OMFG! This is the best movie I have ever seen. I am speechless. What a masterpiece. I loved every minute!!! How the fuck could they make such a brilliant film?!! Jim Sturgess and Doona Bae WOW!!!! I loved their story, it touched me deeply. Chang was so handsome, heroic and cool action hero! Great chemistry and they were sexy together. So touching when Adam came reuntited with Tilda and you could see it was the same soul as Sonmi! They really met in another lifetime later. I cried my eyes out!
So freaking agree!! Donna Bae was brilliant and the movie has like changed my life, seriously lol. I mean when you get out of something which was never intended in the first place you know you are doing something right. When the film finished they had to bring a boat to save me from my sinking island haha. What this also was is a supreme Fu to racism & to embrace your inner soul. I agree regarding Adam when I realized they had been reunited with Tilda I nearly had a heat attack, epic!! :b
OMFG! This is the best movie I have ever seen. I am speechless. What a masterpiece. I loved every minute!!! How the fuck could they make such a brilliant film?!! Jim Sturgess and Doona Bae WOW!!!! I loved their story, it touched me deeply. Chang was so handsome, heroic and cool action hero! Great chemistry and they were sexy together. So touching when Adam came reuntited with Tilda and you could see it was the same soul as Sonmi! They really met in another lifetime later. I cried my eyes out!
I suddenly imagined a bunch of Sonmi clones dance Gangnam Style. LOL :D
So freaking agree!! Donna Bae was brilliant and the movie has like changed my life, seriously lol. I mean when you get out of something which was never intended in the first place you know you are doing something right. When the film finished they had to bring a boat to save me from my sinking island haha. What this also was is a supreme Fu to racism & to embrace your inner soul. I agree regarding Adam when I realized they had been reunited with Tilda I nearly had a heat attack, epic!! :b
how genius lol
I suddenly imagine white people discriminating all types of asian people because of gangdam style.
Jim does not know Gangnam Style? ... I could kiss him for that!^^ But it's nice that he tried dancing it.
what an embarrassment...not all koreans are into ganam style...