My Favourite Languages | Non/Disney Edition

  • Опубликовано: 16 июл 2020
  • As I said in the video, all the languages are great! Here are just those which are special for me personally, for one reason or another. Don't be sad if yours isn't here. I sincerely think every language is amazing in its own way.
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 30

  • @EvelynGraceMedrano-yt8lq
    @EvelynGraceMedrano-yt8lq Год назад

    Thank you for Polish omg! This video made my day ❣️ I'd just add Japanese, Korean and Latin Spanish to the list too haha. So many lovely languages here

  • @meliae.
    @meliae. 4 года назад +10

    I'm happy to see German here as people tend to demonize it, I love every aspect of it! 💙Greek has also been one of my favorite languages since I can remember, it's so rich, melodious and fairytale-like. Glad you like Polish. ^^

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  4 года назад +1

      We have quite different list of favourite languages but I'm glad we do share some of the favourites. I used to think German is too "sharp" too (as majority of people). That was until I started learning it. Turns out it's surprisingly soft when you actually speak it. Greek is my all time fave! And I like how Polish sounds really similar to Russian but with more sibilants. Like in this clip from TLM 3 Russian and Polish versions sound almost exactly the same with defferences like "gde" (rus)/"gdge" (pl), "tozhe" (rus)/"tezh" (pl), uslyshat' (rus)/uslyshech (pl) etc. It's interesting to hear such a similar but still quite different language. Same with Czech, btw.

    • @syniasynia6736
      @syniasynia6736 2 года назад

      @@Anna2001 Sorry to intermeddle on the conversation, but I advise you to be careful with the similarities.
      For example in Polish ,,zapomnieć" is almost the same to pronounce like ,, запомнить", but they have different translation.
      Polish ,,zapomnieć" means forget, not remember.
      And also in Polish - ,,czaszka" (you pronounce it the same like ,,чашка") means skull 💀

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  2 года назад +1

      @@syniasynia6736 I'm not saying our languages are very much alike, but sometimes I can understand Polish just fine. Only, like, 20% but still XD But that's just because both our languages are Slavic. Different branches though. Russian is Eastern Slavic, Polish is Western. Thus I understand Eastern Slavic languages better, of course (Ukrainian, Belarusian).

    • @syniasynia6736
      @syniasynia6736 2 года назад

      @@Anna2001 yeah, I know, don't worry.
      I have just wanted to warn you of these two.
      And I think I know your "pain"
      I understand Russian and Ukrainian very well. Also Belarusian, Czech, Slovak and Croatian well, but Serbian is hard for me. I don't understand many. And same with Macedonian and a little Bulgarian.

  • @natasharomanov7565
    @natasharomanov7565 4 года назад +6

    We share the many favourites! It gives me such a pleasure to see people liking the German language instead of demonize it as a satanic language. ☺️
    Such a honour to see my native language on your marvelous video! Thank you!!

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  4 года назад +1

      Greek is my all time favourite, as you know. And German is actually not so evil when you speak it. German villain dubs are one of the best though XD

  • @jannie2039
    @jannie2039 4 года назад +4

    my favourite languages are also swedish, greek and hebrew!✨ glad to see Czech! thanks🖤 beatiful video!

  • @dimitrapl.9615
    @dimitrapl.9615 4 года назад +1

    Спосибо для греческого! Я тоже люблю ети языки и русский тоже, I hope I didn't kill it😅😅! I have been studying Russian this year and I have to say it's a really interesting language! I think these language are the ones that stand out in Disney, I guess that's why they are everyone's favorites(most of them mine as well) !

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  4 года назад +2

      Wow! Your Russian is pretty impressive! The first one is better like "спасибо за греческий", but second is absolutely correct. Russian and Greek are best buddies ever! :D

    • @dimitrapl.9615
      @dimitrapl.9615 4 года назад +1

      @@Anna2001 oh, thank you for correcting me! Yeah, they are quite similar, they both have cases and genders and grammar is similar in a lot of ways!

  • @8is
    @8is 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for Swedish xD. Would have been nice with some comments explaining what it is you like about these languages though. What aspects of the Swedish language do you find favorably?

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  4 года назад

      You're welcome! What I like about Swedish is that it's not as sharp as other Scandinavian langages, it's very smooth-sounding (unlike Danish or Norwegian, for example). It sounds regal.

    • @8is
      @8is 4 года назад

      @@Anna2001 Regal is an interesting adjective. Interesting observation :).

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  4 года назад

      @@8is That's how it sounds to my foreign ear :)

    • @8is
      @8is Год назад

      @evelynmedrano460 yeah xD

  • @dana_Co
    @dana_Co 3 года назад

    Здравствуйте Ника,хотелось бы услышать (Винкс ,Чародеек, Майлитл пони) на разных языках, а также рейтинги от Вас
    . Планирует ли Вы выпускать такие видео?

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  3 года назад +1

      У меня не осталось времени на канал, с тех пор как я стала совмещать универ с работой. Так что вообще не знаю, если честно, когда смогу запостить новое видео. Планировала сделать ранкинг Анны или Эльзы, но вот уже 2 месяца прошло, а я так и не начала. Так что пока никаких планов не строю... Нет времени, к сожалению.

  • @syniasynia6736
    @syniasynia6736 2 года назад

    Thanks for Polish ^^
    It is a little sad, that Ukrainian wasn't here, but I understand that you don't have to like this language.
    I have never thought about which languages I like the most, but in this list will be definitely Polish and Ukrainian (as they are my languages)
    Russian also I think and English (I understand Russian very well, but it's hard to me to speak in this language)
    But in my list won't be German. It isn't my favourite language, because it is very hard speaking (not that language is hard, but they speak hardly, it isn't a soft language)
    And Czech by Polish speakers sounds funny, because we understand almost all (it is very similar) but this language looks like not perfect Polish language (looks like someone from other country have arrived to Poland and he have started learning language and he even know words but it is hard for him to pronounce)
    Of course I don't want to offend someone, It is just my opinion and Czech is nice.

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  2 года назад +1

      Ukrainian for Russian is like Czech for Polish. I understand it very well and it sounds funny to Russian ear 😄 I do not NOT like it though, I'm just... too used to it, I guess. While this list consists of languages that sound uniquely (in my opinion). Btw, I have to agree about German. I liked it before, but not so much now. It is indeed very harsh to foreign ear.
      Thank you for such a long and interesting comment, btw! :D

    • @HeroManNick132
      @HeroManNick132 2 года назад +1

      I actually think Dutch is harsher than German tbh.

  • @HeroManNick132
    @HeroManNick132 2 года назад +1

    Интересно ми е колко добре разбираш български? Тъй като знаеш как българският доста подхожда на руския език така да се каже и не е изненада (да не говорим и за азбуката, че е почти 1:1), ала обаче граматиката ни е напълно различна - знаеш, определителни членове и такива работи, дето ги няма в руската граматика и може да ти се виждат доста странни. И само българският и македонския ги имат тези определителни членове, както знаеш от всичките славянски езици :). Иначе виждам, че българският ти е един от любимите езици, макар че не е включен в това видео, но ми е интересно какво ще кажеш за македонският език? Рядко се виждат дублажи на македонски език, но съществуват все пак, както и на беларуски може би?

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  2 года назад +1

      Я поняла почти всё. Болгарский и русский правда очень похожи! :) Болгарский мне тоже нравится, но из славянских языков мой любимый чешский. Польский я включила в этот список, но уже не уверена насчёт него. Македонский и белорусский дубляжи очень редко бывают, а жаль( В Белоруссии в кино всё показывают в русском дубляже, а в Македонии я даже не знаю, если честно. Тоже, наверное, используют дубляж другого славянского языка.

  • @sonicthehedgehogwithchristian
    @sonicthehedgehogwithchristian 3 года назад

    Ha ha

  • @FairySnowy
    @FairySnowy 4 года назад +1

    Мне тоже нравится немецкий, греческий, исландский(я его учу), чешский, но польский не очень. А тебе(наш) русский язык нравится?

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  4 года назад +3

      Не знаю, как может не нравиться язык, на котором ты говоришь?) Мне кажется, это уже автоматом идёт с его выучиванием xD

    • @FairySnowy
      @FairySnowy 3 года назад +1

      Ну впринципе сложно что-то сказать про свой родной язык. Ведь мы со стороны его не слышим.

    • @Anna2001
      @Anna2001  3 года назад +1

      @@FairySnowy Ага. Поэтому я русский с английским вместе запихала в "достойные упоминания". С английским у меня та же ситуация.