From Catholic to Atheist to Islam

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 222

  • @lake7less
    @lake7less 15 лет назад

    Very compliments on having the comments enabled. It is the clearest sign of honesty and willingness to support your belief in the eyes of others.

  • @shay191919
    @shay191919 14 лет назад

    Masha'Allah, welcome to Islam! Once you see behind the lies and hatred that is propogated, you begin to see the light and truth of Islam. "Faith based in reason, not just emotion"--Ameen.

  • @WilliamSlaght
    @WilliamSlaght 15 лет назад

    But how could I do that without damaging or ending our friendship? I respect him for who he is... Somehow deep in my heart, I feel that there is no point of converting my best friend, because he is my friend for who he is, not from what he believes... Or not believes... I feel that at the end it is going to be alright if he doesn't believes?...

  • @j40505
    @j40505 16 лет назад

    yes Islam makes oneself proud with the truth, not in an arrogant way but appreciative humbling way, and yes it makes the self righteous!

  • @faha1968
    @faha1968 13 лет назад

    These type of videos is what we need to be seeing, to help us understand the different ways and reasons how people come closer to the true God and religion

  • @pilohock
    @pilohock 15 лет назад

    Congradulations brother on your conversion!

  • @abdulr118
    @abdulr118 16 лет назад

    never judge a religion by its followers, people have emotions and lose it sometimes, that is part of being human,
    peace be upon you

  • @mizzakhaliq
    @mizzakhaliq 17 лет назад

    mashallah, allah swt has certainly brought you from darkness to lightness, may allah swt bring you success in this life and the next.

  • @WilliamSlaght
    @WilliamSlaght 15 лет назад

    That's the problem, they personally told me not to try to convert them, not to even talk about what I believe, and at first it was hard, but then I accepted for who they are and let them be... I just don't want to ruin the good friendship that I have with my friends... Why is God like that? Why must there be so much people going to hell for just not believing, but who are so nice? God can't be that rude?

  • @Godislove4221
    @Godislove4221 11 лет назад

    Who, being in very nature [a] God, 6 did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing 7 by taking the very nature [b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death-even death on a cross!

  • @drahyden
    @drahyden 17 лет назад

    I dont remeber the word for it in english but i have read and study the next "enciclicas":
    all from the time of John Paul II.
    Most of the books on our library were written in Mexico so chances are that most of them if not all are from Catholic writters.

  • @getaranjiwaramlee
    @getaranjiwaramlee 17 лет назад

    Islam = faith that can be reasoned. Christianity = faith based on mystery. Good point from the speaker. Can faith increase with better reasoning or a more complex mystery? pick your choice.

  • @JennelleBelle
    @JennelleBelle 14 лет назад

    i was this same way. at a time i went slightly atheist, but then one day wondered, something big had to have created the universe...the magnitude of it and the mystery cannot be anything less than a miracle.

  • @srkb001
    @srkb001 14 лет назад

    God doesn't want him to stop at atheism, He makes him live longer to forgive him.
    God is the Most Merciful.

  • @ZorbaTheDutch
    @ZorbaTheDutch 13 лет назад

    @jibn86 Thanks for your reply, I agree with you mostly I think on education and the responsibility of people and their leaders.
    I believe in secularity, seperating religious institutes from governmental institutes. The problem I see is that in a lot of Islamic countries, this seperation isn't implemented at all (Iran), or it is problematic at best (even Turkey has problems). Very often, there are also human rights violations in these countries.
    So, is there really no connection at all?

  • @MdRashid-vg6qp
    @MdRashid-vg6qp 5 лет назад

    Alhamdulillah jajak Allah khairan from India

  • @Enzo012
    @Enzo012 13 лет назад

    @jibn86 To me book appears to have been built on Jewish/Christian tradition mixed with scientific understanding from the ancient clasical world. The knowledge of ancient Greeks may have been lost from northern Europe but it was still in circulation in the Middle East. So Islam did have something of head start when it came to science.

  • @ShowalterdontlikeME
    @ShowalterdontlikeME 14 лет назад

    The earth bulges at the equator - the exact opposite of what he said. If he had any common sense he would know that, because the speed of rotation at the equator is approx 1000mph, where as at the poles it's zero. The bulge is very slight - the earth is not egg shaped. The earth is symmetrical on a vertical and horizontal plane, an egg only on the vertical.

  • @ishammad
    @ishammad 13 лет назад

    @Soundgarden8497 did you read read or watch any youtube vidoes about scientific nformaton in the Quran that made many of todays poneer scientists amazed, and some of them could not avoid but to admit that "it is but a revelation"

  • @minute1981
    @minute1981 14 лет назад

    I wanted that so thanks. It doesn't stink, Islam actually encourages that kind of thinking. What really stinks is a man who hates to be criticized and still talk about criticism and critical thinking. That's what i was after so yeah you're right, it is over.

  • @drahyden
    @drahyden 17 лет назад

    I made shure i looked at every side. I dont have close mind but it will take a great deal of merit for christianity to impress me in to beliving in the church again...

  • @mebeur
    @mebeur 17 лет назад

    May ALLAH [SWT] guide you to the right path brother,I will pray for you!

  • @Enzo012
    @Enzo012 13 лет назад

    @jibn86 People in the ancient world knew the planets orbited but they thought they orbited the Earth. There was a Greek philosopher who put the Sun at the centre but no-one took him seriously at the time. And evolution isn't an Anti-God theory, if you read the origin of species you'll see that Darwin believed in God himself as there are frequent mentions of the Creator in there. But the bear minimum I'd want to see mentioned in the Koran is the Earth orbiting the sun, along with the shape of it

  • @Strike2k2
    @Strike2k2 14 лет назад

    @cbluver22 And referring me to a book that was written by someone during the bronze age, probably high as a kite (which was a normality back then), or probably had some political goals in mind just doesn't cut it as proof to those who use their brain cells for more then kneeling eastward praying to their own conscience.

  • @Farrell-Baker
    @Farrell-Baker 14 лет назад

    @valve62000 "When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age,

  • @Bilkent83
    @Bilkent83 15 лет назад

    As I answered before, people dont give importance to girls ages and they started to count age after their first menstruation. This is probably why she said like that.
    Age is something comparable with other. Mohamed's life is so obvious, you can also compare her age by looking historical sources.
    Please read my previous answer until you understand brother.

  • @umar_manga
    @umar_manga 15 лет назад

    MashaALLAH jazaALLAH khairan
    Assalamu alaikum

  • @SDub817
    @SDub817 12 лет назад

    Almost like me except, I was raised a muslim to a deist and now I'm an atheist.

  • @islamreminders9219
    @islamreminders9219 12 лет назад


  • @Enzo012
    @Enzo012 13 лет назад

    @jibn86 The Islamic world did preserve much of these ancient texts and they gradually found their way back into Europe during the middle ages. And the human brain is a powerful machine in it's own right. People in ancient times had rational philosophy and knowlege based on observation of empirical evidence. If there is genuine sciencific knowledge in the Koran it's because science in some fom did exist back then, particularly in that part of the world.

  • @rmyussef
    @rmyussef 16 лет назад

    May Allah bless you and protect you from falsehood, Welcome to Islam the absolute TRUTH

  • @drahyden
    @drahyden 17 лет назад

    Im intriged by moderate islam, would you care to explaining me the point of view of a muslim about your faith? I have to admit that some of the chistian propaganda about islam really scares me, but i would like to hear the other side of the argument.

  • @walidot
    @walidot 15 лет назад

    The storys are similar because they really happened. But the stories of the prophets in the Quran arent EXACTLY the same.
    In the bible a lot of the storys about the prophets like "Ibrham" and "Moses" were perverted while in the Quran these prophets are personafied as men of great character and wisdom.

  • @WilliamSlaght
    @WilliamSlaght 15 лет назад

    Why do non-believers deserve to burn in hell? Why do they must deserve the same pain as a murderer?
    I know some atheists who are nicer than me! Unbelievable nice!
    I would like to believe that when I die and they die with me, that they get another chance, and do learn the truth right at the very end.
    I used to pray for them that they will convert. But no I realize that, instead of forcing them in their lifetime into something they don't want to be, then let them be.
    They'll learn at the end.

  • @Strike2k2
    @Strike2k2 14 лет назад

    "When you become a muslim every other muslim in the world becomes your brother or sister." Guess what, everyone in the world regardless of their religion is already my brother and sister. Looking for religion will lead you to religion, not truth.

  • @letmesee74
    @letmesee74 17 лет назад

    you do have a point. But such charity is often viewed with suspicion. Is the muslim trying to convert ?

  • @WilliamSlaght
    @WilliamSlaght 15 лет назад

    Then why does God want people to commit suicide? Also, not believing in God is like showing the middle finger to his face? But that sucks... So I should disrespecting my friends, because they don't believe? But that's rude... I thought God wanted peace, and wanted everyone at the end to have in peace... But Ooo... So people who betray him like murdering, and etc, is also like not worshiping, because it is betraying him? But still, NO! I don't want to think that way! All nice ppl end with peace!

  • @ishammad
    @ishammad 13 лет назад

    @Soundgarden8497 did you read the Quran? the last message from Almighty God to mankind.
    unlike the Torah and the Gospel revealed before it, the Quran was preserved from intentional & unintentional change.

  • @Farrell-Baker
    @Farrell-Baker 14 лет назад

    @valve62000 Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place."

  • @Enzo012
    @Enzo012 13 лет назад

    @jibn86 We still have great deal of texts left from the classical Greek and Roman world even if early Christians did burn quite a lot of them. And it turns out that the Earth is kind of an uneven potato shape. Had the Koran made statements concerning the Earth orbiting the sun, the age of the universe, Newtons theory of gravity, Darwins theory of evolution and Einsteins theory of relativity I'd be convinced.

  • @klubban123
    @klubban123 14 лет назад

    @muitobonito113 Such kind words from a innocent Atheist. I love your feedback, keep it going ^^

  • @lutfar09
    @lutfar09 14 лет назад

    Don't argue so strongly on hypothesis or theory. Evolution is not a proven subject rather a theory only .Even darwin was confused about his own theory where he had to stop.

  • @Mocrovellie
    @Mocrovellie 16 лет назад

    Sub7ana allah, and Allah swt is truly great, welcome too our religion brother :).
    Most ppl judge islam of what they see, but they need to read themselves too truly understand what islam is all about.

  • @drahyden
    @drahyden 17 лет назад

    That is the whole deal, i have studied christianity. I got obsessed, i was a hardcore catolic and i wanted to learn everything there is to k now about christianity when i was very jung. That was what disappoint me about that religion.

  • @AllahMadeYou
    @AllahMadeYou 14 лет назад

    @MareBellator Qur'an (41:11) [[Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."]]
    A new star forming out of a cloud of gas and dust (nebula), which is one of the remnants of the "smoke" that was the origin of the whole universe. (The Space Atlas, Heather and Henbest, page 50)

  • @RandyDandy114
    @RandyDandy114 12 лет назад

    And to the man in the video: congrats! God have shown you the true path because you were looking for it :)

  • @Strike2k2
    @Strike2k2 14 лет назад

    @minute1981 He's your creator. Not mine. He only exist because he has people that believe in him using the same concept from greek mythology. Zeus got his power directly related to the amount of people that worshiped him. Even in society today, your loved ones are never dead or gone as long as you keep them in your hearts and minds. Finally, if i don't believe in a God what makes you think quoting so called "words of God" means anything to me. Learn to critically think. It's the path to freedom.

  • @aboewaleed
    @aboewaleed 16 лет назад


  • @IslamTheLoveOfMyLife
    @IslamTheLoveOfMyLife 14 лет назад

    The earth is egg shaped when seen from afar. It is not fully flat, or fully round as first thought by man.

  • @wildbestia
    @wildbestia 16 лет назад

    "embro discription in the quran"
    are you saying that God was talking with Muhammad about development of embrios? Why Muslims didn't publish a scientific paper on that so people would know about embrios instead spending years studying that?

  • @WilliamSlaght
    @WilliamSlaght 15 лет назад

    Well I can tell you, my friends don't follow the media, and they do respect me. I always thought that it was the Jews that were teased by the Christians?... But if God gives a lot of chances, then why must he give a chance for them not to believe in him? They aren't stubborn, they are just who they are, and I would like to continue believing that they will be with me in heaven! Or else I will be lonely. Instead of wasting time trying to convert, I would prefer hanging with them and having fun...

  • @Strike2k2
    @Strike2k2 14 лет назад

    @cbluver22 what book? I didn't refer to any book.

  • @Bilkent83
    @Bilkent83 15 лет назад

    Dear brother,
    Both for men and women, Islam required to close some parts of our body. For men, its between knees and navel. For women, except arms, face, feet. They dont wear old fashion, they are closing their body.
    We dont behave women as possession. We respect them. In west countries, women is used as possession because of their body. Women are graded as how sexy they are. Commercials use their body. Women spent money and suffer for plastic surgery to satisfy guys...

  • @drahyden
    @drahyden 17 лет назад

    I'm an atheist, and i have some very good muslim friends, and i have to admit, Islam makes more sense than christianity, But as i have said before im an atheist right now researching about islam, XD

  • @Bilkent83
    @Bilkent83 15 лет назад

    Dear brother,
    Turkey has a lot of alcohol consumption although it is a sin. Plastic surgery just to be seem beautiful is a sin in Islam. Individuals sins cannot be related with religion.
    Mohamed's marriage is another issue. If he would be a sex-seeking guy, then he wouldnt have his first marriage with a woman at the age of 40 while he was 25.
    He made his other marriages after he lost his 1st wife. They were all divored and old ladies except Aisha. who was 15 when she got married.

  • @hossamamany
    @hossamamany 15 лет назад

    Assalam alaikoum brother,
    welcome to islam, alhamdoulillah,allah spares from hell those he loves,may allah spares all of us.

  • @MrRisinglight
    @MrRisinglight 13 лет назад

    @forester9415 will fight for peace in the world?

  • @sumayyah90
    @sumayyah90 16 лет назад

    as salaamu `alaikum!
    your comments crack me up. lol. take care & Allahu Akbar!!

  • @malifacent1974
    @malifacent1974 13 лет назад

    We are all supposed to be brothers and sisters, no matter what our religion, We are HUMANKIND. It is the only thing we all have in common. God is God, whether you call him Allah or God, he is still the omnipotent one, the Almighty, The Alpha and Omega. I have no issue with anyone who wants to worship Allah. He is my God as well. I call him God but he's still the same deity. It isn't religion that is the problem, it's organized religion.

  • @AllahMadeYou
    @AllahMadeYou 14 лет назад

    @SonofThunder120 Have you been researching populations of non-muslims countries to muslim countries? then % of muslims and non-muslims in both countries. you'd easily find that europe,USA have much more population than muslim countries. Now 1 in 4 is a Muslim in this world.

  • @ishammad
    @ishammad 12 лет назад

    @Soundgarden8497 then ask a meaningful question, for which you really want to hear an answer, i and will share with you what God said in this regard, if possible.

  • @wolftch
    @wolftch 15 лет назад

    "4 Gospels (Injil) which Muhammad confirmed in the as the revealed word of God in the Qur'an itself" Yes that's true but Muhammad may Peace and Blessing of God be upon Him, was talking about the True Message of Jesus may Peace and Blessing of God be upon Him, not the actual VERSION of the message wich now is transformed I would say, in the actual Bible (the changed message) almost everything is told by people (Saints etc...) not God. We can't say Bible is a lie, cause there is also truth in It.

  • @lutfar09
    @lutfar09 14 лет назад

    'There is no God' -is the 1st halfway to Islam and 'but Allah' is the second half. So he had fulfilled this kalima through his life.If anyone says that There is no God but Allah and accept prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the final messenger after Jesus(pbuh), he will enter Paradise Insha Allah. You are most welcome into Paradise dear non muslims.

  • @Deadman3913
    @Deadman3913 17 лет назад

    To be giving & charitable is a great thing; I don't believe anyone could argue that. But why only to a select few? Why not extend that kindness to all of humanity? I mean, the same kind of charity described is often exhibited among members of the KKK, but again, only to each other. Why exclude someone from your charity who is not of the same faith? Do muslims show the same charity to x-ians? To jews? To homosexuals? Are we not all human beings of this Earth?

  • @drahyden
    @drahyden 17 лет назад

    Yep, even if im 18 i had studied Chrisianity agreat deal. Catholic school every day, Catholic church every week. Catholic camp every summer, Then Christian camp every summer, History classes and my hobby is reading. Every class i had had to do with christianity, and even every social servidce i volunterred to do had God written all over.

  • @mumia030303
    @mumia030303 12 лет назад

    @Soundgarden8497 thats the best you got? talk some sense?? i asked you to read the quran. read from the start till the end then if anything you want to contend, just speak off. its different from the bible, way far different

  • @tayfora
    @tayfora 16 лет назад

    Therefore unless you've reached adulthood, you haven't completed your life, ie your faith!

  • @ShaolinSurfer777
    @ShaolinSurfer777 16 лет назад

    Put your cellphones on vibrate please....

  • @niceguido
    @niceguido 14 лет назад

    @ITheProfessorI It's in Exodus3:14 and John8:58 The God who talked to Moses. I don't care how old your Bible and what edition. That is the only thing I can relie on, the story of history about Jesus of Nazareth. If you don't believe He is God Son and Jehove is God Father, then there is nothing to discuss about. Thanks

  • @yas0282
    @yas0282 17 лет назад

    Joker, how very true!
    let's hope everyone listens inshaAllah

  • @Enzo012
    @Enzo012 13 лет назад

    @jibn86 It's because if two organisms evolve to fill the same ecological niche they will be in direct competition with each other resulting in the less well adapted species going extinct. See Neanderthal man for instance, this world wasn't big enough for the both of us.

  • @HighFlyingDutchman
    @HighFlyingDutchman 15 лет назад

    good point
    but he left Christianity
    and when you do it you usually become atheist
    then he discovered Islam
    and grasped it
    so,in fact,it is just one change

  • @Spirifiume
    @Spirifiume 13 лет назад

    In every society there are misfits and drop-outs.

  • @Bilkent83
    @Bilkent83 15 лет назад

    No you are wrong brother. I search this issue before. There are a lot of proofs that you are wrong.
    1. Before Islam Araps didnt care the age of girls. Hence 9 doesnt make any sense.
    2. Aisha was engaged with a pagan before married with Mohamed. His father decided it before Islam else he wont allow her to marry with a pagan. They married 10 years later after Islam.
    3. She was at the age of 28 when Mohamed died. Their marriage was for 9 years.
    Im happy, if I help you. Do u have any other question

  • @minute1981
    @minute1981 14 лет назад

    It's okay that you don't like religion but Your Creator Himself said : O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

  • @azharihashim
    @azharihashim 16 лет назад

    May Allah bless u

  • @jabri11
    @jabri11 15 лет назад

    May Allah give u peace of heart and lead others to the truth of the one infinite independent all knowing all wise creator.
    I invite others to investigate Islam for themselves.

  • @Dido225
    @Dido225 16 лет назад

    Bless you brother... welcome to islam

  • @zorin85
    @zorin85 14 лет назад

    Son of God, son of David, or son of Man? Jesus is identified as “son of David” fourteen times in the New Testament, starting with the very first verse (Matthew 1:1). The Gospel of Luke documents forty-one generations between Jesus and David, while Matthew lists twenty-six. Jesus, a distant descendant, can only wear the “son of David” title metaphorically. But how then should we understand the title, “son of God?”
    For answer, log on to islamreligion(dot)com/articles/547/

  • @eleje7222
    @eleje7222 5 лет назад

    Hizerye Is He Catholic

  • @HafizAli101
    @HafizAli101 12 лет назад

    rightly said i was surprised when i saw his name but then i relized he knows nothing of what he is talking about we all shall work together to expose him

  • @hellophoenix
    @hellophoenix 17 лет назад

    thank you,,,,and especially in the mosque

  • @lutfar09
    @lutfar09 14 лет назад

    You are wrong in your thought. If profet(sw) had thought like that then Islam would have not been so spread.

  • @bogusbacha99
    @bogusbacha99 17 лет назад

    welcome brother

  • @sawamassuo
    @sawamassuo 17 лет назад

    its more of the persons choice then the religion, if u feel that the person ur giving ur money too is just going to use it against u somehow then why should u give him anything but if they need it for food and w/e then id probably give some money to that person

  • @Enzo012
    @Enzo012 13 лет назад

    Ancient Greek philosophers figured out this kind of stuff without revelation from God.

  • @koreishite
    @koreishite 16 лет назад

    الله اكبر كبيرا وسبحان الله بكرة واصيلا والحمد لله كثيرا
    اهلا وسهلا بك

  • @MoQadoomy
    @MoQadoomy 15 лет назад

    SkepticMan55 it seems that you have not watched the video about how the Australian guy converted......You ask for signs while they are all in the Quran??
    Read the Quran and make sure for yourself that the man (Mohamad) who the book was revealed to him 1400 years ago could not have this scientific knowledge that is in the Quran....
    Quran is full of scientific information that were just recently the question is how could the illitrate man (Mohamad) know such stuff??

  • @sihxu
    @sihxu 16 лет назад


  • @ariffcts
    @ariffcts 16 лет назад

    who said ?..the sura you quote deals with adultery not rape..dont misstate the facts...

  • @Strike2k2
    @Strike2k2 14 лет назад

    @minute1981== "I hate critical thinking.. it stinks" == Then this conversation is pretty much over and your response proves the purpose of religion. Control.

  • @arabian2736
    @arabian2736 11 лет назад

    الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر

  • @blackheartedman
    @blackheartedman 14 лет назад

    welcome home brother

  • @xShariNgaN01x
    @xShariNgaN01x 16 лет назад

    Mircales prove divinity? Many prophets before Jesus performed mircales. Your logic is truly flawed. Example, Moses....
    Keep following the religion of Paul

  • @TheBadaang
    @TheBadaang 15 лет назад

    Bro we just spread the truth for converting
    we have no control what so ever.Allah has said in the Quran .He gave guidance to whom he wishes and misguide or let astray whom he wishes.There Arabs who can understand the Quran but are Christian |May Allah protect us from such thing) cos they heart are either been blocked or no guidance from ALLAH,

  • @Tothose
    @Tothose 15 лет назад

    Allah says the disbelivers want to distinguish the light of Allah with their mouths (meaning to lie agains it and tell others that its not the truth) Instead Allah will perfect his light.
    then we are here so are u if u think that u are truthful then wait . u we will see who is on HAQ (truth) when that day come u will have great regret.

  • @kastalimohammed
    @kastalimohammed 16 лет назад

    you can put your comment but we dont accept insult

  • @notmeandnotmine
    @notmeandnotmine 13 лет назад

    @malifacent1974 your right, many reasonable thinkers will agree with you, whereas the ones who are driven by superstitions will not. and if theres a religion iam impressed with, thats ISLAM

  • @AllahMadeYou
    @AllahMadeYou 14 лет назад

    @MareBellator You can't handle the truth? avoiding debate, swearing, can't understand how the Qur'an 1400years old talks about your beliefs?

  • @scibby2
    @scibby2 16 лет назад

    It's fine to talk about faith as a reason for embracing Islam, but please don't lie and say the Koran contains scientific truths that no-one else could possibly know about. A bit of clear thought will reveal the Koran is riddled with the errors of man, and very much a document of its day reflecting Greek, Persian and Jewish sources. It might be a wonderful document for a way to live, but it is most definitely NOT a prediction of modern scientific revelations!