяцев назад +3

      Unite upon Haqq not batil, this mas'ala is not trivial, in fact it's a foundation

    • @ExtremeShez
      @ExtremeShez 3 месяца назад +2

      @@nahimwasit well said. JazakAllahu khayr

    • @idreceghadie
      @idreceghadie Месяц назад +1

      by this logic, let’s unite w the shias because the debate between sunnis and shias has been going on for 100’s of years

    • @ExtremeShez
      @ExtremeShez Месяц назад

      @@idreceghadie Fantastic point.

  • @imzytube
    @imzytube Год назад +35

    Did anyone keep count of how many times this Deobandi Mawlana kept pointing upwards when referring to Allah?
    He can deny it as much as he wants, but deep down inside he knows that Allah is above the Heavens, he is an evidence against himself.
    Some timestamps of the Deobandi Mawlana pointing upwards when referring to Allah:
    10:02 - "... we leave the meaning to Allah";
    17:02 - "Allah is watching me";
    17:34 - "I swear by Allah";
    18:46 - "I swear by Allah"
    Questioned about why he pointed up when he said "Wallahi" (i.e referring to Allah) and his futile response.

  • @faizal85z
    @faizal85z Год назад +3

    On the black thobe is Ust. Ehsan Arshad

  • @Brother_mar
    @Brother_mar Год назад +2

    I hope the discussion is recorded, Inshallah.

    • @Brother_mar
      @Brother_mar Год назад

      @@ayyubvernon1557 I’m talking about the discussion between Br ehsan and the other guy and his partner that they talked about in this video. Tachyons*

  • @faizal85z
    @faizal85z Год назад +8

    Where is Allah? Allah is above the heavens ☝️

    • @Flyingtoohardtofly
      @Flyingtoohardtofly 3 месяца назад

      So he’s restricted?

    • @ExtremeShez
      @ExtremeShez 3 месяца назад

      ​@@Flyingtoohardtofly Are you saying the Sahabah RadhiAllahu Anhum have restricted Allah?

    • @Flyingtoohardtofly
      @Flyingtoohardtofly 3 месяца назад

      @@ExtremeShez no I’m saying Wahabi’s have

    • @ExtremeShez
      @ExtremeShez 3 месяца назад

      @@Flyingtoohardtofly No, you're saying the Sahabah RadhiAllahu Anhum have restricted Allah.

    • @Flyingtoohardtofly
      @Flyingtoohardtofly 3 месяца назад

      @@ExtremeShez did Sahaba also say that Allah has body parts?

  • @osamamanan2723
    @osamamanan2723 Год назад +3

    If the sanad of the book of salaf is saheeh you cannot say you dont believe it to be attributed. Then you have to discuss about hujjiat of sanad. And if you dont accept khabar waahid then the discussion should be about hujjiat of khabar waahid. If the foundation is not laid how can there be debate? And you cannot change the meaning you have to take the apparent. To say otherwise the burden of proof is upon you.

  • @TheOnlyFearless
    @TheOnlyFearless Год назад +3

    Poor guy (hanafi mullah), I kinda feel bad for him. But then so much deception it has to be exposed as they are misguiding them selves and others.

  • @ObaidahNaseer
    @ObaidahNaseer Год назад +7

    17:34 look where he points

    • @faizal85z
      @faizal85z Год назад +1

      Maulana index finger pointing up and eyes looking up.

    • @faizal85z
      @faizal85z Год назад +1

      Fitrah Allah ta'ala is above the heavens

  • @lionsden27
    @lionsden27 Год назад +4

    What is the meaning of Ayah 4 of Suratu Taha [Ar-Rahmanu ^Alal ^Arshistawa] الرحمن على العرش استوى?
    Imam Malik said, “Allah attributed Himself with the Istawa' that befits Him. It is invalid to say how; and how does not apply to Him.” The how-characteristics are descriptions of the created. Only the created can be described with sitting, settling and occupying a place. The word istawa has 15 meanings, among them are to subjugate, to preserve, and to maintain. It also implies physically-oriented meanings such as to sit, to settle and to stabilize. It is blasphemy to apply to Allah to physical meanings of the creations such as to sit. The words preserve and subjugate are meanings that comply with the religion and the Arabic language. Al-Qushayriyy explained the meaning of istawa' in this Ayah as, to preserve, subdue and maintain. It cannot be believed that Allah sits on the Throne as this belies Ayah 74 of Suratul-Nahl which means, “Do not liken Allah to any of His creation.” Surat Ibrahim, Ayah 48 means, “And the slaves will be resurrected to face the judgment of Allah, the One, the Subduer.” Imam Aliyy said, “Allah created the Throne as an indication of His Power and not to take it as a place for himself.” (Related by Abu Mansur Al-Baghdadiyy.)

    • @ReturningBackToAl-Haqq
      @ReturningBackToAl-Haqq 5 месяцев назад

      The King has Power and Allah has Power. So, You made Allah liken to an King which has power.
      Likening Allah to the Creation is Shirk Al Akbar.

    • @Ghiyassudin
      @Ghiyassudin 3 месяца назад

      @@ReturningBackToAl-Haqqby affirming the name “Al Malik” to Allah you aren’t implying Allah has body parts or attributing physicality to Allah but if one were to say say Allah has hands but they are not like ours hands that person would be implying Allah has body body which is Tajsim.

  • @dr477AK
    @dr477AK Год назад

    Its abit contradictory to say to moulana that u need to read the book cover to cover when majorty of the people dont do the same regarding another madhab.....
    majorty of the learnerd brothers this day and age all pick out quotes from the books have no knowledge of the principles of that madhab and then lecture someone else...... also my advice to moulana is that he should sit with bro ahsaan as he seems sincere and has a good way dialogue both should sit and discuss the issues of aqeedah and bring there adeela and have it recorded

  • @gamerpro1558
    @gamerpro1558 Год назад +12

    Hanafi fiqh 💪🏻

    • @maxpain5555
      @maxpain5555 Год назад +3

      It's not fiqh though 🤣

    • @gamerpro1558
      @gamerpro1558 Год назад

      @@maxpain5555 hanafi Mazhab

    • @osamamanan2723
      @osamamanan2723 Год назад +6

      Jahmi aqeeda

    • @-Ahmed8592
      @-Ahmed8592 Год назад +1

      @@osamamanan2723 What did Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله say about those who compare the madhab of Abu Hasan al-Ashari رضي الله عنه and the Jahmiyyah?

    • @osamamanan2723
      @osamamanan2723 Год назад +1

      @@-Ahmed8592 there are common traits between jahmia and ashaira. However abu hassan ashari did rujpo from them.

  • @syedabdulrehman4374
    @syedabdulrehman4374 Год назад +26

    Even tho they caught Molana Abdul Haleem off guard but still they couldn't disgrace him

    • @YTadam787
      @YTadam787 Год назад +22

      it was obvious the molana had no idea

    • @adamsalah3507
      @adamsalah3507 Год назад +1

      Abdul Haleem is a ignorant man he is all over the place loool

    • @osamamanan2723
      @osamamanan2723 Год назад +19

      They didnt want to disgrace him rather to call him towards tawbah from his distortions. It was not a debate. Your mawlana had been lying senselessly.

    • @mustafizkhan6030
      @mustafizkhan6030 Год назад +9

      Is this the guy deobandis seriously look upto. Put him in a room with ARH for 10 mins he'll come out a changed man

    • @Ali-we3ks
      @Ali-we3ks Год назад +5

      May Allah guide Abdul Hakeem.

  • @adeelabid6939
    @adeelabid6939 Год назад +7

    Abdul Haleem is absolutely clueless he’s all over the place, this is his reality on camera and behind the screen he displays bad manners and speaks with a lot of Zeal but in person he can’t respond his tone changes and is a different person, Ustadh contacted / spoke to Abdul Haleem on the phone on July 23rd, Ustadh wanted to meet him in person to have a discussion but Abdul Haleem doing what Deobandiis do best he started making excuses and did a farar

  • @mazhar107
    @mazhar107 Год назад +11

    The disrespect is you confront the Molana on street with your group of people uninvited and laughing and mocking

    • @gamerpro1558
      @gamerpro1558 Год назад

      These salafis are like street dogs

    • @sfwn9756
      @sfwn9756 Год назад +5

      Actually the molana took him to his own house! So stop playing the victim.

    • @mohammedmonshur8339
      @mohammedmonshur8339 Год назад

      They do that all the time

  • @abyrahman6610
    @abyrahman6610 Год назад +12

    Abdul Haleem is a legend!! They tried to ambush him but he defended himself well. Mash-Allah

  • @ShafiAshari
    @ShafiAshari Год назад +2

    this youngster salafis shows arrogant and have no addhab they are, yet you attribute your selves to the salaf?mocking and laughing.

  • @mazhar107
    @mazhar107 Год назад +2

    So you mean Allah is bound to Al Arsh, is he confined to Arsh and cannot disconnect from it. That is like someone sitting on a thrown.Astaghfirullah. I am not an Aalim but that meaning makes Allah a limited being.

    • @mustafao477
      @mustafao477 Год назад +1

      Who told you that affirming that Allah established himself over the throne as stated in multiple ayat in the Quran means that He is sitting? Why is it difficult for these mutakalimeen to just say "We hear and we obey" and not go beyond that? Your 'logic' is limited, so is your brain, clearly, so just accept the ayah without asking "How?" This is how Allah described Himself in the Quran, so who are we as Muslims to draw any interpretation other than what is apparent and what the companions held? May Allah forgive us all and guide us to the straight path

    • @osamamanan2723
      @osamamanan2723 Год назад

      You dont believe Allah is qadir over confining his Zaat on arsh only? If you say 'No' then its kuffer bro. Allah is limited above the throne in terms of his zaat only not on bases of His ability.

  • @chillachilla1970
    @chillachilla1970 8 месяцев назад

    Love Molana Abdul haleem sher islam

  • @hasan9.11
    @hasan9.11 Год назад +1

    Mullawana has lost his mind

  • @ShafiAshari
    @ShafiAshari Год назад

    you went from running arshad 😂😂😂😂 why are you running😂.

  • @ShafiAshari
    @ShafiAshari Год назад

    Its clearly Imam Ahmad said in dham at ta’wil of Imam ibn qudama Rahmatullahi. Allah is above throne means he was not touching it nor it was close to it. How come this salafi Allah is above throne means he is literally above it wa iyyazubillah.
    Mind boggling to believe that throne is containing Allah wa iyyazubillah. No one from the salaf said that Allah is contained by the throne. if you believe in that you are a jahmi.

    • @Fvrside
      @Fvrside Год назад +3

      Bring me evidence which Salafi scholar that said "Allah is contained by the throne". The fact that taking the verse as is made you think "Allah is contained by the throne" this statement alone lets me know that you indirectly do Tashbeeh. As soon as you hear the verse of the Quran talking about Allah being above the throne, you guys compare Him to his creation, then you jump to making Ta'weel. Being "contained" by something can ONLY be attributed to the Mukhluq and not the Khaliq. The position of Ahlul Sunnah is we hear and accept what's written in the Quran and Sunnah, without making Tashbeeh, Ta'weel, Taatil, and Takeef. We say Allah raised above the throne in a way which befits Him SWT. Btw your name says al-Shafi'i, you know what Shafi'i's position is on Ilm ul Kalam lol? How you claim Shafi'i and support he thing which he hated.

    • @ShafiAshari
      @ShafiAshari Год назад

      @@Fvrside giving an apparent meaning is a form of ta’wil. The thing is we just narrate from the books without giving a meaning or denying it and without likening it to the creation.
      You can go to the books of Al Albani that he made a statment istiwa means istiqrar, that the istiqrar means settlement which was used by the muqatiliyyah.

    • @Fvrside
      @Fvrside Год назад +2

      @@ShafiAshari “giving a apparent meaning is Taweel” Akhi please go and read the definition of Taweel. Taking the apparent meaning is definitely not Taweel lol. Giving a interpretation that is distorted of an apparent verse is Taweel. Second of all “you can go to the books of Albani” is not a reference Akhi, if your so sure that this is his position you should have no problems actually quoting from his books along with the reference. So please Akhi, show me this claim if what your saying is true.

    • @ShafiAshari
      @ShafiAshari Год назад

      @@Fvrside I think you should the believe of Khatib Al Baghdadi in syar A’lam an nubala by Imam Dhahabi.
      Taking the apparent meaning is diffent from the silent upon what is apparent.
      Go on can you give me a quote from the salaf take the literal meaning of the attribute and we know it, I can give you the opposite that the salaf are being silent upon the narration that speak on the attributes of Allah.
      then if you claim to know the apparent meaning for example the hand of Allah? what does Hand mean when it comes to Allah?if you are going to say it is not a limb?then what is then?since you claim you guys know it.

    • @Fvrside
      @Fvrside Год назад +3

      @@ShafiAshari No problem I can bring you a list of the Salaf, and bring reference for each of them taking the apparent, believing them, denying Kaffiyah, and not doing Tashbeeh, Ta’weel, Tamthil. As for Khatib Al Baghdadi this is what his opinion was, reference “Dham At-Tawil” by Ibn Qudamah.
      Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi (d. 463 H.) : “ As for speech regarding the Attributes, then what has been reported in the authentic Sunan (books of Hadith), the way of the Salaf is to affirm them, and to carry them upon their dhahir (apparent meaning), and to deny (knowledge of) kayfiyyah (i.e. Their true nature, how they are) and to negate tashbeeh (likening or resemblance to creation) for them… and the principle in this matter is: That speaking about the Attributes is a branch of speaking about the Essence (Dhat), and thus follows it exactly and takes its example. So if it was known that the affirmation of the Lord (Rabb) of all the worlds is an affirmation of existence, and not the affirmation of the true nature (i.e. the how-ness, kayfiyyah of the Essence), it would be the same with the Attributes, it is an affirmation of their existence (that Allah does have these Attributes) and not affirmation of defining (their nature) and speaking of its kayfiyyah (how they are).” (5)

  • @Bigbro123r5
    @Bigbro123r5 Год назад +9

    Typical deobandi's, may Allah guide them

    • @nasamin5972
      @nasamin5972 Год назад +3

      Why did the so called salfie run away from the debate? They were suppose to debate and agreed upon the conditions and then your so called salfie ran from the debate. Batil will always run

    • @asharibasha
      @asharibasha Год назад

      @@nasamin5972 you’re thick, seriously

    • @nasamin5972
      @nasamin5972 Год назад

      @@asharibasha you are mentally retarded seriously

    • @mustafizkhan6030
      @mustafizkhan6030 Год назад

      @@nasamin5972 probably some deobandi hindu derived sihr. Most are involved in it

    • @nasamin5972
      @nasamin5972 Год назад +1

      @@mustafizkhan6030 any prof of that. I bet you, you can't back up your claim

  • @user-lb8kf1wl9v
    @user-lb8kf1wl9v 7 месяцев назад

    Bradford mulla got bummed by the wahabis

  • @ItachiAli1993
    @ItachiAli1993 Год назад +1

    Allah has a location??? Jesus??

    • @Abdullah21038
      @Abdullah21038 Год назад

      I dont think location or space is an actual physical thing because if you affirm this it appears that if space exists eternally then something co eternally exited with Alllah which is false, however if its just unoccupied area, and nothing, then saying he is in a direction is just describing the posistions between 2 objects and not a physical object in of itself, like you can bein front of a wall, and then turn around but be at the same spot and now the wall is behind, the direction changed despite you still being in the same spot and simply is describing the relationship of how 2 objects are between each other, so saying Allah is above the throne without likeness and without him being stuck in creation is entirely logical

    • @MBeats27
      @MBeats27 Год назад +1

      Exactly salafi's think they are muslims

    • @nazmulslater8398
      @nazmulslater8398 Год назад +1

      Who said Allah has a location? Give me proof?

    • @MBeats27
      @MBeats27 Год назад

      @@nazmulslater8398 ask the wahabis

    • @nazmulslater8398
      @nazmulslater8398 Год назад +3

      @@MBeats27 Salafies never said nor do they say Allah has a location, this is a lie, a slander which is just increasing the division and fitnah among Muslims.

  • @tonyem4753
    @tonyem4753 Год назад +5

    Wat a clown got caught red handed deobandis should be Ashamed full stop.

    • @gamerpro1558
      @gamerpro1558 Год назад +5

      Surrounded by 4 people
      Come and debate
      Don't surround him like a street dogs

    • @tonyem4753
      @tonyem4753 Год назад +2

      @@gamerpro1558 dogs got nothing to do with the Haqq. Dogs got everything to do with grave worshipping bidah and kufr n shirk

    • @mustafao477
      @mustafao477 Год назад +3

      @@gamerpro1558 Yes he's a miskeen they treated him so poorly right? He's a grown man choosing to debate, no one coerced him lol grow up

    • @gamerpro1558
      @gamerpro1558 Год назад +1

      @@mustafao477 do you know how Islamic scholars debate ? With details books
      Not on the street like this with 1 person surrounded by group

    • @nasamin5972
      @nasamin5972 Год назад +2

      @@tonyem4753 why didn't your so called salfie debate molana after agreeing upon the conditions? Batil will always run