things Christians need to STOP saying. | Alex Wilson

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @KeKe4Christ
    @KeKe4Christ 3 года назад +1256

    I don’t care who dislikes me saying “God is good all the time” I’m still gonna keep saying it. God has delivered me from SO MUCH and I owe Him my life. I dedicate my life to Him, I truly am trying to live for God.

    • @LovelyKelly645
      @LovelyKelly645 3 года назад +87

      Why would that even be a problem?? Like God is a good God always, so why shouldn't we say that?

    • @messniaaciarg2410
      @messniaaciarg2410 3 года назад +27

      God died on cross for us to be free of sin. You probably heard that a lot.. but the message has a (deeper meaning) hell was created for devil and demons but we fell into sin of our sinful nature and if we die in sin we go to hell as a punishment. Now God isn’t being unfair, it’s a punishment for our DEEDS not God, plus how can He be unfair and unloving if HE Chose to give us another chance and gave us the best gift of ETERNAL LIFE. Notice how I said ~Chose~ not because He had to but because HE CHOSE TO. He didn’t choose to save devil or demons but for you. HE LOVES US THAT MUCH! He is our GOD and Jesus is coming soon!!!☦️✝️😊

    • @kackareznickova5431
      @kackareznickova5431 3 года назад +20

      Did you even watch the video?

    • @isopoika256
      @isopoika256 3 года назад +52

      @@messniaaciarg2410 It isn’t that simple. If I sin today, that doesn’t mean I’m not saved, and if I don’t sin tomorrow, that doesn’t mean anything either. We can’t live sin-free life, that’s why JESUS died on the cross. Repenting and faith in Jesus is what it takes.

    • @raheemcamal998
      @raheemcamal998 3 года назад +1

      @@messniaaciarg2410 amen

  • @alertsleep214
    @alertsleep214 3 года назад +1491

    Can someone pray for me? I feel like I'm drifting away from God and I feel disconnected :(
    UPDATE: I first off want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ and you guys for helping me and guiding me! I felt the strong presence of the Holy Spirit and it told me to go outside and pray. I prayed my heart out and was on fire for God while asking for humility, wisdom, and courage. I thank every single one of you. I love you all and I hope God rewards you for your amazing deeds! God bless! 🖤🦋

    • @sd6212
      @sd6212 3 года назад +70

      Whenever I drift away and feel disconnected, i look at the cross, the finish work of my saviour, my first love, the one who gave it all. I look at the gospel and fall in love again!
      Read this:
      my love don’t be scared of hell if you are a child of God („There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.“
      - ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
      if you REPENT (= change your mind - about what? Gods existence & your sinfulness, since „The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.“-Psalm 14:1 NKJV (and all humanity is corrupt (10), does not seek God (11) and do abominable works (12) (Romans 3:10-12).) Repent!🤍
      You don’t have to fear anything if you then BELIEVE in the TRUE GOSPEL. = Jesus Christ, Son of God, God in the flesh, fully God and fully man with no sin came down to earth to pay the penalty of our sins as the perfect sacrifice for the sins we committed based on the grace of God which has been given to us (Eph 2:8-9) (Romans 5:15)
      Jesus sacrifice was sufficient (Heb 10:10)
      Jesus Christ shedding his blood was enough for the forgiveness of our sins (Eph 1:7) (we are now righteous in the eyes of God through faith (2Cor 5:21; Rom 5:1)
      he put the death our sinful nature on the cross (Romans 6:6) so that our sinful nature does not have any dominion over us anymore! (Romans 6:6,7,14) Jesus died on the cross but in Christ Jesus we are one in him („For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,“
      - ‭‭Romans 6:5 NKJV) So Christ’s death is also our death and his resurrection is our resurrection!
      Due to our righteousness in God holiness (the progress of becoming holy, set part, becoming more like Christ in thinking and behaviour) comes as a result (Romans 6:22).
      For that reason we now have the Holy Spirit inside of us who will make us Holy (1Pet 1:2).
      You will know that you have the Holy Spirit by his fruit: „But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.“
      - ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:22-23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      And the end of our life on this earth (whether it through normal death or Christ rapturing us) we will be glorified (Romans 8:29). That will completely our salvation
      Note this:
      JUSTIFICATION = Through Christ we ARE SAVED from the penalty (= wrath of God (Romans 1:18) of our sinS (= the actions which results of our sinful nature)
      SANCTIFICATION = Through Christ we are now BEING SAVED from our siN (our sinful nature which has now been put to death, it has no power over us anymore and we don’t have to fulfill the list of the flesh in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:16)) THIS IS TRUE FREEDOM!!!
      GLORIFICATION = We WILL BE SAVED from the presence of our sin (in heaven we will be free from our sinful nature and we will have new, perfect & glorified bodies (1Cor 15:42-44), (Phil 3:20-21)!
      This is true salvation!
      By Grace alone (Eph 2:8-9)
      Through faith alone (Rom 1:17, 4:5)
      In Christ alone (Heb 10:10)
      Revealed in the Holy Scripture ( Rom 10:17)
      For the Glory of God alone (Eph 1:6)
      My brother, Read 1John and you’ll see that everything written was for you TO KNOW that you are saved! „These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.“
      - ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      There is assurance in your salvation!
      According to 1John You know you are his when
      1. Believe in the Deity of Christ (1John 1-2; Jesus being the word of God ( and the word of God being God himself (John 1:1) and him becoming flesh (John 1:14) and the existence of sin (1John 1:8)
      2. You are obedient towards Gods commandments (2:3; since this is our love shown towards God that we keep his Commandments (5:3) and to love God above all else is the greatest commandment (Matt 22:37))
      3. You believe in Christ Jesus as your only hope in your salvation (3:23)
      4. You love your brother (4:8,11; because loving your brother is the evidence of Gods love inside of you (4:7)❤️)
      5. You hate and flee from sin (5:18)
      My brother in Christ put your hope in Christ Jesus and nothing shall happen to you.
      Do not partake in anything evil and know that you are crucified with Christ (Gal 2:20) and you don’t have to obey your fleshly desires because in Christ you have overcome the world since Jesus is greater than the one in the world! (1John 5:4)
      Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh (Gal 5:16).
      Pray so may not fall into temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matt 26:41)
      Know that in every temptation God has provided a way out (1Cor 10:13) so you may not have to give into!
      But also know that if you have sinned and confessed it to God, God is faithful to forgive and cleanse you from all of your trespasses (1John 1:9).
      So if you sin, don’t fear condemnation (there is none if you are in Christ - Rom 8:1) but go to your father in heaven and confess it ( which means to agree with him, that the sin you committed is bad and evil; confession is not just an apology but more of a repentant heart posture to admit that you are a sinner and need mercy and grace of God in that particular case❤️)
      I would highly encourage you to look up the scriptures and facts I’ve shared so you may know the truth by yourself. Also anyone reading this, if I made an mistake please correct me❤️ God bless you and I will pray for you❤️❤️

    • @ryancheah9357
      @ryancheah9357 3 года назад +24

      I will keep you in my prayers, I've been there before man, what I did I just kept on reading my word, praying and talking to God, and as I kept on doing that I realized I was getting more focused on the Lord. I would also ask in prayer to help you stay focused on God and his word because I know that really helped me, but I don't know your exact situation. If you are comfortable with sharing why you feel that way, I would love to hear! God bless! Also I have felt disconnected to God because I was watching all these people doing things that I haven't and I was comparing myself to them when I should've just focused on what God says and how God views me!

    • @ALYSSA-xz3ur
      @ALYSSA-xz3ur 3 года назад +21

      Sometimes when we feel disconnected we have remember that no matter how far we run, God is always near. ( Psalm 139:7-9) I know it’s really hard to get back on track when you feel like that and it may take some time but remember that nothing can or will separate us from the love of God. Even though you may feel this away try to keep reading your Bible and talking to God.

    • @m7rpho
      @m7rpho 3 года назад +15

      when i feel disconnected, i listen to gospel music to get me excited about God!! maybe read your bible after or during! or even pray about it! sending you love and hugs

    • @s-melody2510
      @s-melody2510 3 года назад +12

      Whenever I feel disconnected, I remind myself of God’s word, and how he says he would never leave us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Remember friend, Faith over feeling. If you know you’ve been spending time with God, getting deeper into his word, talking to him more, exercising and strengthening your Faith, then you would definitely feel him. But when they time comes when you feel like he’s not there, remember the verse I mentioned. (Deuteronomy 31:6) I feel the same way sometimes. Just because you don’t feel him, doesn’t mean he isn’t there. If you want to talk more, I wouldn’t mind :)

  • @WeLoveAshleigh
    @WeLoveAshleigh 3 года назад +868

    “Christ was treated like a sinner so that we could be treated like Christ” wow. 🔥🔥 That hit different.

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 года назад +55

      The Bible actually said that: he made him who had no sin to be sin for us that we might be declared the righteousness of God

    • @stephp.3228
      @stephp.3228 3 года назад +6

      For real

    • @DrKeziahSabu
      @DrKeziahSabu 3 года назад +6


    • @paperplate1355
      @paperplate1355 3 года назад +6

      I know! That was amazing

    • @ampships164
      @ampships164 3 года назад +3

      I wish people treated the Lords Son, Jesus better.

  • @KiLLJOY1056
    @KiLLJOY1056 3 года назад +478

    Instead of saying “ill pray for you” and walking away, we can actually stop and pray for that person right there in the moment. A prayer can take 2 minites.

    • @ManonFerrer
      @ManonFerrer 2 года назад +8


    • @peaceinchrist1492
      @peaceinchrist1492 2 года назад +7

      So true. I try to do it immediately, whether aloud or in my head. I'm not always consistent though.

    • @kgiselle19
      @kgiselle19 2 года назад

      yes!! everyone forgets to pray when they postpone it.

  • @introvish
    @introvish 3 года назад +500

    I talk to God like that invisible friend u imagine is right next to u. I even laugh with him. It's crazy, but that's my favorite part of the day. Refreshing.

    • @nivearoper989
      @nivearoper989 3 года назад +34

      If that's crazy then I am crazy too😌

    • @Fluffy-777
      @Fluffy-777 3 года назад +13

      Samezies 😅

    • @aniyag2075
      @aniyag2075 3 года назад +8

      Yesss I do the exact same thing :)

    • @DrKeziahSabu
      @DrKeziahSabu 3 года назад +14

      Wow same here 😅 the feeling that you get after talking to Him is just indescribable 🌌💓

    • @emieestere8054
      @emieestere8054 3 года назад +6

      I m.dancing with the Lord too
      So much joy in thise times ❤️❤️❤️

  • @IPraise22
    @IPraise22 3 года назад +430

    “God I just want you to flex on these people” had me dying 😂 I wonder if people really talk like this

    • @Ifeomaaaa.a
      @Ifeomaaaa.a 3 года назад +4


    • @polarbear8440
      @polarbear8440 3 года назад +33

      Don’t say had me dying either!! Your tongue holds a lot of power. God created the world with his tongue using words as well

    • @oluchiomeife4537
      @oluchiomeife4537 3 года назад +1

      I do hehe

    • @IPraise22
      @IPraise22 3 года назад +51

      @@polarbear8440 it had my flesh dying😉 Jesus keeps my spirit alive

    • @orangesandapples1451
      @orangesandapples1451 3 года назад +3

      What does that even mean what is God flexing

  • @janeikawebb7324
    @janeikawebb7324 3 года назад +131

    Rain falling : *the aesthetic vibe that God is giving off*

    • @deandreofficial
      @deandreofficial 3 года назад +12

      You discovered my favorite part of the video!

    • @ydjda.2634
      @ydjda.2634 3 года назад +2

      @@deandreofficial right

  • @yesteryearr
    @yesteryearr 3 года назад +499

    Honestly, this kind of language did affect the way I looked at other Christians. Many times when I just wanted someone to talk to about something I was dealing with , someone would use this sort of language with me. I don't really know how to describe how I felt about it... other than just awkward. I didn't want them to talk to me like they were the middleman between me and God but just as another human who might have some advice or wisdom to share. Overtime I thought "Is every Christian like this..?" and at some points in my life I just felt maybe it's better to walk this faith journey alone because I don't feel like I can relate to those kinds of people. But, I know better now. Community is important and we can bring each other up when we are struggling, even if we don't necessarily talk the same or "walk the same".

    • @EvangelistAidan
      @EvangelistAidan 3 года назад +40

      Hebrews 10:25 don't forsake the assembly of ourselves; fellowship is important to mature in the faith. Also try not to compare yourselves to other people because that can really stumble you in your walk with Christ, I used to do the same.

    • @Mary-dk7mc
      @Mary-dk7mc 3 года назад +20

      Great, love the mature conclusion you came to in the end

    • @AndreaDiaz-rc3iy
      @AndreaDiaz-rc3iy 3 года назад +7

      @@EvangelistAidan Sameee, Just be yourself with God, find your own ways to communicate with him :)

    • @lorenzowilliams2236
      @lorenzowilliams2236 3 года назад


    • @matthewharwell2408
      @matthewharwell2408 3 года назад +2

      I agree I am lowkey feeling like that now

  • @johnsoto7414
    @johnsoto7414 3 года назад +201

    GOD TOLD ME to stop smoking weed. I was hardening my heart like pharoh and he started sending little plagues into my life. I chose to listen to my heavenly father and the plagues ceased, instantly. It's like the more willing i am to hear his voice, the louder it becomes. What do you think??

    • @limo9402
      @limo9402 3 года назад +11

      That's good brother you are doing the right thing

    • @sanchia7836
      @sanchia7836 3 года назад +20

      Yo it doesn't matter what people think if god told you then you're on the right path! It's according to scripture too that anything that gets in between you and God should be removed from ur life 🎉

    • @raneanubis
      @raneanubis 3 года назад +11

      That's awesome dude! If God is telling you to do something, do it boldly and you'll see the fruits. You know what's interesting about what you said? I highly doubt God brought plagues into your life, but rather the consequences of doing things that we're told not to do brought destruction into your life. Weed can be a spiritual gateway into your mind, i've seen it affect people from as minor as low productivity to full on schizophrenia, and neither is what God wants for you.

    • @honeyoyinfalola6870
      @honeyoyinfalola6870 3 года назад +3

      Wow congrats John God bless you isn’t this God amazing

    • @joelthanhledelgado9565
      @joelthanhledelgado9565 3 года назад +6

      God told me the same thing, I used to be a heavy pot smoker and I’m grateful that I no longer get high or drunk. For the Bible says to be sober and vigilant and watch.
      I’m so happy for you and others who have fled away from the things of this world

  • @dreywey
    @dreywey 3 года назад +329

    I just can’t when people say daddy God. Maybe it’s cuz I never grew up with a father and never experienced calling my dad “daddy” but my interpretation of daddy is sexual and I can confirm that this is how the majority of the youth perceive the word daddy. The Bible says “abba, father”. I’ll just leave it at that. Everyone has their own walk with the Lord.

    • @fay6397
      @fay6397 3 года назад +34

      i agree any time my youth leaders say stuff like that I just cant take the prayer seriously. It just feels so iky.

    • @harrykellett2061
      @harrykellett2061 3 года назад +76

      Hey bro, this is a little bit of a long one but I hope you give it a chance
      You said it yourself brother.
      Your interpretation of the word daddy is sexual.
      There's nothing inherently wrong with the word daddy, just your Interpretation of it.
      Look at the way little boys talk to their father, they call them daddy, why? Because it's an intimate form of language. So if God is my Father, can I not come to him as a child and be intimate with him calling him daddy?
      My interpretation of the word daddy isn't sexual, why? Because it's not, people who don't know Jesus might use it sexually, that doesn't mean that I have to let what other people define what a word means.
      People in the world use 'Jesus Christ', as a swear word, but what they do with a word, doesn't determine what it means.
      I didn't grow up with a father, he left when I was 2.
      There is something so special and intimate about being able to approach your heavenly Father, and actually believe that he loves you like a Father loves his child.
      In different environments different words can be used.
      I'm not gonna refer to God as daddy if I'm out evangelising.
      But if I'm in my room, and I'm meeting with him, why shouldn't I trust in him and be intimate with him and show that intimacy through my words.
      They are just words brother, hope you give this thought a chance.

    • @eileen66
      @eileen66 3 года назад +39

      I call God “daddy “ by accident when speaking to Him and I guarantee you it wasn’t sexual. And yes I have a dad who I call daddy even tho I’m 23

    • @harrykellett2061
      @harrykellett2061 3 года назад +29

      @@jojotoosmooth8913 why is it weird? By what definition?
      If a little boy called his Father, 'daddy', would you also say that's weird?
      If you're born again the bible clearly states we are children of God.
      What's the difference if I called my earthly father daddy, and if I called my heavenly Father daddy?
      There is no difference, unless you have a stipulation on the word, 'daddy', if that's the case, then it's the way you relate to the word that is wrong, the word isn't wrong in it's nature.

    • @user-ly4gn5ml3j
      @user-ly4gn5ml3j 3 года назад +10

      the majority of youth don’t perceive the word daddy that way

  • @astudent9760
    @astudent9760 3 года назад +93

    *" Jesus was treated like a sinner yet he is Christ but we are treated like Christ yet we are the sinners"* Let those words sink in and reflect on them because they hit me hard

  • @NinaR478
    @NinaR478 3 года назад +161

    My youth pastor always started prayer with “daddy God” she had the most sweet and calming voice and prayers. I smile every time I hear it ngl. Takes me back to such a pure time in my life.

    • @virginiasanchez4614
      @virginiasanchez4614 3 года назад +42

      That is sweet but I hope she is not a pastor. Women can't be pastors. They can teach to their children and women but not above men. I know it sounds rude but Paul said that is not to be. Sorry I dont mean to sound rude but we all have follow God word.

    • @imtmvm9107
      @imtmvm9107 3 года назад +1

      @@virginiasanchez4614 rightt :)

    • @niandracurl1184
      @niandracurl1184 3 года назад

      @@virginiasanchez4614 Do you know what verse it is? Just want to understand it properly.

    • @virginiasanchez4614
      @virginiasanchez4614 3 года назад +6

      @@niandracurl1184 1 Timothy 2:11-14
      1 Corinthians 14: 32-35.

    • @nataliecates7800
      @nataliecates7800 3 года назад +21

      @@virginiasanchez4614 it's not that women can't be pastors & 1 Corinthians is not the only book to take into account for this matter. Women can be leaders, pastors, can be called by God to lead in a church, but from what I understand is it's a matter of not being a senior pastor in the church. Churches don't always have just one pastor, but sometimes multiple. It always is & probably always will be a controversial topic, but if a woman is called by the Lord to lead in a church, then she is to lead in that church. Also, look at the history of the time Paul was speaking, women did not have many rights, either, at that time. So we could also argue that it just wasn't appropriate for women to lead a church at that time, now days, we have many female leaders in all aspects of life, we almost even had a female president. But reguardless, a woman can very much have the calling of a pastor, but it's not biblical for a woman to lead over a man, therefore, the head pastor should be a male. I am still looking into this matter, too, but this is what I have came across in my understanding of it. So I also encourage you to also keep looking into what the Bible says about it. Also, if the woman pastoring is speaking in accordance to the Word of God, then there honestly isn't much of an issue. The main issue would be, is what they are speaking lining up with the Word of God or not? Not a matter of if a woman is to be a pastor or not, as yes, that is important, but rather not as important as is she properly spreading the Word.

  • @paiger6058
    @paiger6058 3 года назад +5

    I don’t like hearing people say God doesn’t give you things you can’t handle. He gives things we can’t handle all the time. He never puts us through things that HE can’t handle.

    • @nicolefisher8124
      @nicolefisher8124 3 года назад

      Right?! Its not biblical. He says to rejoice in our suffering and that He’s the strength in our weakness. Never “He never gives us more than we can handle” or “He gives the biggest battles to His strongest soldiers”. Its contradictory to scripture.

  • @holyoutcast2723
    @holyoutcast2723 3 года назад +739

    “Daddy God” I can’t be the only one who thought that was so cringe 😭🤦🏽‍♂️

      @GODMODELAGGER 3 года назад +118

      I mean he really is our daddy. Better than calling some random dude daddy thats for sure

    • @swingzbicasan4834
      @swingzbicasan4834 3 года назад +3


    • @honeyoyinfalola6870
      @honeyoyinfalola6870 3 года назад +93

      I don’t think that’s bad word it’s just now a days it’s seem as sexually

    • @holyoutcast2723
      @holyoutcast2723 3 года назад +14

      Ion saying is bad but cringe for sure

    • @honeyoyinfalola6870
      @honeyoyinfalola6870 3 года назад +14

      @@holyoutcast2723 yup it is but I think culture plays a key in it lol where am from people say it and no know sees it as sexually but you’re right tho

  • @lorenslorens1707
    @lorenslorens1707 3 года назад +61

    I think the main lesson is, do not try and exaggerate the things you say because they are spiritual, just talk about it, just try to speak and have a conversation about it. This really makes alot of sense because alot of times, some people can sound different in any other occasion and sometimes it doesn't seem to be the same person, which can be a little weird, atleast sometimes hehe

    • @amarikristopher8409
      @amarikristopher8409 2 года назад

      Well it is a part of God’s plan. I get the feeling, but it’s best to accept every pain, disaster, troubling thing you go through is what God has to do in order to bless you. You can’t be blessed when you’re happy and healthy. He has to allow hurt to come your way to heal you. He has to let others upset or harm you in order to remind us He loves us and is always there for us even through dark times. It’s best to stay positive and smiling through the pain. Because God and Jesus have done the same. You shouldn’t get angry or sad for it may seem as though you’re not grateful for what He’s doing and has done to and for you.

    • @user-cf3mk2yu3t
      @user-cf3mk2yu3t 2 года назад

      @@amarikristopher8409 How so? Genuine question. God uses hurt and pain to teach us things but this sounds like it's a necessity to go through pain. If we were perfect than we wouldn't sin, thous we wouldnt need to endure pain. Through sin there is pain, as consequences of our behaviour, it being used or let by God. Also is pain really necessarily for us to remember that he loves us? If we behaved accordingly and dont let sin overtake us there wouldn't be any need for it. Sin seperates us from God. Without sin there wouldnt be seperation from God. I am not quiet sure I understand your comment.

  • @Matthew.._
    @Matthew.._ 3 года назад +90

    We include the people but not the bag of the world that they carry. And every time they come back to church, or to the word, or to a believer, they will soon learn to leave the bag at the door.

    • @LWilliamsss
      @LWilliamsss 3 года назад +9

      And before you know it, they’re not picking it up again. ⚡️🌻

  • @dontworryyoullbealright6949
    @dontworryyoullbealright6949 3 года назад +67

    I agree, when I was recently saved, I could not understand a thing, I felt so left out and excluded, so I started to imitate them and do some research, I felt like learning a new language. I thought I was doing something wrong but this is an eye opener and helped me a lot, thank you!!!

    • @spiceyyburritos
      @spiceyyburritos 3 года назад +6

      why is that ur pfp💀

    • @asewejetosin5248
      @asewejetosin5248 3 года назад +1


    • @virginiasanchez4614
      @virginiasanchez4614 3 года назад +6

      Whatever the Holy Spirit wants you to say, say it at that time. When you are born again you are saved and receive the Holy Spirit. This will be God's will not men will. Peace be with you, I hope you found a great Church to fellowship and hear the word of God. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @hannahmarlena
      @hannahmarlena Год назад +1

      Yes!! When I started to listen to english sermons online I thought I was basically fluent in the language. I had to learn SO MUCH new vocabulary in order to understand everything

  • @MelB868
    @MelB868 3 года назад +21

    I had people praying for me when I had covid and covid pneumonia there’s power in prayer. I was sick for 25 days and got healed on February 5th. I been healed for 4 months and still have antibodies

    • @catluvvr
      @catluvvr 2 года назад

      Awh you got healed in my birthday! Awesome to hear u got healed, hope ur doing good! :)

  • @invictusjones7933
    @invictusjones7933 3 года назад +71

    I think it's a dangerous thing to say what believers should and shouldn't say. I agree that some people are saying spiritual things and have no relationship with Jesus. But we are to be set apart and having a conversation around someone who does not know Jesus or our walk with him is not going to feel comfortable. It's not because of our words it's because they are not walking with Him. That might be the only conversation they ever hear about Jesus, we shouldn't stop because someone doesn't feel included.

    • @rezing8239
      @rezing8239 3 года назад +5

      u didn’t understand the point of the video

    • @rezing8239
      @rezing8239 3 года назад +5

      that’s the whole point God wants everyone to be included in his love, i can tell u never have been rushed on by christians or been to a prosperity church, the way some christians talk all high and hippy is so cringe and makes me not want to listen and i’m a Christian,

    • @rezing8239
      @rezing8239 3 года назад +2

      u expect someone to join Jesus kingdom while being uncomfortable, jesus made sinners comfortable he went to their mind space and ate with them

    • @invictusjones7933
      @invictusjones7933 3 года назад +10

      No I did understand the point of the video and I do agree with some of what he is saying. I spent 10 years in a prosperity church before I realized that what was going on was wrong so I am very aware how people are effected my point is that we can't just not talk about Jesus cause it makes people uncomfortable. My statement was not ment to create a argument just my opinion like the video is a opinion.

    • @rezing8239
      @rezing8239 3 года назад +2

      @@invictusjones7933 he’s not saying stop talking about Jesus because it makes people uncomfortable, he’s saying stop talking about him to other people in a specific way that makes them want to leave

  • @faithhopelove1234
    @faithhopelove1234 2 года назад +2

    I just said “I’ll pray for you” to my friend, like a few minuets ago.
    I don’t know if they understand for not, I texted them.
    But I texted them back, they still have not responded, but I texted them back saying that I’m a Christian and I talk with God, and that I will be praying to God about that, and if they ever need to talk to me they can.
    Im still learning, :) I’m still learning

  • @travis6694
    @travis6694 3 года назад +77

    I love this because most of the time Christians do tend to be exclusive in there little circles. Breaks my heart man. Good video.

    • @dub842
      @dub842 3 года назад +4

      Yea the words he say many people use them but I regularly talk to God like he is a regular person

  • @s-melody2510
    @s-melody2510 3 года назад +62

    This video stood out to me. Since I’m on RUclips often and Im now starting to watch more sermons and things related to Christ, I asked God to put videos in my RUclips recommend that would help me realize sins I don’t know I’m committing and would give me an easier and full understanding on what I need to fix. And when you started talking about how we actually need to communicate with others when we say we’re going to pray for them and when you mentioned “Those who are poor in spirit will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven”, and talked about the opposite like those who are hypocritical and think they got it all don’t inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, I feel like that really spoke to me. So I went into his Word and started looking at verses that seemed to connect with what I was thinking. I talked to God and thanked him for answering my prayers and asked him to help me overcome those unknown sins one by one.

  • @Face-of-boxing
    @Face-of-boxing 3 года назад +38

    So what your saying is be your self , the person that God made you and shine his light

  • @StEmS509
    @StEmS509 3 года назад +2

    At the end of the day no matter what believers say to unbelievers God is the one changing hearts, redeeming sinners, granting salvation through grace. I'm imperfect person, I mess up daily, praying to God that I won't be a stumbling block rather a helping hand planting my seeds for the Father. God bless you all.

  • @quinncyisqueer
    @quinncyisqueer 3 года назад +41

    This is how i feel when people tell me “it’s all part of Gods plan”. Sometimes it just feels disingenuous to the immense life circumstances i face in my life, i feel shrugged off like people really don’t care about what i’m going through and sometimes it’s not always the appropriate phrase.

    • @virginiasanchez4614
      @virginiasanchez4614 3 года назад +4

      I understand your feelings but whatever you go through in this life God is there and he already knows what you are going through and what the future holds for you. This is true. I also know theres people that just saying for their own purposes. The phrase is true but the person might not be. Peace be with you.

    • @quinncyisqueer
      @quinncyisqueer 3 года назад +8

      @@virginiasanchez4614 yeah i get what you’re saying, and i definitely agree with you but it can just come off condescending when someone uses it with counterfeit empathy.

    • @jemimajanvier4706
      @jemimajanvier4706 3 года назад +2

      I feel the same way.

    • @CataSowl
      @CataSowl 3 года назад

      I honestly understand what you're going through, for example when I pray, i tell him what I want to do and what I'm Grateful for and tell him about my day, then finish praying. It helps a lot and you get that fuzzy feeling that everything will be alright.

  • @ataokilo4078
    @ataokilo4078 3 года назад +150

    Lulu is so cute

  • @moviusministries6271
    @moviusministries6271 3 года назад +136

    I call God “Papa” or “Dad” all the time and there is some scripture about calling God that… I always feel Holy Spirit affirm it when I say it too. Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a season of everything so what’s wrong with saying “I am in this season of ……”?

    • @travis6694
      @travis6694 3 года назад +33

      Nooo you aren’t understanding the context of “daddy God”, it’s used in a way that people specialize the term for a boy they like by calling them “daddy”

    • @moviusministries6271
      @moviusministries6271 3 года назад +15

      @@travis6694 Gotcha, thank you for the wisdom brother! Very kind😊

    • @elyaneschou4750
      @elyaneschou4750 3 года назад +24

      Hey my dad comes from Syria so we're oriental christians. He was raised like me to call God "Baba Allah" which literally means "daddy God" or "father god" or how you want to call it. So I don't think that it is bad to call God dad or baba or papa, father or just normal God. It just shows that god turned a sinner like me to his child. I have the right to talk to him like I talk right now to other people around me.

    • @myabba4228
      @myabba4228 3 года назад +19

      Me too, i call Him Abba, dad, daddy , Hes like a real Father to me ❤️

    • @myabba4228
      @myabba4228 3 года назад +37

      @@travis6694 yeah the devil likes to pervert things, I come to Him as a child , pure intensions of calling Him Abba

  • @jeremiahguard11
    @jeremiahguard11 10 месяцев назад

    Amen 🙏🏾 I pray we can all have a blessed day thank you Jesus

  • @nip_ii3988
    @nip_ii3988 3 года назад +56

    I always look forward to your content

    • @amenalex
      @amenalex  3 года назад +12

      aww thank u !!

    • @nath2520
      @nath2520 3 года назад

      @@amenalex i can listen to you ministering for hours Alex, THANK YOU for the mature and loving content you make, it has helped so much and the love i have for your family wow, you should really do home vlogs from time to time, it’d be really cool :]

  • @keijimiller6749
    @keijimiller6749 5 месяцев назад

    Praise the Lord! ✝️🙏✝️

  • @wwetoygod4289
    @wwetoygod4289 3 года назад +44

    Honestly kinda weird without the Wednesday stream but just so grateful to hear another helpful message and so blessed :) 🙏🏼

    • @amenalex
      @amenalex  3 года назад +8

      i know :(
      amen bro!! dont miss sunday's stream!!

    • @fsjr6565
      @fsjr6565 3 года назад

      @@amenalex through here or amen church live ?

    • @wwetoygod4289
      @wwetoygod4289 3 года назад

      @@fsjr6565 amen church live every Sunday!!

  • @jrose4351
    @jrose4351 3 года назад +2

    Can you pray for me, It feels odd asking since unfortunately it’s not something I have the chance to say often. Im doubtful about Gods true power. And I feel so isolated sense my community is mostly non believers, I want to be a light but that doubt I have seems to hold me down and keeps quiet because I fear what my loved ones will think . I really appreciate all the help and all the people that are kind. Love you all and hope you have a wonderful and fruitful day

    @GODMODELAGGER 3 года назад +72

    If God told you, God told you. Why is that even a problem?

    • @lorenslorens1707
      @lorenslorens1707 3 года назад +9

      Sometimes it can be shared when you thought God told you something, but also sometimes satan can use this sinful body and influence it, so be ready to discern which the only way we can be good at that, is through The Holy Spirit of Jesus

    • @elyaneschou4750
      @elyaneschou4750 3 года назад +13

      False teachers like Kenneth Copeland say things like that (GoD ToLd Me iN MY DrEam). The problem with this is it's not comparable to what the bible says how dreams or other words of God used to sound like. Most of the time when church members or leaders say things like that it is often a decoy and not a truth they want to tell ya. So be careful and watch out if it's coherent with the biblical doctrine.

    • @black-k8586
      @black-k8586 3 года назад +11

      And the "God told me that... " can put pressure on the one who is listening to it because he'll directly think they it is a order from God, but in reality it was a misunderstood from you who thought that God told you this, or a false teaching from a demon and everything else. So we have to be careful with this phrase, if not it'll put pressure on the other(s)

    • @black-k8586
      @black-k8586 3 года назад +9

      For example : God told me that we'll get married or that you have to go there.
      But actually it was wrong and God wasn't the one who told you but the flesh or Satan,
      I want to say that we have to be careful with this sentence. But I'm not saying that we shouldn't give our advice if it comes from God, but to be careful with how we start to share it accompanied to this phrase

      @GODMODELAGGER 3 года назад +4

      @@black-k8586 sadly false teachers always use this tactic. As for me throughout my life I get these "spidey senses" except its like a feeling of what will happen in the future. I know hoe off that sounds but every time I get those whatever i felt would happen ends uo happening. I'd even hear a voice but in my mind telling mr about what's to come and it always comes. I've learned to discern from my thoughts and the commands and discernment of God. I hope everyone else does too because it can be dangerous falling into deceit.

  • @jesuschristnumber1574
    @jesuschristnumber1574 2 года назад +2

    It's so hard to transition from the "spiritual" talk so that Unbelievers and those who think they are Believers aren't uncomfortable. It's like, when I first heard GOD's audible voice, I wanted to shout it to the rooftops. Not even church folk want to hear. I mean, I have been reborn only 2.5yrs and church people act strange sometimes. I can't even share what I've learned, particularly about his judgements. They are obviously in the Bible but pastors rarely touch on them. The "word" really captivated me but fall on dull ears.
    I pray that the LORD helps me with the delivery needed for certain audiences. 👀🙏🔥💯

  • @UNKNWN96
    @UNKNWN96 3 года назад +23

    One of my old mentors would really be going hard praying and whenever he’d slip in a “daddy God” I’d be like 👀
    It’s such an innocent term coming from pure intentions but the world just perverted the word so much that it just makes me uncomfortable. A ton of people at my Bible college used it and I eventually warmed up to the phrase but the first few times took me for a turn lol

    • @D04137
      @D04137 3 года назад +3

      This is very true. The world has perverted that word. But if a Christian uses it in a innocent way it doesn’t matter

    • @marjorie5677
      @marjorie5677 3 года назад +1

      I didn't even know that the word daddy was sexualised so a kid calls God daddy that means it's wrong with pure intentions

  • @hidinginsight1879
    @hidinginsight1879 3 года назад

    In a convo with a phone customer service rep, I used the phrase "God is Good" referring to my slow, painful process of treating ongoing Melanoma. That wonderful Representative immediately perked up and said "Yes, God IS GOOD". The call was blessed from that moment on and we connected in a way far beyond the actual business at hand. Her name is Erica with the Mazda Airbag Recall Dept., and that's all I know about her, but truly we knew each other like dearest sisters of heaven during that talk. If she ever sees this post as a result of God's divine guidance, . . . HEY, SISTER, I'M STILL ALIVE AND YOU WERE MY MUCH NEEDED MIRACLE THAT DAY.
    Maybe it's cliche to use such phrases in general public, but there are some of us "OGz" that thrive on that phrase when shared just between us.
    In everything there is a time and a season
    and in every living thing God has a reason.

  • @jerjms
    @jerjms 3 года назад +13

    We should never forget how we used to be before Jesus saved us. Thank you for this reminder, God bless you and your family Alex 🥺💛

  • @stormyaugust3861
    @stormyaugust3861 3 года назад +6

    I love "im going to talk to God about your situation" that's so good and reassuring even for me because id love to wait on the spirit to actually speak through me than my own intelligence giving them what I "think" God would say

  • @gregorycochran4474
    @gregorycochran4474 2 года назад +3

    Young man your insight on the term poor in spirit has automatically given me a gift of being less judgemental of others and their walks. Love your messages. Keep it up Brother ❤️ AMEN 🙏4💪🙌4💞

  • @Spencer.Spears
    @Spencer.Spears 9 месяцев назад

    Dude you are such a force for the Lord. You truly understand how to reach lost people. I’m so happy for you brother

  • @uwastasia3085
    @uwastasia3085 3 года назад +12

    honestly I love how u explain it and as a Christian I feel the same sometimes because other Christian be using big words or phrases that I don’t know and is very embarrassing for me but after a while I’ve dumb lost tbh so yh I think we should use small word for nonbelievers to understand and others to understand :))

  • @ItsNadineLifes
    @ItsNadineLifes 3 года назад +8

    I use to call God "Heavenly Daddy" and I was pretty used of saying It. And one night I had a dream. I'm at my church and I'm walking behind my pastor and he turn to me and said, "God said I'm your Spiritual Daddy" and from that time I've been calling him Spiritual Daddy or Daddy Yahaweh or "Daddy" because that's who HE is, and that's who He has been to me. And it depends on your relationship with him. But God has been more of a Daddy to me then my earthly daddy. And if people think it to be SEXUAL it's because your thinking from a fleshly carnal mindset. We call Him Abba which means Daddy or Father. Honestly it's how comfortable you feel with him that's all.👌🏾🖤💯

  • @isaacszeto5459
    @isaacszeto5459 3 года назад +10

    That’s GOLD. As as someone struggling, I’d feel extremely comforted hearing that. In the shoes of the comforter, I’d feel like God’s using me through brotherhood and relationships to show others how God cares for me

  • @larenzobraxton7494
    @larenzobraxton7494 Год назад

    Thank you Alex I’m trying to figure out how to thank God all the time. And be silent. I think since i became a Christian I want everyone to be saved. But as the book say I need to work on my own salvation

  • @assatarae8759
    @assatarae8759 3 года назад +12

    This video is amazing! I am on a journey with my faith right now and I see other believers say the words/phrases discussed and I immediately feel bad and begin to compare my walk to theirs.

  • @Hwangyj30
    @Hwangyj30 6 месяцев назад

    As a young Believer, Profanity comes from the people next to me, but when I think of how Jesus spoke, he spoke nothing of harm but still struck fear into his followers. I can learn from this by learning that not everything that the devil puts on your tounge needs not to be spoken.

  • @alecblack9205
    @alecblack9205 3 года назад +18

    Haven’t been here in a while but your videos keep me motivated thank you!

  • @benjaminsmithers6278
    @benjaminsmithers6278 3 года назад +1

    A while back I heard a sermon about what you call God. The pastor talked about when someone calls him, he knows how close they are depending on what they called him. "Bugs" was from a friend in high school, "Mr. Jones" was a telemarketer, "Dad" was one of his kids, "Big, strong, Ironman" was from his wife. I took that sermon as "call God daddy and you'll be closer to him!" So I did. After a while however, I noticed that it made people annoyed, made others see me as a hypocrite because I wasn't always acting Christ-like, and other things wonderfully explained in the video. Couldn't agree more with this! You can be a spiritual person without trying to sound spiritual.

  • @bennyburgos9034
    @bennyburgos9034 3 года назад +23

    All of them trying to say AMEN at the same time😂 great vid tho def learned about how to encourage others without making it seem exclusive

  • @gustavorivera1428
    @gustavorivera1428 3 года назад +1

    Amen and May The Lord bless you all and share The Gospel

  • @cartersnyder5571
    @cartersnyder5571 3 года назад +16

    This is a really good way to look at this! Thanks for clarifying it, when I first saw it I was confused, and thanks for giving this advice!

    • @amenalex
      @amenalex  3 года назад +2

      you're so welcome carter

  • @LDT751
    @LDT751 Год назад

    God bless everyone and have a nice day and Jesus Christ loves you all and I do too and pray bye.

  • @reecesouza4588
    @reecesouza4588 3 года назад +8

    At first i didnt agree but after listening to your points it’s makes so much sense and i completely agree . This is such a dope video

  • @goat7266
    @goat7266 3 года назад +1

    May GOD bless you all

  • @JanetBlessing1
    @JanetBlessing1 3 года назад +6

    I love this, you are simply teaching us to be relatable and down to earth to the point where we can communicate the love of God to people. God bless you

  • @FM-we6hi
    @FM-we6hi 2 года назад +1

    This was very eye-opening to me. Recently I started a bible plan with many youth members and leaders. All but one of those people have been in Church for a long time at this point. This one person’s discussion posts I have often described to people as from someone who doesn’t know the Christian lingo. He doesn’t sound like other Christians because he is newer to the faith and hasn’t been in Church long. It is sad that I often associate how Christian someone souds with how spiritual they must be, and I need to check my heart about that and now I feel like I have a better understanding thanks to this video. I should not be ashamed of my friend who doesn’t have the lingo down, because that should not be important, in fact, it’s exclusive. Thank you for this video Alex!

  • @Osis-nu6kk
    @Osis-nu6kk 3 года назад +70

    But I don't say daddy God bc everytime I hear someone say it I get weird vibes.

    • @amenalex
      @amenalex  3 года назад +22

      same lol

    • @s-melody2510
      @s-melody2510 3 года назад +5

      Same honestly

    • @cristianvaldez4235
      @cristianvaldez4235 3 года назад +1

      Calling God "Dad", "Daddy", such names like that is like taking God down to our human level.

    • @sarahcloud444
      @sarahcloud444 3 года назад +7

      @@cristianvaldez4235 I don’t agree, though most of the time I just call him “Father” or “Lord”. :) occasionally I’ll call him “Dad”. I usually call him “Father” or “Lord” not to be formal, but as a sign of respect. When I call him “Dad” I feel comfortable with expressing my love for him or how I feel at home and comfortable with him, as an intimate name because of our relationship. For me it’s only at right times when i feel comfortable with calling him “Dad”, but most of the time I just call him “Father” or “Lord”. Mostly “Lord” because it means “master” and I feel it shows my respect for God as he is my master. :) I don’t think calling him “Dad” or “Daddy” brings him down to a human level or anything like that, it’s just an intimate or loving name because you are so close to God and have a good relationship with him as your father. 😊

    • @jboyd8224
      @jboyd8224 3 года назад +5

      I feel like people should ask themselves why they feel that way. It seems like an internal issues rather than external. I’m sure OP doesn’t feel weird when his children call him daddy.
      I just think about all the adults that grew up without fathers and didn’t have the luxury of experiencing a father’s love and these people get to a place where they feel comfortable with calling God something comfortable to them (which I think is a sign of their relationship). Then people out here shaming them for it because they have preconceived ideas attached to a harmless word. It sucks that people are out here making folks feel bad and policing their intimacy with God. Ironically, it’s *people* that are off put by it. I can’t speak for God, otherwise I’d be just like everyone else policing words (which I do agree some language can have negative impacts), but he probably delights in it... since Dad/Daddy is another word for Father. They are synonyms.

  • @esmereldahipswitch
    @esmereldahipswitch 2 года назад

    Thank u!! Helps me change my approach. I don't want to be exclusive! I love the way you put it. I will practice listening sincerely in the sight of G.
    Adorable children!

  • @beansquad2345
    @beansquad2345 3 года назад +3

    At 10:57 this is exactly how I felt because I was a new believer, and I didn’t understand what that meant so I just like oh it’s because I have to do more! But now I know that Jesus just wants my love and that I don’t have to prove myself 🙂

  • @cristinadriviera8144
    @cristinadriviera8144 3 года назад +1

    I'm so glad you highlighted these things Christians say so flippantly.

  • @shakesnbake
    @shakesnbake 3 года назад +6

    Thank you. This has been on my heart for some time as even as a Christian I'd often worry that I didn't speak like that, or know how to speak like that. I'm a filmmaker and I want to use my talents at my church to reach out to non-Christians in a relatable way and so this video was really helpful. Thank you Alex.

    • @cristianna_jasmyn
      @cristianna_jasmyn 3 года назад

      How awesome!

    • @cristianna_jasmyn
      @cristianna_jasmyn 3 года назад

      I wish to be a filmmaker as well.
      Any advice especially as a Christian?

    • @shakesnbake
      @shakesnbake 3 года назад

      @@cristianna_jasmyn good question. Firstly start filming to hone your skills and find your style - even if it’s with your phone. If you then want to do it for church then just remember that it’s for God’s glory.

  • @leonalefevre6611
    @leonalefevre6611 2 года назад

    Needed this reminder. Thanks for being a vessel

  • @raneanubis
    @raneanubis 3 года назад +4

    Ooooh I had my guard up for this one, but you're absolutely right!! My pastor calls it "Christianese", a language which only church folk know but the rest of the world doesn't. However what I have found is that when speaking to people who are into New Age stuff, they relate to that kind of spiritual language quite well, and they often want to find out more. overall great video man, your crown in heaven about to be LITTTTT. (I'm a millennial, that just didn't feel right when I wrote that.)

  • @hedge931
    @hedge931 2 года назад +1

    Wow I felt like I already knew what being the "salt" meant but.. I guess I forgot that I didn't rly know xD That explanation of "preservative" is great

  • @alaynaokulich
    @alaynaokulich 3 года назад +3

    dang this was really amazing. i learned through this video that i need to just be chill and be myself to talk about God. i don’t need to be the most spiritual sounding person i just need to humble myself

  • @Nico-on6us
    @Nico-on6us 2 года назад

    Hey guys can you pray for me. I have been feeling a little disconnected with God. I pray a lot. I pray for praising him and for other people. I pray for our food. I feel some connection in prayer. But im lacking spending time with him. Sometimes i talk with him and try to include him in my head. I haven’t read the Bible and im not really watching Christian videos. I just go to school and usually kinda tired. I spend all day in bed watching shows or sleeping. im kind of a new believer i have believed in him in my whole life but I didn’t have a relationship with him.

  • @slaykawaiichan116
    @slaykawaiichan116 3 года назад +6

    I really needed to hear this video, thank you so much😌

  • @lamingtonw
    @lamingtonw Год назад

    I love the scene/background switching in your videos, makes things even more entertaining! Appreciate your wisdom on these topics brother. There's so many CRINGE things we Christians can do that, like you said, seem harmless but are really damaging. Especially to unbelievers or baby Christians :(

  • @erickcintora2510
    @erickcintora2510 3 года назад +5

    Thanks for breaking this down a bit more. I was a little confused at first about what you meant but I think your take on this subject is really centered around loving those who HAVEN'T been able to hear the Gospel or feel God's love from Christians. Gonna keep this in mind from now on. Thanks :)

    • @travis6694
      @travis6694 3 года назад

      It’s projecting an image

  • @AngieeShipps
    @AngieeShipps 3 года назад +2

    Completely refreshing !!! I grew up with these phrases. I love using words like blessed but I’m careful about saying phrases God told me.

  • @lovejesus8083
    @lovejesus8083 3 года назад +7

    Love these videos Alex. Keep up the good work 🤗🙏✝️❤️🕊️🔥

  • @flex2x930
    @flex2x930 3 года назад

    I had friends and they would cuss all the time but they started coming to church with me and they stopped cussing and I’m glad I was able to do that and every time I think about that I think it helped me and my friends grow

  • @Dangodropper
    @Dangodropper 3 года назад +7

    Amen your content has really help me grow in faith and understand the word of God more keep it up thank you !

  • @jasanyafoo5968
    @jasanyafoo5968 2 года назад

    Oh myu goodness...this helped me so much. The other day I told one of my friends that God told me to tell him something and that was a whole ride.

  • @hundofr
    @hundofr 3 года назад +3

    love watching your videos every night before I go to bed you’ve really helped me these past few months love you and what your doing ✝️❤️

    • @junebella6392
      @junebella6392 Год назад

      You watch them before bed and and I watch them before I get out of bed in the morning ..😇….. He bring a new prospective I never thought of before when he shares his messages they have helped me so much

  • @ballerinChrist
    @ballerinChrist 2 года назад +1

    Read Psalm 138:8
    Read Psalm 139:15
    Read Psalm 139:16
    This talks about how you have a purpose because God meant to make you. And God does everything for a reason.

  • @justinjamescolon
    @justinjamescolon 3 года назад +4

    A big struggle for me has been how to communicate Christ through my work as an artist. Balancing all the content being Gospel heavy vs. showing my personality and hobbies when I draw/film.

  • @charityireland7802
    @charityireland7802 3 года назад +2

    I’m happy I came across almost cried a couple times thank you for the message. I needed to hear that.

  • @hallew.7879
    @hallew.7879 3 года назад +5

    This is a big eye opener and I really enjoy your content!! God bless you guys💞🙏!!!

  • @jakeaschbacher9247
    @jakeaschbacher9247 3 года назад +2

    This content reminds me that we truly bless others when we offer our truest selves, our God-given selves, to others. Love this bro. 🌅

  • @astheticlemon5312
    @astheticlemon5312 3 года назад +3

    Wow thank you for this video, this is a great thing to shed light on! God bless🤍

  • @angelokeke695
    @angelokeke695 3 года назад

    You got this! Lord, please lead all the people who didn't fully understand this video and lert them know you better. In Jesus Name, Amen! Love you and stay safe.

  • @davidl.7747
    @davidl.7747 3 года назад +4

    3:29 I like the way she just interrupted and gave a second great option the Amen guy didn't think about.
    This is why we're stronger together as a couple.
    You guys should really consider working more together. I don't know why am saying this it might be the spirit talking to you through this comment.

  • @alexisvigil8825
    @alexisvigil8825 2 года назад +1

    One of my weirdest conversation was me saying bless you after someone sneezed and someone corrected me as we walk in a church saying" God bless you" lol 🤣 so weird. I agree with you, I've always felt uncomfortable as a Christian when people say I'm blessed as a response to how are you because I don't know how to reply or continue the conversation to that response.

  • @lroydaniel5903
    @lroydaniel5903 3 года назад +4

    Hey! I’ve realized that every conversation I’ve had I always brought up the subject of someone and their problems (in a gossiping way), how I do change that and what do we talk about without talking about Christ? No problem about talking about Christ, I just want to talk about something else without gossiping.

    • @D04137
      @D04137 3 года назад +3

      If you do talk about someone talk about them how you would like to be talked about when you aren’t around. For example “hey we need to pray for sister Sandra she’s having trouble with her anger” and end it there instead of “ oh my gosh did u hear Sandra earlier today how could she” and then keep on going about them behind their back but always pray and look out for the best for people

  • @lovelyxsarah4965
    @lovelyxsarah4965 Год назад

    Amen Tysm!!

  • @elie1888
    @elie1888 3 года назад +3

    Have a good day god love y’all

  • @hedge931
    @hedge931 2 года назад +1

    Repetition can cheapen otherwise good sayings!
    I've been trying to put it into words for a while, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this! I think part of is that there's nothing wrong with the phrases themselves a lot of the time, it's just that they've been cheapened through repetition. In language, phrases naturally lose their punch after becoming common, so much so that the meaning can even change. Our speech should be clear and intentional and those kinds of repeated phrases can cause confusion for others and even ourselves, not because the words are wrong, but because of the meaning (or lack thereof) that they have taken on in culture and the language itself at times. If we can say those phrases in a way that breaks through the "in one ear, out the other" feeling that repetitive things have, and still communicate the depth of meaning that they originally had, I think there's place for them. For example, if you say, "God IS good", emphasis on the "is", you're putting a new punch into a line to call attention to it, even if people have said "God is good" so many times that you almost don't hear it or it just feels like fluff. Have you noticed that this can even happen to Bible verses, like John 3:16? One phrase that I struggle with is "Praise God" because of course I want to praise God, but I don't know how to feel genuine saying it because I feel like it's said so much that people say it without even thinking about the fact that God really does deserve the praise. Anyway great video thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, it's helped me feel better about some of my scruples with these phrases.

  • @josephandino3049
    @josephandino3049 3 года назад +3

    This was helpful. This will help me in the future.

  • @mekhailewis
    @mekhailewis 3 года назад +2

    This blessed me sooo much! I do Bible studies on my channel but lately I’ve been feeling so preachy, wow thank you for this & thank you Lord for showing me what I was doing wrong. 🙏🏽☝🏽

  • @clarkgodwin9441
    @clarkgodwin9441 3 года назад +5

    Definetely cried bro❤️

    • @amenalex
      @amenalex  3 года назад +4

      that's so cool to hear

  • @user-dc9bv5ud8b
    @user-dc9bv5ud8b 3 года назад

    Amen God bless you and your family 🤍🙏🏼✝️

  • @AfriChrist
    @AfriChrist 3 года назад +5

    I was a little bit confused at first when I watched this video but I do agree on certain language we should use when we are around nonbelievers because we can come off as better than or like Alex said exclusive. I do believe if we are around other believers who are on the same walk or faith level as you it’s okay to say “the spirit is moving or I’m in a season of…. Because they understand you. That’s my take though love your content brother

  • @juliusreybagayan6081
    @juliusreybagayan6081 3 года назад +1


    @AOBAKWE_MUSIC 3 года назад +9

    Wow this is really good👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @cabellshields6490
    @cabellshields6490 2 года назад

    Amen, God Bless 🙏

  • @nip_ii3988
    @nip_ii3988 3 года назад +10

    God bless you🙏🏽❤️

  • @Eannn3
    @Eannn3 3 года назад

    Thank you for teaching me lessons because things have been hard for me so i really thank you a lot and I'm trying to change myself so i hope you can pray for me.

  • @iStevenMelgar
    @iStevenMelgar 3 года назад +3


  • @show4thieves167
    @show4thieves167 3 года назад +1

    I’ve struggled with some of the things you talked about. And I want to thank you for making these and sharing the wisdom that some of us really needed.