I can’t believe people don’t talk about NDEs more often. When I first learned about them it completely transformed the way I look at the world. Thanks for picking this topic.
I can tell you my friend that is extremely difficult for as to talk about our experiences and that’s because we get lots of hateful comments from many people And also in my case I’ve been an atheist all 53 years of my life before my NDE so having an NDE with whom people call Jesus it was not only a tremendous surprise but also a life changing experience that was extremely difficult for me to understand Why me? I ask for more than a year And why wasn’t I condemn and judged by his amazing beautiful soul like religious people said I was going to be? How is it even possible that something like this happened to me? He answer all questions in the most loving and peaceful and joyful way anyone can imagine Just his smile and eyes full of love and peace and joy without any judgment whatsoever was enough for my knees to fall in his presence If only people knew how much he loves as all unconditionally! If only I knew! Yes my friend Is very difficult to explain what is like to be in his presence and most people just judge as instead of at least listen to our experiences And unfortunately and to my surprise religious people are the most hateful and judgmental towards us and for the love of God I still don’t understand that So this are some of the reasons my friend and trust me when I say that is not easy having all this love from our creator and Jesus inside as and not being able to give it away simply because of people’s fear and hatred and resentment But we try and we must share because in my case I was asked to do so by the greatest teachers of all, my beautiful Jesus I wish you well my beautiful friend and many blessings And I’ll share with you his last words to me “Remember that all that matters is Love because Love is the only thing that’s real “ Be love my friends and you should be blessed
@@matthewfuller9760 Thank you for your reply. I haven't heard the expression 'soulphone'; before,--sounds interesting, so would you kindly enlighten me ?
@@matthewfuller9760 Thank you for your reply to my EMail. Were life so simple as to be little more than a series of black or white responses to any question-- although it would appear that some people (Messre Pitstick/Schwartz)would prefer a/the simplification of all that is. Maybe such a basic approach is preferred those who find the complications of existence (and of all that is,) a tad too complicated for their computer programmes. It is the very interconnected complexity and power of all that is which indicates a common intelligence/authorship ( God, for want of better a word) of all that is. What does surprise me is the fact that so called scientific critics of the evidence/meaning pertaining to NDE experiences, continue to persist in putting forward such weak 'excuses' as to their value/validity by pushing the old chestnuts such as oxygen deprivation and or drugs etc. It would appear that accepting/understanding the complexities inherent in multi dimensional consciousness-(awareness), is a step to far in their 3 dimensional world. It would seem that as communication (of one sort or another) becomes more common, due in no small part to medical resuscitation techniques, a more common acceptance of the continued existence of the human spirit becomes more understandable.
At some point he speculated that we can bring the dead people back and by using cryonics but from the grave and the fact that now we view the death as something permanent does not mean that it is we have long run until we understand completely our biology and not only we born away to early
As an NDEr myself I thank this Dr for his open mind I’ve been watching him for a while and he truly wants to understand this Of course on less you have had an NDE like me and others you never understand what is like But I wish him well on his path
@UC_KjI5SY1Rh9Ciwub8fh36Q thank you my beautiful soul friend Is more interesting when I tell you that I was a 53 years life long atheist before my NDE I loved making fun of God and Jesus and heaven and all that crazy stuff and crazy people Now I’m one of this crazy people myself I’m not nor I will ever be a religious person because I was told that religion is of man and not of God But one thing I can tell you for sure and without a doubt is that I love God and Jesus more than anything in this world and for consequence I love all creation My life changed completely in minutes one night 3 years ago and I couldn’t be more peaceful joyful and loving I with people knew what is like to walk with Jesus everywhere I go and through his eyes love all things Is amazing! I wish you well my friend and many blessings Be love and you should be blessed
@@LuisHernandez-fl3pc hi my name is also hernandez and i love your story, wlaking trough life with god is so much easier and knowing we will end up with him is such a blessing
@@MoongralABC123 yes it is my friend If only people knew how easy is to walk in his path without fear but in love of all things created It truly is a blessing
@@LuisHernandez-fl3pc it's a beautiful thing when God can reveal himself to you especially if you're an atheist. To let you experience the comfort of his love. That a lot of believers like myself never feel and a lifetime but of course a lot of people don't have NDE experience like you had. I don't get jealous of many things but that I am a little troubled by but I'm happy for you I would love to feel his love being in his presence . I know that we all can feel his love but not like those that are in heaven the people that are really in his presence and not in the body like yourself please pray for me life can be so depressing 🥺😞🥺🙏 GOD BLESS 💕
@@askiabattle3678 There’s a lot in your comments my friend and I’ll love to explain this things to you if you’re willing But I truly tell you that God is with you all the time, and he loves you as much and equally to every single person on this side of heaven I do pray for others all the time but not the way people do, my prayer is very short and simple and that is that I wish everyone well and for God will to be done on to them because we do know what to pray for but only he does, our prayers are full of Ego and intellect and that’s of Satan and not of God Trust in all things he send our way and go through it instead of walking away from it because that’s the only way to overcome all things just like Jesus did He knows exactly what we need to overcome and grow in his love but humans pray for what they want and not for what they need Only he knows what’s best for as and only for his will be done I pray Depression is an imitation created by thought’s and to that he said to bring all thoughts into captivity and then you will find him He’s always with as but our Ego and intellect and all things of this world keep as busy in order to keep as away from his silent voice Satan speaks to as in our heads and uses thoughts to control as, but God reviled things to as and when he does there’s absolutely no room for doubt or confusion or depression or anything of that sort Pay close attention to your thoughts my friend and let them all go, the so called good ones and the s ok called bad ones All thoughts are all lies all the time about everything So just stay still and let go of all things and there you will find the love you so much desire Trust in him no matter what and ask him for help but it must come straight from your heart and not from the intellect and he will fill your life with love and joy and peace I know this for a fact because he so promised Be well my beautiful soul friend and be Love and you should be blessed
When my mother got very sick she would talk to her siblings who had passed away. There were 2 brothers she had not spoken to. One in New Mexico, who had disappeared over and over again and by this time had probably passed away. However, the baby brother could not be found, even though we knew he was in the area. His oldest son sounds like his dad. When she heard his voice, she visibly calmed down and passed away a few days later. Another time like this happened with my stepson, who’s mother and I were close, was in the hospital dying from lupus and he didn’t want to see her. I told him he needed to tell his mom goodbye or he might regret it later. Well when we got to her room and as soon as he spoke she smiled. She died the next day. Both my mom and my stepson’s mom needed to hear their loved one voice so they could go with peace in their hearts.
We just don’t know. Also we don’t know for sure if it’s even possible to know it. And may be it doesn’t even matter even if we know it because it can be a temporary state in the vast and ever changing universe and reality of existence itself can be quite different in a million years. But can we at least try to be free psychologically in the present moment ?
We are consciousness experiencing different scenarios on this world inside a human body. Our beings aren't permanated to a single body. It's a cyclic thing.
It is absolutely 100% a hallucination. There is no afterlife. Lots and lots of people who have experienced the same will say the same. I’d love for there to be but I’ve accepted there isn’t and that’s just the way it is.
@@benji-5796 i meant maybe some specific experiences? so far the only dmt study related to its similarity of ndes showed some differences as well, and most people ive heard of who used psychedelics said they werent similar to their ndes. its pretty interesting
@@positive.juice.apartment I don’t but I know dr parina himself has said he believes that it’s an illusion and the mind playing tricks on us. He left images around the hospital room and said had these people actually been out of body there is no reason why they wouldn’t have seen them. I wish/hope there is something but it’s certainly not looking likely
I’m convinced these NDEs are a glimpse of the wonder after our experience here is done. The similarities I find throughout the testimonies are remarkable, but each testimony is unique on it’s own. I was an atheist for over ten years, at the eight year mark I decided my pursuit for the truth has come to an end, that I would not find the answers I seek. But I then had a personal experience which caused me to explore areas I purposely ignored because they seemed too far fetched. For about a month now I no longer call myself atheist, I now believe in the source to everything. 💚
Quite common phenomenon - end of life visions. Well documented in recent years by the work of Dr.Christopher Kerr (check him out on youtube). He wrote an engaging book called 'Death is but a Dream' on the subject.
I saw my brother 3 days after he died...the literature calls this a grief hallucination...I was aware that I should not be seeing what I was seeing throughout the brief encounter so I have trouble accepting that it was a hallucination... I have not seen any other deceased people...just him
I had an awkward experience like this. I went to pick up my GF’s daughter at my GF’s fathers house. When I got home I asked my GF who lives with her dad, she said “nobody”. I said who was the Native American looking woman with curlers in her hair and wearing a moo moo? She turned pale (she’s African and Native, she doesn’t turn pale). She told me to describe more, so I did. She showed me a picture of her grandmother and I said yeah! That’s her! She told me she had passed years ago. I know almost nothing about her family….. Strange experience.
@@LottimusMaximus so you saw her grandmas ghost/spirit... Because it can't be a grief hallucination since you didn't know the grandma, she was a stranger to you. So grief hallucination, nope. Some other kind of hallucination, nope, because it fit with how the grandma looked like. Can't be a coincidence. What other explanations are there than that ghosts are real? Is there anything else because to me it sounds like there is no other explanation for your experience. Coincidence is impossible because it was the grandma 🤔🤔🤔 hmm. I can't think of anything else that could have happened. You actually saw the grandma. That's the only explanation i think. We Don't need any scientific proof anymore since i think this pretty much proves it, right?
There is so much that could be said, about this topic; I am sure many people have had experiences that go beyond the every day explanation, that most of our doctors tell us. Let me share one of mine. When I was a boy, I didn't like hockey and my father was a big hockey fan... this caused a bit of a problem for us and it made me dislike hockey even more, since I felt like my father wasn't proud of me, because I didn't like his favourite sport. So, when I got married, I told my wife, we would get along fine as long as we never discussed hockey. She said, that was fine, as she didn't care for it, either. Why did I share this? Here is why.... When our first child was born (a girl) she never saw a hockey game on tv. No one ever baby sat her; I was a very over protective parent, and since I was molested as a boy by our school janitor, when I was 5/6, I became overly cautious. One day, when my daughter was 3 years old, she started asking me a question. She wanted to know where her son was. I thought she was playing, at first, but then it became apparent that she was serious. I asked her what her son looked like, and she gave me a very detail picture, of a slim man with curly red hair (she described it as orange) who wore a brown leather coat and drove a white car. She went on to tell me that her son used to pick her up and take her to the hockey games (she had never seen a hockey; not one in person nor on tv). Puzzled, I asked her, "When did he do that?" thinking she might say, "Oh, the other day." but she didn't. She responded by saying, "You know, daddy, when I was an old lady." I should add, I didn't, at the time, even believe in reincarnation. Eventually, I did send this story into a writer who did publish it.... as he felt it had the sound of authenticity. Consciousness is a very fascinating thing.
I guess everyone has a different near-death experience and so was mine. I had a cardiac arrest last year inside an ambulance. How do I know I died (at least briefly) ? The paramedic told me after I came to that they had to shock me. What I felt while I was "dead" was this immense tranquility, the one you feel when sleeping after spending some time on the beach. The funny thing is that when I heard the paramedic calling me (her voice was so distant even though she was physically next to me), I had this feeling of thinking "leave me alone". So, no, no voices from "the beyond", no white light or any light whatsoever, only this grand, grand peaceful feeling.
People have been having NDEs for thousands of years. People from across time, cultures, race, faiths, education levels, social/economic levels, children, elderly, all ages have all had experiences that had distinct similarities. There are many times doctors have resuscitated people who have recounted afterwards that they left their bodies and traveled outside the hospital and saw a car accident or a shoe on the roof of the hospital or spoke with their aunt, who also was out of body, who had actually died in a car accident while they were on the operating table (so they could not have known about their aunt's death), things that are easily verified. There thousands and thousands of cases where a mother suddenly knew her child was in danger at the exact moment that they were in danger even though the child may have been thousands of miles away. Consciousness is not created by or in cells. Our brain is a place for our consciousness to reside while the brain is alive.
@@dogsbollox4335 There's a lot we don't know about NDEs just like there is a lot we don't know about how the brain works. If looked at from the perspective that the brain is a receiver, a conduit or housing for the consciousness to connect with this reality, then when the receiver becomes damaged the connection is damaged. However many people who experience NDEs say they experienced interactions with other entities not in this reality and were told they had to go back or were asked if they wanted to go back. This points more to a planned experience here in which case the brain being damaged may be part of the planned experience. Natalie Sudman was a military contractor whose vehicle she was riding in was struck by an IED. I find her NDE really fascinating and an especially valuable insight into the perspective that we all come here for a set of experiences, and while every detail is not planned, the big experiences likely are. Physicist Thomas Campbell wrote a three part book that is free: My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything).
Been there , done that. I would recommend everyone to experience death. Most amazing minute and half. Found myself in the ER. Problems breathing. Found out two weeks later that one doctor hit me twice with a defib machine, gave up on me and proceeded to filll out the hospital's documents forthe issusnce of a death certificate.Another doctor used the defib machine 7 more times and "brought" me back, I understand now.
@Blueberry_Pancakes It takes too long to really explain what happened. I will say this , consciousness continues. Not corporeal. The overwhelming feelings were a mixture of complete understanding , bliss , and love. I realized that there was no reason to fear. I was a spark entering a lighted void , where everything and nothing existed. I instinctively knew that my next chapter of existence would continue on a different path there. I called my experience " Back to the zero. " I mean this seriously , everyone should experience dying once in their lifetime. It was an amazing 100 seconds or so. I now have no fear dying.
@staryj dido That is very comforting to hear actually! Your experience reminds me a lot of Panpsychism, something I've thought about a lot recently. This should make people less afraid of death.
We are the universe experiencing itself, LITERALLY. When we die the universe will continue to experience itself. The most enlightening philosopher I've ever listened to is #AlanWatts
Alan Watts ??? A shameless plagiarizer of Buddhist / Hindu teachings . And an alcoholic 2 packs of cigarettes a day smoker !! He died rather young .A great role model obviously.....
I went to a beach. I came up through the sand. Pet my dead dog. Spoke to my dead cousin. And was brought there and returned by a lady in blue robes. She told me her name was Harriot. When my father came out of his coma before he died, he said he was in Hawaii with my dead cousin. I know what awaits me, my friends.
My step father went to tell his mum that her friend had passed away. As soon as he said he had some bad news, she said “I know, Joan has died.” She said that the friend told her she had died while she was asleep.
@@matthewfuller9760 That's a good point, I think people should try to ask those questions, but I guess most likely it feels like a dream so you're in a state in which you don't think to ask those questions.
I died too, car accident, hit my head, more than half my brain dead, lost more than 40% of my blood, doctors gave up on me, but my parents prayed and prayed. I wake up, recover against all odds and no doctor has been able to explain to me how I did it without prescription drugs or medical aid. I had God's love bestowed upon me through my parents, that's all I needed :)
Okay but what about your afterlife experience? Do tell! This is what we are here for afterall! How did it go? To what kinds of places did you go and whom did you meet?
@@dreamthedream8929 While comatose I had a vision. In reality I was not conscious for 3 months, but my vision lasted for 11 months. In my vision I was happy all the time. I was living normal life, but every moment was pure joy. So that told me consciousness is immortal, and it doesn't require the brain. I also understood that once our consciousness is free from the body, we will attain pure happiness. Religions are all manmade, just focus on strengthening your mind, and you will get happier and stronger
Anyone out there who loves these kinds of discussions? I immediately want to share this video with someone else who shares my passion in this stuff, but i dont know a single person who has an interest in tbis.
I came here, because I think, I had twice or more NDE. People who shared their NDE usually people called them crazy or something else. but as some like the comment said we are probably "spirit" experiencing human life.
I work in IT and have worked around something called "Dumb Terminals" that bank tellers might use. The terminals are very basic and mainly transmit data back and forth from a server without processing anything. It strikes me as possible that the human body is a bit of a dumb terminal where part of your psyche gets stored up in the cloud somewhere. You die, then you wake up in the cloud or a different dumb terminal. The purpose of your life on earth seems to be to teach something, perhaps how to love and trust others in a way that only a mortal human being can do. I remember watching one video about a near death experience and it mentioned something about God saying that he had problems with the Angels because they never lived a mortal life. So perhaps we are here on earth to get some training to be an angel of sorts one day and be able to grasp it all without losing our sanity.
I don’t agree that these experiences are consistent and universal, many people report all kinds of differing experiences. Also I’m a Nurse and have been for over 20 years and I have met a number of patients who have had an MI or trauma and state there was nothing there at all.
I think that if we are born once then it is likely it will happen many times. We just don't know how many times and don't remember our past lives but some things from the past seem familiar and we are nostalgic for old architecture houses and streets and apartments and do not like the new and modern as much. That might explain that we remember living in a place like this because it makes you feel at home but you just can't remember the details but if you are aware of your consciousness now then there is a chance you will be aware again but as a different person.
I guess the question is where does our physical bodies end and our consciousness starts. Does our brain generate consciousness or does a consciousness find its way into a complicated enough system (brain) and then operate there?
Science is clearly starting to accept the real possibility that we are merely vessels for consciousness, it exists beyond our understood reality, and that its multi-dimensional.
@@MikeKleinsteuber Agreed there is no evidence (to my knowledge, at least) but I find it an interesting question, and I think it could explain certain reported phenomena, like the NDEs being discussed here.
My man died 30.11.23 at 47. It feels as if half of me was ripped of the flesh im 36, but he was my evirything. I rather die then a life without him. Henrik❤Malin 🔥🔥
I lost my son Nino 12 years young. He was my only child. My life stopped when his heart stopped beating. I feel the same as you i. I hope i will die soon. Sending you 🧡
#AlanWatts "When you die you will not have to put up with ever lasting non existence, because that's not an experience, so after you die, the only experience you can have, is the same sort of experience as when you were born"
See my comment above . This is classic Watts meaningless drivel ! You cannot really be a ' lecturer ' surely ? I knew standards had fallen but not by this much ?
What if the brain is more like a receiver or antenna for a consciousness, and damage to the brain or chemicals just affect how the "signal" is interpreted?
Research into NDEs will reveal that consciousness is the key to understanding our universe and the next level of science. We are already starting to go in that direction.
@@williammorahan4907 Yes that's true but I prefer reality and the sad reality is that everything points to a brain phenomena. Anecdotes are not enough.
@@williammorahan4907 Believing in stuff that there is not a shred of evidence for is very strange and quite frankly embarassing. Nothing wrong with anecdotes, drug users have them too when they get a trip. Doesn't mean that they meet real objective aliens or dead relatives. The same with psychosis patients. It's only evidence of a highly subjective experience, not an objective reality. NDE-dreamers doesn't seem to grasp this simple concept.
A little detail: Dr. Parnia says that we can "recite poetry and paint", which animals don't. Well, some animals can definitely pain, I have seen elephants paint with my own eyes. I'm not sure about poetry, since I cannot understand animal "language", yet I daresay that, though we are certainly the most intelligent species present on this planet at the moment, animals deserve a bit more consideration than most people normally grant them
Where this gets interesting is that you can tap into your consciousnesses with your mind. And it gets even more interesting when you tap into other peoples consciousness with your mind.
Won't you share this valuable input with us? I was reading earlier that electrical brain activity increases at death...they're connecting this surge to the near death experience and life review
Ask him how to define “real” experiences. No one can objectively claim of another person’s experiences that they are “real”, that sn experience accurately represents Real phenomena. There’s no way to measure such claims. So what he’s claiming is purely hypothetical. Even the telling of similar experiences from different people is little more that subjective inference. The “devil” is not just in the details but in the interpretation. The facts as known is this, when the brain ceases All function there is No consciousness… period. When people report near death experiences they are in fact revealing cognitive function from a still-living (in some level) brain. And the brain is not yet completely dead. Clue: They’re called NEAR death experiences. There is no coming back from complete brain death. So when people report NDEs and want to characterize them as out of body, spiritual events, etc. what they’re really declaring is they have little understanding of how the human brain operates.
I have lots of doubts about NDAs. People see things based on their religious beliefs, they speak to angels in their language (very multilingual those angels), also where does free will end and “God” and all those religious attributes start. Unfortunately all experiences are different in that aspect which makes them personal, subjective and thus questionable. Smb wrote here on the comments they were proclaimed dead and then several more defibrillations and they are back. This is pure chance that a doctor decided to try again and it worked. As much as I want to believe I just think we don’t know enough about what dying is and that NDAs are the remaining brain activity before it completely shuts off.
I believe there might be a soul though, but it is not a talking, walking, seeing entity. It is energy but it does not have to look like a human and have properties of a human. It might be completely different in the way it communicates and exists. It is hard for us to imagine that, because human brain is limited in what it can imagine by the experiences it already has.
Not all the experiences were subjective. For example, Dr. Bruce Greyson recorded a patient that told him what he was wearing, pointed out a stain in his shirt, and retold him a conversation he had in another room. She claimed to have seen him talk in the hallway while she was unconscious. This doesn't always happen, but sometimes it does.
I’m religious but I actually agree with this, I don’t think NDE should be considered actually near death experiences because to really really know would take something miraculous like bringing back a corpse that’s been in the ground for weeks right? And the NDE experience differs across cultures which means people interpret them based on what culture they’re from and what they believe in. I still believe in religion because there are numerous other signs we can use but NDEs aren’t one of them I don’t think.
We are spiritual beings living a human existence. My soul mate passed recently very suddenly. I've had so many signs he's still around..1 eg my TV....turns itself off on changes chann4ls I'll change the channel again but the TV again will change back to the channel it wants....its gone on by itself when I'm asleep many hours after it's been turned off. Tv has been checked it's perfectly fine yet this continues to happen Could go on forever about different things that have happened which are out of the ordinary. Thank you doctor for this interview
We also have people see things while alive and awake. I heard this music 3 times the night before my dad passed, the last time it came behind my ear.... then when my dog passes a sheik came over my head. Then my child and I heard a groaning man upstairs when NO ONE was there!.... lots of others so these NDE's arent the only things showing us.
Yeah, also i personally predicted something that really came true, it took a bit of time to become true but it did eventually. Although there was also another prediction connected to that one, they happened at the same time, BUT the second one did NOT come true.. i mean... Yet 😂 but since the other one happened, i'm convinced that this will become true also, just not yet. This happened in 2020 so it seems to take a while but 😂 someday it will become true, i know it. This is also not something that would be likely to happen at all, i mean, it doesnt really happen to a lot of people so i would never believe this would happen to me, but because i had the prediction i know it will happen to me. It's something pretty special. And of Course, i am not the only one who has predicted stuff either. It's really weird stuff and can't be coincidence, absolutely not.
@@Ankku98 I can predict a lot of things like... my back will go out; my toe will hurt soon; someone will try to cheat me...... All these things I am SURE will happen this week!
@@Ankku98 Well.. my back is already out and my tow has been hurting off and on in one spot for a month and everyone tries to cheat me all the time so this is an easy prediction. I did have one time where I got mad at a deceased person for letting someone cheat her and then her daughter suffered and then that day her daughter said something that had been in the family for yrs flew off the shelf and it was around the same time I was yelling at her deceased mom. Now THAT was strange.
I don't want to get extremely metaphysical but every since I was 16 years old, I noticed something about "friends". We would all randomly come together and the ones that stuck with me happened to have the same type of conscience.. But it got even further than that,. I also discovered that one really true friend not only shares my conscience type but also every other element in between... As the years passed I could simply think of someone and they would appear somewhere at a very random time... When I was 19 years old, I had my 1st car Toyota Camry 1991 and I thought of a friend from college randomly and he was sitting on his back bumper of his car pumping gas.. Long story short it happens all the time and I feel sometimes as if I am walking without even controlling my own walking. , I discovered this myself and I even discussed it with psychiatrists and psychologists, and they all agree with me that there is something beyond everything that makes you who you are physically...
I tried this too! I dont remember all of them, but one was really, really.. unlikely.. yet it happened. I was playing world of warcraft mmo game, and someone i knew for years who i was a friend with, then had a falling out, but kept added to friends, came online. Hadn't spoken properly for.. 6 years or so. Whats odd about this is.. I was literally looking at their name on my friends list, and as I thought about the person, were talking 2-5 secs max of thinking about them, the person comes online! Like imagine looking at someones name (offline) and while thinking of them they appear differently and now online! It was like I made the friend come online by thought. It was so weird yet cool and awkward too haha. And even more weird, the person logged onto their character, then went offline within a minute. Why? Because we also have each other added on discord, and my discord showed I was online in the game. So, I put 2 + 2, that the old friend came onilne to take a peek at me being online. Were talking dead at night time late too. But its like because the friend was thinking about me, now I was suddenly thinking about the friend. Like two minds getting closer to each other so suddenly and almost colliding and then going away from each other again immediately. Like a near crash course but both aware of each other.
awareness is the essence of what we're talking about... and yes... there is life... an organisation of matter in a pattern .. the physical purpose of which is to preserve that pattern as long as possible in a universe that otherwise tends things to higher states of disorder... that's life.... but also the fact this arrangement of matter is aware means there is some underlying property of the universe centred around awareness... and it is something to do with information... and interpretation... to do with meaning... and context... that is the awareness... and the answer will be at the quantum level... we know that information cannot be destroyed... but we also know something at that level is undefined unless it is observed... science hasn't mastered this yet... it hasnt really explored it properly.. Partly because its so hard to quantify. So, following on from this... if so... then it is likely computers in their own way are aware... not like us... nothing like us.... but any system that is built with purpose.. meaning .. and can interpret information... and is responsive, is aware at some level... so a computer for example.. similar level to a single cell organism. But I'll take it to the next level... its quite likely we have collective awareness too... through our interactions... exchanges of information and collective behaviours.... but the distortion of brain chem can mimic any type of experience that can be experienced in human consciousness and even some that otherwise couldnt.. therefore cannot be trusted... in order to prove that someone had an experience not of the body... they would need to know things that they could never have known.. Otherwise. no... i dont think if there is any activity in the brain... any at all.. or if cells are still ticking and chem reactions are occurring... that's not death; death is when life ends... cells are just a bunch of chemicals slowing breaking down.. ; as long as the brain is firing.. then it is possible to have some kind of experience in the biological sense without it being some great mystery.. unless like i say... someone gleans some information during this experience they shouldnt know... like... an event occurring in another place.. etc if you want to know what we are... we are not the body... we are not the cells.. we're not the nerves.. we are merely the exchange of information... the interpretation and the meaning of that information... the significance and purpose of those processes. If a system could be built that mimicked 100% all the information process and exchange of a human.. and it was based on something else... it would be a human being... as far as I can see... and you'll note that although the body is still fully functional otherwise.. once that information process is disturbed... either by sleep or a drug such as general anaesthetic... then awareness is gone... is there a means for that to be carried on separately from the body? Maybe.... its certainly a strange universe...
No conclusive findings (AWARE-II study) of an Afterlife, nonetheless, yet. For the time being, it's all in the brain/mind and is based on ones cognition, perception and emotions, per se. An innate coping mechanism and part of the Human Condition. Fascinating phenomenon. 🧠 🌌
This is amazing. So heart and brain death doesn’t equate cellular apoptosis? So then the whole definition of death needs to include cellular death as well?
It terrifies me. The more I research the more I think there is nothing that awaits and it’s just a chemical imbalance like DMT. Even people who can astral project say it’s hallucinations.
@@benji-5796 Here's the thing, the brain's neurons/synapses fire at a speed, which is too slow for it being capable to process/react/simulate consciousness we have. There is likely something after death, personally I believe in things like telepathy although it's a very faint effect, but it's either communication brain to brain, or the consciousness is interconnected to others and resides somewhere else than the physical world, the brain is just there to interpret and process the physical world and acts as a transmitter/receiver. And if there's nothing after death, nothing to be afraid of, it's like if you went to sleep and had no dreams, you won't realize you don't exist because you don't.
@@benji-5796 "It terrifies me. The more I research the more I think there is nothing that awaits and it’s just a chemical imbalance like DMT. Even people who can astral project say it’s hallucinations." Why is nothing awaiting you so terrifying?
I think it's something to do with fractal geometry, during the dying process we get our life reviews, than everything folds back into time when we are born but don't keep our memories with us they are locked away for good but we are born again without knowing who we were before.
yes and no from what ive read/heard/experienced myself. I believe though if you really want this, your soul, then it happens, sure. But from what ive understood: life review, with/without loved ones, but very likely meeting them again. Free choice to stay there as immortal and do what immortals do or go back into this simulation and challenging game called life. Likely to other realities and dimensions too if you so want other earths etc.
What about temporal lobe epilepsy and seizure activity? Ecstatic seizures and stuff. There’s a lot not known about epilepsy but I wonder if the electrical storms in the right part of the brain can cause a NDE or obe
3;15 your brain cells generate some thoughts through neurons and receptors ...hunger pain sad happy etc are responses to data transmitted from nerve to nerve until it reaches the brain...yet someone who is amputee still has phantom feelings where there are no limbs....maybe the thoughts/ideas of self can be found in understanding why we have sensation/sense beyond our physical... like we know a bat uses sonar to locate, we do that too in a way from accessing memory we easily know where we are in relation to other...I love what your doing Dr Parnia...thank you so much
on my travels i found my self in Sweden looking up a couple I,d met on a Greek ferry .They invited me to stay for a few days and they would show me the sights ,,,,During a discussion with the wife who I will call Marie she mentioned that she had a daughter aged 14 who I might not meet although she would be around the property but had no time for strangers,,,.On wandering on to the verandah that afternoon I bumped into this young lady and we exchanged pleasantries but gradually got into converstion about all sorts of subjects,, from that moment we became inseperable ,...Marie suggested that Gretch take me to her favorite beach so we cycled about 2 km and sat in a little cove covered in small pebbles and Gretch sat in a yoga stance ,and I thought here goes I was warned about this as several times I tried to get up but she,grabbed my hand but after 20 minutes she was laughing and joking and we fell intto each others hands .I thought this cant go anywhere with me being 40 yrs old and mentioned it,but she put her finger on my lips and said we have known each other in another life the next morning at breafast she sat close to me on the table grabbed a roll and added all the things I liked and handed it to me and her cousin at the end of the table said ""just look at that old married couple..""..Marie thanked me when I was leaving expressing a great releif that I had changed Gretch for the best, In a quiet time Gretch was very upset as she argued that we were meant for each other and had known each other before ,I promised to return ,I didnt and I discover after 40 years later she never married ,I know we had loved somewhere in the past
It could be that we are Consciousness Beings, and that Perception In Consciousness is axiomatic to Consciousness, and that our bodies, brains, neurons, protons, and quarks are manifestations within that Perception In Consciousness, and that therefore, physicality and interaction in a material experience is Perception In Consciousness. Got Consciousness? It's ALL you have. You do not physically exist. You cannot physically die. You transition to another Perception In Consciousness. You've done this before. Many times. All of your experience adds back to the Whole. Without you, the Whole is incomplete. This is why you have value, why you are an essential part of the Whole. We exist in a Consciousness Singularity, the Primary Consciousness. We are partitioned bits of Primary Consciousness with our own separate self-awareness, interacting with Primary Consciousness in symbiosis. We are of, by, and within Primary Consciousness, holographically and fractally identical to Primary Consciousness, with the mission to experience what we can and share back the Whole in endless interplay. Choose well the roles you play.
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are deep psychic, conscious, semi- conscious, or recollected experiences of someone who is approaching or has temporarily begun the ... Mar 31, 2023 Frontiers a systematic analysis of case reports and qualitative research -... who are clinically dead are psychopathological symptoms caused by a severe malfunction of the brain resulting from the cessation of cerebral blood circulation Wikipedia Near-death experience - Wikipedia
Drugs as anesthesia's do marvelous things to the brain. Even the human body produces chemicals to alter ones mood. Unfortunately when you are dead all the electrical activity in the brain stops. Has anyone weighed a "SOUL". I don't think so Olie 🤣👀.
If one experiences things that other people didn't experience themselves, it is hardly understandable to them. If one had for example near death experiences and has auditory and/or visual hallucination - other people would say it is mental disorder or some sort of schizophrenia. I think it is very small minded if people name a near death experience a mental disorder. And i do have an Amnesia. But what i can remember in, are these "Hallucinations". People could now explain it with something that the brain made up. So, people are basically trying to explain something they haven't seen and not experienced, to someone who has. And they explain you this with that it's not real. How do they want to know what's real and what not. I would say though, that it is not made up from the brain, and there are other entities. Specifically 1 entity that is important. I could animate it, theoretically, once i feel a bit better, or i could also make paintings that would show what i have seen, or both, and probably brain implants are available in several years.
I have to tell you this. I had a real-life vision experience, it's the only way to describe it. It wasn't a dream nor was it a nightmare, more like a twilight present moment, it was vivid and unforgettable. I was in bed and how It started was, at least what sounded like 1000 heavy footsteps marching heavily up the stairs and come into my room and they were sweeping with brooms, I never saw them. I felt everything was been swept away and I felt a presence get into the bed with me and push me down through the ground and went running down an underground tunnel. The first stop I experienced was, in front of me a massive pair of black curtains and when they were pulled open I saw a massive round circle and inside this circle, { Earth } was millions of human Beings, suffering in anguish, I was then shown black and white portraits of evil-looking men, they went flying past me, I felt I was been pushed further down this tunnel and it was scary, It was then I called out "Jesus help me" and at that, I was instantly taken out and saved, thank you, Jesus. All this on the first few days of Covid lockdowns in 2020. Please take from this message as you please for I have received it loud and clear... Jesus Christ saved me from this evil outcome that is upon us. He will save you. All you have to do is call out his mighty name. My take on this experience. I have physically shaken up from this experience for a long time afterwards, it took me a long time to come to terms with it. When I got the chance to study my experience I knew it was a spiritual awakening to the evil upon us. The Black curtains represent your government is lying to you, the heavy footsteps and the sweeping represent a forceful heavy hand in implementing these restrictions and Australia is proof of this, and the earth and the people in anguish are what the people are going to go through in the not to distance future. Also, it felt like I had no control over it and was forced into it against my will which some governments are trying to do with these vaccines. Jesus is the only way out of this evil, pray for people, pray, for I believe we are in the end times for humanity for we will no longer be human and God-like if these evil beings have their way. This Earth is entrapped with complete negative evil control and Jesus Christ is the only way out.
@@apreviousseagle836 But I was not asleep. I had just woken up, I knew I was awake before it happened. It was like instantly two different realities from one place "my bedroom" and then taken to where I was shown. Over three years has passed and I remember it just as well as yesterday and also dreams have no sound.
@@daviewall-ht6uu Honestly, at the time I was just glad to be back in my bedroom. As time went on I came to a conclusion on why it happen as I explained in my post. Since then I have become a lot more aware of what is going on around us and honestly its book of revealations time chapter by chapter playing out in front of us. Pray my fellow people.
You have to Explain how NDE Experiencers Have Learned--in the middle of their NDE Experiences--that other family members have died! (Even Dr Bruce Greyson has an Anecdote of one such an Occurance!) You also have to Explain how NDE Experiencers have learned what Other Surgeries are in progress in other Operating Rooms while The Experiencer him-- or herself is under General Anesthesia and in the middle of being operated on, him-- or herself! Or how an NDE Experiencer knows what is going on several Rooms and/or Floors away from her- or himself... Or even on The Other Side of The Planet Earth! Yes: "Seriously!"
Let's say we compare the brain with a computer. Sam Parnia says that you do not find toughts in a brain cell (basic component of a brain). However you will also not find a computer program in the copper or lead,... (basic components of a computer)... Though the computer is able to produce and run complex computer programs. Curious to hear someone thoughts about this anology.
Ive had Two near death experiences and I'm not going to go into detail on what I saw because it was beyond words but there is like after death and if anybody wants my actual story which is beyond any story of near-death experience I have heard about just let me know
There are some similarities among NDE's but there are also quite a lot of differences ....often depending on culture, I've watched dozens of them and no two accounts actually describe the same experience. Those of a religious persuasion usually are desperately wanting these to verify their own belief systems, but its often reported that the NDE's of hindus , muslims and christians are quite different , even non believers NDE's usually mirror the predominant religion of their culture. What is more interesting are the out of body experiences , as people can relate what went on even then they were unconscious.
You're right about the cultural aspect, which more or less proves it's a brain phenomena since different brains have learnt different things through life, your religion for example. Regarding OBEs and that people can relate "what went on", these are only anecdotes. These accounts or results are NEVER produced in a real study with proper scientific controls. They've tried many times through the decades and no one has ever recounted the correct information (including in Sam Parnia's latest study in the video), for example symbols that were placed faced upwards near the ceiling.
When you become spiritually awakened you lose your interest in football so I can imagine once you go to heaven it's the same. There are so many more important things to do like loving and taking care of people
@@Nola50 but we are loving footballers, and certainly they need taking care of given all the thrashing about the pitch they do. Perhaps "in heaven" all the games are split squad and we're all on the same team?
@@saint4985 Beats me! I suppose it just feels at odds with our materialistic view of reality. But the more you look into it, the more compelling it becomes.
Read up on surge of death where just before dying people have become normal people with dementia start talking remembering normal people who are paralysed never moved have gone ok sat up a day before my dad passed away he went totally normal we thought he was healed by a miracle but next day he passed and I learnt its normal called surge of death
Who knows but in future trials like Elon Musk's Neuralink success in brain chip implant may tell us the brain network in the last stage?...although there are still ethical questions to be answered.
If doctor describes consciousness as a separate entity that says to me its a description of a soul i’m not a religious person either but a definition of a soul is a immaterial thing of a human and its not like You can’t pick up your conscious like you can look at cells as a physical thing.
The doctor was just saying what any undergraduate philosophy student could tell you. You either believe that you are your brain, your mind emanating from it. Or you believe that you are a spirit, which houses the mind. If you take the second view, then you have the "mind-body problem" to contend with - how does the mind/spirit interact with the body and vice versa. If interested check out the terms "monism" and "dualism". .... Then the doctor said a few things that any undergraduate medical/biology/psychology student could tell you. Death used to mean when you stopped breathing or when your heart stopped. But now people are brought back from those situations. So death now means when you are brain dead. There is no coming back from death. By definition. The doctor trying to update the definition is ridiculous.
The first problem is the establishment philosophy of atheism and it’s religion of Darwin. If a scientist challenges this materialistic world view they are labeled a quack or a religious zealot and discounted and treated with disrespect. This atheistic philosophy can’t acknowledge the potential existence of a world beyond the physical material world. Yet discoveries in quantum physics may challenge this orthodoxy.
It goes back hundreds of years to the split between the church and early science. You study that (the physical) and leave the metaphysics to us (the churches). The early scientists were not materialists but as science advanced, they didn't just refrain from interfering in metaphysics, they rejected it altogether as feeble minded superstition, which eventually turned into the all pervasive dogma we have today, which dominates academia. That is why many academic materialists (in mainstream science) have tried to write these experiences off as brain based pathological hallucinations or drug induced delusions etc. They're not and the evidence supporting that is already very persuasive but because of what is at stake here, it's not quite enough to sway the debate once and for all. Having said that, we musn't deny that science has been wonderful, but it's also kind of ironic that it's science itself (resuscitation science) that has accidentally 'dug up' the soul it thought it had buried.
@@tim59ism those are good thoughts. My issue with Darwainism is that it has all the processes of a religion, and it’s priests are dogmatic about it. They have a genesis story with starts with an abiotic environment and from that a biological environment randomly evolves. But there is absolutely no scientific evidence this happened in prehistoric earth. They adhere to an experiment conducted in 1954 in which amino acids we’re supposedly created from abiotic chemical reaction. The problem is they make the stuff from scratch with the chemical available at the time. It baloney to justify their false religion of Darwin. Yet it’s taught in schools that must adhere to the separation of church and state as a theory when intelligent design is not allowed to be taught. In reality we don’t know much of what physics really exist in the universe. We need a more open system.
@@brucekliewer2623 Thank you ! I agree that reductionist materialism and Darwinism have become something of a religion of their own. How much of evolution is true (some must be) we can only wonder as it doesn't seem to 'stack up', but of course, try telling that to Jerry Coyne. I believe there is an intelligence behind the universe and I think the evidence that mind does not equal brain is enormous and compelling. We do need additions to science now but it's going to be just as hard to do that as getting rid of the dogma of Marxism in some respects. A lot of academics have built glittering careers on the false premise that the universe is made up entirely of different sized particles and nothing more. They don't want to hear anything else, it makes them ill.
@@G_Demolished It's a religion in the broadest sense of the term. Some beliefs held by scientists have become sacred and unchallengable, just like religion in the strict sense of the word. And to challenge such beliefs is considered heresy, which results in expulsion from the church or expulsion from academia.
The thing about single brain cells, and questioning the ability for a single cell to produce thought, is one of the dubmest things I've ever heard. It is like he/they cannot phathom the concept of the sum being composed of its parts. And each part not having the ability of the end result.
We do not die. our body dies, but we are not our body. It's not a belief, it's my conclusion after many years of studying consciousness. Main stream science is materialistic and takes wrong assumption (our brain creates our consciousness, which is a belief or a hypothesis and absolutely not a scientifically proven fact) and do not consider testimonies (what people say is not valid, only what formula or repeatable observations are valid) but the fact is that these testimonies are SO numerous and consistent from one to another and in different kind of experiences (NDEs, OBEs, shared DEs, past lives testimonies, mediumship, psychedelic experiences, terminal lucidity and many others... they are all saying the same things, they are all consistent with the "we are not our body" theory. Hopefully many scientists start now to investigate and change their approach to a wider science (see post materialistic science).
My they is that we are our mental state that is a combination between our brains electrical waves "brain signals"and our DNA and if we put these to together we can come back to life but everything are just theories probably our brains electric signals affect directly our dna and as conclusion our dna may eventually hold our mental state and not just physical if my theory is valid and from the moment dna takes many years to evaporation maybe our resurrections are possible but maybe there just infinity possibilities that wait for the future generations to discover them science progress is slow
I can’t believe people don’t talk about NDEs more often.
When I first learned about them it completely transformed the way I look at the world.
Thanks for picking this topic.
I can tell you my friend that is extremely difficult for as to talk about our experiences and that’s because we get lots of hateful comments from many people
And also in my case I’ve been an atheist all 53 years of my life before my NDE so having an NDE with whom people call Jesus it was not only a tremendous surprise but also a life changing experience that was extremely difficult for me to understand
Why me? I ask for more than a year
And why wasn’t I condemn and judged by his amazing beautiful soul like religious people said I was going to be?
How is it even possible that something like this happened to me?
He answer all questions in the most loving and peaceful and joyful way anyone can imagine
Just his smile and eyes full of love and peace and joy without any judgment whatsoever was enough for my knees to fall in his presence
If only people knew how much he loves as all unconditionally!
If only I knew!
Yes my friend
Is very difficult to explain what is like to be in his presence and most people just judge as instead of at least listen to our experiences
And unfortunately and to my surprise religious people are the most hateful and judgmental towards us and for the love of God I still don’t understand that
So this are some of the reasons my friend and trust me when I say that is not easy having all this love from our creator and Jesus inside as and not being able to give it away simply because of people’s fear and hatred and resentment
But we try and we must share because in my case I was asked to do so by the greatest teachers of all, my beautiful Jesus
I wish you well my beautiful friend and many blessings
And I’ll share with you his last words to me
“Remember that all that matters is Love because Love is the only thing that’s real “
Be love my friends and you should be blessed
Yes, knowledge of NDEs changed my Life, too!
One reason could be that many people are frightened of death, or even the thought of it.
@@matthewfuller9760 Thank you for your reply. I haven't heard the expression 'soulphone'; before,--sounds interesting, so would you kindly enlighten me ?
@@matthewfuller9760 Thank you for your reply to my EMail.
Were life so simple as to be little more than a series of black or white responses to any question-- although it would appear that some people (Messre Pitstick/Schwartz)would prefer a/the simplification of all that is.
Maybe such a basic approach is preferred those who find the complications of existence (and of all that is,) a tad too complicated for their computer programmes.
It is the very interconnected complexity and power of all that is which indicates a common intelligence/authorship ( God, for want of better a word) of all that is.
What does surprise me is the fact that so called scientific critics of the evidence/meaning pertaining to NDE experiences, continue to persist in putting forward such weak 'excuses' as to their value/validity by pushing the old chestnuts such as oxygen deprivation and or drugs etc.
It would appear that accepting/understanding the complexities inherent in multi dimensional consciousness-(awareness), is a step to far in their 3 dimensional world.
It would seem that as communication (of one sort or another) becomes more common, due in no small part to medical resuscitation techniques, a more common acceptance of the continued existence of the human spirit becomes more understandable.
My Near-Death Experience changed the course of my life. Thanks for the interesting video.
So fascinating, I love that people like Sam exist and are looking to find answers to our biggest question.
At some point he speculated that we can bring the dead people back and by using cryonics but from the grave and the fact that now we view the death as something permanent does not mean that it is we have long run until we understand completely our biology and not only we born away to early
@@LMJ-I-INTEL Me too.
As an NDEr myself I thank this Dr for his open mind
I’ve been watching him for a while and he truly wants to understand this
Of course on less you have had an NDE like me and others you never understand what is like
But I wish him well on his path
@UC_KjI5SY1Rh9Ciwub8fh36Q thank you my beautiful soul friend
Is more interesting when I tell you that I was a 53 years life long atheist before my NDE
I loved making fun of God and Jesus and heaven and all that crazy stuff and crazy people
Now I’m one of this crazy people myself
I’m not nor I will ever be a religious person because I was told that religion is of man and not of God
But one thing I can tell you for sure and without a doubt is that I love God and Jesus more than anything in this world and for consequence I love all creation
My life changed completely in minutes one night 3 years ago and I couldn’t be more peaceful joyful and loving
I with people knew what is like to walk with Jesus everywhere I go and through his eyes love all things
Is amazing!
I wish you well my friend and many blessings
Be love and you should be blessed
@@LuisHernandez-fl3pc hi my name is also hernandez and i love your story, wlaking trough life with god is so much easier and knowing we will end up with him is such a blessing
@@MoongralABC123 yes it is my friend
If only people knew how easy is to walk in his path without fear but in love of all things created
It truly is a blessing
@@LuisHernandez-fl3pc it's a beautiful thing when God can reveal himself to you especially if you're an atheist. To let you experience the comfort of his love. That a lot of believers like myself never feel and a lifetime but of course a lot of people don't have NDE experience like you had. I don't get jealous of many things but that I am a little troubled by but I'm happy for you I would love to feel his love being in his presence . I know that we all can feel his love but not like those that are in heaven the people that are really in his presence and not in the body like yourself please pray for me life can be so depressing 🥺😞🥺🙏 GOD BLESS 💕
@@askiabattle3678 There’s a lot in your comments my friend and I’ll love to explain this things to you if you’re willing
But I truly tell you that God is with you all the time, and he loves you as much and equally to every single person on this side of heaven
I do pray for others all the time but not the way people do, my prayer is very short and simple and that is that I wish everyone well and for God will to be done on to them because we do know what to pray for but only he does, our prayers are full of Ego and intellect and that’s of Satan and not of God
Trust in all things he send our way and go through it instead of walking away from it because that’s the only way to overcome all things just like Jesus did
He knows exactly what we need to overcome and grow in his love but humans pray for what they want and not for what they need
Only he knows what’s best for as and only for his will be done I pray
Depression is an imitation created by thought’s and to that he said to bring all thoughts into captivity and then you will find him
He’s always with as but our Ego and intellect and all things of this world keep as busy in order to keep as away from his silent voice
Satan speaks to as in our heads and uses thoughts to control as, but God reviled things to as and when he does there’s absolutely no room for doubt or confusion or depression or anything of that sort
Pay close attention to your thoughts my friend and let them all go, the so called good ones and the s ok called bad ones
All thoughts are all lies all the time about everything
So just stay still and let go of all things and there you will find the love you so much desire
Trust in him no matter what and ask him for help but it must come straight from your heart and not from the intellect and he will fill your life with love and joy and peace
I know this for a fact because he so promised
Be well my beautiful soul friend and be Love and you should be blessed
When my mother got very sick she would talk to her siblings who had passed away. There were 2 brothers she had not spoken to. One in New Mexico, who had disappeared over and over again and by this time had probably passed away. However, the baby brother could not be found, even though we knew he was in the area. His oldest son sounds like his dad. When she heard his voice, she visibly calmed down and passed away a few days later.
Another time like this happened with my stepson, who’s mother and I were close, was in the hospital dying from lupus and he didn’t want to see her. I told him he needed to tell his mom goodbye or he might regret it later. Well when we got to her room and as soon as he spoke she smiled. She died the next day. Both my mom and my stepson’s mom needed to hear their loved one voice so they could go with peace in their hearts.
Are we humans experiencing life, or are we life experiencing being human?
Not sure the two are mutually exclusive. Think we're both.
Yh domesticated rats
I know that, we are life experiencing being human.
We just don’t know. Also we don’t know for sure if it’s even possible to know it. And may be it doesn’t even matter even if we know it because it can be a temporary state in the vast and ever changing universe and reality of existence itself can be quite different in a million years. But can we at least try to be free psychologically in the present moment ?
We are consciousness experiencing different scenarios on this world inside a human body. Our beings aren't permanated to a single body. It's a cyclic thing.
This would explain my dream of other lives / dimensions and or future events. Hearing you say like a radio is how I tried explaining it before.
I love him. He's so smart and open minded. He knows the truth about consciousness but is careful in what he says.
What do you think his thoughts are?
It is absolutely 100% a hallucination. There is no afterlife. Lots and lots of people who have experienced the same will say the same. I’d love for there to be but I’ve accepted there isn’t and that’s just the way it is.
@@benji-5796 do you have any examples of NDErs that believe it was a hallucination?
@@benji-5796 i meant maybe some specific experiences? so far the only dmt study related to its similarity of ndes showed some differences as well, and most people ive heard of who used psychedelics said they werent similar to their ndes. its pretty interesting
@@positive.juice.apartment I don’t but I know dr parina himself has said he believes that it’s an illusion and the mind playing tricks on us. He left images around the hospital room and said had these people actually been out of body there is no reason why they wouldn’t have seen them. I wish/hope there is something but it’s certainly not looking likely
I worked with Sam. Amazing doctor. 🙏☺️
Well done
I’m convinced these NDEs are a glimpse of the wonder after our experience here is done. The similarities I find throughout the testimonies are remarkable, but each testimony is unique on it’s own. I was an atheist for over ten years, at the eight year mark I decided my pursuit for the truth has come to an end, that I would not find the answers I seek. But I then had a personal experience which caused me to explore areas I purposely ignored because they seemed too far fetched. For about a month now I no longer call myself atheist, I now believe in the source to everything. 💚
Thanks for clarity .
I was recently ill and nearing death.
Now I treasure everry sec of my life and enjoying .
Not afraid of death anymore.
How r u?
Fascinating, really deserves more time. Any links appreciated.
Dr Sam is a great man I had ever known.
All I know is this: Days before my Dad died he was talking outloud to his deceased mother!!!!!
Quite common phenomenon - end of life visions. Well documented in recent years by the work of Dr.Christopher Kerr (check him out on youtube). He wrote an engaging book called 'Death is but a Dream' on the subject.
I saw my brother 3 days after he died...the literature calls this a grief hallucination...I was aware that I should not be seeing what I was seeing throughout the brief encounter so I have trouble accepting that it was a hallucination... I have not seen any other deceased people...just him
I had an awkward experience like this. I went to pick up my GF’s daughter at my GF’s fathers house. When I got home I asked my GF who lives with her dad, she said “nobody”. I said who was the Native American looking woman with curlers in her hair and wearing a moo moo? She turned pale (she’s African and Native, she doesn’t turn pale). She told me to describe more, so I did. She showed me a picture of her grandmother and I said yeah! That’s her! She told me she had passed years ago.
I know almost nothing about her family….. Strange experience.
@@LottimusMaximus so you saw her grandmas ghost/spirit... Because it can't be a grief hallucination since you didn't know the grandma, she was a stranger to you. So grief hallucination, nope. Some other kind of hallucination, nope, because it fit with how the grandma looked like. Can't be a coincidence. What other explanations are there than that ghosts are real? Is there anything else because to me it sounds like there is no other explanation for your experience. Coincidence is impossible because it was the grandma 🤔🤔🤔 hmm. I can't think of anything else that could have happened. You actually saw the grandma. That's the only explanation i think. We Don't need any scientific proof anymore since i think this pretty much proves it, right?
That could simply be a delusion.
There is so much that could be said, about this topic; I am sure many people have had experiences that go beyond the every day explanation, that most of our doctors tell us. Let me share one of mine. When I was a boy, I didn't like hockey and my father was a big hockey fan... this caused a bit of a problem for us and it made me dislike hockey even more, since I felt like my father wasn't proud of me, because I didn't like his favourite sport. So, when I got married, I told my wife, we would get along fine as long as we never discussed hockey. She said, that was fine, as she didn't care for it, either. Why did I share this? Here is why.... When our first child was born (a girl) she never saw a hockey game on tv. No one ever baby sat her; I was a very over protective parent, and since I was molested as a boy by our school janitor, when I was 5/6, I became overly cautious. One day, when my daughter was 3 years old, she started asking me a question. She wanted to know where her son was. I thought she was playing, at first, but then it became apparent that she was serious. I asked her what her son looked like, and she gave me a very detail picture, of a slim man with curly red hair (she described it as orange) who wore a brown leather coat and drove a white car. She went on to tell me that her son used to pick her up and take her to the hockey games (she had never seen a hockey; not one in person nor on tv). Puzzled, I asked her, "When did he do that?" thinking she might say, "Oh, the other day." but she didn't. She responded by saying, "You know, daddy, when I was an old lady." I should add, I didn't, at the time, even believe in reincarnation. Eventually, I did send this story into a writer who did publish it.... as he felt it had the sound of authenticity. Consciousness is a very fascinating thing.
I guess everyone has a different near-death experience and so was mine.
I had a cardiac arrest last year inside an ambulance. How do I know I died (at least briefly) ? The paramedic told me after I came to that they had to shock me.
What I felt while I was "dead" was this immense tranquility, the one you feel when sleeping after spending some time on the beach.
The funny thing is that when I heard the paramedic calling me (her voice was so distant even though she was physically next to me), I had this feeling of thinking "leave me alone".
So, no, no voices from "the beyond", no white light or any light whatsoever, only this grand, grand peaceful feeling.
Death in its purest form.
No horror, no pain, nothing but peace.
People have been having NDEs for thousands of years. People from across time, cultures, race, faiths, education levels, social/economic levels, children, elderly, all ages have all had experiences that had distinct similarities. There are many times doctors have resuscitated people who have recounted afterwards that they left their bodies and traveled outside the hospital and saw a car accident or a shoe on the roof of the hospital or spoke with their aunt, who also was out of body, who had actually died in a car accident while they were on the operating table (so they could not have known about their aunt's death), things that are easily verified. There thousands and thousands of cases where a mother suddenly knew her child was in danger at the exact moment that they were in danger even though the child may have been thousands of miles away. Consciousness is not created by or in cells. Our brain is a place for our consciousness to reside while the brain is alive.
What If your brain gets affected?
What about terminal lucidity.
@@dogsbollox4335 Terminal Lucidity is real. But it's not the same as an NDE.
I know it's not the same I was responding to when the brain gets effected👌🏼
@@dogsbollox4335 There's a lot we don't know about NDEs just like there is a lot we don't know about how the brain works. If looked at from the perspective that the brain is a receiver, a conduit or housing for the consciousness to connect with this reality, then when the receiver becomes damaged the connection is damaged. However many people who experience NDEs say they experienced interactions with other entities not in this reality and were told they had to go back or were asked if they wanted to go back. This points more to a planned experience here in which case the brain being damaged may be part of the planned experience.
Natalie Sudman was a military contractor whose vehicle she was riding in was struck by an IED. I find her NDE really fascinating and an especially valuable insight into the perspective that we all come here for a set of experiences, and while every detail is not planned, the big experiences likely are. Physicist Thomas Campbell wrote a three part book that is free: My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything).
Been there , done that. I would recommend everyone to experience death. Most amazing minute and half. Found myself in the ER. Problems breathing. Found out two weeks later that one doctor hit me twice with a defib machine, gave up on me and proceeded to filll out the hospital's documents forthe issusnce of a death certificate.Another doctor used the defib machine 7 more times and "brought" me back, I understand now.
@TheClassicalSymphony just take shrooms 😂
@staryj dido Would you please tell us what you experienced ?
Please, tell us what you experienced! I really wanna know.
@Blueberry_Pancakes It takes too long to really explain what happened. I will say this , consciousness continues. Not corporeal. The overwhelming feelings were a mixture of complete understanding , bliss , and love. I realized that there was no reason to fear. I was a spark entering a lighted void , where everything and nothing existed. I instinctively knew that my next chapter of existence would continue on a different path there. I called my experience " Back to the zero. " I mean this seriously ,
everyone should experience dying once in their lifetime. It was an amazing 100 seconds or so. I now have no fear dying.
@staryj dido That is very comforting to hear actually! Your experience reminds me a lot of Panpsychism, something I've thought about a lot recently. This should make people less afraid of death.
We are the universe experiencing itself, LITERALLY. When we die the universe will continue to experience itself. The most enlightening philosopher I've ever listened to is #AlanWatts
Alan Watts ??? A shameless plagiarizer of Buddhist / Hindu
teachings . And an alcoholic 2 packs of cigarettes a day smoker !! He died rather young .A great
role model obviously.....
I went to a beach. I came up through the sand. Pet my dead dog. Spoke to my dead cousin. And was brought there and returned by a lady in blue robes. She told me her name was Harriot.
When my father came out of his coma before he died, he said he was in Hawaii with my dead cousin.
I know what awaits me, my friends.
My step father went to tell his mum that her friend had passed away. As soon as he said he had some bad news, she said “I know, Joan has died.” She said that the friend told her she had died while she was asleep.
@@matthewfuller9760 That's a good point, I think people should try to ask those questions, but I guess most likely it feels like a dream so you're in a state in which you don't think to ask those questions.
Exactly, it's surreal, which is the point I was making.
Yeah ...either cremation or rotting in the ground. Or you could be mummified. :-)
I died too, car accident, hit my head, more than half my brain dead, lost more than 40% of my blood, doctors gave up on me, but my parents prayed and prayed. I wake up, recover against all odds and no doctor has been able to explain to me how I did it without prescription drugs or medical aid. I had God's love bestowed upon me through my parents, that's all I needed :)
Okay but what about your afterlife experience? Do tell! This is what we are here for afterall! How did it go? To what kinds of places did you go and whom did you meet?
@@dreamthedream8929 While comatose I had a vision. In reality I was not conscious for 3 months, but my vision lasted for 11 months.
In my vision I was happy all the time. I was living normal life, but every moment was pure joy. So that told me consciousness is immortal, and it doesn't require the brain. I also understood that once our consciousness is free from the body, we will attain pure happiness. Religions are all manmade, just focus on strengthening your mind, and you will get happier and stronger
@@cursedtodie does car accident hurts?,
God bless you!
Anyone out there who loves these kinds of discussions? I immediately want to share this video with someone else who shares my passion in this stuff, but i dont know a single person who has an interest in tbis.
I came here, because I think, I had twice or more NDE. People who shared their NDE usually people called them crazy or something else. but as some like the comment said we are probably "spirit" experiencing human life.
Hi Kenny. Did you mean you came here as an adult (like to a parallel earth) after your NDE?
We are so not spirits.
I work in IT and have worked around something called "Dumb Terminals" that bank tellers might use. The terminals are very basic and mainly transmit data back and forth from a server without processing anything. It strikes me as possible that the human body is a bit of a dumb terminal where part of your psyche gets stored up in the cloud somewhere. You die, then you wake up in the cloud or a different dumb terminal. The purpose of your life on earth seems to be to teach something, perhaps how to love and trust others in a way that only a mortal human being can do. I remember watching one video about a near death experience and it mentioned something about God saying that he had problems with the Angels because they never lived a mortal life. So perhaps we are here on earth to get some training to be an angel of sorts one day and be able to grasp it all without losing our sanity.
This is so interesting. So revealing. Fascinating stuff.
Thank you. Could you please upload the whole intervew?
I don’t agree that these experiences are consistent and universal, many people report all kinds of differing experiences. Also I’m a Nurse and have been for over 20 years and I have met a number of patients who have had an MI or trauma and state there was nothing there at all.
I think that if we are born once then it is likely it will happen many times. We just don't know how many times and don't remember our past lives but some things from the past seem familiar and we are nostalgic for old architecture houses and streets and apartments and do not like the new and modern as much. That might explain that we remember living in a place like this because it makes you feel at home but you just can't remember the details but if you are aware of your consciousness now then there is a chance you will be aware again but as a different person.
Thank you
I guess the question is where does our physical bodies end and our consciousness starts. Does our brain generate consciousness or does a consciousness find its way into a complicated enough system (brain) and then operate there?
Like most things in science, the lines are quite arbitrary
Science is clearly starting to accept the real possibility that we are merely vessels for consciousness, it exists beyond our understood reality, and that its multi-dimensional.
Great question JP, and I would add - does consciousness reside within us during our physical life, or is it non-local?
@@jimloth6091 There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that consciousness is non-local
@@MikeKleinsteuber Agreed there is no evidence (to my knowledge, at least) but I find it an interesting question, and I think it could explain certain reported phenomena, like the NDEs being discussed here.
My man died 30.11.23 at 47. It feels as if half of me was ripped of the flesh im 36, but he was my evirything. I rather die then a life without him. Henrik❤Malin 🔥🔥
That’s EXACTLY how I feel about my Brother’s passing, I’d rather it was Me than Him.🤦🏾♂️😞😞
I lost my son Nino 12 years young. He was my only child. My life stopped when his heart stopped beating. I feel the same as you i. I hope i will die soon. Sending you 🧡
#AlanWatts "When you die you will not have to put up with ever lasting non existence, because that's not an experience, so after you die, the only experience you can have, is the same sort of experience as when you were born"
See my comment above . This is
classic Watts meaningless drivel !
You cannot really be a ' lecturer '
surely ? I knew standards had fallen but not by this much ?
Ah yes, we're supposed to listen to a philosopher who preaches materialists' scientific views, Cleary you haven't watched the video.
I only hope there are no people or corporations to deal with after I die
What if the brain is more like a receiver or antenna for a consciousness, and damage to the brain or chemicals just affect how the "signal" is interpreted?
very likely
So we are kind of robots... 😂Controlled by aliens
How can we detect (and identify) this signal?
Think of the brain as a transducer.
We are spiritual beings experiencing a physical life. Not vice versa...Dr Prashant Solomon.
Life after life 🙏🏻
More like this please
Pim Van Lommel, Peter Fenwick, Bruce Grayson.... ecc. ecc.
Sam you're doing a good job
I wish I could shadow him doing his amazing work.
Research into NDEs will reveal that consciousness is the key to understanding our universe and the next level of science. We are already starting to go in that direction.
Keep dreaming.
@@MacceeeDreams are what make our world better.
@@williammorahan4907 Yes that's true but I prefer reality and the sad reality is that everything points to a brain phenomena. Anecdotes are not enough.
@@Macceee What’s wrong with anecdotes?
What’s wrong with believing in what we can’t see?
@@williammorahan4907 Believing in stuff that there is not a shred of evidence for is very strange and quite frankly embarassing.
Nothing wrong with anecdotes, drug users have them too when they get a trip. Doesn't mean that they meet real objective aliens or dead relatives. The same with psychosis patients. It's only evidence of a highly subjective experience, not an objective reality. NDE-dreamers doesn't seem to grasp this simple concept.
A little detail: Dr. Parnia says that we can "recite poetry and paint", which animals don't. Well, some animals can definitely pain, I have seen elephants paint with my own eyes. I'm not sure about poetry, since I cannot understand animal "language", yet I daresay that, though we are certainly the most intelligent species present on this planet at the moment, animals deserve a bit more consideration than most people normally grant them
They DIDN'T actually die ! That is the point !
How do you know?
@@claudiaschneider5744But what if they’re physically dead for only a few minutes?
Good presentation
It’s a big frustration for me to know for sure that the human being is a body and soul but not many people actually know it
Did you have a nde?
That's because the vast majority don't have that experience
Where this gets interesting is that you can tap into your consciousnesses with your mind. And it gets even more interesting when you tap into other peoples consciousness with your mind.
Care to give us a demonstration ??
Whenever you're ready....? Take your time .
It s remarkable that the doc implied that there might be sth beyond life..i thought that as a scientist he would have said the exact opposite
I'd love to speak to this DR. I have some valuable input for him.
Won't you share this valuable input with us? I was reading earlier that electrical brain activity increases at death...they're connecting this surge to the near death experience and life review
Wearing a white scrub in a video usually points to a dental hygiene advertisement, not to a scientific report.
Ask him how to define “real” experiences. No one can objectively claim of another person’s experiences that they are “real”, that sn experience accurately represents Real phenomena. There’s no way to measure such claims. So what he’s claiming is purely hypothetical. Even the telling of similar experiences from different people is little more that subjective inference. The “devil” is not just in the details but in the interpretation.
The facts as known is this, when the brain ceases All function there is No consciousness… period. When people report near death experiences they are in fact revealing cognitive function from a still-living (in some level) brain. And the brain is not yet completely dead. Clue: They’re called NEAR death experiences. There is no coming back from complete brain death. So when people report NDEs and want to characterize them as out of body, spiritual events, etc. what they’re really declaring is they have little understanding of how the human brain operates.
Exactly. That's what the tinfoil-hats fail to understand. They think unverified anecdotes is "evidence".
I have lots of doubts about NDAs. People see things based on their religious beliefs, they speak to angels in their language (very multilingual those angels), also where does free will end and “God” and all those religious attributes start. Unfortunately all experiences are different in that aspect which makes them personal, subjective and thus questionable. Smb wrote here on the comments they were proclaimed dead and then several more defibrillations and they are back. This is pure chance that a doctor decided to try again and it worked. As much as I want to believe I just think we don’t know enough about what dying is and that NDAs are the remaining brain activity before it completely shuts off.
I believe there might be a soul though, but it is not a talking, walking, seeing entity. It is energy but it does not have to look like a human and have properties of a human. It might be completely different in the way it communicates and exists. It is hard for us to imagine that, because human brain is limited in what it can imagine by the experiences it already has.
Not all the experiences were subjective. For example, Dr. Bruce Greyson recorded a patient that told him what he was wearing, pointed out a stain in his shirt, and retold him a conversation he had in another room. She claimed to have seen him talk in the hallway while she was unconscious. This doesn't always happen, but sometimes it does.
I’m religious but I actually agree with this, I don’t think NDE should be considered actually near death experiences because to really really know would take something miraculous like bringing back a corpse that’s been in the ground for weeks right? And the NDE experience differs across cultures which means people interpret them based on what culture they’re from and what they believe in. I still believe in religion because there are numerous other signs we can use but NDEs aren’t one of them I don’t think.
Congratulations to dr Parnia !!
That's awesome 👍.
Good topic!!
🐇My dad waited for my mother to come to his bed side, when she arrived, He took three breaths and passed away. He waited for some time...Thank you..
He doesn't know.
Outstanding 🙂
We are spiritual beings living a human existence. My soul mate passed recently very suddenly. I've had so many signs he's still around..1 eg my TV....turns itself off on changes chann4ls I'll change the channel again but the TV again will change back to the channel it wants....its gone on by itself when I'm asleep many hours after it's been turned off. Tv has been checked it's perfectly fine yet this continues to happen Could go on forever about different things that have happened which are out of the ordinary. Thank you doctor for this interview
So like in the movie the ring then? The tv switches on by itself and stuff like that. She also had paranormal powers
So , of all the ways a Spirit might contact you your soul mate does it
via the TV switch ?? Hmm....yes.
Highly spiritual .!
We also have people see things while alive and awake. I heard this music 3 times the night before my dad passed, the last time it came behind my ear.... then when my dog passes a sheik came over my head. Then my child and I heard a groaning man upstairs when NO ONE was there!.... lots of others so these NDE's arent the only things showing us.
Yeah, also i personally predicted something that really came true, it took a bit of time to become true but it did eventually. Although there was also another prediction connected to that one, they happened at the same time, BUT the second one did NOT come true.. i mean... Yet 😂 but since the other one happened, i'm convinced that this will become true also, just not yet. This happened in 2020 so it seems to take a while but 😂 someday it will become true, i know it. This is also not something that would be likely to happen at all, i mean, it doesnt really happen to a lot of people so i would never believe this would happen to me, but because i had the prediction i know it will happen to me. It's something pretty special. And of Course, i am not the only one who has predicted stuff either. It's really weird stuff and can't be coincidence, absolutely not.
@@Ankku98 I can predict a lot of things like... my back will go out; my toe will hurt soon; someone will try to cheat me...... All these things I am SURE will happen this week!
@@jilldent5514 wow thats a lot, i mean to me it happens quite rarely. Theres been only a few weird occasions.
@@Ankku98 Well.. my back is already out and my tow has been hurting off and on in one spot for a month and everyone tries to cheat me all the time so this is an easy prediction. I did have one time where I got mad at a deceased person for letting someone cheat her and then her daughter suffered and then that day her daughter said something that had been in the family for yrs flew off the shelf and it was around the same time I was yelling at her deceased mom. Now THAT was strange.
I don't want to get extremely metaphysical but every since I was 16 years old, I noticed something about "friends". We would all randomly come together and the ones that stuck with me happened to have the same type of conscience.. But it got even further than that,. I also discovered that one really true friend not only shares my conscience type but also every other element in between... As the years passed I could simply think of someone and they would appear somewhere at a very random time... When I was 19 years old, I had my 1st car Toyota Camry 1991 and I thought of a friend from college randomly and he was sitting on his back bumper of his car pumping gas..
Long story short it happens all the time and I feel sometimes as if I am walking without even controlling my own walking. , I discovered this myself and I even discussed it with psychiatrists and psychologists, and they all agree with me that there is something beyond everything that makes you who you are physically...
I tried this too! I dont remember all of them, but one was really, really.. unlikely.. yet it happened.
I was playing world of warcraft mmo game, and someone i knew for years who i was a friend with, then had a falling out, but kept added to friends, came online. Hadn't spoken properly for.. 6 years or so.
Whats odd about this is.. I was literally looking at their name on my friends list, and as I thought about the person, were talking 2-5 secs max of thinking about them, the person comes online! Like imagine looking at someones name (offline) and while thinking of them they appear differently and now online! It was like I made the friend come online by thought. It was so weird yet cool and awkward too haha. And even more weird, the person logged onto their character, then went offline within a minute. Why? Because we also have each other added on discord, and my discord showed I was online in the game. So, I put 2 + 2, that the old friend came onilne to take a peek at me being online. Were talking dead at night time late too. But its like because the friend was thinking about me, now I was suddenly thinking about the friend. Like two minds getting closer to each other so suddenly and almost colliding and then going away from each other again immediately. Like a near crash course but both aware of each other.
awareness is the essence of what we're talking about... and yes... there is life... an organisation of matter in a pattern .. the physical purpose of which is to preserve that pattern as long as possible in a universe that otherwise tends things to higher states of disorder... that's life.... but also the fact this arrangement of matter is aware means there is some underlying property of the universe centred around awareness... and it is something to do with information... and interpretation... to do with meaning... and context... that is the awareness... and the answer will be at the quantum level... we know that information cannot be destroyed... but we also know something at that level is undefined unless it is observed... science hasn't mastered this yet... it hasnt really explored it properly.. Partly because its so hard to quantify. So, following on from this... if so... then it is likely computers in their own way are aware... not like us... nothing like us.... but any system that is built with purpose.. meaning .. and can interpret information... and is responsive, is aware at some level... so a computer for example.. similar level to a single cell organism. But I'll take it to the next level... its quite likely we have collective awareness too... through our interactions... exchanges of information and collective behaviours.... but the distortion of brain chem can mimic any type of experience that can be experienced in human consciousness and even some that otherwise couldnt.. therefore cannot be trusted... in order to prove that someone had an experience not of the body... they would need to know things that they could never have known.. Otherwise.
no... i dont think if there is any activity in the brain... any at all.. or if cells are still ticking and chem reactions are occurring... that's not death; death is when life ends... cells are just a bunch of chemicals slowing breaking down.. ; as long as the brain is firing.. then it is possible to have some kind of experience in the biological sense without it being some great mystery.. unless like i say... someone gleans some information during this experience they shouldnt know... like... an event occurring in another place.. etc
if you want to know what we are... we are not the body... we are not the cells.. we're not the nerves.. we are merely the exchange of information... the interpretation and the meaning of that information... the significance and purpose of those processes. If a system could be built that mimicked 100% all the information process and exchange of a human.. and it was based on something else... it would be a human being... as far as I can see... and you'll note that although the body is still fully functional otherwise.. once that information process is disturbed... either by sleep or a drug such as general anaesthetic... then awareness is gone... is there a means for that to be carried on separately from the body? Maybe.... its certainly a strange universe...
Wait, animals have thoughts and feelings.
They most certainly do and we treat them so badly.
@@tim59ism it's time for a vegan world
good video
It's quite weird that it can disappear the return the same
If consciousness exists after physical death where was our consciousness before we were born
Do not ask too things you gonna know that when you die
No conclusive findings (AWARE-II study) of an Afterlife, nonetheless, yet. For the time being, it's all in the brain/mind and is based on ones cognition, perception and emotions, per se. An innate coping mechanism and part of the Human Condition. Fascinating phenomenon. 🧠 🌌
This is amazing. So heart and brain death doesn’t equate cellular apoptosis? So then the whole definition of death needs to include cellular death as well?
Just learning about NDEs and it’s completely changing how I fear death so much.
It terrifies me. The more I research the more I think there is nothing that awaits and it’s just a chemical imbalance like DMT. Even people who can astral project say it’s hallucinations.
Here's the thing, the brain's neurons/synapses fire at a speed, which is too slow for it being capable to process/react/simulate consciousness we have.
There is likely something after death, personally I believe in things like telepathy although it's a very faint effect, but it's either communication brain to brain, or the consciousness is interconnected to others and resides somewhere else than the physical world, the brain is just there to interpret and process the physical world and acts as a transmitter/receiver.
And if there's nothing after death, nothing to be afraid of, it's like if you went to sleep and had no dreams, you won't realize you don't exist because you don't.
@@benji-5796maybe take comfort in the fact that no one knows and humans are very limited in knowledge
@@benji-5796maybe take comfort in the fact that no one knows and humans are very limited in knowledge
@@benji-5796 "It terrifies me. The more I research the more I think there is nothing that awaits and it’s just a chemical imbalance like DMT. Even people who can astral project say it’s hallucinations."
Why is nothing awaiting you so terrifying?
We really do live on its gonna be amazing jorney
No one can prove there isnt an after life thats impossible
4 minutes in and I still think that baldy is trying to make his point...which appears to not even have a resolution at the end of the video
He made a lot of points that clearly went over your hairy head.
I think it's something to do with fractal geometry, during the dying process we get our life reviews, than everything folds back into time when we are born but don't keep our memories with us they are locked away for good but we are born again without knowing who we were before.
yes and no from what ive read/heard/experienced myself. I believe though if you really want this, your soul, then it happens, sure. But from what ive understood: life review, with/without loved ones, but very likely meeting them again. Free choice to stay there as immortal and do what immortals do or go back into this simulation and challenging game called life. Likely to other realities and dimensions too if you so want other earths etc.
@@croissantlover1that makes no sense
What about temporal lobe epilepsy and seizure activity? Ecstatic seizures and stuff. There’s a lot not known about epilepsy but I wonder if the electrical storms in the right part of the brain can cause a NDE or obe
3;15 your brain cells generate some thoughts through neurons and receptors ...hunger pain sad happy etc are responses to data transmitted from nerve to nerve until it reaches the brain...yet someone who is amputee still has phantom feelings where there are no limbs....maybe the thoughts/ideas of self can be found in understanding why we have sensation/sense beyond our physical... like we know a bat uses sonar to locate, we do that too in a way from accessing memory we easily know where we are in relation to other...I love what your doing Dr Parnia...thank you so much
Great dc
on my travels i found my self in Sweden looking up a couple I,d met on a Greek ferry .They invited me to stay for a few days and they would show me the sights ,,,,During a discussion with the wife who I will call Marie she mentioned that she had a daughter aged 14 who I might not meet although she would be around the property but had no time for strangers,,,.On wandering on to the verandah that afternoon I bumped into this young lady and we exchanged pleasantries but gradually got into converstion about all sorts of subjects,, from that moment we became inseperable ,...Marie suggested that Gretch take me to her favorite beach so we cycled about 2 km and sat in a little cove covered in small pebbles and Gretch sat in a yoga stance ,and I thought here goes I was warned about this as several times I tried to get up but she,grabbed my hand but after 20 minutes she was laughing and joking and we fell intto each others hands .I thought this cant go anywhere with me being 40 yrs old and mentioned it,but she put her finger on my lips and said we have known each other in another life
the next morning at breafast she sat close to me on the table grabbed a roll and added all the things I liked and handed it to me and her cousin at the end of the table said ""just look at that old married couple..""..Marie thanked me when I was leaving expressing a great releif that I had changed Gretch for the best, In a quiet time Gretch was very upset as she argued that we were meant for each other and had known each other before ,I promised to return ,I didnt and I discover after 40 years later she never married ,I know we had loved somewhere in the past
Not sure how he can dismiss connections between people's consciousness at some higher level when he has no idea what consciousness is.
Well.. you have to start somewhere?
It could be that we are Consciousness Beings, and that Perception In Consciousness is axiomatic to Consciousness, and that our bodies, brains, neurons, protons, and quarks are manifestations within that Perception In Consciousness, and that therefore, physicality and interaction in a material experience is Perception In Consciousness.
Got Consciousness?
It's ALL you have.
You do not physically exist.
You cannot physically die.
You transition to another Perception In Consciousness.
You've done this before. Many times.
All of your experience adds back to the Whole. Without you, the Whole is incomplete. This is why you have value, why you are an essential part of the Whole.
We exist in a Consciousness Singularity, the Primary Consciousness. We are partitioned bits of Primary Consciousness with our own separate self-awareness, interacting with Primary Consciousness in symbiosis. We are of, by, and within Primary Consciousness, holographically and fractally identical to Primary Consciousness, with the mission to experience what we can and share back the Whole in endless interplay.
Choose well the roles you play.
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are
deep psychic, conscious, semi-
conscious, or recollected
experiences of someone who is
approaching or has temporarily
begun the ... Mar 31, 2023
a systematic analysis of case
reports and qualitative research -...
who are clinically dead are
psychopathological symptoms
caused by a severe malfunction of
the brain resulting from the
cessation of cerebral blood
Near-death experience - Wikipedia
Drugs as anesthesia's do marvelous things to the brain. Even the human body produces chemicals to alter ones mood. Unfortunately when you are dead all the electrical activity in the brain stops. Has anyone weighed a "SOUL". I don't think so Olie 🤣👀.
Has anyone weighed particles and energy?
How about love and emotion?
I drowned in 1991. This is real.
If one experiences things that other people didn't experience themselves, it is hardly understandable to them. If one had for example near death experiences and has auditory and/or visual hallucination - other people would say it is mental disorder or some sort of schizophrenia. I think it is very small minded if people name a near death experience a mental disorder. And i do have an Amnesia. But what i can remember in, are these "Hallucinations". People could now explain it with something that the brain made up. So, people are basically trying to explain something they haven't seen and not experienced, to someone who has. And they explain you this with that it's not real. How do they want to know what's real and what not. I would say though, that it is not made up from the brain, and there are other entities. Specifically 1 entity that is important. I could animate it, theoretically, once i feel a bit better, or i could also make paintings that would show what i have seen, or both, and probably brain implants are available in several years.
I have to tell you this.
I had a real-life vision experience, it's the only way to describe it. It wasn't a dream nor was it a nightmare, more like a twilight present moment, it was vivid and unforgettable. I was in bed and how It started was, at least what sounded like 1000 heavy footsteps marching heavily up the stairs and come into my room and they were sweeping with brooms, I never saw them. I felt everything was been swept away and I felt a presence get into the bed with me and push me down through the ground and went running down an underground tunnel.
The first stop I experienced was, in front of me a massive pair of black curtains and when they were pulled open I saw a massive round circle and inside this circle, { Earth } was millions of human Beings, suffering in anguish, I was then shown black and white portraits of evil-looking men, they went flying past me, I felt I was been pushed further down this tunnel and it was scary, It was then I called out "Jesus help me" and at that, I was instantly taken out and saved, thank you, Jesus. All this on the first few days of Covid lockdowns in 2020. Please take from this message as you please for I have received it loud and clear... Jesus Christ saved me from this evil outcome that is upon us. He will save you. All you have to do is call out his mighty name.
My take on this experience.
I have physically shaken up from this experience for a long time afterwards, it took me a long time to come to terms with it. When I got the chance to study my experience I knew it was a spiritual awakening to the evil upon us. The Black curtains represent your government is lying to you, the heavy footsteps and the sweeping represent a forceful heavy hand in implementing these restrictions and Australia is proof of this, and the earth and the people in anguish are what the people are going to go through in the not to distance future. Also, it felt like I had no control over it and was forced into it against my will which some governments are trying to do with these vaccines. Jesus is the only way out of this evil, pray for people, pray, for I believe we are in the end times for humanity for we will no longer be human and God-like if these evil beings have their way.
This Earth is entrapped with complete negative evil control and Jesus Christ is the only way out.
Was your consience being cleaned after you knew you were...? Mine was recalled by me then I stood form.
So this technically wasn't an NDE then? More like a vision during sleep?
Thank you.
@@apreviousseagle836 But I was not asleep. I had just woken up, I knew I was awake before it happened. It was like instantly two different realities from one place "my bedroom" and then taken to where I was shown. Over three years has passed and I remember it just as well as yesterday and also dreams have no sound.
@@daviewall-ht6uu Honestly, at the time I was just glad to be back in my bedroom. As time went on I came to a conclusion on why it happen as I explained in my post. Since then I have become a lot more aware of what is going on around us and honestly its book of revealations time chapter by chapter playing out in front of us. Pray my fellow people.
I wanna know why nde is different for everyone
“We each see, what we need to see”.
You have to Explain how NDE Experiencers Have Learned--in the middle of their NDE Experiences--that other family members have died! (Even Dr Bruce Greyson has an Anecdote of one such an Occurance!)
You also have to Explain how NDE Experiencers have learned what Other Surgeries are in progress in other Operating Rooms while The Experiencer him-- or herself is under General Anesthesia and in the middle of being operated on, him-- or herself!
Or how an NDE Experiencer knows what is going on several Rooms and/or Floors away from her- or himself...
Or even on The Other Side of The Planet Earth!
Yes: "Seriously!"
Let's say we compare the brain with a computer.
Sam Parnia says that you do not find toughts in a brain cell (basic component of a brain).
However you will also not find a computer program in the copper or lead,... (basic components of a computer)...
Though the computer is able to produce and run complex computer programs.
Curious to hear someone thoughts about this anology.
Sounds interesting but I am missing the point, can you clarify for me please?
Ive had Two near death experiences and I'm not going to go into detail on what I saw because it was beyond words but there is like after death and if anybody wants my actual story which is beyond any story of near-death experience I have heard about just let me know
There are some similarities among NDE's but there are also quite a lot of differences ....often depending on culture, I've watched dozens of them and no two accounts actually describe the same experience. Those of a religious persuasion usually are desperately wanting these to verify their own belief systems, but its often reported that the NDE's of hindus , muslims and christians are quite different , even non believers NDE's usually mirror the predominant religion of their culture. What is more interesting are the out of body experiences , as people can relate what went on even then they were unconscious.
You're right about the cultural aspect, which more or less proves it's a brain phenomena since different brains have learnt different things through life, your religion for example.
Regarding OBEs and that people can relate "what went on", these are only anecdotes. These accounts or results are NEVER produced in a real study with proper scientific controls. They've tried many times through the decades and no one has ever recounted the correct information (including in Sam Parnia's latest study in the video), for example symbols that were placed faced upwards near the ceiling.
I expect I'll become slightly less interested in the results of football matches.
With World Cup being a possible exception?
When you become spiritually awakened you lose your interest in football so I can imagine once you go to heaven it's the same. There are so many more important things to do like loving and taking care of people
@@Nola50 but we are loving footballers, and certainly they need taking care of given all the thrashing about the pitch they do. Perhaps "in heaven" all the games are split squad and we're all on the same team?
When did this interview take place?
A day or two ago.
@@tim59ism cool!! I saw it was posted a day or two ago but wasn’t sure when the actual interview took place.
I don’t imagine this can apply to someone with end stage dementia who has lost their identity
Yes it can, it's called "Terminal lucidity"
@@Tmuk2 haha
@@Tmuk2 This is insane... How is this not talked about more?
@@saint4985 Beats me! I suppose it just feels at odds with our materialistic view of reality. But the more you look into it, the more compelling it becomes.
Read up on surge of death where just before dying people have become normal people with dementia start talking remembering normal people who are paralysed never moved have gone ok sat up a day before my dad passed away he went totally normal we thought he was healed by a miracle but next day he passed and I learnt its normal called surge of death
Thannos TV EN Channel is a good source of NDE testimonies
Who knows but in future trials like Elon Musk's Neuralink success in brain chip implant may tell us the brain network in the last stage?...although there are still ethical questions to be answered.
If doctor describes consciousness as a separate entity that says to me its a description of a soul i’m not a religious person either but a definition of a soul is a immaterial thing of a human and its not like You can’t pick up your conscious like you can look at cells as a physical thing.
The doctor was just saying what any undergraduate philosophy student could tell you. You either believe that you are your brain, your mind emanating from it. Or you believe that you are a spirit, which houses the mind. If you take the second view, then you have the "mind-body problem" to contend with - how does the mind/spirit interact with the body and vice versa. If interested check out the terms "monism" and "dualism".
Then the doctor said a few things that any undergraduate medical/biology/psychology student could tell you. Death used to mean when you stopped breathing or when your heart stopped. But now people are brought back from those situations. So death now means when you are brain dead. There is no coming back from death. By definition. The doctor trying to update the definition is ridiculous.
Interactions with Brain cells, nervous system, neuro transmitters, consciousness, and subconsciousness.
That’s not a grammatically complete sentence. Are you just making a shopping list?
The first problem is the establishment philosophy of atheism and it’s religion of Darwin. If a scientist challenges this materialistic world view they are labeled a quack or a religious zealot and discounted and treated with disrespect. This atheistic philosophy can’t acknowledge the potential existence of a world beyond the physical material world. Yet discoveries in quantum physics may challenge this orthodoxy.
It goes back hundreds of years to the split between the church and early science. You study that (the physical) and leave the metaphysics to us (the churches). The early scientists were not materialists but as science advanced, they didn't just refrain from interfering in metaphysics, they rejected it altogether as feeble minded superstition, which eventually turned into the all pervasive dogma we have today, which dominates academia. That is why many academic materialists (in mainstream science) have tried to write these experiences off as brain based pathological hallucinations or drug induced delusions etc. They're not and the evidence supporting that is already very persuasive but because of what is at stake here, it's not quite enough to sway the debate once and for all. Having said that, we musn't deny that science has been wonderful, but it's also kind of ironic that it's science itself (resuscitation science) that has accidentally 'dug up' the soul it thought it had buried.
@@tim59ism those are good thoughts. My issue with Darwainism is that it has all the processes of a religion, and it’s priests are dogmatic about it. They have a genesis story with starts with an abiotic environment and from that a biological environment randomly evolves. But there is absolutely no scientific evidence this happened in prehistoric earth. They adhere to an experiment conducted in 1954 in which amino acids we’re supposedly created from abiotic chemical reaction. The problem is they make the stuff from scratch with the chemical available at the time. It baloney to justify their false religion of Darwin. Yet it’s taught in schools that must adhere to the separation of church and state as a theory when intelligent design is not allowed to be taught. In reality we don’t know much of what physics really exist in the universe. We need a more open system.
@@brucekliewer2623 Thank you ! I agree that reductionist materialism and Darwinism have become something of a religion of their own. How much of evolution is true (some must be) we can only wonder as it doesn't seem to 'stack up', but of course, try telling that to Jerry Coyne. I believe there is an intelligence behind the universe and I think the evidence that mind does not equal brain is enormous and compelling. We do need additions to science now but it's going to be just as hard to do that as getting rid of the dogma of Marxism in some respects. A lot of academics have built glittering careers on the false premise that the universe is made up entirely of different sized particles and nothing more. They don't want to hear anything else, it makes them ill.
If you think atheism or Darwinian thinking is a religion, you probably need to read more about all three.
@@G_Demolished It's a religion in the broadest sense of the term. Some beliefs held by scientists have become sacred and unchallengable, just like religion in the strict sense of the word. And to challenge such beliefs is considered heresy, which results in expulsion from the church or expulsion from academia.
How do you know it's real ?? That's the ultimate question
The thing about single brain cells, and questioning the ability for a single cell to produce thought, is one of the dubmest things I've ever heard.
It is like he/they cannot phathom the concept of the sum being composed of its parts. And each part not having the ability of the end result.
We do not die. our body dies, but we are not our body. It's not a belief, it's my conclusion after many years of studying consciousness. Main stream science is materialistic and takes wrong assumption (our brain creates our consciousness, which is a belief or a hypothesis and absolutely not a scientifically proven fact) and do not consider testimonies (what people say is not valid, only what formula or repeatable observations are valid) but the fact is that these testimonies are SO numerous and consistent from one to another and in different kind of experiences (NDEs, OBEs, shared DEs, past lives testimonies, mediumship, psychedelic experiences, terminal lucidity and many others... they are all saying the same things, they are all consistent with the "we are not our body" theory. Hopefully many scientists start now to investigate and change their approach to a wider science (see post materialistic science).
My they is that we are our mental state that is a combination between our brains electrical waves "brain signals"and our DNA and if we put these to together we can come back to life but everything are just theories probably our brains electric signals affect directly our dna and as conclusion our dna may eventually hold our mental state and not just physical if my theory is valid and from the moment dna takes many years to evaporation maybe our resurrections are possible but maybe there just infinity possibilities that wait for the future generations to discover them science progress is slow